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REGISTERED NO. DL—33001/98 The Gazette Of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 3] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1998 (PAUSA 27, 1919) (Separate paging is given to this Port in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation) 1—411 GI/97 (51) 52 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 17, 1998 (PAUSA 27,1919) [PART I--SEC.1] CONTENTS VMM PAGE PART I—SECTION 1—Notifications relating to Non- PART II—SECTION 3—SUB-SECTION (iii)—Authorative Statutory Rules, " 'Regulations," Orders texts in Hindi (other than such texts pub- and Resolutions issued by the Ministries lished in Section 3 or Section 4 of the of the Government of India (other than Gazette of India) of General Statutory the Ministry of Defence) and by the Roles & Statutory Orders (including Supreme Court 51 Bye-laws of a general character) issued PART I—SECTION 2—-Notiflcations regarding Ap- by the Ministries of the Government of pointments. Promotions, Leave etc. of India (including the Ministry of Defence Government Officers lamed by the Minis- and by Central Authorities (other than tries of the Government of India (other Administration or Union Territories) * than the Ministry of Defence) and by the PART II—Section 4—Statutory Rules and Orders Supreme Court 59 Issued by the Ministry of Defence • PART I—SECTION 3— Notifications relating to Reso- lutions and Non-Statutory Orders issued PART III—SECTION I -Notifications issued by the by the Ministry of Defence High Courts, the Comptroller and Audi, 1 tor General, Union Public Service Com-, PART I —SECTION 4 —Notifications regarding Appoint- mision, the Indian Government Rail- ments. Promotions, Leave etc. of Govern- ways and by Attached and Subordinate ment Officers issued by the Ministry of Offices of the Government of India Defence 77 47 PART II—SECTION 1—Acts, Ordinances and Regula- PART III—SECTION 2—Notifications and Notices tions • issued by the Patent offices, relating to PART II—SECTION 1.A— Authoritative exts in Hindi Patents and Designs . 105 language of Acts Ordinances and Regu- lations • PART III—SECTION 3— Notifications issued by or under the authority of Chief Commis- PART II SECTION 2 —Bills and Reports of the Select sioners . . . . . Committee on sills • • PART -SECTION 3-SUB-SECTION (i)—General Part III —Section 4 -Miscellaneous Notifications Statutory Rules (Including Orders, Bye- including Notifications, Orders, Advertise- laws, etc, of general character) issued by ments and Notices issued by Statutory the Ministries of the Government of Bodies India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by Central Authorities (other than 371 the Administration of Union/Territories • PART IV-Advertisements and Notices issued by PART II SECTION 3-SUB-SECTION (ii)_ Statutory Private Individuals and Private Bodies. Orders and Notifications issued by the 9 Ministries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and PART V-Supplement showing Statistics of Births by Central Authorities (other than the and Deaths etc both in English and Hindi. * Administration Union Territories) *Folios not recieved 53 [PART l-SECTION 1] (Notifications relating to Non-Statutory Rules, Regulations. Orders and Resolutions issued by the Ministries of the Government of India (other than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Supreme Court) MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES & No. 5/9/97-CS-I.—The-proviso to Rule 8 of the Exami- PENSIONS nation. Rules for the Combined Section Officers'/Stenogra- (DEPTT. OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING) phers' (Gr. B/Gr. I) Limited Departmental Competitive ' CORRIGENDA Examination 1997 issued under this Department's Notifica- tion No. 5/9/97-CS.t dated 12.7-1997 published in Part-I No. 5/4/96-CS-l.—The Proviso to Rule 8 of the Exami- nation Rules for the Combined Section Officers'/Stenogra- Scction-1 of the Gazette of India dated, 12-7-1997 stands phers' (Gr. B/Gr. I) Limited Departmental Competitive deleted in accordance with the ratio of the law laid down Examination, 1996 issued under this Department's Notifica- ion No. 5/4/96-CS-l dated 13-7-1996 published in Part-I in the Supreme Court's Judgement in the case of Sh. S. Section-I of the Gazette of India dated 13-7-1996 stands Vinod Kumar V/S U.O.I [JT-1996(8)SC643] and the deleted in accordance with the ratio of the law laid down. in the Supreme Court's Judgement in the case of Sh. S. instructions issued through this Department's Office Memo- Vinod Kumar V/S U.O.I. [JT-1996(8)SC643] and the randum No. 36012/23/96-Estt- (Res) dated 22-7-97 in pur- instuctions issued through this Department's Office Memo- randum No. 36012/23/96-Estt.(Res) dated 22-7-97 in pur- nuance of the aforesaid judgement. - ' suance of the aforesaid Judgement, KARTAR SINGH, Under Secy. KARTAR SINGH, Under Secy. Printed by the Manager, Govt of India Press, Faridabad and Published by the. Controller of Publications, Delhi. 1998

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