CUBIERTA INGLES General Acute 23/1/12 11:15 Página 1 y General Acute et af S d n a Inpatient Care Unit ty Unialit u re n q ao Cs ent ation Standars and Recommendations id patmen on quality and Safety nm I e co te uR Acd n al s a rr ea nd ean GSt Y T LI A U Q E D N A Y C LI O P L A CI O S H, T L A E H F O Y R T S NI MI GOBIERNO MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑA DE SANIDAD, POLÍTICA SOCIAL I REPORTS, STUDIES AND RESEARCH 2011 E IGUALDAD MINISTRY OF HEALTH, SOCIAL POLICY AND EQUALITY -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 2 -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 3 General Acute Inpatient Care Unit Standards and Recommendations on Quality and Safety REPORTS, STUDIES AND RESEARCH 2011 MINISTRY OF HEALTH, SOCIAL POLICY AND EQUALITY -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 4 Edita y distribuye: © MINISTRY OF HEALTH, SOCIAL POLICY AND EQUALITY CENTRO DE PUBLICACIONES PASEO DEL PRADO, 18. 28014 Madrid NIPO en línea: 860-11-226-0 Catálogo general de publicaciones oficiales -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 5 General Acute Inpatient Care Unit Standards and Recommendations on Quality and Safety GOBIERNO MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑA DE SANIDAD, POLÍTICA SOCIAL E IGUALDAD -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 6 -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 7 List of people involved in compiling the Standards and Recommendations document on quality and safety in hospital units: general acute inpatient care units Management and Coordination - Inés Palanca Sánchez, Office of Planning and Quality, Quality Agency of the SNHS, Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality, Management and Technical and Institutional Coordination - Javier Elola Somoza, Technical Management Board, Elola Consulto res S. L. - Luisa González Cabezas, Scientific Coordinator, Head of the Training Unit, Catalan Institute of Health, Barcelona Editing Committee - Yolanda Agra Valera, Office of Planning and Quality, Quality Agency of the SNHS, Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality - José Luis Bernal Sobrino, EC Consultoría y Gestión en Sanidad S.L. - Javier Elola Somoza, Elola Consultores S.L. - Beatriz Gómez González, Office of Planning and Quality, Quality Agency of the SNHS, Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality - Luisa González Cabezas, Head of Training Unit, Catalan Institute of Health, Barcelona - Inés Palanca Sánchez, Office of Planning and Quality, Quality Agency of the SNHS, Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality - Dr José León Paniagua Caparrós, architect Panel of experts - Luisa González Cabezas, Head of Training Unit, Catalan Institute of Health, Barcelona - María del Carmen de la Cruz, Chair of the Spanish Association for Surgical Nursing, Nursing Supervisor, Functional Area: Outpatient Consultation/Specialist Centre, Móstoles University Hospital - Magdalena Díaz Benavente, Supervisor, Clinical Holistic Healthcare Management Unit, Virgen del Rocío University Hospitals, Seville - Ana Giménez Maroto, Service Head, Nursing Unit, Professional Regula tion, Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality GENERAL ACUTE INPATIENT CARE UNIT 7 -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 8 - Elena Martín Pérez, Deputy Secretary of the Spanish Association of Surgeons, Section Head, Princesa University Hospital - Dr José León Paniagua Caparrós, architect - Inmaculada Pérez Castro, Care Coordinator, Liver Surgery Unit, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona - Sara Pupato Ferrari, Head of INGESA, Ministry for Health, Social Policy and Equality - Asunción Ruiz de la Sierra Martín-Gil, INGESA, Ministry for Health Social Policy - Toni Trilla, Quality Coordinator, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona - Antonio Zapatero Gaviria, Spanish Society for Internal Medicine, Head of Internal Medicine Unit, Fuenlabrada University Hospital, Madrid Support - Alberto Segura Fernández-Escribano, Office of Healthcare Planning and Quality, Quality Agency of the SNHS, MHSPE - José de Arriba Enríquez, Office of Healthcare Planning and Quality, Quality Agency of the SNHS, MHSPE: Publishing Coordinator - María José Ruiz, EC Consultoría y Gestión en Sanidad S.L. 8 REPORTS, STUDIES AND RESEARCH -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 9 Contents Executive summary 13 1. Introduction 23 1.1. The aim of this document 25 1.2. Working methods 26 2. The current situation 29 2.1. Stadards and recomendations for GAICUs in Spain 32 2.2. Experience in spain and abroad 35 3. Patients’ rights and guarantees 43 3.1. Information for patients, informed consent 43 3.2. Care for carers 45 3.3. Guarantees of patients’ rights 46 4. Patient safety 49 4.1. Culture of safety 53 4.2. Daily visits to the unit 55 4.3. Communication during patient transfer 55 4.4. Safe drug use 56 4.5. Preventing pressure sores 60 4.6. Fall prevention and injury reduction 61 4.7. Preventing infection 63 4.8. Patient identification 63 4.9. Managing blood products 64 4.10. Epidemiology alert 64 4.11. Involving patients in their own safety 64 4.12. Self-protection plan 65 5. Organisation and management 67 5.1. Admission criteria 68 5.2. Service portfolio 69 5.3. The patient care process in GAICUs 70 5.4. Relationships with other units 78 5.5. GAICU organisation and operation 80 5.6. Patient management 82 GENERAL ACUTE INPATIENT CARE UNIT 9 -Primeras 10/2/12 10:15 Página 10 6. Layout and material resources 87 6.1. Functional design 91 6.2. Medical supplies and sterilising 122 6.3. Preventing and controlling contagious diseases 122 6,4. Cleanliness protocol 123 6.5. Hospital waste management 123 7. Human resources 125 7.1. Register of medical staff 125 7.2. Personal files 125 7.3. Posts and duties 125 7.4. Identifying and distinguishing between staff members 127 7.5. Documentation 128 7.6. Ongoing training 128 7.7. Criteria for calculating resources needed 128 8. Quality 133 8.1. Authorisation and registration 133 8.2. Accreditation and auditing 133 8.3. Quality indicators 133 9. Revision and follow-up. Criteria for GAICU standards and recom mendations 143 10. Appendices 145 1. Accreditation criteria for acute care hospitals in Catalonia affecting hospital admission 145 2. Regulations for caring for patients with contagious diseases: Types of precaution 149 3. Specimen drug reconciliation form 153 4. Levels of care 155 5. Protocol for assessing suitability of admission 157 6. Clinical pathway for time spent in a GAICU 161 7. Modified early warning system 169 8. Hospital discharge plan 171 9. GAICU sizing criteria 181 10. Functional design of GAICU sections 185 11. Professional framework for the post of nursing supervisor 189 12. Recommendations for GAICU nursing staff levels 195 10 REPORTS, STUDIES AND RESEARCH