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REGISTERED NO. D-(DN)—128/91 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 3] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1991 (PAUSA 29, 1912) (Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate Compilation) [PART III—SECTION 1] [Notifications issued by the High Courts, the Comptroller and Auditor General, the Union Public Service Commission, the Indian Government Railways and by Attached] and Subordinate Offices of the Government of India] 1—416 GI/90 (57) *> §0 $1 62 63 g THE GAZETTE OF UNDIA, JANUARY 19, 1991 CWSA 29, 191.2) [PART Ilt-SflC. 1 • UNION PUnl.IC SERVICE COMMISSION Polic* ID th* CBI/SPfl on 'Deputation' basis wef the fore- noon of 28-11-1990 and until further orders. New Dclhi-linoil. the 20th November 1990 The 19th December 1990 No. A.l2025/1/89-Admn.II.—On the basis of the re- commendation of Union Public Sftviee Commission, the No. 3/41/86-AD.V.—The services of Shri E. N. Ram- Chairman, Union L'uhlic Service Commission hereby Hp- mohan, IPS (A&M : 65), Deputy Inspector General of points Shri Subodh Kumar, Investigator of the office of Police, Central Bureau of Inr«$tigtLtion. Special Police Es- Registrar General, lr.'dia, to tba post of Research Officer tablishment were placed «t tbfe disposal of Government Of (Statistics and Analysis) (General Central Service, Group Assam with effect from the forenoon of 3rd December, 'A' Gazetted, Nun-Ministerial) in the scale of pay of Rs. 1990. on repatriation. 220O-75-Z80O-EB-l()0-40iK)'- in Ihe Commission's office in u temporary capaciiy on regular basis w.e.f. the forenoon o£ S. B. LAL SHARMA 28-11-1990 (28th Novcpibcj, 1990) until further orders. Assistant Director (Estt.) CBI 2. Consequent upon the appointment of Shri Subodh Kumar as a rcgulsn iiicumbent to the post of Research Officer (Statistics and Analysis), the ad-hoc appointment (DIRECTORATE GENERAL, CRPF) of Shri J. M. Sharma as Research Officer (Statistics and Analysis) is terminated wef 28-11-1990 tFN) and Shri New Delhl-1100003, the 19 December 1990 Sharma stand) lewi-frd to the post of Junior Research Officer w.e.f. the fc:u>oon of 28 11-1990. No, Q.II-2214/86-EjttX—Coniequent on his appoint- ment as Director General, Central Reserve Police Force, 3. This office notification No. A.32013/4/88-Admn.II Shri K. P. S. Gill, IPS (A*M : 37). took over charge of dated 21-11-1990 stands modified to the extent quoted in the post In the afternoon, of lftth December, 1990. para 2 above. No. A.VT-6/88-89-Estt.-I.—Consequent on termination ot Y. R. GANDHI his appointment as Senior Administrative Officer in Research Under Secy. (Admn-I) and Development, Miniitiy of Defence, New Delhi, Shri For Chairman Krishna Murtht, Iyer, Asatt. Commandant, has reported Union Public Service Commission back in CRPF, and taken over charge in 42 Bn CRPF at •Avadi in the forenoon of 9-11-90. The 20th December 1990 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS No. O.n-2765/90-Estt.I.—Consequent on his appointment (CENTRAL FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY) as Addl. Director General, CRPF, Shri R. K. Wadehra, (CENTRAL HUREAU OF INVESTIGATION) IPS (UP : 59), took over charge of the post in the fore- noon of 19th December, 1990. New Dclhi-110 003, the 12th December 1990 BHOLA NATH No. M8-71-ClJSL/ti554.—The services of Shri P. S. Commandant Nayar, Senior Scientific Officer Grade-I (Finger Prints), Asrtt. Director (Estt.) C.F.S.L., CBI New Delhi have been placed at the dis- posal of National Crime Research Bureau, (MHA), New Delhi on deputation basis with effect from 14-11-1990 (AN) on bis appointment us Director, Central Finger (OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA) Print Bureau (MHA). New Delhi. New Delhl-110 011, the 14th December 1990 Tho 18th December 1990 No. 3/K/87-AD.V.—The President is pleased to appoint No. i;/15/89-Ad.IH(Tripura).—The President Is pleased Shri A. P. Sinph. IPS (BH : 1974) as Dy. Inspector Gene- to appoint Shri R. K. De Choudhury an officer belonging ral of Police on deputation basis in the Central Bureau to the Trfpura Civil Service, Grade I to the post of Dy. of Investigation, Special Police Establishment with effect Director of Census Operations In the Office of the Director from the forenoon of 14th December, 1990 and until of Census Operations, Tripura. by transfer on deputation further orders, for a period of one year with effect from the forenoon of 23-11-90 or until further orders, whichever is earlier. No 3/40 /90-AD.V.—Director, Central Bureau of Investi- gation and Inspector General of. Police, Special Police Es- 2. The Headquarter of Shri R. K. De Choudhury will tablishment is pleased to appoint Shri S. S. Krishnamurthy, be as may be fixed by the Director of Census Operations, Dy. SP of Tamil Nadu Police to officiate as Dy. Supdt. of Tripura. The 17th December 1990 No. 1/15/89-Ad.UIf Andhra Pradesh).—The President is pleased to appoint the following Officers of the Government of Andhra Pradesh to the post of Dy. Director of Census Opcrati cms in the Office of the Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh, on purely temporary and ad-hoc basis by transfer on deputation for a period of one year with effect from the dates as mentioned against each or until further orders, whichever is earlier. S.No Name of Officer Present post held Date of Appointment 1. Shri P. Sudhakar Rao Dy. Collector, 30-ll-90(AN) Andhra Pradesh 2. Shri D. RadhaKiishnan Chief Planning Officer Dte. of Eco. & 3O-ll-9O(AN) Stat., Andhra Pradesh The Headquarters of the abovt officers will be as may be fixed by the Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh. MAHENDRA NATH, ft. Registrar Genera], India PAUT HI—Sic. 1} THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 19, 1991 (PAUSA 29, 1912) 65 MINISTRY OF LABOUR MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (LABOUR DEPARTMENT) (OFFICE OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER) (LABOUR BUREAU) Shfmla-4, the 4th January 1991 (SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES) No. 5/1/90-NCP1.—The" AIW«sWa^Cfli]aun;er Price Index Iftmibu iuMnd'umria] Wafterc on BHc : 19SJ"iT^-«icrcas?J New Delhi, the 141h December J990 by three points to reach 198 (one hundred ninety>*sht)-j£i_ the month of November, 1990. ^oT~^tWH^S2J3-\(iG).—The President is pleased -to VIJAY KUMAR appoint Shri k. I,.5fTET»tb»T—A^l^tmyt Director, Grade-] Deputy Director (Economic Investigation) Small lH3uT5rrr«i^Sja^iceInstitute Labour Bureau laipur as Deputy Director (Economic Inveitigafioirt--—at_ Small Industries Service Institute, New Delhi with effect OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER GENERAL from the forenoon of 28-11-90 unt'1 further orders (DEFENCE ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT) No. A-190l8/1016/89-A(G),—The President is pleased New Delhi-110066, the 18th December 1990 to appoint Shri Vijay Kumar P. Wani as Mechanical Engi- neer at Integrated Training Centre, Nilokheri with effect No. AN-I/1991/5/L—The President is pleased to accept from the forenoon of 12-11-90 until further orders. the resignation tendered by Shri Anand Mittal with effect from 31-l6-l»90 (Afternoon) from the Indian Defence M. N. GUHA, Account Strvkw. Accordingly, Shri Anand Mittal, IDAS Dy. Director (Admn.) (Probationer) has been struck efl the strength of Defence Accounts Department with effect from 31-10-1990 (After- noon). The 20th December 1990 New Delhi, the 14th December 199.0 No. AN-I/1743/5/1.—Shri K. Radhakrishruui, an officer of Indian Defence Accounts Service ha* been transferred per- manently to the post of Controller of Aid, Accounts A No. A-19018/1083/90-A(Oh—Tho Development Com- Audit ui the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry oi missioner (Small Scale Industries) is pleased to appoint Fiaanco, Nw Delhi whh effect from 6th December, 1990 Smt. G. Sulochuna, Superintendent, Small Industries Ser- (Afternoon) and 1IHB accordingly been struck off the vice Institute, Trichur as Assistant Director, Grade-II strength of the Defence Accounts Department with effect (General Administrative Division) at the same Institute from the same date. with effect from the forenoon of 27-11-90 until further ordern. R. K. CHAWLA Addl, Controller General of Defence Accounts M. V. NAGARAIA RAO (Administration) •Dy. Director (Admn.) ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Calcutta-53. the 13 December, 1990 No. F.2-6ilB9-E&tt./16206—The following officers arc hereby appointed to the posts of Assistant Zoologist (Group) - B) in the scale of Rs. 2000-60-2330-EB--75-3200-100-3500 in the Regional Stations of this survey as mentioned below in a temporary capicity, w.e.f. thu dates mentioned against each of th:m until further ord^s:- SI. No. Name Date Stations 1. ShriBulg^ninMitra . , 26-7-90 An un^n & Nico- bar Regional Sta- tion, ZSI, Port Blair- 2. Dr. Davis Frank Singh 20-6-90 Western Regional • Station, Zii, Pune. Prof. MOHAMMAD SHAMIM JA1RAJPUR1, Director, Zoological-! Survey of India MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE is pleased to promote Shri R. Sivjswumy Satiy, Superin- 3 (.DIRECTORATE OF OIL SEEDS DEVELOPMENT ) tendent to the post of Administrative Officer (Group B- (DEPARTMENT .OF AGRICULTURE & Gazetted—Ministerial) in the Directorate of Oilseeds Deve- lopment, Hyderabad un temporary basis in the pay scale COOPERATION) of Rs. 2000-60-2300-HB-75-3200-100-3500/- with effect from Hyderabad-500 029, the 18th December 1990 10-12-1990 (AN) nnd until further uiJers,. He will be on No. F.8-16/83-EsM.^-On the recommendations of the probation for n pt-ricit-l oi two years from 10-12-1990 (AN). Departmental Promotion Committee for Group B posts, the He will draw pay mill allowances as admissible under the Director, Directorate of Oilseeds Development, Hyderabad mipfl 2—416 GI/90 66 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 19, 1991 (PAUSA 29. 1912) PART HI—SEC. 1 <• No. F.8-17/79-Estt.—On the recommendations of the BHABHA ATOMC RESEARCH CENTRE Departmental Promotion Committee for Group B posts, the Director. Directorate of Qilsueds Dcvelopmtnt, Hyderabad (PERSONNEL DIVISION) is pleased to promote Shri S. Ballurkar, Senior Technical AsMstant (AP) to the post of Statistical Officer (Group B- Bombay^lOO 085, the 17th December 1990 Gazetted—Non-Ministerial in the Directorate of Oilseeds Dcvelortmisnt, Hyderabad on temporary basis in the pay No. PA/79(l4)/86-R-ni 3208.—fa-^wp««wtioa_Qf_jUiia_ scale of Rs. 2<5MP6tX--23OO-EB-75-3200-lOO-3JOO/- with _OflJ££_Mern6randum No. PA/79(14)/86-R-IH/'3004 dated effect from 14-12-1990 (AN) and until further_o_idfirfc—He- November 7. 1990, Controller, Bhabha Atomic Research will bo on probation f or ajjaiio4---of"Twc>year8 fiom Centre appoints Shri Ramanlal Motiram Chauhan, permanent 14-12-90 (FN}J_-J**-'Wiir~3rMv pay and allowances m Upper Division Clerk and officiating Assistant of this Re- jidwissttsleunder the rules. search Centre to officiate as Assistant Personnel Officer ou ad-hoc basis from 5-10-1990 to 19-10-1990 (FN) and oil M. D. WASNIK Director regular basis with effect from the forenoon of 19-10-1990 to ihe scale of pay of Rs. 2OOO-60-23OO-EB-75-3200/- lu thl« Research Centre until further orders. z DIRECTORATE OP MARKETING AND INSPECTION No. Ref. PA/79(14)/86-R-III/3209.—In supersession of (DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT) this Office Memorandum No. PA/79(14)/86-R-IH/3005 dated November 7, 1990, Controller, Bhabha Atomic Research Faridabad, the 19th December 1990 Centre appoints Shri Vidyadhar Dattatraya Bivalkar a perma- No. A-19024/4/90-A.I.—On the recommendations of D.P.C. nent Upper Division Clerk and officiating Selection Grade iGroup 'B'), the Agricultural Marketing Advisor to the Govt, Clerk to officiate as Assistant Personnel Officer in the scale of India has appointed Shri G, K. Mazumdar, Junior Chemist of pay of Rs. 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 in this Research to the post of Senior Chemist In this Directorate on rLgular Centre with effect from the forenoon of October 19, 1990 basis with effect from 31-8-1990 (FN). until further orders. A. K. CHOPRA Section Officer K. G. ABRAHAM for Agricultural Marketing Adviier Dy. Establishment Officer DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH Kalpakkam, the 4th December, 1990 No.l GCAR/A 32013/31/90-R/342—The President is pleased to appoint the following Scientific Officer /Engi- neers in the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam to the post shown against tach in an officia- ting capacity with effect from the forenoon of August 1, 1990 until further orders :— SI. No. Name & Designation Promotion to the Grade 1 2 3 01 Shri S.A. Weling Scientific Officer Grade "G" Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SG" 02 Shri K. Raghavan Scientific Officer Grade "G" Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SG" 03 Shri J.B. Gnanamurthy Scientific OfficeT/fingtnecr Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SF" Grade "SG" 04 Shri R. Chandramohan Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SF" Grade "SG" 05 Shri A.S. Hunjan Scientific Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SF" Grade " SG" 06 Shri P.R. Narayan Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SF" Grade "SG" 07 Shri K. Ramani Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SG'1 Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SF" Grade 'SG" OS Shri D.P-. Dcdhiya Scientific/Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SF" Grade "SG" PART III—SEC. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 19, 1991 (PAU3A 29, 1912) 67 1 2 3 09 Dr. T.S. Ramakrishnan Scientific Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SF" Grade "SG" 10 Shri A.L. Kothandaraman Scientific Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" n Shri P. Ramkumar Scientific Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" 12 Shri N.S. Thampi Scientific Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" 13 Shri Y. Hariharan Scientific Officer/ Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" 14 Shri K.S. Krishnamurthy Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" 15 Shri M. Venkataraman Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" 16 Dr. (Smt.) Saraswatliy Scientific Officer/Engineer Venkataraman Grade "SF" Scientific Officer/ Engineer Grade "SE" 17 Shri T.V. Karithikeyan H*1 Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" If? Shri S.B. Koganti Scientific Officer /Engineer Scientific O)Ticer/Engin.;L-r Grade "SE" Grade "SF" !« Shri G. Srinivasan Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/Enginur Grade "SE" Grade"SF" 20 Shri P. Rajamani Scientific Officer/Engineer Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" 21 Shri M.P. Mishra Scientific Officer/Engineer Scienlitic Officer/Engineer Grade "SE" Grade "SF" O. Sethunmiiin Chief Admin.strfltive Officer Kalpakkara, the I Oth December 1990 No. IGCAR/A-12023/90-R/340 The Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam is pleased to appointthc following officialsasSenlorP.A.inthis Centre in a temporary capacity with offoctfrom the date noted against each uniil further orders. S.No. Name & Designation Date of Appointment 1. Shri S. Anandakumar Steno Grade 111 13-10-87 (FN) 2. Shri G. Ramakrishnan Steno Grade 1.11 13-10-87 (FN) 3. Smt. S. Rangamani Steno Grade III 13-10-87 (FN) 4. Shri V.S. Venkatachalitth Steno Grade III 13-10-87 (FN) 5. Smt. B. Indira Steno Grade IN 13-10-87 (FN) Smt. P. Mohanasundari Sr. Steno 19-04-89 (FN) 6. C. STEPHEN BALASUNDARAM, Administrative Officer

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