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General analysis of self-dual solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory in (1+2) dimensions PDF

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Preview General analysis of self-dual solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory in (1+2) dimensions

General analysis of self-dual solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory in (1+2) dimensions ∗ T. Dereli and Yu.N. Obukhov Department of Physics, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey Here f,g,h,a and E,B are the functions of the radial The solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons the- coordinate r. oryarestudiedin(1+2)dimensionswiththeself-dualitycon- Without any loss of generality it will be convenient to ditionimposedontheMaxwellfield. Wegiveaclosedformof absorbthemetricfunctiong(r)bythesimpleredefinition thegeneral solution which is determined bya single function of the radial coordinate: having the physical meaning of the quasilocal angular mo- mentumofthesolution. Thisfunctioncompletelydetermines 1 the geometry of spacetime, also providing the direct compu- ρ= g(r)dr (hence ϑ =dρ). (6) Z 0 tationoftheconservedtotalmassandangularmomentumof 0 theconfigurations. ¿From now on, the derivatives w.r.t. new coordinate ρ 0 will be denoted by prime. 2 After all these preliminaries, the Einstein field equa- n tions read explicitly a J The(1+2)-dimensionalgeneralrelativityhasattracted 1 ′ 7 considerable attention recently (see, e.g., [1] and refer- β βγ = EB, (7) − 2 − − ences therein). This is explained by two main reasons. 1 1 1 Firstly, since the discovery of the BTZ black hole solu- γ′+γ2+ β2+λ= (E2+B2), (8) v 4 −2 tions [2], the three-dimensionalgravity became a helpful 7 3 1 ′ 2 2 2 2 1 laboratory for the study of geometrical, statistical and α +α β +λ= (E +B ), (9) − 4 2 0 thermodynamics properties of black holes. Secondly, the 1 1 1 quantization of these models may give new insights into αγ β2 λ= (E2 B2), (10) 0 the general quantum gravity problem. − − 4 − 2 − 0 A number of generalizations of BTZ solution to the and this system is supplemented by the (modified) 0 / case of nontrivial electromagnetic field source were de- Maxwell equations: c veloped previously [4–7]. The aim of our present paper q ′ istogiveanewgeneralanalysisoftheself-dualEinstein- B αB+βE+µE =0, (11) - − − gr Maxwell solutions in three dimensions. E′ γE+µB =0. (12) The Lagrangian3-form, − − : v Here we introduced the functions i 1 1 µ X L= 2R ∗1−λ∗1− 2F ∧∗F − 2A∧F, (1) f′ a′h h′ r α= , β = , γ = . (13) a f f h containstheEinstein-Hilbertterm,thecosmologicalcon- stant λ, and the standard Maxwell field F = dA La- which actually describe the Levi-Civita connection co- grangian along with the Chern-Simons term with the efficients. The remarkable feature is that the com- coupling constant µ, [3]. Variation of L with respect to plete Einstein-Maxwell system (7)-(12) involves no met- thecoframefieldϑα andtheelectromagneticpotentialA ricfunctions(i.e.,f,g,h,a),butonlytheconnectioncom- yields the system of field equations: binations α,β,γ. Let us assume “self-duality” of the electromagnetic G ϑβ +λ ϑ =Σ , (2) αβ α α field: ∗ ∗ d F +µF =0. (3) ∗ E =kB, with k2 =1. (14) 1 Here Σ = [(e F) F F e F] is the Maxwell α 2 α⌋ ∧∗ − ∧ α⌋∗ field energy-momentum 2-form, and G is the Einstein Substituting this into (11)-(12) and (10), we find that αβ tensor. the twounknownfunctions areexpressedinterms of the In the study of the “spherically”-symmetric solutions, third: we choose the local coordinates (t,r,φ) and make the k k general ansatz for the coframe 1-form, α= β+ℓ, γ = β+ℓ. (15) 2 − 2 0 1 2 ϑ =fdt, ϑ =gdr, ϑ =h(dφ+adt), (4) Here we denote ℓ:= √ λ. ± − Taking into account the algebraic relations (14) and and for the Maxwell field (15), we are left with two essential equations for deter- 0 1 1 2 mining the functions β and B. Explicitly, the equations F =Eϑ ϑ +Bϑ ϑ , (5) ∧ ∧ (7) and (12) are reduced to ′ 2 2 β kβ +2ℓβ =2kB , (16) of the Einstein-Maxwell (with or without Chern-Simons − (B2)′ kβB2+2ℓB2 =2kµB2. (17) term)fieldequationsisalwaysrepresentedsolelyinterms − the function ϕ. This system of nonlinear coupled equations is simplified Becauseofsuchanimportantroleplayedbyϕ,itwould with the help of the substitution be interesting to find out its physical meaning. The lat- ter is revealedin the analysis of the quasilocal mass and 1 2 k ϕ′ angular momentum which characterize our general solu- β = , B = , (18) ω 2ω ϕ tion. We refer the reader to [8] for a comprehensive discus- which yields for the new functions ϕ and ω the linear sion of the conserved quantities for gravitating systems equations: withintheframeworkofHamiltonianformulationofgen- ′′ ′ eralrelativity theory. As a first step, let us use the coor- ϕ =2kµϕ. (19) dinate freedom and replaceρ by a new radialcoordinate ϕ′ ω′+ 2ℓ ω+k =0. (20) defined by (cid:18)ϕ − (cid:19) r =h(ρ). (29) Multiplying (20)byϕe−2ℓρ, weeasily obtainthe general solution Then a nontrivial metric function g will reappear in the coframe (4) [and hence in the metric (28)]. Using (25) ρ ω = ϕek−Ω2ℓρ, with Ω:=c0−Z dρ˜ϕ(ρ˜)e−2ℓρ˜. (21) we find explicitly dρ h2 −1 0 g = = ℓr ϕ . (30) Note that in fact it is not necessary to know the ex- dr (cid:18) − 2r (cid:19) plicit form of ϕ when solving (20). At the same time, of course,the equation(19)is straightforwardlyintegrated. Now we can write the quasilocal angular momentum at Depending on µ, it admits two solutions: a distance r, which reads ϕ=ρ+ρ0, when µ=0, (22) j(r)= g−1r3 da, (31) ϕ=1+u0e2kµρ, when µ=0. (23) f dr 6 in our notations. Using (24)-(26) and (29)-(30), we find Herec0,ρ0,u0 areintegrationconstants. Itisworthwhile to note that an overallconstant factor is irrelevantfor ϕ 2 j(r)=kh ϕ. (32) 0 because this function appears everywhere only through the ratio (18). Clearly, one should invert (29) and use ρ=ρ(r) in (32), Quite remarkably, however, we will not need the ex- oralternatively,onecanconsidertheangularmomentum plicit form of ϕ till the very end of our analysis. Such j as a function of ρ. a formulation is extremely convenient since it makes it Thequasilocalenergyisgiven,inournotations,bythe possible to treat the cases of standard Maxwell theory difference with µ = 0, and the Maxwell-Chern-Simons with µ = 0 simultaneously. 6 E(r)=g−1 g−1, (33) 0 − It remains to integrate the equations for the metric functions(13). Thisisstraightforward,andusing(21)in where the first term describes the contribution of the (15), we find: background “empty” spacetime. The latter, as usually, −1 is given by g = ℓr. Making use of (30), we obtain 0 f =f0eℓρΩ−21, (24) explicitly h=h0eℓρΩ12, (25) h2 k 0 E(r)= ϕ= j(r). (34) kf0 −1 2r 2r a= Ω a0. (26) h0 − Finally, the quasilocalmassis determinedby the expres- For completeness, the magnetic field reads: sion B2 = ϕ′ e−2ℓρΩ−1. (27) m(r)=2fE(r)−ja. (35) 2 Substituting (24), (26), (32) and (34), we arrive at the Here f0,h0,a0 are integration constants. result: The first main result which we learned in our study, is that a general “spherically”-symmetric (rotating, for m(r)=a0j(r). (36) nontrivial a) solution Wethushavedemonstratedthatthefunctionϕ,which ds2 = ϑ0 2+ ϑ1 2+ ϑ2 2 (28) determines the spacetime geometry via (21) and (24)- − (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (26), is also determining all the quasilocal quantities of thegravitatingsystem: itsenergy,massandangularmo- [1] S.Carlip,Class.QuantumGrav.12(1995)2853;S.Carlip, mentum. Theyturnouttobeproportionaltoeachother, Quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions (Cambridge Univ. describing a sort of extremal configuration. 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It is sufficient to inves- Koikawa, T. Maki and A. Nakamula, Phys. Lett. B414 tigate the approximate behaviour of ϕ(r) and Ω(r) for (1997) 45; Y. Kiem and D. Park, Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) large values of r, which is always clear directly from the 6112.P.M.S´a,A.Kleber,andJ.P.S.Lemos, Class.Quan- tumGrav.13(1996)125;P.M.S´aandJ.P.S.Lemos,Phys. inspection of (19)-(21). Lett. B423 (1998) 49; Inparticular,onecanimmediatelyverifythatthelim- [5] K.C.K. Chan and R.B. Mann, Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) itingvalueΩ|r→∞isequaleitherinfinityorc0,depending 6385; (Erratum)Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 2600; K.C.K. on the values of µ and ℓ. Consequently, the integration Chan and R.B. Mann, Phys. Lett. B371 (1996) 199. constant a0 should be equal either 0, or hk0fc00, providing [6] M.KamataandT.Koikawa,Phys.Lett.B353(1995)196; the requiredasymptotic vanishing ofthe metric function K.C.K. Chan, Phys. Lett. B373 (1996) 296; M. Kamata a(r). 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This class also contains the extremal BTZ solution, as a particular case when the electromagnetic field is absent. [The general non-extremalBTZ solution cannot be recoveredbecause of the algebraic relations (15) which necessarily hold for the self-dual electromagnetic field]. Summarizing, we have obtained a general solution of the Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simonstheoryin (1+2)di- mensions which covers all the particular cases studied previously. The form of the solution (24)-(27), (21) is transparent and easy to analyse: everything is deter- mined by a single function ϕ(ρ) which has a clear physi- cal meaning as the quasilocal angular momentum of the gravitationalfieldconfiguration. Thecomputationofthe totalmassandangularmomentumisstraightforwardand it involves only the analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of ϕ. TheauthorsaregratefultoTUBITAKforthe support of this research. Y.N.O. is also grateful to the Depart- ment of Physics, Middle East Technical University, for the warm hospitality.

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