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GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS ELSEVI45E.0 R78 Gene Expression Patterns 1 (2002) 213-214 ‘www.elsevier.com/locate/bres Author Index Abramovitz, R., see Sharon, R. (1) 5 Ge, B., see Chen, Z. (1) 89 Kondo, H., see Akiba, Y. (1) 123 Ahi, J., see Nijholt, I. (1) 101 Gonzalez, A., Lopez, J.M. and Marin, O. Koyama, K., see Yamanaka, H. (1) 107 Aizawa, T., see Kuromitsu, J. (1) 17 Expression pattern of the homeobox Kramer, P.R. and Wray, S. Akiba, Y., Suzuki, R., Saito-Saino, S., protein NKX2-1 in the developing Nasal embryonic LHRH factor Owada, Y., Sakagami, H., Watanabe, Xenopus forebrain (1) 181 (NELF) expression within the CNS M. and Kondo, H. Gonzalez-Nicolini, V. and McGinty, J.F. and PNS of the rodent (1) 23 Localization of mRNAs for Gene expression profile from the Kuromitsu, J., Yokoi, A., Kawai, T., phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases striatum of amphetamine-treated rats: Nagasu, T., Aizawa, T., Haga, S. and in the mouse brain during a cDNA array and in situ Ikeda, K. development (1) 123 hybridization histochemical study (1) Reduced neuropeptide Y mRNA Alvarez-Bolado, G., see Moeller, C. (1) 193 levels in the frontal cortex of people 199 Gross, G., see Bachner, D. (1) 159 with schizophrenia and bipolar Andersson, O. and von Euler, G. Guan, X.-M., Yu, H., Jiang, Q., Van der disorder (1) 17 Characterization and expression of the Ploeg, L.H.T. and Liu, Q. Kurschner, C., see Magdaleno, S. (1) 143 gene encoding membralin, an Distribution of neuromedin U receptor Lal, A., see Siu, L-M. (1) 33 evolutionary conserved protein subtype 2 mRNA in the rat brain (1) Liu, Q., see Guan, X.-M. (1) 1 expressed in the central nervous | Liu, Y.-C., see Katsube, K.-i. (1) 61 system (1) 205 Haga, S., see Kuromitsu, J. (1) 17 Lépez, J.M., see Gonzalez, A. (1) 181 Bachner, D., Schroder, D. and Gross, G. Hashimoto, N., see Yamanaka, H. (1) 107 Magdaleno, S., Northcutt, G.M., Curran, mRNA expression of the murine Hedlund, P.B., see Danielson, PE. (1) 83 T. and Kurschner, C. glycoprotein (transmembrane) nmb Hellebrand, S., Wittenberger, T., Schaller, mPPPIRI16B is a novel mouse protein (Gpnmb) gene is linked to the H.C. and Hermans-Borgmeyer, I. phosphatase | targeting subunit whose developing retinal pigment epithelium Gpr85, a novel member of the G- mRNA is located in cell bodies and and iris (1) 159 protein coupled receptor family, dendrites of neurons in four distinct Barber, M.C., see Sorensen, A. (1) 167 prominently expressed in the regions of the brain (1) 143 Bird, P.I., see Kishi, T. (1) 175 developing mouse cerebral cortex (1) Marin, O., see Gonzalez, A. (1) 181 Blank, T., see Nijholt, I. (1) 101 13 Matsuhashi, H., see Kishi, T. (1) 175 Carson, M.J., see Danielson, P.E. (1) 83 Hermans-Borgmeyer, I., see Hellebrand, S. Maywood, E.S. and Mrosovsky, N. Chen, Z., Ge, B., Hudson, T.J. and Rozen, (1) 13 A molecular explanation of R. Hudson, T.J., see Chen, Z. (1) 89 interactions between photic and non- Microarray analysis of brain RNA in Ikeda, K., see Kuromitsu, J. (1) 17 photic circadian clock-resetting mice with methylenetetrahydrofolate Jiang, Q., see Guan, X.-M. (1) 1 stimuli (1) 27 reductase deficiency and Kabasawa, Y., see Katsube, K.-i. (1) 61 Maywood, E.S. and Mrosovsky, N. hyperhomocysteinemia (1) 89 Kagami, Y. and Furuichi, T. Erratum to: “A molecular explanation Chiaramello, A., see Uittenbogaard, M. (1) Investigation of differentially of interactions between photic and 115 expressed genes during the non-photic circadian clock-resetting Chuai, M.-L., see Katsube, K.-i. (1) 61 development of mouse cerebellum (1) stimuli’’. [Gene Expression Patterns | Curran, T., see Magdaleno, S. (1) 143 39 (2001) 27-31] (1) 141 Curran-Rauhut, M.A. and Petersen, S.L. Kato, K., see Kishi, T. (1) 175 McGinty, J.F., see Gonzalez-Nicolini, V. The distribution of progestin receptor Katsube, K.-i., Chuai, M.-L., Liu, Y.-C., (1) 193 mRNA in rat brainstem (1) 151 Kabasawa, Y., Takagi, M., Perbal, B. Miskin, R., see Sharon, R. (1) 5 Danielson, P.E., Sautkulis, L.N., Foye, and Sakamoto, K. Moeller, C., Yaylaoglu, M.B., Alvarez- P.E., Hedlund, P.B. and Carson, M.J. The expression of chicken NOV, a Bolado, G., Thaller, C. and Eichele, A novel mRNA expressed along brain member of the CCN gene family, in G. ventricles (1) 83 early stage development (1) 61 Murine Lix/, a novel marker for Eichele, G., see Moeller, C. (1) 199 Kawai, T., see Kuromitsu, J. (1) 17 substantia nigra, cortical layer 5, and Feng, Y., Reznik, S.E. and Fricker, L.D. Kishi, T., Matsuhashi, H., Bird, PI. and hindbrain structures (1) 199 ProSAAS and prohormone convertase Kato, K. Mrosovsky, N., see Maywood, E.S. (1) 27 1 are broadly expressed during mouse Distribution of serine proteinase Mrosovsky, N., see Maywood, E.S. (1) development (1) 135 inhibitor, clade B, member 6 141 Foye, P.E., see Danielson, P.E. (1) 83 (Serpinb6) in the adult mouse brain Mueller, T., see Wullimann, M.F. (1) 187 Fricker, L.D., see Feng, Y. (1) 135 (1) 175 Nagasu, T., see Kuromitsu, J. (1) 17 Furuichi, T., see Kagami, Y. (1) 39 Kitamoto, T., see Salvaterra, P.M. (1) 73 Nakagawa, H., see Yamanaka, H. (1) 107 1567-133X/02/$ — see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved. PII: $1567-133X(02)00044-3 214 Author Index Nakamura, Y., see Yamanaka, H. (1) 107 Drosophila cholinergic neurons and the expansion of precursor cell Nelson, P.A., Sutcliffe, J.G. and Thomas, processes visualized with Gal4/UAS— populations during neurogenesis (1) E.A. GFP (1) 73 115 A new UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N- Sautkulis, L.N., see Danielson, P.E. (1) 83 Van der Ploeg, L.H.T., see Guan, X.-M. acetylgalactosaminyltransferase Schaller, H.C., see Hellebrand, S. (1) 13 (1) 1 mRNA exhibits predominant Schroder, D., see Bachner, D. (1) 159 Vernon, R.G., see Sorensen, A. (1) 167 expression in the hypothalamus, Sharon, R., Abramovitz, R. and Miskin, R. von Euler, G., see Andersson, O. (1) 205 thalamus and amygdala of mouse Plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 Watanabe, M., see Akiba, Y. (1) 123 forebrain (1) 95 (PAI-2) mRNA is localized in the Wei, L.-N., see Zhou, F.C. (1) 67 Nijholt, I., Blank, T., Ahi, J. and Spiess, accumbens nucleus of the mouse Wittenberger, T., see Hellebrand, S. (1) 13 J. brain and is induced in specific brain Wray, S., see Kramer, P.R. (1) 23 In vivo CREB phosphorylation sites after kainate excitation (1) 5 Wullimann, M.F. and Mueller, T. mediated by dopamine and NMDA Siu, I.-M., Lal, A. and Riggins, G.J. Expression of Zash-/a in the receptor activation in mouse A database for regional gene postembryonic zebrafish brain allows hippocampus and caudate nucleus (1) expression in the human brain (1) 33 comparison to mouse Mash] domains 101 Sorensen, A., Travers, M.T., Vernon, R.G., (1) 187 Noguchi, K., see Yamanaka, H. (1) 107 Price, N.T. and Barber, M.C. Yamanaka, H., Hashimoto, N., Koyama, Northcutt, G.M., see Magdaleno, S. (1) Localization of messenger RNAs K., Nakagawa, H., Nakamura, Y. and 143 encoding enzymes associated with Noguchi, K. Owada, Y., see Akiba, Y. (1) 123 malonyl-CoA metabolism in mouse Expression of Apc2 during mouse Perbal, B., see Katsube, K.-i. (1) 61 brain (1) 167 development (1) 107 Petersen, S.L., see Curran-Rauhut, M.A. Spiess, J., see Nijholt, I. (1) 101 Yaylaoglu, M.B., see Moeller, C. (1) 199 (1) 151 Sutcliffe, J.G., see Nelson, P.A. (1) 95 Yokoi, A., see Kuromitsu, J. (1) 17 Price, N.T., see Sorensen, A. (1) 167 Suzuki, R., see Akiba, Y. (1) 123 Yu, H., see Guan, X.-M. (1) 1 Reznik, S.E., see Feng, Y. (1) 135 Takagi, M., see Katsube, K.-i. (1) 61 Zhou, F.C. and Wei, L.-N. Riggins, G.J., see Siu, I.-M. (1) 33 Thaller, C., see Moeller, C. (1) 199 Expression of cellular retinoc acid- Rozen, R., see Chen, Z. (1) 89 Thomas, E.A., see Nelson, P.A. (1) 95 binding protein I is specific to Saito-Saino, S., see Akiba, Y. (1) 123 Travers, M.T., see Sorensen, A. (1) 167 neurons in adult transgenic mouse Sakagami, H., see Akiba, Y. (1) 123 Uittenbogaard, M. and Chiaramello, A. brain (1) 67 Sakamoto, K., see Katsube, K.-i. (1) 61 Expression of the bHLH transcription Salvaterra, P.M. and Kitamoto, T. factor Tcf12 (ME1) gene is linked to

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