Polish Botanical Journal 46(1): 11–26, 2001 GENERA ET SPECIES ORCHIDALIUM. 1. DARIUSZ L. SZLACHETKO Abstract: The following new taxa of the subfamily Thelymitroideae (Orchidaceae) are described: Jonesiopsis Szlach., gen. nov., Oligochaetochilus Szlach., gen. nov., Plumatichilos Szlach., gen. nov., Simpliglottis Szlach., gen. nov., Microstis R. Br. subgen. Holocrotis Szlach., subgen. nov., Oligochaetochilus Szlach. subgen. Apicuchilos Szlach., subgen. nov., Oligochaetochilus subgen. Glabrichilos Szlach., subgen. nov., Caladenia R. Br. sect. Caladeniastrum Szlach., sect. nov., Calochilus R. Br. sect. Imberborkis Szlach., sect. nov., Calochilus sect. Pulchrichilos Szlach., sect. nov., Genoplesium R. Br. sect. Plesiogenum Szlach., sect. nov.. New combinations in Cypripediaceae and Thelymitroideae are proposed: Calonema (Lindl.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Pentisea (Lindl.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Phlebochilus (Benth.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Univiscidiatus (Kores) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Corybas Salisb. subgen. Steleocorys (Endl.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov.,Cypripedium L. subgen. Criosanthes (Raf.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Phragmipedium Rolfe subgen. Micropetalum (Hallier) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Chloraea Lindl. sect. Trilobatae (Gosewijn) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Corybas sect. Gastrosiphon (Schlecht.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov.,Univiscidiatus sect. Macropetalus (Kores) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov., Phragmipedium subsect. Lorifolia (Kraenzl.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov.. 162 new combinations on species and 1 on variety levels are validated. Key words: Magnoliophyta, Liliopsida, Orchidales, Cypripediaceae, Orchidaceae – Thelymitroideae, world distribution Dariusz L. Szlachetko, Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, Gdan´sk University, Al. Legionów 9, PL-80-441 Gdan´sk, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] In completing materials to Gynostemia Orchida- Basionym: Criosanthes Raf., Amer. Monthly Mag. Crit. lium and to the first volume of Genera et Species Rev.: 268. 1818. Orchidalium I came to the conclusion that several Synonym: Cypripedium sect. Arietinum Morren, Belg. groups of orchids are very heteromorphic and Hort.: 1. 1851. should be divided into smaller but monomorphic Leaves several, well-spaced on stem, elliptic to taxa. In a series of papers I (and co-workers) will lanceolate. Inflorescence 1-flowered. Petals nar- present the results of investigations. In this article row, tapering. Lateral sepals free to the base, sub- I propose some new genera and infrageneric taxa linear. Lip obconical, spurred, hairy along orifice. along with validation of several new combinations Staminodium convex, glabrous. on various taxonomic levels in the family Cypri- pediaceae and subfamily Thelymitroideae of Or- chidaceae. 2. Subtribe PHRAGMIPEDIINAE Szlach. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 26: 323. 1991. 1. Family CYPRIPEDIACEAE Lindl. Nixus Pl.: 188. 1833. 2. Phragmipedium Rolfe Orchid. Rev. 4: 331. 1896. 1. Subtribe CYPRIPEDIINAE Subgenus Micropetalum (Hallier) Szlach., comb. 1. Cypripedium L. et stat. nov. Sp. Pl., ed. 1, 2: 951. 1753. Basionym: Paphiopedilum sect. Micropetalum Hallier, Jard. Bot. Buitenz. 14: 46. 1896. Subgenus Criosanthes (Raf.) Szlach., stat. et comb. nov. Petals longer and wider than sepals, broadly 12 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 46(1). 2001. lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, widest near middle, TYPE: Genoplesium citriodorum Jones & Clements tapering towards apex. Lip with hairy margins. Subgenus Phragmipedium ETYMOLOGY. Anagram of Genoplesium. Petals longer but narrower than sepals. 1.2. Subtribe MICROTIDINAE (Szlach.) Szlach. Section Himantopetalum (Hallier) Garay Fragm. Flor. Geobot., Suppl. 3: 20. 1995. Orchid Dig. 43: 140. 1979. Scape sheathed, flowers opening successively. 4. Microtis R. Br. Petals narrowly lanceolate, tapering towards apex, Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 320. 1810. acute, 2–3 times longer than sepals. Subgenus Microtis Subsection Lorifolia (Kraenzl.) Szlach., Lip more or less tongue-like in outline, con- stat. et comb. nov. stricted before expanded, bilobed apex, often with Basionym: Cypripedium sect. Lorifolia Kraenzl., Or- wavy or crispate margins, with 2 basal and single chid. Gen. Sp. 1: 13. 1897. apical calli. Lip orifice with a pair of horn-like protuberan- ces on both sides. Subgenus Holocrotis Szlach., subgen. nov. Labellum integrum, ellipticum vel rotundum, incrassa- 2. Family ORCHIDACEAE Juss. tionibus nullis. Gen. Pl.: 64. 1789. TYPE: Microtis orbicularis R. Rogers Lip entire, unlobed, orbicular to elliptic in out- 1. Subfamily THELYMITROIDEAE (Lindl.) Szlach. line, ecallose. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 36(1): 35. 1991. ETYMOLOGY. Holo- (Gr.) – entire. A combina- tion of a Greek word meaning entire and the 1. Tribe MICROTIDEAE Szlach. generic name Microtis. An allusion to the uncon- Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 36(1): 36. 1991. stricted lip. 1.1. Subtribe PRASOPHYLLINAE Schlecht. 2. Tribe THELYMITREAE Endl. Bot. Syst. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 381. 1911. Mant. Bot. Suppl. 2: 21. 1842. 3. Genoplesium R. Br. Predominantly Australian group including four genera gathered in single subtribe. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 319. 1810. Section Genoplesium 2.1. Subtribe THELYMITRINAE Lindl. Lip margins glabrous or toothed, but not hairy. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 442, 518. 1840. Section Plesiogenum Szlach., sect. nov. 5. Calochilus R. Br. Labellum marginibus ciliatis. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 320. 1810. D. L. SZLACHETKO: GENERA ET SPECIES ORCHIDALIUM. 1. 13 Section Imberborkis Szlach., sect. nov. 7. Simpliglottis Szlach., gen. nov. Labellum glabrum vel processibus brevibus obtectum, Genus a subtribus Chiloglottidinae pertinens. A cogna- apice elongato, acuto, angusto glabroque. to genero Chiloglottis forma labelli recedit. Labellum sessile vel subsessile, late ovatum vel cordatum basi la- TYPE: Calochilus imberbis Rogers ex Pescott tissimum, callo directo non insectiformi obtectum Lip lacking any hairs or covered with short, TYPE: Simpliglottis valida (Jones) Szlach. [Chilo- spiky calli. Apical part of lip acuminate or short glottis valida Jones]. apiculate, naked. Leaves usually dark green above, paler beneath. ETYMOLOGY. In reference to the type species Inflorescence single-flowered. Petals incurved to of the section. widely spreading. Lip subsessile to sessile, broad- ly ovate to cordate in outline, widest near base, lip calli few, consisting of relatively uniform clubs, Section Calochilus not producing any insectiform thickening. Basal part of lip covered with long, filiform Gynostemium elongate, swollen distinctly in calli, apical part of lip elongated into a prominent apical half. Column part prominent, winged. Col- naked tail. umn foot obscure. Anther base near stigma apex. Anther ovoid or conical. Pollinia 4, oblong to ob- long-ovate, powdery. Staminodia wing the col- Section Pulchrichilos Szlach., sect. nov. umn very broadly. Stigma more or less pad-like, Labellum basi processibus filiformibus obtectum, apice rounded, ventral. Rostellum rounded. glabro ecaudatoque. ETYMOLOGY. Simplici- (Lat.) – simple; glot- TYPE: Calochilus caeruleus Williams tos- (Gr.) – tongue. In reference to the presence of rather simple callus on the lip surface. Basal part of lip covered by long filiform calli, apical part of lip glabrous, not developed into a NOTE. The genus embraces 6 species occur- tail. ring in Australia and New Zealand. ETYMOLOGY. Pulchri – (Lat.) – beautiful; – chilus (Gr.) – lipped. A Latin equivalent of the Simpliglottis chlorantha (Jones) Szlach., comb. name Calochilus. nov. Basionym: Chiloglottis chlorantha Jones, Austral. Or- 6. Macdonaldia Lindl. emend. Szlach. chid. Res. 2: 37. 1991. Edward’s Bot. Reg. App. 1: 50. 1839. Simpliglottis cornuta (J. D. Hook) Szlach., comb. nov. Macdonaldia apiculata (A. S. George) Szlach., comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Chiloglottis cornuta J. D. Hook., Fl. Antarct. 1: 69. 1844. Basionym: Thelymitra variegata (Lindl.) F. Muell. var. apiculata A. S. George, Nuytsia 5(1): 62. 1984. Simpliglottis gunnii (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Chiloglottis gunnii Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. 3. Tribe GEOBLASTEAE Barb. Rodr. Pl.: 387. 1840. Vellozia 1: 132. 1891. Simpliglottis pluricallata (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. 3.1. Subtribe CHILOGLOTTIDINAE Szlach. Basionym: Chiloglottis pluricallata Jones, Austral.Or- Fragm. Flor. Geobot., Suppl. 3: 23. 1995. chid Res. 2: 40. 1991. 14 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 46(1). 2001. Simpliglottis turfosa (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Jonesiopsis multiclavia (Reichenb. f.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Chiloglottis turfosa Jones, Austral. Orchid Res. 2: 43. 1991. Basionym: Caladenia multiclavia Reichenb. f., Beitr. Syst. Pfl.: 64. 1871. Simpliglottis valida (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Chiloglottis valida Jones, Austral. Orchid var. brevicuspis (Benth.) Szlach., comb. nov. Res. 2: 43. 1991. Basionym: Caladenia multiclavia var. brevicuspis Benth., Fl. Austral. 6: 380. 1873. 3.2. Subtribe CALADENIINAE Pfitz. 9. Phlebochilus (Benth.) Szlach., stat. & comb. Entw. Nat. Anord. Orchid.: 97. 1887. nov. 8. Jonesiopsis Szlach., gen. nov. Basionym: Caladenia R. Br. # Phlebochilus Benth [rankless subdivision], Flora Austral 6: 377. 1878. Genus a subtribus Caladeniinae pertinens. Plantae cil- iatae, inflorescentis 1–2-floribus. Flores horizontales. Plants hairy. Leaf single, basal, hairy. Inflores- Elementi perianthii incrassationibus apicalibus clavi- cence usually 1-, rarely 2-flowered. Tepals linear- formibus nullis. Ab omnibus congeneribus subtribus lanceolate, obtuse to shortly apiculate, usually Caladeniinae labello integro ungui distincto superposi- widest in lower half, with or without apical clubs. to basi incrassatione validissimo praedito et stamino- Lateral sepals and petals strongly deflexed. Lip diis magnis asciformibus Pterostylidii similibus recedit. sessile, cordate, widest and slightly channelled at TYPE: Jonesiopsis multiclavia (Reichenb. f.) Szlach. base, unlobed, with entire, revolute margins [Caladenia multiclavia Reichenb. f.] above. Lip calli along central nerves of lip only. Stem wiry, hairy. Leaf single, hairy on both Gynostemium elongate, slender, arcuate. Col- surfaces. Inflorescence 1–2-flowered. Flowers umn part prominent, winged. Column foot reduced. horizontally held, ca 3–4 cm across. Perianth seg- Anther base near stigma apex. Anther conical- ments subsimilar with upcurved tips, lacking any ovoid to conical-ellipsoid, immovable. Pollinia 4, apical clubs. Lip set on a prominent claw, unlobed, attenuate basally, rounded apically, powdery. with massive callus near its base. Staminodes wing the column, slightly expanded Gynostemium elongate, slender. Column part towards apex. Stigma cup-like, elliptic or rounded. prominent, strongly curved forward in apical half. Rostellum rounded and thickened. Column foot absent. Anther base near stigma NOTE. This genus could be related to the one apex. Anther ellipsoid-conical, immovable. Polli- described above, from which it differs clearly in nia 4, attenuate basally, rounded apically, pow- lip structure and staminodium morphology. dery. Staminodes narrowly wing the column, It includes about 20 species. much expanded near stigma, forming axe-shaped projections. Stigma cup-like, elliptic or rounded. Phlebochilus bryceana (Rogers) Szlach., comb. Rostellum rounded and thickened. nov. ETYMOLOGY. Dedicated to Dr. David L. Jones, Basionym: Caladenia bryceana Rogers, Trans. Proc. the eminent Australian orchidologist. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 54: 46. 1930. NOTE. At first glance it appears to be related to Drakonorchis, but the close affinity between these Phlebochilus cardiochila (Tate) Szlach., comb. two genera requires further study. nov. A monotypic genus so far known from Austra- Basionym: Caladenia cardiochila Tate, Trans. Proc. lia only. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 9: 60. 1887. D. L. SZLACHETKO: GENERA ET SPECIES ORCHIDALIUM. 1. 15 Phlebochilus cristata (Rogers) Szlach., comb. Phlebochilus pumila (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia pumila Rogers, Trans. Proc. Roy. Basionym: Caladenia cristata Rogers, Trans. Proc. Soc. S. Austral. 46: 152. 1922. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 47: 337. 1923. Phlebochilus radialis (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. Phlebochilus tessellata (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. Basionym: Caladenia radialis Rogers, Trans. Proc. nov. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 51: 296. 1927. Basionym: Caladenia tessellata Fitzg., Austral. Orchid. Phlebochilus roei (Benth.) Szlach., comb. nov. 1(2): t. 3. 1876. Basionym: Caladenia roei Benth., Fl. Austral. 6: 383. 1873. Phlebochilus cairnsiana (Muell.) Szlach., comb. nov. Phlebochilus wanosa (George) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia cairnsiana Muell., Fragm. 7: 31. Basionym: Caladenia wanosa George, Nuytsia 5(1): 1869. 57–58. 1984. Phlebochilus clavigera (Cunn. ex Lindl.) Szlach., 10. Caladenia R. Br. comb. nov. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl.: 323. 1810. Basionym: Caladenia clavigera Cunn. ex Lindl., Gen. Caladenia, as proposed here, can be divided Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 422. 1840. into two sections. Phlebochilus doutchiae (Sarg.) Szlach., comb. nov. Section Caladenia Basionym: Caladenia doutchiae Sarg., Journ. Bot. 59: Lip distinctly 3-lobed. 175. 1921. Phlebochilus integra (Coleman) Szlach., comb. Section Caladeniastrum Szlach., sect. nov. nov. Segmenti perianthiorum inferiori latissimi. Labellum Basionym: Caladenia integra Coleman, Vict. Nat. 49: integrum vel haud profunde trilobatum, oblongo-ova- 246. 1933. tum, margine incrassationibus claviformibus praedi- tum. Phlebochilus leptochila (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. TYPE: Caladenia flava R. Br. nov. Perianth segments widest in lower half. Lip un- Basionym: Caladenia leptochila Fitzg., Gard. Chron. lobed or very obscurely 3-lobed, oblong-ovate, (new ser.) 17: 462. 1882. with clubbed marginal calli. ETYMOLOGY. Astra (Gr.) – star. In reference to Phlebochilus macrostylis (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. the flower form. nov. Basionym: Caladenia macrostylis Fitzg., Gard. Chron. 11. Calonema (Lindl.) Szlach., stat. & comb. nov. (new ser.) 17: 462. 1882. Basionym: Caladenia # Calonema Lindl. [rankless sub- division] in Edward’s, Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. Phlebochilus ovata (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. 52. 1840. Basionym: Caladenia ovata Rogers, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Tuberoids single. Stem hairy. Leaf single, Austral. 33: 16–17. 1909. basal, hairy. Inflorescence usually single-, rarely 16 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 46(1). 2001. few-flowered. Flowers usually large, over 3 cm Calonema bicalliata (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. across. Apices of sepals clubbed, covered by glan- Basionym: Caladenia bicalliata Rogers, Trans. Proc. dular hairs. Petals usually smaller than sepals. Lip Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 33: 17. 1909. 3-lobed with glandular, toothed or fringed margins with variously developed callus on lamina. Calonema brumalis (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Gynostemium elongate, slender, more or less arched. Column part prominent, winged. Column Basionym: Caladenia brumalis Jones, Austral. Orchid foot absent. Anther base near stigma apex. Anther Res. 2: 17. 1991. conical, ovoid to ellipsoid-conical, immovable. Pollinia 4, attenuate basally, rounded apically, Calonema caesarea (Domin) Szlach., comb. et powdery. Staminodes wing the column. Stigma stat. nov. cup-like, elliptic or rounded. Rostellum truncate. Basionym: Caladenia filamentosa R. Br. var. caesarea Apical part of rostellum forms a viscidium. Domin, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 41: 251. 1912. NOTE. Although related to Caladenia, it differs from the latter in having distinctly clubbed apices Calonema calcicola (G. W. Carr) Szlach., comb. of lateral sepals, and sometimes dorsal sepal and nov. petals. Basionym: Caladenia calcicola G. W. Carr, Muelleria A genus of more than 70 species, known from 6(3): 185. 1986. Australia and New Zealand. Calonema caudata (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema aerochila (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia caudata Nicholls, Vict. Nat. 64: Basionym: Caladenia aerochila Jones, Austral. Orchid 231. 1948. Res. 2: 13. 1991. Calonema clavula (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema aestiva (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia clavula Jones, Austral. Orchid Basionym: Caladenia aestiva Jones, Austral. Orchid Res. 2: 18. 1991. Res. 2: 14. 1991. Calonema colorata (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema arenaria (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia colorata Jones, Austral. Orchid Basionym: Caladenia arenaria Fitzg., Austral. Orchid Res. 2: 21. 1991. Res. 1(7). t. 8. 1882. Calonema concinna (Rupp) Szlach., comb. et Calonema argocalla (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. stat. nov. Basionym: Caladenia argocalla Jones, Austral. Orchid Basionym: Caladenia dilatata R. Br. var. concinna Res. 2: 15. 1991. Rupp, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 53: 554. 1928. Calonema audasii (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema concolor (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia audasii Rogers, Trans. Proc. Roy. Basionym: Caladenia concolor Fitzg., Austral. Orchid. Soc. S. Austral. 51: 295. 1927. 1(7). t. 8. 1882. Calonema beaugleholei (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema conferta (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia beaugleholei Jones, Austral. Basionym: Caladenia conferta Jones, Austral. Orchid Orchid. Res. 2: 16. 1991. Res. 2: 21. 1991. D. L. SZLACHETKO: GENERA ET SPECIES ORCHIDALIUM. 1. 17 Calonema corynephora (George) Szlach., comb. Calonema ensata (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia ensata Nicholls, Vict. Nat. 64: Basionym: Caladenia corynephora George, Nuytsia 138. 1947. 1(2): 158. 1971. Calonema falcata (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. et stat. Calonema corynepetala (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia dilatata R. Br. var. falcata Ni- Basionym: Caladenia corynepetala Jones, Austral. cholls, Vict. Nat. 65: 268. 1949. Orchid. Res. 2: 22. 1991. Calonema ferruginea (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema crebra (George) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia ferruginea Nicholls, Vict. Nat. Basionym: Caladenia crebra George, Nuytsia 1(2): 64: 136. 1947. 160. 1971. Calonema filamentosa (R. Br.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema demissa (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia filamentosa R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Basionym: Caladenia demissa Jones, Austral. Orchid Nov. Holl.: 324. 1810. Res. 2: 24. 1991. Calonema filifera (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema denticulata (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia filifera Lindl. in Edward’s, Bot. Basionym: Caladenia denticulata Lindl. in Edward’s, Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. Calonema fitzgeraldii (Rupp) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema dilatata (R. Br.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia fitzgeraldii Rupp, Vict. Nat. 58: Basionym: Caladenia dilatata R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. 199. 1942, in obs. & Austral. Orchid Rev. 7: 64. 1942, Holl.: 325. 1810. cum descr. lat. Calonema discoidea (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema flaccida (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia discoidea Lindl. in Edward’s, Basionym: Caladenia flaccida Jones, Austral. Orchid Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. Res. 2: 24. 1991. Calonema dorrienii (Domin) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema floribunda (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia dorrienii Domin, J. Proc. Linn. Basionym: Caladenia floribunda Jones, Austral. Or- Soc., Bot. 41: 251. 1912. chid. Res. 2: 25. 1991. Calonema echidnachila (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. Calonema fragrantissima (Jones & Carr) Szlach., nov. comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia echidnachila Nicholls, Papers & Basionym: Caladenia fragrantissima Jones & Carr in Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasman. 1932: 13. 1933 Clements, Austral. Orchid Res. 1: 24. 1989. Calonema eminens (Domin) Szlach., comb. et Calonema gladiolata (Rogers) Szlach., comb. stat. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia longicauda Lindl. var. eminens Basionym: Caladenia gladiolata Rogers, Trans. Proc. Domin, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 41: 253. 1912. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 31: 210. 1907. 18 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 46(1). 2001. Calonema graminifolia (George) Szlach., comb. Calonema longicauda (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia graminifolia George, Nuytsia Basionym: Caladenia longicauda Lindl. in Edward’s, 1(2): 162. 1971. Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. Calonema haemantha (Jones) Szlach., comb. Calonema longiclavata (Coleman) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia haemantha Jones, Austral.Or- Basionym: Caladenia longiclavata Coleman, Vict. Nat. chid. Res. 2: 26. 1991. 46: 196. 1930. Calonema hastata (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. et Calonema macroclavia (Jones) Szlach., comb. stat. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia patersonii R. Br. var. hastata Ni- Basionym: Caladenia macroclavia Jones, Austral. Or- cholls, Vict. Nat. 58: 115–116. 1941. chid Res. 2: 28. 1991. Calonema hirta (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema magniclavata (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia hirta Lindl. in Edward’s, Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. Basionym: Caladenia magniclavata Nicholls, Vict. Nat. 64: 135. 1947. Calonema huegelii (Reichenb. f.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema magnifica (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Caladenia huegelii Reichenb. f., Beitr. Syst. Pfl.: 66. 1871. Basionym: Caladenia patersonii R. Br. var. magnifica Nicholls, Vict. Nat. 52: 167. 1936. Calonema infundibularis (George) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema necrophylla (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia infundibularis George, Nuytsia 5(1): 55–56. 1984. Basionym: Caladenia necrophylla Jones, Austral. Or- chid Res. 2: 29. 1991. Calonema leptoclavia (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema pallida (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia leptoclavia Jones, Austral. Or- chid Res. 2: 27. 1991. Basionym: Caladenia pallida Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 421. 1840. Calonema lindleyana (Reichenb. f.) Szlach., comb. et stat. nov. Calonema patersonii (R. Br.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia patersonii R. Br. var. lindleyana Basionym: Caladenia patersonii R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Reichenb. f., Beitr. Syst. Pfl.: 66. 1871. Holl.: 324. 1810. Calonema lobata (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema pectinata (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia lobata Fitzg., Gard. Chron. (new Basionym: Caladenia pectinata Rogers, Trans. Proc. ser.) 17: 461. 1882. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 47: 341. 1920. D. L. SZLACHETKO: GENERA ET SPECIES ORCHIDALIUM. 1. 19 Calonema phaeoclavia (Jones) Szlach., comb. Calonema stellata (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia stellata Jones, Austral. Orchid. Basionym: Caladenia phaeoclavia Jones, Austral. Or- Res. 2: 33. 1991. chid Res. 2: 29. 1991. Calonema stricta (Bates) Szlach., comb. et stat. Calonema plicata (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia dilatata R. Br. var. stricta Bates, Basionym: Caladenia plicata Fitzg., Gard. Chron. (new Orchadian 8(12): 247. 1987. ser.) 17: 461. 1882. Calonema tentaculata (Schldl.) Szlach., comb. Calonema radiata (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia radiata Nicholls, Vict. Nat. 65: Basionym: Caladenia tentaculata Schldl., Linnaea 20: 267. 1949. 571. 1847. Calonema reticulata (Fitzg.) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema toxochila (Tate) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia reticulata Fitzg., Gard. Chron. Basionym: Caladenia toxochila Tate, Trans. Proc. Roy. (new ser.) 17: 462. 1882. Soc. S. Austral. 12: 129. 1889 Calonema rhomboidiformis (Coleman) Szlach., Calonema uliginosa (George) Szlach., comb. nov. comb. et stat. nov. Basionym: Caladenia uliginosa George, Nuytsia 5(1): Basionym: Caladenia dilatata R. Br. var. rhomboidifor- 56. 1984. mis Coleman, Vict. Nat. 46: 197. 1930. Calonema valida (Nicholls) Szlach., comb. et Calonema richardsiorum (Jones) Szlach., comb. stat. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia reticulata Fitzg. var. valida Ni- cholls, Vict. Nat. 59: 189. 1943. Basionym: Caladenia richardsiorum Jones, Austral. Orchid Res. 2: 31. 1991. Calonema woolcockiorum (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Calonema rigens (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia woolcockiorum Jones, Aus- Basionym: Caladenia rigens Jones, Austral. Orchid tral.Orchid. Res. 2: 35. 1991. Res. 2: 32. 1991. 12. Pentisea (Lindl. ) Szlach., stat. & comb. nov. Calonema rigida (Rogers) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Caladenia R. Br. # Pentisea Lindl. [rankless Basionym: Caladenia rigida Rogers, Trans. Proc. Roy. subdivision] in Edward’s, Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. Soc. S. Austral. 54: 45. 1930. App. 52. 1840. LECTOTYPE (designed here): Pentisea gemmata Calonema septuosa (Jones) Szlach., comb. nov. (Lindl.) Szlach. [Caladenia gemmata Lindl.] Basionym: Caladenia septuosa Jones, Austral. Orchid Tuberoids single, ellipsoid or ovoid, small, Res. 2: 33. 1991. with multi-layered covering sheath over them. Leaf single, basal, hairy. Flowers medium-sized, Calonema sigmoidea (Rogers) Szlach., comb. usually under 5 cm across, usually blue, widely nov. opened. Sepals and petals subequal to equal, flat Basionym: Caladenia sigmoidea Rogers, Trans. Proc. or moderately deflexed, usually widest near Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 62: 12. 1938. middle or above, blunt or obtuse, neither thick- 20 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 46(1). 2001. ened nor glandular at apices. Lip unlobed or ob- Pentisea ixioides (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. scurely 3-lobed. Apical margins of lateral lobes Basionym: Caladenia ixioides Lindl. in Edward’s, Bot. usually with club-like glandulae. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. Gynostemium elongate, rather slender. Column part prominent, winged. Column foot absent. An- Pentisea sericea (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. ther base near stigma apex. Anther ellipsoid-coni- Basionym: Caladenia sericea Lindl. in Edward’s, Bot. cal, immovable. Pollinia 4, attenuate basally, Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. rounded apically, powdery. Staminodes expanded slightly below stigma and form prominent wings. 3.3. Subtribe CHLORAEINAE Reichenb. f. Stigma cup-like, elliptic or rounded. Rostellum rounded and thickened. Bot. Zeit. 11: 1. 1853. NOTE. This genus has been treated so far as a 13. Chloraea Lindl. section of Caladenia. Hopper & Brown (1998), however, proposed the name Cyanicula for about Brand. Quart. J. Roy. Inst. NS 1: 47. 1827. 10 species having, among other features, blue flowers. Lindley (1839) first separated 2 species Section Trilobatae (Gosewijn) Szlach., comb. nov. of Caladenia – C. gemmata and C. ixioides to the Basionym: Bipinnula sect. Trilobatae Gosewijn, section Pentisea. As this name has priority, the Gayana Bot. 50(1): 13. 1993. name Cyanicula should be treated as a synonym of Pentisea. Inflorescence 2–10-flowered. Apex of lateral Pentisea includes about 10 species, known sepals short pectinate. Lip prominently 3-lobed, mostly from SW Australia. with papillate disc. Chloraea apinnula (Gosewijn) Szlach., comb. Pentisea amplexans (George) Szlach., comb. nov. nov. Basionym: Caladenia amplexans George, Nuytsia 5(1): Basionym: Bipinnula apinnula Gosewijn, Gayana Bot. 53. 1984. 50(1): 12. 1993. Pentisea caerulea (R. Br.) Szlach., comb. nov. 3.4. Subtribe ACIANTHINAE Schlecht. Basionym: Caladenia caerulea R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Bot. Syst. Jahrb.: 45: 381. 1911. Holl.: 324. 1810. 14. Univiscidiatus (Kores) Szlach., stat. & comb. nov. Pentisea deformis (R. Br.) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Acianthus R. Br. subgen. Univiscidiatus Basionym: Caladenia deformis R. Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Kores, Allertonia 7(3): 148. 1995. Holl.: 324. 1810. Tuberoids single, ovoid to ellipsoid. Leaf sessile, near middle of stem, blade variable in Pentisea gemmata (Lindl.) Szlach., comb. nov. shape, subentire to weakly or strongly 3–7-lobed. Basionym: Caladenia gemmata Lindl. in Edward’s, Flowers ascending, usually fully opened. Dorsal Bot. Reg. 1–23: Swan Riv. App. 52. 1840. sepal 1- (rarely 3-) nerved. Petals reduced or ex- panded. Lip entire or 3-lobed apically, adorned with 1 or 2 basal calli. Pentisea gertrudeae (Ostenf.) Szlach., comb. nov. Gynostemium usually elongate, strongly ar- Basionym: Caladenia gertrudeae Ostenf., Dansk. ched at apex, sometimes short, relatively stout and Vidensk. Selsk. Biol. Medd. 3(2): 43. 1921. suberect. Column part much longer than anther.