T H E L E A D I N G G A M E I N D U S T R Y M A G A Z I N E V O L 1 9 N O 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 I N S I D E : 1 4 T H A N N U A L F R O N T L I N E A W A R D S Change Your World DownloaD free* 2012 autoDesk software The future is closer than you think. Join a whole new class of artists in the Autodesk Education Community, and receive free* access to the same software and tools used by professional digital artists. autodesk.com/freesoftware *Free products are subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user license agreement that accompanies download of the software. The software is for personal use for education purposes and is not intended for classroom or lab use. Autodesk is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. CONTENTS.0112 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1 DEPARTMENTS 2 GAME PLAN By Brandon Sheffield [EDITORIAL] The Generous and The Stingy POSTMORTEM 4 HEADS UP DISPLAY [NEWS] 20 DEUS EX Front Line Award finalists in quotes, MindCandy 3 released, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION is a huge project undertaken by Eidos and Indie Royale debuts Montreal, to revive the DEUS EX franchise. The team managed to turn a lengthy pre-production process into later successes through the 36 TOOL BOX By Brandon Sheffield [TOOL INTERVIEW] power of planning. By Jean-François Dugas, Martin Dubeau, David An interview with Havok managing director Anfossi, and Mary DeMarle David Coghlan FEATURES 39 THE INNER PRODUCT By John McDonald [PROGRAMMING] Practical Ptex for Games 7 14TH ANNUAL FRONT LINE AWARDS In our annual awards that honor the best tools in the business, 48 PIXEL PUSHER By Steve Theodore [ART] we show the best game development tools and software across Hope and Change art, audio, engines, networking, middleware, and programming/ production tools, as voted by you, the readers. We also place 51 AURAL FIXATION By Jesse Harlin [SOUND] one special tool in our Hall of Fame. By Steve Theodore, Damian What’s Next for the Next NextGen? Kastbauer, Nathan Fouts, Eric Undersander, Zach Lehman, Noel Llopis, Mark Cooke, and Brandon Sheffield 52 DESIGN OF THE TIMES By Jason Vandenberghe [DESIGN] Write For The Player 13 BUILDING A FREE-TO-PLAY BACK END For independent companies that want to break into social or networked 55 THE BUSINESS By Kim Pallister [BUSINESS] games but don't know what to do about the back end work, the makers Business Books for a Turbulent Time of CREATURES 4 have an open source solution, which they outline here. By Julien Hamaide 56 GDC NEWS By Staff [NEWS] GDC China 2011 Closes With Record Attendance, 31 GDC PREVIEW GUIDE 2011 Independent Games Festival China Winners Announced GDC 2012 approaches! This preview guide showcases some of the many talks from the show. By Staff 57 GOOD JOB By Brandon Sheffield [CAREER] Jaime Griesemer moves to Sucker Punch, who went 46 NEVER ENOUGH: AN INTERVIEW WITH DENA'S KENJI where, and new studios KOBAYASHI DeNA is one of the largest social game companies in the world, operating 58 EDUCATED PLAY By Tom Curtis [EDUCATION] its mobage platform across the world. We spoke with director Kenji A CLOSED WORLD Kobayashi about profitsharing, and paying for items that enhance player ability. By Brandon Sheffield and Christian Nutt 64 ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT By Matthew Wasteland [HUMOR] HelpDev, the Friendly Publisher 1 GAME DEVELOPER | XXXXX XXXX WWW.GDMAG.COM 1 GAME PLAN // BRANDON SHEFFIELD GAME DEvELOPER MAGAzINE www.GDMAG.cOM The generous and The sTingy UBM LLC. 303 Second Street, Suite 900, South Tower San Francisco, CA 94107 A growing trend in gAme direction t: 415.947.6000 f: 415.947.6090 subscripTion serVices There was a Time when The backs a player. It keeps giving up little a welcome departure: A sidequest For inFormaTion, order QuesTions, and of game boxes had a slew of bullet nuggets of enjoyment when I pay can be a breath of fresh air. But if address changes points printed on them, illustrating attention to this or that element of you try to integrate that content t: 800.250.2429 f: 847.763.9606 numbers of enemies, features, and the design, art, or sound. into the core game, like the already e: [email protected] hours of gameplay. We decried this, generous dragoN age: origiNs did For digiTal subscripTion inFormaTion at the time. “Games are more than a scrooged by making an entire character and www.gdmag.com/digital series of features!” we said. “Games Microtransactions and downloadable story arc downloadable, the overall ediTorial are interactive experiences, and content are making their way into feeling of generosity is diminished. publisher can't be reduced to a simple list of everything. Until recently, tetris Ultimately, while I do not think DLC or Simon Carless l [email protected] numbers of items and maps!” was held up as one of those classic, freemium games are inherently bad, ediTor-in-chieF Nevermind the fact there pure examples of straightforward, I believe that these types of models Brandon Sheffield l [email protected] aren't nearly as many game fun-oriented game design. But now, have changed the way games are producTion ediTor Jade Kraus l [email protected] boxes anymore—I'm starting to a new iOS tetris has launched with envisioned for the worse. arT direcTor actually miss those bullet points, a paid subscription. The game is 99 Joseph Mitch l [email protected] as well. Or at least I miss what cents, and you can pay $2.99 per holisTic design designer they represented—because game month to get access to exclusive In most parts of the industry, I’m Cliff Scorso conTribuTing wriTers designs are getting stingy. content, and most importantly, a seeing less and less interest in Tom Curtis booster that lets you increase your creating a full game that’s finished Jesse Harlin generosiTy tetris rank faster. You get a core in one go. This is a money issue, John McDonald Jason Vandenberghe In the past, many of the best games game for one price, then you get of course. Everyone needs money. Steve Theodore were (and a few of the current the “extra bits” for an additional fee. But what about the love of the Kim Pallister best games still are) generously Features that might be generous in craft? What about the care put into Matthew Wasteland adVisory board designed. By this I mean in some the design are sold at a premium. making a game with an authorial Hal Barwood designer-at-Large games a lot of the content will not This is decidedly stingy, and almost vision, or an overall “feeling?” The Mick West independent be appreciated or experienced every corner of the industry is feeling from games nowadays Brad Bulkley microsoft Clinton Keith independent by most players, but it's in there trending this way. often comes from the community Brenda Brathwaite Loot drop beneath the layers, because the as much as (or more than) the Bijan Forutanpour Sony online entertainment Mark DeLoura tHQ developers felt it should be, and chop and crop structure and design. That’s all well Carey Chico independent because they wanted to make a Let's be honest about what and good for some, but that way Mike Acton insomniac vibrant, living world. This allows we're doing here in the freemium of doing things won’t yield you a adVerTising sales players to keep discovering new space. We're taking what would shadow oF the Colossus or a Far global sales direcTor ways to interact with and enjoy the traditionally have been a whole Cry 2. If you chop off part of the Aaron Murawski e: [email protected] game, even after playing it for hours. game, and we're chopping parts of game’s “feel” into DLC, doesn’t this t: 415.947.6227 I'll use a recent example: it up to sell off individually. In Zelda, inherently change how you treat it mJoehdnia M aaccliok uWnaTt msoann a eg:e jrm [email protected] Bejeweled 3. Bejeweled is a you never paid for a sword that was as a creator? t: 415.947.6224 proven property that's remarkably slightly more powerful, you found I do believe there are genuine global accounT manager, recruiTmenT Gina Gross e: [email protected] popular. You could probably spruce it in the game after a long and ways to go about freemium t: 415.947.6241 up the graphics, add some nice arduous journey. models or DLC which are not so global accounT manager, educaTion filters, and be done with it. But Most folks will tell you their free- stingy. Consider the model of dead Rafael Vallin e: [email protected] t: 415.947.6223 Bejeweled 3 has a whole lot of to-play game is fully-featured, and Pixels on XBLIG, which is quite a interesting, weird ideas. It's got all the microtransaction-purchasable generously designed game for a adVerTising producTion explosions, particle effects, and items are unnecessary for full dollar, with hours of randomized producTion manager lush sound that would please any enjoyment of the game. But that sort gameplay (and a co-op mode). This Pete C. Scibilia e: [email protected] t: 516-562-5134 FPS fan, on top of eerie fantasy of design is inherently stingy. Even game uses a neat model where the novel backgrounds that are clearly if you design to compartmentalize, developer will begin work on free reprinTs are meant to appeal to the more you're separating something from downloadable content if the game WRIGHT'S MEDIA Jason Pampell e: [email protected] casual. The music is a fantastic the whole, and the capacity for reaches a certain sales target. This t: 877-652-5295 take on classic '90s PC games, generosity to players is diminished. in turn can incentivize more people with a bizarrely compelling Mortal A lot of downloadable content to play the game, thus more sales, audience deVelopmenT KoMBat-style deep voice over. There for triple-A games is similarly and thus more free DLC. But a large Tyson associaTes Elaine Tyson e: [email protected] are 8 modes to play which all use compartmentalized through DLC. company would never take this lisT renTal Merit Direct LLC the same mechanics in clever I do understand it—these models risk—there’s little guarantee this t: 914.368.1000 ways, to form a very curious and can extend the life of games well will work. But it’s done for the love very compelling amalgam that, past their “shelf” life. In fact, in a of the game, and as a player, that’s ultimately, Popcap didn't need to game that’s inherently generous in what matters. go out of its way to create. The its depth of content, like Fallout: —Brandon Sheffield game is very generous to me as New Vegas or sKyriM, DLC is almost twitter: @necrosofty www.ubm.com 2 GAME DEvELOPER | jANuARy 2012 HHEEAADDSS--UUPP DDIISSPPLLAAYY fififififififififififififi nnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssstttttttttttttsssssssssssss iiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn qqqqqqqqqqqqquuuuuuuuuuuuuooooooooooooottttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss WE’VE ANNOUNCED THIS YEAR’S FRONT LINE AWARD WINNERS (STARTING ON PG. 7), BUT THE FINALISTS ARE NO LESS NOTABLE. The winners were voted on in an online survey, but nominations were previously open to anyone willing to submit a new version of a tool. We allowed for comments in our survey, and in some cases, a large number of voters called for a tool that was not nominated. More interesting than that were the positive comments for tools that didn’t actually win. Here, we’ve collected a few responses in each category, to highlight the runners-up. Unsurprisingly, the tools most folks requested that weren’t on the list were open source or free. ART features and AAA support. The full inclusion menus. Saves lots of time in development.” There was a huge clamoring for Blender to of all source code for regular licensees is epic— Another effused, “Scaleform provides you with be on our list. One enthusiastic commenter any developer with the time and initiative to incredibly nice and detailed UIs with many stated that “Blender is getting very good. Some do things ‘their way’ is in for a treat.” possibilities; what could you possibly ask for development BMesh builds are enough to pull “I will only vote for C4. As an aspiring other than 3D UIs in an FPS game? Nerdgasm, me from Maya. Not ready this year of course, engine programmer myself, I've done some at its highest.” but check them out in 1–3 years and they considerably deep research on other game probably will have a very compelling option.” engines. C4 is much more versatile; it's NETWORKING Praise came in for Sculptris, but even more incredibly well designed, comparably powerful, The biggest call here was for Steamworks, so for the mainline product ZBrush, which one and very cheap. Realistically benchmarking which many independent developers use to voter called “An absolute must for next-gen higher than Unity, and designed with such get multiplayer games going on Steam, but one graphics. ZBrush offers the best means to great flexibility to rival (or surpass) even the voter called out OpenFeint, saying “OpenFeint / acquire detailed meshes and normal maps via a budget-needy engines such as Unreal Engine or GREE are doing BIG things in the F2P space.” high poly to low poly workflow.” CryEngine; all while requiring much less human resources. It would be a shame to see PROGRAMMING AUDIO it honored for less than its real greatness.” Programmers are a vocal bunch, with strong A number of folks requested Audacity, which is opinions about their software tools and free, and Sony’s Vegas, which is not. But the vast >>PRAISE FOR UNITY: languages. Perforce got some callouts, with majority of comments were actually about winner “While other engines are maybe more powerful one commenter saying, “Source control is very Pro Tools, with one person saying “Pro Tools = in rendering and in entities management, Unity important and Perforce is fully integrated into Audio power, fidelity, and now flexibility (since gives the power that Photoshop gave artists 20 UDK. It's the obvious choice for a UDK developer.” PT9). PT10 enables you to orchestrate your own years ago with [its] superb editor. “ Another said, more boldly, “Where would we be score with its amazing synthesizers and plug-ins, “As much as I love UDK, I'm wanting to make without Perforce or SVN?” so you now have a complete, believable-sounding games, but don't have a coder. Unity has tools FlashDevelop got some serious love as well. warehouse of instruments at your fingertips to that allow me to create a game with node-based One voter said, “FlashDevelop is an alternative convey the emotion and feeling we strive to install coding throughout the entire game (not just IDE to Visual Studio. It offers a similar, easy- in the player as they play.” some parts as with Kismet). CryEngine and to-use interface from Visual Studio. Plus, like UDK (and the other engines listed) have some Visual Studio, you can debug your code using ENGINE great features, but if I can't make anything with breakpoints. Overall, it's a great editor to use By and large, there were few requests for any them, what's the point?” if you do not, or do not want to have access engines that weren’t on the list. But there was a “Unity already leads the pack in elegance to Visual Studio.” But that’s nothing compared lot of praise for C4 and Unity. and small team productivity—and with the to this absolute statement: “Sometimes I forthcoming 3.5 release, it will offer a AAA- choose to write a game in ActionScript just >>PRAISE FOR C4: quality rendering pipeline as well.” so I can program it in FlashDevelop. By far “C4 has a clean C++ code base that is both my favorite IDE.” easy to use and to extend. It is priced for indie MIDDLEWARE Congratulations again to the winners and developers to afford. And the community is very Most non-Havok praise was aimed toward finalists—and don’t forget to nominate your supportive and responsive.” Scaleform, though Kynapse got a nod or two. favorite tools next year! “Terathon's C4 Engine continues to improve One voter said that “Scaleform provides easy —Brandon Sheffield at an amazing pace, with ground-breaking to use tools for creation of in-game HUDs and 4 GAME DEVELOPER | JANUARY 2012 mindcandy volume 3 released The demo scene has long been a testing (and the MindCandy 3 release) told us that proving) ground for new technologies and “over 95% of the demo content has techniques, and MindCandy has been one of commentary from the original authors,” the best anthologies of these around. The adding that “The commentary mix is fi nalists in quotes MindCandy series of DVDs (and now Blu-rays) roughly 25% technical talk and 75% presents the best of PC demos, running on design talk,” which may be of interest high-end machines and captured at maximum to game developers, as well as demo- capacity. While many folks like to run these sceners (and there is certainly some demos themselves, there’s something cathartic crossover between those two camps). about just watching them unfold before you. In addition to being a fun curiosity, This third edition of the series brings 40 of the while emulation of old computers and best PC demos released from 2003–2010, operating systems is improving, there is running at their best in the high-definition Blu- no sure fire method of preserving these ray version. important parts of our digital culture. Demos range from 64k marvels of At the very least, the demos in the compression to technical monsters, with a MindCandy series will be preserved at host of extras on the disc. Bonus content optimum speed and display. MindCandy includes seven hours of demo-oriented Volume 3 is available now at www. talks from the NVScene 2008 seminars, mindcandydvd.com. and commentary from the demos’ makers. —Brandon Sheffield Jim Leonard of Oldskool.org (and author of indie royale bundles launch Newly launched game bundle Indie adventure game GEMINI RUE, indie Royale (owned by UBM TechWeb and RPG CTHULHU SAVES THE WORLD, Australian download site Desura) Nicalis’ arcade puzzler NIGHTSKY, groups together four downloadable, and many others, with recent independently developed PC titles bundles sporting a bonus prize every few weeks, using a unique as well. pricing system that changes as time Titles offered in Indie Royale passes and more people purchase bundles are available in various the games. configurations including direct While bundles will start downloads for Windows PC, as at a heavily discounted rate well as redeemable PC keys for (usually $2.99), that price will Steam and indie-focused automatically increase as time download service Desura, with goes on. Generous purchasers, new formats forthcoming. organizers are now opening guaranteed to get the bundle however, can help lower the price "When we first launched the pre-orders for future releases at at a low minimum price, and for everyone else by choosing service, we had no idea that we'd slightly higher than launch price. you will be supporting handpicked, to pay more than the current sell almost 70,000 bundles and Organizers say pre-orders are high quality independent games minimum, earning a mention over 350,000 games in under “a simple way to guarantee you along the way." on the front page of the site in one month!” explain organizers. get the bundle, albeit sight unseen. Find out more at the official the process. In order to keep things running This means that you won't know site, www.indieroyale.com. The first few bundles have smoothly, and add a "mystery what games are in the bundle —Staff included Wadjet Eye Games' 2D box"-style approach to bundles, until it launches. But you are WWW.GDMAG.COM 5 /////////// Every year, we at Game Developer honor the best tools in the game business with our Front Line Awards, which are now completing their 14th year. But games are rapidly changing beasts. The industry seems to be evolving before our very eyes. While middleware and game tool use has risen dramatically in recent years, this was traditionally the domain of middle-sized teams that either couldn’t afford to roll their own engines, or needed to get up and running faster to stay competitive. As more small teams have made strides in the mobile and social spaces, middle-sized developers have grown, or shrank, or fallen by the wayside. What does this mean for game tools? One might have expected a lot of small tools to crop up to meet the demands of small studios. But what we’ve seen has been more that the larger tools are finding ways to scale small, and stay relevant across a wide variety of team sizes. Many of these tools have indie licenses, browser and mobile versions, or special versions for smaller teams. As such, this year’s Front Line Awards don’t look amazingly different from last year’s. But that shouldn’t be taken as stagnation. It took a lot of hard work for all these companies to remain relevant in such a rapidly changing space, and it’s to their credit that over 11,000 developers weighed in and chose the winners. Here’s how our process works: Products were nominated in all categories by the readers of Game Developer magazine and Gamasutra. Once all nominations came in, the editors of Game Developer consulted with other industry experts to select finalists, and finally, readers determined the winners in each category through an online survey. Nominations were open to all new products (and new versions of products) related to game development released between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2011. Awards are given in the fields of art, audio, game engine, middleware, networking, and programming tools. We also honor one venerable tool with a Hall of Fame Award. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists that help us make great games! —Brandon Sheffield WWW.GDMAG.COM 7 H A L L O F F A M E X N A G A M E S T U D I O MICROSOFT [ HTTP://CREATE.MSDN.COM ] SERIOUS SAM DOUBLE D ////////// Somewhere between programming LEAVE HOME, PROTECT ME KNIGHT, the SOULCASTER with anxiety as I’ve approached them (such as language and game engine resides the full- series, EPIC DUNGEON, and the radiangames dealing with memory cards or implementing featured, free, professionally-developed series, all console-designed games to their online leaderboards), and I’m consistently programming suite known as XNA Game cores. The best indie games have a lot to impressed with the ease and ability with which Studio. Allowing game developers to create contribute to the industry in terms of design XNA has afforded me to meet those challenges. their own engines and worlds while taking and artistry despite being available for Not only are the systems well designed and care of the lowest level and most commonly bottom-level prices. Yet without the intrinsic documentation-ready, but many, many helpful -shared issues is where XNA shines. connection of XNA to the Xbox 360 and smooth and immediately useable tutorials and full Flash back to 2006, when I’m working for facilitation of the Creators Club peer system, games with source code have been created to Insomniac Games on RESISTANCE FALL OF MAN the widespread console release of these games make the task of making your own engine or for PlayStation 3 using proprietary technology. would still be a dream. game even easier. Gameplay work is rewarding, but with dozens The breadth of technology and design on It’s truly a triumph of development that XNA of engine programmers constantly shifting display is staggering, with games ranging Game Studio allows for unrestrained games on the programming landscape beneath, it can from slick, high-definition 3D (some with the the Xbox 360 via Indie Games. And I’m happy also be very frustrating. After years in the stereoscopic 3D visuals), to 2D pixel adventures to say it’s also easy to develop for the PC and industry, I wanted to work on my own creations. straight out of Game Boy or Genesis alternate even the burgeoning Windows Phone 7 market. Something burns inside me, a glowing pixilated histories, to flights of fancy using Xbox avatars, Mommy’s Best Games' own XNA-developed mass, convincing me to make my own games to experimental games eschewing visuals SERIOUS SAM DOUBLE D released recently via for high-definition consoles. Flash forward to altogether in favor of audio and rumble support. Steam and other PC portals, having the way 2008, I’ve left Insomniac Games and WEAPON With only the lowest levels of programming paved by excellence such as TERRARIA and OF CHOICE—my own company’s first console supported, there is no “feel” or “look” to an XNA BLUEBERRY GARDEN. release—hits the Xbox 360, delighting and game—it simply gets to exist as the developer Having developed for three separate surprising run-n-gun fans the world over, intended, and they are free to design in nearly platforms all using the underlying XNA even being recognized by the Guinness World any direction they can imagine. technology has allowed me amazing creative Records. The dream has been realized. The programming suite in XNA Game Studio and engineering freedom, while providing me XNA Game Studio made it possible—you can is elegant, robust, and expansive. All low-level the leg-up needed to get my games going in the release any game you devise onto the Xbox 360. game programming such as rendering, audio first place. I can’t wait to see where XNA Game A current-generation game console has been control, graphics shaders, controller input, Studio is heading next after leading the charge opened up to developers everywhere. storage—nearly everything—is handled in a to open gaming console for all developers! Xbox Live Indie Games is the perfect home well-documented and fully-designed manner. to modern classics such as MINER DIG DEEP, Several programming issues have filled me NATHAN FOUTSis president of Mommy’s Best Games. 8 GAME DEVELOPER | JANUARY 2012