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GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Alison, Archibald, Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Edinburgh 1790 & 1811. Abrams, M.H., The Mirror and the Lamp; Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, New York 1953. Allan, J.P., "An Ideal Dwelling," Rudiments of the Art of Building by E. Dobson, 15th edition, Crosby Abrams, M.H. (ed.), Literature and Belief, English Lockwood & Son, 15th ed., London 1901. Institute Essays, New York 1958 (1957) Altick, Richard D., Victorian People and Ideas, Norton Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis Georges Seroux d', 1973. Histoire de l'art, par les monumens, depuis sa décadence au 4e siècle jusqu'à sont renouvellement Amrine, Frederick, ed., Literature and Science as au 16e, ouvrage enrichi de 325 planches, Paris 1823. Modes of Expression, Dordrecht 1989. Aikin, Edmund, An Essay on the Doric Order of Anon., The Great Architect: His Plan of Salvation in Architecture, Containing a Historical View of Its Rise the Temple of the Dead Stones and Living Stones, and Progress Among the Ancients, With a Critical God and Man, Longmans & Co., London 1868. Investigation of Its Principles of Composition and Adaptation to Modern Use Illustrated by Figures of the Anon., Who was the First Architect? Or Bees and Principal Antique Examples, Drawn to Scale, from the Bee-hives, T. Nelson & Sons, London 1874. Best Authorities, Published by the London Architec- tural Society, J. Taylor, London 1810. Anon., [Mitford W.] Principles of Design in Architecture Traced in Observations on Buildings....in Alberti, Leon Batista, Ten Books on Architecture, Ital. a Series of Letters to a Friend, London 1819. tr. Cosimo Bartoli, Engl. tr. James Leoni, ed. Joseph Rykwert, London 1965 (1755). Anon., Something on Ruskinism, With a 'Vestibule' in Rhyme, By An Architect, Robert Hastings, London Aldridge, A.O., "Primitivism in the Eighteenth 1851. Century," in: Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas, ed. P.P. Wiener, Anthony, P.D., John Ruskin's Labour: A Study of John New York 1973. Ruskin's Social Theory, Cambridge 1984. J acob Voorthuis Page 176 The Necessity of Architecture, General Bibliography Aristotle, “On the Art of Poetry,” in Aristotle, Horace, Barasch, M., Theories of Art, From Plato to Longinus, Classical Literary Criticism, transl. T.S. Winckelmann, New York & London 1985. Dorsch, Harmondsworth 1975 (1965). Barthes, Roland, Sade, Loyola, Fourier, Paris 1971. Ashton, Rosemary, The German Idea: Four English Writers and the Reception of German Thought 1800- Bartholomew, Alfred,Specification for Practical 1860, Cambridge 1980. 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Blau, E., Ruskinian Gothic: The Architecture of Deane Bochner, Salomon, “Symmetry and Assymmetry,” and Woodward, 1845-61, Princeton 1982. see Wiener (1972) Vol IV, 345-353. Blondel, J.F., Cours d'architecture, Paris 1771-77. Boffrand, Gabriel Germain, Livre d'architecture contenant les principes généraux de cet art, Paris Blondel, Jacques François, De l'utilité de joindre à 1745. l'étude de l'architecture celles des sciences, Paris 1771. Boisserée, Sulpice, Vues, Plans, Coupes, et Détails, de la Cathédrale de Cologne, avec des Restaurations Blore, Edward, Monumental Remains of Noble and d'après le Dessin Original, accompagnés de Eminent Persons, Comprising the Sepulchral Recherches sur l'Architecture des Anciennes Antiquities of Great Britain, London 1825-6. Cathédrales, et de Tableaux Comparatifs des Principaux Monumens, Paris 1821-1835. Blumenberg, Hans, "Nachahmung der Natur," Wirklichkeiten in denen wir Leben, Reclam 1978. 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Brain, Walter Russel, Some Reflections on Genius, Bonta, Juan P., Architecture and its interpretation: A London 1961. Study of the Expressive Systems in Architecture, London 1979. Brande, W.T., Outlines of Geology, London 1817. Bosse Abraham, "Regles universelles pour decrire Brett, David, "The Aesthetical Science: George Field toutes sortes d'arcs," Observations de P. de la Hire, and the Science of Beauty," Art History, IX, 3 (Sept. Paris 1672. 1986) 336-350. Bötticher, C.G.W., Die Tektonik der Hellenen, Berlin Brewster, David, A Treatise on Optics, London 1831. 1874 (1844-52). Brewster, David, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Bowler, Peter J., The Non-Darwinian Revolution; Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, Edinburgh 1855. Reinterpreting a Historical Myth, Baltimore 1988. Briggs, Asa, Victorian Cities, Harmondsworth 1968 (1963) J acob Voorthuis Page 180 The Necessity of Architecture, General Bibliography Britton, John, Histories and Antiquities of the Brownlee, D.B., "The First High Victorians: British Cathedral Churches of England, London 1814-1835, Architectural Theory in the 1840's," Architectura, (Winchester 1817). (1983) 187-202. Britton, John, Dictionary of the Architecture and Brües, Eva, “Die Schriften des Francesco Milizia Archaeology of the Middle Ages; including the Words (1725-1798) Jahrbuch für Ästhetik und allgemeine used by Old and Modern Authors in treating of Kunstwissenschaft, 6 (1961) pp. 69-113. Architectural and other Antiquities: with Etymology, Definition, Description, and Historical Elucidation. Buckland, William, Geology and Mineralogy Also Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects, Considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 London 1830. vols., London 1836, (Bridgewater Treatise). Britton, John & Augustus Pugin, Illustrations of the Buckley, Jerome H., The Triumph of Time: A Study of Public Buildings of London, London 1823-1828. the Victorian Concepts of Time, History, Progress and Decadence, Cambridge Mass. 1966. Britton, John, Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, London 1807-1826. Bullock, John, The Rudiments of the Art of Building Represented in Five Sections, For the use of Brock, Michael, The Great Reform Act, London 1973. Architects, Builders, Draughtsmen, Machinists, Engineers, and Mechanics, Stringer & Townsend, Brönner, Wolfgang Dieter, Blondel - Perrault, Zur New York 1853 (mostly taken from the writings of E. Architecturtheorie des 17 Jahrhunderts in Frankreich, Dobson, 2nd ed. 1855, rev eds. Published in Unpublished Phd Diss., Bonn 1972. Philadelphia by Henry Cairy in 1865, 1866, 1888). Browne, Sir Thomas, The Major Works, ed. C.A. Bullock, John (ed.), [The] History and Rudiments of Patrides, Harmondsworth 1977. Architecture, pp. 246, Stringer and Townsend, New York 1853. "Edited by John Bullock" Contents: 1. The Brownell, R.L., A Study of John Ruskin's "The Seven Orders, by W.H. Leeds; 2. Styles of various countries, Lamps of Architecture" and "The Stones of Venice," by T. Bury; 3. Design in Architecture, by E.L. Garbett; Unpublished Phd Thesis, University of Essex 1988. 4. Glossary of Architectural terms, by John Bullock. "We have dealt freely with our authors, in attempting the Earliest to the Present Period, 4th ed., London to 'Americanize' the borrowed English material." Cost 1863. of Book in 1854 was 75 cts. Butler, Bishop Joseph, The Analogy of Religion, Burke, Edmund, The Works, 12 Vols. in 6, Hildesheim Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Cause 1975 (1887). of Nature, London 1736. Burke, Edmund, A Philosophical Inquiry into Our Caldwell, A., "Nature and Architecture," Structurist, Ideas on the Sublime and the Beautiful, ed. J.D. 23/24 (1983-1984) 34-9. Boulton, Oxford 1958 (1757). Cannon, Susan Faye, Science in Culture; The Early Burke, Edmund, Reflexions on the Revolution in Victorian Period, New York 1978. France, London 1790. (On Nature see esp. pp. 31- 32.) Carlyle, Thomas, Selected Writings, ed. Alan Shelton, Harmondsworth 1971 Burke, Edmund, The Writings and Speaches of Edmund Burke, ed. Paul Langford, Oxfod 1981. Carter, John, The Progress of Architecture, Illustrated by a series of Drawings taken from Existing Remains Burtt, Edwin A., Types of Religious Philosophy, New in South Wales with Examples of Arches, J.B. Nichols York, London 1939. & Son, London 1830. Burtt, Edwin A., The Metaphysical Foundations of Carter, John, The Ancient Architecture of England, Modern Physical Science; A Historical and critical Part 1: Orders of Architecture during the British, Essay, London 1924, (rev. ed. 1932, 7th repr., Roman, Saxon and Norman aeras; Part 2: The London 1980). Orders of Architecture during the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward III, Richard II, Henry VII and Henry VIII, 2 Bury, John Bagnell, The Idea of Progress, New York vols., London 1795, 1807 (1795-1814, fol. ed. and 1955 (1920). 1837 ed. John Britton) Bury, T. Talbot, Architecture: The History and Cassirer, Ernst, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, Description of the Styles of Various Countries From Boston 1955. J acob Voorthuis Page 182 The Necessity of Architecture, General Bibliography Charlton, D.G., New Images of the Natural in France; Cavendish, Richard, et. al., eds., Man, Myth & Magic: A Study in European Cultural History, 1750-1800, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion, Cambridge 1984. and the Unknown, New York 1983. Choay, Françoise, La règle et la modèle, sur la Chadwick, Owen, An Ecclesiastical History of théorie de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme, Paris 1980. England: The Victorian Church, 2 vols., London 1966, esp. 370-386 on Methodism; 440 ff. on Choay, Françoise, "Alberti & Vitruvius," Leonis Evangelicalism and 573 ff. Genesis and Geology. Baptiste Alberti, AD Profiles 21, ed. J. Rykwert, 26-35. Chadwick, W.O., The Secularization of the European Ciapponi, Lucio A., Il "De Architectura" di Vitruvio nel Mind in the Nineteenth Century, London 1975. primo umanismo, Padova 1960. Chambers, Sir William,Treatise on the Decorative part Clark, Kenneth, The Gothic Revival, An Essay in the of Civil Architecture, 3rd ed., London 1791 History of Taste, New York 1970 (1928). Chambers, Sir William,The Decorative Part of Civil Clark, Kenneth, Ruskin Today, London 1964. Architecture, London 1791. (A very late enlarged edition of A Treatise on Civil Architecture, of 1759 Clark, Kenneth, Landscape into Art, London 1946. incorporating the notes for lectures delivered in 1770 and 1771, and Laugier and Perrault) Clarke, Bowman L., Language and Natural Theology, The Hague 1966. Chambers, Sir William, On the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture, To which are added copious notes, and Cobb, G., English Cathedrals, The Forgotten an essay on the Prinicples of Design in Architecture Centuries, Restoration and Change from 1530 to the by J.B. Papworth, J.Taylor, London 1826 Present Day, London 1980. Chandrasekhar, S.,Truth and Beauty: Aesthetics and Cockerell, Charles Robert, On the Architectural Works Motivation in Science, Chicago 1987 of Wiliam of Wykeham, London 1846. Coleridge, S.T., Biographia Literaria, London 1927 Colvin, Howard M., A Biographical Dictionary of (1817) British Architects, 1600-1840, London 1978. Collingwood, R.G., The Principles of Art, Oxford 1938. 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Cox, Herbert Arthur,"These Stones," The Story of "The Builder" and of other Builders, The Builder Ltd., Collins, Peter, Changing Ideals in Modern London 1937 Architecture 1750 - 1950, London 1965. Craig, Maurice, "James Fergusson," in: Concerning Collinson, D., " 'Ethics and Aesthetics are One'," Architecture, ed. John Summerson, London 1968, British Journal of Aesthetics, XXV, 3 (Summer 1985) 140 - 152. 266 - 272. Cresy, Edward & G.L. Taylor, Architecture of the Colvin, Howard M., "Gothic Survival and Gothick Middle Ages in Italy: illustrated by Views, Plans, Revival," Architectural Review, CIII (March 1948). Elevations, Sections, and Details, of the Cathedral, Baptistry, Leaning Tower or Campanile, and Campo Santo at Pisa, London 1829. J acob Voorthuis Page 184 The Necessity of Architecture, General Bibliography Curl, James Stevens, Victorian Architecture, London Croce, Benedetto, Estetica come scienza 1990. dell'espressione e linguistica generale teoria e storia, 3rd ed., Bari 1908. Currie, Robert, Genius, An Ideology in Literature, London 1974 Crook, J. Mordaunt, The Greek Revival; Neoclassical attitudes in British Architecture 1760-1870, London Cuvier, Georges, Essay on the Theory of the Earth, 1972. translation of the "Discours preliminaire," of the Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles by R. Kerr, Crook, J. Mordaunt, William Burgess and the High London & Edinburgh 1813. Victorian Dream, London 1981. Dale, Peter Allan, The Victorian Critic and the Idea of Crook, J. Mordaunt, "The Pre-Victorian Architect: History: Carlyle, Arnold, Pater, Cambridge Professionalism and Patronage," Architectural Mass./London 1977. History, XII (1969) 62-78. Davies, Horton, Worship and Theology in England Crook, J. Mordaunt, The Dilemma of Style: 1534-1965, Princeton 1961-1975. From Watts and Architectural Ideas From the Picturesque to the Post- Wesley to Maurice, 1690-1850, (1961) From Newman Modern, London 1987. to Martineau, 1850-1900, (1962) 1962. Cruickshank, D., "English Reason: Theories Behind Davy, Christopher, Architectural Precedents; with the Formation of a Rational Architecture, 1712-50," Notes and Observations, London 1840. Architectural Review, CLXXIII (April 83) 49-58. Dawson, Christopher Henry, Religion and Culture, Cummings, "Charles Bell and The Anatomy of The Gifford Lectures of 1947, London 1948. Expression," The Art Bulletin (1963) 191-203. Deonna, Waldemar, & Eugenio Battisti, "The Concept Cunningham, Allan, Lives of the Most Emminent of Character in Treatises on the Representational British Painters, Sculptors and Architects, London Arts," Macgrawhill Enc. of World art, London 1967, 1829-33. Colls. 366--369.

Alberti, Leon Batista, Ten Books on Architecture, Ital. tr. Cosimo Bartoli .. of Book in 1854 was 75 cts. Burke, Edmund .. Geometrical Distribution of Foliage, Flowers and Fruit, .. Knight, Richard Payne,An Analytical Inquiry into the. Principles
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