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Preview Gazette of India, 2004, No. 127

aed» Bra c}-o5/0007/2008—08 . HMGSISTERED No. DL (W)—o/ontrawa_os sat SISAL The Gazette of Gndia caren WEEKLY unfiterre & reprierea PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY - “ do i] ae fea ‘wPrare, aratt, fears %, 2004 (ae 13, 1935) No. 1) NEW DELHL SATURDAY. JANUARY 3 JANUARY 9, 2004 (PAUSA 13, 1925) ee na fier ges Gen dani é free fis we am eee eT A can oT Eee €Separate paging i hen to this Partin oder that ay be Tied a6 2 seperate companion) eekiiebeeahl me ag é amt v De APART TY] \ « Aescemt mifierdt ate eared Gemet & fraraar abe. gem “[érerisements, and Notices (sued by Private Individuals and Private Bodieny fag ce mer § Fe BE OME re” vues aagiectrtt Ropes od ene fore rt tee te Romcts iynns Paar of ane onmrinn ce Mea [eernre (xieen ger ate epee) | eeraons | Nonwina THE” SOWEETRSNIPNTS? uote Nome Orel, REMAIN SOLEE, ‘CHANGE OF NAMES 1 therto Kamm as MANOL SHARMA wa uf Shri HON. SHARMA empluved ay Acoountem in the Tex Chem, 47643, Dare Ganj, Now Delhi esicing ut 2, Noraj) Subhash Mare, Datta Ganj, N. Lelbi Bive changed the ume of oy minor son PARUL SHARMA uyed Baca dee at free wat 3F dee ty 17 Yoses “smd fo shall etea(ar be Kadwva as Som RE SOA SEN AE GARNETS TERK GAN rere & * A) nl We is corti thal 1 hve i [egal qv anbea, Prev dora oom ov-o4, armmdiee are, Sted Hal here comatied with ether amc, FT A eT aT AT FAT MANOJ SHARMA crear, ret aT ta toy (Stroature of Guentinny ste cut ay i 1H GAZETTE OF INDIA. JANUARY 5 2004 (PAUSA 12, 1928) 1, thers tn 49 UL FANEMARTHARAYA non of Shi HANUSAIAN, omahsed #s Steentvor Gree 4 (7g. ventral Poe Research Tg, tte, Pest Box No 5066, Sor €. Ve Raman in, Bankers - 340040 eesidiog St Aw. 16, Type W. CER! Culent, New BPE Koad, Hoasitre= SeGOL2 hive changed mf mame ul salle stor be hnown #3 F. HANUDANTIARAYAPPA, 1 ceri th Lave somnd nih tr egal rie VW. HANUMANTHARAYA, [grater eilay ld anes] 4, pither Known at PRAKASH sun of si SHIV RCMAR SHCKLA etrsloyed a Fitesy ‘billed vader T. Re. ASASYCSOG ia eta OF Def, Oninance Fastou! Keamads, Mabalpor fMtP)-4u20U9 teiding at Cio Sari GS. Prasee, Priel Nags, pganegeat, Jabelp.e (MP) 186 ‘dhnged my tiras und sell hereafter be koalas PRAKASTISHUKLA, fe eat U1 nae complied wih er Sst oe PRAKSH Isigautye ti cxising fd 02050) 1. hither smite ae NARTSH KUMAR a ofShii PREM. NARAYAN NEMA omsloxed Bchevgeusn GredeT Unter ver Ro. as6ted BIT sex, terns ia. Mf. Gpanance Fastrd sensi. Jutatore (MPES wesiding uk HI%0. 32 Rochhivee,, Debing Lopdgan) Tote Siaiien, Libslgwe iRiDave changed my mame and shall reaker be Youaba a5 NARESH KUMAR NEMA 2 cae at have om eke ct, NARESH KUMAR (enepar nes ld name) 1. there known a5 SICVAME ESL Son of She! ATHAL LAL smployed ax SUPERVISORINT, aver Bote Xo W720 in the ye at in at ab ‘Deflence “Orswader Eeero7y Khsmerin, Jeb! put ERP) AUS raid an at HD Ahad Telkb Ben, Guksterr, Hb ce GaP} Teves kzngul a 0: ms font stall” hereafter te known as SUYAM LAL. cHOMILARY, 1 9 sali ha fae ometil itecker hrm seer iv sont. SHV AM LAL (sta (nese ll 5801 parry 1, wither kquwn as KUADAN SINGH 198 of Live RAMAL SINGIC emploted as DUWSELlt fa ty Opdates Pscaard Kranwots, Jobe CMP) fesitue wl 3663, SUOHsEA Cent, Subsaid Chant Ward, Abkerial, Jabulytr (RE) ove Phimged my ee ang shat besceics be knw ls KUNDAN SINGH NuGt. 1 cid that 2 ave teh i he atl ene sty ia tis cometon, RUNDAN SINGL (stators a rung Md 1, Aicherlo tos us PHOOL CUAND son of asi SHIV LAL eesigeen at 9505/5 Gaubaln, Boradeei, Kishoa Ganj, Delait 0006 nave cheaged mY mime ARC bal beeetier be kasen as PUNEET KUMAR. 1 le cone het 1 hve sui th eer Lt ree UOT. CHAND ‘imme Gn ei of wae 1, fitberto kan ge ISAWENDER son of Bhet IGHWAR SINGH employed 1s. Advscale faate Paiabs Hone Covee asiaing ot ld Porun Nigar, Polem Cohay, New Delhi have cheat? on? adme uol chai; henaltce be Ince ap ISHWENDER CUIAUDHARY. ris ontiet Ra hase sommled wih eter gnc: mene ig is sonnet ISBWENDER {Shmulay Gin esig ld me) 1 ikerto fauna KAVITA D/O. SUCHANNABASATES (0, PANIIN-GUA, at Presa! RANEBEXNURS8 113 DIST. HAVER! KARNATAKA(NDIA),Cjo.5.A-KLLXARANI, ‘Aavvonig, Athi Nagar Und ors, Ratebeanse: S81, HS Dhtriors Maver); Kagneseke (Tada), Ibeve chwiged wy mare and shell hurcaPr he Inmown ae “TASNEES BEG Woo ALLMOL TA] HIG, Iris onniied at Thave compiied wil otter esol requterients in i eomecetica. KaviTa (instr Cla einng old we ace BE] (THE GAZETTE GY INDIA, JAXUARY 3, 200(PAUEA IE, 23 1, iiterto tno a8. MANOHAK LAE son of 1. Shri RAte KISHORSINGH snploved 867.7. AMIN) in the G Co. Ed M$. Block? Ge ly. Donal recding ul the 7/130 2Ued Flow Gacte Clow, Delhi! have cheaged mv sume sad shall erstior be known Dr, MANOHAR LAL MATHUE, Seca tas The coum wih ater Ll re sai hk soneetion. MANOHAR LAL Usiratire ip ening olf rm biden nweax D. RAMANATH ss oF Shri P. DORAISWAMY, employed. as Assistant Qrodeel in she Covsral Poster Resoarvt Insite, Post Bos. No- 8055, Sir. V. Ramu Had, Aungolore-560 040 resiging at No. £0. Type 1 PHI Goleas, New BBL Rowd, Dangulase-160 012 have changed oi? ancts aod) shel] “tredtter kamen t2 1. RAMANATAN, 1 i seid sh have soci th hee Sen anes in i cook D. RAMANA AL | Sina in eng od me j,tilberto town a¢TOTA RAM 503 of She SOMNATM 41, socidiag at Ac2, Hanuman Encove ‘als WAli Gab, Gali Na. 3, Nuagloi,Peltgl0 O41 wave changed ay doume iad all Regier be aoe ue TARUN KUMAR, re cried at T tv combed other TE ce YOLA RAK [Sigwnoe (a wining ld axe) 6, hier kaon a5 ¥. SHESBAGAVAELL, wits of Sri 8S. SHIVAKUMAR, employed 35 Tarpostor Posts, CRenesTpalla (Wee) sob Diviien CHENGATPATTERSI: OO, iy che Depariasrr or hosts, esiding of Ne. I. dud strates nad, Showanar Hagar, Chena ai-cUOUk2, 2.¥e changed sy amo avd sball Rewafier bo neon 2 SENBITAGAVALL eds eortiged the f bave complied with other Segal ete in thin enmaetion ¥ SHNBAGAVALLL [Siuataze Gn oxstng old ase) sun," of Tate A. BALUSWAMY empt yed- a Tinbour Eaforesment Ofer (Com'rl) in ho Clie of rh: Regional Labvar Gomuinonne (Cente) Mioisiey of Eaboue, Gaveraraeat of Lidia, Ke, 26, Mudde Rad, Shaste Bosvan, Chern st-600006 tesidiog at the “KALPATHARG FLAT2” ‘No. 51), 16 ellsley Strot, Adsarha key, Chats OF have changed my nome and shell berufier be Karn it A.B, RAVICHANDIORAN. is eatied that |: bevesomptied with ote logs] requiesens inthis uanoston. B. RAVICUANDRAN (grates extn ot wana} T A, wittero Kaowm as GANESH SINGH BAHADUR iov of Biri MAHADUR SINCTI THAPA eapioted as Grounlemia im NDA Khatakwosla PT, Seeiva neuhg a1 lia Vida (OH. No. 424 NED.A. Khtuhwasla, Pome 23. have wiateged mF name And shalt beset be brawn ae (GANESH RAHADUR SINGH THAPA, Wissortied (hut { hive guaplicd wich wher Tel requitere nt a thi coaayeron, GANESH SINGH BATADER [signavere Ga existing afd nem6)} hiterlo knawa # RASA RAM PAWAN jon ciNbri MUNSHT LAL emplorod as Medical ‘Acta tbo Gun Catrage Funor? labalpur QE) residing at the 12 GOA Line G.C.P Tetate Jabelpur (Af P)huw chengsd my name wd shall Inoroufice he know #5 KAJA RAM BOUDHA, 1 farce net Thave compiicd with orber Tegel roquneuents in his vomestion, RAIA RAM PAWAN (ignore Ga exating wht name] GRANGE OF RELIGION 1 RATA RAM BAWAN Son of She! MUNSILL EAL smployou ay Moc.) Asst. DUBS Gul Carrisge Baste Tabac (96.2) esting U/l, GOA Lise G.G, Paster? nite S-babpur (MiP) do hepby solomaly clfirm and seclane that I have cmbriced EOLDUA snd renceneed HINDI: wich et feos 169-2002, 1 i iil ok Fe come ot tt RAIA RAM PAWAN. (Sigua Go ering off ant catia 4 THR GAZRITE OF INDIA, FANUARY 2, 2008 (PAUSA 1D, 1525) Party hier owe ae PRIYANKA MAMAJAX, Davgtver of SHEL ANISH MATIATAN emplored USA soiciag at P-S4, VEAS PURL NEW DELHEITOO pave exeage mp “lome on el lense: vs foowa 8s PRIYANCKA A MAHAIEN eos cei? tnt Las sein Uh he PRIYANKA MAHATAN (sna Gn siting ld nme) 1 iheto Ruowa os GOKMAL ANAND Sou of LATE SHET RAMESHWAR PRASAD fmpbiyed as Agsisianl in le Ofer of 38 (Tae) & C80 (ASi, Moist ef Debace, E-Bluck, ‘Near Delhi! HNL essising ai rhe C46, ‘Heouma Ricd. Sesr DulK-NIGEDE Hove chute’ yume fc aI” octatir be kaewn #8 GOKRLA NANN PANT. Te is oso cet tet Cave oom Tegal requirements 114 sounee i GOKHALA NaND [Bitnfore Gn in old wane) ¢ wiea other oy maven Prine, fer swet_sentrs, a004 Sor"Rinaney ohn MORE OF PURLCNEN O 2OE,

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