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‘fared a. stem es)- 04/0007/200305 REGISTERED No, DL(N}-04/0007/200305 ana The Gazette of Gndia TaRWWEEKLY safer @ waaiferer PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY a 7 Reet, ra, wrt 12 “oad 18, 2019 (ate 22, 1934) No.2]__NEW DILI, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12—JANUARY (6, 2019 PAUSA 22, 1934 Wor 4 fr ps ven t ont t fired fe ae rem dae Se eS ‘Separate paging ls given to this Part in order that it may be Bled xs a separate compilation) ay PARE IY fearon etiodt de teamard dena & fram ate een) [Advertisements and Notices tesmed by Private Fndividuals and Private: Bodies] tiled dao ot TUS ALN on of St NGA tye sen male no tages arsronsansry 1s accernep vox| Sep Clg of Eperaig Beer lg a : rue roncication or apveansiararTomonte | SMUlL 2d Sn 2a Com, tase nou, Pag, : NOFICES IX FHS PART OF THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, ‘Nagar, Samerephatia Read (Opp 10 IIMB), Bangalore. Tesfors neriremg ive xoviensemacrurtnc| 2540 hve Canady teen leer [NOTICES WILE. REMATN SOLCLY RESPONSIBLE POR THE a JaGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ATSO FOR ANY OTHE, Atsis cestified that Ihave complied with other Jegat MSREPRESENEATION BTC. equirements in wis conmectiva. Sone 3 ose ‘ous ana er [Signstur (in existing okt nama}] ‘auNcRor ane —_ cenblCYPRBR SUARRABORTY rm 69.8: © stung ego ABA ADEA wit of gravy weng eS Ae Foxe uae Neje Sk HAND RCMAR MINN ee oy orhafoarhtd teh Ate Sapte any Nyt Naan, ag, oe ‘ny minor daughtor GARBITA CHAKKABORTY, aged U9 ony sur and shall heveater bo htionn os TEENA SHARMA, Fe eG ES FARAH ena 1 erie fone mpl tere 1 ould be wr wi the ot ee ae " JOYDERP CHAKRABORTY. ASHISH UFADHYAY eer iota (ior ty eee wy i 2 “THe GAZE IW OF INDIA, JANUARY 12.2013 (PAUSA2, 1930) Pat 1, hither» koowa as AMARDIP SINGH son of Sh. iINDER SINGH, employed aoe Manager, rig st 1HLNo, I Featry Aa Papa, bave changed my name tnd shall tear be kaon 9g AMARDEEP SINGH, 1 & cert that 1 have complied id ater Iga requires [sis conection AMANO SINGH {Sian in iin olde) [hier hic as LINGAPPAGARI STDDRSA son of sb, LINGAPPA, eipliyed a Senior Section Sopessr, (ie uf General Manager Telesom, Twn, Bear Sieh ‘Nigam Limite, Ashoka Kuo, Ta, eidig et "Gunsiree Nilsa, Toth Cres, 2nd Maia, THEK. Rosé, Sapthght [Badaeae, Tuckur. Kemaui, hve change ay nice 30 shal err be kn an STDDESHA PINGAPPA. 1 ie cated aut 1 have complied ith other Iga quirements hi cameron, LINGAPPAGARI SIBDESA, (signa (i extn od nae) J. Sith known at DIMPLE SANGWAN doufuer oF Sh DEBPAR SANGWAR wily ofS, RAHUL MATHUR, tstting eH, Mo, 64, Pooks, Sectoc-24, Rai, Dee Taa85, hve chimed my name afr aie acd all Trea be Kanu a¢ CHRSTHA MATHUR, Tie certifi tha | bave complied with ater lexal _equronent in his conrelva DIMPLE SANGWAN (Sigmar ie ening 018 mae}] 1, hitherto kage as KITUKA PAL wife of ‘ne KALICHARAN PAL, 4 Housenif, residing at Mob- Bibi Jl Mada in foot af Avwe Vlkas Colony’ Tia, Saatjahanwr, Citar Progeh bove ching my ame aod ull feta: he Inowm a8 BEAST PAL wi of Tale KALICUARAN PAI 1 fe ested tha 1 have coupled wth other logal ecuiemens itis <onnetin. LT af Sh RTFUKA PAL |. kcuherts known az SUNDER SINGH sof of Late CHAM SINGH, residing at VPO Nami Te. Poot ‘isk. inva, Hina Prades, have changed ay ame And sll terete be Koons CHBERTNG EAT Tris ceed eat { ave comlisd sid) other legal environ he conection SUNDER SINGH (Signa tin existing oH a)] 1, hitherto known a6 VENKATAI CHOWDARY CHANUMOLS) son of Sh. YBNKATESWARA'RAD CHASUMOLU, emplojed ax Seer Software Fogies, residing Pot No. 29, Fic No, 2, Srinlasun Reside, Og BENT. G34 Office Velarde, Hydrate ‘ng nam end shal erelle be awe 38 VENKAT CHANCIMOTD. 1k is cemted tht L Rive complied wit ober eg evirene 8 ths eomnection ‘VENKALA CHOWDARY CHANTDOLL (Sienanre (ening 01 mac) |, itt to enas DERPANKAR sano’ BRUENDRA (KUMAR, eaployed us Project Frgineer, CDAC Pole, resid ae F110, Mater Serie Wakad, Pe, Fa Wo *11057- hve sbanged name and shal eee b wom te DEEANKCAT SAXENA Tie esd tha 1 have comytied with other pal equrcnes io the conection bekeannane [signenre ci exiting od carey LSHARMLASIMSIN. ig of Ca SUMEETSINGHAL, Housewife, siding w [once No. 221, Deal Kure Pie 1, Opperie Army Public Scocl (on Ridge Road towards Karol Bagh), New DoT fcr routing, be changed ‘he amne ef my mio” dager Me ANUSHICA BARKAR, 1G years and ahe shal ever once a hs ANUSHICA, SINGHAL daughter of Cape SUNFET SINGHAL. Wis corded thm have complied with uber oy renuicamats ia His comestion SAARKULA SINGIAAL FBigranre of Cui) 4, hitherto Yhown as POPL RAM son of Sh. DATRAM, employed as Mol Tasting Serer (73), resig a YI Bage PO Sang Teh, Sanrsh Dist, Siro, dnve changed my tome and shal ereaier be Kina at PANKAL Te certified that § have cumpliod with othe legal regiemans in this comeaion BOMRAM [sigue Go esting 0 nao) 1, hitherto koowa ws ANKUR SHARMA son of Sh.KX SHARMA, employe ab Branch Manas, ICICL ‘Buak Lad rigng C303, 5, Sheikh Sua, Ps, New ‘Deli I 10047, hav ciged wy sare snd sul erate be Anon as ANCKUR I SHARMA, (ie called tat 1 have eompliod wit uber led roquiemems in toe connexion. ANKUR SHARMA. [signaus (in sisting 91 pane Paws ¥) ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, ”ANUARY 1, 2013 PAUSA 2, 1634) 5 1 RAM KUMAR son of Sk BISHANLA,,otkng as & {Libor in istic Scharnpur (U.P), reson MH. Sok ‘Raitoay Colony Misen Conypund, Saber (01 Pte stanged the mane of my minor won TORY KUMAR aged th year Dave of Beth 06-01-1999) and he sal cee tbe owe es ADIIYA KUMAR Wis ceded that have comliod with otter feel equine i this coaneetion, RAM KUMAR (Signs of Guertin] 1, hilherto koown as DEEPIKA ARORA nie of ‘Sh ANCKUR K SHARMA, evplaved as Senor Meng [PNB Hoosing Fave Compaty Lite, realest STS, STS, Shih Sara, Phase, Now DetW-11607, be caged ZY ame abd sit! Hereaher be knota es DIPPER A SHARMA, 4 is cetifed that 1 hive complicd wih ote lege) ‘equrments i tls eomectin DEEPIKA ARORA (Siguanee (i isting od uaey] 1 hitherta koown as PRAHLAD RAY son of Sh RAISINGH, employed (Bnsines), resdlag at W. No ‘4, Shyam Sigh Colony Hanumangath In, (Rajstog)- 335512, have changed my are ands beef be Ere 's BHUPENDER 4 is cemiied tat T have conpliod with othr fogs! equreons ia is eamection. PRAKLADRAY [Siqnenne (lo exit old naj] 1, fithere known a6 SARTEA SRINIVAS so0 of ‘StL SARIKA GAVARALH, cepioyed s Stenographer i Income Tax Departmen, Koleta residing at Holding Na. 5916, Watd 1, Sukantapaly, Malancka Road’ FO, Ninpoa, FS. Khsagpur (Tow), Rist. Pasehin Metinipur, Pin: 721204, hve changed my numome und soll hereater be know sa PANDIRT SRINIVAS, {is ented eo T bave complind wit other keel "euircnens in is eamecton. SARIKASAINTVAS, [Signence (hn exe old nae)) 4 bitterta inawn as SAMINDRA BAT wife of Sh, VITHOBA DARERAR, residing t "Om Sena Pet Mo. C-4, Sat Residency, Mal Laml, Pos. Vishnépe, Teleguon Dabaade (Sato), Dist, Pave (Mabarastra 41007. have changed my pane asd shal Reiter bem «8 SAMINDRA BAT VITHOBA DAREKAR. 1 is cerifed that 1 have somlied with ‘aber Tegel repiteneat it tis eooscton, , RRL of Sau, SAMINDRA BAL | hitherto known as VISHAI, PRASAD DAREKAR son of Sk. MADHAY DAREKAR, 2 Sudent rmidng at “Om ‘Stina’, Plot No, C-4, Sai Residency, Mival Lad, Pose Viehoapisi, Talegaon Dabbase (Station), Dist” Pane (Webarahea-410507, te changed my time ad sha Foveater be knoe ee VISHAT. MADHA DAREKAR 1 celled ha T have complied with bee Teg quires 2 ths conection, VISHAL PRASAD DAREKAR (Sigua in exging ol name) 1, hitlero kaowa a5 HARBINDER SINGH soe of Sh PRITAM SINGH on Bx Servictamn (Army) rohing LN 23876 5e No.3, Harboe Nag, Nos 17, Baas, ‘ave changed my came et shal Grea be Kaown & -HARWINDER SINGH. is ceria tha T have complied with ober egal Squrements a this connecting, HARBINDER SINGH [Stgumue (In existing od name} 1 hither koowa a5 PARMINDER KAUR wie of ‘Sh: GURMIT SINGH, employed af 55. Hayana Patios, sesing et Koti No. 66, Golder Cy, Mundi Kora, Pane, ‘ave changed my nace and sell Beesfer be koown 2 RAM MURIL Ut is coined ther 1 have camplind with otice eal ‘eure in his conaetion, PARMINDER KAUR (sigunur (i exstng od mans) 5, Kero Soo ab AMARIFET SINGH ViRK cof. Shei AIT SONGHL, a Fa, residing t 372, $B rb, sts Kea, Haryans-13200, have changed ny neh shall bores be town as ABIARATT SING Wis certfed thu T have complied with other lege equates in this conection AMATDEET SINGHVIRK {Sigamate (iy esing of nen) 4, hither known cs KAMALA Wife, . of ‘Sh. KATAIR SINGH, 5 hounenfe sig at WZ-S36A, ‘Naegal Raye, New Deti-I1W045, bate cbmged my mms nd sha heer be known KURTA. “ ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 12,2013 (AUSA, 1934) Ponty ty fs comin) tht 1 hae complied wi eller Tegal sequrevents tb commction, KAMALA [Siopaoe (in exisig 01 eame §, Biber fnown a8 RAIL CHYML sin of.) TB Latta and STL URMILA CHEN, eapliyed Sloe ‘Acwontan ine OMe oF he Acoetant Caner) ARE, Mogudayo, Sullng, cesding at Lawsobtun Blosk-1¥, ‘Shitng 725004, Cat Khas IMs Diss Meghabs have ‘Songer name an abu refer be Know as RATE MARQUISCHES. Se i eee Fed at T ave comet oh other eps! sequent a thi conection BANICHYNE (sheense Gio xing of ae) I, hltlena kooptt as AATIN’ aon of Sh, SOM NATL MADANPOURA, employed es Produm Enyiaeer in Pot ‘Covaeny, resin at DA 301, SES ets, Shali agh, Dell 1608, br cbanged mae and sal reser bs krona FATIN MADANPOTRA. ns corti that ¥ have complied widh otter Legal reggrments in eonnewtoa arm [Siginare cia elting ol ae} A bitets Lnown as MST, QAMAR JATAN daub of| ABDUL SALAM wife of NABLASTDDIN sesilng of 2520 ‘Belin Noa, Chandan Chum Deb-11090, base hanged iy rane wd ll beret be ow 38-SAB. 1 is cored that { have compe’. wih other Leal es tents i I cemecto. MST. OAMAR TABAN [Signeure Ge eign od ae) Wtherto known as MANISHL GOFL som of Sh. JANARTIAN KUMAR GOL, ring 2400S, Mohalla Motoram, Siidara, Dolt-( 10052, bave chinged ay we fod dull Levator be hnown 2s NANISH JAIN, 1s ostfid tat € have complied wis her log requremets in this sooeation, Masse GOEL [Signane (in eiing ol) 2, bet tron ae BRATIMCHARL KUMAR aon of ‘lei NARAYAN SAH, smplased in Voice Fairy atau ‘YPPS'LON12138 Designation Genveal Fitter Played, ding 42148 8 Ser, Type, Vee‘ Balas bap, frve changed my nue ad tall here: be TOD RAFMDEY KOMARSAH, eis ened th hove somlid win oder Segal squires in the connect, SBRAHMCTTAR KUMAR. [signane (a xing vd sr} [hither haven as HARIRAM son of Lae FATTUMAL [WADHWANT, employed in Gun Carigs Fotory reine st95, Rarado Nogit, N.N-t Popa, belay M4. , fave changes myname #4 stl beter be hn 3 HARIRAM WADHWAN Cote eer fs in cried dat 1 have complied ois other Iga gira a 8 connect. HARUM [slgnaus (exis old ase 1 bites Yom ay EMMANUEL WHLLIAM sob of Lac DANILL WTLLEARL englased ia Gun Caine Ptr, ‘eslingw 13254, Prete Colo bin’ Vimo ing ‘ome, Yarmads ov, Jabalpur (MP), Pin Code-482001, fave changed my noe ad sball bere be hnein 8+ EMMANUEL DANIEL ALLIAME <gSren PFT, (eis erfed that { have eorplid wit ober legal reqelerents ia hs connect. EMMANUEL WIKLTAM. Sionanae fn sing ad 1, hitbery dnown ue MAHTMA BIIAKAR wile of Sh. DRIEERAL MOR dani of H&K MIIAKAR, wekilg Sr UDWO at Hlada Ria Lapis, MCD, DAH OOD Tesiing at AMIS, Ska Bag), DeBiTTOONR, have aged my ur 8 shall eter bo own a MARTINA MOR ft al purposes 1 tod Gal T bave complied wits ole Tal requires in is sonsoetion. ‘MAHIGIA BHARCAR (Sipnanze is xing od nee) hierar ae CUBTAN KONLS sox ofS BATE KOVTED rein at RSE, Fit Por, Cremer Kilby, No (Dai LL vs sboages ware ond sl Neen be toon as CATETAN ROUT 1 is cetiiod that & Lave complien with other lel reuse this cours CHELAK KOHL {Sipanre cin ein old e308)] Pal) ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 12,2013 (PAUSA 2, 1934) 5 4. hitherto knows ot SIMRAN KOHL( wife of ‘Sh. CHETAN OFFI, siding a R281, Fist Flan, Oreste fill, New Deli 10048, ve changed my nme 208 shal eral be Sova ws SSIMRAN KOHL Ics ert that have complied with ober Tegel, roguitamers In is connection SIAN KOHL USigvaure in eitng old ne) 1, SIMRAN KOMLL, Meter and Naum] Goananof my ‘minor child REHEEN KOHL daogley of Sh. CHETAN ‘KORDAL, residing st 28, Fiat oor, Geter Kaleb, Rew Delie110045, tave changed ber Same aad she ait Jere be haoya s RLMIN KOHL, 1 i cored tay have oomplied ith other Joyal sequitoments inthis connection. SIMRAN KOE [Slyseure of Guardia] 1, hitbeto knows as YOGESH KUMARI wife of Me VISHWA DEEP, residing at New Extension Colors, Palel-I21102, Haryana, have changed ny mame 29d hal ‘erates be noun ss YOGITA TANWAR, 1 is sete at (hve vom with other legat sequent in tis connection YOGESH KLMARL [Sigur (in exisng old nar) 1, hitherto Inowm gs SHWETA SIKKA daughtor of Sk JAGIIT KUMAR SIKKA residing a 165, Caria Mis, ‘Sauk Fara, New Deli LO062, have cmged my ears and Hall bereaer be knoe at ISHIKA MANCHANDA. 1 is-eetie hat have vomplid with ole legal seulement i this connection SHWLTASIKKA, [Signa (i exiting ol ne} I tthe Kawi as REKA DHTAKAR daugher of Sh-SHOBHA LAL DHAKKER, residing a 406, Prestige ‘Aparent Sebdev Marg, C-Scbeoe, aga, Ratan, have ‘hanged iy ueme and shall fea be know & REKHA GDHAKAR 1 cent stat have complied ih oter gst erent tl comtion. ‘BEKHA DAKAR ISignane in xing old rame}) save Guam? 1 hit evn as SONIA dager of St! RATIND ER ‘SDNGH, naling at D.23t, Tago Catdon Estos, New ‘Deh 110027, hve camged iy nam wh bal heals bo knowns Ma AVNEET KAUR, 418 cei. thet I ave complied wit bet degat requirrent in hia conection SOMA, [Signa Ga eating od mene) 1, He neem as ZAFAR AHEMAD con of MOHD, ZAHOKUDDIN, 3 servicensa,resilog ot 43668, Kbit Bem, Melvyn Naga, New ei-110017, fave shged ny ame and lt hereafar be Yaawa s0 ZAFAR AFMAD, Ue sod tt be eed ib te snqienct isnt * saran sliomig {fSigpatare (in ening oAd ane] F, bidet egum a9 SHVAM SINGH son of St. BRIT MOHAN, enplojed a5 Tube Asssart in Univesity Collage of Mei Sesoees, Dish Osean, Det 0096, residing 315, Krishna Gli No. 6, Mngpar,Defi-1 10053, favo changed ay name ae sal heer be ey a SHTVAM SINGH MEENA. iW cortifed that I have comied it bee teat require 9 this camection SHVAMSINGH . [Sigaature Gin exetog old aan) 1, GURDEEP SINGH MEKTA nn of LasiSHWARDASS MEHTA. Bushessnan, reskin a $-U17, Pir Flor, OF Mahavir Nagi, TUak Napa Novy DelAJ1001%, ‘eve ange the ace of ay minor son KIUAL SINGN META, aged 1S years (Do8 27.08.1977) and be sl! poe be anwn at HARIVOT SINGH MERTA, 1s cetfod that 1 have complied with hi. teyat seguiremeas ia his conection ‘GURDEEP SINGH META (Situs of Gardin} 1, bittene tooma es SARIBA doghier of so banat SONG. Stes igo 597 fojout Guts, Noy Dei, ve cag ee a Mil eater boon a ASLEEN CAG Te oid tt an cote ib AR ssqinoca tat snmrie sateen, [seme Ging 6 ‘TRE GAZE EOF TODTA, JANUARY "2, 2013 PAUSA22, 1924) Part 4 Nth iuva 8 VIMAL RHANDAR:KARAN SINCLL \YIAEN BHARDAR too of Sh, ARAN SINGH, employed f= Cana: Sige ithe VMIMC & Stdarjang Hospital ‘Mii of Hell & Paily Wettre) New Dey residing at DAT, Fest Kids Nag, Neve Dei 116023, have se ones ad hall beret be known as VIMAL BEANDAR! 1t fe cele Mat ¥ have complied wits ouker Legal revaiemen: isis conan, ‘VIMAL BHANDAR [signamre Go oxinng a mame | hits knova ak PRITT NEGH nif of Sh. BRUENDER- SINGLINEGEsofampoyed as Pri Mea, lings DLS, “Tad Hour. Se New De 1007, ave sanged ay mum mel eval Bo non 29 PRET! BRLENDESNECL tie certifi aT bave compliod wich ache load sqaenets sie onneen. PRIM [Saabae (existing ol ams] | Aitute kaon. DAVINDER SONTs0n of St SOKAN J.AL SO, sotemployed a Rea stale Comet, sing a1 C2103, Seos%d Foo, Gof Vew Aparment. DDA Flas ‘ike, New Os 10035, hove changed ny name ad ba “erealerb osm a8 DAVINDERASON, 1 ceili Dat T haey complied wid ole legal reuinaoets is conetion, DAVINDERSONE Sgranme (i exiting 088 name)] {Lite im ae SHALL KOUALLEK sin of VINOD [KHATEEK, employed Sr Exeouivet Pines Fim eaiing £1138, Mioos Disc: Bind (LP), have chrged 305 huine eid-sall horeftr be kaova az SHAILENDRA BLADE, Ie ig oortfed tat C have coupled wih other Tops eq in hs comestion, SHALU KHATEGK. ‘Sigmar tin existing ot ae)] 2. harn kanes BEIM SAIN SATAY son of Sb DULL {CIWAKTD JATAY,omployd a Sr. Supat (844) in NTPC Lid, ealig 221, WTPC Cola, ma Gas Pome Prod At Dist eran) i 725209, ave huge my ame fa cs sere ere kao wa DMM SINGH, ty certifi shat L buve complled with ote Iegst einen in a coaneston, [BAIA SAIN JATAV (Signa ti ering ou] I hitata kanva s LASWANT dager ofS SUNDER TAL erpayd a Financial Plame Advise te Edehveiss oki Lie, fpuranoe Co. Lud N26, Ist Floar Sector 1, Noids 201301 (U.P), midng et E-ISA, Soret Number 6 hid Pala Tagit Nagar, Uanoan Pus, Debi, bave change my ame an bel teafe be Known as LATTA TANWAR 1 ie ceri tht L bave vomplied wits other led requiem in tis eamnectin TARWANTT (signanr i ling oid name)] 2, hihory hoon a5 ANSHEE BHANDARI deugher of gh 'SUNT, KUMAR BHANDARI, 9 Stud in DAY. College Burabad,eslding 278, See 7, Faris, have ‘hanged ony eae and hah eee be tin as ANITA ‘BIIANDARE. Fein period. that have complica wit ater legal queens in ths comstion ANSHIEE BHANDART (signane exiting of nay] J, hiheno known a2 VIRRANT VERMA dat of bi 25.1,1950 tuber’ namo Mer. VITAT PRAKASH VERMA, esdlag a 3354, Govindpur ew Delhi, heey soley fim and declare Mat | ive cbaaged ay name fom VIKRANT VERMA fo WAISALA VERMA sn in fie | Sha be known by sy new name VATSALA VERKIA forall purposes 1 cet that { bave compliod wits other legal roqaiemets inthis conzectin VIRRANT VERMA Sins in iting ol on}] 1 bithesis known us BANWARI LAL soa of Sb, KEWAL ‘SINGH explyed ae Dive, nsidng A517, unin Vibe ‘New Deli (10057, bave damged ny me sa sl erent ‘be knopm as BHAGWAN SING, 1 a ceed that {have compliod with other lgal requiem ig this connection, BANWARETAL ‘Bipwnre (i exiting ob na) Pa HE GAZETTR OF INDIA, JANUARY 12,2013 (@AUSA22, 1924) ta 1, hitherto known ob TAGDISH CHAND, JAGDISH. ‘CHAND PANT and JAGDISH CHANDER PANT gem of Sh, KESHW!A NAND PANT, employed in Private Jab, residing of A-12, Blok A-1, Moban Garden, New Delile "10058, hve sbanaed my uc and el ere be known 4 TAQDISH PANT. 1 is cetifed bet have oomlid orth other lead equiemanis inthis connection JAGDISH CHAND [siguuue (in exiting old ae) 3, hithero haown a$ C, NANJUINDALALL ton of Sh, CHIKKAVANU, employed ax Associate Professan Invi or Sot sd Hewnomic Change (1SEC), eldng 18, 1SEC Quarer and Campus, Dr VKRW Rao Road, Nagicsbhavi PO, Bangsore-S6O07D, Karta, have hangs my rane ao shal erate be kam 9 KRISHNA Bal eis cert that | have complied wih other legal requiem inthis conaeton .NANEONDATALL [Signanre i sing se)] |. RAM LUBHAYA SIMAK sop of SA. BELI RAM, residing at X72965, 81 Nob, Raghubrpura No.2, Gund ‘Naga, Dell), baee changed the oame of oy mine son RAKIIWINDER KUMAR, aged 17 yaare ad bo shall hone be noun as RAKMWINDER SIMAK, tis ceriod dt 1 habe complied with other leg segues i is connsetin, [RAM LUBHAYASIMAK ‘Siena of Gumden] 1, RAM LUBRAYA SIMAK son of St: BELI RAM, ‘esiing of 3363, SL No. 3, Raghibarpume No, 2, Cad ‘Nagar Delis, fave charged be nace of my miner sav KALWINDER KUMAR, aged 15 year ane eal at ‘be koown af KALWINDER BIMAK, 1 ts confid tht 1 bave complied with otter Inga sequirements i this edema ‘RAM LUBHAYA SIMAK, [Signi of Guardian] |, hitherto known as ANCHAL SHARMA’ wife of Sh. JATINDER SINGH BEDI, eapioyad ap Assist ‘Manager in ICICI Bank La, Samoan, Deli sing 213, Sagodha Apemany, Se07, Fo 13, Danka, Do 110075 have chang yatta Sal tee be know Ss ANCHAL BEDI Is cetided that T have compiled witb other tog roqulremens a this comseton, “ANCHAL SHARMA (Sita Gia oxting ot mame) |, hitherto koown a8 SHEWETA GUPTA wife of Sh ‘ANISH JAIN, 2 Houagtil, cesiding at RAO-E-294, rita Nagar, etl 10081, hve henged my cami toll heefier be know as SHWETA JAIN, 1 in ceted that F have complied with. ober Mei eguicenens this eomnetne, SHEWEFAOUPIA [Signe i exiting old naan) 4, tides Snows a MUKUL soo of Sh, MOMINDER. KUMAR, employed as lnpecmr of non Tex he Offer ‘The Carmine of incon Tonle Banga, Inoome Tx Depatment, Miiy of Famnog, Gaver of Ina, resting C9, Blok, Ice Tic Coloy ot HAT ‘Wot Eco: nihl Bangalore 56008, hate changed ny aoe and i reat be kez MURUL DUA. 1 is carted the 1 beve compllad with eth iegal requiem ia Wi wamection, MUKUL (testa (in eeing old sae} 1, hitharo. now as AZIZ: KAN to of Sb: NOOR, MOHAMMAD MANSURI, empizysd a¢ Janine Checker Cont Bank Note Pra, esr (MP) (Grsiiy Pring & Mining Corporation of todia Lily MLE), raking a0 6, Indie Naga, B.N.F Rast, Dewes (MP) Pin 49500, bate ‘@anged any aun aad shal eter be known as AEDUT. ATIZMANSUR, e's cert that 1 beve comptiod with other Jeet requiremans In this comecton, AZIZ KRAN [Signerue (ie etsing id mae |. ters bee 9 BATCHAM. GARI. RAMCRANDAR. (COUD mn of St B. VENKALAK, cuployed us Laboratney ‘Tecdnicir in the Ontamer Pastry Hospi, Ordaunce Protry eeu Yechmatararh Dis, Medak (AP), ending 23785 Orda Fctr Ese, Yeddunallvan De. Meda, bave changed ry sumaoe and sal Serf be ba BAICHAN GAR]. RAMCHANDAR GOUD, 1s ‘THE UAZBTTE OF INDIA. JANUARY 12, 2013 (PAUGA 2, 1954) Pat srs cored inet { buve complied with other legal seqive sit i const [BATCHAM GARI -RAMCIIANDAR GOOD [Sigoure i xing 04 nae} L nteno kaos a¢ JAGIERT SINGH son of Lat. SARENDER SING KAPOOR, erployed ws fehnical ‘Assaian.'F ip Befance Blonds ApictinnLabratiny, Defenor RAT Onno, Minky of Detoe, Rapat Ratd Detrad, live changed ay are uod bal Retr De knit a IAGJBBT SINGH KAPOOR, 1 ts cori hat T buve compiod wil other legal requnenets isis connection JAGIEETSINGL [signe Ga exiting 0 aoe? 4, bihoo knoe at RANIAY son of Sh. SURESH PRASAD, rsding al AMS, JJ. Camp Sir Part, Bal ‘Dalia, ve changed my oun and stall heres Ds Jovi at RAJAN PRASAD. fis ceviged eau Lae complied ik ote legal ‘eiismns in hs coaeetna, RANTAN ISiguatae (i viding od ams) | hihann knowns RINK SING wife of Sh. SAM (CHUNG enplayed as Quay Anat ia the Hero BPO, fesding 91-1208, Adiya Moga Cis Taicpzu, Vaibhav Rha Ccyabad-201010 UP, hav ebanged my ae and shal Yerealer a eon us RIDHIMA CHUNG. 1 este tbat 1 Base oomptied will othr, eg eiomienes i tis conscecen. INKL SINGH [Sigulare Gv exiting ob ae) 5, hilhere known ae NBRTA RUSTAGI wife of Sh. ASIVANI KUMAR RUSFAGT, a Housewife eiing S106, Seco Moot. Tulp Garden, Ardcs Ci, Senne, ‘Gurgann!22011 bate changed ny nae and ha heer beknown af NUT RGSTAGL ee ceri that Tnve eomplled with other lei seqireste in his comertion. NEEIARUSIAG! Istgvanre (6 exiing ol aomeyT I. biter noon as PRITIKA RUSTAGI daughter of ‘Se, ASIIANE KUMAR RCSTACL a Sai, siding a 1©66, Stood Floor, Tolip Garden, Anise Ci. Set Gute 22011 ive change youre andstalunener be tnown us PRITIKK HUSTAGL. 1 ia werified shat 1 bave compliod wis other legal equemenis i Oi connective PRITTKA RUSTAGL [Signature (io xing 91 name} 1, tilhrts tzowm 95 GATIRAY su of Sh. STFA RAM, cesiingo€ F265 C12, Chie Dethi, Neo DeliL10017, fave changed my name an. shall beer he Inown 2+ GACRAV VIMAL. fis ecified that ture compli iD other loge ‘orn In tis comnetion GAURAY [Signature (et exiting old nae 1, hitherto know as SUKHDREP SINGIL son of ‘Sb, AMRIT PAUL SINGH, csding wt BPA, Police Lines ‘usidhor (Punjab) oo resting at Co Ines Kuna Bed, £17, Gut Nunc Nee als Rad, Rajpura Debit Patil (Ponjat), nave claiged my sue and shall healer be ‘oomnss SUKHDEEP SINGH DHALIWAL 1 ia ceri that T have complied with athe Leal euirnen in his comecton SUKHDREP SINGH. [Siennse in xing ol moet 1, tho Keown at LACIIUO KUMARI wilt of ‘Mr. PRAVLEN KUMAR, aise esting a 64 Chirag ‘Dah, New Delbi-LJ004%, have changed ny name ad tl ere De know 3s LERNA 1 te sete that 1 have compfied ith otter Tel euramona x is cumceion, EACLITIO KUMARL {signanve in exiting ol 86] I. KUNDAR LAL son oF Sh. GANGA RAM, rsding a (DG-IWIDR-A, SPS Fie, Viaspt, New Deb 11001, base thunged she ame of my wine Son SUBHAAN KABIR. gud aboul 4 eats ard he stall tear be kno 3 SUBHAN CHALIANYA. 1s cat that L have compliod wa wher gl requires ie is conection KUNDAN Lal [Sigieare af Guoe Pac THE GATRUTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 12,2013 @AUSA2, (900) 1s 1, hither gown as RAM GOPAL som of Late R.A ‘YADAN. employed as Grades (DASS)Wea! Cla ind Oltce of Deputy Console of Aesaumt (Funds), GPF hi, ‘as Blewun th Flour, A Boek, Civil Lines, De, ‘esting ut 1533, Deh Got. Fla, Gules Bagh Del €7 have changed my name aad sll herr Be how RAM GOPAL YADAN. 1 i cetified tat 1 lave coring with other lpal requiromanls i this conection RAM OPAL USiguee (i exiting ol aamey] 1, bert Known as MOBAMMAD NISHAT son of SHAHIAMIAN MALLICK, emplayed 3 Aisitart Minger in Arico Tectoolgis, siding at Mian Sark, Ra usu, Balas Load, Para-30004, bave chsaged es none end hal here be iowa ae NISHAT MALLICE, ete certiod hat | have compli with ater Lega requironens in dis eotiestion MOHAMMAD NISHAT [Stgnaur (eid old mate) | hifhenw known 5 YOGESH zon of RD. PATHAK. a Student, residing a 8.39, Princes Pak Hostel near (Copernicus hare, New Tei 100: hie chaoged ny ame ‘nd shal ereafer to known as YASH PATHAK, 1 i contd tat have complied ith other egal ‘quirement this eoanetin YOORSA (Signet (in esting old ae} 4, bithao huown as PANKAD DAS son of Late BHAGWAN DASS, serving gran Acco vib TACTAB ‘Fashions Px Lc, Kea Naga, Dil, residing at 1123, Sanam Steet, Fare Khana, Del-1 10006, have hinged my nn shal erat be own as PARKA coral, is ceed chu! 1 have complid with oer legs! requiereas in this ennnettin, PANKAT DAS Sigmue Gn exiting old nam} 1, bithemo neve as VINEET KUMAR on of Sh, RAL SINGH DAHIYA, employed as Asustnt Publi Priseatr, reading Main Kapur Road, VAPO Nah, Dist. Sorc, Snyana, have changed my namie sx) abol hereaher bs bavwen i VINERT DALLA. 1s conifled dur 1 have complied with ober egal _equremans in tis eenntion VINEE KEMAR [Signe i exiting eld cams} |, bite known 26 WAGMANT KUMAR SINGH son of| Sh SITY KUMAR SINGH, resing a6, Sect 4, Nok, Dist. a, Noga, Uaar Pade bavecioped my name and sal bureaer be Kowa ae AARAV SINGH. 1 in cemified Iho { bave comptied with other eas! requiem yh camaeton, NAGMANT KUMAR SINGH, (Siguatute (existing ott nace) 1, hitherto fmown as APRAITEA dagghuc of Sh 2D, MATUSHILA, residing at 5672, Qi No. 78, Regharure ‘aol Bagh, New Delhi, have change my one and shall heater be Sno ae NIDA, 1 ts contd thar T have cumpliod with other legal uiromans in hie comaction, APRA (signature (in exiting of name |, hitvertn nop as ANKCT GUPTA x00 of Sk, PADAM PRAKASH GUPTA, euploydas Whole-ine Decor wid 2M. Sinran Wal ajc Peat ened vig it aired vltice at P-46A Rado Bazar Lano, PS, Mare Stee, Rolla “7001, residing ut 28 Hastings Pak Road, PS. Alpore ‘Kola fO02°, Wea Bengal, bave ebanged my ame end shal erafler be known 38 ANKIT SARATVA, (ein cenified cbt 1 hove compllag with other Il requrcmons it his conection, ANKIT GUPTA FSigavtre (in exiting old eam} 1, hitberto Ios a SHEIKH NASHRAT son of Lume SHEIKH IMAM BAX MANSOOR], employed in Gun ‘Cringe Faery cing st Str leith Nacht Miewoor ‘eins Mihaly New Mazar Oi, Avachuls Ward No, 5, Prelit. Isbaipur MLP, have chatged any amg and ‘tal heal be kant SHEIKH NASHEER MANSOORI Fa wh aR tei cemited tht 1 have comple wide exer legal eguiesiem bi is ccaction, . SHEIKH NASIRAT [Siguare(h isting of nems)] 2» “THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 12, 2013(PAUSA 22 1934) Poe 1, Witeno own af RAM LORHAYA sot [RAM residing at 2268, St Na. Raghubarpare No.2, ‘Gandis Nocar Delhi], baveebanged my name and shel puter he Eno a2 RAM LUBLLAYA SIMAK. eis certied dat 1 complied oi over fog! requiamens is comesion RAM LUBHAWA [Senator in exiing le nae)] 1. thers Anovm as PRAVEEN KUMAR sor of gu. SURRSH SINGH BHADAURIA, employed as CCaanision foro idin An, sing Vi &PO- SBnayskpur,IehitKarhal ‘hans ura, Dist-Msi, ‘Una Pradesh, Fn-20526 have change my mame an Tere ie hao a8 PRAVERN BHADAURIA, is conzed tht 1 ave complied wilh other yal squires in bi esmneton, PRAVEEN KUMAR [Signs existing 91 name] 1, ftkenu inowa ie AZHZOL IIASAN HASH son of Laue MAO YAQUR KHAN, coped 2 fonoe Waren (Gian, olin 128, Sete, Cutie D047, ve wat tbl ear be hn as AZIZU, requsmeal his conection, ALIZUL HASAN HASHIM [sigue (existing 0 bane} 1. bishrts uot A JESU son of Late ARCLANDIL ploy! a Sanity Mazdoor in Pox Blak, Mimics Coane ceding af Mohan, Po ler Teh Soa ‘duoc Dist bave changed my cme sl brent ve known os AL IBSC RAL oi of Late ARULANDE Ic is coed cha 1 Jae complied ith other Iza seauiecent in his conection, Aese [signane (i exg 0 bane |, Vihero agin a8 GITA TIOWLADAR sughtee of ‘DRANG RON, sting 5, Alaa, PO, Kurhace 190086, hove omged ms mame and abu beet bo kaon as GITA ROY. lu is eesttiod thik 1 have complied iD ater gs! roguinens a Oe comsedion, GITAHOSTADAR Sala (i ein ob na] 2, hiterte Yaa as SHAUNAK son of Sh, SANTOS KUMAR, ring #505, Pipes Colony, Ptne-3, ave ‘hanged me ture avd thal] herealer be kaown st SHAUNAK WATS, Ts certd that 1 bave compiod wil otber legal regulon in bis comecton SHAUBAK, [Signature (h exiting od mane}! I, fitere known as VIKAS sou of Sk. NANDATAL SAKA ta the Tian Ac Foo, residing a SAC Coon F Cio ITEBSU Air Yrce Sain Trim Sboogu shu fieach PO P9500, Jaye changed ry name ant hall teveater be known a1 VIKAS TAXAK, Tt is eed tal have vompled th oiber gal ‘eqns in dis comet, KAS [signmre a exiting old aan} 1, blbertn kaon us SAT NARUEN sor of Lae MOA TRAM, esing a 430/27 Gal No.4, Dev Nga, Sanrpt, Hispana, bave changed my mame aot abl Heres be ovwn #8 SAT NAAT SOLAR 1 is certified tt {ave complied ih other legal _iremens ia bie connection SAT NARAIN iSignnure fn seg of nan 1, hitherte Atowe a2 LOKESH KUMAR son 0% Sh HEIVEER SINGH. employes Poe Palos, cesiing st nach Greets et Na. 302, Abies Kind ep, ‘Nasr DPS, Ghvisbae201010, ve changod my de and ‘hal Reale be known os LOKESH SADON. Tt is cerfid that 1 ive compliod wilh othr tga quienes in tis eoanection (OKESH KUMAR [signanes (io exiting old rume] I tibero kiowt ax SUPRIVA DEWAN daushir of ‘st, DEWAN GOVIND SAHAI and wife of Sh. RAKESH IKCMAR ARORA, resting a1 8-185, Nev Fis Coens, ‘New Dei! 10023 fave changed 9-name dsl bereater ie know 8 PRIA WARILICR, 1 scart tut { have complied wi other lal ouiemets ia is cation SUPRIYA DEWAN, [sigraue (i x84 9 eum]

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