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Preview Gene of Pigeonpea Imparts Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Regulates Plant Growth

ORIGINALRESEARCH published:10February2017 doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00165 A Cyclin Dependent Kinase Regulatory Subunit (CKS) Gene of Pigeonpea Imparts Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Regulates Plant Growth and Development in Arabidopsis Editedby: SrinathTamirisa,DashavanthaR.VudemandVenkateswaraR.Khareedu* AvinashMishra, CSIR-CentralSalt&MarineChemicals CentreforPlantMolecularBiology,OsmaniaUniversity,Hyderabad,India ResearchInstitute,India Reviewedby: Frequent climatic changes in conjunction with other extreme environmental factors are JulianMarioPeña-Castro, knowntoaffectgrowth,developmentandproductivityofdiversecropplants.Pigeonpea, UniversidaddelPapaloapan,Mexico ChanYulYoo, a major grain legume of the semiarid tropics, endowed with an excellent deep-root UniversityofCalifornia,Riverside,USA system,isknownasoneoftheimportantdroughttolerantcropplants.Cyclindependent ChangxunFang, kinases(CDKs)arecorecellcycleregulatorsandplayimportantroleindifferentaspects FujianAgricultureandForestry University,China ofplantgrowthanddevelopment.Thecyclin-dependentkinaseregulatorysubunitgene GregoryFranklin, (CKS) was isolated from the cDNA library of pigeonpea plants subjected to drought PolishAcademyofSciences,Poland stress.PigeonpeaCKS(CcCKS)geneexpressionwasdetectedinboththerootandleaf *Correspondence: VenkateswaraR.Khareedu tissuesofpigeonpeaandwasupregulatedbypolyethyleneglycol(PEG),mannitol,NaCl [email protected] andabscisicacid(ABA)treatments.TheoverexpressionofCcCKSgeneinArabidopsis significantlyenhancedtoleranceoftransgenicstodroughtandsaltstressesasevidenced Specialtysection: Thisarticlewassubmittedto by different physiological parameters. Under stress conditions, transgenics showed PlantAbioticStress, higher biomass, decreased rate of water loss, decreased MDA levels, higher free asectionofthejournal proline contents, and glutathione levels. Moreover, under stress conditions transgenics FrontiersinPlantScience exhibited lower stomatal conductance, lower transpiration, and higher photosynthetic Received:09December2016 Accepted:26January2017 rates.However,undernormalconditions,CcCKS-transgenicsdisplayeddecreasedplant Published:10February2017 growth rate, increased cell size and decreased stomatal number compared to those Citation: of wild-type plants. Real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that CcCKS could TamirisaS,VudemDRand KhareeduVR(2017)ACyclin regulatetheexpressionofbothABA-dependentandABA-independentgenesassociated DependentKinaseRegulatorySubunit with abiotic stress tolerance as well as plant growth and development. As such, the (CKS)GeneofPigeonpeaImparts CcCKS seems promising and might serve as a potential candidate gene for enhancing AbioticStressToleranceand RegulatesPlantGrowthand theabioticstresstoleranceofcropplants. DevelopmentinArabidopsis. Front.PlantSci.8:165. Keywords:abioticstresstolerance,abscisicacid,Cajanuscajan,cyclin-dependentkinaseregulatorysubunit, doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00165 glutathione,growth,development FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 1 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment INTRODUCTION (Zhou et al., 2013). However, their precise roles in abiotic stressresponsesarelargelyunknown(KitsiosandDoonan,2011; Plants often encounter extreme temperatures, drought, and Komaki and Sugimoto, 2012). Therefore, further research will high salt concentrations in soil, which are the major abiotic helpintheelucidationofpossiblemechanismsofCDKactivity stresses that negatively affect plant growth and development underdifferenttypesofabioticstresses. (Krasensky and Jonak, 2012). A prerequisite for plants to In this study, we isolated the stress-responsive Cajanus acclimatizeunderextremeconditionsistheirabilitytoperceive cajancyclin-dependentkinaseregulatorysubunitgene(CcCKS) stress signals and transduce them through a chain of signaling from pigeonpea. The overexpression of CcCKS in Arabidopsis molecules,whichultimatelyinteractwiththeregulatoryelements conferreddroughtandsalinitystresstoleranceaswellasmarked of different stress-inducible genes and bring about changes in changes in the growth and development of transgenic plants. cellular gene expression (Kasuga et al., 1999; Tong et al., 2007; ThisreportclearlydemonstratesthattheCcCKSinArabidopsis Tamirisaetal.,2014).Anunderstandingofthemechanismsthat affords abiotic stress tolerance and regulates plant growth and regulate the expression of stress-responsive genes is essential development. for enhancing plant productivity under adverse environmental conditions(Priyankaetal.,2010a,b). MATERIALS AND METHODS The development of plant organs directly depends on the frequency of cell division, parameters of the cell cycle, and Plant Materials and Stress Treatments number and size of the cells. These developmental processes The pigeonpea seeds (variety ICP 8744) were disinfected with are controlled by the molecular machinery that regulates cell 0.1% (w/v) mercuric chloride and germinated in Petri plates. cycle progression in coordination with nutritional, hormonal, Four-week-old plants were subjected to polyethylene glycol developmental and environmental signals (Inze and Veylder, (PEG) 6000 (20% w/v), mannitol (400mM), NaCl (1.0M), and 2006; Tank and Thaker, 2011). A central role in the regulation ABA(100µM)for6and12h.ThesterilizedseedsofArabidopsis of the cell cycle is played by a group of proteins known as ◦ (Col-0), after stratification for 3 days at 4 C, were grown on cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), a family of protein kinases MurashigeandSkoog(1962)at20±1◦Cwitha16hphotoperiod that were indentified for their role in regulating the cell cycle. under fluorescent light (120–150 µmol/m2 sec) in a Conviron CDKsarecorecellcycleregulatorsthatareinvolvedinvarious growthchamber(Tamirisaetal.,2014). processes of plant growth and development (Ma et al., 2015) andhavebeenimplicatedinadditionalcellularprocessessuchas Subtraction cDNA Library Construction transcription and translation. A progressive transition through Total RNA was isolated from 4-week-old 20% PEG-treated different phases of the cell cycle is controlled by a conserved (−1.01±0.02Mpa)andunstressed(−0.49±0.02Mpa)plants mechanism based on the sequential formation and activation bytheguanidiniumthiocyanatemethod(SambrookandRussell, of complexes between CDKs and their activating cyclin (CYC) 2001).Poly(A+)RNAwaspurifiedfromthetotalRNAthrough subunits (De Veylder et al., 2003). CDK subunit proteins oligo (dT) cellulose chromatography using an mRNA isolation (CKS) might act as both activators and inhibitors of CDK kit(AmershamPharmaciaBiotech,AsiaPacificLtd,QuarryBay, activity (De Veylder et al., 2001a). CKS regulate CDK activity Hong Kong). The PCR select cDNA subtractive hybridization by functioning as docking factors for the CDK/CYC substrate method was used to construct the cDNA library (Clontech, complexes(Borucetal.,2010a).TheSchizosaccharomycespombe Mountain View, CA, USA) with 2 µg of mRNA isolated from SUC1genewasidentifiedinfusionyeastbyitsabilitytorescue controlandPEG-treatedplants(Tamirisaetal.,2014). certaintemperature-sensitivecdc2mutants(Haylesetal.,1986), and its homolog, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKS1 gene was Isolation of Full-Length Cajanus cajan found to be a suppressor of CDC28 mutants (Hadwiger et al., Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Regulatory 1989). TheSUC1/CKS1 homolog was isolated from Arabidopsis using yeast two-hybrid screening and designated as AtCKS1 Subunit Gene (CcCKS) (De Veylder et al., 1997). The overexpression of AtCKS1 in Total RNA was isolated from the PEG (20%) treated 4-week- Arabidopsisdecreasedtheleafsizeandreducedtherootgrowth old plants as described above. RT-PCR for first-strand cDNA ratewithoutanyeffectonendoreduplication(DeVeylderetal., synthesis was carried out using a reaction mixture containing 2001a). Tris-HCl(10mM),KCl(50mM),MgCl (1.5mM),dNTPs(200 2 Under biotic and abiotic stress conditions, plant growth is µMeach),MMLVreversetranscriptase(2units),totalRNA(1.0 adversely affected as a result of cell cycle inhibition due to a µg), and Oligo (dT) primer. The resultant cDNA product was prolonged S phase and delayed entry into mitosis (Kitsios and usedasatemplateinaPCRreactionusinggene-specificprimers Doonan, 2011). Though the molecular interactions linking the to amplify the CcCKS gene. The full-length coding sequence cell cycle machinery to the perception of stress signals are not (267 bp) of CcCKS, amplified using gene-specific primers and fullyunderstood,recentstudieshaveindicatedtheinvolvement using the drought-stressed cDNA library as a template, was of CDKs in the plant stress responses. An Arabidopsis CYCH;1 ligatedattheSmaI-siteofthepBSSK(+)vectorandtransformed genewasreportedtobeinvolvedindroughtstressresponseby into E. coli (TOP10) cells. The resultant recombinant clones regulating the blue light-mediated stomatal opening as well as were selected and confirmed by restriction digestion with XhoI by controlling the reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis and XbaI enzymes and later sequenced using an automated FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 2 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment DNAsequencer.Homologysearchofnucleotideandaminoacid Construction of the CcCKS:GFP Fusion sequences was carried out using BLAST (NCBI). A maximum Gene Construct and Generation of likelihoodphylogenetictreewasconstructedbasedontheamino Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants acid sequences of CcCKS protein, and other CKS proteins The CcCKS coding sequence without a termination codon from different plant species, using Clustal Omega and MEGA6 was fused with the 5′ region of green fluorescent protein software.Thebootstrapparameterwassetat100. (GFP) and the fusion gene was driven by the CaMV35S promoter. The expression cassettes of pCaMV35S– Plant Expression Cassettes Construction CcCKS:GFP/pCaMV35S:GFP were subcloned into pBI101 and Transformation of A. thaliana containing the nptII expression unit and mobilized into the Plasmid DNA containing the CcCKS gene was digested with Agrobacterium (EHA105 strain) through triparental mating. XhoI-XbaI enzymesandwassubcloned intothepRT100vector The transformed seedlings were selected on MS medium at the 3′ end of the CaMV35S promoter. Furthermore, the supplementedwithkanamycin(50mgL−1).Calluswasinduced gene cassette was digested with HindIII and cloned into the fromtherootsofpCaMV35S:GFPandpCaMV35S–CcCKS:GFP pBI101 vector. The pBI101 vector containing CcCKS and nptII transgenics on 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2 mgL-1) expression units and the pBI101 vector with nptII (empty containingmedium.Individualcalluscellswerevisualizedunder vector) were mobilized independently into the EHA105 strain confocal microscopy (Leica SP5 Microsystems, Excitation: 488, ofAgrobacteriumthroughtriparentalmating(Wiseetal.,2006). andEmission:520). The Agrobacterium-mediated floral dip method was carried out to transform A. thaliana (Clough and Bent, 1998). Seeds Functional Analysis of Transgenics for from the transformed plants were germinated on MS medium Abiotic Stress Tolerance supplementedwithkanamycin(50mgL−1)toselecttheputative The seeds of WT, VT and homozygous transgenic (T ) transformants. 3 ArabidopsisplantsofCS1,CS2andCS3weresurface-sterilized, Molecular Analysis of CcCKS Transgenic placed on MS salt medium, and allowed to grow as described above. Drought and salt tolerance of 2-week-old transgenic Arabidopsis Plants seedlings was tested by growing them on MS medium GenomicDNAisolatedfromkanamycintolerantplantswasused supplemented with mannitol (150mM) or NaCl (125mM) for to carry out PCR analysis. DNA isolated from untransformed 7 days. Later, the seedlings were transferred onto the MS salt plants (WT) was used as a negative control and plasmid medium and allowed to recover for 10 days under normal (pBI12135SnptII-p35SCcCKS) DNA was used as a positive conditions. After 10 days of recovery, the survival rate, root control.ForPCR,plasmidDNA(10ng)andgenomicDNA(50 length and biomass of the seedlings were recorded. Another ng) were used as templates in separate reactions. The reactions set of stressed seedlings were transferred to the soil, grown were carried out using CcCKS gene-specific primers, and the for maturity and photographed. For drought tolerance assays, amplifiedPCRproductswereanalyzedona1.0%agarosegel. 3-week-old plants growing in pots were withheld from water for 2 weeks, and then rewatered for 1 week (Sekhar et al., Southern Blot Analysis of Arabidopsis 2010). Transgenic Plants GenomicDNA(15µg)wasisolatedfromthreeCcCKStransgenic Relative Water Content Measurements plantsbytheCTABmethod(Saghai-Maroofetal.,1984),andwas The relative water contents (RWC) of 4-week-old transgenic digested independently with the HindIII enzyme. The digested plants of CS1, CS2 and CS3 along with WT and VT plants DNA was resolved on 0.8% agarose gel and transferred to a was measured. Fresh weight loss was calculated relative to the positively charged nylon membrane as per the manufacturer’s initial plant weight. To measure the fresh weight, plants were instructions (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Asia Pacific Ltd, weighed immediately and left in the growth chamber (20 ± Quarry Bay, Hong Kong). A Southern blot analysis was ◦ 1 C)untiltherewasnofurtherweightloss(desiccatedweight). performedaccordingtoSambrookandRussell(2001).ThenptII ◦ Finally, the plants were dried for 24 h at 70 C and the dry codingregionwaslabeledwiththeAlkPhosDirectLabelingand weightswererecorded.Therelativewatercontentofthesamples Detection System according to the manufacturer’s instructions was measured using the formula RWC (%) = (desiccation (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Asia Pacific Ltd, Quarry Bay, weight—dry weight)/(fresh weight–dry weight) × 100 (Mao HongKong)andusedasaprobe. etal.,2010). RT-PCR Analysis CcCKS Transgenic Osmotic Potential Analysis Arabidopsis Plants Two-week-oldplantsofCS1,CS2,andCS3alongwithWTand Total RNA was extracted from transgenic (CS1, CS2 and CS3), VTplantswereselectedandfrozenwithliquidnitrogenfor30s, wild-type (WT) and vector control (VT) plants using the and preserved at −80◦C. Sap was collected by squeezing the TRIZOL(Invitrogen,Carlsbad,CA,USA).RT-PCRwascarried leaves using a micro pestle, and the osmotic potential of the out as described earlier, and the amplified PCR products were sap was determined using a vapor pressure osmometer (Vapro, analyzedon1.0%agarosegel. Model5520;WescorInc.,Logan,UT,USA;Maoetal.,2010). FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 3 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment Cell Membrane Stability Analysis Effect of ABA on Seed Germination and Ten-day-old seedlings grown on 1X MS medium were placed Seedling Growth on filter paper saturated with NaCl (150mM) solution. As SeedsoftransgenicandWTplantswereplacedonMSmedium soon as symptoms of stress appeared (appx. after 6h) in WT containingdifferentconcentrationsofABA(0–2.0µM)torecord and VT plants, the seedlings were removed, rinsed thoroughly the germination frequency. Further, germinated seedlings were and immersed in 20ml of double distilled water at room allowedtogrowfor20daystoassesstheirsensitivitytoABA. temperature(20±1◦C).Theinitialconductivityofsampleswas recorded after 2h using a conductivity meter (Model Sension Measurement of Stomatal Aperture Sizes 5; HACH Company, Loveland, CO, USA). Later, samples were Rosette leaves of 3-week-old plants were detached and floated boiled for 30min and, cooled to room temperature, and the (abaxial side down) on solution containing 10mM MES-KOH finalconductivitywasmeasured.CMSwascalculatedusingthe (pH 6.15), 30mM KCl and 1mM CaCl and were incubated 2 formula CMS (%) = 1—initial electrical conductivity/electrical underlightfor2h.Later,theyweretreatedwithABA-containing conductivityafterboiling×100(Maoetal.,2010). solution for 2h. In each treatment, 50 stomatal aperture sizes weremeasuredunderconfocalmicroscopy. Measurement of the Leaf Chlorophyll Content Root Growth Rate Leaf disks of CS1, CS2, and CS3 transgenic lines along with For root growth rate analysis, the seeds were germinated on WT and VT plants were floated independently on water MS medium and placed vertically in the growth chamber. The (control),150mMmannitoland125mMNaClsolutionsatroom position of the root tip was marked everyday on the backside temperature (20 ± 1◦C) for 72h. Leaf disks were then used of the Petri plates to determine the daily growth. After 20 to measure the chlorophyll content spectrophotometrically as days, the plates were scanned using a WinRHIZO standard describedbyTamirisaetal.(2014). systemsdesktopopticalscanner.Thedailylengthincreaseover the entire growing period was determined by measuring the Measurement of the Proline Content distancebetweensuccessivemarksalongtherootaxisusingthe Fifteen-day-oldCcCKStransgeniclinesalongwithWTandVT WinRHIZOsoftware.Bydividingthedailygrowthbytheprecise seedlingswereexposedto150mMmannitoland125mMNaCl time interval between the corresponding marks, the average for 3 days. Plant tissues were homogenized in 3% aqueous growthratewascalculated(DeVeylderetal.,2001a). sulfosalicylicacidandthehomogenateswerecentrifugedat1000 rpmfor5min.equalvolumesofglacialaceticacidandninhydrin Flow Cytometric Analysis wereaddedtothesupernatantcollected.Theprolinecontentwas The DNA content was estimated by flow cytometric analysis. quantifiedasdescribedbyBatesetal.(1973). Plantmaterials(50mg)oftrangenicandWTplantsweretaken and chopped using a razor blade into 1ml of ice-cold Otto I Measurement of the Malonaldehyde (MDA) buffer in a Petri plates. The solution with the chopped plant Content tissue (suspension) was filtered through 40 µm nylon mesh; Tissue (50 mg) was collected from stressed and unstressed later, nuclei were pelleted by centrifugation (150 g/5min). The transgenics, WT and VT seedlings and homogenized with 2ml nuclei were resuspended by gentle shaking and 100 µl of fresh of 0.1% (w/v) cold trichlorocactic acid (TCA) on ice. The OttoIbufferwasadded.Thesampleswereincubatedfor60min. homogenateswerecentrifugedat14,000×gfor10minat4◦C, Afterincubation,OttoIIbuffer(1ml)whichincludespropidium after which 250 µl of supernatant was mixed with 1.5ml of iodide(50µg/ml)andRNase(50µg/ml)wasadded.Thesamples TCA/thiobarbituric acid (0.25% thiobarbituric acid containing wereleftatroomtemperatureandanalyzedafter20minusinga 10%TCA)reagent.TheMDAcontentwasestimatedaccording GuavaEasyCyteflowcytometer(Millipore,France;Dolezeland toShinetal.(2012). Bartos,2005). Detection of Superoxide Radicals in WT Pollen Staining and Transgenic Plants Pollen staining was performed using the pollen collected from Thenitrobluetetrazolium(NBT)stainingmethodwasusedfor newlydehiscentflowersasdescribedbyAlexander(1969). super oxide detection. Three-week-old transgenic, WT and VT Measurement of the Glutathione (GSH) plants were used for NBT staining. Plants were germinated on MS basal medium and later transferred to medium containing Content 150mMmannitol(droughtstress)and125mMNaCl(saltstress) The GSH levels were measured in the intact roots and guard for3days,alongwithunstressedseedlings.Thetreatedseedlings cells of Arabidopsis after conjugation with monochlorobimane werevacuum-infiltratedwith0.1mg/mlNBTin25mMHEPES (MCB), to produce a fluorescent glutathione S-bimane (GSB) buffer, pH 7.6. The samples were incubated in the dark for 2h adduct. Seedlings that were treated with 150mM mannitol for inagrowthchamberandlaterstainedsamplesweretransferred 2 days were carefully removed from the agarose surface, and to 80% ethanol and incubated at 70◦C for 10min to remove therootswereplacedinadropof100µMmonochlorobimane. chlorophyll. For each treatment, 20 seedlings of each line were After labeling for 15min, the roots were washed briefly in used. distilled water and mounted on a microscope slide with FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 4 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment a cover slip. To measure the GSH levels in the guard qRT-PCR are listed in SupplementaryTable1 (Tamirisa et al., cells, excised leaves from treated plants were incubated in 2014). a staining solution containing 100 µM of MCB for 2h at room temperature. Photographs were taken using a fluorescent Statistical Analysis microscope (Olympus BX41fluorescence microscope). The All the experiments were done in triplicate using 20 seedlings captured images were used to measure the number of pixels/ in each treatment. Fresh tissue was collected for all the fluorescenceintensityusingImageJsoftware. experiments. Mean, standard error and t-test were computed with the help of pre-loaded software in Excel, for statistical Histological Analysis calculations. The cell density, stomatal density and stomatal index were determined as described by De Veylder et al. (2001a,b). Leaves RESULTS of the same age and same relative position were sampled for analysis, and the leaf surface imprint method was used as Characterization of the CcCKS Gene described by Yu et al. (2008). Three leaves were sampled from A cDNA clone of 267 bp sequence (KU522130), encoding a each plant, and 10 of each WT, VT and transgenic plants were polypeptide of 88 amino acids, was designated as the cyclin- sampled. dependent kinase regulatory subunit gene (CKS). Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that the CcCKS protein was clustered Scanning Electron Microscopy in the same monophyletic group as putative CKS proteins Cotyledons from 3-week-old seedlings were processed and from Glycine max, Medicago truncatula and Arabidopsis analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, as described lyrata (SupplementaryFigureS1). Further, the CcCKS protein De Veylder et al. (2002). Seedlings were fixed overnight revealed high similarity with CDKs regulatory subunits of G. in 4% paraformaldehyde and 1% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M max (99%), M. truncatula (97%), A. lyrata (95%), Nicotiana phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), followed by post-fixation in 2% tomentosiformis(95%),Zeamays(90%),A.thaliana(90%),and osmiumtetroxide, and a graded ethanol series. These seedlings Brassica rapa (87%). To examine the subcellular localization weremountedonstubs,sputter-coatedwithgoldandexamined of the CcCKS protein, pCaMV35S-CcCKS:GFP fusion and usingascanningelectronmicroscope(Zeiss,Germany). pCaMV35S:GFPgene(control)constructswereintroducedinto Measurement of Stomatal Conductance, Arabidopsis and the individual callus cells were visualized under laser-scanning confocal microscopy. Cells expressing the Transpiration, Photosynthetic Rates, and CcCKS:GFPfusionproteinshowedthefluorescencebothinthe Water use Efficiency nucleusandthecytoplasm(SupplementaryFigureS2). The stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthetic ratesweremeasuredusingaportablephotosynthesissystem(Li- Expression Profile of CcCKS under Abiotic Cor LI-6400XT). Four-week-old plants growing on soil were Stress Conditions in Pigeonpea treated separately with 150mM mannitol and 125 mM NaCl To analyse the stress-inducible nature of the CcCKS gene, real- for 3 days. All of the photosynthetic measurements were taken at a constant air flow rate of 500 mmol s−1. Furthermore, the timePCRwasdoneusingthetotalRNAisolatedfrompigeonpea concentration of CO (400 mmol mol−1 using the system’s plants after treatment under different stress conditions. These 2 CO injector), temperature (22◦C), and photosynthetic photon results revealed that increased levels of CcCKS transcripts were 2 flux density (1,200 mmol (photon) m−2 s−1) were maintained. detected in both the roots and leaves of PEG-, mannitol-, NaCl- , and ABA- treated plants compared to untreated plants Wateruseefficiencywascalculatedusingthephotosyntheticand (Figure1). transpirationmeasurements.Threemeasurementsweretakenon eachplant,and10plantsfromWT,VTandeachtransgenicline Development of CcCKS-Transgenic Plants wereusedformeasurements. of A. thaliana Quantitative Real Time PCR (qRT-PCR) Putative transgenic plants, obtained with plasmid constructs qRT-PCR was performed using RNA isolated from stressed containing CcCKS (Figure2A), were selected on MS medium and unstressed pigeonpea plants as described earlier. RNA was containing kanamycin (50mg L−1). PCR using CcCKS gene- isolated from WT and transgenic plants subjected to mannitol specific primers amplified an ∼250 bp fragment from the (150mM)stressfor2daysaswellasfromunstressedplantsas genomic DNA of transgenic plants, while no such band was describedearlier.FirststrandcDNAwassynthesizedfromRNA observed in WT (Figure2B). RT-PCR revealed the presence samplesandusedasatemplateforqRT-PCR.qRT-PCRanalysis of CcCKS transcripts in pCaMV35S-CcCKS lines (Figure2C). was performed using SYBR green master mix with the Applied A Southern blot analysis of the genomic DNA isolated from Biosystems7500RealTimePCRsystem(USA).Thegeneswere transgenic lines demonstrated the existence of the transgene selectedbasedontheliteratureavailableandthespecificprimers in the genome of Arabidopsis, when probed with nptII were designed. Each reaction was performed thrice, and the (Figure2D).HomozygoustransgeniclinesofCS1,CS2andCS3, relative expression ratio was calculated using 2−11ct method containingasingleT-DNAinsertion,werechosenforsubsequent withactinasthereferencegene.Theprimersthatwereusedfor experiments. FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 5 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment FIGURE1|AnalysisofCajanuscajancyclindependentkinaseregulatorysubunitgene(CcCKS)expressioninpigeonpeaunderdifferenttreatment conditionsbyqRT-PCR.ComparisonoftherelativetranscriptlevelsofCcCKSgeneunder(PEG)6000(20%w/v),Mannitol(400mM),NaCl(1.0M),andABA(100 µM)stressfor6h(A)and12h(B).Actinhasbeenusedasreferencegene.Theverticalcolumnindicatestherelativetranscriptlevel.Barrepresentsmeananderror barsrepresentsSEfromthreeindependentexperiments.AsterisksindicatesignificantdifferencesincomparisonwiththeWTatP<0.05.WSrepresentswithout stress. FIGURE2|T-DNAregionofpBI101containingCcCKSexpressioncassetteandmolecularconfirmationofCcCKStransgenicArabidopsisplants. (A)RestrictionmapofT-DNAregionofpBI101containingCcCKSexpressionunitdrivenbyCaMV35SpromoterandnptIIselectionmarker.(B)PCRanalysisforthe presenceofCcCKSgeneinthegenomicDNAoftransgenicArabidopsisplants.LaneM:1.0kbDNAsizestandardmarker,LaneP,Positivecontrol;LaneWT,wild type;Lanes1–3,PCRamplificationofCcCKSfromtransgenicplants.(C)RTPCRanalysisshowingtheexpressionofkanamycinandCcCKSgenesintransgenic Arabidopsis.LaneWT,wild-type;LaneVT,vectorcontrol;Lanes1,2,and3:differenttransgeniclines.(D)SouthernblotanalysisoftransgenicArabidopsisplants carryingCcCKSgene.LaneWT,wildtypeplant;Lanes1,2,and3:transgenicplantsofthreedifferentlines(CS1,CS2,andCS3). FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 6 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment Functional Analysis of CcCKS-Transgenic to reach the reproductive phase under drought and salt stress Lines for Abiotic Stress Tolerance conditions (Figure4). The transgenic plants subjected to low water conditions also showed greater tolerance compared to No variation was observed in the seed germination of theWTandVTplants(SupplementaryFigureS3A).Although transgenic,VTorWTseedsundernormalconditions.However, waterlosseswereobservedintransgenicandcontrolplants,the under mannitol (150mM) and NaCl (125mM) stress, higher finalrelativewatercontentoftransgenicswassignificantlyhigher germination rates were found in transgenic plants than in WT than that of WT and VT plants (SupplementaryFigureS3B). or VT plants (Figure3A). To characterize the stress tolerance When the osmotic potential of transgenic, VT, and WT plants, abilityoftransgenicplants,2-week-oldseedlingsweresubjected grown under well-watered conditions was measured, the CS1, to drought (150mM mannitol) and salt (125mM NaCl) stress CS2,andCS3linesshowedhigherosmoticpotentialthaninVT treatments for 7 days along with VT and WT seedlings. andWTplants(SupplementaryFigureS3C). Transgenic lines of CS1, CS2, and CS3 exhibited increased survivalrate,biomassandrootlengthscomparedtoVTandWT Estimation of the Proline, Malonaldehyde plants(Figures3A–D). (MDA), and Glutathione Levels and the Cell Under normal conditions, no significant differences in Membrane Stability in CcCKS-Transgenic chlorophyll contents were observed between the control and transgenic plants. The transgenic plants showed higher mean Plants chlorophyll contents under both mannitol and NaCl stresses To understand the physiological basis of stress tolerance of compared to those of WT and VT plants (Figure3E). Further, CcCKS-transgenic plants, the proline content was estimated the transgenic plants expressing CcCKS gene could successfully under normal and stress conditions. Under normal conditions, completetheirreproductivecycle,whilethecontrolplantsfailed transgeniclinesshowedenhancedprolinelevels,whiletherewas FIGURE3|EvaluationofCcCKS-transgenicsagainstdifferentabioticstresses.Seedgerminationrate(A)ofWT,VT,andtransgenicplantsundernormal, 150mMmannitoland125mMNaClstress.Two-week-oldseedlingsofWT,VT,andtransgenicsweregrownon150mMmannitoland125mMNaClfor7daysand werelaterallowedtorecoveronMSplates.Dataonsurvivalrate(B),totalbiomass(C)androotlength(D)wererecordedafter10daysofrecovery.Ineachtreatment, 20seedlingsofWT,VT,andtwotransgeniclineswereused.Chlorophyllcontent(E)wasdeterminedfromtheleafdisksofcontrolandtransgenicsafter72hof incubationinwater,150mMmannitoland125mMNaClsolutionsindependentlyatroomtemperature(20±1◦C).BarrepresentsmeananderrorbarsrepresentsSE fromthreeindependentexperiments.AsterisksindicatesignificantdifferencesincomparisonwiththeWTatP<0.05.WS,withoutstress;CS1,CS2,andCS3:three differenttransgeniclines;WT,wildtype;VT,vectortransformedplants. FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 7 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment FIGURE4|EvaluationoftransgenicplantsexpressingCcCKSgeneagainstdifferentabioticstressconditions.Two-week-oldseedlingsofWT,VT,and CcCKS-transgenicsweresubjectedto150mMmannitol,125mMNaClfor7days.Ineachtreatment20seedlingswereused.Treatedseedlingswereallowedto recoverfor7daysat20±1◦Ctemperature.Later,seedlingsweretransferredtosoilandallowedtogrowfor3weeksundernormalconditions,andwere photographed.WT,wildtype;VT,vectortransformed;CS1,CS2,andCS3:threedifferenttransgeniclines. nosignificantdifferencebetweenWTandVTplants.When15- unstressedconditions,transgenicandcontrolseedlingsrevealed day-old transgenics were subjected to mannitol (150mM) and alowintensityofstaining.However,understressconditions,the NaCl (125mM) stresses, they could accumulate higher proline transgenicsexhibitedalowerstainingintensitythanthatofWT contents(Figure5A),whereas,WTandVTplantsshowedlower andVTseedlings,asvisualizedbythepurpleformazandeposit levelsofprolineundersimilarstressconditions(Figure5A). (Figure6). TheMDAcontentsintransgenicplantswassignificantlylower ABA Sensitivity of CcCKS-Transgenic than those of WT and VT plants when subjected to mannitol andNaClstressconditions(Figure5B).However,therewasno Plants and Their Stomatal Aperture Sizes significantdifferencebetweenWTandVTplantsundersimilar The seed germination rate of transgenic plants was stressconditions(Figure5B). severely inhibited by ABA compared with the WT To analyze the cell membrane stability, transgenic, WT, and plants (SupplementaryFigureS4A). Transgenics when VTplantsweretreatedwithNaCl(150mM).Transgenicplants treated with ABA, showed a greater reduction in the showedsignificantlyhighermembranestabilitythanthatofWT stomatal aperture size compared to that of WT plants and VT plants. However, there was no difference between WT (SupplementaryFigureS4B).Furthermore,transgenicseedlings andVTplantsundersimilarstressconditions(Figure5C). showedgreaterhypersensitivitytoABAthanthatofWTplants Monochlorobimane (MCB) staining was performed to (SupplementaryFigureS4C). measure the GSH contents in the roots and guard cells of Stomatal Conductance, Transpiration, Arabidopsis.Understressconditions,thefluorescenceintensityof GSHintheguardcellsoftransgenicplantswasmuchhigherthan Photosynthetic Rates, and Water Use that of WT plants (Figures5D,E). Similarly, GSH fluorescence Efficiency under Stress Treatments intensityintherootsoftransgenicplantswashigherthanthatof Under normal conditions, the transgenic lines showed lower WTplants(Figures5F,G). stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthetic rates compared to WT plants. However, transgenics Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species by subjected to mannitol (150mM) and NaCl (125mM) NBT Staining stresses, exhibited lower stomatal conductance, lower The superoxide concentration in the 2-week-old seedlings, transpiration, higher photosynthetic rates and water treated with mannitol (150mM) and NaCl (125mM), was use efficiency. By contrast, WT and VT plants showed examined using nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) staining. Under higher stomatal conductance, greater transpiration and FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 8 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment FIGURE5|Measurementofproline,MDA,osmoticpotential,cellmembranestabilityandrelativewatercontentsoftransgenicplants.Two-week-old seedlingsofWT,VT,andtransgenicsweregrownon150mMmannitolfor3days,forestimationofproline(A),MDA(B).Cellmembranestability(C)oftransgenics, WTandVTseedlingsweretreatedwith150mMNaCl.Two-week-oldA.thalianaseedlings,grownonMSmedium,weresubjectedtomannitol(150mM)for2days. GSHcontentinguardcells(D,E)androotmeristem(F,G)ofWTandtransgenicplant.TrepresentsCcCKS-transgenicandWTrepresentswild-type.Barrepresents mean,anderrorbarsrepresentsSEfromthreeindependentexperiments.Foreachtreatment,20seedlingswereused.Asterisksindicatesignificantdifferencesin comparisonwiththeWTatP<0.05.WT,wildtype;VT,vectortransformed;CS1,CS2,andCS3:threedifferenttransgeniclines.(D)Scalebar50µm;(F).Scalebar 100µm. lower photosynthetic rates under similar stress conditions Developmental Changes in CcCKS (Figures7A–D). Transgenics in the Root Growth Rate, Leaf Size, Pavement Cell Number, Stomatal Pollen Viability Number, Stomatal Index, and Stomatal Fertile pollen grains were observed in both transgenic Morphology and WT plants without any differences in the Three weeks after seed germination, WT, VT, and CcCKS pollen fertility as evidenced by Alexander staining transgenic plants exhibited distinct observable differences in (SupplementaryFigureS5A). theirmorphologicalfeatures.Transgenicplantsshowedsmaller rosettes and leaves compared to WT plants (Figure8A). There Flow Cytometric Analysis were no observable differences in the root length of transgenic To determine whether the cell cycle was affected in the and WT seedlings during the initial 3 days of root growth. CcCKS overexpressing plants, flow cytometric analysis was Later, CcCKS transgenic lines showed an approximately steady performed on the nuclei isolated from the roots of WT and growth rate, while WT plants showed accelerated root growth transgenic plants. Wild-type roots of Arabidopsis showed the during the 15 day growth period analyzed (Figure8B). The typical patterned peaks ranging from 2C to 8C, and the C pavementcelldensityontheadaxialsurfaceinsimilarleafareas values of transgenic lines were similar to those of WT plants from CS1, CS2, and CS3 transgenics was lower than that of (SupplementaryFigureS5B). WT and VT plants (Figure8C). The size of cells leaving the FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 9 February2017|Volume8|Article165 Tamirisaetal. CcCKSRegulatesAbioticStressandDevelopment FIGURE6|Superoxidedetectionintransgenicplantssubjectedtodifferentabioticstresses.Two-week-oldA.thalianaseedlingsgrownonMSmedium weresubjectedtomannitol(150mM)andNaCl(125mM)for72h.Foreachtreatment,20seedlingswereused.NBTstainingwasdoneforsuperoxidedetection.WT: wildtype;VT:vectorcontrol;CS1,CS2,andCS3:threedifferenttransgeniclines. meristemwasgreaterinCcCKStransgenics(85±7.87µm)than DISCUSSION in WT (47 ± 3.54 µm). The results clearly showed significant differences between transgenics and WT plants (P < 0.05). A stress-responsive cyclin-dependent kinase regulatory subunit Moreover, the mature cell length in the transgenic roots was gene(CKS)wasisolatedfromthecDNAlibraryconstructedusing slightly longer (191 ± 8.96 µm) than in WT cells (175 ± 10.1 the RNA isolated from drought stressed pigeonpea plants. The µm). CcCKSproteinstructureanalysisindicateditssimilaritytoother Compared with WT and VT plants, transgenics revealed CKS proteins of G. max, M. truncatula, A. lyrata, Z. mays, N. a substantially lower stomatal density and stomatal index tomentosiformis,andB.rapa. (Figures8D,E). The morphology of stomata in WT and HigherlevelsofCcCKSexpressionweredetectedbothinthe CcCKS-transgenic Arabidopsis plants appeared normal. leavesandrootsunderdrought,ABAandsaltstresstreatments, However, scanning electron micrographs clearly demonstrated compared to unstressed plants, indicating the stress-responsive a few (3%) abnormal stomata in the transgenic plants nature of the gene. It was previously reported that the maize (Figure8F). cyclin-dependent kinase regulatory subunit gene (ZmCKS2) showed variable expression levels in different parts of the seedlings,andwasupregulatedbydroughtandMeJAtreatments Analysis of Expression Levels of Selected anddownregulatedbycoldorABAtreatments(Baoetal.,2010). Genes in CcCKS-Transgenic Plants by ThelocalizationoftheCcCKS:GFPfusionproteininboththe qRT-PCR nucleusandthecytoplasm(SupplementaryFigureS2)suggests Under stress conditions, real time PCR analysis revealed that the CcCKS protein can enter the nucleus and it might substantialincreasesintheexpressionlevelsofcertaingenes,viz., interact with different proteins to regulate the expression of delta-1-pyrroline 5-carboxylase synthetase (P5C1), bHLH129 various genes involved in the plant development and stress transcription factor, MYB44 transcription factor, glutathione response.ArabidopsisCKS1andCKS2subunitswerehighlyand synthetase (gsh2), and glutamate cysteine ligase (gsh1), in homogenously expressed in the nucleus and cytoplasm (Boruc transgenic plants compared to those of WT plants. However, etal.,2010b). the genes encoding cyclin H1, cyclin-dependent kinase B1, Under normal conditions, CcCKS transgenic plants were MYB60 transcription factor and bHLH128 transcription smaller in size with a significant reduction in fresh weight, factor were significantly downregulated in transgenics in addition to smaller rosettes and leaves. Transgenics also under similar stress conditions compared to WT plants exhibited fewer epidermal cells per unit leaf area (Figure8). (Figure9). In transgenics, the cells leaving the root meristem were larger FrontiersinPlantScience|www.frontiersin.org 10 February2017|Volume8|Article165

stress. Pigeonpea CKS (CcCKS) gene expression was detected in both the root and leaf tissues of .. Photographs were taken using a fluorescent.
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