Switching to AQA from Edexcel Science and Additional Science (Biology components) If you’re thinking of switching to AQA from Edexcel Science and Additional Science for teaching from September 2016, this resource will provide a helpful comparison of the subject content and assessment for each awarding body. It directly compares the Biology components of the current Edexcel Science and Additional Science (2SC01 and 2SA01) with Biology components of our new GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy specification (8464). The subject content and required practicals for the GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy are also in the GCSE Biology, so there is the flexibility to co-teach or to move students between courses. Comparison overview The content of the two specifications is similar but it is organised differently. Edexcel The Edexcel specification contains more detail on protein synthesis, vertebrate groups, the nitrogen cycle, fieldwork techniques and indicator species. AQA The AQA content can be delivered in a variety of ways. Suggestions for learning activities are given in the scheme of work. These provide many opportunities to develop practical, working scientifically and mathematical skills. Assessment New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Topics 1-4: Cell biology, Two externally assessed written Organisation, Infection and papers (1 hour), one for each of response, Bioenergetics (assessed units B1 and B2. in Paper 1). Unit B1: Influences on life Topics 5-7: Homeostasis and Topics: Classification, variation response, Inheritance, variation and and inheritance, Response to a evolution, Ecology (assessed in changing environment, Problems Paper 2). of, and solutions to a changing New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification environment. Unit B2: The components of life Topics: The building blocks of cells, Organisms and energy, Common systems Controlled assessments for internally assessment practical skills. The required practicals are clearly Each of the two units includes listed, as are opportunities for practical investigations which may development of skills identified in be externally examined, as well as the right-hand column of the further suggestions for practical specification. These should work. Internally assessed Controlled encourage more practical work, assessment tasks are taken from which will motivate students and these investigations. encourage the transfer of skills across the subject. Content Working scientifically New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: WS 1.1 to Specification references: How WS 4.6 Science Works This is subdivided into: 'Working scientifically' encompasses all the activities that scientists do. It Data, evidence, theories and is woven throughout the explanations. specification and written papers. Practical and enquiry skills. There are cross-references to relevant activities in the content. Communication skills. Applications and implications of science. Cell biology 4.1.1 Cell structure New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B2 Topic 1 Cell structure and microscopy: 1.1 to 1.5 Both specifications contain similar content on plant and animal cell structure and microscopy. More detail is given about the Some references to cell adaptations functions of cell components, cell are found in B1 Topic 2: 2.20 and differentiation and cell 2.23, B2 Topic 2: 2.19 and Topic 3: specialisation. 3.8. Comparison of eukaryotic and Edexcel doesn’t mention eukaryotic prokaryotic cells. cells. 4.1.2 Cell division New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B2 Topic 1 Mitosis: 1.13 and 1.14 Stem cells: 1.20 and 1.21 Mitosis is covered in more detail, Mitosis is covered only in terms of however, stages aren’t described. chromosomes and daughter cells. There is no reference to haploid The terms haploid and diploid. and diploid cells. Stem cells in plants and animals. There is a brief reference to stem cells and differentiation, including Therapeutic cloning and the uses of advantages, disadvantages and risks stem cells are covered in more of adult and embryonic stem cell detail. research. Edexcel doesn’t cover stem cells in plants or therapeutic cloning. 4.1.3 Transport in cells New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B2 Topic 2 Diffusion: 2.2 and 2.3 Active transport: 2.18 Osmosis: 2.19 to 2.21 Both specifications cover diffusion, osmosis and active transport. Factors affecting the rate of N/A diffusion. The need for specialised exchange surfaces in multicellular organisms. Factors affecting the effectiveness of exchange surfaces. There is a required practical to Open investigation into osmosis. investigate the effect of salt or sugar solutions on plant tissue. Active transport is linked to mineral Active transport and mineral uptake ion absorption, kidney function and in roots. absorption of sugar from the gut. Organisation 4.2.1 Principles of organisation New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: Specification reference: B2 Topic 3 Organisation: 3.9 Villi: 3.16 Organisation is included in both specifications, but the AQA specification includes definitions of cells, tissues and organs. 4.2.2 Animal tissues, organs and organ systems New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B1 Topics 2 and 3 Enzymes: 2.2 Type 2 diabetes: 2.11 to 2.13 Smoking, alcohol and obesity: 3.4 to 3.7 B2 Topics 1 Enzymes: 1.24, 1.26 to 1.32 B2 Topic 3 Blood: 3.8 Heart and circulatory system: 3.10 and 3.11 Digestive system and enzymes: 3.12 to 3.17 Functional foods: 3.18 AQA specification covers digestive system and enzyme activity, the heart and circulatory system, non-communicable diseases such as CHD, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, some lung and liver diseases and their associated risk factors. Both specifications cover properties of enzymes and an understanding of the 'lock and key theory', including the investigation of enzyme activity. They also cover the role of digestive enzymes and bile. The structure and functions of the heart, blood vessels and the blood is similar in both specifications. The effects of smoking and alcohol, the link between obesity and Type 2 diabetes. AQA specification assumes The Edexcel specification includes knowledge of the digestive system the functions of the parts of the from KS3. The focus is on the digestive system and peristalsis. properties of enzymes and the role The use of probiotics, prebiotic of enzymes in digestion. oligosaccharides and plant stanol There is a required practical to esters in the diet. investigate the effect of a factor on New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction. The relationship between the heart Edexcel doesn’t cover the lungs, and lungs, the role of coronary coronary arteries and treatments for arteries. heart diseases. Focus is on heart disease and treatments including pacemakers, stents, valves, artificial hearts, transplants and drugs. Focus on factors affecting physical The effect of lifestyle on health and and mental health. non-communicable diseases. The effects of smoking and alcohol Effects of chemicals in smoke and on unborn babies and risk factors the short term effects of alcohol associated with cancers. abuse. Cancers and how they spread in the The ethics of liver and heart body. transplants. 4.2.3 Plant tissues, organs and systems New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B2 Topics 2 and 3 Leaf structure: 2.13 Transpiration: 2.17 Xylem and phloem: 2.18 Root hair cells: 2.19 Growth: 3.6 Both specifications cover how root hair cells are adapted for their function. Leaf structure, including the names Leaf structure: a large surface area, of tissues, is covered in detail. chloroplasts and stomata. Meristem tissue is covered in No reference to meristems, just how relation to differentiation and cell division, elongation and growth. differentiation contribute to growth and development. New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Structure of xylem and phloem is Only the role of xylem and phloem is covered in detail. mentioned. The term translocation. Factors affecting the rate of How the loss of water vapour from transpiration. leaves drives transpiration. There are several investigations and activities to develop skills in relation to transpiration. Infection and response 4.3.1 Communicable diseases New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: and B1 Topics 1 and 3 Classification: 1.1 to 1.3 Pathogens and defence: 3.8 to 3.10 Antiseptics and antibiotics: 3.12 to 3.15 Both specifications cover in a similar way: pathogens as organisms that cause infectious disease how the body defends itself against the entry of pathogens. Only the structure of bacteria is The structure of fungi, protoctista covered, but in more detail. and prokaryota are briefly covered in the section on classification. Why viruses are not classified into any of the five kingdoms. The causes, transmission, Only the spread of some diseases is symptoms and prevention or mentioned. These include cholera, treatment of several viral, bacterial, salmonella, influenza, athlete's foot, fungal and protist diseases of HIV, dysentery and malaria. humans and plants. These include: measles New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification HIV tobacco mosaic virus salmonella gonorrhoea rose black spot malaria. Methods to reduce the spread of diseases. More detail on the role of white Lysozymes in tears. blood cells in defence against pathogens. Reference to antitoxins and phagocytosis. Vaccinations, antibiotics and Vaccinations are not included. painkillers. Antiseptics and antibiotics including Antibiotic resistance is covered in antibacterials and antifungals. detail in section It includes Antibiotic resistance is only covered how resistant strains evolve and in relation to the misuse of how to reduce the rate at which antibiotics. they develop. The discovery of drugs from plants and microorganisms; synthesis of new drugs. The work of Fleming. AQA covers in detail the processes Edexcel doesn’t cover drug testing. and purposes of drug testing and clinical trials. Bioenergetics 4.4.1 Photosynthesis New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B2 Topic 2 Word equation: 2.14 Limiting factors: 2.15 to 2.16 Both specifications cover the word and symbol equations for photosynthesis, factors affecting and limiting the rate of photosynthesis. There is a required practical in the AQA specification about the effect of a factor on the rate of photosynthesis. A similar investigation is suggested in the Edexcel specification. AQA covers both the word and Only the word equation is required. symbol equation and refers to the reaction being endothermic. Factors affecting the rate of How limiting factors affect the rate photosynthesis also include the of photosynthesis only refers to light amount of chlorophyll. intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. There is more focus on the interpretation of graphs to identify limiting factors and the use of the inverse square law in relation to light intensity. The economics of enhancing conditions in a greenhouse, while maintaining a profit. A variety of glucose uses. The only use of glucose mentioned is for respiration. 4.4.2 Respiration New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Specification reference: to Specification reference: B2 Topic 2 Definition: 2.1 New AQA specification Current Edexcel specification Exercise: 2.2, 2.5 to 2.8, 2.11 and 2.12 Word equations: 2.4 and 2.9 Aerobic vs anaerobic: 2.10 Both specifications compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration in animal cells and relate it to the circulatory and breathing systems. Word equations for these two reactions are included. Investigating the effect of exercise on heart and breathing rate. Both the word and symbol Edexcel covers only the word equations for aerobic respiration equations for aerobic and anaerobic and anaerobic respiration in yeast respiration in animals. and plants. The word equation for anaerobic respiration in animals, reference to the reactions being exothermic. The only reference to anaerobic respiration in yeast is an optional The economic importance of investigation into the effect of fermentation is covered in relation glucose concentration on the rate. to bread and alcohol production. The section on exercise refers to The section on exercise also includes lactic acid build up and breakdown use of the equation: in the liver, oxygen debt and 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = muscle fatigue. 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑥 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 Edexcel refers to excess post- exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) instead of oxygen debt. There is a summary section on Edexcel doesn’t use the term metabolism. Aspects of metabolism metabolism. are covered in more detail in topic,,,