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GENE Vol. 199 No. 1/2 15 October 1997 AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON GENES AND GENOMES CONTENTS PRONE Tle. dectdinwidccciisdusbiaisbdinsddibuiinbsbebcmadidedbanvindiessudsicns 1-18 Evans, P. and Kemp, J. ............cccsesessseeeeeeeeesseseenees 123-131 Organization, generation and replication of amphimeric Exon/intron structure of the human transferrin receptor genomes: a review gene Ide, N. and Kutsukake, K. ...............ccccccessssssseeees 19-23 Suzuki, G., Watanabe, M., Toriyama, K., lsogai, A. and Identification of a novel Escherichia coli gene whose ex- Hinata, K. 133-137 pression is dependent on the flagellum-specific sigma Direct cloning of the Brassica S locus by using a P1-derived factor, FliA, but dispensable for motility development artificial chromosome (PAC) vector Tucker, R.M. and Burke, D.T. ..............:ccccccesseeeees 25-30 Dick, T., Bahri, S.M. and Chia, W. ..................... 139-143 Two vectors for the insertion of mammalian selectable Drosophila DPP2C1, a novel member of the protein phos- genes into yeast artificial chromosome cloned DNA phatase 2C (PP2C) family Soto, J.G., Nelson, B.H. and Weisblat, D.A. ... 31-37 Ocheretina, O. and Scheibe, R. .................00:00080 145-148 A leech homolog of twist: evidence for its inheritance as Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNAs encoding plant a maternal MRNA cytosolic malate dehydrogenase Wang, H., Frelin, L. and Pevsner, J. ................0 39-48 Arnaud, N., Cheynet, V., Oriol, G., Mandrand, B. and Human syntaxin 7: a Pep12p/Vps6p homologue implicated IR Ws cistepeinekislacaddeipinealdestiunsielibeitenpiieiadsy 149-156 in vesicle trafficking to lysosomes Construction and expression of a modular gene encoding Handfield, J., Gagnon, L., Dargis, M. and bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase ‘ IE: Ts: Scasssccnbitssininonédiabiseatnniintaheseehansaheblushonibin 49-56 Pecenkova, T., Benes, V., Pages, J., Viéek, C. and Sequence of the ponA gene and characterization of the NA: Ws podecoiediieesiuicantnatceniabdabbiinciaciieininesindusancks 157-163 penicillin-binding protein 1A of Pseudomonas aerugi- Bacteriophage B103: complete DNA sequence of its nosa PAO1 genome and relationship to other Bacillus phages Davey, H.W., Ogg, S.L., Husaini, Y., Snell, R.G., Kiang, D.T., Jin, N., Tu, Z.-J. and Lin, H.H. ....... 165-171 Korobko, I|.V., Mather, I.H. and Upstream genomic sequence of the human connexin26 Rs HII istceuidivnseinéovanbiiabicheniavhennabidehsenwnsipininians 57-62 gene Structure and sequence of the bovine butyrophilin gene Mandic, R., Trimble, W.S. and Lowe, A.W. ..... 173-179 Veitia, R.A., Fellous, M. and McElreavey, K. ... 63-70 Tissue-specific alternative RNA splicing of rat vesicle- Conservation of Y chromosome-specific sequences imme- associated membrane protein-1 (VAMP-1) diately 5’ to the testis determining gene in primates Ludwig, D.L., Chen, F., Peterson, S.R., Martinez-Calvillo, S., Lopez, |. and Nussenzweig, A., Li, G.C. and Chen, D.J..... 181-194 Hernandez, R. Ku80 gene expression is Sp1-dependent and sensitive to pRIBOTEX expression vector: a pTEX derivative for a rapid CpG methylation within a novel cis element selection of Trypanosoma cruzi transfectants Davies, T.G.E., Theodoulou, F.L., Hallahan, D.L. and Hiramatsu, Y., Kato, R., Kawaguchi, S.-i. and Pte NIUE: scccssnssisokvionieltclaahisticaibnnetaiersenitandlssensiartienidbieasiedde 195-202 SERENE Gs FES RAS IS, “oe oar Ieee 77-82 Cloning and characterisation of a novel P-glycoprotein Cloning and characterization of the uvrD gene from an homologue from barley extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophi- Izu, H., Kawai, T., Yamada, Y., Aoshima, H., Adachi, O. lus HB8 TV Warve, IN. 5 once steen ccs ene nossedcepnsdiicnctmacnsvenevnce 203-210 Thomas, P.W., Wyckoff, E.E., Pishko, E.J., Yu, J.-J., Characterization of the gntT gene encoding a high-affinity Kirkland, T.N. and Cole, G.T. ................cssss0000 83-91 gluconate permease in Escherichia coli The hsp60 gene of the human pathogenic fungus Fujii, M., Saijoh, K., Kobayashi, T., Fujii, S., Lee, M.J. Coccidioides immitis encodes a T-cell reactive protein I I Ths ciiceeecGusnatersbsvsbnnitinipeiiocesdaninenkeionss 211-217 Olson, J.W. and Maier, R.J.. .............ccccescceeeeeeeeeees 93-99 Analysis of bovine selenoprotein P-like protein gene and The sequences of hypF, hypC and hypD complete the hyp availability of metal responsive element (MRE) located in gene cluster required for hydrogenase activity in its promoter Bradyrhizobium japonicum Kim, Y.C., Miller, C.D. and Anderson, A.J. ....... 219-224 Gomez-Escobar, N., van den Biggelaar, A. and Identification of adjacent genes encoding the major cata- Maizels, R. 101-109 lase and a bacterioferritin from the plant-beneficial bacte- A member of the TGF-f receptor gene family in the para- rium Pseudomonas putida sitic nematode Brugia pahangi Chang, T.M., Liu, C.C. and Chang, M.C. ........... 225-229 I MII ck nidassnudentehnbseimiocaneninisnnneeitencninhiiandcbiings 111-121 Cloning and sequence analysis of the gene (eprA7) Identification and characterization of the thiamine trans- encoding an extracellular protease from Aeromonas porter gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae hydrophila Continued on inside back cover The table of contents of Gene is included in ESTOC — Elsevier Science Tables of Contents service — which can be accessed A a on the World Wide Web at the following URL addresses: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/estoc or http://www.elsevier.com/locate/estoc 0378-1119¢€19971015)199:1-2;1-5 Contents (cont.) Kafala, B. and Sasarman, A. ..........:::cccccccceeeeeeeeees 231-239 Fanning, T. and Alves, G. .........ccccccccccceeeessssseseeeees 279-282 Isolation of the Staphylococcus aureus hemCDBL gene A family of repetitive DNA sequences in Old World cluster coding for early steps in heme biosynthesis primates ; Aubourg, S., Takvorian, A., Chéron, A., Kreis, M. and Kaluz, S., Kaluzova, M. and Flint, A.P.F. .......... 283-286 TIES TOS. scirscsiuisthiiscinioninaioneinnissenbinplesesnceencibed 241-253 Sequencing analysis of prion genes from red deer and Structure, organization and putative function of the genes camel identified within a 23.9-kb fragment from Arabidopsis thali- Otterson, G.A. and Kaye, F.J.. ........:cccceeeeeeeeees 287-292 ana chromosome IV A ‘core ATPase’, Hsp70-like structure is conserved in Vinogradova, T., Volik, S., Lebedev, Y., human, rat, and C. elegans STCH proteins Shevchenko, Y., Lavrentyeva, I., Khil, P., Kim, C.H., Oh, Y. and Lee, T.H. ................ccceeeeeeee 293-301 Grzeschik, K.-H., Ashworth, L.K. and Codon optimization for high-level expression of human I Gs: sadhiiccdebenscnunedsitankssusinindinionnndagsetemmanenion 255-264 erythropoietin (EPO) in mammalian cells Positioning of 72 potentially full size LTRs of human endog- Heckmann, S., Schliwa, M. and enous retroviruses HERV-K on the human chromosome Kube-Granderath, E. .............cccccccccccceeeeeeeesseeeees 303-309 19 map. Occurrences of the LTRs in human gene sites Primary structure of Neurospora crassa y-tubulin Chao, T.-H. and Bandman, E. .................:::scceeeees 265-270 Cloning, nucleotide sequence and characterization of a full- Author Index Vol. 199 (1997) 311-313 length cDNA encoding the myosin heavy chain from adult chicken pectoralis major muscle Mejia-Ruiz, H., Guzman, J., Moreno, S., Soberon-Chavez, G. and Espin, G. ............... 271-277 The Azotobacter vinelandii alg8 and alg44 genes are essential for alginate synthesis and can be transcribed from an algD-independent promoter

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