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dy cm awroo7 z06e—os Soh Nop, Laniamnurzan os Jd a SISA The Gazette of Gudia ‘arr 8 wae ea || _NEW DILLER, JANUARY 3)—TEERUARLY 5, 2185 SATUIDAYIMIAGHA Th MAGHA 16,17 Fray Rene Maar d ane aed Pee pee eet we aT aT Separate aging given hinPact inorder hac itnay he Med at asrparatecompiatign PT At aN 3— SOE G) PARTISeetina}_Sudvsecson() aa AAT aT Mare Twi] Ae AS ATGRAT (HU Tee ATE ESE] OTT ‘ss ake a anny a oe Pa Ta erm aie aan, ge Paeae wAD ‘GeneralStatntory Roles tnchcbay Orders Byt-antet, of general daarecer iowc ky the Minette ht ‘Govemmea fini other han dhe Wlalty of Defoe) and by the Crow! Auth (ther daa the Adaitatine of Unian Terrie} afer fermen >a stag afer He eeatte afar fey a8 Se, 107, 2001 ‘moet te seins em fie sr site, 908 C1908 5) oh ef eget Bae 273 Pre Te chahiaiiabsaked Stak shasta meePhe He, 62 THER IO--1980; everson sv ar2e--120%, 1 a _santieg fet otonfen fd meeraa or ce eine 557 ma 6-05-1991, 4 5 Steff ame wear Re ae sree a ret at or weer fa AT, fied maistateger ds meme 67 moet | 8 ‘ae, eso # Rea af eran, se — 6 woth de2s toe TTOGise “ra aigersiagythy,oahd" site ands, 7 Meme wST1 mete 10-192; wet geaer’ aefirmers dergemee Sg rues eo 20] maT Ob See eter ae semana ef-s e507 1085 vane 1 sembie tATT me LOS, arcana i, ovat do 256 nha 08.98:1 Covet t(s)n00u-mte] otto eT meg 33-1996, “Boa se ge fen TERRE 1mm se ze 6-198, 22s ounces as ‘memes te La 16-12-13, sree Ge sn2 ha 107-19, so WG. GAZETTE OF INDIA FRBRUARY 5,2004MACITA 16, 1936 [Pa See 30) Memes se eooerana 1S, smonicit de sora ana- 99, 16, aeeefta wee Lc 17 Femi wo un weaese dood 18 eel esate. 48-2002 [MINISTRY OF LAS ANDDJUSTICE {Deparunente Lop Asin) the Ha Nova, 204 GRR. 3. —Incvercsonf heporvens untetsdbs fale Lef Oa SSVI ofthe Fit Scheie othe Codeat Gi Procrdue, 1918.5 of 908). he Cental Goscenmsnt herby eaakes ths fin rer tenes hs tfialanssf he Goverment finan the Mas oF aye ative Deammentof Legal iruberG SR, “ened Lae Thy, [80 eeaing a hesign ead, ‘orifieatio lpi al wien eaten a su [xs coort ul il rlieton ain weitproceadty ue {evo thet ull Chovomnert ae — (a de Se i woiiaion vader the ta ean "T. Drecrorate ‘Gazer, Sok) Soy Rasen te Mist oF tome ‘Affine the ers Depty Ipetr Gene. the ‘ating eit sa Beemer corey ‘Arve spy Taepeter Gener FX, Bede et | BR VEENAIL Sexy: al opal Ade er Nae: The prineil nosficatine was published o “02-1800 vide natliatin Na STL 1S bequeath amended ie ‘OSE, 6 a Cn 2. OSAMA dened AIA 2. GSR 357 tal OSI A Spl 18d 12D, 5 GORING Heed UT HE, 6 8 USES, 290 dae 22ST . Us 0 SI dee 281018 (OST Mo, 29 ales 2105-198 (GSR Ha, 5 ut 1902-1998, 10. GSR Ne 47L ded O1-16054, UL Git he Abe OFS, 12 GSRNG. 187 dnl 4096, 12 GSR 9,258 asd 1-00-1056 14 GSK Si 46 aed 2007-1097, 15, GRR tanaka gee: Uo, GSN 2 de THIS, 17 Gath iuied3ten.ano ana 18 GaN 519 dale 04 1002 wae “ech, osm 208 FUP ona, dive & age 30) Sm Be a TT EE OA pera tert hee dn tea: ir, 2002 a abet Pre Pera, om ‘aterm area, «(1 en ear are ae brea yn (gen Pan sift oe See sen are) oF sien), 2005 co (2) Agana rams ate age I 3. an eR gS Cer ard i Bomar wa ra, 2002 =~ Cy Fema form (1 eT oi fen ca ei STE cE ahshsiatentonsbaaiel (gm Ba ates ait os Fa trey sg nas eT Pat, zoe Gi aRRiA getter atime dar atic ea aati a ei 1 or, A Lar ee rpasnessou—efhecl] sey, <a) sg fem ep ey er TAT, PLT We, ks a) Ta mesma 75 ma 5 ent, 2000 erate fa SANSITRYOF ROME AFFAIRS Now Jeli de st Janay, 2005 GS. 9,—Insreris of he powers cuaforca hy Le provisore aicie 309 af ee Castine Preside erty as te allen ules further to amend the rec Rifles Cramp (Chit Accounl Offer wi Senior + sesennis ficcr Rosrabae Hales, 2002 naoW LAL) Tose mates muy'be call he Asana Riles Group ic iof Aconnas OFfcrr wud Senior Accounts (Omir anda Amentent Rus 215 12) They shallcome am foroson fh dtc ie pablictionin diel et, Tons 3) 16s 2. lnthe Asso Rifles Groap (Chief Aéconmts(WMicet nd Saar ema cer) Recruit Res, 2002-— inate), Soralbc 1) the following ‘lee lb subst amet “() Tesendes maybe ied Asem ill Chiet ‘Accomus fea nd Senir Score FFs) ‘ceo A poo Recrui Rules, 2003? tn the Sahedals agnit seria! number t, ‘ling ta tcportof Chet Acome Dice snd Senor Aecoants Officer under clue 2, Flay la 'Nombee of pose? forthe backs ted iguncs" (2002) tbebracess nd ees (2003) halbe ute, Fro, MS0285108 Pe MANOTAGGARWAL, Diafor Perse) at dee itipleriles mo ubshd he oats ‘fai Pa I Secon, Becton Gide CS 75 dated dt inet, 2003, era 31 rat 2605 ‘ara, a0, rel voor Borges ace eye a soe eke Dn A Ey STITT ET yee Catron fet sat fo 2 arate arr 5 er fae Pree, se 1. ter ate wee (1) Fa Pre re ‘Nor Fell soe ar, 2008 GSK. 40-—Incsccien af bepovers conkerea by ep alle 109 of the Conetatnn, te Presid ero wakes be Telfew'y vle frthor wo ated The ‘Aram Bille (Accovols Officer Additional Azcomnt COtioer, Recucd Oi and Chil Gazeted Offer ‘Renulinent ales, 200, naely — L.A) The roles may be called the Asie Bes (Acoomte iene Aelnal Accovat OMe Rect Gitcet an. Cletian Coed Officer) Recruitment (Aomene Riles. 2005, (2) They shall crop into force om the date of cr ibtcatonin he Ocoee 2 Ime Ast Ril (Acorunla Ofer Adios Accomm Officer, Recerd Ofex wad Coban Gti ties Rernltmen es, 200, © ule ial we theta 2002)" the gues (2000) lao subaated 4) Ines Sehadole, agate serial amber 1, m. Soran toreigares “UEP, me ges “q0uaj" aa besubatiated IFoo tSe242%6-Po A] MANOTAGGARWAL, Director Perseinal) Peotuots—Tesincolerls were publlshedin te Gaeta of nda Pal, Sexton’, Serson vide GSR ‘6. dele Si Feroary, 208, Eee, 31 wernt, 2005, are apens (at sitet, aca (2). rere eer ea ay 2. are re te (es dan st) afi fer, 20005 — ran (1; ahem (19a EM Fe (friar afer se ree, 2009" na ag ares anc (Sar af, are, ert, ara shear Ra aot at fe ages ois & se woe oa a ee ek En, BE TERE, <aenrarree rpg at on es tr sed) se fr, zor tae ee i Pat wit 1. af as eet — (1) 9 Pe art ve erence fre ex aft Pree Cokes San Pen fo Pe 2006 1 (2) Am ree tera STA 2.7 age, sre oper ra oem) ra, 2309" car (8) SRRER 4, Son eevee den heey caer ae te Fei aia et Sc hpicuuabcamtstibibasieiel “8 ae 1B ae, 2002)" see Bicol Seem oe (2008) " ae a domi ra amb asane agg mae THY sor sora, Sarr (aii) ora fer fem, wer es, a 3, oS G4) A de meh, 76 ars weet, 2008 eer TA, ca tenartendy onan, 20024: — re (1) ee (1) A Na OF, a apes inary wes ot fers os ‘Sam xfer ef fe, 2002" ear ere ree ano Ae RTE Cres {in sen) sf Prey, 2003" eae Gi veg, shes atten vedere arte eam, ‘alisha Ace et ison" 002)" row ote aed er "(2005)" ae ea THA oat anf-asoperares-ace TH] irl ory Pee (wf) 6 ‘Mk: GAZETTE OF UIA: FEBRUARY 5. XASMMACHA 16,16 [Rass see 363) wefan. ere, eT, TU hea, ews Gye see 77 ables eee, 20m a atta rT ‘Net Cell esate, 2005 su 41--Incrercseal hepovers cnafeeral by te proate te atcle 303 of he Constinon, the Presider Poveby eae he Falling rules forthe to ad the Anan Riles Tang Cente and Sckool ‘Seouioe Apsonnts (lice) Reertmen! Rules 2002, 1-21) he aules may bi sll the Asc Rites “Triving Cone and School Senior Account Ose) eer (2unaulaient aes, 208, 2V'They sal nm a fee om ede of hie btn he Ofc Gare 2. othe Assam Btls Training Cea and School ‘Seer eames Ole) Recent Ral 2002, w 4. agains ial uci, fn oka for tho tgmee “BOY'S “rN” sal esate Up 8802893: MANO! AGGARWAL, Dirster asoeaell Foatnots—Th yrhlporle ee pubisetin eCete in mT, Sean. Socom ide SR, st, 41 i 2005 anal ae aga, em fe ops 10 SENT ea ST AN EU, TO TES, aes Sar sra) Ee, ooo atc se forty Be er, 1c ger a a eR =) Re afore, eeTorn, wrT, tiss, ort ciyataca a he et, 2008 seen SAL ‘Now Defi, thedeUTanary, 2005 SR 42—In enetise or te powers centered by the pv 10 article 309 of ae Constumon, the Presiden ey sakes otollosng re ures tamed ‘he Assan Rll: Range Heudgaes (MOY Accom ‘Oeir} Reslned Boles, 20, aay 1.1) The roe may be called che Assam Rifles Range Hendquarters Guaior Acconnte Cificen Recliner Amendment) Rus 2005, (@) They ll come iat fotoconthe date thar publica CW Gaze “nthe Assam lls Kange eadguaeers (Jor AcotunsOficer Reculcnet Res, 2002, (ina) forad ue (1.fat te fg)" hot gor" (2RE) eal Be 2 ( uethe Schol, against sil amber 1, 0 oumn’, or hefignes “2002 he Figs SQMNG7 shal emt (Nu. tor Pe OT MANDI AGGARWAL, Decor Puscamel} Footnots —Tiejinegfemna we pba Gaze 1 Was Pa Secon 3 Seton (ve SE, 7S, daadthe ath every 2007 ‘arachs, 43 <r, re onl aoe eye a Fn hart rier we EL, aT Te, rarer, gemres atees ora ge CoE caf Fe, agonal ater ea rg en aa 8, se — 1, ages st TRE (1 Peet tra fare ae sa cg, ee (Pa er em sa rater) Si, 3006 41 fay ran 8 aR fea ee se see aren, [ater gee MED oT eg CoRR) | aT Caen) Far, 2005 1 (2) Smee eens tong ot poem nee Fer pene (Ft: tar aD from, gue . (Sony sacha)? G20)" sh Seer f2gng'" skeet 2. ee URE [det ota, tad swroreer Fath | Fa, 2002 = Po Cy eo 1) G00 ‘earn. "(7000)" sree G3) aeypir, sre Qua ahead Cor TET Gi) ons, [Senator ere Hah SHEE rae 8 aes a a 1 roa legit det desire arom, 902)" wire al aie Ae ca sre eevee (ant | Tea wT eer, aed dea a a ee slg "(2002)" et eit Ee Lonae) "Ferreira ag (ate ter ate af za ag m9) an gsornsssst-artia- ty ee amb astzayssi0- 6 IO] on, ere (or Pte aera [ene am meds 2 a 16 eg rm Fe, eT {2) echt oe Sa Get eh 79 ms ee, 209 sein fe 0 scar Pram (ere Pe, 200 ew Delite 31st ary, 205 GSR th—ineseniseof tepowerseumbard by the proviso fo uncle 309 of He Consnaion, ie Preteat ereby makes the followings tro fhe Assam Rifles [Account Officer: Headquarters Thepacce Goren Assim Riise Nh] ean Res, obama — 1 (U) “the rales nay be eafed the Assam Kies [Accouns Officer Heaiquiis Inspec? Geogr Assam Rifles (Non) Roemtoment, (mentee) Res, 2005, (2) ‘They elicomeinn formsonthe date oftheir Pincmioninthe ical Genet, £ Ine Assam Rifles (Accounts Officer eeudqounes epecior Gererl Assan Ries (Dont Remutmear Fie, 2002 — iar (i ar subeae (1, fr Ue gwen 2002)" We Mgate "(2005)" shalt De sostiae tans 8, Pie ge in te Schedles se a, rages (23) aut ested, Ih. SUOMI Pe MANOTAOGARWAL, Director Parca) ootuate—Theprincigal se ver piconet ‘of Ina, Pet, Seton, Sat-Stion 6 ee (OSH 79a a Ry, 2003 ‘are we eer ret ae (sr ‘fe 2 wr, 2005 wart aac orem, ne oe 09 Arp ere a oe rr ee Fao (g's) sf Pree. 2002 A eee rata Pra r@ fsa 1) ot Fae a Ra CED cattery Prec, 251 232 fey he fhe sera sae wd @ wa ere en Hen 1 Ea a Tae fete Friary cor atest 2 ‘seven Re aT, ar — a, tata wee (RTT) (3) ontmesniel i sher o, E ear 4 ero ser wer aie eet 2, Prin aor sen ca ‘ean oa area — acc Ganchelaiamasuaaed mreeraridttaeeie are esi evs ete" Tai tia7 sano. eta a Aer, RET ERT TT: oor _—ae ferefortezs rat nace stati eve salar) ge ere oe, wes 3, wee (i) aoe fy ma \MINBTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Dasanentot Forty (WewDilhi, he 24th Jy, 2005 GSR 44 —inexmiseul be peas onfetod ty tne proviso te article 309 ef doe Cine, the Prose ey mae fuller reso arb the Deparment of Poss (Group “D' Paes) Recnsneal es, 202 poe 1.0) Teserwesmay he called he Darina of ows Ganay‘D"Foss) Rorrvenant (Amendment) Puls, ams, ‘ay Whey sil come ino fore onthe dae of tek ableton nthe Oficial Gaze 2Lnihe Sstomiow the parma of Peas (G00 19: Kecrutnent Falls, 2002,— wa THE GAULLE OF NDIA-FEURESSRY 5 205544GTUA 16 i826 Woe Suu i ty Panel gelalny, Ww pos uf Cielo ard Ars esetive ice nt 1 Fr the LNG 2 at cnt earn trea, the fuww ag Sl.No” and ontries bal bs ssbaitte,astaly 1 OncriosPemetat Peas:torgn Fo of Gt Wart theolatiag co poe of Sub-ordhate nieces iecolamn Dar tho SI Ni Tad ssties lating threta he flow $t Sov nd enias shall Be aubetiiated 1 PcangLomer Box Peanstil Pons ‘iv tamnen vin PooniCrdalyCatenent Atendun-con-KaosireaCleaner at Man Sota SvicePuupaaen IFNe PosomseswIn 1 SHINT.485%, Asi Dicer Gener (SPD Vets —Thepyal res wirepublelin ties Ina Fen Sern. SonionGitaeMouleaiee fa SR i ed ay 200 afore 9 aie sree (athestoany ser 4 sm, 2005 ears. 4s Stace Her carted ere si Fram; airmen, “363 166371221 TT ET (ay aarp seers oe a vam aT 2. rin era rier (fe, 0 Spies toa serie Uae) Fa AP Regimes til i ote = tea eta See gene orienta Arai foarte Mesed (hese nerum fee gut oh: Sawa ee TERT Pe ya raf Se ba SL famBe esee— 1es00 vee EET spore fg tara 21" ma #, neice ¥antcoe fa] con, Ft feet fee en ee ere 74, me se, “ane wer en Hoa 2 at sifra sien nomen ye, aa 2s 4-000 sero 1 MISISTRYOF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (Departmestet Comer) [Now Pei ihe 2th amy, 2605 GSR. 45—increciv cf he powers confered ty Satin 1 spot uty Coto and pectin Sacre fling rls ober aed re gn, rn agency Reeruune) Ral, 1980, ary (Anes tues say be called the Expert laspscLan Agcy @eoroinmeny fasendut Ps, 08 2: These lal ons ice force an tbe ate of Frenahkestin niheO fica Caer 2 nthe Schedule othe Expo eapecion gency (scrape Hols, 198 agan Seva mers and! ‘ell. to hs pacts af ops ieee (Feehan Depsay Dieter ‘Nex-Teclavca it celumn 3. fr the eing cues under heading “Transl on Deputaion 1s allowing eros shal cespactvsl be sluts, “Taner on Deputation: OtTises ures the Coma’ Gover menses Caeser msntCannetAgenciesSerl Gover non utnano Bods, 1 leingnalogou puss Eat S seas replace fm posts the ‘lec! Gg Bib 15H or uialenjoe Gi Al poms eopelargesieg In owe hs of SNES mre ent, nL RAISINGH Dicer Note—7herincpal rules ere publ in te Gasca ud vile Auber GSR 74 dae 2nd Ag ‘Wand be ended se mumbor GR ‘he 27d fe, 1950, en. bs —ars 301 SAG TTT; hs, once 6 97H 1 amr wa ota Te, oe er Rear Btn) st Sah 20a, 0S mustefie 44 ae, shir arpa 209 vec peal oo sti et a ra va (Fe aft) wt Fr, 934 eT ram fe ae, Fe RA at Par, arch ‘prefs er, Grae sete tere ae reese hag Pony oer fe eT La aoe) gnc afi a err a fe Peon Fm af, ey 2. verre attra (1) ama afer ssh cerebral me a906% (A UTasseRA ate eT >. neste, afar atria, — mo em ee tere tt oe era ee a a Pe A cre RE AY 2) oe a EE 3 eh a, aA aa EAN Tote He 4 a A A, ea, ded te ado aad ae oh con rH Brn (5) TH C14) A ee 4 Octet orf — Gy Pestana fear Fm ot sere fom a (CR) ran aR fe eet wt er Hn et Hf, 1 rs fed to ( erg aa ft ac ave wa Ee Sc eaninaahan nasal mandabapantsbuchaiacehins aahina tantaahd ai 8 Ae ara Hel mr ae ed Sge a sf rat tes i os en a ba ra mitch &, ace rab eat 8 ers eo, arch ew & on my, Pa Fe en wt See eee sem, sate wef ir 6. BIg tro se a afer eT sees go saa Soran free re nea gee a, aes ee, Pree a, ey: ators fra el ed a ser en HT EI at =e akc @ a) sant Gi G08) are a ate cain eR aE softies oe sent! See Sige cated Gia iec at | veteet aerate fre erate sre aR ER rk i a ang ae Clan) fies, Mipwatcareantert fafem org att 1972 eFrms0% ‘test HT si agate sie ot = selstisret @ @ w oy i) seein om atén onal wantin ewan wieeao “ (HE GAGRTTE OF INDIA, FFRRUARY 5, ODMMACT. AW 1026 eer 840.2091 fatuat. ade ferret sa seh ot ae 3H Air Read ste Ridin Loe args Rae Fg ra oe ao ar Snftan Pee re eet) He Retain Redita inh dower ou ‘Rom: ae ig ira sree we, HE eh eA saat arate dest & fae feat fea a 1d Sel Ta ere oranda rr oa men eg ae a aM TTA ae bet herent, siti arbre A aes aT Sek ack Fubihpds pub cashes aakteline ve fea <1 eer sr fi ren oe Sarpy, Bedlte abeorsa dara tof a aba Sede seer ame eit ad atten 2G) Agere ei a RGN eT Lib meet bon aS Se oso eR de a ite rae agin Ae eraTR oH Tv sistas © inegrree Mane secu 1 a aged ae Fee ore agi Sra See Ta eo ert oht 280) Peta He saad haga ay aa 6B) freer Rerocue 8 SL AER RT ae Ae Fer TET beh roma Stren fa a fe es ene Hosea fe Sa fieP weet vara Rk ae ih sett ve ar Sie oi re re Fe ere fief arenes Prien AR Te # fet aC “ir rr ame fl oS ae Ph fmohranae omteerrri ath er a tP oT fea feredrene Pas Revel ane sia Fea e some, any, dae water se oT Lemnos 40) mW TTR | wes, 20 26, 1028 m 4 ae waren n shea ah PRT aM BY A aga ard at oe, Fe er Sate afin dra ake ert stra A) patter Seren angen rahe rma | rr R! Ai) oa torre fed ota ere et sept) ‘errefintd Peotvatiend, shrek ohn fig eS i fe Fi a Soe FAA ata ticfe rahe trata torah wre a wePger Hise oh ase we a at a a eo A ate ar ea gtr? dooce at feet areata SRP sata ere EA em EP set Fg ry ere geen er Ber se TAS ere th Tie Rota sat afer. ase doe, ‘aah aA Por oer ae Ae ra Soe ET @ [) sists dart fra och rsa wees nPifa a8 adi Pad fauna site ana : 1 fet core st etiam wr 1 a seat da aria eR! oT aT 2 at om Tig roca a. apev9s #11 eB were se Beary Hei Canin te a) [MUNSHI O SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Unda Meteora Department) ‘Now Dati the 2th araury, 2008 GSR. 46 —Ineuarcine hasowan confaredby epee tance oC thecal atin an ineimersesin fe nn Meteo Deatinan (ind Ofice) Rarer Re, 1974, ace setequcsthogs dene oremitad bedanebsfare ven supeacrin, the President bray nse he lung regulating the method of recites 0 ‘epee Snir Hind Odin (Choup ‘8 Guetad fo eins Metenolacal Deparonca der the Minor af Selec sd Technolog, amnly— 1, Short Te and Commencerst-{1) hse osnay te called nia Mecoongial Depart Salar Bin Officer (Gromp ‘A Gureed) Reema Tales, 2004 (i) They stall own saotorce on theca tirgueiation ne OFF Cina 2, Namber af pat, coedficuion and scale af pay—The numberof post, lastiation and scale of pay sanached theret, shall os spect la Colonng 219 4 cf the said Schedule mnnexedto these rls £336Lfo5-% TH GAZZTIE OF INDIA FFRRUARY 5, 264MAGHA 16 1926 eae I 10) ), MudiadofRereomenr ge Gina other qualification ete —The wed af recnlmet,edtessta, sgclimie quiliaiusant ola ares comertel hore chall Watered in Clams Sto 14 of De aid Saxe. “ Disyleaina —Ne peri: ‘oly la entered ni orca narage wb apatson ag pouselivng: at 2) who, having aapoue ving, hs entero carci meavioge wih ay peren, Sal be ill fo appotmmentaa aby of he sid pests “rowed thatthe Cone Cvsrment may. aided hasan wariage pemissble une the personal aw apllcabe w suk person andthe other paery whe auriage nal dul ee reser ete ors doing, Xeupt ay paron rom he pecan of ese es. 5, Powerta relax —Where te Cena Gowen of the opin ts nscssay oF exten 0d, it by tec an or eons fo be ceo in ng, andi conswaton ly, Une Pubic Service Cuan, fe ay tsar ovis Ue stesso any eas or ens pea sing. —Norhingin hose ulsshal alle resets retaxauunol age aan ott coneesuons quired ‘ote proves fv the Sokol Cares te Schedlce Tiber. the Other Bulend Classes andl petal cares paren inacearlance wil the sdersiasued by be Cease Govern (out be to iein wisest SCHEME. amet Numbsrof Cussfictios Scalvelpay Wietiee Apelumttar —_ wheterbenetitof post poss selctim pest eet adel yes of elecinn post ‘er Re OF he Centr Cad Sento (Pere Fass 1972 Ty 4 5 a 7 Geokyivinds pH) Gewal “Ry SOHNETS Selection Netapplicble Nocapplcable Glier Subjectin Cental 1350 past saath Samco Chop avoalost A Gea prec ‘sah Ravcadonsland she qualiiosions — Whetcragowad — Pfodo! pctatisa. Method of roeveitment romired for Ser seats duction aca any ‘Whether by direc reetacat Mons proscrba for fr by promaton or by dsm firerreemite Tainnitbension #4 percent ‘siapy inthe ge af poss 10 bs Tiled ere oF ponies Dy carleus meds r a Te Nefapgicibie” "Tx ans ramon lng ICT Mamatese Deputaton Tre DeparooetalPeitotion Canute ess ot 5 Sst, Tsongas th ‘Union Publi Service CCommislon v9 be smn ung Weaseol emuLsaby plonolltputaion! Anse, lash proneheadepeaon! mepon ie he Fags ii ~ 7 ac ‘Eramwtings indi DFhea wa? yeaneginsendce 1; Grp A Papas Comaaton with be mmegnse ‘Counts far canadcrng Union Pubic execs ote ‘Whar jest nbohare complstl theirqul- Synge sevice arse condeed lore fiom, thoi sous ould also be considered peavcad Ty are:ninr af heceqe eng RETA, romain. Comauson sueveuy hy Chern err ef rim pia the ible Seinen post un each ocean (Cura afr amendingtscrvcoby mare than alfa

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