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fared) ¥, SICH) -o40007/2002-05 REGISTERED No, DLAN) 04:0007/2003-05 Tke Gazcite of Gudia areanfinn/ WEEKLY afr PUBLISHED BY AUTHOR) BS weit “a Rech, ra, oe 15st 22,2011 (4 28, 1992) a es (Separate paging is given to this Part in orver thatit may he Mled asa separate compilation) 5 1 [PART JIESECTION 1 (eer serra, Fra ote marae, as te der are, tr fry she res ween ‘ere ate serra rato gra ard at ag ating] [Notifications issued bythe High Court the Cumpiroiler and Auditor Genera the Linton Public Service Com 1 fhe Indiun Railways and by Attached und Subordinate Offices ofthe ‘CovernmentoF india} #84 a gh 3 Retcaotas, ert 29 Fer 20:0 fee anh ger aioe ware a: tet re ‘Shga ae Foa wes moa at ee eA fe 3, 8 15,690-—19 00% ES eH 3800 i Ree Lanorsascesneiree rere, A Picard, rears, arg my, heed Tee SCR -aan2010 # car) 2, eee am A are wel a Soret oT es ea er athe ee onovauy ape en a were FT TA ae Sa rte a or fe. eer ra tee @ ed al ge mh Rome wee oe Pecado Bair fete aa aia ate Frenette wacies | Wanteskettd afte (rat; Fae eae aera en Feet Lae ar ee swat ten eer (Stn oy ew so eT 2 etre ee “aero, ie 26 RMA IO1O awa Te de a SEL ep sso Teas a2 CL Sea a? mar an as Te LK) BR TT TT Ve, ) spree da ales ob BS ae Te, ete A an 14 sre at ay, as, 20:1 F825, J seek UTR, ESCORT Fae TH ot vr aan feeme See (Pm) ey UL Care yet ae OLE TReLeTMg) Boa Maer (ar er.) TE ce Brite & yea frites Ser Sear att, 28 ge niga 2 a Foon ation 1 oe 2, A a 2a are TEA sane Asmar na penn aT Fara der ation Te Fe ut whee FAR ew A > “ie xo A SATS ar Base Way a ee 2, hee sy ae caine (gi: @ rere safe Tre Teme 1 Zarb Te sar 2k aorta an ressfep amano ae aaa reiatar sired Bae sen 8 #1 Pre 1 ae, ai wats Aare aleeit A AT Ae, Taniel ode oe om aaa East a fies ie artes 44 done el Sy es AA i ee Fae srimtrsiwer ae aT a Pr Be ie a? 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Feit, ean Re BCH aces av ue, se ‘fee ‘ene sera obra te Pa aang local ores TE ert afta, wee a Aes ere herbal SRE ARCO Pe 31 FIER UNO ras come ( 39 apo yen ae Petr SP TT AA ARERUT ATR Ga er street orate em bec 2 ad args Bee sb oi Booms teas te oa sine pat feted we aes Serco TIE WHETHER, 956 yay, er pee ST TG C2) FT = ETS witinaatae: rmRRPTE PSR, STE FAB am OR UNE le” Bie re . ‘ feaiavfarrons sme Prien Oe fetaty ae me ag mete Sneed oh grime eee asa SAE Sori Tage ui ede ott HL TBAT see oe ui, sete see tenis eee earrentieiahes foe ‘wae saan, Ree 2010 ye wd ser 5 pe a sr seo nt Seer (5) EERE ARTE EY cS fe samt Sra Poona ed ot, Te a 1a ue eel ee aferartie ate fad a yi borer bs Gta rr RE SE S201) Cebv 28. 925) Ea z z 12 5 Te os tad opi wens Ge ae oe TBE ee TF RE TT fais ris We kale a a ie fees 6, 0560 ela te Seite ne ais 2a 1st tenet eine dc fahies nse anf omaha cere fetes 2 ta Rahs Ba rete atic ts se test and Sema aa et sare a dears ator tae 09. usa aad ewe ait rete fotos 2 oi Rea pete me RE si ol a srry eee Te as 24 ol Ref a oes fee Ge RA eS tol She err othe bie Hae ent Dy cum Raabe tere soar atte oie 26, man af ot te a hte tes = 2st teal age Yin soot sho re ete viet oR, 1996 2a inl ea tata eaten era att Sor aes as Sees sonics, fe 2 fe 9, cans iad Be Fe ae ets * fares S senca seme Ao seneomnneRt a Sats tees ps rea ME Sag, see eT se DOTS: ITT AH 2 Ge aly A at ace mete fe fe cata 8 fa oP era tee Fea (er) sae atts wr <2 aga ah Fem cay ver ead ies Sear ae ee PN at i eed et te te ete a gt oe sey Rage wo canbe. fe omnes me we terry came ci tm ees 58.065 A a arc ese 36. 19ks rd at pent bee smectite, se oft wet tard iad Pree eae ERS ‘ere ibe wee mae ties + fod soo gems Red ey eter views ate es 9A une, Fas a re 28 so. wer et ier frie arene te nite «soos, SLR ara seazonoanase . ftom, 130 31 ST 960 wh ove (3) & HTT sn anon ant ara acces ae fa aera yer fiom a rare wr Tas une tad denna aout thes dd wore eee ater eH TT ° ee ae Res caren attr Rech wr dr eaet 8 arte eT AAG a2 ven as are dope Tee ee sort Sector fet 4). nm tee pice wart a tite aaa ort tt ins ted gOS Ete fees sfeorg wore Pe TE aeaiesn Sepp nee seat 2m: Cee) pena gue ace fat, 19s eT Misa, 856 oft fra Eee SATE fod alee ong wheter gre wii et re 2 “Fs, fore ae ere “-esune, Fe fae cen Soma: Ta Be paca co LAE So sontecuesr foto, 1956 31 Pa seu 7 90M (3: a4, 198k TART $69.80 FRM CTS gee E Trt as qondaat tte date me a eure um EAT anh te mae Fc eTase Se och dea ate oe eqcme ye re dar oem atraMec nbc 7 slags rev atia fe ra a seed orecee rc sR mere Serer get Bahl it wah bag atte es irs fea ee aerate ae ser eT nh eC TEL TTY Pre Pv Se. HE AZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 15, 2011 (PAUSA 25 1952) ww (CPNTRAL RUREANORSVESTICATION Neve ul FOB, Ba 28h Poser 2 fo DHVENS-/2010°79465:890 -Pes-4—Tae President len appl Sh. vier Singh Fg, pay Sup folie, CBL St, Nee Dew eede ot Aia! Sip ‘ot Polen Cl wel 13.1220; 0(4Nponpromatvn, 8 4MQ01 NT Dy: Dic Adm INDIR ACDTFAND AGCOUNTS DEPARTMENT ‘OV (CLOP TUTE PRINCTPAL ACCOUNTANT GENERA, {A&E WESTBBNGAL lae-70004, the Deere 200 Se HAE SHLNDHIE2EZISEUndariwonters ot the Pr Accourtart General (45), Wess Bengal he folowing Tivisional Aecounes Oost are prey prorat 98S Divina accouis fcrn the Pay Band Re, 15,600 — 39.100 sod Grade Pry Rs. 5460" n te (erporary and caning capscty wih ogee 1,201: orthedatoF Acsumacn of ehargoswhleoyer hie 2 St D.A, Pesen Diiions il faber tae), (heywabeonpobalhe fave period uf 2G yams Ede deo promuton, Suek promotion fein the itr af the pubic service — x Sane Ne ‘hi Tapa Kira go 2 Shrisibas Tas 4. Sin iiopal Chana Moadal (SC) “Te shove auoed oles rauy wba Ur opoos under ER 22016) mihi one ont om oe de ot aig oer thusye ae Sr Divisional Acoomts Otter fr Hration a pay 0 promin, Lauiswas Se Dy Account Gears, & VLC) No WULOTHOWHVELEDLT Linde ti cdo er. Asgpaen Cig (AACE) Wi engl Bonin Divisional Accouns Cicer Grol are here pees 3 Divisonal Aecuunls Oricer Geel inthe Pay Biad-2 Rs 9300—24.9N and Grae Pays. 4806-n cetera) and fii pparsy wits cet e001. OL 201} sebodste ff amano charg whichever ae 6 DAO. Gr te Breweal Divison il Turber urdes, Thy wil be ot robin fr period of Zw) yous oon te date ogpomction. ‘Suck primoton othe iret of a pa 5 co 1 Se aR Ces SaaS) 2. SiDipabo tn 4 The above paped efits muy subot eiroptoas oer ER, ZA win onermnah Fomths daa aking vee charge os DivihnalAcsouts Ofer Gris nation of pay ‘nprorotion, LR Biswas Sy Aesoumtant Cine. V1.0 TINSTRY OFLABOUR CRMC CAWAR BEREAT, ‘nl 17H84,tne3 1st Dceaber 2080 ‘No, $1:2020-C/P1 —Ths t-te Conair Prive Idee “Nomer for Tnducial Wesker on hss-2001~100 inesacod by 1 pol ad stood af U8 (Gow handed & eighty sul tr ‘homanth or Noyembar, 208 SS.NEGt Direaor ‘DEPARTMENT OF ATDNICENERGY uz ONCOL eA Deceer 2080 No. fp 2UUEH one 225 —be Pelee peas fangolee Slut B. 5. Chaphan, Sclentio Offce-G af Bis ‘Bapanaer ho pemnanan deptatante he Naser Power Cpa of aia Lind (PCL) oth rude Set Otleee Hin PB he, 37400 62.00 pas Coad ag is. 10,000- in anliciatnycupucsy» ¢£ 23082010, all fhe des, 2. The above ober elingoibed age oft oer pt ‘eid move 7.08 26104), €.D.cHACKO Under 04 (7) _RAJARAMANNACENTRE FOR ADYANCED TCI Indore 450013, tn Ab Doce 2010 ‘Mo, RRCAT Adon Rec-78R0CES.09;1462—1h Peskdent pleated 1 grotto folloning Trace Sie (Oli es eee hone te Pay Ba Hs 15,80 [3,10 ~ Grade Pay Re SA ihe mata reno ‘OP Seabee 2010 in an otcning poy inthe Raia Ravana Conte far Advanced Teco, REO wires ders = New eaWK Deepak Days 1 2 beg Star 3, han Mobumrad Khas 4. Vivek Singh S. Rohis Meza Rall ain Nin raat SA A Cheng Dobe 5. KucverAdesh Pap Siogh 1, beater: Kuen taht rd 18 Ra 18. Jagdish Cranden Nn ign Santa Gua esse Samp ih AUksbes tal RRACHAOA Cohen, Offewe NOLEN LL-COMMLEX, ydeabnd 2. tho2 eeDssember NL Ne MFCORNS:2257-—The Preside phen appt stefan srsoel inh ene Seti in the Pay Bout of Re L609 9,2 ples rage Bay of Ps Sane fucker el Camples.Udenbadinarnystaty sith off tram de fern (L,042010. Famer ees Name Mu, a TE kay 1 (Gis 2.7 Sirdar argon Kau isu Vartan Reddy AN. 5M, Chatanga Reddy 6 Srinivasa Rady Se Prot 9 Ran Kune Wy xtobidhar Gad 1 Va tad 12 Arya Ctesborthy 12, Transkei HL Sein’ vi SG Napel ivi "a thetachasjes nani 1 L.Neokaarnacy 1B Shai ata abst PS PLLAL Aden, Ofer 0 ‘THe GAZETTE OF Mita, JANUARY 5,201] ALSAIS.1922) Past se Orr CFTHEPRLCT ORGDERAL OF CEFN, AVISIION ‘Ne Dobie, tne 29 Reembse 201 Mo, ALONIASIIG92-b-AT_ Un weaaing the age of sapeatiotin, St Ise] Dev, Senior Por ADL A ‘Een rein fron Goveraminl Service wi effec: fn 35:2 2E0¢Alomong, 1 RNNCRESLUNAN Dp Dic dn SENISTRYOFCRBANDRYET OFMENT WORKS) Noel he 25H Desens 20.9 Sa TDK MES2OIDRC-LEEWET_Ganeaguet ype his raining thouge fopotanuatoy SiS, Moat (Sham Sia Mond, Dinetie Gener, Cena Publi Wores Depareart (CPD, New Del cele Ls Gaver ne Setvivewe ete fe 311220101881 18 RAWAL Ca See ‘MINSIBY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS OLPICL OF CAE REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES fe rue “he Cempanics Act, 1986 end uf Mis, Bos Commit Prive Lites hex Dei M9. the 36h Novsnbe2619 Me, S6USjUS0898 oi is oly given pura Sub-sctor () oF Sostion Sof Ue Comprise A, 156 tha; He mene ol Ms, Dela Conan ava Lh (is da ean seaok ww? he eer ne tbs said sore Js dissolves, AIMA salt Asst Rear uf Compan ‘sun: Cepia Tastes af Dol fie. I the pats of Un Companies Act 1956 an he fllowing Compansse spor 208001, the 204 Dees 2010 No. LESiCCEIGAuloe is berets avo perverts Subractise (of Seetinn St of te Caspase Ms take expiaton of tive cre tor he dete hse? the name off u.osing Comper ules eae sow To the vou, WHE be Stes 0 the ester ed the ad urrpanies wl he soo 3 Coareay Ma Be 1 pes 2 Ot Ws 1,2 1, Gimstions Priv viral 3 OW ME, Dia Tosleioe Chneutaais Privat nee Copan Nene ME Biel Nentok Hite ed parle: 1 {THE GAZRTTE OF INDIA, JANUAR 5, 011 PALSA 251932) ib | Warsi Me aajall Nuva Bevett Corneny ise O16 Mik Matar Plans Limited O18 i Matha Lensng and Goncral France Limi BRST 0.7, Che Pagal Pratt Lied ROSS, Age Housing Private Lined 4 BTER MO. P Chai Alloys Private Lied 1e,OB55 MG. eal Rm Prive Listed TL (OM HES, Syseasin Teemolopcal Services Pree ited a aIvIst Ms. Rav Bi Prize Paste Lined TSANIAY BOSE ‘Asa Regioar of Companies 0 Unarbund 1a te masuor of the Comparies Art, 1956 2a of ‘is, Prakash Publications Linited Shmedubud-380013 he 3151 Dsgeber 204 Mo, SSUGIMICAMRUC AL nedabad Sze S6:20105050: 2364—Notiee hereby siven parse ub-scton 1D) of Seti 560 af ne Companies Aa, 1986 tha athe tspzation of tree months Loa: he date heroot th name ff Mi, Praketh Pabsiatons Lied oaless cause is Showa to tbe earinay, willbe aPock of he reise and the aukl Company will be dissolved. VILAS SAMBHA\IIIAIARF Ase, Regi of Camis ‘at Dada and Nagar ave 1 the manes of tho Companice Act, 1986 and ot Mia. B.& Z. Developer Prvale Limi ‘Sbilong-1930U1, the 28 Decor 20:0 No, S60(3)MEAROC-Shilong/Soe 56620000201! |n488—Navice is Hereby given pursunt 10 sbsoeion {27 af Section 960 od Companies Act. 1956 hata the "xpirataon wf lwe oh om the date bere the une UME B82 Devos Priva Limited unless cause is shown ca dhe cori. ill Ye seu OFT the register fn9 the suid Company will be dissolved ‘GULAB CHAND YADAV ‘Repivaeof Compares Assam, Tipu, Manipsr, Magu. Meghaly®, ‘Anuusbel Prades mb Mirren 1 the mater of the Compas Act, 1956 and of hs lawing Companies Puducherry 605011 the 28 Docent 2016 ha, 3SS}SBSVERS2910 Notice is hersby even pwuisaant <o Subsection (3) uf Seesion $60. of the Conan Act 1986 tat the santes of th Following Companies Wave this day been struc otf the -egisee and the tid Componas ars dlesalyed — St eorpaay Company Name Wo. Na T2 i TOS Mr Gola Fane AlRgs Susie) Price Tinie 2. OORSTS Mee ehh, Windows Private ind 3 ons MEE Nice Pane Piva Lite 4 GUIS BES Aes Traders Prat Lined 5. OOVRR Mie Lape Chamials Prime Limit WITS MES Beach zeus Company Pudicery Private Line 1 OUIOSS ae Sri Shae Spine Lmtd BWW MEK Shri LS. Ago Fook Prvute ied GOTTA Mes, 8M Teeupart Prive Limied W, 0 Mts. Sums no Peale Limited TL ASG MM, Shi oon Ear Pre Lit 12, OCNS3 Ms Eh So Prva Lied 13, RIS6E 5. Bhayay Boegy Comal Pivete ated HONG Ma PL Esporte Lied 18, QOL Mi, Ambrowt Para Pre Lined 16, ONTIG —M. Lan Trading Prive Lined TE QNOHS NO, PNT. Tele Trade fn) Lime 16 O01 Mia Kuberun Vinee al Tivestnen Pinas nated 19. OTR Min H.R TY Piel DL UIST Mis, Lae Fquiltcs Teshmlags vate Unie 21, WIT MLM. K.M. Teanspnt Pst Led 22 UNITS MS, Sells Matting Prste Lined 7. Unde Mis, Cherguimale Cretiony Private ad 21 GGL | Mis, Ste Kenakam Clit ind Mvsree Prive Linited 2% Wns) — MIS. Sua Tree Magnua Fadia Private Cie 3. OOS EM, Le Bain Rebs Pri Lied 2. 01S). Cousamestink eae Company iia Pvt inked 2h OOI3I6 Mis, Brain Parmer! Tors Umit 2 COREE Mis, Mevn Biche Pra Limited 3 eOIRLY—_M, se Comenius lati Prive niet 3_M1385 Mis AJ Poly Cale Pv Limite pa TUL GAZUTEL OF INDIA, FANLIABY 12,2001 SANIGA 28 1993) ae tS. WSO Nis, Feds and Pasay Licked OWE Mis. Sars Genpower Privat Limisd 3 625 Ms, humo Tete Brice Limited, 35. GIN MRS, SE nage Sala aed 3 DIIBR, BSL ean Took Pee Cele 1 migDt Ws, Miguraeé Stems Pe Lied SL O21 Mis. Tokyo Incestial Paces Pevcts Line 9. (OI Mis. Alpha Matagomenc Csrsytan! Divs Ti i $0, GON, Mathie Consukana Private Vas 4° GG A Noga Ay So re “ied 12 GYRE Ms Sones Bilas Pree Jno 41 RUT Mr. ALY Conley eit Lit A WEISS M03, Eure Loni Eee “ito 48 wiles WS, Pendiceery Cenara: Mots and Acesserien Private Lined ME. Auto Oil Kefacy Viale ened ‘WE. Amabun Sesbons Bite Lied Mis. lay Agence Pete | ed Mis, Sha Keven Prat Liiad 0, IRR! ME at Capil Ades Peoue Lim D1 20KH Mh, Avision Gommrunteations Private Uinta YS RDASOR jen of Comps Posushsery 1a the matter of the Canmgan & Aes, 1956 ual at ME. Tinton 4s Pie Lmtd ‘Cheemai 800034, he th Decene YD1W ho, SoURSIMCAROC-ChenmaiSee £60°2016530287 — Novica i Hoichy gives prewonl fo absenon (3) of Sootice Sat uf le Comp Al. 1956 that at the "spirlon of dhe menus En ‘he Ste ere the aone OFM. Entzomv {sy (reste Liauled nls ate ie stot the zona, will 2 ees oF ce epite aad lhe sare Company oil bo goed, WC.DANEY egiaou of Compas Tupi edu Avoan 21d Scuba kad 1 the ortser of the Corpunios Act. £856 an at Ves. Consmnel Paes vate Lint a ‘CheunssQUI034 he th Jecemier 21 Po, SGA(3)MCA/ROC-ChenaiSee 560-201040:29% ue by tereby giver pureurt te sub-section iS) uf Section 360 of Ge Companies Act. 1986 hat al the pire at oF Ese ine un the de ret Ute mame ‘offs Conte Plsties Prive Limited sles eatat is sho Is Ihe cori, wll be snc al the reser ain! ie vais Csuapaay sill be esate, ¥e Dewey eget of Compass ‘Tail Nay, rat Mob ends Jn te waster of the Companies At, 1686 atd of Mis Hussite Techrotogis Conn Piva Linated ‘che 81034, he 24th December 216 Wo. S62" MA NC-Chema Sos SH-ZELO-COOE— TWouse a treby oven punaun atbeseetien (5) of Section 54 of the Coopanisy Aes 1986 thot a the ‘xpi. of ce monte Pom the dat bere he cms SE ME. Hessita Teehlogiex Clann’ ee Liated unless enue shawn a he andra, wll be struc ok Bie reglant nd the ed Company Will Se dslya ve RAVE Ragianar of Compan ot “Turi Nar, Anessa cebu ends 4 sae maior of the Cotman‘: Aer, 1986 and a IM, Ste3 Ahied Sufloate Solutions Pivat Limi (honn-89134 the Bb Deoerber 216 Io Sou()MICAMuC-Cheans Se S6t-2516-00016. ‘Nutice is aeteby eison porsuait to sib-etion 15) of Seslion SGC of the Crvtpanisy Act, 1830 tha wt the ‘Pypaua of ree moors Bom che Aa ete te name OFM. Step Abead Softte Selva ise Limited cess sina ig aon Uy he euater. wl he src ot ths capil we the sid Company wll Bs delat ve. paKRY Resisea af Corpo: Tul Nut Adana ang Riossr Ids wearer a ie rm, wal GER, imme Pris, feet ge FRI ei ml

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