december/january 1995 G A M E D E V E L O P E R M A G A Z I N E G A M E P L A N GGAAMMEE The Dark of Editor Larry O’Brien [email protected] the Electric Pickle Senior Editor Nicole Freeman [email protected] I Managing Editor Nicole Claro [email protected] n the end, I didn’t even have a what you want to be.” Sha-la-la, Editorial Assistant Deborah Sommers chance to light my pickle. In my indeed. [email protected] best shot yet at Andy Warhol’s The Bradys had station wagons Contributing Editors Alex Dunne promised 15 minutes of fame, I and convertibles, symbols of consump- [email protected] blew it, but it all might have been tion and status. In contrast, the Par- Barbara Hanscome different had they just given me the tridges had that most poignant of all [email protected] chance to demonstrate to the world symbols of freedom from the status Chris Hecker [email protected] the miracle of the electric pickle. quo—a schoolbus with birds painted on David Sieks I’m often the target of joke e-mails the side. [email protected] purporting to be from various people, Where the Bradys had an emo- Editor-at-Large Alexander Antoniades but I couldn’t dismiss the one purport- tionally stunted servant woman in Alice [email protected] edly from Danny!, the daytime talk (why did she need Sam the Oh-So- Cover Photography Charles Ingram Photography show. Danny! (exclamation point Blue-Collar Butcher to validate her mandatory), of course, is a vehicle for worth?), the Partridges portrayed a Danny Bonaduce, who, if you’re a cer- much more complicated world, in Publisher Veronica Costanza tain age, you’ll remember as the red- which one has to dance with the capi- Group Director Regina Starr Ridley haired and mysteriously edgy moppet talist devil even as one decries its from The Partridge Family. excesses. This complex enigma was Advertising Sales Staff embodied in the work of one actor— Western Regional Sales Manager Danny Who? the young Danny Bonaduce. Steve Nikkola (415) 905-2256 Yes, The Partridge Family, a show that So, of course, I returned the call. [email protected] has been strangely unwelcome in the Promotions Manager/Eastern Regional Sales Manager current “rediscovery” of the 70s. Unlike A Genius and Holly Meintzer (212) 615-2275 the Brady Bunch, there’s been no Par- A SCUBA Master? [email protected] tridge Family movie, no stage produc- There was to be a show on brains vs. Marketing Manager Susan McDonald tions, not even a regular slot on Nick at brawn, and my pro-nerd work over the Advertising Production Coordinator Denise Temple Night. Why? Because the Bradys years had not gone unnoticed. “What Director of Production Andrew A. Mickus played to the status quo, then and makes you think you’re so smart?” they Vice President/Circulation Jerry M. Okabe now—sprawling suburban house, ser- asked me. “I don’t think I’m smart,” I Group Circulation Director Gina Oh vants, an affluent and secure whitebread answered, “I just edit a magazine for Group Circulation Manager Kathy Henry home in which sons and daughters hap- smart people.” “It’ll have to do,” decid- Circulation Manager Mike Poplardo pily embrace the bourgeois. ed Producers Julie Knapp and Rita Newsstand Manager Debra Caris The Partridges, on the other hand, Whack. “What can you do for the tal- Reprints Stella Valdez (916) 729-3633 were darker. In the cluttered, claustro- ent competition?” phobic garage in which they practiced, My immediate answer: “Program a Chairman of the Board Graham J.S. Wilson they gave birth to songs, not about computer faster than anyone who’s bet- President/CEO Marshall W. Freeman “Sunshine-y Days,” but about doubts ter, and better than anyone who’s Executive Vice President/COO Thomas L. Kemp and fears. “Stop! I Think I Love You”? faster,” drew a stony silence. I tried Senior Vice President/CFO Warren “Andy” Ambrose Why couldn’t he be sure? What was sports: “Throw a Frisbee-brand flying Senior Vice Presidents David Nussbaum, H. Verne David Cassidy saying? That corporate disc 120 yards fairly accurately?” Not in Packer, Donald A. Pazour, Wini D. Ragus America, by co-opting the language of a studio. “Hold my breath while wear- Vice President/Production Andrew A. Mickus romance, had stolen the emotional ing diving gear?” Not exactly riveting Vice President/Circulation Jerry Okabe compass to the point where none of us, television. “Ride a mountain bike over a Vice President/Software Development Division Regina in fact, could go forward with confi- moderately sized stick?” Stony silence. Starr Ridley dence. The Bradys on the other hand, “I can juggle a little. Just three balls, told us that, “When it’s time to change, though.” There was a long sigh and I Miller Freeman you have to rearrange who you are and could hear the sound of a hand rubbing A United News & Media publication 2GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 G A M E P L A N a forehead. “Bring your SCUBA gear. women in the audience here!” Then, to no idea what to do in it. I gave some We’ll figure it out.” put the audience in stitches, he acted thought to duct-taping my mouth and Breaking deadlines left and right effeminate and waggled his tongue sug- nose shut and doing push-ups to show (sorely testing the good humor of manag- gestively. Quentin had appeared on that one could be fit without being ing editor Nicole Claro and, over at Soft- several talk shows, which is apparently bulky, but I didn’t even know if the pro- ware Development, Barbara Hanscome), what young comics do nowadays rather duction staff could find duct tape in the my wife Tina and I flew out to Chicago than actually develop a witty routine. few remaining minutes before taping Thursday night, the night before the tap- time. It was then that I was saved by the ing. Impressive as it was to be picked up electric pickle. The Partridges at the airport by a limousine, it was less One of the guys replaced by the impressive that the driver had lost the car idiot comics was willing to lend me his in the parking structure, missed the exit pickle and a lamp cord. As I’m sure you from the airport, and got lost again on the know, when 110 volts of alternating cur- were darker than way to the hotel. I mean, I don’t know rent flows through a pickle, the result is a Chicago, but does it normally take two coronal discharge that dances like green hours to get from O’Hare to Evanston neon, what the Romans would have with no traffic? called an aurora cucumeralisif only they’d Three-and-a-half hours of sleep the Bradys and spent a little less time building aqueducts later, it was time to get up and get to and a little more time installing cheap, the studio. Finally, I would know if universal electrical service. green rooms were really green and if So I reported to the backstage area television sets had as much good food sang songs about newly charged with confidence. There as movie sets. Tina and I debated are few things that one can know with whether I should drink two or three metaphysical certainty, but one is that cappucinos to give me a little bounce or electrifying a pickle on national televi- whether the resulting quaver in my doubts and fear. sion would be a “grabber.” It’s got all voice would come across bad on televi- the elements of great drama: surprise, sion. I didn’t have the choice. By the danger (electrocution and explosion time I got to the (not) green room, I being distant, but real, possibilities), couldn’t even find real cream for the and visual appeal that can’t be beat. “Stop! I Think I dregs of a pot of Maxwell House coffee. Then, sad to say, it all came apart. Intimidated by the jeers of the crowd, Show Us Your Pickle tongue-tied by the insistence of the I was introduced to my fellow “brain” staff that I “know what you’re going to Love You”? Why team members, and it was here that say before you go out,” tired and cranky things started falling apart fast. After from lack of sleep, I went on and, in a meeting Alan, the systems analyst, and word, bombed. I was asked to step Charles, the biochemistry graduate stu- aside, to support my team, to be seen, wasn‘t he sure? dent, I was introduced to Quentin and perhaps, but not heard. And then it Gary, two stand-up comedians who was over. The judges decided that Jose, were planted in our panel apparently one of the “Macho Maniacs,” was the because the producers weren’t sure we’d most interesting of us all, a decision I be amusing enough. Quentin would What was David couldn’t disagree with, based on what eventually “win” as the most interesting made it onto television. of our team, despite the fact that his But I can’t help but think what “talent” was telling an offensive joke might have been. I can’t help but that was stupid when Eddie Murphy Cassidy saying? dream of the electric pickle. n first told it 10 years ago. With his Larry O’Brien chunk-gold jewelry and mock inner- Editor city speaking cadences, this guy was popped straight from the Play-Doh When Larry O’Brien is not singing Create-A-Comic kit. When he finally Still, the stand-up comics at least Brady Bunchand Partridge Familytunes, got on TV, the first words out of his knew the talk-show drill, which gave he can be found at Game Developermag- mouth were, I swear to God, “Hey, them a distinct advantage over me. I’d azine or attempting to electrically charge how y’all doin’? Some fine-looking brought some skin diving gear but had various vegetables. 4 GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 S E Z U ! Gaming for The Fun of It?? SSAAYY IITT!! The shady staff of Game Developerwould love to hear your comments, questions, and suggestions! Please send them to: Game Developermagazine, Sez U!, 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, Calif., 94107. For those of you who do have access to the Inter- net, send e-mail to [email protected] or go to the Game Developerweb site at Thanks! Dear Editor: some adults who have enjoyed gaming for the I just have to say I really enjoy your maga- fun of it. zine. I’ve made a living doing defense and Randall G. Arnold commercial product design for many years Coppell, Texas and have only now gathered the resources to do what the majority of your readers are already doing—creating games! I’ve tested the waters by doing game-testing, consult- WWAAIITT AA MMIINNUUTTEE,, MMRR.. PPOOSSTTMMAANN ing, manual design, editing and much play- Dear Editor: P ing. Now I’m ready to see if my hare-brained lease stop calling the postal service’s uni- ideas will sell! versal access, low technology, information I enjoyed Barbara Hanscome’s “Gamin’ for transfer media snailmail! Remember, only Grrrrls” (Chopping Block, Oct./Nov. 1995). 10% of the U.S. population is on the Internet at Despite the fact that boys and girls dohave this time. The rest of them still need to move differing tastes, we are after all, both human physical objects around at the universal cost of and have that much in common. We like to be 32 cents per ounce. entertained, challenged, amused, thrilled, Jason Feinman and teased. Boys don’t necessarily need Via e-mail blood and violence, and girls can live without Dear Editor: H cute, fuzzy animals. My sons not only like the ow come you don’t put articles online, background sound in games, they thrive on thereby saving trees and many post offi- it! In addition, my 8-year-old plays all four of cers’ backs? I know money is a concern, the characters in Street Fighter 2, including but can’t you just stick the advertisers’ ad in the girl (she has “neat powers”)! the articles? I promise to be subliminally I believe we can most easily find common affected by their ads. ground by examining games of the past, in Andrew Shebanow addition to perennial favorites. I have noticed Via e-mail that both sexes really get into games that let them insert their own personalities. Role- Editor Larry O’Brien responds: playing games let players of either sex use After receiving the preceding disturbingly their unique strengths. Hey, men like a good angry letter from a postal carrier in response to game of chess, yahtzee, cards, and so on–no our referring to ground mail as “snailmail,” real violence there. My point is that I honestly we’re not about to become even more of a tar- think these big game companies are trying get by throwing hundreds, maybe even thou- toohard and maybe they should consult with sands, of carriers out of work. 6 GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 GGIIMMMMEE MMOORREE!! Our Readers but I just wanted to warn you that there’s a Dear Editor: woman on your staff who doesn’t look where I’m a big fan of your magazine, and I’m glad she’s going on the busy sidewalks of San Fran- This month, our to see you’ve lowered the price. I thought the cisco. October/November 1995 issue was your best Enrique Hombrelibre yet. Mike Michaels’s “Organizing User Input, Via e-mail Part I: The Input Queue Manager and Keyboard readers have much Events” was very well written and informative. Contributing editor Alex Dunne responds: I do have a suggestion, though: I’d really like Thanks for the note. We’ve taken care of Nicole to see more information about game industry Freeman, a.k.a. “little Nikita.” She travels under sales figures and other market data. Unlike a variety of assumed names, especially when to say about gender other PC application categories, game sales involved in covert pedestrian-bumping opera- information is very hard to come by. I’d like to tions. Rest assured that everyone on our staff know how well games sell, what the total mar- was alerted to her slip-up and that she will be ket size is, what typical budgets for games are, severely reprimanded! It’s slip-ups like this that differences, the and how game developers make their money. can devastate a little magazine like ours. After all, being a game developer isn’t simply a EE RR RR AATTAA matter of hacking out code–you’ve got to sell Q those games too. Thanks. uality is job one here at Game postal service, Andy Shebanow Developer magazine. We strive to Via e-mail correct any mistakes we’ve made to provide you with best product we can. That said, we lower our heads and suspicious and admit to the following two mis- LLIITTTTLLEE NNIIKKKKII takes. Dear Editor: I was walking down the street the other day •In Mike Michaels’s Oct./Nov. 1995 just minding my own business when this feature article “Organizing User encounters with woman ran into me and knocked me into Input, Part I: The Input Queue moving traffic. Now, I was quite upset until Manager and Keyboard Events,” we she said she worked on this game maker mag- left out Listing 3, HEAPMGR.C. azine or something, and gee didn’t that sound •In “Getting Started with VESA” by the staff of interesting, and, well I guess I could forget the Matt Pritchard (June/July 1995) part whole incident if she would send me a copy of of the code in Listing 2, VESADE- what sounded like a great read, but I never MO.C, was omitted. heard from her again. I thought she said her Game Developer name was Nakita Freeman or something, so I You can access each of these listings looked up game stuff on my groovy web brows- in its entirety (as well as all refer- er and there’s someone on your staff named enced code from previous issues) on Nicole. I thought she might be working there the fabulous carousel that is the magazine. under an assumed name or something. I don’t Game Developerftp site. care so much about the magazine anymore, GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 7 C R O S S F I R E A Hardware Spec for Games L Alex Dunne ast issue, I examined the inter- and intracompany politics that GamePC Consortium’s can hold back rapid adoption of a stan- The standards specifi- (GPCC) efforts to put dard. The three-dimensional graphics together a benchmark for benchmark I described last issue is three-dimensional graphics merely one component of this proposed performance. The GPCC is a specification. cation under discus- young organization compris- ing hardware and software Standardizing vendors in the PC game industry. The Game Hardware consortium was formed to target the Like the MPC certification, which is sion at the Game PC vacuum in PC game standards through controlled by the Software Publishers the creation of the GamePC Association’s Interactive Multimedia specification—an all-encompassing section, the GamePC certification will GamePC standard similar to the Mul- provide a way for consumers to deter- timedia PC (MPC) specification. This mine the minimum hardware they Consortium is a hot standard is a tough nut to crack, not need to enjoy their software purchas- merely because of the technical hurdles es. It will also help the game develop- that have to be cleared, but because of ment community develop and market topic these days. So hot, in fact, that we‘ve got the results of the vote in this month‘s Bit Blasts (we are so on The GamePC Consortium’s specification for gaming hardware will be implemented as a seal of approval, indicating the type of hardware recommended for game play. These logos are still in the design stages. top of things). GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 9 C R O S S F I R E games because a common level of game the GamePC Consortium roams. Cre- specification that generated the most performance will be expected from the ating another specification that dictates debate. In fact, it wound up being such hardware. similar—but not identical—require- a complicated topic that it didn’t make Why not simply use the MPC ments as the MPC specification will it into the standard for games? It doesn’t go far only confuse consumers. To avoid o f f i c i a l enough. For instance, a graphically duplicity or conflicts between the certi- GamePC undemanding and processor-friendly fications, the GPCC has decided to ballot. The game of the Myst variety would do fine base the GamePC specification on group is using the MPC3 specification. A game either the MPC2 or MPC3 specifica- still work- that required a bit more horsepower tion and build on those requirements in ing on it under the hood—perhaps Dark Forces areas specific to game play. (You can as we go or Wing Commander 3—would need a find a thorough description of the vari- to press, specification that provided for a faster ous MPC requirements on the World and it processor, graphics, and perhaps better Wide Web, at will be audio as well. Further down the road, as mpc/default.htm.) voted on inde- games demand more sophisticated As a result, the GamePC specifica- pendently from the rest of the hardware hardware, the specification can be tion will rely to a large degree upon one requirements. When completed, it will updated or higher levels of the specifi- of these two MPC levels as a baseline. likely take shape as a test suite that cation can be created. In theory it’s an excellent plan—con- computers will have to pass, similar to sumers won’t have to worry about con- the MPC test suite. The MPC Spec flicting requirements in the two specifi- Three-dimensional User Input. A To see how the GamePC specification cations. With a little collaboration, the requirement for three-dimensional will be used, look no further than the two standards organizations should be input (such as a joystick-generated MPC certification as a model. The able to effectively update their specifi- command) was recommended for game MPC specifications (there are three lev- cations on a regular basis without step- machines, as the MPC specification els—the higher the number the more ping on each others’ toes. However, calls only for a standard 101 keyboard current the specification) dictate the there are some parts of the GamePC and a mouse. The keyboard is fine for minimum processor, RAM, hard drive, ballot that risk conflict with the MPC Doom and the mouse is great for Myst, floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, audio, specification. but a Descent-type game or a flight graphics performance, video playback, simulator allowing six degrees of free- user input, I/O, and system software Turning Suggestions dom should require a flight stick to present on a PC. In addition, the MPC into a Ballot keep players from auguring in. Howev- Working Group provides a test suite on The following items present in the er, the ballot sent out by the GamePC CD-ROM, written by the National GamePC specification were bandied Consortium only queried for the pres- Software Testing Laboratories, for about among GPCC members. Some ence of a universal serial bus (USB) dig- establishing whether a computer is items made it onto the ballot for ital joystick interface and a front- delivering MPC3 compliance in the key members to vote for or against mounted joystick port—there was no areas of processing speed, video play- the specification, while others mention of the computer actually hav- back, graphics performance and audio. were shelved for future ver- ing a joystick hooked up. Specifying Hardware vendors are required to sions of the specification. that a person have a joystick port, but pass the test suite in order to Some of the suggested not requiring the joystick itself is some- display the MPC mark on items were pretty cutting what like requiring that the computer their products. In 1994, edge, but given that the have a port for a keyboard, but not the MPC1 MPC2 logo won’t take effect requiring the presence of a keyboard certification marks until sometime well (the big difference being that every were extended to indi- into 1996, the recom- computer comes with a keyboard, and vidual CD-ROM dri- mendations were ap- no computer that I know of automati- ves and sound cards, propriate. Here’s a quick cally comes with a joystick). and in 1995, the MPC3 rundown of items that A consumer without a joystick is mark was extended to were suggested for apt to look at a flight simulator box, see video playback boards and GamePC-compatibility: the GamePC logo, figure he or she- speakers. Three-Dimensional meets the specification (“Hey—I’ve got Because the MPC standard was Graphics. The three-dimensional graph- the joystick port”), bring the game developed years ago, it has already ics benchmark that I profiled in my last home, and find out that the darned staked out much of the territory that column was probably the part of the thing doesn’t work too well with a 10 GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 C R O S S F I R E mouse and keyboard. I may be nitpick- courage consumers from taking the 28.8KB modem might have been better ing, but I feel that if the specification is specification seriously. This is one of (oh well). I wonder if specifying access going to ask for something as nifty as a those cases where the special interests to one of the major commercial online front-mounted USB, you might want to of certain companies can cause political services shouldn’t be a requirement of a require the control that plugs into it. problems in specification creation. For- future GamePC specification. By all T h r e e - tunately, neither of those items made it accounts, CompuServe, America dimensional onto the ballot. Online, Prodigy, and the Microsoft Sight and CD-ROM. This was an item that I Network are hot and heavy to promote Sound. Vari- saw in potential conflict with the MPC a new generation of graphical games ous GPCC specification. The GPCC proposed a using their online services as a back- members data transfer rate from a CD-ROM bone. Another idea for future GamePC proposed at 450KB per second—in other specifications is a network card— noth- that infor- words, a triple speed drive. This ing beats the speed of head-to-head mation per- raises two questions: why stan- play when you’re connected to your taining to three-di- dardize on this rare model of roommate’s computer with some coax! mensional sound be included in drive (why not just base it on System Software. No mention of the specification, and others favor sup- a 4X speed?), and won’t this system software is made because all port for stereoscopic devices in the conflict with the MPC3 specification if MPC specifications specify DOS and GamePC mark. My feeling when I first that gets ratified as the basis for the 16-bit Windows. However, the saw those suggestions was, yes, those GamePC specification? To attain the GamePC ballot queries support for high-end goodies should be in future MPC3 rating, a computer must have a AutoPlay (or similar functionality), versions of a specification, but coming quad-speed CD-ROM drive, so ap- which implies support for Windows 95. off the blocks with a specification that proval of a triple-speed drive will cause The question of which operating system calls for hardware that a miniscule por- the GamePC rating to dip below an to standardize on could confuse the tion of the gamers own (and not many already approved base standard. Some specification if it is not cleared up. games will support anyway) will dis- kind of amendment to the standard Additionally, GPCC members such as might have to be IBM have made it clear that they’d like made to correct this the GPCC to come up with a specifica- apparent conflict. tion that’s operating system neutral. Audio. The This means that either the AutoPlay GamePC specifica- requirement will have to be ditched, tion seems to be IBM will have to enable its own version fairly similar to the of AutoPlay in OS/2, or IBM is out of MPC specification. luck. Game PCs will The results of the balloting will be likely be required to available by the time you read this. support the current However, it’s still not clear when the standard sampling GamePC specification will begin to rates between 8 and appear on game boxes or hardware. 44.1KHZ and sup- Realistically, I wouldn’t expect it until port wavetable syn- the spring or summer of 1996. Yes, thesis for MIDI there are issues to be resolved regarding playback. the GamePC specification, but there’s Communica- no question that it’s a step forward for tion. With the everyone—developers and consumers head-to-head capa- alike. If you’d like to keep up to date bilities of many with what’s going on with the specifica- games on the mar- tion, or you’re interested in becoming a ket these days, the member of the GPCC, check out their GPCC suggested web site at requiring a 14.4KB gamepc/gpchome.html. n modem in a Game- PC-compatible machine. Excel- Alex Dunne is contributing editor to lent—although a Game Developermagazine. 12 GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 B I T B L A S T S Let’s Hear It for the Boy O Nicole Claro n For more information contact: .J.’s over, the World Series Nintendo of America actually happened this year 4820 150th Avenue N.E. (with the Cleveland Indians, Redmond, Wash. 98052 Christmas is here, no less!), and my editor got to Tel: (206) 882-2040 Fax: (206) 882-3585 rub shoulders with our favorite bottom-tattooed, for- Diamond on the Edge mer child star. Judgment Day and there are new happens in less than a week, Virtual Fighter, “Ready, Go!” Windows but after that, things could start to get 95-integrated video and audio has dull around here. Hey, Christmas, a big reached new heights. Diamond Multi- season for the game industry, is just media Systems Inc. has announced a tools, new books, around the corner! Many of our readers line of integrated three-dimensional have probably recently shipped projects multimedia accelerators that lets users they’d worked on diligently for months play a variety of high-powered games and are ready to spend some time under Windows 95. new virtual headsets exploring each others work (not to The company believes its Dia- mention the tools they each used on mond Edge 3D is the only single-board that work). Enter hardware for the accelerator that features a digital game- Christmas season—Virtual Boy from port for precise joystick control and two for everyone! We‘ve Nintendo. video gameports that let you play spe- Nintendo recently launched Virtual cialized, multiplayer titles. Several Boy to the tune of a $25-million mar- game companies are developing prod- keting campaign. The VR headset is a ucts specifically to take advantage of RISC-based, 32-bit system using two the capabilities offered by Diamond’s also got the scoop on high-resolution, mirror-scanning LED new product. Papyrus’s Nascar Racing displays, which immerses the player in a and Interplay’s Descent: Destination fantastic world. The player controls the Saturn are two games slotted to be action inside the lightweight headset bundled with the upcoming release of the results of the (fitted with stereo sound) using the dou- Diamond Edge 3D. Retail price for ble-grip controller with six buttons and Diamond Edge 3D will range from two plus-keys. Nintendo was responsible $249 to $299. for the three-dimensional image immer- n For more information contact: GamePC sion technology used in Virtual Boy, Diamond Multimedia Systems Inc. while the company has licensed the pro- 2880 Junction Ave. prietary display technology from Reflec- San Jose, Calif. 95134-1922 tion Technology Inc., based in Tel: (408) 325-7000 Consortium‘s vote on Waltham, Mass. Nintendo is currently Fax: (408) 325-7070 working with several companies on third-party games designed specifically Crash, Bang, Boom! for the Virtual Boy headset, which will specifications! retail for $179.95. Gameboy, Virtual Positron Publishing has released the Boy, where does the boy go from here? Dynamic Motion Module, the first 14 GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 H O T O F F T H E P R E S S ! I t’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for...Just days ago (remember, it’s December in Magazineland, but October everywhere else) the GamePC Consortium (GPCC) announced the results of its vote on standards for game specifications. For back- physics-based collision detection pro- ground information on the debate, see Alex Dunne’s Crossfire column, on page 9 of gram for the PC. Designed as a plug-in this issue. Following are the standards the GPCC agreed on for the GamePC Level 1 for Autodesk 3D Studio, the Dynamic Compatible System Specification. The specification covers five areas, systems, CD-ROMs, Motion Module uses physics to create graphics, sound, and video. The GPCC also agreed on a Recommended System Specifica- series of keyframes more precisely than tion, but due to its length, we couldn’t provide that data here. Go to our soon-to-be web you could by hand. It lets animators site (, though, and you can view it. combine objects that have been SYSTEM assigned dynamic motion with other • Must Meet MPC level 2 minimum specifications objects that rely upon key frame motion • Base system must contain at least 8MB RAM and detects the collision of objects • Must Support AutoPlay (or similar functionality) (with a collision detection resolution of • Must be able to read 10MB data file from hard disk in 17 seconds (more than up to 1/480th of a second), calculating 600Kb per second). the resulting motion response of the objects. The module uses quaternions CD-ROM (complex algebraic structures) to • Must be able to read 10MB data file from CD in 30 seconds (300K/sec). improve rotation and lets you apply fac- tors such as gravity, wind, acceleration, GRAPHICS: • Must run “Fox and Bear” benchmark (640x480x8) at a rate of 30 fps velocity, and drag to your objects. Fully • Must implement local bus (VLB or PCI) graphics with total video RAM greater compatible with 3D Studio’s internal than or equal to 2MB splines, the Dynamic Motion Module • Minimum total RAM (base system RAM+ video RAM) must be 9MB also provides smooth-shaded preview • Display and monitor must support the following display modes: images as frames are generated. 320 x 200 256 Colors (Mode 13 and Mode X) n For more information contact: 640 x 400 256 Colors (Mode 100h) Positron Publishing 640 x 480 256 Colors (Mode 101h) 1915 N. 121st St. 640 x 480 32K Colors (5:5:5) (Mode 110h) Ste. D 640 x 480 64K Colors (5:6:5) (Mode 111h) Omaha, Neb. 68154 640 x 480 16.8M Colors (8:8:8) (Mode 112h) Tel: (402) 493-6280 800 x 600 256 Colors (Mode 103h) Fax: (402) 493-6254 SOUND: VB Underground • Must be able to play 4, 22KHz 16-bit wave buffers mixed, concurrently • Must support all sample rates between 8KHz and 44.1KHz, mono and stereo The Waite Group Press has released • Must support General MIDI compatible wave table synthesis. another in its series of “Black Arts” books for programmers. Black Art of VIDEO Visual Basic Game Programming, by • Must be able to play a sample MPEG movie file from CD-ROM (accurate sound Mark Pruett, is a guide to every aspect synchronization with no audio breaks) of building Windows games from the • 352 x 240 window in display mode 640 x 480 x 8 must run at a rate of 15 fps ground up. Step-by-step tutorials clear- • Must be OM-1 MPEG compliant. ly explain essentials like drawing the Systems that the GamePC Consortium tests and verifies to conform to the above specifi- boundaries of the game playing field, cations can earn the GamePC Level 1 Compatiblecertification mark. using the Windows API to its fullest to create sprites and bitmap masks, and GAME DEVELOPER • DECEMBER/JANUARY 1995 15