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N O I T P I R C S B U S THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 JAMADA ALAWWAL 24,1437 AH www.kuwaittimes.net Kuwait: Fighting Trump, Clinton International Depleted Warriors terrorism greatest capture key Space Station’s stay perfect at 3 7 29 19 challenge in wins on US ‘one year crew’ home, Heat Arab world Super Tuesday returns to Earth scorch Bulls GCC declares Hezbollah S L FI 0 5 1 a terrorist organization Min 14º 2 0 68 Max 27º 1 O: High Tide N 07:05 & 17:28 S GE Hariri backs move as Nasrallah steps up criticism Low Tide A P 0 00:12 & 11:40 4 Govt mulling RIYADH: Gulf states yesterday declared Lebanon’s Hezbollah a “terrorist” group, escalating tensions with the organization that is fighting in support of Syria’s curbs on some regime. The designation is the latest step taken by Gulf states against Hezbollah as ties between its main nationalities backer Iran and regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia deteriorate. The six-member Gulf Cooperation Council “decided to consider the militias (of Hezbollah) a terror- By A Saleh ist organization”, GCC Secretary General Abdullatif Al- Zayani said in a statement. KUWAIT: Well-informed ministerial sources revealed He said the states targeted Hezbollah because of that the government has received a report on “hostile actions of the militia who recruit the young Kuwait’s demography and suggested ways to solve people (of the Gulf)”. Zayani cited “their terrorist acts the problem of demographic imbalance, noting that and incitement in Syria, Yemen and in Iraq”, which he the Cabinet views this issue as a top priority. The said were threatening Arab security. Saudi Arabia last sources explained that the report suggested limiting month halted a $3 billion program for military supplies the number of workers recruited from certain coun- to Lebanon in protest against Hezbollah, which has tries that already have large numbers of their citi- lawmakers in Beirut’s parliament. Announcing the zens in Kuwait, with the majority of them being funding cut, a Saudi official said the kingdom noticed ‘marginal laborers’. “hostile Lebanese positions resulting from the strangle- “Egyptians now number 700,000, with a majority hold of Hezbollah on the state”. of them marginal laborers,” said the report, suggest- He specifically cited Lebanon’s refusal to join the ing reducing the numbers of Egyptian marginal laborers and monitoring labor offices involved in Arab League and the Organization of Islamic human trafficking. The sources added that the Cooperation in condemning attacks on Saudi diplo- report also suggested cutting the number of teach- matic missions in Iran in January. Riyadh cut diplomatic ers hired annually from Egypt from 500 to 200 and ties with Tehran after demonstrators burned its making up for the difference by hiring teachers from embassy and a consulate following the Saudi execution Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco. The report also sug- ANSAR, Lebanon: Hezbollah fighters hold flags as they attend the funeral procession in this southern village of a prominent cleric. The GCC comprises Bahrain, gested limiting Indian manpower to technical jobs yesterday of Hezbollah senior commander Ali Fayyad, who was killed last week during an offensive by Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab like engineers, nurses and oil sector workers. Syrian troops and Hezbollah fighters in Syria. Gulf nations formally branded Hezbollah a terrorist organiza- Emirates. tion yesterday, ramping up the pressure on the Lebanese group. — AP Continued on Page 13 MPs want freeze on overseas treatment rules, govt defiant Quick solution for bedoons sought By B Izzak the numbers of Kuwaiti patients who will be sent for treatment abroad and slashing financial allocations to KUWAIT: The National Assembly yesterday called on them to KD 75 daily in US and Europe and KD 50 daily the government to freeze new rules for treatment of elsewhere. The new rules also allow one companion Kuwaiti patients overseas until the Assembly’s health with each patient, but without any expenses apart committee has reviewed the issue. The call came in from air tickets. State Minister for Cabinet Affairs non-binding recommendations MPs voted on after a Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah said the new three-hour debate during which MPs strongly criticized rules take effect from April 1 and the government has the decision to cut financial allocations for Kuwaiti no intention to freeze them. Public Works Minister Ali patients. Al-Omair said the government will study the recom- The Assembly asked its health committee to study mendations and will implement whatever it can. Head the issue and report back before its next session on of the budgets committee MP Adnan Abdulsamad said March 14. MPs also recommended that the govern- that the budget for medical treatment abroad rose ment build specialized medical centers and hire well- from KD 175 million in 2011 to as much as KD 441 mil- known international doctors to work in the country. lion in the current fiscal year. MPs were angered by a government decision to cut Continued on Page 13 IRBID, Jordan: Jordanian security forces secure a street in this town near the border with Syria yesterday fol- lowing a security operation. — AFP Jordan raid foils IS attacks AMMAN: Jordan said yesterday that it had thwarted been plotting “attacks against civilian and military sites planned attacks by the Islamic State group on its soil, in order to destabilize national security”. “The terrorists killing seven suspected militants in a major security refused to surrender and put up strong resistance using operation near the Syrian frontier. The kingdom, which automatic weapons,” it said, adding that the dead also borders Iraq, has for years struggled with home- jihadists were wearing suicide vests. grown Islamists and is part of a US-led coalition carrying Twenty-two suspects were arrested during the oper- out air strikes against jihadists. The operation, which ation and automatic weapons and explosives were began late Tuesday in the northern city of Irbid, 80 km seized, according to security officials. They said that north of Amman, was the most significant of its kind investigations before the raid had led to the arrest of 13 since Jordan joined the coalition in 2014. others linked to the jihadists. King Abdullah, a key One member of Jordan’s security forces was killed Middle East ally of Western powers against Islamist mili- and three wounded in clashes that raged for several tancy who has also safeguarded Jordan’s peace treaty hours until dawn, the authorities said. Two civilians with Israel, has been among the most vocal leaders in were also hurt. Jordan’s intelligence services said IS had Continued on Page 13 THURSDAY, MARCH 3,2016 LO C A L KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets with Speaker of the National His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets with Chairman of Kuwait Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanem.— KUNA photos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) Ali Mohammad Thunayan Al-Ghanem, along with KCCI members. Amir, Crown Prince receive state officials KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- Ali Mohammad Thunayan Al-Ghanem, sive cooperation between the governmen- further success and progress to better serve Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Hamad Al-Sabah. Meanwhile, His Highness along with KCCI members. They offered to tal and private sectors. our country. received His Highness the Crown Prince the Crown Prince received His Highness His Highness the Crown Prince a compre- He called on further cooperation In other news, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak, Sheikh Sabah Al- hensive developmental vision regarding between both sectors in order to fulfill a sent a cable of condolences yesterday to and Speaker of the National Assembly Khaled and Deputy Prime Minister and the financial reform in Kuwait in the light of better future of nation’s economy based on Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on Marzouq Al-Ghanem at Bayan Palace yes- Minister of Defense Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah the drop in price for oil. variation of income sources to transform the passing of Sheikha Lulwa bint terday. His Highness also received His Al-Sabah. His Highness the Crown Prince praised Kuwait to a financial regional and interna- Mohammad Abdullah bin Isa Al Khalifa. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Also yesterday, His Highness the Crown this ambitious vision and KCCI keenness tional centers in accordance with His Highness the Crown Prince and His Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and First Prince received Chairman of Kuwait the country’s economy, stressing on the Highness the Amir’s instructions. His Highness the Prime Minister sent similar Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) importance of enhancing the comprehen- Highness the Crown Prince wished them cables. — KUNA KRCS continues to deliver aid in Iraq KUWAIT: Kuwait Red Crescent Society’s (KRCS) humanitarian mis- sion in Iraq emphasized the keen- ness on part of the Kuwaiti leader- ship to offer aid to displaced Iraqis who are suffering from tough living conditions, KRCS Chairman Dr Hilal Al-Sayer said yesterday. Al-Sayer made his remarks after his meeting with the Iraqi Prime Minister Office Director and Deputy Minister of planning, Dr Mehdi Al-Allaq. He added that the meeting tackled both sides’ efforts to ease the suffer- ing of displaced Iraqis in Baghdad and Kurdistan. Allaq praised the lev- el of bilateral ties between Kuwait KUWAIT: KRCS Chairman Dr Hilal Al Sayer meets with Iraqi Prime Minister and Iraq, expressing Iraqi’s deep Office Director and Deputy Minister of Planning Dr Mehdi Al-Allaq, in pres- appreciation for Kuwait’s humanitar- ence of Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahruloloom. —KUNA ian role in the region. —KUNA KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah meets with Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Iyad Amin Madani.— KUNA FM, OIC chief discuss issues KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime Minister Madani is currently visiting Kuwait at of Kuwait in Jeddah and the perma- and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah the head of a delegation accompany- nent representative of Kuwait at OIC Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah ing him. Saleh Ali Al-Saqobi, Deputy Assistant reviewed yesterday with Secretary Attending the meeting were Foreign Minister for International General of the Organization of Islamic Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Organizations Nasser Muhareb Al- Cooperation (OIC) Iyad Amin Madani Sulaiman Al-Jarallah, Assistant Foreign Hain, and a number of key Foreign the latest regional and international Minister for the office of the First Ministry officials. The Kuwaiti Foreign issues in view of OIC’s policies going Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister hosted a luncheon banquet forward. The two officials met yester- Minister Dr Ahmad Nasser Al- in honor of Madani and the delega- day at the Kuwaiti minister’s office. Mohammad Al-Sabah, General Consul tion with him. —KUNA KUWAIT: Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Suleiman Al-Jarallah met with Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait Ali Reda Enayeti yesterday. The meeting discussed bilateral ties and the latest regional and international developments.—KUNA Australia celebrates Gulf War anniversary KUWAIT: Australian Vice Admiral Ray Griggs hailed the bravery of Kuwaiti resistance during the Iraqi Invasion, in a ceremony for the 25th anniversary of the Gulf War held in Kuwait’s Embassy in Australia yesterday. In his speech at the event, Griggs touched on the Iraqi crimes in Kuwait during the war and also men- tioned the brave act of Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Al- Sabah, who was martyred while defending the palace of his brother, the late Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Jaber Defense Minister Sheikh Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah Meanwhile, Admiral Chris Oxenbould spoke of his country’s military role in the Gulf War, adding that no Australian soldiers were killed in the process to liber- Kuwaiti-Saudi ties ate Kuwait. Kuwaiti Ambassador to Australia Najeeb deeprooted: Defense Minister Al-Bader meanwhile thanked Australia for celebrating the 25th anniversary, noting that it is a strategic part- KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister ner for Kuwait. Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah emphasized the The ceremony was attended by ambassadors of “deep-rooted” relations between Kuwait and Saudi the Gulf War coalition countries and a number of sol- Arabia and importance of promoting and enhancing diers who participated in the war. Over 1,800 these ties. This remark was made by Sheikh Khaled Al- Australian Defense Force personnel were deployed in Jarrah during his meeting with Saudi Ambassador to the First Gulf War from August 1990 to September Kuwait Dr Abdulaziz Al-Fayez, Defense Ministry’s 1991. The force comprised elements from the army, Directorate of Moral Guidance and Public Relations said in a press statement yesterday. — KUNA navy and air force. — KUNA THURSDAY, MARCH3, 2016 LO C A L Policeman’s killer remanded in custody By Meshaal Al-Enezi completed, it would serve areas like Ardiya, Firdous, Sulaibiya, South Doha and KUWAIT:The public prosecution office yes- Qairawan after increasing its lanes from 3 to terday remanded Kuwaiti Abdul Aziz Al- 4 and increasing the speed limit from 80 to Shamlan, the alleged murderer of police- 120 kph. man Turki Al-Enezi, in custody for ten more days pending further investigations, while TV channels his two brothers were released. The suspect Municipal Council chairman Muhalhel Al- had told investigators that his two brothers Khaled suggested establishing more local and a friend instigated him to commit the TV channels on land plots allocated for crime. The three denied the accusations, newspapers in Ardiya industrial area. The however, and said that the suspect had a suggestion also included allocating 3,000 sq mental disorder and does not know what he m for large channels and 500 sq m for small- is saying. er ones on the media street in the area. Notably, the council had issued a decision in Road projects 2010 on building the media street in Ardiya Ministry of Public Work’s (MPW) Assistant industrial area. Undersecretary for Road Engineering Ahmed Al-Hessan said works on a project to Beach cleaning build, execute and maintain intersections on Jahra municipality teams launched a the Fifth Ring Road’s western part have campaign to clean Khowaisat beach from already begun after land surveys were done. waste and abandoned vehicles. The cam- Hessan added that the 46-month project paign is in progress till the end of this week would cost KD 108.8 million and that once until all garbage and violations are removed. TUNIS: Arab Interior Ministers, including Kuwait’s Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah (far right) are pictured with Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi before the 33rd session of the Arab Interior Council. —KUNA Combating terrorism greatest challenge in Arab world: Kuwait Arab ministers highlight need of strategy to combat terrorism TUNIS: Kuwait’s Interior Minister affirmed yes- notion to cancel execution and allowing deals pointed to “the atrocities committed by terrorist terday that combating terrorism and drying up in some drugs. Such ideas are expected to be groups in Yemen and Syria. Koman also said that its sources constitute the greatest challenge fac- put forward at the 59th session of the UN the Arab Interior Minister Council encapsulates ing Arab security apparatuses. Addressing the Commission on Narcotic Drugs due in Vienna Arab cooperation, and is evident of successful, 33rd session of the Arab Interior Council, Sheikh next month and the extraordinary UN General joint Arab work. Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, also Assembly session for discussing drugs in April, the Deputy Premier, said hard circumstances Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled added. Arab Security cooperation prevailing in a number of Arab states led to states should unify their stances and take a joint Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi had insecurity and instability. “It is our duty to sense attitude to “abort this scheme and confront called on Arab nations to ramp up security these circumstances and we should seek maxi- notions that compromise our basic principles cooperation to combat terrorism, “which has mum cooperation and coordination” to deal and doctrine,” he said. sparked disarray and threatened peace.” with these challenges, he said. Speaking at the session, Essebsi said that the TUNIS: Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled sounded the Broad strategy Arab region is faced with perilous challenges, Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah meets with Crown Prince, First Deputy Prime Minister alarm bell due to the terrorist incidents, warn- Arab interior ministers agreed to enhance “as sectarian tensions and internal strife is and the Minister of Interior of Saudi Arabia Muhammad bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz ing that no country “would be immune from the cooperation and information exchange, as part plaguing the region.” He also singled out the so- Al Saud. terrorist operations.” He called for serious action of a broad strategy to stifle terrorism. Speaking called Islamic State (IS) as “a major threat to to cutt off “arteries of terrorism and drying up at the session, Crown Prince, First Deputy Prime Arab security, by virtue of the group’s ability to financing resources and protecting our sons Minister and the Minister of Interior of Saudi attract sympathizers.” Moreover, Essebsi warned from its perils.” Arabia Muhammad bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al that Arab nations are on the cusp of collapse, in “Intellectual security is the mightiest arm in Saud underscored the need to boost coopera- light of rampant conflict that pervades the facing and conquering terrorism,” he said, prais- tion amongst Arab security apparatuses, saying region. “The fight against terrorism necessities a ing in particular role at this level by the Saudi that “combating crime is a joint obligation.” united front to uphold security and peace in the Naif University for Security Sciences. The Arab world faces growing challenges Arab world,” he noted. Tremendous development in the social media that threaten peace and security, “which calls On security conditions in his country, Essebsi means rendered the electronic realms a fertile for increased efforts to generate awareness on said that Tunisia is facing an unprecedented lev- entity for terrorist organizations, threatening the need to uphold peace in society,” Prince el of danger that threatens security in the coun- the intellectual security by large, and this war- Mohammad said. Moreover, Arab League try. “Deterioration of security in Libya is detri- rants unification of efforts and activation of Secretary General Nabil Al-Araby underlined the mental to security in Tunis, as Tunisia is most pacts for combating cybercrimes and establish- fact that the session takes place amidst trying vulnerable to the ill effects of the conflict in ing bridges of cooperation with the operating times, saying that cooperation is necessary to Tripoli,” the Tunisian President said. “These companies for sake of preserving peoples’ secu- wipe out terrorism. obstacles behoove us to constantly reshape our rity, the Kuwaiti Interior Minister stated at the Araby also said that eradicating terrorism is strategies of fighting terrorism,” he said.” Arab conference. the Arab world’s biggest challenge, calling for Earlier yesterday, the 33rd session of the Extraordinary security conditions in the Arab plans to hold similar meetings of Arab defense, Arab Interior Minister Council kicked off, with world have resulted in arms proliferation, in justice and foreign ministers in attempt to con- participation of Arab interior ministers, security addition to drugs’ spread, he said, warning solidate efforts against terrorism. delegations and representatives of the United against an approach to amend some anti-nar- Secretary General of the Arab Interior Nations (UN), Arab League (AL) and the Gulf cotics international conventions, including the Minister Council Dr Mohammad bin Ali Koman Cooperation Council (GCC). — KUNA Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Khaled Al- Hamad Al-Sabah meets with his Qatari counterpart Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani. Interior Minister meets counterparts TUNIS: Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and between Kuwait and the two sisterly coun- Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad tries, and latest developments of the secu- Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah yesterday met rity situation in the Gulf region as well as his Qatari and Iraqi counterparts Sheikh the topics on the agenda of Arab ministeri- Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani and al meeting. Mohammad Al-Ghaban, respectively, to Sheikh Mohammad Khaled later held discuss the bilateral security cooperation. similar talks with Crown Prince and First The two separate meetings took place on Deputy Minister of Saudi Arabia Prince the sidelines of the 33rd Arab interior min- Mohammad bin Nayef Al Saud, and isters’ meeting. Lebanese Minister of Interior and The discussions dealt with the ties Municipalities Nohad El Machnouk. —KUNA No injuries in basement fire By Hanan Al-Saadoun KUWAIT: Firefighters from two different fire stations put out a fire that started in the basement of a Jaber Al-Ali house. Firemen from Qurain fire station and Mubarak Al-Kabeer hazardous materials center prevented the fire from spreading and dealt with containers containing hazardous mate- rials at the site. No injuries were reported. Live ammunition drill The coastguard department announced that live ammunition shooting exercises will take place in territorial waters on March 7-9, 2016 from 8 am until 2 pm. The shooting will in the southern areas, with coordinates as fol- KUWAIT: Minister of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Yaqoub Al-Sane attends a con- lows: Qarouh Island, Longitude 28.55.O.N, Latitude 048.37.5.E; Um Al- ference on Arab women’s judicial experiment yesterday. —KUNA Muradem Island, 28.46.8.N, 48.30.2.E. The department warned sea goers not to approach the shooting site during the said period. Women make up half of human resources in development drive: Justice Minister Fireworks festival As Kuwait is celebrating 55 years of independence, 25th anniversary of the liberation, and 10 years since His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- KUWAIT: Women constitute 50 percent of first-ever decision to appoint 22 female Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah assumed power, a fireworks festival will be held human resources in the implementation of graduates of the College of Law as prose- on Saturday, March 5, 2016. The Ministry of Interior’s relations and security development programs in Kuwait, Minister cutors. Female judges in Gulf and Arab information department said the coastguard urged those who want to of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs countries have notably proved themselves watch the works from the sea should stay within the designated area for Yaqoub Al-Sane said yesterday. Addressing in the field of prosecution and judiciary, the public and should have navigation lights on. The department said that a two-day conference on Arab women’s the justice minister pointed out. any queries about the festival can be received on 1880888. judicial experiment, the minister said soci- Meanwhile, Egyptian Minister of etal development can be gauged by Justice Ahmad Al-Zend addressed the women’s cultural and social improvement event by confirming that Arab women are Maatouq reaffirms Kuwait’s interest and effective contribution to civilization. now entitled to judicial posts in line with He said the conference, organized by national legislations and laws. He said in peace, fighting terrorism the Women’s Cultural and Social Society, women’s full rights and equity with comes at a time when the world is set to women, including judicial posts, are mark the International Women’s Day, reit- enshrined in the religion of Islam and erating Kuwait’s commitment to ensuring constitutions. Egyptian women managed CAIRO:President of the International Islamic based Arab League, Maatouq said yesterday that crucial role in the dissemination of humanitarian gender equity as per relevant international to join the judicial field in 1954 and held Charitable Organization (IICO), UN Humanitarian His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- culture and activities worldwide. Maatouq stressed conventions. high-level posts at courts, the minister Envoy and Advisor at the Amiri Diwan Dr Abdullah Jaber Al-Sabah’s repeated calls at international the necessity of coordination and cooperation The Egyptian judiciary has issued sever- boasted. Male and female judges from Al-Maatouq reiterated Kuwait’s keenness on pro- gatherings for promoting global peace are a sign among the UN, Arab League, Organization of al rulings allowing the recruitment of several Arab countries are participating in moting peace and fighting terrorism. of Kuwait’s strong belief in this domain. He added Islamic Conference and Gulf Cooperation Council Kuwaiti women in judicial jobs, he said, the two-day conference on Arab women’s Speaking to KUNA on the sidelines of a high- that Kuwait fully believes in the role of national and (GCC) over response to the current developments noting that he was proud of making the judicial experiment.— KUNA level peacekeeping workshop held at the Cairo- international civil society organizations due to their in the Middle East region. — KUNA THURSDAY, MARCH3, 2016 LO C A L In Brief Kuwaitis in Jordan fine Eclipse invisible in Kuwait Tanzania grateful for Kuwait AMMAN: Kuwaitis in Jordan are safe and sound, Kuwait’s Ambassador KUWAIT: A total solar eclipse will take place on March 8-9, KUWAIT: Tanzanian Minister of State for Union Affairs and in Amman Hamad Al-Duaij confirmed yesterday following clashes but will not be visible in Kuwait, the Kuwaiti Science Club Environment January Yusuf Makamba hailed Kuwait’s between police and armed assailants in the northern Jordanian city of announced yesterday. The eclipse will begin at 4:54 am on humanitarian role in developing different sectors in his coun- Irbid. Kuwaiti citizens, mostly students, are fine, said the Ambassador, Thursday, March 9, 2016 local time, Director of Astronomy try. In a statement to Kuwait Embassy in Tanzania yesterday, adding that the clashes are far from students’ accommodation in uni- and Space Sciences Department at the club Badr Al-Omairah Makamba noted that the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic versities north of Jordan. He stressed that the diplomatic mission is in said. The total solar eclipse will be visible in parts of Indonesia Development (KFAED) has been funding different projects in contact with them around the clock. Deadly clashes erupted yesterday including Sumatra, Borneo, and Sulawesi and in several loca- his country since 1975. He said that Tanzania aimed to benefit between Jordanian security forces and extremists in the northern tions in the Pacific Ocean. Observers in northern and eastern from Kuwait’s experience in recycling waste, while creating Jordanian city of Irbid, the force had raided a number of locations in Australia, south and east Asia, as well as north and south partnerships with the Environment Public Authority (EPA) and the city to apprehend suspected extremists. —KUNA Americas will be able to see a partial eclipse. —KUNA Kuwaiti scientific bodies. —KUNA Photo o f t h e d a y KUWAIT: An Arabic calligraphy artwork made from metal displayed at an Islamic arts exhibition, which took place recently at the Grand Mosque. —Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Al Ahli Bank selects Infosys Finacle to power its technology transformation KUWAIT: Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK), a leading retail reporting platform bank in Kuwait, and Infosys Finacle, from EdgeVerve Michael Reh, Executive Vice President and CEO Systems, the product subsidiary of Infosys, (designate), EdgeVerve said: “In an increasingly digital announced that the bank has selected Finacle to world, banks will need to fundamentally transform drive its technology transformation. The bank will themselves into a technology-led, client-centric mod- induct a full suite of Finacle solutions including Core el. With this transformation program, ABK joins a Banking, Trade Finance, Wealth Management, CRM, e- select group of banks in the Middle East, enabled banking, Payments, Treasury, Alerts, SMS Banking, with a proven, industry leading technology platform Liquidity Management, Retail and Corporate Loan to deliver superior value to its customers and drive Origination. With Finacle, ABK will be able to achieve innovation. With our partnership with ABK, Finacle high operational efficiencies, accelerate growth and stands well poised to help other banks across Kuwait manage scale easily, while delivering a digital age KUWAIT: Abdulla Alsumait, ABK’s Deputy Chief transform and modernize to accelerate growth and banking experience to its customers. General Manager (left) and Venkatramana profitability.” Gosavi, Infosys Finacle’s Vice President and Abdulla Alsumait, ABK’s Deputy Chief General Highlights: Regional Head - Growth Markets sign the Manager said : “At ABK, we are committed to creating lFinacle solutions come as a well-integrated suite, agreement. a ‘simpler’ banking model for our customers; one that with enterprise capability architecture specifically offers convenience, security and speed. lThe agile technology platform will allow ABK to a quick go to market This comes as part of our ‘Simple Banking’ strategy, integrate other existing and planned systems easily, lThe bank’s customers will benefit from a cus- and we are excited to partner with Infosys, who are in multiple geographies tomized offerings and world class banking experi- one of the leaders in core banking systems, globally. lWith the Finacle, the bank is enabled to provide ence across any channel of their choice We look forward to this partnership and working 24*7*365 services l ABK will move from a collection of prod- together to achieve our goal of transforming the lThe built in product factory capability will uct processors to an integrated system, which technology landscape in ABK and to enhance our empower ABK to launch products easily and achieve will provide a robust customer service and service offerings to our customers, in every way.” KFH’s National, Liberation Day campaign achieves record-breaking viewership on YouTube KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House KFH’s role in Kuwait’s history and future, thousand views is the highest ever channels “YouTube.” National, Liberation Days advertising achieved a record-breaking viewer- out of any KFH campaign in less than With a campaign of this magnitude campaign that has been launched as ship in its social media channels a week, as a record breaker towards due to its utilization of integrated part of the bank’s firm belief in the broadcast after only 6days of going the genuine nationalistic message of media, KFH ensured the campaign’s importance of its social and national on air. The number of several hundred KFH on one of its main social media success with an authentic and genuine message which reflects the bank core values, its identity and commitment towards Kuwait and its community. This distinct advertising campaign was launched in tandem with the occa- sion of National and Liberation Days anniversary. It aims at conferring the joy of freedom atmosphere on Kuwait. The advertisement of the campaign incorporates children’s non-staged authentic spontaneity in spreading joy and renewing loyalty to Kuwait, emphasizing the cohesion of the Kuwaiti national fabric, and fostering Kuwait ... See it through our eyes ... Our embodies people’s love to Kuwait the national integration. home, the most precious of all homes”. through the simplicity and innocence The lyrics of the advertisement are This reflects the national values and of children to draw a smile and spread adorned with love and loyalty mean- principles which are kindness, gen- joy amongst all. ings. In the video, children celebrate in erosity, security, tranquility, love and KFH is keen on embracing its social an authentic way and feel the enor- peace. responsibility, while participating in mous happiness of the occasion of the It is noteworthy that this National every event of importance to the soci- 55th National Day and 25th Liberation and Liberation Days communication ety, primarily the national events. This Day. No rehearsal or staged scenes campaign conveys a joyful message of affirms KFH’s prestigious status and were used as children express them- happiness in the key public locations, underlines its ceaseless efforts in selves naturally with great simplicity, blended with little moments of smiley shouldering the social responsibility in spontaneity and admiration where the faces and Kuwait’s flags hoisting to all its fields. This will motivate other pri- lyrics narrate “This is our beloved mark this anniversary. The campaign vate sector institutions to follow suit. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 L O C A L KUWAIT: Officials are pictured during the opening ceremony of the 4th International Fire and Safety Conference and Expo. — Photos by Joseph Shagra Human resources main pillar of development: Official Fourth Fire, Safety Conference underway By Nawara Fattahova KUWAIT: Human resources present the power that actively moves development and prosper- ity, as it is the main pillar of development plans all over the world, an official said yester- day. Human resources cannot be replaced by modern technology, as the human element is always necessary, said Lieutenant General Yousef Al-Ansari, Director General of Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD). “Our country always believed in this fact and became a developed country due to its people,” he said. Ansari made those statements during the Lieutenant General Yousef Al-Ansari speaks Interior Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary opening ceremony of the 4th International at the event. for Training Major General Sheikh Faisal Al- Fire and Safety Conference and Expo on Nawaf Al-Sabah addresses the conference. Tuesday. The event is organized by KFSD to KFSD held the first international training highlight the importance of investing in course on directing fire accidents and sea res- and will as a result develop the country and human resources. cue. “This course was held in cooperation with its people,” he stated. Fire academy the International Organization for Civil KFSD has finished studying and developing The event, running from March 1-3, 2016 at Protection and Civil Defense as a prelude to the the curriculum and education and training the Regency Hotel, includes many activities founding of an International Training Center for plan. “We focus on improving the level of the including workshops and lectures. The confer- Sea Safety. Twenty-five cadets from Arab, Asian, training center to become an accredited acad- ence is accompanied with an exhibition for African and European countries in addition to emy, specialized in fire sciences. This needs the sponsors and participating companies. Kuwait joined this course,” said Ansari. amendments in legislation to achieve this goal This year’s event also focuses on the impor- in human and social development,” he added. tance of education and training. “We aim to Human development The conference focuses on various issues establish a fire academy that welcomes partic- Major General Khaled Al-Turkeit, head of including achieving safety and security, ipants from inside and outside Kuwait. This the organizing committee of the event, noted importance of academic studies for firefight- academy will be a regional center specialized that KFSD aims through this conference and ers and investing in human resources. “The in fire protection, and its curriculum is based expo to actively participate in supporting participating companies, universities, and on the latest technologies in this field. It human and social development by reviewing institutes will also present their programs should attract local and international experts the best experiences and practices in the field and curriculums that are related to firefight- from the field through regularly meeting with of fire sciences and its curriculums. “We aim to ing and rescue services,” concluded Turkeit, them,” he added. build a work strategy that fits with interna- thanking the sponsors and participants at Kuwait plays a leading role in this field as tional criteria. This will provide strong leaders the event. KIB sponsors Firefighters’ Day Festival Kuwait to host energy research conference KUWAIT: As part of its leading CSR program, Communications Unit at KIB, expressed his pride KUWAIT:Kuwait University is set to host the versities, he added. Kuwait International Bank (KIB) announced its and honor to sponsor the festival that takes 6th International Conference on Energy Meanwhile, head of the conference’s sponsorship of the 14th Firefighters’ Day Festival place on the World Civil Defense Day, which falls Research and Development from March 14- organizing committee Ammar Al-Sairafi not- that will be held from March 3rd to 5th at Souk on March 1st every year. The firefighters’ Day 16, under the patronage of His Highness the ed that diversity in energy sources has Sharq under the patronage of Minister of State honors the sacrifices that firefighters make to Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- become a key element in development in the for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Mohammed Al- ensure that our communities and environment Jaber Al-Sabah. The conference will discuss modern world. He added that Kuwait has Abdullah Al-Sabah. are as safe as possible. different energy topics that would help strategic plans to use different energy The festival aims at raising awareness among Najia added that this sponsorship stems from improve Kuwait’s infrastructure, Dean of the sources, rather than just rely on petroleum, people about how to prevent fire, methods of KIB’s strive to spread awareness among the pub- Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum which is hazardous to humans and the envi- Abdullatif Al-Khulaifi said in a statement ronment. He also mentioned the announce- fighting it along with giving tips on safety sup- lic when it comes to the safety, security and yesterday. The event is an opportunity for ment of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah plies for homes and properties. In addition to environment matters, as well as to show grati- the faculty’s teaching staff to share experi- Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah that Kuwait will commemorating the brave soldiers who dedi- tude to our brave firefighters for dedicating their ence in the academic research field with use renewable energy sources to cover 15 cate their lives to people and properties. Besides, lives to protect the people, properties and our their counterparts from international uni- percent of its energy needs by 2030. — KUNA many governmental organizations will partici- beloved country. pate in this festival, like the Ministry of Defense It is worth noting that KIB has constant aspi- represented by the Military Fire Service ration to support the development of the Directorate, the National Guard represented by Kuwaiti community and its institutions, empha- Nawaf Najia the Backup and Firefighting Brigade, Kuwait Oil sizing on its commitment to good corporate citi- Company represented by the Firefighting well as an exhibition for the firefighting and par- zenship and social responsibility. The bank pro- Brigade and EQUATE Petrochemical. The festival ticipating sectors along with a display for fire- motes its social contributions in all fields will incorporate several activities, including per- fighting equipment and marine show for rescue through adopting various initiatives that serve formances, plays and educational contests, as boats. Nawaf Najia, Manager of the Corporate our local community and its individuals. Arab Health Ministers Endoscopic procedure ‘successful Alternative’ discuss key topics to classic surgery CAIRO: The Executive Office of Arab Health Ministers Council convened yes- terday under the chairmanship of Kuwait’s Health Minister Dr Ali Saad Al- Obaidi to discuss some issues pertain- ing to the joint Arab action in this field. During the one-day meeting, confreres followed up the resolutions of the pre- vious meeting and discussed the 45th ministerial session of Arab health min- Deputy Director of Amiri Hospital Dr Ali isters to be held today under the chair- Al-Alanda manship of Mauritania. The meeting’s agenda includes 17 KUWAIT:The Amiri Hospital conducted 1,227 items, mainly effects of Syrian refugees endoscopic surgeries during 2015, a convinc- on the health sector in the Arab coun- ing indication that this procedure had tries and some proposals submitted by become a suitable alternative to classic sur- Kuwait, Palestine, Algeria, Iraq and gery, Deputy Director of Amiri Hospital Dr Ali Morocco on the health field. Ministers Al-Alanda said yesterday. also dealt with the health dossier Surgeries have witnessed major develop- reviewed by the Arab Economic and ments throughout history; however, most of Social Development Summit, health them are carried out through difficult proce- dures, D. Alanda said. He added that with the legislations, improvement of mothers same efficiency, and instead of making one CAIRO: Kuwait’s Health Minister Dr Ali Al-Obaidi chairs and children’s health in the Arab long surgical cuts, endoscopic procedures the Executive Office of Arab Health Ministers Council’s region, the Arab strategy to combat focus on making several small cuts by (3-10 meeting yesterday. — KUNA AIDS and others. — KUNA mm). The post-surgery pains and wounds would also heal faster as a result of the small Kuwaiti, Egyptian meeting in cuts with changes of infection being at a min- imum, said Alanda, adding that endoscopic surgery was safer and less risky for the Cairo discusses boosting ties patient. One of the first endoscopic surgeries was performed in 1988 by the French Dr Francois CAIRO: Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed means to enhance bilateral ties. Subhi praised Dubois for Cholecystectomy. Endoscopic sur- Forces Lieutenant General Sidqi Subhi the deep-rooted ties between the two coun- gery uses scopes going through small inci- received yesterday Kuwait’s Ambassador to tries. Meanwhile, Enizi underlined Kuwait’s sions or natural body openings in order to Egypt Salem Al-Zamanan and Secretary contributions to reconstruct a number of diagnose and treat disease. Another popular General of Egypt-Kuwait cooperation council schools in Sinai Peninsula. The officials also term is minimally invasive surgery (MIS), Nawaf Al-Enizi. touched on agreed projects and discussed which emphasizes that diagnosis and treat- During the meeting, Ambassador Zamanan means to enhance cooperation between both ments can be done with reduced body cavity discussed the Kuwaiti-Egyptian relations and countries. — KUNA invasion. — KUNA THURSDAY, MARCH3, 2016 From the Arabic press Crime Al-Anbaa R e p o r t overseasTreatment Barcelona, Man kills friend Madrid fans while intoxicated ovTerersaetamsent oveTrreseaatmsent By Saad Al-Mo’tesh KUWAIT: A citizen lost his life when he was run over by his friend who was under the influence of drugs, follow- L ike many other people, I used to read and ing a fight. Police received a call about the incident at Wafra farms, so they went there and recovered the body. Treatment Troevaetrmseeanst hear about some sayings about enemies of The source said that a citizen who is a detective called overseas success, such as: ‘People only fight successful operations and said his brother ran over a friend in Wafra, ones’ and ‘When somebody criticizes you, know so police went to the house and arrested him. He said he that you are in the lead’. I do not know who said was under the influence of shabu and a fight took place, those sayings or when they were said. scoha hrgee gd owti tihn mthuerd cear.r and ran over his friend. He was Torevaetrmseeanst ovTerresaetamsent MP Nbeo nriegthhte. less, facts have actually proved them to I have noticed how some people have been Teen stabbed criticizing the Minister of Information and Minister Treatment of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Al- A juvenile was rushed to Adan Hospital after he was overseas stabbed in the shoulder by three persons. The victim’s Humoud to stop the continuous successes he has A father got a medical report and took it to Sabahiya l- been achieving in the media, which is only denied police station and told them a dispute took place Ja by people who find harm in any success achieved between his son and the three others, who stabbed rid by the official moderate media that reflects an him. An attempted murder charge was registered as a honorable image of Kuwait, despite the presence detectives are looking for the suspects. of some mistakes. The closer I look into the names of those criti- cizing Sheikh Salman, the more I realize that the Home robbery Al-Anbaa man was actually going on the right track and KD 2,000 and official documents disappeared from a citi- path. That he is starting to worry them by his zen’s house in Saad Al-Abdullah residential area. The house National ‘Chaos’ Day relentless work to serve Kuwait. By criticizing him, owner was surprised when he saw his house’s contents they are trying to impede his progress and the scattered around, and discovered that the money and doc- uments were missing. He told police about the incident plans he set to develop the administrative body and they started an investigation. By Salah Al-Sayer he runs. Well, my advice to Sheikh Salman is to follow in E ach year, some very disgraceful behaviors and crowds are, just like what happens in our streets the steps of HH the PM Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak, Thieves caught shameful practices take place all over Kuwait’s where the majority of ‘celebrators’ taking part in the who never pays any attention to those trying to Mubarak Al-Kabeer detectives arrested a citizen and streets and squares during the national and lib- this annual ‘chaos’ are mainly kids and teenagers. hold him back or hinder his work, because he real- three Syrians who stole material from cars parked in eration celebrations, where The sad thing in the izes that the ultimate goal is to make HH the front of houses. They confessed to committing nine many people find joy in fri- Kuwaiti part of this phe- Amir’s vision and aspirations come true, in addi- robberies during the past weeks. A security source said volity, uncontrollability, nomenon is that it happens tion to serving Kuwait without responding to this investigations in the thefts led to suspecting a citizen harassment, violating other’s The sad thing in the during a patriotic anniver- or that criticism by people paid to do so, and we in Adan, who was arrested, and he confessed that he privacy, blocking traffic and sary when martyrs’ sacri- Kuwaiti part of this know who funds them. along with his three partners committed several thefts littering in a seasonal ‘chaot- fices should be commemo- and sold the loot. Detectives arrested the three accom- ic’ scene that indicates a rated. But instead, the occa- All of us in Kuwait know the names of those phenomenon is that it plices. —Al-Rai great deal of contradiction sion turns into silly prac- wishing to spoil others’ achievements and under- where everybody ‘fails’ on a happens during a tices driven by ‘mass men- mine them. They act just like the fans of Real day of ‘success’. tality’ of younger genera- Madrid and Barcelona would do. Each of them 83,000 patients visit Well, the phenomenon is patriotic anniversary tions who turn this patriotic would cheer and support any third team playing not a local one as uncontrol- occasion into an opportuni- psychiatric hospital against his rival only because of hate. lability, chaos and dema- when martyrs’ sacrifices ty to break the law, disre- My final advice to those criticizing others’ suc- gogy are very well-known spect it and come out with should be commemorated cess is to be more logical and reasonable. Those KUWAIT: Recent government statistics showed that the characteristics of crowds in very disgraceful practices encouraging such criticisms are unable to achieve psychiatric diseases hospital receives about 82,915 the absence of discipline right before the eyes of patients, ie 2 percent of Kuwait’s population, and that 88 and fear of law. Sociologists their parents who even similar success, if they ever work on achieving any, percent of them are Kuwaitis. The statistics also showed have found that it is human encourage them. This really and this is their fault. So stop criticizing those who that the total number of Kuwaitis visiting the psychiatric nature that crowds tend to act more chaotically and contributes to destroying the spirit of patriotism and actually work and remember the old saying of diseases hospital number 73,643; ie 5.6 percent of the total do things they would never consider doing individu- national loyalty. ‘Failaka Ahoy’, as we will say ‘Istanbul Ahoy’! number of citizens, while expats only numbered 9,272; ie ally. Things even get worse the less aware those —Translated by Kuwait Times —Translated by Kuwait Times 0.4 percent of expats living in Kuwait. In a related issue, and responding to recent concerns about issuing driving licenses to a large number of psychi- 1,100 prisoners to be released by Amiri pardon atric patients, informed sources said that thousands of psy- chiatric patients with various degrees already had driving licenses and that it would be difficult to classify them or assess their exact numbers because some psychiatric dis- KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and Interior or quartered. “The list also included drop- submitted the 1,100 names list to Sheikh imprisoned in relation to state security or eases are temporary and because of the privacy of patients’ Minister Sheikh Mohammed Al-Khaled Al- ping financial fines and cancelling deporta- Mohammed, who in turn submitted it to the drug cases. In other news, the Ministry of information. —Al-Qabas Sabah has signed the lists of prisoners to be tion of expats related to Kuwaitis,” explained Amiri Diwan. Health has reportedly given orders to med- released on an Amiri pardon on the occa- the sources. Notably, the Amiri pardon condition ical staff at all public medical facilities in Jarrah criticizes sion of celebrating the national anniver- The sources explained that the Amiri par- includes not having benefited from previous Kuwait to give priority in treatment to pris- saries, said security sources. The sources don committee at the Ministry of Interior’s pardons, to have good conduct while doing oners and people held pending deporta- airport staff explained that the list includes the names of correctional facilities sector recently finished time, not to be imprisoned in relation to tion. This step comes to protect prisoners’ 1,100 inmates, 34 (including a woman) of three months of work studying the files of murders (unless pardoned by the victim’s health and maintain the safety of security whom are to be immediately released, while 2,500 prisoners to select those who family), not to be indebted to others (unless measures, said sources with knowledge of performance the others’ prison time would be cut halved matched the pardon conditions before it they reach a settlement) and not to be the news. — Al-Rai, Al-Anbaa NBK celebrates National, KUWAIT: Escorted by the Ministry of Interior’s Assistant Undersecretary For Citizenship Affairs Major General Sheikh Mazen Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah, undersecretary Lt Gen Liberation Days with Suleiman Al-Fahd visited Kuwait International Airport Zeina account holders where the problem of Syrians who were mistaken- ly branded as holders of KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) in KidZania provides visitors with all bank fake passports was resolved. rewarded its Zeina account holders with activities in the kid-centric city to teach Responding to reporters’ questions whether Fahd’s an exclusive event at KidZania on the children real life aspects of banking and visit was made specifically very special occasion of Kuwait’s financial responsibility. NBK’s branch in for that reason, Sheikh National and Liberation Day at The KidZania introduces children to a unique Mazen Al-Jarrah stressed Avenues. experience in basic banking services, that the undersecretary was NBK Zeina account holders enjoyed where they can earn, spend, deposit and used to making such sud- complimentary entry into KidZania by withdraw ‘KidZos’, KidZania’s official den visits and confirmed showing their NBK Zeina Debit Cards. national currency, through the NBK Sheikh Mazen that the visit was one of the NBK also organized a parade at The branch and ATMs. main reasons of resolving Avenues to celebrate the National and Zeina account provides children from Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah the problem in a short time, Liberation Days. The mall witnessed sev- birth to less than 15 years with their first because he usually goes around the airport asking both eral fun activities with KidZania charac- bank account in order to learn about airport officials and passengers about the treatment they ters and NBK music and giveaways. The basic banking services such as saving (passengers) received. event received overwhelming interaction and banking with the help of their par- “The visit showed that some passport counters’ staff and feedback from both children and ents. It also provides parents with the were indifferent and others were abusive in dealing with excited shoppers. tools they need to accomplish their chil- passengers,” Sheikh Mazen Al-Jarrah explained, noting that NBK is the first and exclusive partner dren’s long term savings goals in a fun border staff should be patient, hardworking, have bank with KidZania Kuwait. NBK’s branch and rewarding manner. endurance and not to jump to conclusions that might irri- tate passengers. Sheikh Mazen Al-Jarrah added that some haste was involved in handling the Syrians’ case and that passport officials could have exerted a little more effort to KUWAIT: The Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK) set up a booth at the make sure the passports were not fake in order to prevent American University of Kuwait (AUK) to introduce students to its @Tijari the problem from snowballing. —Al-Rai accounts that is dedicated to young people. @Tijari clients are entitled to enter three raffle draws to be held on March 20, 2016 for tickets to attend Man sentenced for the Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix 2016, which takes place on April 3, 2016. offending Saudi King Education Ministry to KUWAIT: The Criminal Court sentenced a Kuwaiti man to a cancel first, third prelims year in prison for offending Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on Twitter, but acquitted him of charges of committing a hostile act against Saudi Arabia. Holidays to be timed with PAAET, KU: Athari Meanwhile, a mental assessment report for a Qatari nation- al accused of offending His Highness the Amir Sheikh KUWAIT: Ministry of Education’s (MoE) the mid-term (mid-year) and final Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah revealed that he is sane, said Undersecretary Dr Haitham Al-Athari exams by the end of the school year as sources familiar with the investigations. The Criminal Court reviewed the report and is set to make its ruling in the said the ministry intends to cancel the this would lessen the burdens of both state security case during the next hearing on March 22, current grading system and go back to learners and educators and allow more 2016, said the sources who spoke to Al-Qabas on the con- the two-semester system followed in time for learning and activities. dition of anonymity. most countries worldwide. “We are In addition, Athari said MoE’s deci- In other news, the Public Prosecution released arrest working on finishing the related proj- sion number one (pertaining with warrants for 107 Ministry of Health employees for forging ect to review it with experts and educa- school year schedule, holidays and fingerprints used to register their attendance to work. The tional area directors before putting it vacations) has been adjusted to start suspects had provided coworkers with ‘replicas’ of their fin- into practice in the next school year,” he the next school year on Sept 18 instead gerprints made from silicon and other material to use on explained, noting that the new system of before Eid Al-Adha, which makes this the check-in scanner so that they can skip work, Al-Jarida would start with next year’s grade 10 summer vacation longer. He also noted reported quoting sources familiar with the investigations. students. that adjustments would be done for The Public Prosecution had taken similar actions in the Athari also said that ministry will two years ahead so that educators past against Ministry of Electricity and Water employees on cancel the first and third preliminary could set their academic plans without similar charges. —Al-Qabas, Al-Jarida exams in various stages and only keep confusion. —Al-Anbaa THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 NY restaurants Militants attack Indian consulate in Afghanistan post salt warnings, but diners shrug Page 11 Page 9 PALM BEACH: Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump speaks MIAMI: Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the media at his Mar-A-Lago Club on Super Tuesday. — AFP speaks during her Super Tuesday evening gathering at Stage One Ice Studios. Trump, Clinton score big victories Clinton wins 7 states, Sanders 4 Trump wins 7 states, Cruz 3, Rubio 1 • WASHINGTON: Donald Trump’s tri- paigns to Republican voters looking to Ohio votes March 15. Once a contender, umphal march toward the Republican stop Trump. In Tuesday’s polls, Cruz won Carson has faded into irrelevance. presidential nomination left his party in his delegate-rich home state of Texas “Republicans are reaping the whirl- disarray yesterday as Democrats coa- and neighboring Oklahoma as well as wind right now, and Democrats should lesced around their White House fron- Alaska, a better performance than Rubio seize the chance to show Americans an trunner Hillary Clinton after her slew of who notched just one victory in caucus- alternative to Mr Trump’s politics of rage, Super Tuesday victories. Both candidates es in Minnesota. Those wins were and an image of themselves to be proud emerged the clear winners after party enough to keep them both in the race of, not shrink from,” the liberal New York nominating contests in a dozen states, for now, but did little to quiet the alarm Times observed. In her victory speech, piling up delegates on the biggest, most among their establishment backers, who Hillary Clinton signaled she is now turn- pivotal day of primaries in the race to fear the party is headed toward an anni- ing her attention to a general election replace President Barack Obama. hilating defeat in the general elections. face-off with Trump. “It’s clear tonight Trump was victorious in seven of 11 “Happiness for Donald Trump is a that the stakes in this election have nev- states, weakening but not eliminating his divided opposition. He’s got precisely er been higher, and the rhetoric we’re rivals, while Clinton equaled that score that and it’s going nowhere for the time hearing on the other side has never been with wins in seven states against Bernie being,” said Sabato’s Crystal Ball, a politi- lower.” Attacking Trump’s pledge to Sanders, absorbing a formidable chal- cal newsletter published by the “make America great again,” she said, lenge from the left. But whereas Clinton University of Virginia. Trump’s wins were “America never stopped being great!” appeared to solidify her support ahead widespread, from Alabama and Georgia Trump painted Clinton - the former of the next key round of primaries March in the Deep South, to Massachusetts in first lady, senator and secretary of state - 15, divisions within the Republicans the northeast, to the vital battleground as a Washington insider who cannot deepened over Trump’s success with a state of Virginia. In his victory speech address a furious electorate’s desire for slashing campaign that has galvanized Tuesday night, the real estate mogul and change. “She’s been there for so long. I disaffected voters but opened wounds reality TV star set aside his usual boast- mean if she hasn’t straightened it out by on racial, ethnic and gender fronts. With fulness to offer an olive branch to party now, she’s not going to straighten it out the 69-year-old billionaire powering past leaders. “I think we’ll be more inclusive in the next four years,” he said. A recent their favored candidates, Republican and more unified. I think we’ll be a much CNN/ORC poll found that both Clinton stalwarts have raised the possibility of bigger party,” Trump said. and Sanders would easily defeat Trump if the party splintering if Trump wins the But Cruz used his victories to argue the general election - set for Nov 8 - were nomination. he is the only Republican who can beat held now. Trump. “For the candidates who have not Sanders, a self-styled democratic Break-up a ‘Real Possibility’ yet won a state, who have not racked up socialist, has vowed to press on with his “I think that’s a very real possibility,” significant delegates, I ask you to prayer- well-funded grass-roots campaign that Christine Todd Whitman, a former New fully consider our coming together, unit- has made the growing gap between rich Jersey governor, told National Public ing,” he said. After his disappointing per- and poor the central issue of the Radio. “There are a lot of people who just formance, Rubio ended the day in Democratic contest. cannot see themselves supporting Florida - a clear signal that he is banking Sanders notched wins in his tiny Trump. You have Mitch McConnell, the on a win in his home state, which votes home state of Vermont, Oklahoma, Senate majority leader, telling Senate on March 15, the next major date in the Colorado and in Minnesota. But Clinton, candidates if this is a problem for you, go primary cycle. Two other Republican can- who was unbeatable in the southern ahead and run ads against him even if he didates - Ohio Governor John Kasich and states with big African-American majori- is your party’s presidential nominee.” retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson - came ties, trounced him in Alabama, Arkansas, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Marco up empty-handed on Super Tuesday. Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas and Rubio have both pitched their cam- Kasich also was expected to hang in until Massachusetts. — AFP Qatar population has reached 2.5m DOHA:Qatar’s population has reached 2.5 million people for the first time, officials said yesterday, swollen by the huge numbers of foreign workers employed in the tiny Gulf emirate. The population now stands at 2,545,000, an official from the Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics told AFP. The previous official high was 2.46 mil- lion, recorded last November. About 90 percent of those working in Qatar are not from the country originally. The population rise has been fuelled by the huge numbers of non-nationals coming to work in Qatar in recent years, many in the gas, oil and construction sec- tors. Qatar is undergoing a massive labor-intensive capital investment program and is preparing to host the football World Cup in 2022. Emphasizing how many workers come from abroad, one Dhaka government official this week estimated that by 2018 one million Bangladeshis will be living in Qatar, many employed within the construction sector. The latest population high comes despite it being a time of reported job losses, because of the slump in global energy prices, forcing people to leave Qatar. Qatar’s popula- tion explosion has largely occurred in the past decade. In 1986, according to World Bank and UN figures, Qatar’s pop- ulation stood at just 398,000. —AFP THURSDAY, MARCH3, 2016 I N T E R N AT ION A L Philippines probes attack on top Saudi cleric ZAMBOANGA, Philippines: Philippine was killed and two suspects arrested. port city of Zamboanga, where the cleric was enrolled there. itself and the Saudi national airline due to authorities were yesterday probing an Preacher Sheikh Ayed Al-Qarni and Saudi had given an address. Their Filipino Footage from ABS-CBN television an unspecified threat, Mayor said. He said assassination attempt against an influen- diplomat Sheikh Turki Assaegh were police escorts killed the lone assailant, showed the remains of the gunman, the Filipino security services complied, tial Saudi preacher who was on an both wounded in a shooting as they left while two other suspects seen with the who was wearing a hoodie, sprawled but would not discuss any specific meas- Islamic State hit list, after the gunman a university auditorium in the southern gunman were arrested as they tried to face down on the ground beside the vic- ures implemented. Tuesday’s shooting escape, police said. tims’ car. Islamic State militants who con- also came as the army quelled a rampage “It all happened so fast. Suddenly trol vast swathes of Iraq and Syria had by an obscure armed group that pledged there were gunshots,” local Muslim com- called on “lone wolves” to attack Qarni allegiance to the Islamic State in Butig, a munity leader Wakil Kasim, who was at and several other Saudi clerics whom poor farming town some 200 km north- the auditorium, told reporters. The gun- they accused of apostasy in the latest east of Zamboanga. man “popped up from the crowd, moved issue of Dabiq, their monthly online At least 12 militants and five soldiers in close and shot the victim” as he was magazine. were killed while more than 30,000 peo- boarding his car, said city police spokes- ple were displaced over several days of woman Chief Inspector Helen Galvez, ‘Saudi Embassy Threat’ fighting, which ended as the army seized adding that the gunman then walked to Police declined to comment on poten- the gunmen’s main camp over the week- the other side of the vehicle and shot the tial links between the shootings and IS end. Saudi media outlets described Saudi diplomat. Qarni was shot in the calls to attack the preacher. A special task Qarni as a senior Islamic scholar and he right shoulder, left arm and chest while force has been created to look into the has more than 12 million followers on Assaegh, a religious attache at the Saudi backgrounds of the suspects and ascer- Twitter. In his book “Awakening Islam,” embassy in Manila, was wounded in his tain a motive for the attack, national the French academic Stephane Lacroix right thigh and left leg, according to a police spokesman Chief Superintendent included Qarni in his list of “the most police report. Wilben Mayor told AFP. The Philippine famous” Saudi preachers. Zamboanga, A student driver’s licence and a local government should investigate whether 800 km south of Manila, is one of the government ID were recovered from the IS had influenced the shooting, interna- largest cities in the southern Philippines, man, which identified him as a 21-year- tional security analyst Stephen Cutler an area troubled by a decades-long sep- old Filipino, but police said they were told reporters in Manila. “It’s possible it is aratist rebellion by the mainly Catholic not ruling out forgery. A uniform for Daesh-related because he was on this hit nation’s Muslim minority that has ZAMBOANGA: This screen grab taken from video on Tuesday shows engineering students in the Western list but I don’t know yet,” he said, using an claimed more than 100,000 lives. The Mindanao State University, where Qarni Arabic abbreviation for the IS group. port city has a mixed Christian and medical personnel transferring Saudi preacher Sheikh Ayed Al-Qarni was speaking, was found hidden in his The shooting followed a request by Muslim population, and has been a fre- into hospital in this southern Philippine city after he was wounded dur- backpack, but university officials could the Saudi Arabian embassy in Manila last quent target of attacks by local Muslim ing an assassination attempt. —AFP not immediately confirm if the gunman month for increased police security for militant groups. —AFP In Islamic State battle, Cairo struggles to rally Sinai tribes Sisi sees Sinai militants as existential threat ARISH, Egypt: An Egyptian military effort to to be organized in what the military calls “popular up to his waist. “No one work with the army. This is recruit and arm tribal fighters to take on Islamic committees.” the advice of the brother digging his own grave.” State militants in the Sinai is failing, according to But a counter-terrorism researcher who closely Sinai Province later circulated a list of men it want- security sources, Sinai residents and tribal figures. watches the Sinai and did not want to be named ed dead for “crimes” such as “forming militias The military launched the program with much because of the threat of violence when he visits against Muslims” and spying for the military. fanfare last year and tribal leaders pledged to pro- the Sinai said the strategy was floundering. “The vide hundreds of fighters. But the number of militias are child’s-play. It is a failed initiative. New Recruits, But Not Nearly Enough fighters in the field is no more than 35, security These guys are getting the floor wiped with them Despite the dangers, some tribal fighters sources say. The scheme has been hampered by by the Islamists. They do not have the training to remain enthusiastic about helping the army. the military’s reluctance to provide weapons to match them.” Some 500 m outside the eastern entrance to Al- local fighters and by attacks by Islamic State, Arish, North Sinai’s provincial capital, motorists which are scaring off would-be tribal troops. Digging Their Own Graves are questioned at a police checkpoint. One day in The failure is a blow to President Abdel Fattah Given the history of tensions between the January, two masked men brandishing assault Al-Sisi, who has promised to crack down on mili- Bedouins and the military, the scheme was never rifles stood guard about 100 m up the road. They tants, whom he sees as an existential threat to going to be easy to implement. The Sinai’s were young members of a popular committee. Egypt. Islamic State’s insurgency in Sinai gives the Bedouins are seen by some in government as a “We are a group of youths who decided over two ultra-hardline group a fourth front in the Middle fifth column, while tribesmen have long felt neg- months ago to do our part in protecting our peo- RIYADH: Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud receives Prime Minister of East after Iraq, Syria, and pockets of Libya. In lected by the central government, tribal leaders ple from what the militants are doing,” one told Malaysia Mohamed Najib Abdul Razak. —AP statements and videos, Sinai Province, the Sinai say. Some senior officials initially remained Reuters. Najib visits Saudi Arabia branch of Islamic State, has said it has executed at uneasy about handing over weapons to local “At first there were nine of us. We met with least 17 people so far this year. On Feb 28, the fighters. A police captain stationed in North Sinai police and military leaders, asking to be allowed group warned on its Telegram channel, which said tribal fighters receive no formal combat train- to help get rid of these militants after the city functions as an encrypted online message board, ing but are advised by the military and police. became a war zone home to murder and horror,” RIYADH: Malaysia’s premier thanked King documents were leaked last year suggest- that it had set up checkpoints around the Sinai to Even some tribal leaders were reluctant to he added in a thick Bedouin accent. His group Salman for his support in a speech before ing that money deposited into his intercept and kill anyone who collaborates with have their men armed. One senior tribal member, now numbers 15, and has been asked to provide meeting with the monarch yesterday dur- accounts may have come from entities the military. who was once at the forefront of the military’s the military with local intelligence. Initially the ing a visit to Saudi Arabia meant to deepen linked to 1MDB. Najib has repeatedly In January, Islamic State wrote in its weekly campaign, said arming tribal fighters could cause authorities did not want to give the men guns, ties between the two major Muslim coun- denied any wrongdoing. magazine Naba’, which runs news from the infighting. “Help the army? Yes. But carry guns, no. the man said. “A while later we went back and tries. Najib Razak’s visit came after Speaking at an economic forum group’s various branches, that the Sinai branch We do not form militias,” said the man, who is on told them it was important they allow us to carry Malaysia’s attorney general in January Tuesday in the Saudi city of Jeddah, Najib had killed 1,400 people - members of the military an Islamic State hit list and has moved away from weapons to protect ourselves and families and decided not to prosecute the prime minis- expressed his gratitude. “I would like to and police as well as collaborators and tribal North Sinai, the epicentre of the insurgency, after they agreed, but under certain conditions.” ter, saying the $681 deposited in his personally thank the royal family of Saudi fighters - in the previous 15 months. The military militants attacked his home. A security source said the tribal fighters can accounts were a “personal donation” from Arabia for all their support over many has disputed this figure and said only 69 military But the main reason the military has struggled only use the guns to help secure checkpoints or the Saudi royal family. The chief prosecutor decades,” he said. “I am proud to say that personnel were killed in that period. It would not to recruit more tribal fighters has been the punish- to repel an attack. They also have to tell the mili- also said most of the Saudi donation had we are like brothers,” he added, referring to comment on its Sinai operations. ment those who have joined have faced when tary who is participating in each shift or mission. been returned. Saudi-Malaysia relations. Malaysian forces The army had hoped its plan, launched in April captured by Sinai Province militants. Abdelrahman Residents in Arish, Sheikh Zuweid, and surround- Najib’s critics, however, accuse him of are taking part in joint military exercises by last year, would gain it an edge in the massive Al-Moqata’a was one of nine prisoners beheaded ing villages have mixed views of the army initia- corruption and claim hundreds of millions a 34-nation, anti-terrorism alliance of region, which stretches from the Suez Canal east or shot by the group in January. On a Sinai tive. Some said the tribal fighters had restored of dollars channeled into his accounts Muslim majority countries that are under- to the Gaza Strip and Israel. It wanted to team up Province video of the executions, the men all said some normality to the province. Others com- came from the indebted 1MDB fund, way in the kingdom. The state-run Saudi with tribal leaders and local fighters who know they had fought alongside or provided intelli- plained that the fighters steal food from them or which he founded in 2009. The fund is Press Agency gave little details about the the terrain. The local fighters promised to provide gence to security forces. In the video, Moqata’a is bully them. “We don’t have a problem with them mired in $10 billion in debt and has been king’s meeting with Najib, saying only they 300 men who could bring intelligence and help seen digging his own grave. “This is the fate of helping (the security forces), said one shopkeep- selling its assets to clear its books. Najib discussed bilateral relations and ways to close down routes used to smuggle in weapons those who work with the army, whether young, er. “But they shouldn’t bully people and act like became embroiled in the scandal after strengthen cooperation. —AP from neighbouring countries. Those fighters were old, or a child,” he said, standing in a sandy ditch thugs.” —Reuters Erdogan says Turkey ‘ready’ to fight terrorism in Nigeria ABUJA: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Turkish Airlines has dozens of destinations on Nigeria, Africa’s number one oil producer, Erdogan said yesterday he was ready to help the continent. “Turkey is not currently a major has been hit hard by the slump in oil prices, combat terrorism in Nigeria, where Boko Haram trading partner for either Nigeria or Ghana, nor which has squeezed government revenue and fighters have killed thousands of people in a is Turkey one of the main foreign investors,” severely weakened the naira currency. Boko bloody campaign for a hardline Islamic state. Cobus de Hart, economist at NKC African Haram still remains a threat in the country’s He also signed a memorandum on trade and Economics in South Africa, told AFP. “That said, northeast, where the group has reverted to economic cooperation, which Nigerian any bilateral agreements that would facilitate attacking “soft” civilian targets such as markets, President Muhammadu Buhari said was “just increased investment in West Africa would cer- bus stations, and mosques using suicide the beginning of what we have in the pipeline”. tainly be welcome,” he said. “Nigeria especially bombers. The insurgency has left at least Speaking after talks with Buhari in Abuja, would do well to utilise opportunities such as 17,000 people dead since it began in 2009 but Erdogan commiserated with Nigerians fighting these, with the aim of diversifying the economy over the last year Nigerian forces have recap- insurgents, saying he felt their pain. “As a coun- away from its dependence on oil.” tured territory lost to the rebels. —AFP try combating terrorism for a long time now, every reprehensible terrorist attack that takes place here in Nigeria deeply hurts our heart,” GAZA: Mamadou Sow (left), Head of Gaza sub-delegation in the International Erdogan said to reporters at the presidential vil- Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), rides a donkey-drawn cart loaded with la. “We are always ready to cooperate with almond trees distributed by the ICRC in Wadi as-Salqa village near the border Nigeria when it comes to combating terrorism.” of central Gaza Strip with Israel yesterday. —AP Security was a recurring theme in the Turkish leader’s stops in Ivory Coast and Ghana Netanyahu wants to expel ahead of his stay in Nigeria during a tour designed to strengthen economic ties with members of the Economic Community of West attackers’ relatives to Gaza African States (ECOWAS). On Tuesday, Erdogan told Ghana’s parliament that Turkey can “con- tribute tremendously to the establishment of JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin to include defense aid, Israeli-Palestinian vio- global peace and security.” He will cap off his Netanyahu said yesterday he wants to expel to lence and the conflict in neighboring Syria. It visit to the region with a stop in Guinea. Gaza the families of Palestinian attackers who was unclear if he would also hold talks in the Traditionally focused on North Africa, Turkey in help in assaults as he came under increasing Palestinian territories. the past decade has paid increasing attention pressure over a five-month wave of violence. A wave of violence in Israel and the to the fast-growing economies of sub-Saharan Netanyahu asked the attorney general to exam- Palestinian territories since October has killed Africa. ine the possibility of carrying out such expul- 180 Palestinians as well as 28 Israelis, an “Erdogan wants to build a case that Turkey is sions, his office said, while rights groups imme- American, a Sudanese and an Eritrean, accord- not just a regional power, but aspires to be a diately denounced the move. “Expelling family ing to an AFP toll. Most of the Palestinians who global one,” David Shinn, Africa professorial lec- members of Palestinian terrorists who aided died in the violence were killed by Israeli forces turer at The George Washington University, told attacks to Gaza will lead to a significant while carrying out knife, gun or car-ramming AFP. “The primary connection with Africa is decrease in terrorist attacks,” a spokesman for attacks, according to Israeli authorities. Others commercial, especially investment,” Shinn said. Netanyahu said on Twitter. were shot dead by Israeli forces during clashes “Turkey can rarely compete head-to-head with The proposal could prove to be a fresh or demonstrations. The Gaza Strip, hit by three China in Africa but can fill niche markets such source of tension ahead of a visit by US Vice wars with Israel since 2008 and run by Islamist as small construction projects, smaller manu- ABUJA: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (left) is welcomed by Nigeria’s President Joe Biden next week. Israel’s govern- movement Hamas, is under an Israeli blockade facturing companies and even some services.” President Muhammadu Buhari during an official visit at the Presidential Palace ment said yesterday Biden was due to arrive on that severely restricts the movement of people The country has more than tripled its yesterday. —AP March 8 for a two-day visit. Talks are expected and goods. —AFP embassies in Africa since 2009 while flag carrier THURSDAY, MARCH3, 2016 I N T E R N AT ION A L How GOP elite turned blind eye to rise and rise of Trump Tycoon source of puzzlement for rich Republicans WASHINGTON: One evening last June, Syrian refugees because they might be entering it. Paul dropped out after the would force other candidates to go neg- some of the Republican Party’s wealthiest militants. Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope first nominating contest in February. ative. They hoped he wouldn’t hijack the donors gathered for a cocktail party at an Hicks, declined to comment for this story. Cruz has won just three of more than a first Republican presidential debate, exclusive resort in Deer Valley, Utah, dur- dozen contests so far. then less than a week away. But they ing a three-day retreat hosted by former Isolated Insiders Early in his run, Trump was a source decided, however it had begun, Trump’s Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Trump’s rise seemed to take place of puzzlement for rich Republicans, reign atop the polls wouldn’t last. “I think They had just heard from six presidential entirely outside the structures of the nor- such as those who gathered one it’s literally just a matter of time before hopefuls. Tom Duncan, the CEO of tool- mal nomination process within the Sunday in early August in the his NASCAR careens into the wall - and maker Positec Tool Corp, chatted with a Republican party. For example, many Hamptons, New York’s gilded summer hopefully not into the other drivers,” the few attendees about a fantasy ticket to attending the Conservative Political retreat destination, to discuss the 2016 source said in an interview on Aug 6. secure the White House in Nov 2016: Action Conference, a gathering of grass- race. They met for lunch at a billionaire Trump has not crashed. And on Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, with roots activists, in Feb 2015, were excited hedge fund manager’s estate near a the CEO of NASCAR, Brian France, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida as his run- by presidential hopefuls Wisconsin gov- body of water nicknamed “Goldman endorsed him. PHILADELPHIA: Mike Abdullah poses for a photograph on Feb 24, 2016. —AP ning mate. ernor Walker and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. pond” for the concentration of finan- Duncan, for his part, liked Ohio The annual convention is a must-stop for ciers’ houses around it. Missed Warning Signs A class in gunshot first aid for Governor John Kasich, but also had his any Republican White House contender. Among the guests were former Right to Rise, the outside spending eye on former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly In his speech, Trump tried out a now defense department officials, the chief group backing Bush, built up a massive high-crime US neighborhoods Fiorina. No one mentioned Donald war chest of more than $100 million to Trump, even though he had been signal- attack opponents who could thwart his ing for months that he planned to run. bid for the nomination. Trump was not PHILADELPHIA: Mike Abdullah watched as the efforts elsewhere are aimed at teaching Four days later, the New York property identified as a potential threat, not in the a young woman lay shot in the street in a the public how to respond to mass shoot- magnate declared his candidacy and summer, nor in the fall of 2015, even as corner of north Philadelphia known as the ings or mass accidents like a plane or train within weeks had shot to the top of the he eclipsed Bush, according to multiple Badlands, spitting up the blood that gradu- crash. polls, eclipsing all of his Republican rivals. interviews during that period with a ally choked her to death. The fatal shooting Fighting Chance is run by volunteer hos- The story of Trump’s rise has played member of the group’s leadership team. was one of many he says he has seen in the pital staff. Organizers are hoping to find out day after day on television and on “I don’t think he’s hurting us,” the official, city over the years and felt helpless to stop. funding to help pay for gunshot-treatment social media, but the conversations who did not want to be identified, said in Recently, Abdullah - who also lost a kits to distribute to people who have com- behind closed doors among members of an interview last fall. Trump would be a younger brother and four nephews to gun pleted the program and to leave in places the Republican elite during this period footnote in the race by January or Feb violence - joined more than 50 of his neigh- that could be adjacent to gun violence, have been less well documented. Many 2016, he predicted. bors at an elementary school to learn how from recreation centers to late-night take- of the conversations had one thing in Bush bowed out on Feb 21 after to help the next victim in time. out restaurants. At the recent training, common: A stubborn refusal to take months of struggles were capped by a “He did what most young men do, tried grandmothers, uncles, young women and Trump seriously, even as fans packed poor showing in the South Carolina pri- to run to the hospital,” Abdullah, 61, said of boys as young as 10 years old paid close sports stadiums to see him in the sum- mary. Duncan, the Positec CEO, said con- his brother. “He made it right up to the attention as hospital volunteers demon- mer months, as he dominated media versations he had with representatives door and died because there was nobody strated techniques before practicing on one coverage of the election, and as polls from three campaigns as recently as to do these procedures on him.” Temple another. Absent were young black men - showed him winning wide support November and December barely University Hospital is enlisting neighbor- the most likely group to be shot and killed. among young and old, men and women. touched on Trump. “There was so much LOUISVILLE, Kentucky: Republican presidential candidate hood residents - most of them poor, black Homicide is the leading cause of death Scenes like the one at Deer Valley time left,” he said. “I honestly thought and living in violent areas - in the program, for black males between 18 and 34 years would be repeated in rarified enclaves of Donald Trump holds up a sign he borrowed from a spectator that he would implode.” Now there is lit- called “Fighting Chance.” The doctors and old in the US and in Philadelphia. Police the party elite around the country again during a rally on Tuesday. —AP tle time left, and the party’s establish- nurses conducting the training have plenty recorded more than 1,240 shootings across and again in the coming months. Many in ment can only look back at early warning of experience, as the hospital treats at least the city last year, including 690 involving the Republican establishment believed familiar pledge: Build a giant southern executive of a big real estate firm, a signs they missed. 400 shooting victims a year. young black men. Of those, 236 were fatal, he would eventually self-destruct or that wall to stop illegal immigrants, a vow prominent private equity partner and One came in Jan 2015 at the Iowa The moments after a shooting are criti- and 51 percent of those killed were young Americans would lose patience with his that would later ignite his insurgent cam- conservative academics, according to Freedom Summit, a Republican “cattle cal. A gunshot victim hit in the upper arm black men. bombast, his freewheeling insults and paign and propel him well ahead of the one of the guests, who spoke on condi- call” for White House hopefuls that or thigh can bleed out in two minutes. Scott Charles, Trauma Outreach lack of firm policies to back up his prom- main pack of Republican presidential tion of anonymity. The source, like many marked the unofficial start of the 2016 Borrowing from battlefield tactics, the Coordinator at Temple University Hospital ises to “Make America Great Again”. hopefuls. “His speech was well-received, other guests, backed former Florida presidential race. Attendance spiked after trainers teach neighborhood residents how and one of the program’s organizers, sug- They were wrong. Trump won a but he didn’t do that well in the straw Governor Jeb Bush. “A variety of subjects organizers added Trump to the agenda. to tighten a tourniquet around someone’s gested part of the challenge could be a majority of the states holding nominat- poll,” said Matt Schlapp, the chairman of were discussed, but chief among them, I “When we announced Donald Trump, the arm, drag them to safety, apply pressure to mutual wariness between the young men ing contests on Super Tuesday, accelerat- the American Conservative Union, which would say, was the concern and conster- event took on a life of its own,” said David major arteries to stop bleeding, and posi- and some in the community who fear ing his march to the Republican nomina- organizes CPAC each year. Kentucky nation over the candidacy of Donald Bossie, the president of the conservative tion victims in a vehicle before rushing them. “The guys who are sometimes tion. Republican donors, strategists and Senator Rand Paul won the poll. Trump,” the source said. At the time, advocacy group Citizens United and the them to a hospital. engaged in the kinds of activities that put campaign operatives interviewed by CPAC’s attendees were mostly con- Trump’s rating in national polls was conference’s organizer. “I don’t believe it’s The program is part of a national cam- them in harm’s way are sometimes reluc- Reuters admitted they had misjudged servative political activists already twice his closet rival’s, according to possible, if you were not in a coma, for paign by the US Department of Homeland tant to interact with folks that they see as the mood of voters who have thrown engaged in the electoral process. The Reuters/Ipsos data. anyone in the establishment, or the Security called “Stop the Bleed,” which rec- being people who would tell on them,” their support behind Trump after he fans who would drive Trump’s success The attendees discussed Trump’s rise media, or on planet Earth, to have ognizes that no matter how fast emer- Charles said. “We have to be creative in promised to build a wall on the Mexican were not. The candidates favored at and observed he had struck a chord missed Donald Trump’s ascendancy to gency responders get to a scene, how we get to them, because they need to border, temporarily ban Muslims from CPAC have languished. Walker left the with many Americans, the source said. be the leading Republican for the nomi- bystanders will be there first. But most of be here.” —AP entering the United States and block race just two months after officially They fretted over whether his presence nation.” —Reuters NY restaurants post salt warnings, diners shrug NEW YORK: As warning labels go, the small salt shaker they ordered. “For someone that’s young, it really doesn’t emblems that began showing up on some New York City matter, because they’re still healthy,” said Maite Acosta, a restaurant menus recently are fairly unobtrusive, but each 20-year-old nurse from Birmingham, Alabama, as she is supposed to carry a powerful message. If the black and dined at an Applebee’s just off Times Square. The hostess white logo appears next to a dish, it means it contains at the restaurant, Ashley Hurtado, said she thought the more salt, by itself, than doctors recommend that a person labeling was “a good idea,” but also said it wouldn’t ingest in an entire day. Getting diners to pay attention to change the way she ate. “I’ll eat anything, whatever I want. the logos, though, is another matter. That’s just how I am,” she said. “I haven’t had health problems, other than I’m a little New York City’s regulation applies to restaurants and overweight, so I feel I should eat what I want until I have a fast-food places with more than 15 outlets nationwide. It problem,” said Madi Boggs, a former resident of New York requires eateries to post the salt shaker emblem next to who now lives in Connecticut, as she tucked into a plate of menu items that contain more than the daily recommend- ed limit of 2,300 milligrams of salt, or about the amount found in a teaspoon. Health experts say too much salt intake over time can lead to high blood pressure and oth- er problems. The National Restaurant Association went to court to challenge fines of up to $600 for non-compliance that were to kick in Tuesday. On Monday, an appellate judge issued a temporary stay of enforcement while the appeal is underway. New York has, for years now, been trying to attack chronic health problems like obesity, diabetes and hypertension by warning consumers about the hidden dangers in the food they eat. The city banned the use of artery-damaging artificial trans fats in restaurant food. It tried, but failed, to impose a limit on the size of cups used to serve sugary beverages at food service establishments. Eight years ago, it began requiring chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus, reasoning that if people knew how caloric some dishes and beverages were, they might stay away. That initiative was quickly replicated in several other big The graphic that warns New York City consumers cities, but it may not have achieved its main goal, which is of high salt content. —AP to change the way people eat. Researchers at the New York University School of crispy chicken fingers at a TGI Friday’s in Manhattan. The Medicine who reviewed 31 studies on calorie labeling con- city began requiring chain restaurants to post the warn- cluded in a Journal of Community Health article published in ings in December. Hundreds have voluntarily complied, December 2014 that its effect on diners was “marginal”. even as the industry has continued to delay enforcement “While there are some positive results,” they wrote, “overall of the rules through a court challenge. these studies show that calorie labels do not have the But customers interviewed Tuesday at several city desired effect in reducing total calories ordered or con- restaurants said the labels were unlikely to change what sumed.” —AP Police officer, suspect dead after Texas park shootout EULESS, Texas: A Texas police officer who Hofer, told the newspaper. “He was working placed on lockdown until the situation was died after a gunfight had moved from New this very difficult precinct, so he had a lot of resolved. Hofer’s fiancee was out of town on York City to the Dallas area because he want- traumatic experiences. ... He decided to go to Tuesday and needed to be called home and ed to be somewhere safer, his mother says. a safer place. “ given the news, the Post reported. Sofija Officer David Hofer, 29, died Tuesday during Brown said Hofer was one of the officers Hofer said her son wanted to write a book surgery following a gunfight with an armed who responded to a report of shots fired about his experience with the NYPD. “I suspect in a park near a Dallas-area school. A around 3 pm Tuesday near J A Carr Park, thought he might be a scientist, like his 2008 graduate of New York University, Hofer which is in a residential area near an elemen- father, but he always wanted to be a police- served in the New York Police Department for tary school. “Upon arrival, officers encoun- man, ever since he was a little boy,” she said. five years before coming to Euless in 2014, tered a suspect with an unknown weapon,” David Hofer is the second officer to die Police Chief Mike Brown said. Brown said. “The suspect immediately fired in the line of duty in Euless, a suburb of The New York Post reported Hofer, the upon officers, striking one of them. Officers more than 53,000 residents west of Dallas son of European immigrants, formerly returned fire, striking the suspect.” and east of Fort Worth. The other officer worked in the 9th Precinct on Manhattan’s The suspect, who was not immediately was Michael Williamson, who was killed by Lower East Side. “He was wonderful child, a identified, died of multiple gunshot wounds, a drunken driver in 1982, according to the wonderful police officer,” his mother, Sofija the chief said. Two nearby schools were city website. —AP THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 I N T E R N AT ION A L EU unveils huge migrant aid plan for Greece BRUSSELS: The EU yesterday unveiled a 700-mil- Nureen, a Sudanese migrant. “There is nothing for us lion-euro emergency aid plan for Greece and other to do. We will just be left in the cold winter.” states hit by the migrant crisis, in what would be the first time humanitarian cash has been used within ‘Weaponising’ migrants Europe instead of outside the bloc. The United NATO’s top General Philip Breedlove meanwhile Nations has warned of a looming humanitarian crisis accused Russia and Syria of “weaponising” the mas- as thousands of refugees are stuck in wintry misery sive influx of people fleeing the Syrian conflict, in a at the Greece-Macedonia border after a domino bid to destabilize the West. The United Nations said effect of Balkan border closures. Greece is the main more than 131,000 migrants have crossed the entry point for the 1.13 million migrants who have Mediterranean to reach Europe so far this year, more landed since the start of 2015 in the European than the total number for the first five months of Union, which has been divided and weakened by 2015. Last year a total of one million entered Europe. the biggest wave of refugees since World War II. “Europe is on the cusp of a largely self-induced “No time can be lost in deploying all means pos- humanitarian crisis,” UN Refugee agency (UNHCR) sible to prevent humanitarian suffering within our spokesman Adrian Edwards said on Tuesday. The EU own borders,” EU Humanitarian Aid Commissioner plan for an internal aid mechanism marks a depar- Christos Stylianides said as he announced the aid ture for the 28-nation EU, which normally only gives plan. The funds would be allocated over three years, aid to countries outside the bloc, notably in the with 300 million euros ($325 million) in 2016, and Middle East and Africa. The EU has an annual aid 200 million euros in each of the following years budget of 1.2 billion euros for external countries. under the plan, which must be approved by mem- But the apparent show of European solidarity ber states and the European Parliament. The EU masks growing criticism of countries that have capped would also work directly with the UN and other aid the number of migrants they are willing to let in. agencies in Europe, in another first. Greece-which European leaders are divided ahead of two summits insists it will not become “Europe’s Lebanon” by this month on the migration crisis, with German hosting all of the migrants coming to the continent- Chancellor Angela Merkel saying that after bailing out has asked for around 480 million euros ($520 mil- Migrants seen in a tent in the makeshift camp at the Greek-Macedonian border near the Greek vil- debt-hit Greece the country cannot now be allowed to lion) to help shelter 100,000 refugees. lage of Idomeni yesterday, where thousands of people are stranded. — AFP plunge into “chaos”. The crisis has also sparked warn- to ram their way through the fence. Bleak scenes saw ber states and rising populism. In the French port of ings that the EU’s Schengen passport-free zone could Macedonia border misery the refugees stranded in mud-soaked fields and fight- Calais, demolition workers set about razing makeshift melt down as more and more states bring back border The crisis is particularly acute at the Greek border ing over food distributed from the back of a van, as shelters in the “Jungle” migrant camp for a third day controls. In a bid to ease the divisions, EU President crossing of Idomeni where 10,000 are camping in the aid agencies warned of a lack of supplies and the under close watch of dozens of police officers Donald Tusk is currently touring the Balkan states and open after Balkan states including Macedonia threat of illness. “We have been waiting for six days,” equipped with water cannon. The camp has become a Turkey, the main departure point for refugees. Ahead imposed tight controls. Macedonia yesterday allowed said Farah, a 32-year-old Syrian woman. “The food is magnet for people hoping to reach Britain and many of a crucial EU-Turkey summit on March 7, Tusk said he some 170 Syrian and Iraqi refugees to cross, the first not enough, everyone is lying to us and we are des- have refused to leave, although there has been no will press for “a more intensive engagement” from group since Monday when Macedonian police tear- perate.” The effects of the migrant crisis continue to repeat of the violent clashes that erupted on Monday. Ankara on a deal signed with the EU in November to gassed migrants, including children, after some tried be felt across the EU, stirring discord between mem- “Unfortunately, we cannot fight the police,” said limit the flow of refugees. — AFP Anti-migrant ‘Soldiers of Odin’ expand to Nordics and Baltics Vigilante group emerged first in Finland TALLINN: The Soldiers of Odin, self-proclaimed later in the month. “We will start going on patrol then spokesman for the Soldiers of Odin in patriots who have patrolled the streets of some to make sure they don’t do something illegal.” Norway, told Reuters. Alte has since quit the cities in Finland saying they want to protect The Baltic country of 1.3 million has almost group over differences about the organization’s locals from immigrants, have begin appearing in no asylum seekers or refugees. But the authori- stance. “And if you look at these problems ... it is other Nordic and Baltic countries, worrying ties nonetheless do not like the Soldiers of Odin. unfortunately the case that immigrants, and not authorities. Named after the king of the gods in “Self-proclaimed patrol gangs do not increase least illegal immigrants, are over-represented in Norse mythology, the group’s members say they the Estonian people’s sense of security in any these cases,” he said. want to be the eyes and ears for the police who way, rather the opposite.” Prime Minister Taavi Other patrols have taken took place in several they say are struggling to fulfill their duties. With Roivas said on Twitter. In Norway, police have cities, while others were stopped by police. In the some 250,000 asylum seekers moving into the expressed concern about how the arrival of city of Kristiansand in the south, the Soldiers of region as a whole over the last year, the group some 31,000 asylum seekers in the country of Odin were told by police they could only distrib- has triggered fears of a rise in vigilantism. 5.2 million last year will affect far-right groups. ute free buns and coffee. The Soldiers of Odin do The Soldiers are now expanding outside “We consider the threat from right-wing milieus attract support in some quarters. “Every citizen Finland, wearing similar black jackets adorned to be increasing. The asylum issue is fuelling who wants to contribute towards reducing crimi- MOSCOW: A woman, identified as 38-year-old Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, holds the on the back with a Viking, his mouth covered right-wing activity, radicalization and recruit- nality and insecurity should be applauded,” Jan severed head of a child near a metro station in northwest Moscow. — AFP with the relevant country’s national flag, and the ment,” said the Police Security Service in its latest Arild Ellingsen, a lawmaker from the populist Killer nanny in court name of the group written in English. In Estonia, threat assessment last month. Progress Party, a member of Norway’s ruling the group held their first meeting in mid- The Soldiers of Odin held their first patrol in coalition, told broadcaster NRK. But his state- February, with local media reporting that 60 Norway on Feb 13 in Toensberg, a town of some ment was condemned by Norway’s prime minis- Uzbek woman arrested after people attended. “We don’t want refugees to 42,000 about 100 km to the south of Oslo. “Our ter. “The Soldiers of Odin have no place in the come here,” Indrek Olm, who said he was one of main goal is to prevent violence, the sale of work to keep our streets safe. Dangerous values,” brandishing child’s head the leaders of the group in Estonia, told Reuters drugs and not least sexual assaults,” Ronny Alte, Erna Solberg said on Twitter. — Reuters MOSCOW: A woman suspected of behead- ally yawning, in contrast to Monday when ing a child in her care before brandishing she had been dressed in black and wearing the severed head outside a Moscow metro a hijab. station said yesterday Allah had ordered her to commit the crime. Police on Monday Militant Islamist threat wrestled to the ground Gulchekhra Government officials have issued fre- Bobokulova, a 38-year-old divorced mother quent warnings about the danger that of three from the Muslim-majority ex-Soviet Islamic State militants pose to Russia, espe- state of Uzbekistan, after she wandered cially in the light of Russia’s military interven- around a Moscow street holding the infant’s tion in Syria in support of President Bashar severed head in the air and shouting Islamist Al-Assad. Investigators have opened a crimi- slogans. Eyewitnesses said at the time they nal case against Bobokulova, saying they believed she was carrying out a terrorist act, formally suspect her of murder. They have but since her detention, Russian investiga- not mentioned suspecting her of any terror- tors have raised the possibility she might be ism-related offence. The court agreed to suffering from mental illness. detain her for two months while the investi- Investigators said she had been working gation continued after hearing that she pre- as a nanny for a Moscow family and that she sented an “exceptional risk to public safety”. had murdered and beheaded one of the Investigators have said she will undergo children in her care before setting fire to the psychiatric testing. An investigator said that family flat and fleeing. State television chan- to date no one else had been identified who nels did not report the incident, a move that was involved in the crime. The judge spoke drew accusations of censorship from some of possible accomplices still being at large opposition activists but which the Kremlin and hiding from the police, without giving endorsed, saying it would have been wrong details. Some rights activists have warned of to broadcast such “horrific images”. a possible backlash in Russia against Bobokulova told reporters on her way migrant workers from Central Asian coun- into the courtroom on Wednesday that tries such as Uzbekistan who have in the Allah had ordered her to do what she did past been targeted for beatings by far-right but that she had repented and agreed with groups. A Communist Party website cam- her arrest. Sat in the metal cage reserved paigning for tighter migration rules dis- for defendants in Russian courts, played a picture yesterday of a black-clad Bobokulova waved and said: “I am Allah’s woman wearing a burka holding a severed messenger. head inside a red circle with a line through it Hello everyone.” Her head was uncov- to indicate such individuals should be CALAIS: Migrants stand in front of a burning dwelling in a makeshift migrants camp near Calais, France. The source of the fire is not known. ered and she appeared relaxed, occasion- banned. — Reuters French authorities have begun dismantling part of the sprawling camp locally referred to as “the jungle” where thousands are hanging out, hoping to make their way to a better life in Britain. — AP Malawi mob burns 7 to Burnt shelters and protests; death over witchcraft Jungle demolition resumes BLANTYRE: A mob in southern Malawi arrests. James Kadazera, police burned seven men to death for allegedly spokesman for the southern region, said CALAIS: The stench of burning plastic hung As clear-up teams, town hall employees and evicted migrants have been offered accommo- possessing human bones for use in experts would conduct a postmortem on over the “Jungle” migrant camp yesterday as police fanned out across the demolition zone dation in one of around 100 centers across witchcraft, police said yesterday. The sev- the bones in the bag “to establish dozens of riot police moved in for a third day to hoping people would leave voluntarily, a small France, or in heated containers alongside the en were “found in possession of human whether they are albino humans or not”. demolish the shantytown in northern France. group of activists and migrants clambered on Jungle. But many fear this will end their dream bones and the mob took it upon them- Albinos, who have white skin and yel- Charred husks of shacks and smouldering logs top of one of the shelters in the hope of frustrat- of smuggling themselves across the Channel to selves to burn them with petrol,” Kirdy low hair as a result of a genetic disorder, marked the spots where half a dozen shelters ing the destruction of at least one of the claim asylum in Britain, where many have family Kaunga, head of the Nsanje district are regularly killed for their body parts, were burned down overnight in the camp on makeshift homes. or community ties, or believe there are better police said. A traditional chief said local which are used in witchcraft rituals in the outskirts of the port city of Calais. The black- “The refugees have asked us to help out of opportunities for finding work or education. suspicions were aroused as a result of the several in African countries including ened shells sat alongside the now-empty stretch solidarity,” said Rowan McAllan, a British woman Thousands have been living in the Jungle movements and telephone conversa- Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. “We of land that has already been cleared in the who described herself as an “independent vol- hoping to pay their way on to lorries heading for tions of one of the seven, who was found also want find out who actually torched southern half of the camp. unteer”. “These people have lost everything and Britain, but French authorities started to demol- to have a bag containing the bones.”He these people,” Kadazera added, saying It was not clear how the fires started-whether come halfway across the world. They’ve man- ish the southern half of the camp on Monday, was chased and arrested,” chief Tengani, police condemned “mob justice” where they were acts of protest by evicted migrants, aged to scrape together a very humble little saying they were acting on humanitarian who only uses one name said. members of the public took the law into burned down by police as some activists abode in these conditions and now that’s being grounds due to the grim conditions. Charities “The man is said to have confirmed their own hands. claimed, or simply accidents caused by flying taken from them,” she said. said several migrants from the demolition zone that his bag contained human bones and Identification of the victims was prov- sparks from other campfires spread by the freez- had been seen wandering out of the camp that’s when the mob began rounding up ing difficult due to their severe injuries, he ing winter wind. Police, who arrived in about 30 ‘Fear and uncertainty’ overnight. “Who knows where they are going. It’s the seven and burned them, one by one.” said. At least six albinos have been killed vehicles, set up lines to push back activists, char- Police were heard shouting at still-sleeping impossible to know the level of fear and uncer- Images from the scene showed the men in Malawi since a surge in attacks which ity workers and the press, but were clearly under migrants in their shacks that it was time to go. A tainty they are experiencing at this point,” said being burned on a patch of grass sur- began in December 2014, although UN orders to go easy on the refugees in the glare of Sudanese migrant emerged bleary-eyed from Tom Radcliffe of Help Refugees. The migrants rounded by locals, with some children agencies put the figure at nine. Last sum- the world’s media. “What do we do with that his makeshift home, which for the past few may have been heading for some of the other looking on.Police arrived after the inci- mer, Malawi launched an investigation one?” called one policeman, pointing at a months has provided shelter from the miserable camps along the northern French coast, such as dent, which took place on Tuesday in into the root cause of the albino murders, migrant who was walking into the no-go zone. northern French winter. The basics of a home those at Dunkirk or Tetenghem where condi- Nsanje, the southernmost district of in a move backed by the United Nations “Leave him-only push back the whites,” came the could be seen inside-a mattress, hand-made tions are far worse even than those in the Malawi. So far, there have been no Children’s Fund. —AFP reply from a colleague. table, even a salvaged leather armchair. The Jungle. — AFP

ANSAR, Lebanon: Hezbollah fighters hold flags as they attend the funeral procession in Gulf nations formally branded Hezbollah a terrorist organiza- 779. Jeddah. 16:10. QTR. 1072. Doha. 16:10. JZR. 257. Beirut. 16:30. FDB.
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