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REGISTERED No. DL—33001/2001 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 3] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY. JANUARY 20, 2001 (PAUSA 30, 1922) (Separate paging is given to this part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation) 1-421 GI/2000 (13) 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 20, 2001 (PAUSA 30, 1922) [PART I—SEC 1 CONTENTS fAOl PAGE PART I—SECTION 1—Notifications relating to Non- Statutory Rules, Regulations, Orders PART II—SECTION 3—SUB-SECTION (ill)—Authoritative aiw Resolutions iasjel bv the Min'strie? texts in Hindi (other than suoh texts, pulW' nil he Oov rnmanl of India (other than llshed in Section 3 or Section 4 of iho ihi- Minmrv of Dsfonce) and by the Gazette of India) of Oenoral Statutory ?uiyeme CoiU" 13 Rules & Statutory Orders (including Bye-laws of a genoral character) issued 'AUT I—S?L WOM "> — NTit'flcjtion1! rgarding Ap- by the Ministries of tho Government of pointments, Promotions, Leave etc. of India (including tho Ministry of Defence) Government Officers issuol by tha Minls- and by Central Authorities (other than triso of the Government of India (othor Administration of Union Territories) tban tho Ministry of Dofonce) and by the Supremo Court 59 PART II—SECTION 4—Statutory Rules and Orders issued by the Ministry of Defence -W*T '—SBCION 3—Notifications relating to Reso- lute-it nl NJ-^n-Statute y Orders issued bj the Ministry of Defence . . 1 PART in—SECTION I—Notifications Issued by tho High Courts, the Comptroller and Audi- tor General, Union Public Service Com- •\t*\<, f 'in >lnTi. L/MVP atc of Oivern- mission, the Indian Government Rail- in3n,i ")Tl;)r', ijjua1 by lh^ Ministry of ways and by Attached and Subordinate Defence 45 Offices of the Government of India . . '15 FAIT II — IK'TION 1 -\cts, OriiinncM and Re^ula- tions . * PART III—SsenoN 2—Notification"! and Notices mu^l by thfl Patent QTJee, relating to PART II—S^'TiOM 1 A — \ itfnritative toxti in Hindi Patents and Designs . . 39 laA^uaijes of A;tn, Ordinances and R'gu- 18fi*ins , . . . . . -• PVKTII — }A in M ^ — Til iil'-tiptrti ifth; S)lect PART HI— SBCTIOV 3—Njtlnoatlons issued by or O"6inittee on Bill? * uuder tho authority of Chief Commis- sioners — mar II— SeCTiJvi 1—ILTI-SBCTOV (;)—Osneml Su iitory 111 si iiclj3in> Orjjrs, Hyc- li*-1-, ) : •>•" M,""i' ci\rxzf:r issuaj by PARTIH— SKCHOV 4—Miscellaneous Notifications the Ministry of th; Oovorument of lasljjing Notifications, Orders, Advoniso- lodia (othor fin th« Nflnistryof Deftnco) monts and Notices Issued by Statutory atJd by the Central Authorities (other than Bodies , . 7 41 the vinini5tr,)iioT of Uniou Territorlos) * p .nT-ir— isfTiON 3 -I'JvineriOM (n)—SMtafory P*RTIV— Mvartisemants and Noticos issued by Orrftirs and Nonfljations issued by the Private Individuals and Private Bodies . 7 f^n^itriea of tho 'WJMITII of India (otbtntian the Ministry of Ti ice) and by Csniral Authorities (other than the PART V—3up?!eumi shaving Statistics f Birthi o AdrTxlnistwioii ot ijn'on Territories) • and Djatbs eto. both in En«lish and Hindi . * reoeivad. 1* IPART 1-SKCT1ON 1] {Notifications relating to Non-Statutory Rules, Regulations, Orders and Resolutions issued t>yih« Ministries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Supreme Court] 16 17 IB MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE & COMPANY AFFAIRS mendation of the conference to work out tjic approach to the mission mode. The committee submitted its report in Octo- bei, 1999. A framework for Sarva Shiksha Abliiyan, a holis- (DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AFFAIRS) tic and convergent appioacb to L/EE in the mission mode has been finalised in consultation with states. The major Ntw Delhi, the 3rd January 2001 thrust in the Surva Shiksha Abhiyan will be us follows • — No. A-H019/l/2000-Adm.III(LA).—In issuance ot sub- (i) All 6-14 age children in achool/EGS Uentre/bridge section (3) of section 255 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 course by 2C03. (43 of 19ftl), the Central Government hereby authorises the (n) All G-L4 child) en complete llsrc year primary educa- following Members of the Appellate Tribunal lor the purpose tion by 2007. of the said sub-section with effect from the dates mentioned againsi each of them : (iii) All 6-14 chiidien complete eight yea™ of schooling by 2010. SI. No,, Name & Date on which SMC Powers Confened 2. The approach is community owned and village education 1. Sh. D. Mamnohan, JM—02-03-2000 plans prepared in cousultulion with Panchayati Raj institutions will form the basis OT UisLiict elementary education plans. 2. Sh. I. S. Verma, JM—11-10-2000 Funds to states would be channelised to regisicied societies at 3. Sh. U. B. S. Bedi, JM—21-12 2000 state level, fliere will be focus on districts having low female litciacy among Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The 4. Sh. M. M. Chcriun, AM—17-12-?000 Sarya Sbik&ha Abhiyan will cover the entire country with a y Sh. R. K. Gupta, IM—31-10-2000 special focus on educational needs of girls. Scheduled Castes «nd Scheduled Tribes. 6. Sh. M. V. R. Prasad, AM—11-12-2000 7. Sh. S. R. Cha.uhan, JM—17-12-2000 i. In order to facilitate universal elementary education, the Government of India has decided to set up the Sarva 8. Sh. P. Mohanarajan, JM— 22-11-2000 Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission in the Ministry of Human 9. Sh. H. L. Karwa, JM—27-12-2000 Resource Development (Department of Elementary Educa- tion), The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyun National Mission will be an independent and autonomous wing of the Ministry of V. ANANTHAKRISHNAN HRD (Department of Elementary Education & Literacy). Dy. Secy. vested with full executive and financial powers in its sphere of work. It will be the nodal body for all matters relating to elementary education at the national level. 4. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission shall have MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT a Governing Council and Hn executive committee. The (DEPARTMENT OF ELHMENTARY EDUCATION & Governing Council of Sarvu Shiksha Abhiyan will comprise of LITERACY) the following :— New Delhi, the 2nd Januaiy 2001 (i) Piimc Ministei of India—Chairman. 1,-ri) Minister of HRD—Vice Chairman. RESOLUTION <iii) Finance Minister, GOI. Subject : SETTING UP OF NATIONAL MISSION Jt-OR (iv) Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission. SARVA SHIKSHA ABH1YAN. (v) Minister of State, Women & Child Development. No. F. 2-4/2000-Desk (EE).—The National Policy of Edu- cation 1986, and its Programme of Action 1992, provided for ivi) Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment. trjft setting up of a National Mission for the achievement of (vii) Six senior levtl political leaders of the main national the goal of Universal Elementary Education. The Mission parties. was to have the central objective of mobilising all the re- sources, human financial and institutional Decessary for . chicv- (viii) Three Members ot Parliament (Two from 'he Lok ina the goal of UEE. The Education Ministers' conference Sabha, one fiom the. Rujya Sabha). hdd in October, 1998 had recommended the pursuit of Universal Elementary Education in the mission mode. A (ix) Six Education Minister of States responsible for Jtottopal Committee of 'Education Ministers under the olementary education. Chairmanship of the Hpn'ble Human Resource Development Minfater Dr. Murli Manofrar Joehi w^ set up on the recom- (xl Six representatives of teacher* and- teacher unions. PART I—SEC. 11 THE GAZgijt&p^-RNDJA, .J^^JARY 20, 2001 iPAUSA 30, 1922) 19 («i) Five persons from among educatjonist&.gcioottsts etc. •afecl at least once in six months at such time and places as may be fixed bv the Chairman. fxii)' Six persons from non-governmental „ organisations working In the field of education, ORDER (xlii) Three persons from women's organisations. (xlv) Three perrons working among Scheduled Castes and ORDERED that a copy of the resolution be communi- SdK-dified Tiibes in the field of elementary education. cated to all rncrcibeis of the Sarva Shiksha Mission. 5. The following will be ex-oflicio members :— - ORDERED that a copy of this resolution be sent to all Ministries and Drpaiiments of the Government of India. (i) Secretary, Department of Elementary Education & Literacy, ORDERED also th.it the resolution be published in the (ii) Director Geneial, NLM Gazetted of India for general information. (iii) Director. NIEPA ACHALA MOULIK, Secy. (iv) Director NCERT, (v) Chairman, NCTE. (vi) Director General, CSIR. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (vii) Joint Secretary Elementary Education and Director Genera], Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission (DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & COOPERATION) —Member-Secretary. (POIJCY & PLAN DfVISION) 6. Nominations on Sarva Shiksha Abliiyan National Mis- Now Delhi, the 12th September 2000 sion shall be made by the Government of India, The Chair- man of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission may addi- Subject :— Conslimtion of a Tiigh Level Task Force on tionally, invite to the meeting of the Councls, as special invitee, such person as may be seen necessary. The Mem- Agriculture bers of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission win hold office for a term of two years and will be eligible for F. No. 10-5/99-Poiicy-ES.—Agriculture sector is f-entral re-nomination, to the social economic life of the countiy. It provides food for one billion population of the country, raw material for EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE agro based industries and is a source of livlihood to two- thirds of country's population, The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission will have an Executive Committee consisting of the following :— 2. The ngrieuliure sector has a tremendous potential for generating pioduction, employment and incomes. Rapid (i) Minister Human Resource Development—Chair- changes in production technologies such as bio-technology, man. information technology and remote sensing technologies have opened new opportunities in the quest for self-relience, food (ii) Secretary, Department of Elementary Education & and nutritional security and prosperity for the fanning Literacy—Vice-Chairman. community. India has considerable competitive advantage in agriculture expoits, because of diverse agro-climatic con- (iii) Director, NCERT. ditions, relatively lower labour costs and near self-sufficiency of inputs. Liberalization of world trade in agriculfre has (iv) Direcor, NIEPA. opened up new vistas for growth and diversification of agri- (v) Chairman, NCTE, culture. (vi) DG, NLM. 3. Economic liberalization and adjustments to market economy are placing demands for new agriculture technologies (vii) DG, CSIR. and ngro management practices to harness the huge growth (vili)FA, MHRD potential. The country also needs to take measures to pro- vide an effective risk cover in pioduction systems, insurance, (ix) Principal Adviser (Education) Planninff Commii- price mechanisms, etc, to the farmers to induce them to sion. put in greater efforts and investments to make full use of the emerging opportunities in the sector. (x) Seven non-officials comprising of teachers, NGOs representatives, educationists to be nominated by 4. It has been decided to constitute a High Level Task the Chairman of the Council. Force on Agriculture with the following composition : (xi) Four Education Secretaries of the States. Chairman (xii) Joint Secretary, Elementary Education & DG, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission—Member- (i) Shri Sharad Joshi, Secretary. Chairman. Shctkari Sangathana Powers of the Council Members The Council shall be the apex policy planning body for (ii) Shri P. P. Prabhu, elementary education in India. Within the Budget provision Former Secretary (Commci cc). approved by Parliament, the Council shall have full autonomy Government of India. for their utilization. (iii) Prof, Abhijit Sen, Economist, presently Chairmau, Powers of the Executive Committee Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices, New Delhi. The Executive Committee shall carryout all the functions of the Sarva Shiksha National Mission in accordance with Membei -Secretary the policy and guidelines laid down by the Council. (iv) Shri R. C. A. Iain, - The Sarvft Shiksha Abhiyan National Mission shall have Additional Secretary, the ppwer to frame its ows rules and proceedurei- It shall Deptt. of Asri. & Coop, Ministry of Agriculture.' 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 20, 2001 (PAUSA 30, 1922) fcPAW I—Sue. 1 1 5. The Task Force will have the following Term* of Refe- 7. The Task Force shall submit itl report by February rence :— 2001. It may, however, submit interim reports, as and when considered necessary. (a) To assess the impact of WTO commitments on Indian agriculture and to suggest steps to safegaurd the Endorsement No. 10-5/W-Policy-ES dated the 12tb Sep- interests of the sector, while exploiting the opportu- tember 2000 nities presented by this treaty; ORDER (b) To make recommendations to integrate the use of information technology and other emerging techno- ORDERED that a copy of the Notification be communicated logies in the agricultural sector; to all other Ministries and Departments of the Government of India, all the State Governments and Union Territories, (c) To make recommendations for effective risk manage- Prime Minister's Office, Planning Commission, Cabinet Sec- ment in agriculture Including in production systems, retariat, President's Secretariat, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Rajya insurance, price mechanisms, future trading, etc.; Sabha Secretariat, Comptroller and Auditor General of India and and all Attached and Subordinate Officers under the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture & Cooperation). (d) Any other matter referred to it by the Government, ORDERED also that the Notification be published in the 6. The Policy & Plan Division, Department of Agriculture Gazette of India for general information. & Cooperatiion, Ministry of Agriculture, will provide the secretarial assistance to the Task Force. The members of the <JOVINDAN NAIR Task Force shall be eligible for TA/DA a» per Rules. Jt. Secy. Printed by Ch* Managor, Guvt. of India Pren, FarMabwi ft PnMbfaed by the ControUw of PabUcatfoa* DELHI—3091

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