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Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace: Transgender and Gender-Diverse Discrimination PDF

209 Pages·2018·2.57 MB·English
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Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace Transgender and Gender-Diverse Discrimination Alison Ash Fogarty, PhD, and Lily Zheng Copyright©2018byAlisonAshFogarty,PhD,andLilyZheng Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedin aretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise,exceptfortheinclusion ofbriefquotationsinareview,withoutpriorpermissioninwritingfromthe publisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Fogarty,AlisonAsh,author. | Zheng,Lily,author. Title:Genderambiguityintheworkplace:transgenderandgender-diverse discrimination/AlisonAshFogarty,PhD,andLilyZheng. Description:SantaBarbara,California:Praeger,[2018] | Includes bibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2017054541(print) | LCCN2017058129(ebook) | ISBN9781440863233(ebook) | ISBN9781440863226(hardcopy:alk.paper) Subjects:LCSH:Transgenderpeople—Employment. | Gender nonconformity. | Discriminationinemployment. | Sexdiscrimination. Classification:LCCHD6285(ebook) | LCCHD6285.F642018(print) | DDC331.5—dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2017054541 ISBN:978–1–4408–6322–6(print) 978–1–4408–6323–3(ebook) 22 21 20 19 18 1 2 3 4 5 ThisbookisalsoavailableasaneBook. Praeger AnImprintofABC-CLIO,LLC ABC-CLIO,LLC 130CremonaDrive,P.O.Box1911 SantaBarbara,California93116-1911 www.abc-clio.com Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Contents Acknowledgments vii Author’sNote ix Introduction xi ChapterOne: Transgender,Trans*,Trans 1 TheHistoryofModernTerminologyandConcepts 2 Gender:APrimer 7 ThePeopleYou’llMeetinThisBook 16 ChapterTwo: NarrativesofTransDiscrimination 19 TransWomenandTransFemmes 20 TransMenandTransmasculine 23 ButchWomen 28 AssignedFemaleatBirthNonbinary/Genderfluid 29 AssignedMaleatBirthNonbinary/Genderfluid 32 ChapterThree: TheAnatomyofDiscrimination 37 Discrimination’sManyFaces 38 TheLuckyFew 46 FillingintheBlanks 48 vi Contents ChapterFour: OnMen,Women,andHegemony 51 CisgenderStatusInequalityandWorkplaceDiscrimination 51 TransStatusInequalityandDiscriminationintheWorkplace 54 TransWomen 60 TransMen 68 ButchWomen 75 Conclusion 83 ChapterFive: JustPickOne! 87 BeyondtheBinary 88 AssignedFemaleatBirthNonbinary/Genderfluid 89 AssignedMaleatBirthNonbinary/Genderfluid 99 DoingAmbiguity 108 Conclusion 111 ChapterSix: StrategiesforAvoidingandReducingDiscrimination 115 TransWomen 116 TransMen 118 ButchWomen 121 AssignedFemaleatBirthNonbinary/GenderfluidPeople 121 AssignedMaleatBirthNonbinary/GenderfluidPeople 123 PuttingItAllTogether 127 Conclusion 138 ChapterSeven: MovingForward 145 TheUnwillingOrganization 147 InclusioninProgress 152 PartingWords 166 Bibliography 167 Index 175 Acknowledgments Firstandforemost,weshareourdeepgratitudeforthe25individuals whoparticipatedinthisresearch.Theactofstorytellingisavulnerable one, and the openness and honesty with which these individuals shared their stories shook us to our core. This book would not be possibleifnotfortheirstrength. Wearealsogratefulforthemanyresearchassistantswhodedicated themselves to this project and the following funding organizations that made this research possible: the National Science Foundation DoctoralDissertationImprovement Grant, StanfordDiversityDisser- tation Research Opportunity Grant, Stanford Graduate Research Opportunities Fund, and the Stanford Sociology Research Opportu- nity Grant.Andwe’dlike to thank Vanessa Sheridan for believing in thisbookandadvocatingonourbehalf. Alison: Paula England, Shelley Correll, and Cecilia Ridgeway, the yearsofguidanceandinsightfulfeedbackyouprovidedonthisproject was invaluable;thank youfor your time andwisdom.EdenWilliger, thank you for taking me to my first TDOR in 2008 and inspiring me todothiscriticalwork.KaitiCarpenter,thankyouforworkingcount- less hours alongside me offering yourgenerous encouragement;you fueled me morethanyouknow.TibetSprague,thankyoufor thegift oftruefriendship;mylifeissomuchbetterwithyouinit.And,finally, myparents,Dr.GailKaplanandThomasFogarty,thankyouforinstill- inginmeformativefeministbeliefsandapassionforlearningfroman earlyage.Iamsogratefulforyourunwaveringsupportanduncondi- tionallove. viii Acknowledgments Lily:To my parents,thank you for teaching me to tell my own sto- ries, and giving me the strength to write them down. To the activists inmylife,thankyouforsittingmedown,raisingmeup,andshowing me how to dream. To my partners and loved ones, thank you for the many long nights spent by my side,andfor the words of encourage- ment along the way. Finally, to the trans people who have been my family, my inspiration, my grounding,and my light, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am ever in awe of our community and its resilience. Author’s Note As activists, we all have the little things we say to ourselves when we’re back from the rallies, when we’re tying our shoelaces, when we’refillingwater bottlesor plugginginourlaptopchargers in busy cafes.Smallwishes,littlerituals,ourprotestanthemtoourselves. “Ibelievethatwewillwin”wastheoneIlearned. WhenIwasayoungtransgirl,Ilearnedquicklythattheworldwas notmadeforpeoplelikeme.Ihadgrownuponthesametirednarra- tivesthatmadetranspeopleintoslurs,punchlines,ghoststories,and boogeymen(orwomen,inmycase),andas hardas Itried,Icouldn’t helpbutlearnsomeofit.Itdidn’ttakememuchlongertolearnabout theotherthings,aboutdiscriminationandmarginalization,prejudice, and violence. “Why would you ever choose any of this?” people asked,andmyresponsewasalwaysshame.IbelievedIdeservedit. Community gave me the hope to dream of a better world, and the strength to believe in the collective power of trans people and their allies.“Ibelievethatwewillwin,”Itoldmyself,andsayingitoutloud gave those words power. I know now that the trans community is resilient,vibrant, loving, andfierce,andthatthe work ofliberation— of dreaming up and moving toward amorejustworld where people of all identities and experiences can thrive—is larger than any of us. In writing this book, I am excited to play a part in this vision, and humbledbytheworkthathascomebeforeme.Tothefighters,dream- ers, survivors, and lovers who makeup ourglobal trans community, thankyou.Ibelievethatwewillwin. LilyZheng

A delicate exploration of the discrimination that gender-diverse people face, this book analyzes the relationship between gender identity and performance in the workplace while considering the emotional and economic survival of those who identify as transgender. Estimates suggest that approximately
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