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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 12-1992 GGeennddeerr IIddeeoollooggyy aanndd DDrriinnkkiinngg NNoorrmmss:: CCoonntteenntt AAnnaallyyssiiss ooff AAllccoohhooll AAddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss iinn SSeelleecctteedd MMaaggaazziinneess,, 11997733 ttoo 11998888 Sherry Jo Walker University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss Part of the Sociology Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Walker, Sherry Jo, "Gender Ideology and Drinking Norms: Content Analysis of Alcohol Advertisements in Selected Magazines, 1973 to 1988. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1992. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/2665 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by Sherry Jo Walker entitled "Gender Ideology and Drinking Norms: Content Analysis of Alcohol Advertisements in Selected Magazines, 1973 to 1988." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in Sociology. Suzanne B. Kurth, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Samuel Wallace, Thomas Hood, Susan Becker Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) Tot hGe raduateC ounicl: Ia ms ubtmtiihneger witad hs isteartiworni nt bteyS hreyr JoW alekre ntitled "GendIedre loogayn dD rinkNionrgm sC:on teAnnta ylsiosfA lcohol Advteirsenmteisn S eclteeMda gazi1n97e3st, o 1 988". hIa veexa miend thfei ncaolp tyh idssis tearotnif or forcmon taenandnt dr ecmomentdh aitt bea ccpeteidnp artfiuiallllfe mnt ofr qetuehimere tnsf ort hdee gereo fD octor ofP hoislophwyi,ta h m aojri nS ocigoyl.o SuzanBn.Ke u rtMha,j oPrre osfsor Weh avree atdh idssis teariton andre menidt asc cteapnc:e I I Accpetefdo trh Ceo ucni: l AssioactVeci eC hancloelr andD eaonf T heG raduatSec hool GENDERI EDOOLGYA NDD RINGK INNORM:S CONTENT ANALYISSO FA LCOHOLA DVERSTIEMENTISN SEELCTEMDA GAZNIES1,97 3T O1 988 A Dsisretiaotn Prensteefdo trh e DoctoofPr h lisoophy Dergee TheU nivseirtoyfT ennesseKeno,xv ille SherryJ oW alekr Decmebe1r99 2 ii DEDCIATOIN Thidssi stearitoinsd edicatteotd h mee moyr of myg arndafhter, BrMiatcrei nH . iii ACKNOWELDGMEENTS Iw oudll eit kot hnaks evepreaolp floeerx etndipnorgef ssiaosnsatlia snce andp esronsaulp optr.T heg uidcaean ndu nedrasntdionftg h esieni dviduals werievn aluatbol etc hoem ptlieoonft hidssis etratni.o Ia mg artfeutlo m y majoard visDorrS.,u a znen Kutrhf,or criatlyi lc reaidnagnd rveiewitnhgis sut d.y DrK.u tr'hsi snitgsha ndr ecmomendations gudiedt hirse seafrrcoihmt bse ignntione gn dIa; p perciatheea rva iliatboyiv ler thpea stthe rey era.s Moerovehre,sr e nes ohfu omra nd wordosfa susracne madet eidouwso rbke aarble. woulldki et ot hnakD r. SuBseacknfe orrc ommentsr elattoet dh e hsitoroyf a clohoclon sumtipon.A lsoD,r .B ekcer'esd itsiknigl alnds encoaugreemnater a ppercia.t ed Iw oulldei kteox rpesmsy t hasn ktoote hrc omimttmeeem berDsr,. ThmoasH ooadn d DrS.a muWeall alc.e Suggesitonbsy D rH.o oadn dD r. Wallacceo nturtietbdot hseo cioliomgopitrcanacloe f tphoriejsc. t Ia slow oulldei kteox persasp perctiiaotnot he DeptamrenotfS ociolAongtoyhp,ro loagndy S,o ciWaolr kM,i dedT lennsesee StatUenv ierys.iW theni tw asm osnte ed,em dembse orft hed eptamrent porvidde insapitio.rn Ia mi ndteebtdo m yt ypiAsntn,Ue p chcuhrW.i thoAunten 'ass isstance ande mpat,h gyarduaitond eandelsia ndr qeueimresn twoudl haveb een overwlhmei.n g iv Iw isthoa cnkowlegdem yf amilfyo r tshuepiptrao nrdp aetniec. amI garetflut oT heA nrdewfsor u ndseatrndimnyga bsencfer ofmam iyle vents. A speciatlha n-kyuo toL oyadn d LWianldekarf otrh ehiors tpaiiltayn do pen reesravtipoonl iAclys.to h,a nkJse yrt aron dC arlWeanlaek rf oarlo lwinmge tou set hehiorme asa retsinpaglc eb etewenM ufrrebeosor andK novxilIl e. woudll ei kteox persismm easaurblae pperciattoiG orannd maM atriBne,t atny d JoeL aswona,n dT heE dwardfsor s howicnongf indceei nm ya btiileaisnd porviidnigsn trtuicoinnh owt oa cocmplgioslahs . Latslbyu,mt o sdtef iintelyl enaoIswt to ,u lldei t kot hnakG regA,th ena, Zeke,C adya,n dL ettieE.a cohf y ouw erceo mapssitoean nadt olerant, but moeri mptoarntddlin yo dtsi rutm pyw orkA.l s,o aIp perctieaa ltlh em etsyi ou madmee l auagnhdp o rvdieda b refarkmo wrtiing. v ABSTRACT This coannatleynsctio sm peadrg enrda-elcoahsoslo ciapterisnoetnesd ina lcoahdoevltr imseetnsi nM s.a ndS portIsul sltraftreod1m 9 73t o1 988. Anasliyfso ucseodn (1 )ch aensgi ng endreperer snettaiodnusir nag p erioofd tarnsitfiemoanlarelo le(s)2r, e laftriuevqeen cioefcs o ngtiivaen de mot­ion inductihnegma epsp eanrgii ns esx peciicaf lcoahdovlte iirsnagn,d( 3d)ir nikng normpser snetebdy a lcoahdovle rtdiusreirasn p ge rdi cohaarctreizbeyd cirticoifas lmc omhaorlk entgi. Potrryaalosfw omedni ndo atc cruaterleyf ltehcaetc tueamlpl oymte n stuasto fw omen. Imageosff eminiwsemr seu priefcipaotlrry aalosfw omen imittainmge n( .egw.h,i sekyc onusmtpino)o rp ersnetefdem iinsatssd ecoraet iv objcte.s From1 973t o1 988,a lcoholi nMa sd.as n dS protIs ltlarutsed icnreiagnslpyer snetegde dnesrt eryepoe.ts Womenw erde efinbeydt heir retliaonssw hiitpmhe n,w heeras mweenrd eef inbeydt heaicroc mpliesnths.m Inb otmha gazsi,fn oear lsla mep yleasr (i.1e97.3,, 1 982,1 988), emoti-oninducitnhgee msp erdomniate.d Pesronsaalt aicstfiwoanst hmeo st ferquetnytp oef e motion-indauppceailn.Fge r quensc oifoe theermo tion­ inductihnegms eusg gestthtead dfi freenitma gewse reu setdot artg efaem ale verussa m almear ket. g(e.el,e gainnMc sea. n tdar dtiioinnS potrsI ulslrtat)e.d Compariosfno onr amtimvees sagreeesva ltehda atcl ohoald si nM s. moroetf enpe rsneteadl coahsoa l m eanosfe motion-meamneangt, whereas aclohaodlis n S portIsll ustrmaotreedt eoanfs sioactdeirdn iknwgi thha zdaorus vi actiivt.i eIsnb otmha ganzeisi,m agoefsh eavyd irniknwge rmeo rfeer quent thna imageosfm odaeitron. Itw asc onucdledt haatl cohpoorldu cesr,a ndt heaidrv teirsers, expmeernitewdi tnho n-cotnivoengnaeln dpeortr ralysoa nlwyh eni tw as persumendo vealn do/rp orfibtlateo d os o.M oerovre,r peresnetiaotnosf dirnikn(gi .tey.p,eo sf appaenadnl osra mtimvees sgaesa)p apretnlcyh agned onlwyh etnh eew rerdeie rctthr eattots h see -lrfelgautoifao cnlo haodlv teirsing. vii TABLOEF C ONTENTS CHATPER PAGE 1 . ITNROUDCTOIN 1 2. LIETRATURREEV IEW OFA DVERTSIIGN 7 Advtesirinagn dE veryEdxapye nrciees MarektnigT echniqiunAe dsv eritnigs BasPirci nlceoisfpB ranIdma geA dvteirsing 3. LITETRURAER EVIEW OFP ESRUAISONTE CHNIUQES ANDP ORTRAYALOSF G ENDER 20 TargnegWt oimena ndD ipsalyos fF eminiitny TargentgMi ena ndD islpayosfM acsuliitny Conclusion 4. LIETRATURREEV IEW OFD RINKINNOGR MSA ND ALCOHOALD VERSTIING 34 DrinkNiornmgsa ndC onsutmipoPnat terns EmpirSitucdiaelas n dP ubclD iebtaes Conclusion 5. THEROETCIALP ERSPTEICEV 51 DemoagprchC ihagneas ndth Fee maCloen usmer SocioolfoE gmyot ions 6. METHODOOLGY 61 Sample Coidng Reilabtyi li Anaylsis

Drinking Norms: Content Analysis of Alcohol Advertisements in Selected . Embellishments of societal images in advertising reinforce consumer . time to see whether documented changes in women's behavior (e.g., Discussion of "principles of brand image advertising" examines metaphorical.
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