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MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration Economic Policy and International Relations GAZPROM AS AN ACTOR IN THE ENERGY MARKETS OF THE CIS COUNTRIES - THE CASE OF UKRAINE AND BELARUS Gazprom jako aktér na energetických trzích zemí Společenství nezávislých států - případ Ukrajiny a Běloruska Master Thesis Supervisor: Author: Mgr. Petra Kuchyňková, Ph.D. Anton Bulannikov Brno, 2013 Masarykova univerzita Ekonomicko-správní fakulta Katedra ekonomie Akademický rok 2011/2012 ZADÁNÍ DIPLOMOVÉ PRÁCE Pro: BULANNIKOV Anton Obor: Hospodářská politika a mezinárodní vztahy Název tématu: GAZPROM JAKO AKTÉR NA ENERGETICKÝCH TRZÍCH ZEMÍ SPOLEČENSTVÍ NEZÁVISLÝCH STÁTŮ - PŘÍPAD UKRAJINY A BĚLORUSKA Gazprom as an actor in the energy markets of the CIS countries - the case of Ukraine and Belarus Zásady pro vypracování Problémová oblast: Cíl práce: Postup a použité metody: Po rozpadu SSSR a následujícím vzniku SNS začalo Rusko hrát novou významnou roli v energetických vztazích se státy postsovětského prostoru. Magisterská práce se bude věnovat aktivitam ruské plynárenské společnosti Gazprom vůči tranzitným zemím při dodavkach plynu do států EU, konkrétně v případě Ukrajiny a Běloruska. Komparativní studie se bude věnovat pozici Gazpromu v rámci energetického sektoru těchto států, pozornost bude věnována investičním aktivitám i otázkám vlivu na pozici těchto zemí jakožto tranzitních zemí pro přepravu energetických surovin. Rozsah grafických prací: předpoklad cca 10 tabulek a grafů Rozsah práce bez příloh: 60 – 70 stran Seznam odborné literatury: • Aalto, P. The EU-Russian energy dialogue : Europe's future energy security / 2009.(The internatinal political economy of new regionalisms series). • Haghighi, S.S. Energy secirity : the external legal relations of the European Union with major oiland gas-supplying countries / Hart Publishing, 2007. • HAAS, M. de. Russia's foreign security policy in the 21st century :Putin, Medvedev, and beyond. London: Routledge, 2010. • Yurgens, I. Russia and the European Union: exploring opportunities for greater cooperation / Econ-Inform, 2009. • Isakova, I. Russian Governance in the Twenty-first Century: Geo-strategy, Geopolitics and Governance (Contemporary Security Studies) / London: Frank Cass, 2005. • Ross, C. Russian politics under Putin / Manchester University Press, 2004. • McFaul. M. Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian Post-Communist Political Reform / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004. • Belarus: Oil, Gas, Transit Pipelines and Russian Foreign Energy Policy by Margarita M Balmaceda and Kevin Rosner (Paperback - Jan 1, 2006) - In Ukraine-Russia Gas Dispute, Kiev Runs Out of Leverage (World Politics Review Briefings) by Daragh McDowell and World Politics Review (Kindle Edition - Oct 3, 2011). Vedoucí diplomové práce: Mgr. Petra Kuchyňková, Ph.D. Datum zadání diplomové práce: 5. 3. 2012 Termín odevzdání diplomové práce a vložení do IS je uveden v platném harmonogramu akademického roku. …………………………………… ………………………………………… vedoucí katedry děkan V Brně dne 5. 3. 2012 Jméno a příjmení autora: Anton Bulannikov Název diplomové práce: Gazprom as an actor in the energy markets of the CIS countries -the case of Ukraine and Belarus Katedra: Ekonomie Vedoucí diplomové práce: Mgr. Petra Kuchyňková, Ph.D. Rok obhajoby: 2014 Annotation After the collapse of the Soviet Union and further organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Russian Federation began to play a leading role both in political and economic fields among the countries that were once part of the Soviet Union. The same goes for the energy sector, because energy plays a key role in the national security of any given state as a fuel with which the whole economic mechanism operates. The CIS were dominated by elites that were more concerned about cumulating wealth and power than about formulating of long-term national strategies in energy or any other sector. This was the main reason for the absence of a consistent energy policy, and as a consequence, Ukraine and Belarus began to depend on Russian supplies. To be more specific, the cheap gas factor was used to maintain weak states, which faced the threat of total collapse. Thereby emerged the underpayments for gas supplies. It was one of the most important factors of tensions between producer and consumer states which subsequently led to the large-scale conflicts with extensive foreign policy consequences. After the abolition of Russia’s subsidies on the gas price and their increasing at the world level, current problems were even more aggravated. In addition, Ukraine and Belarus are situated on the western borders of the Russian Federation, and are located between the producer of energy resources and their main consumer, that causes the transitional nature of these countries. Keywords Energy security, National champion, Ukraine, Belarus, Gazprom, Naftogaz Ukrainy, Beltransgaz, Nord Stream pipeline, South Stream pipeline Declaration of authorship I hereby declare, that I have written the thesis Gazprom as an actor in the energy markets of the CIS countries - the case of Ukraine and Belarus without any help from others and without the use of documents and aids other than those stated above, that I have mentioned all used sources and that I have cited them correctly according to established academic citation rules. In Brno 6.01.2014 ____________________ Anton Bulannikov Foremost, I would like to express my profound gratitude to my thesis supervisor Mgr. Petra Kuchyňkova, Ph.D for her patience, support and valuable guidance during the thesis-writing process. Besides my supervisor, I would like to thank my relatives and friends for the support they provided me throughout my entire life. And a very special thanks goes out to my sister and friend Olga Samoilova, without whose encouragement and language editing assistence, I would not have finished my thesis.

the CIS countries - the case of Ukraine and Belarus without any help from others and . 4.2 Economical and socio-political significance of the energy sector . However, the privatization of the gas industry had another aspect. The.
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