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Preview GDM August 2011

T H E L E A D I N G G A M E I N D U S T R Y M A G A Z I N E v o L 1 8 N o 7 A U G U S T 2 0 1 1 I N S I D E : T I L I N G p E R L I N N o I S E : A N E w T E c H N I q U E TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 11111111111111111111111111 88888888888888888888888888 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 55555555555555555555555555 CCCCCCCCOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS........00000000888888881111111111111111 VVVOOOLLLUUUMMMEEE 111888 NNNUUUMMMBBBEEERRR 000777 AAAAAA UUUUUU GGGGGG UUUUUU SSSSSS TTTTTT 222222 000000 111111 111111 I N S I D E : 1 0 T H A N N U A L S A L A R Y S U R V E Y POSTMORTEMS 12 TOTAL WAR: SHOGUN 2 TOTAL WAR: SHOGUN 2 is the latest in a long line of TOTAL WAR games, and this time the game focused in, rather than expanding the universe outward. This turned out to be the critical tipping point toward success for the team, as the studio struggled with multiple projects and an increasingly branched codebase. By James Russell 20 TERMINATOR SALVATION—THE ARCADE GAME Making arcade games is a lost art to much of the game industry, but Play Mechanix and Raw Thrills have been keeping the fires burning for many years now. This postmortem shows what it takes to make a modern arcade game, from software to cabinet. By Scott Matott FEATURES 7 RANDOM STRUCTURE Perlin oise has become a staple of many randomized or procedural actions in games. But what if you wanted this randomization to tile, for seamless world creation, or art purposes? Joshua Tippets has a heretofore unseen solution. By Joshua Tippetts DEPARTMENTS 2 GAME PLAN By Brandon Sheffield [EDITORIAL] Most Likely To Achieve 4 HEADS UP DISPLAY [NEWS] Arcade! returns to France, and arcade game development tips. 27 GDC ONLINE PREVIEW By Frank Cifaldi [PREVIEW] Top session picks 30 TOOL BOX By Bijan Forutanpour [REVIEW] Donya Labs' Simplygon 34 THE INNER PRODUCT By Paul Laska [PROGRAMMING] Ready, Set, Allocate! 42 DESIGN OF THE TIMES By Jaime Griesemer [DESIGN] Undermining Achievements 44 PIXEL PUSHER By Steve Theodore [ART] All In the Family 47 AURAL FIXATION By Jesse Harlin [SOUND] Crowd Control 49 THE BUSINESS By Christian Nutt [BUSINESS] An interview with Square Enix's Mike Fischer 50 GDC NEWS By Staff [NEWS] GDC Online's Narrative Summit, and GDC Vault numbers 51 GOOD JOB! By Brandon Sheffield [CAREER] Ken Finlayson Q&A, who went where, and new studios 53 EDUCATED PLAY By Tom Curtis [EDUCATION] Enjmin's PAPERPLANE 56 ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT By Matthew Wasteland [HUMOR] The Best Video Game Studio In the World 1 GAME DEVELOPER | XXXXX XXXX WWW.GDMAG.COM 1 GAME PLAN // BRANDON SHEFFIELD GAME DEVELOPER MAGAZINE WWW.GDMAG.COM MOST LIKELY TO ACHIEVE United Business Media 303 Second Street, Suite 900, South Tower San Francisco, CA 94107 t: 415.947.6000 f: 415.947.6090 A DISCUSSION OF WHEN AND WHY ACHIEVEMENTS MATTER SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES FOR INFORMATION, ORDER QUESTIONS, AND LIKE MANY OTHERS, I SCOFFED AT But you have to be careful with felt warranted an extra award. In ADDRESS CHANGES the idea of achievements when they even these, especially in how you the case of the combos, I simply t: 800.250.2429 f: 847.763.9606 were introduced to the mainstream describe them. For example, in one wanted to show off. In the case of e: [email protected] through Xbox Live. Now, there are DUNGEON SIEGE 3 boss encounter you the monster raising, the new forms FOR DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION times where I actually miss them get an achievement for “defeating weren’t sufficiently amazing on www.gdmag.com/digital in games where they’re absent. 50 automatons” before taking their own, and I felt I needed an EDITORIAL This is especially true of games that the boss down. I counted some extra reward. It seems that while PUBLISHER are good, but need that extra push 120 automatons defeated before I achievements can't save a bad Simon Carless l [email protected] to be great. And more than that, if finished off the boss, just to be sure. game, they can give a bit of a boost EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I’m going to try to suffer through But I received no achievement. The to game that's 80 percent of the Brandon Sheffield l [email protected] something I actively dislike, such game was not supplying me with the way there. PRODUCTION EDITOR Jade Kraus l [email protected] as DUKE NUKEM FOREVER, I at least correct information or feedback, and If achievements are indeed ART DIRECTOR want my friends to be able to know I felt like I was getting cheated out extrinsic rewards, not an intrinsic Joseph Mitch l [email protected] about it. of something. After jumping through part of the fun, this leads me down DESIGNER This is a strange new the flaming hoops, I did not get the another path. Sony is starting to Jessica Chan CONTRIBUTING WRITERS relationship to have with electronic treat at the end of the performance. charge for its online experience Tom Curtis media. In the olden days, you’d On the other hand, getting new in used games, giving download Jesse Harlin have to send your high score in rare loot was compelling enough codes for newly-purchased titles, Paul Laska Bijan Forutanpour to a magazine via a screenshot on its own, and I didn’t feel like I to discourage used game sales. Jaime Griesemer in order to get any recognition for needed an achievement at all here. EA gives bonus content to those Steve Theodore doing something spectacular in a Getting a lightning-infused Spear of who purchase games new. What if Christian Nutt Frank Cifaldi game. Now, with achievements and Magnificence was its own reward. platform holders universally decided Matthew Wasteland leaderboards, anyone can know that Then there are games like that only purchasers of new games ADVISORY BOARD you got the “Seriously 2.0” award in DRAGON AGE. In this massive would have their gamerscores Hal Barwood Designer-at-Large Mick West Independent GEARS OF WAR 2 (for killing 100,000 RPG, achievements encourage displayed, through a code entry, or Brad Bulkley Microsoft enemies). For many people this kind exploration of alternate narrative some other such method? Would Clinton Keith Independent Brenda Brathwaite Lolapps of reward is quite compelling, and paths, leading players to more people still feel that achievements Bijan Forutanpour Sony Online Entertainment just increasing the number of points content that they otherwise might were extrinsic rewards? Would used Mark DeLoura THQ Carey Chico Independent they have in their gamerscore can be not see. They are actually partially game buyers feel cheated? This will Mike Acton Insomniac enough motivation to play a game. responsible for improving (or likely never come to pass, but it’s But in my opinion, achievements extending) the player’s experience. certainly food for thought. ADVERTISING SALES just for the sake of achievements are This also serves the developers’ best As Nintendo prepares to GLOBAL SALES DIRECTOR Aaron Murawski e: [email protected] not worthwhile. I like to see numbers interests, because it means less of release Wii U, the company is also t: 415.947.6227 go up as much as anyone—but I their hard work will go unnoticed. reconsidering its online strategy. MEDIA ACCOUNT MANAGER want to feel that I’ve earned them. Now that we’re all so used One wonders whether Wii U will John Malik Watson e: [email protected] t: 415.947.6224 Receiving 200 points at chapter to these sorts of systems, what continue to buck the achievement GLOBAL ACCOUNT MANAGER, RECRUITMENT endings doesn’t feel like something happens when we aren’t provided trend. Nintendo already lets you see Gina Gross e: [email protected] I’ve really achieved. If I’m playing with them? No Nintendo console the how often and how long you've t: 415.947.6241 the game through, passing a has ever had a proper achievement played games on the 3DS and GLOBAL ACCOUNT MANAGER, EDUCATION Rafael Vallin e: [email protected] chapter point is inevitable, if the system built in, and at times, Wii, but doesn't let you share that t: 415.947.6223 game is fun. So how interesting is I actually miss them. In GHOST information. Will Nintendo be the ADVERTISING PRODUCTION that, really? The more interesting TRICK, for example, you’re moving lone hold-out in the race to gamify PRODUCTION MANAGER achievements are those that linearly through an adventure, and the world? It seems an inevitable Pete C. Scibilia e: [email protected] encourage alternate paths or play achievements would necessarily issue to address. Nintendo has the t: 516-562-5134 styles, or reward exploration. But be of the “progress” type, so opportunity to provide, rather than REPRINTS you have to do it right. achievements are unnecessary. arbitrary achievements, actual WRIGHT'S MEDIA Recently I was playing DUNGEON But in MONSTER TALE, which is a data about the games you've been Ryan Pratt e: [email protected] SIEGE 3, a passable dungeon smart beat-em-up combined with a playing. This could be an even more t: 877.652.5295 crawler with a middling story that monster raising sim, I’ve felt their meaningful achievement system AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT I continued through because it got absence. I can consistently get of sorts, and one which wouldn't TYSON ASSOCIATES Elaine Tyson the loot mechanic right. Many of the over 30 hit combos, for instance, require developer implementation. e: [email protected] achievements, rather than being which is somewhat difficult. It feels When achievements move into LIST RENTAL Merit Direct LLC secret, were visible to the player like I should be rewarded for that, or hard data, I think the game will be t: 914.368.1000 if they cared to look. This is fine, compelled to push myself further. changed for the better. and in my case it compelled me Likewise, there are rare forms of —Brandon Sheffield to try to fulfill the requirements. monster you can raise, which I also twitter: @necrosofty WWW.UBM.COM 2 GAME DEVELOPER | AUGUST 2011 HEADS-UP DISPLAY AudioSurf, SpAce GirAffe, rez, Geometry WArS retro evolved 2, oSmoS, and Super lASer rAcer, because he felt these games were best suited as performance pieces that were easy to understand and spectacular to watch. His team found that while most players slouched and were sedentary when they played these games in a regular gaming environment, in the Arcade! setting they became more aware of their bodies and played differently. “Nowadays people are playing at home, laying on a sofa and grasping their game pad, or sitting at their desk with mouse a mixture of video games and performance art and keyboard ... All these gaming experiences involve the body, but in such a mundane way that \\\ Seven years ago Nicolas Rosette’s housemate brought home a projector to screen films on people don't even notice their lounge room wall. Not wanting to limit the use of the new household gadget, Rosette plugged they are bodily engaged in a console into the projector, turned up the sound to match the size of his wall, and fired up rez. the game,” says Rosette. Standing in the middle of the room (his controller cable was too short for him to be seated) as the “Having them standing music pumped and his character floated from side to side, he felt like he was playing a game that he in front of a huge controller had played so many times before for the first time in his life. displaying a wide angle image is forcing them “It felt like it was meant Little did Rosette institution known for intention is not. As a sport to be more conscious to be played this way, know that this one gaming pushing boundaries performance, it is about of their body. This also on a scale of 1:1,” says session would be a seed in theatre, dance, and showing skill and mastery allows them a freedom Rosette. “Not only was that would blossom into music—Rosette began of the game. As an art of movement, and as the the image wide, it also felt Arcade!—a full-scale his push for a theatre performance, it is more games have an important open—there was organic touring exhibition, program to allow people to about interpreting the musical part, they can also and architectural feedback launching in one of experience video games game piece through an act start moving in rhythm ... from the image being Paris’ most cutting-edge the way he was able to of performance.” it’s like dancing.” projected and reflected theatres six years later. back in 2004. Although “It can be considered The reception into a physical space; it After taking on the role now, it wasn’t just about a bit like playing a musical to Arcade! has been didn’t feel restricted by a of artistic advisor at the playing the game on a big score (the game) with overwhelmingly positive, monitor.” Théâtre de l’Agora—an screen with loud music. the dedicated musical with theatre goers who After years of research instrument (the game would normally have little into how people played device). And then comes engagement with video games, he wanted to the choreographic part: games being given a look at game playing as a the way the player ‘plays’ chance to consider games performance. (in the choreographic or as dynamic experiences. “Performing video dramatic sense) creates Arcade! will be games can mainly be a dynamic shape that has returning to France in understood in two ways: its own narrative (even November 2012 at the as a sport performance, if abstract) drive, and StereoLux in Nantes, before or as a performing art aesthetic value.” commencing a European proposal,” says Rosette. Rosette experimented tour in fall of 2012. “While the activity itself with a number of games —Tracey Lien may be the same, the but eventually settled on 4 gAmE DEvELoPEr | AUgUSt 2011 the good old days remembering the still-existing challenges of arcade games Along with our terMinAtor SAlvAtion poStMorteM, GAmE DEvEloPEr preSentS thiS diScuSSion of whAt MAkeS developMent of A Modern ArcAde gAMe different froM A Modern conSole or pc gAMe. plAy MechAnix MAnAger of gAMe SoftwAre developMent MArk MAcy ShAreS hiS thoughtS. \\\ Designing and balancing the gameplay for the fun of it, there is developing high again and again. Your a business side (or dark end video games is core gameplay dynamic side) as well. Sometimes a challenging and must be easy to learn, yet the arcade game is competitive endeavor. difficult to master. owned and operated by Developing coin- the pizza joint or movie operated arcade the Whole PaCkaGe theater that houses games brings its \\\ In addition to designing the game, but more own unique set of and developing a game typically, the game is challenges on top that appeals to all levels owned by a company that of that. Here are a of players, an arcade places games in various few key concepts game team needs to locations and works out an arcade game design, procure, and often an arrangement with the developer must keep build the hardware as location to split the money in mind. well. A good game will go taken in. This means completely unnoticed in that even if your game is Insert CoIns to Play a bland or boring game the coolest, if it doesn’t \\\ When player picks up cabinet. An eye-catching earn enough quarters, it a new console game, he cabinet will get players will be replaced by that makes one decision to to walk up and try the game that tries to pick purchase it, then plays it game—then it’s up to the up stuffed animals with as much as he likes. With game to deliver the goods. a flimsy claw. The hope arcade games, the player The careful planning of is that great games will must choose to pay each the game cabinet, the deliver great earnings. time he plays. The average computer, all the electronic That way everybody wins. arcade session typically wiring and interfaces So how can you tune lasts 2–3 minutes, so inside, and any peripherals your game to maximize the challenge to the such as a plastic gun or earnings? Dropping in arcade game developer player with a stream without sacrificing steering wheel are critical a quarter-eating super is to create a gameplay of new and exciting accessibility to the to a game’s success. No boss may seem helpful, dynamic that is so fun, challenges, because if the beginner. In a console matter how fun the game but is more likely to and so compelling, that first two minutes don't game, you can put very may be, if the gun doesn’t result in players feeling players will play again and deliver, she probably difficult or challenging work, no one can play it. helpless or cheated by again. This also means won't stick around to see gameplay 20 or 30 hours Electronic or mechanical the game. It might help in that the experience has the next two minutes. into the game, separating features such as aiming the short run, but won't to be divided into smaller Every moment must be the expert play from the the plastic gun at the result in lasting earnings chunks of play. This might engaging. You can’t make beginning play. But in screen, or adding a clip- month after month. A mean a single race in a the player hunt around an arcade game even style reload to the gun better approach is to try driving game, or a five-site to find the key to unlock the beginning must be can greatly enhance the to find a dynamic where hunting trek. In the case the treasure, or present a layered so that there are gameplay experience, the player feels he “just of an action gun game like puzzle that requires trial challenges for the expert, but each new technology missed” the goal, that TerminaTor SalvaTion, (see and error to solve. and accessibility for the needs to be designed, built magic balance where he Pg. 20) your game lasts as beginner at the same (usually from scratch), got 29 out of 30 targets long as your health bar. one sIze FIts all time. The presentation often redesigned, and and barely missed \\\ When a player starts of the challenge must heavily tested in order the last one. You want Get to the Good an arcade game, they be obvious for the first to assure a reliable him to feel challenged, Part may be playing for the time player, but not experience for the player. not frustrated. If he's \\\ If a player ever grows very first time, or may be monotonous for the challenged, but seeing his bored with your game, a seasoned veteran at expert player. This is Players Vote skill progress, he'll come she’ll move on to the your game. This means an extremely difficult WIth Quarters back again and again. next one. You have to you need to find a way equilibrium which often \\\ While we wish we —Mark Macy constantly confront the to challenge the experts involves tweaking and could create games just www.gdmag.com 5 The best ideas evolve. Great ideas don’t just happen. They evolve. Your own development teams think and work fast. Don’t miss a breakthrough. Version everything with Perforce. Software and fi rmware. Digital assets and games. Websites and documents. More than 5,000 organizations and 350,000 users trust Perforce SCM to version work enterprise-wide. Try it now. Download the free 2-user, non-expiring Perforce Server from perforce.com Or request an evaluation license for any number of users. versioned with Perforce Guild Wars 2 art above ©2011 ArenaNet, Inc. All rights reserved. Guild Wars 2 is a registered trademark of NCsoft Corporation. Perforce Game Developer page ad.indd 1 06/07/2011 19:13 j o s h u a t i p p e t t s Procedural generation of assets, including textures and geometry, has become an integral part of many modern game development processes. Implementing procedural methods as part of the pipeline can free up artistic manpower for the creation of all the other rich details that are required to give the game world life. There has been a lot of research into various methods of procedural generation, and since its invention by Ken Perlin, Perlin noise has become an irreplaceable staple of the field. Coming in a number of variants and flavors, Perlin noise is commonly combined using various fractal methods to create continuously varying noise patterns suitable for use in generating random yet meaningful textures, pieces of heightmap geometry, maps to model the distribution of vegetation, precipitation, and other systems. It can even be used to add levels of jitter or variation to physically modeled systems (see Creator of Worlds, April 2011). In short, Perlin noise is found almost everywhere these days. This article is not intended to be an in-depth explanation of Perlin noise; that topic has been covered exhaustively in other places. Implementations of both classic and improved Perlin noise have been written in countless languages, and have even been implemented as part of procedural texture shaders on GPUs. Instead, this article will talk about a topic that hasn't received quite as much coverage: making Perlin noise (and other arbitrary noise functions) tile seamlessly. Seamless noise is useful, for example, in creating landscape textures intended to be tiled across a terrain. The borders of the textures must align so that no visible seams or edges appear, and thus the functions that model the texture must themselves be made to tile. Tiling can, of course, be performed by an artist using post-process methods to edit the seams out once the texture has been modeled. But much work can be saved if the seamless tiling is included as part of the procedural process. The key to performing seamlessly tiled mapping of a noise function is to minimize distortion, discontinuities, blurring, and muddling of the final image. A number of methods are available to tile a function, but most involve some sort of blending or filtering to perform the seamless mapping, which may result in visual artifacts in the final output. >>> www.gdmag.com 7 soft-edged, regular, or irregular as needed. However, many other functions do not work well with this method, because the blending that is performed to hide the edges can cause artifacts to crop up that can disrupt the shape and flow of the texture or create obvious patterns that stand out. This method tends to work best when performed manually, as a post-process pass performed by an artist, with an eye toward explicitly blending and modifying regions in order to enhance the final result from an artistic standpoint. Figure 1 demonstrates this technique. In Figure 1A, you see a texture mapped from a function and offset by half. Figure 1B shows another texture mapped from the same function, not offset. In 1C there’s a sample mask that can be used for blending, which takes into account where the edges are in the offset texture. And finally, 1D shows the final texture after blending. Greater care taken in mask creation can serve to eliminate many of the artifacts you see in 1D, primarily around the apexes of the mask. Unfortunately, this method requires additional development time for the creation of an appropriate mask texture or function. Weighted Regional Blend ¶ Another commonly used algorithm for computing tiling 2D noise samples four different Figure 1: A texture created by blending an offset texture with a non-offset texture using a mask. locations within a region of the function, spaced according to the dimensions of the output I’ll discuss two commonly used techniques Mask creation is performed so that the texture, then uses weighting or interpolation that utilize blending of different layers. The first artifacts caused by superimposing the regions to blend between these values to obtain the involves offsetting a layer of the texture and onto the wrapped image are minimized, final output value. To visualize this in operation, blending it with another layer using a mask. The otherwise inappropriate visual defects may imagine a 2x2 block of regions sitting within the second entails blending four regions of the noise occur. For certain functions, this method works domain of the function to be mapped, as in the function together using a weighted blend. I’ll well. The mask may be created sharp-edged, left side of Figure 2. also touch on a final technique which involves a procedure for producing the seamless mapping as a product of a domain transformation applied to a higher-dimensionality variant of the noise function, in order to avoid the artifacts produced by blending. Offset and Blend ¶ This method of seamless mapping requires the creation of two separate layers of noise from the function, and offsetting one of the layers by half the image dimensions in each direction, wrapping the image around so that the seams appear inside the image while the edges of the images tile perfectly. Then a blend operation is performed, which in Figure 2: A texture created by effect snips out regions of the non-wrapped blending four points sampled from image and overlays them onto the wrapped a region twice the size of the final texture. The blue dots correspond to image in such a manner that the interior the blue dot in the final output. seams are hidden. 8 game developer | august 2011

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