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Preview Gene Structure and Expression 1994: Vol 1219 Table of Contents

BBA Gene Structure and Expression ay A Vol. 1219, 1994 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta LSEVIER Cumulative Contents Information for Contributors vii Relative contribution of photo-addition, helper oligo- nucleotide and RNase H to the antisense effect of Regular Papers psoralen-oligonucleotide conjugates, on in vitro translation of Leishmania mRNAs Only cytidines 5’ of the apolipoprotein B mRNA E. Pascolo, D. Hudrisier, B. Sproat, N.T. Thuong and J.-J. Toulmé (France, Germany) mooring sequence are edited DNA unknotting activity (DNA topoisomerase II) J.W. Backus, D. Schock and H.C. Smith (USA) Structure, promoter analysis and chromosomal as- isolated from a thermophilic archaebacterium Sul- signment of the human APEX gene folobus is inhibited by novobiocin. Partial purifi- K. Akiyama, S. Seki, T. Oshida and M.C. Yoshida cation, identification of the two subunits and char- (Japan) acteristics of the enzyme L.M. Assairi (France) Isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA from HL-60 cells treated with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin Binding of a bZip protein to the estrogen-inducible D-3 apoVLDL II promoter K.-S. Chen and H.F. DeLuca (USA) M.P. Smidt, J. Wijnholds, L. Snippe, G. Van Developmental expression of sarcomeric and ubi- Keulen and G. AB (The Netherlands) quitous mitochondrial creatine kinase is tissue- Molecular cloning of cDNA for XTCAD-1, a novel specific Xenopus cadherin, and its expression in adult R.M. Payne and A.W. Strauss (USA) tissues and embryos of Xenopus laevis Nuclear proteins interacting with DNA and tubulin. O. Tooi, G. Fujii, K. Tashiro and K. Shiokawa (Japan) Study of the interaction of the High Mobility Group protein 1 with tubulin Gene structure and cell type-specific expression of A. Briolay, B. Rousset and B. Roux (France) the human ATP synthase a@ subunit Purification of Caenorhabditis elegans DNA topo- S. Akiyama, H. Endo, N. Inohara, S. Ohta and Y. Kagawa (Japan) 129 isomerase I S.M. Park and H.-S. Koo (South Korea) Binding of AP-1/CREB proteins and of MDBP to Short Sequence-Papers and Promoter Papers contiguous sites downstream of the human TGF- B1 gene A conserved sequence in tRNA and rRNA promoters C.K. Asiedu, L. Scotto, R.K. Assoian and M. Ehr- of Lactococcus lactis lich (USA) D. Nilsson and E. Johansen (Denmark) Cloning, nucleotide sequence and expression of rat Characterisation and expression of a maize U3 heat inducible hsp70 gene snRNA gene K. Lisowska, Z. Krawczyk, W. Widtak, P. Wol- D.J. Leader, S. Connelly, W. Filipowicz and niczek and J. Wisniewski (Poland) J.W.S. Brown (UK, Switzerland) Protein engineering of the restriction endonuclease Cloning and nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding EcoRV: replacement of an amino acid residue in Asp-hemolysin from Aspergillus fumigatus the DNA binding site leads to an altered selectiv- K. Ebina, H. Sakagami, K. Yokota and H. Kondo ity towards unmodified and modified substrates (Japan) C. Wenz, U. Selent, W. Wende, A. Jeltsch, H. Large and small subunits of the Aujeszky’s disease Wolfes and A. Pingoud (Germany) virus ribonucleotide reductase: nucleotide se- Transcriptional activity of the CD45 gene promoter quence and putative structure in retroviral vector constructs A.V. Kaliman, Z. Boldogkéi and I. Fodor D.S. Anson and T. Occhiodoro (Australia) (Hungary) Chemical secondary structure probing of two highly Instability of human TATA-binding protein CAG methylated regions in Xenopus laevis 28S riboso- triplet repeats during amplification by PCR mal RNA F.C.P. Holstege, P.C. Van der Vliet and H.Th.M. P.M. Ajuh and E.B. Maden (UK) Timmers (The Netherlands) 730 Cumulative Contents Nucleotide sequence of the cDNA encoding human SWH1 from yeast encodes a candidate nuclear factor helix-loop-helix Id-1 protein: identification of containing ankyrin repeats and showing homology functionally conserved residues common to Id to mammalian oxysterol-binding protein proteins W.A. Schmalix and W. Bandlow (Germany) R.W. Deed, M. Jasiok and J.D. Norton (UK) Atlantic cod cDNA encoding a psychrophilic chymo- Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of an trypsinogen : extracellular sucrase gene (invB) of Zymomonas A. Gudmundsdottir, S. Oskarsson, A.E. Eakin, mobilis ZM1 (ATCC10988) C.S. Craik and J.B. Bjarnason (Iceland, USA) K.-B. Song, S.-K. Lee, H.-K. Joo and S.-K. Rhee Cloning and sequencing of cDNAs for rabbit pre- (South Korea) proacrosin and a novel preproacrosin-related Complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid se- cDNA quence of rat amyloid protein precusor-like pro- R.T. Richardson and M.G. O’Rand (USA) tein 2 (APLP2/APPH): two amino acids length The nucleotide sequence of the murine Hox-D3 difference to human and murine homologues (Hox-4.1) gene reveals extensive identity with the R. Sandbrink, C.L. Masters and K. Beyreuther human protein (Germany, Australia) W.M. Brown, L. Zhou and G.R. Taylor (USA, Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of rat Canada) bradykinin B, receptor gene Cloning and characterization of a full-length cDNA D.-z. Wang, J.-x. Ma, L. Chao and J. Chao (USA) coding for ovine aldolase B from fetal meso- Cloning and sequencing of the groESL homologue nephros from Porphyromonas gingivalis L. Gianquinto, E.A. Pailhoux, J. Bezard, N. Servel, H. Hotokezaka, H. Hayashida, N. Ohara, H. No- M. Kirszenbaum and C. Cotinot (France) maguchi, K. Kobayashi and T. Yamada (Japan) The integrin a@, gene: identification and charac- Cloning and nucleotide sequence of a bacterial cy- terization of the promoter region tochrome P-450,\p5; gene encoding vitamin D-3 J.P. Donahue, N. Sugg and J. Hawiger (USA) 25-hydroxylase Evidence for the presence of a functional TATA box H. Kawauchi, J. Sasaki, T. Adachi, K. Hanada, T. (ATAAAA) sequence in the gene for bovine Beppu and S. Horinouchi (Japan) elastin A vertebrate homolog of the actin-bundling protein A. Manohar and R.A. Anwar (Canada) fascin Identification of 5’ regulatory regions of the human J.C.M. Holthuis, V.T.G. Schoonderwoert and carnitine palmitoyltransferase II gene G.J.M. Martens (The Netherlands) L. Montermini, H. Wang, E. Verderio, F. Taroni, Isolation, sequence analysis and characterization of a S. DiDonato and G. Finocchiaro (Italy) cDNA encoding human chaperonin 10 Characterization of the S’-regulatory region of rat J.J. Chen, D.J. McNealy, S. Dalal and E.J. An- Reg I gene drophy (USA) H. Miyashita, H. Yonekura, M. Unno, Y. Suzuki, A novel glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in T. Watanabe, S. Moriizumi, S. Takasawa and H. Plasmodium falciparum: cDNA and primary pro- Okamoto (Japan) tein structure M. Shahabuddin, D.J. Rawlings and D.C. Kaslow Rapid Report (USA) Sequence of a novel pregnancy-specific B,-glyco- Ectopic expression of a viral adenine methyltrans- protein C-terminal domain ferase gene in tobacco T.W. Joe, P.A. McLenachan and B.C. Mansfield A. Mitra and Q. Que (USA) (New Zealand) Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the Regular Papers RpoS (KatF) o factor from Salmonella typhi- murium 14028s Molecular cloning and functional expression of a R.W. Prince, Y. Xu, S.J. Libby and F.C. Fang human thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) re- (USA) ceptor gene Stage-specific transcription of the homeobox gene S. Hinuma, M. Hosoya, K. Ogi, H. Tanaka, Y. Bnhd1 in young tissues and flowers of Brassica Nagai and H. Onda (Japan) napus Mutagenesis of a highly conserved lysine 340 of the R. Boivin, F. Hamel, D. Beauseigle and G. Belle- PRD1 DNA polymerase mare (Canada) W. Zhu, M.C. Leavitt, G. Jung and J. Ito (USA) Cumulative Contents Purification and characterization of PRD1 DNA DNA binding mode of class-IIS restriction endonu- polymerase clease FokI revealed by DNA footprinting analy- W. Zhu and J. Ito (USA) sis Macromolecular crowding effects on the interaction A. Yonezawa and Y. Sugiura (Japan) of DNA with Escherichia coli DNA-binding pro- Characterization of an RNase H deficient mutant of teins: a model for bacterial nucleoid stabilization human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse tran- L.D. Murphy and S.B. Zimmerman (USA) scriptase having an aspartate to asparagine change Presence of regulatory sequences within intron 4 of at position 498 human and murine c-myb genes J.J. DeStefano, W. Wu, J. Seehra, J. McCoy, D. T. Seib, C. Welter, M. Engel, B. Theisinger and S. Laston, E. Albone, P.J. Fay and R.A. Bambara Dooley (Germany) (USA) The RNA-binding properties of protein synthesis Affinity purification of sucrose binding proteins from initiation factor eIF-2 the plant plasma membrane A. Flynn, I.N. Shatsky, C.G. Proud and A. Kamin- Z.-S. Li, A.M. Noubhani, A. Bourbouloux and S. ski (UK) Delrot (France) Involvement of DNA polymerase 6 and/or € in The expression of Escherichia coli diaminopimelate joining UV-induced DNA single strand breaks in decarboxylase in mouse 3T3 cells human fibroblasts (comparison of effects of K.M. Saqib, S.M. Hay and W.D. Rees (UK) butylphenyldeoxyguanosine with aphidicolin) Using linkers to investigate the spatial separation of K. Yamada and R. Itoh (Japan) the conserved nucleotides A, and G,, in the The 5’-flanking region of the a2MR/LRP gene hammerhead ribozyme contains an enhancer-like cluster of Sp1 binding P. Hendry, M.J. Moghaddam, M.J. McCall, P.A. sites Jennings, S. Ebel and T. Brown (Australia, UK) B.A. Gaéta, I. Borthwick and K.K. Stanley Characterization of an Krox-24/Egr-1-responsive (Australia) element in the human tumor necrosis factor pro- DNA uptake stimulating protein from Neurospora moter crassa enhances DNA and oligonucleotide uptake B. Kramer, A. Meichle, G. Hensel, P. Charnay also in mammalian cells and M. Krénke (Germany) G. Toth, J. Schlammadinger and G. Szabo Detection of small quantities of double stranded (Hungary) DNA by enhanced fluorescence of substituted Cloning and expression of the rabbit gastric CCK-A aldehyde modified polydeoxynucleotide-ethidium receptor bromide complexes M. Reuben, L. Rising, C. Prinz, S. Hersey and G. S. Premaratne, S.D. Swenson, M. Mandel and Sachs (USA) H.F. Mower (USA) Primary structure and expression of a human Functional interactions between translation, tran- CTP: phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase scription and ppGpp in growing Escherichia coli G.B. Kalmar, R.J. Kay, A.C. LaChance and R.B. M. Faxén and L.A. Isaksson (Sweden) Cornell (Canada) Calretinin is expressed in the Leydig cells of rat Retinoic acid-induced inhibition of type I collagen testis gene expression by human lung fibroblasts K.I. Strauss, K.R. Isaacs, Q.N. Ha and D.M. M. Krupsky, A. Fine, J.L. Berk and R.H. Gold- Jacobowitz (USA) stein (USA) Transfer of a functional arabinose operator-repressor Mode of action of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase system to Drosophila melanogaster Schneider G. Brochu, C. Duchaine, L. Thibeault, J. Lagueux, line-2 cells G.M. Shah and G.G. Poirier (Canada) V. Raman, K.N. Rand and R.J. Hill (Australia) Transcriptional activation by hypersensitive site three Cloning, sequencing and expression of dinoflagellate of the human #-globin locus control region in luciferase DNA from a marine alga, Gonyaulax murine erythroleukemia cells polyedra S. Pruzina, M. Antoniou, J. Hurst, F. Grosveld Y.M. Bae and J.W. Hastings (USA) and S. Philipsen (UK) A birch gene family encoding pollen allergens and Sequence analyses and inter-species comparisons of pathogenesis-related proteins three novel human proteasomal subunits, HsN3, I. Swoboda, O. Scheiner, D. Kraft, M. Breiten- HsC7-I and HsC10-II, confine potential prote- bach, E. Heberle-Bors and O. Vicente (Austria) olytic active-site residues H.G. Nothwang, T. Tamura, K. Tanaka and A. Ichihara (Japan) 732 Cumulative Contents Proximal 2.6 kb of 5’-flanking DNA is insufficient Cloning and sequencing of the tuf genes of Strepto- for human renin promoter activity in renin-synthe- myces coelicolor A3(2) sizing chorio-decidual cells G.P. Van Wezel, L.P. Woudt, R. Vervenne, M.L.A. D.L. Smith, R.E. Law, K.J. Shaw, Y.S. Do, W.A. Verdurmen, E. Vijgenboom and L. Bosch (Nether- Hsueh and B.J. Morris (USA, Australia) lands) Selective suppression of cytochrome P-450 gene Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the gene encod- expression by interleukins 1 and 6 in rat liver ing dinitrogenase reductase (nifH) from the E.T. Morgan, K.B. Thomas, R. Swanson, T. Vales, cyanobacterium Nostoc 6720 J. Hwang and K. Wright (USA) C.E. Beesley, R.J. Smith, S.J. Temple and P.J. Analysis of retrotransposon families in genomic DNA Lea (UK) by two-dimensional restriction mapping: detection Tandem orientation of the inter-a-trypsin inhibitor of VL30 insertions in mouse thymic lymphoma heavy chain H1 and H3 genes N.S. French and J.D. Norton (UK) M. Diarra-Mehrpour, J. Bourguignon, N. Sarafan, The impact of the PCR plateau phase on quantitative F. Bost, R. Sesboiié, F. Muschio-Bonnet and J.-P. PCR Martin (France) C. Morrison and F. Gannon (Ireland) Isolation and characterization of cDNA and genomic Jun and Fos related gene products bind to and modu- promoter region for a heat shock protein 30 from late the GPE I, a strong enhancer element of the Aspergillus nidulans rat glutathione transferase P gene T. Kusakabe, K. Koga and Y. Sugimoto (Japan) N. Oridate, S. Nishi, Y. Inuyama and M. Sakai Nucleotide sequence of the phosphotransacetylase (Japan) gene of Escherichia coli strain K12 Two mutant binding sites of the activating transcrip- A. Matsuyama, H. Yamamoto-Otake, J. Hewitt, tion factor region within the E2A promoter of R.T.A. MacGillivray and E. Nakano (Japan, adenovirus exist in a novel conformation Canada) K.L.B. Borden (UK) Human glutamate receptor hGluR3 flip and flop Polymorphism of human transcobalamin II: substitu- isoforms: cloning and sequencing of the cDNAs tion of proline and/or glutamine residues by argi- and primary structure of the proteins nine V. Rampersad, C.E. Elliott, S.L. Nutt, R.L. Foldes N. Li, G.K. Sood, S. Seetharam and B. Seetharam and R.K. Kamboj (Canada) (USA) Structures of the human cDNA and gene encoding Cloning and characterization of a major allergen of the 78 kDa gastrin-binding protein and of a re- the house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronys- lated pseudogene sinus, homologous with glutathione S-transferase Q.-X. Zhang and G.S. Baldwin (Australia) G.M. O’Neill, G.R. Donovan and B.A. Baldo Molecular cloning of the Drosophila virilis larval (Australia) glue protein gene Lgp-3 and its comparative anal- ysis with other Drosophila glue protein genes Short Sequence-Papers W. Lanio, U. Swida and H. Kress (Germany) Obituary — Laurens L.M. van Deenen cDNA sequence of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) translation elongation factor-1a@: molecular phy- Regular Papers logeny of eukaryotes based on elongation factor- la@ protein sequences S. Nordnes, S. Krauss and T. Johansen (Norway, Sequence homology of Chinese hamster metallo- UK) thionein genes I and II to those of the mouse and The Leishmania infantum histone H3 possesses an rat, and their amplification in Cd-resistant cells extremely divergent N-terminal domain K. Yamada, H. Kato, N. Kanda, Y. Fujii- Kuriyama, T. Utakoji and R. Itoh (Japan) M. Soto, J.M. Requena, G. Morales and C. Alonso (Spain) Enhancement of bacterial transcription initiation in The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of vitro by the 74 kDa subunit of human general a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase from Ara- transcription factor IIF (RAP74) bidopsis thaliana T. Chibazakura, S. Kitajima, M. Yonaha and Y. G.T. Hayman and J.A. Miernyk (USA) Yasukochi (Japan) 592 Isolation of a new H3.3 histone variant cDNA of P. lividus sea urchin: sequence and embryonic ex- pression L. Fucci, F. Aniello, M. Branno, E. Biffali and G. Geraci (Italy) Cumulative Contents A gene of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BD413 en- Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding codes a periplasmic peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans iso- rat PKR, the double-stranded RNA-dependent merase of the cyclophilin sub-class that is not eukaryotic initiation factor-2 kinase essential for growth H. Mellor, K.M. Flowers, S.R. Kimball and L.S. R.G. Kok, V.M. Christoffels, B. Vosman and K.J. Jefferson (USA) Hellingwerf (The Netherlands) An archaeal S-layer gene homolog with repetitive The establishment of the long terminal repeat of the subunits mouse mammary tumor virus into CV-1 cells R. Yao, A.J.L. Macario and E. Conway de allows a functional analysis of steroid receptors Macario (USA) B. Couette, S. Le Ricousse, D. Fortin, M.E. Cloning and sequencing of a K* transport gene (irk Rafestin-Oblin and H. Richard-Foy (France) A) from the marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus Analysis of aggrecan and tenascin gene expression in T. Nakamura, Y. Matsuba, N. Yamamuro, LR. mouse skeletal tissues by Northern and in situ Booth and T. Unemoto (Japan, UK) hybridization using species specific cDNA probes cDNA sequence for bovine ribosomal protein L3 V. Glumoff, M. Savontaus, J. Vehanen and E. carrying a bipartite nuclear targeting motif, identi- Vuorio (Finland) fied also in many other ribosomal proteins Identification of multiple promoters within the N-ras T. Simonic, S. Gaudi, F. Giussani, M. Malcovati, proto-oncogene S. Ronchi and M.L. Tenchini (Italy) M. Jeffers and A. Pellicer (USA) Yeast homologue of mammalian Ran _ binding Isolation of rat pgp3 cDNA: evidence for gender and protein 1 zonal regulation of expression in the liver G. Butler and K.H. Wolfe (Ireland) K.N. Furuya, R. Gebhardt, E.G. Schuetz and J.D. Isolation and characterisation of the linked genes, Schuetz (USA, Germany) FPS1 and QCR8, coding for farnesyl-diphosphate Detection of a nuclear protein which binds specifi- synthase and the 11 kDa subunit VIII of the cally to the antioxidant responsive element (ARE) mitochondrial bc,-complex in the yeast Kluy- of the human NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase veromyces lactis gene W. Mulder, I.H.J.M. Scholten, B. Nagelkerken B. Wang and G. Williamson (UK) and L.A. Grivell (The Netherlands) Blasticidin S deaminase gene from Aspergillus ter- Isolation and characterisation of the linked genes reus (BSD): a new drug resistance gene for trans- APA2 and QCR7, coding for Ap,A phosphory- fection of mammalian cells lase II and the 14 kDa subunit VII of the mito- M. Kimura, A. Takatsuki and I. Yamaguchi chondrial bc,-complex in the yeast Kluyvero- (Japan) myces lactis Differences in expression and intracellular distribu- W. Mulder, I.H.J.M. Scholten, H. Van Roon and tion of hexokinase isoenzymes in rat liver cells of L.A. Grivell (The Netherlands) different transformation stages A. Rempel, P. Bannasch and D. Mayer (Germany) Rapid Report Regulation of a,,-adrenergic receptor gene expres- sion in rat liver cell lines In vitro repair of oxidative and ultraviolet-induced C.-l. Deng and L.E. Cornett (USA) DNA damage in supercoiled nucleoid DNA by ABFI contributes to the chromatin organization of human cell extract Saccharomyces cerevisiae ARS1 B-domain A.R. Collins, ILM. Fleming and C.M. Gedik (UK) P. Venditti, G. Costanzo, R. Negri and G. Camil- loni (Italy) Cumulative Contents, Vol. 1219 Short Sequence-Papers and Promoter Papers Author Index Isolation and characterisation of an alternatively- spliced rat amelogenin cDNA: LRAP - a highly conserved, functional alternatively-spliced amelo- genin? W.A. Bonass, J. Kirkham, S.J. Brookes, R.C. Shore and C. Robinson (UK)

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