GENE Vol. 197 No. 1/2 15 September 1997 AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON GENES AND GENOMES CONTENTS Joshi, L., St. Leger, R.J. and Roberts, D.W. .... 1-8 Tebeau, C.M. and Jalin, C.L. .........cccercccssccssssesees 109-113 Isolation of a cDNA encoding a novel subtilisin-like Sequence and transcript analysis of macronuclear histone protease (Pr1B) from the entomopathogenic fungus, H2B genes from Euplotes crassus Metarhizium anisopliae using differential display-RT-PCR Ouyang, P., Zhen, Y.-Y. and Sugrue, S.P. ......... 115-120 Fani, R., Tamburini, E., Mori, E., Lazcano, A., Lid, P., Cloning and analysis of cDNA encoding murine pinin Barberio, C., Casalone, E., Cavalieri, D., Perito, B. Wakabayashi, N., Suzuki, A., Hoshino, H., AEE SSE SE a eaten 9-17 Nishimori, K. and Mizuno, S. ......................... 121-127 Paralogous histidine biosynthetic genes: evolutionary The cDNA cloning and transient expression of a chicken analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HIS6 and H/IS7 gene encoding a follicle-stimulating hormone receptor genes Yoshikawa, H., Nagai, H., Oh, K.S., Tamai, S., Kang, J.S., Lee, H.B., Rhee, S.G., Park, K. and Fujiyama, A., Nakanishi, T., Kajiyama, G. and CS EE ES RNR Re a een 19-28 III, Till dsiheniisicsibistasicatasaspcinethecdialcaalicielatinimesincionsie 129-135 The 5’-upstream region of the rat phospholipase C-f3 gene Chromosome assignment of aberrant Noti restriction DNA contains two critical Sp1 sites and an HIV Inr-iike element fragments in primary hepatocellular carcinoma Viggiano, L., Caggese, C., Barsanti, P. and Oki, M., Kakikawa, M., Nakamura, S., NN Gicaiicelancat ratns ibcthameancieihdcpniliedboesspabiliasicieebepiions 29-35 Yamamura, E.-T., Watanabe, K., Sasamoto, M., Cloning and characterization of a copy of Tirant trans- Taketo, A. and Kodaira, K.-l. ...................00000 137-145 posable element in Drosophila melanogaster Functional and structural features of the holin HOL protein Yin, X.-H., Gagnat, J., Gerbaud, C., Guérineau, M. and of the Lactobacillus plantarum phage ¢g1le: analysis in I ITT i hss Rhiaccteenteisheeineetsaninnabioniotniisias 37-45 Escherichia coli system Cloning and characterization of a new «z-amylase gene Mouchel, N., Trichet, V., Naimi, B.Y., Le Pennec, J.P. from Streptomyces lividans TK24 Ty ie citenenttdicsvnsmebtebininicianiniieieitideiniadd 147-152 Hardham, J.M., Stamm, L.V., Porcella, S.F., Structure of a fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss) vitellogenin Frye, J.G., Barnes, N.Y., Howell, J.K., Mueller, S.L., gene and its evolutionary implication Radolf, J.D., Weinstock, G.M. and Lee, V.D., Finstad, S.L. and Huang, B. ............ 153-159 SPE ESS ERAS aS Eee 47-64 Cloning and characterization of a gene encoding an actin- identification and transcriptional analysis of a Treponema related protein in Chlamydomonas pallidum operon encoding a putative ABC transport Dmitrenko, V., Garifulin, O. and Kavsan, V. ... 161-163 system, an iron-activated repressor protein homolog, and Isolation and sequence analysis of the cDNA encoding a glycolytic pathway enzyme homolog subunit C of human CCAAT-binding transcription factor Hiraoka, Y., Komatsu, N., Sakai, Y., Ogawa, M., Amemura-Maekawa, J. and Watanabe, H. 165-168 Shiozawa, M. and Aiso, S. .............:ccccceeeeeeee 65-71 XLS13A and XLS13B: SRY-related genes of Xenopus Cloning and sequencing of the dnaK and grpE genes of laevis Legionella pneumophila Takiguchi, S., Takata, Y., Funakoshi, A., Lievens, P.M.J., Tufarelli, C., Donady, J.J., Stagg, A. Miyasaka, K., Kataoka, K., Fujimura, Y., Goto, T. IIR IIR Wici iisesesnsisinssennestnsieepseciatieesnnianenini 73-81 CASP, a novel, highly conserved alternative-splicing and Kono, A. 169-175 product of the CDP/cut/cux gene, lacks cut-repeat and Disrupted cholecystokinin type-A receptor (CCKAR) gene homeo DNA-binding domains, and interacts with full- in OLETF rats length CDP in vitro Finger, L.R., Pu, J., Wasserman, R., Vibhakar, R., Ramage, A.D., Clark, J.A., Smith, A.G., Louie, E., Hardy, R.R., Burrows, P.D. and Mountford, P.S. and Burt, D.W. .................... 83-89 TNC TRAIIINL.- ;ssisinisittsilglincitchinleaneiiindicenianepasiiciiliaieine 177-187 The human PD-1 gene: complete cDNA, genomic organiza Improved EBV-based shuttle vector system: dicistronic mRNA couples the synthesis of the Epstein-Barr nuclear tion, and developmentally regulated expression in B cell antigen-1 protein to neomycin resistance progenitors Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K., Vanek-Krebitz, M., Pe eels Ce RII TOE sscsicnccesetcinstenteeinttesenneneeciine 189-193 Radauer, C., Wen, J., Ferreira, F., Scheiner, O. and The human glutaredoxin gene: determination of its organ I 91-100 ization, transcription start point, and promoter analysis Genomic characterization of members of the Bet v 1 family: Chiuba-de Tapia, J., de Tapia, M., Jaggin, V. and genes coding for allergens and pathogenesis-related SUIT, TTITIIIEL sites tnocointicecihicetientasteuumciainenaniaehialaliiaaastaandl 195-204 proteins share intron positions Cloning of a human multispanning membrane protein Williams, S., Hayes, L., Elsenboss, L., Williams, A., cDNA: evidence for a new protein family Andre, C., Abramson, R., Thompson, J.F. and Cao, W., Lu, J. and Barany, F. ...........:cccccccceesenees 205-214 Ra SE SoRRS Pr 101-107 Nucleotide sequences and gene organization of Taql endo- Sequencing of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein 5 nuclease isoschizomers from Thermus sp. SM32 and regulatory region using artificial transposons Thermus filiformis Tok6A1 (continued on inside back cover) The table of contents of Gene is included in ESTOC — Elsevier Science Tables of Contents service — which can be accessed HI) 0 0 on the World Wide Web at the following URL addresses: or 03781-997109115 )11979:1-¢2;1 -1 Contents (cont.) Miano, J.M., Krahe, R., Garcia, E., Elliott, J.M. and Schneider, S., Georgiev, O., Buchert, M., Adams, M.T., SIN TIT a tslsdtendneciisiataierhinibsiabsiniadnnesasieaninioninmaioseat 215-224 Moelling, K. and Hovens, C.M. ..................... 337-341 Expression, genomic structure and high resolution An epitope tagged mammalian/prokaryotic expression mapping to 19p13.2 of the human smooth muscle cell vector with positive selection of cloned inserts calponin gene Khoudi, H., Vézina, L.-P., Mercier, J., Castonguay, Y., PTI ee MEE IOI, FEI. cccacesccnscsecensesensesccososes 225-229 Allard, G. and Laberge, S.. ..............ccccsssssesseeee 343-351 A CHD1 gene is Z chromosome linked in the chicken Gallus An alfalfa rubisco small subunit homologue shares cis- acting elements with the regulatory sequences of the domesticus RbcS-3A gene from pea Smania, A.M. and Argarafia, C.E. .............0000+ 231-238 Rina, M., Caufrier, F., Markaki, M., Mavromatis, K., Molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA encod- Kokkinidis, M. and Bouriotis, V. 353-360 ing a bovine butanediol dehydrogenase Cloning and characterization of the gene encoding PspPI Haouazine-Takvorian, N., Tymowska-Lalanne, Z., methyltransferase from the Antarctic psychrotroph Takvorian, A., Tregear, J., Lejeune, B., Lecharny, A. Psychrobacter sp. strain TA137. Predicted interactions with NS TING iiceeiccsntindacissnstctehiininnenntehdncibaniatincianiiansie 239-251 DNA and organization of the variable region Characterization of two members of the Arabidopsis thali- Kulmburg, P., Radke, M., Mezes, B., Mertelsmann, R. ana gene family, AtBfruct3 and AtPfruct4, coding for vacuo- EE EI IID cccstecvcnncsncsionsentisccnesmeninnsanis 361-365 lar invertases Cloning and sequence analysis of the immediate promoter Cheng, A.-J. and Van Dyke, M.W. ..................... 253-260 region and cDNA of porcine granulocyte colony- Oligodeoxyribonucleotide length and sequence effects on stimulating factor intramolecular and intermolecular G-quartet formation Ahmed, A. and Podemski, L. .................::ccceeeeees 367-373 earn 261-268 Use of ordered deletions in genome sequencing Molecular cloning of chicken FTZ-F1-related orphan De Bellis, L., Ismail, |., Reynolds, S.J., Barrett, M.D. receptors IIE saic cosiicacicnsnlesediinatcionhieniasbieianiilinns 375-378 Kouprina, N., Graves, J., Cancilla, M.R., Resnick, M.A. Distinct cis-acting sequences are required for the germina- IIL, FIs. aninnscsmnncscetnercapianenininnenormscenren 269-276 tion and sugar responses of the cucumber isocitrate Specific isolation of human rDNA genes by TAR cloning lyase gene Singer, J.B. and Lengyel, J.A. ..........c:ccsseseeeseeees 379-382 Masuda, I., Halligan, B.D., Barbieri, J.T., Haas, A.L., Expression and sequence analysis of the Drosophila Ryan, L.M. and McCarty, D.J. ...............0..0 277-287 blastoderm-specific gene bsg25A Molecular cloning and expression of a porcine chondrocyte Takahashi, H., Mercken, M., Nakazato, Y., nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase Noguchi, K., Murayama, M., Imahori, K. and Akira, T., Komatsu, M., Nango, R., Tomooka, A., IES. diaiinnceticabiinsecsnmeiisiiishnnainicnnvnaiemniicdaie 383-387 Konaka, K., Yamauchi, M., Kitamura, Y., Nomura, S. Cloning of cDNA and expression of the gene encoding rat and Tsukamoto, I. 289-293 presenilin-2 Molecular cloning and expression of a rat CDNA encoding Bao, Y., Yang, B.-Z., Dawson Jr, T.L. and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyl- TIL tii aici actdceiiniedanieintadesiiaoneiamin 389-398 transferase/IMP cyclohydrolase Isolation and nucleotide sequence of human liver glycogen Rhodes, L.D. and Van Beneden, R.J. ................ 295-304 debranching enzyme mRNA: identification of multiple Isolation of the cDNA and characterization of mRNA tissue-specific isoforms expression of ribosomal protein S19 from the soft-shell Tagashira, S., Harada, H., Katsumata, T., Itoh, N. and clam, Mya arenaria Nakatsuka, M. 399-404 Haas, N.B., Grabowski, J.M., Sivitz, A.B. and Cloning of mouse FGF10 and up-regulation of its gene SI: III: ‘cschacisdiiahibebabavnatieiendiiiebiceianitinnnladatinasies 305-309 expression during wound healing Chicken repeat 1 (CR1) elements, which define an ancient Dumora, C., Marche, M., Doignon, F., Aigle, M., family of vertebrate non-LTR retrotransposons, contain Cassaigne, A. and Crouzet, M. ...................... 405-412 First characterization of the phosphonoacetaldehyde two closely spaced open reading frames hydrolase gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ree, Gis BE I, FAUT ecvctcrivsineticectcciccorvesos 311-314 The myeloperoxidase gene proximal enhancer directs Corrigenda hematopoietic-specific expression in transgenic mice Marshall, B., Isidrio, G. and Boavida, M.G. ..... 413 Fyrberg, C., Becker, J., Barthmaier, P., Mahaffey, J. Corrigendum to: Insertion of a short Alu sequence into the III I cissnsidiaictiotshsninniansbaiiinnncadesineimunstiines 315-323 hMSH2 gene following a double crossover next to A Drosophila muscle-specific gene related to the mouse sequences with chi homology [Gene 174 (1996) 175-179] quaking locus Ra ceenecrerinceysasintenianeivnbiecnmetitatebeiesaicmiemiall 415 Ling, M., Merante, F., Chen, H.-S., Duff, C., Corrigendum to: ‘Insertionally inactivated and inducible Duncan, A.M.V. and Robinson, B.H. ............ 325-336 recA alleles for use in Neisseria’ [Gene 188 (1997) The human mitochondrial elongation factor tu (EF-Tu) 215-220] gene: cDNA sequence, genomic localization, genomic structure, and identification of a pseudogene Author Index Vol. 197 (1997) 417-420 GENE-COMBIS CONTENTS Selkov, E., Maltsev, N., Olsen, G.J., Overbeek, R. and RTI, sscasssisisciiscs siabsgenieitaiietetirtibiona GC11-GC26 A reconstruction of the metabolism of Methanococcus jannaschii from sequence data