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Gateways to Art: Understanding the Visual Arts PDF

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c GATEWAYS TO ART priated by TreeHunterBooks priated by TreeHunterBooks c (cid:127) (cid:127) Debra J. DeWitte Ralph M. Larmann M. Kathryn Shields Understanding the Visual Arts With 1013illustrations,865incolor Thames Hudson & priated by TreeHunterBooks II GatewaystoAitcopyrightS2012Thames&Hudson Textcopyrights2012DebraJ.DeWitte,RalphM.Larmann andM.KathrynShields AllRightsReserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmitted inanyformor byanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopy, recordingoranyotherinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutprior permissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Firstpublishedin2012inpaperbackinthe UnitedStatesofAmericaby Thames&HudsonInc,500FifthAvenue,NewYork,NewYork 10110 thamesandhudsonusa.com LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber2011922637 ISBN978-0-500-28956-3 ISBN 978-0-500-77041-2Ipdfebook) DesignedbyGeoffPenna PrintedandboundinChinabyC&COffsetPrintingLtd FRONTCOVER HenriMatisse, Icarus,PlateVIIIfrom Jazz, 1943-47.The MuseumofModernArt,NewYork. The LouisE.SternCollection.930.1964.8.Digitalimage,TheMuseumof ModernArt,NewYork/Seala,Floience. SSuccessionH.Matisse/DACS2012 BACKCOVER Above,lefttoright: KatsushikaHokusai,'TheGreatWaveoffShoreatKanagawa,"from Thirty-SixViewsofMountFuji, 1826-33(printedlater).Libraryof Congress,Washington,D.C. ArtemisiaGentileschi, JudithDecapitatingHolofernesc.1620.UfftziGallery,Florence Raphael, TheSchoolofAthens,1510-11.StanzadellaSegnatura,VaticanCity DorotheaLange, MigrantMother,Nipomo,California,1936.LibraryofCongressWashington,D.C. The GreatPyramidcfKhufu,Giza, c.2,500BC.PhotoHeidiGrassleySThames&HudsonLtd,London FranciscoCeGoya, TheThirdofMay,18081814.MuseoNacionaldelPrado,Madrid Below: ColossalHead,Olmec,Basalt,1500-1300BCE.MuseodeAntropologia,Veracruz,Mexico. PhotoIrmgardGroth-KimballSThames&HudsonLtd,London priated by TreeHunterBooks c Contents HowtoUse GatewaystoArt: Understandingthe VisualArts 13 GatewayFeaturesfor GatewaystoArt 16 Introduction 26 What IsArt? 26 Where IsArt? 29 WhoMakesArt? 30 TheValueof Art 36 Censorshipof Art 39 Why Do WeStudy Art? 61 FEATURES: RobertWittman;What IstheValueof anArtwork? 36 Tracy Chevalier:Art Inspiresa Noveland a Movie 38 j PART1FUNDAMENTALS 66 Chapter 1.1 Line 66 ArtinTwo Shape 57 Dimensions:Line, Contrast 58 Shape,andthe Conclusion 61 Principleof FEATURE: Contrast 66 Gatewayto Art;Goya.77?e ThirdofMay. 1808: UsingLineto GuidetheViewer's Eye 56 Chapter 1.2 Form 62 Three-Dimensional ForminReliefand intheRound 66 Art:Form,Volume, Volume 68 Mass,and Texture 62 Mass 70 Texture 72 Conclusion 75 FEATURES: Gatewayto Art:The Great Pyramidof Khufu:The Importanceof Geometric Form 66 Gateway to Art: ColossalOlmec Heads: Massand Power 70 TheGuggenheim Museum,Bilbao 76 Chapter 1.3 Value 77 ImpliedDepth:Value Space 80 andSpace 76 Perspective 86 Conclusion 91 priated by TreeHunterBooks c FEATURES: Gateway to Art; Hokusai. "The Great Wave offShore at Kanagawa";Methodsfor Implying Depth 8i Gatewayto Art; Raphael. The SchoolofAthens: PerspectiveandtheIllusionof Depth 89 Chapter 1.4 LightandColor 92 Color 92 Dimensionsof Color 93 ColorSchemes 96 Our Perceptionsof Color 99 ColorinDesign 101 ColorandtheBrain 103 Conclusion 105 FEATURE: Gatewayto Art; Matisse.Icarus.TheArtist's FascinationwithColor 97 Chapter 1.5 Time 106 TimeandMotion 106 Motion 108 NaturalProcessesandthePassageof Time 115 Conclusion 115 FEATURE: Gatewayto Art; Lange.MigrantMother-.TimeandMotioninPhotography m Chapter 1.6 Unity 116 Unity,Variety,and Variety 122 Balance 116 Balance 126 Conclusion 127 FEATURE: Gateway to Art; Hokusai, "The Great Wave off Shore at Kanagawa":A Masterpieceof Unity andHarmony 117 Chapter 1.7 Scale 128 Scaleand Proportion 131 Proportion 128 Conclusion 135 FEATURE: Gatewayto Art: Raphael. The SchoolofAthens: Scaleand Proportionina Renaissance Masterpiece 133 Chapter 1.8 EmphasisandSubordination 136 EmphasisandFocal FocalPoint 138 Point 136 EmphasisandFocalPointinAction 160 Conclusion ui FEATURE: Gatewayto Art; Gentileschi.Judith DecapitatingHolofernes:EmphasisUsedtoCreate Drama 139 Chapter 1.9 Pattern u2 Patternand Rhythm U6 Rhvthm 162 Conclusion 151 V FEATURE: Gatewayto Art:Goya.The ThirdofMay. 1808:VisualRhythmintheComposition 150 Chapter 1.10 Content 152 Contentand Modesof Analysis 156 Analvsis 152 ImitationandIndividualStyle 162 4 Conclusion 163 priated by TreeHunterBooks c I j PART2 MEDIAANDPROCESSES 164 Chapter2.1 Functionsof Drawing 166 Drawing 166 TheMaterialsof Drawing:DryMedia 169 TheMaterialsof Drawing:Wet Media m Paper 176 The Drawing Process 177 Conclusion 179 FEATURES: Gatewayto Art;Raphael, The SchoolofAthens: DrawingintheDesignProcess 168 Gatewayto Art;Matisse.Icarus-. Lineand Shape 178 Chapter2.2 Encaustic 180 Painting 180 Tempera 181 Fresco 183 Oil 185 Acrylic 188 Watercolor and Gouache 188 InkPainting 189 Spray Paint andWallArt 190 Conclusion 191 FEATURES: Melchor Peredo:Fresco Painting Inspired bythe MexicanRevolution m GatewaytoArt; Ger\t\[escW\Judith DecapitatingHolofernes PaintingsasPersonal Statements 187 Chapter2.3 Contextof Printmaking 192 Printmaking 192 ReliefPrintmaking 193 IntaglioPrintmaking 195 PlanographicPrintmaking 199 Editions 202 Monotypesand Monoprints 202 Conclusion 203 FEATURES: Gateway to Art; Hokusai, "The Great Wave off Shoreat Kanagawa";UsingtheWoodblock PrintingMethod 195 Gatewayto Art;Goya.The Thirdof May. 1808: PrintsasArt andas CreativeTools 198 Chapter2.4 The Early Historyof GraphicArts 204 Visual GraphicDesign 206 Communication Layout Design 210 Design 204 Web Design 211 Conclusion 211 Chapter2.5 Recording the Image 212 Photography 212 TheHistoryof Photography 212 Photographic Genres 215 Photojournalism 219 TheArt of Photography 221 Conclusion 227 FEATURES: Diagramof Film PhotographyDarkroom 215 priated by TreeHunterBooks c Gatewayto Art: Lange,MigrantMother.HowthePhotographWas Shot 216 Steve McCurry: HowaPhotographerCapturesaMoment 220 Chapter2.6 Moving Images before Film 228 Film/Videoand Silent and Black-and-White Film 230 DigitalArt 228 SoundandColor 231 AnimationandSpecialEffects 232 FilmGenres 235 FilmasArt 236 Conclusion 239 FEATURE: BillViola: HowDidVideo BecomeArt? 238 Chapter2.7 Contextof Alternative Media 240 Alternative Media PerformanceArt 241 andProcesses 240 ConceptualArt 243 Installationand Environments 246 Conclusion 247 FEATURE: MelChin:Operation Paydirt/Fundred DollarBillProject 245 Chapter2.8 Ceramics 248 TheTraditionof Glass 253 Craft 248 Metalwork 255 Fiber 256 Wood 258 Conclusion 259 FEATURES: Hyo-lnKim:Art orCraft:What's the Difference? 249 Gateway to Art: ColossalOlmec Heads:Sculpture inStoneand Clay 251 Faith Ringgold. TarBeach.1988 257 Chapter2.9 Approaches to Three DimensionsinSculpture 260 Sculpture 260 Methodsof Sculpture 263 Light and KineticSculpture 270 Installations 273 Conclusion 273 FEATURES: Gateway to Art: ColossalOlmec Heads: HowSculptorsMadetheColossalHeads 263 Michelangelo 264 Antony Gormley:AsianField 272 Chapter2.10 TheContext of Architecture 274 Architecture 274 The Engineering and Scienceof Architecture 276 TraditionalConstructionin NaturalMaterials 276 The Emergenceof Modern Materialsand ModernArchitecture 284 Contrasting IdeasinModernArchitecture 289 The Futureof Architecture 291 Conclusion 291 FEATURES: Gatewayto Art:The Great Pyramidof Khufu:MathandEngineering 277 LeCorbusier'sVilla Savoye and Frank LloydWright's Fallingwater 286 ZahaHadid: ABuilding forExciting Events 290 priated by TreeHunterBooks c PART3 HISTORYANDCONTEXT 292 Chapter3.1 PrehistoricArt inEuropeand the Mediterranean 295 ThePrehistoric Mesopotamia:TheCradleofCivilization 298 andAncient Ancient Egypt 300 Mediterranean 294 Art of Ancient Greece 304 RomanArt 309 DiscussionQuestions 312 FEATURES: Gatewayto Art;The Great Pyramidof Khufu:Belief inthe Afterlife 301 Hieroglyphs 302 Zahi Hawass:TheGoldenMaskof KingTutankhamun 303 ClassicalArchitecturalOrders 306 Sculpture throughout Ancient Greece 308 Chapter3.2 Artof LateAntiquity 315 Artofthe Middle ByzantineArt 318 Ages 314 ManuscriptsandtheMiddleAges 320 PilgrimageintheMiddleAges 322 Symbolism in MedievalChurches 325 TheRiseof theGothic 327 FromtheGothicto Early RenaissanceinItaly 328 DiscussionQuestions 328 FEATURE: Three Religionsof the MiddleAges 316 Chapter3.3 India 332 Art ofIndia,China, China 336 andJapan 330 Japan 340 DiscussionQuestions 346 FEATURES: Philosophicaland Religious Traditions inAsia 331 TheThreePerfections:Calligraphy.Painting.Poetry 337 Sonoko Sasaki:Art and TraditioninJapan 341 Japonisme:The Influenceof Ukiyo-eon FrenchArtists 345 Gateway to Art: Hokusai, "The Great Wave off Shoreat Kanagawa";Mount Fuji:TheSacred MountainofJapan 346 Chapter3.4 TheAmericas: When's the Beginning? 348 Artofthe SouthAmerica 348 Americas 348 Mesoamerica 353 NorthAmerica 359 DiscussionQuestions 362 FEATURES: HowDo We Know? 349 The Importanceof Wool 352 Gateway to Art: ColossalOlmec Heads:The Discoveryof MonumentalPortraitsat La Venta354 Chapter3.5 Art of Africa 364 ArtofAfrica andthe African Architecture 368 Pacific Islands 364 Art of thePacificIslands 370 DiscussionQuestions 374 priated by TreeHunterBooks c FEATURE: PaulTacon:AustralianRockArt 371 Chapter3.6 The Early RenaissanceinItaly 377 ArtofRenaissance TheHighRenaissanceinItaly 380 andBaroqueEurope TheRenaissanceinNorthernEurope 384 (1400-1750) 376 Late Renaissance and Mannerism 388 The Baroque 393 DiscussionQuestions 396 FEATURES: Gatewayto Art: Raphael, The SchoolofAthens-. Pastand PresentinthePainting 382 PieterBruegel:A Sampling of Proverbs 386 Depictionsof David 392 Gatewayto Art: Gentileschi.Judith DecapitatingHolofemes:TheInfluenceof Caravaggio 394 Chapter3.7 Rococo 398 ArtofEurope Neoclassicism 403 andAmerica Romanticism 405 (1700-1900) 398 Realism 408 Impressionism 411 Post-lmpressionismandSymbolism 415 Findesiecle andArtNouveau 417 DiscussionQuestions 420 FEATURES: EuropeanandAmerican Art Academies:Makinga Livingasan Artist 400 Gatewayto Art; Goya,The ThirdofMay, 1808:TheArtist andthe RoyalFamily 406 ModernSculpture:Auguste Rodinand Camille Claudel 414 The Museumsof Paris 419 Chapter3.8 TheRevolutionof ColorandForm 422 Twentiethand Expressionism 427 Twentv-First Dada 429 / Centuries:TheAge Surrealism 431 ofGlobalArt 422 TheInfluenceof Cubism 433 AbstractExpressionism 437 PopArt 438 Minimalism 441 ConceptualArt 442 Postmodernism,Identity,and Multiculturalism 443 DiscussionQuestions 450 FEATURES: Gatewayto Art: Matisse.Icarus:CutoutsasFinishedArt 424 GertrudeSteinasan Art Patron 427 ReligionandSymbolismin The Throne 440 Modern and Postmodern Architecture 444 The Complexity of Today's [Art]World 449 PART4 THEMES 452 Chapter4.1 Civic and CeremonialPlaces 454 Artand ManmadeMountains 459 Community 454 Ritual: Performance, Balance,and Healing 464 Art inthe PublicSphere 466 DiscussionQuestions 469 priated by TreeHunterBooks

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