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Roe Collags ® GATE AZETTE WOW. RCC MASS EDU MARCH, 2008 % wos GOES TO THE POLLS 7 7) WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR? WHY? Srudens and other mentier of the Rexbury Community College (RCC) community have been invleed in deriving who will be the cendidates in the bse presidential elon in November. They were interviewed hous ter preference last month bfore and afer the primary on Fe. 5. They were asked in which primary they ted for thom they voted what factor: determined thir oes if race or gender influenced them: and what thir ‘candidate har done for minorities “Eoeryone intervie std hey weed in the Demecrtic primary. When aed what thir candidate bas done for rmnortie, everyone sid they dni know —By ACC Journalim 1 Students Seale Acie, 20 igthir Neale sa RCC set ma day ni. “Tiking ep head try mtr fom Marts Vine_jrngn oped ten. She wht kt Bas Hilary Jee cute radigin Hyde hea Dance, dough, wold mae or eve Hila sod Fut He said ‘Twant someone "At onetime Republicans wee Back" sbe id iste peopl Tmgpingto the peopl pur During thew Emma i an RCC student Tet Obese Racor geet cnnroion ok wet neny sing ning, Coming fom Gatc pry purr in sche, Gender pur. Logance tens county long paged By or events | hs Tchor Ours inne eR boku epi np cal id cinton tina este nop. mre 6. rarernnte | teres me atecgot hope” champion of the cite a big, th operant fbr © intone to tte Rp, Mare Sur a ACC | Rs Obani ran abn. The a of wr afl for rote stanton edo, [ractog. Labret mintpe og mje Mared carey che Docu on Gewie e tid Fr beets thee wich Trtling Nook She wis not hele arbor pce Denes ome Jb snd pow eee re Oe ak. eae eee eee ee ee eee CHELSEA CLINTON CAMPAIGNS AT RCC By Juov KANALAS. ‘Walking into the Reggie Lewis Center last month, Chelsea Clin ton-—the daughter ofa father who was 2 US President and a mothe, US Senator Hillary Clinton, whois campaigning forthe office came tw help spread her mothers mesage at Roxbury Community College (RCC) the week before the Mas- sachuses primary. ‘Chelsea Clinton isan accom- plished individ inher own ight ‘who holds an undergraduate de- {ee from Sanford University and Smarter degre fiom Univesity College at Oxford. Una recently, she worked for a high-powered financial rm in Manhattan ‘Continaed on page 2 attending Northeastern, She said, “Teanea president who i about action. Ivoed for Hillary Clin- fon because she makes me fel like shel get reat deal accom plied. She was the great woman behind Bil (Clintons big onda. She managed to keep her head high and give her husband al the support he need to go on.” She ‘sil nciher ace nor gender played 4 pare in her primary vote, “bat the fice chat Hillary hat come as far as she as isl inspiring and pling co women aco the US. [fel that chere wil be pleny of ‘women voting for Hilary becuse oF history aswel as the dfeence the can make" By Britany Fernandes are not the ideal parry, but prefr- ‘hie o wat lef” This ection Barack Obama is her choice she said because of his commitment toa new fh approach that will change policy, thereby bonding the cases socially and econom lly “The thought that race is the foremost attraction i a de ‘meaning to blacks as the idea ‘that women will ote solely for another woman, Blacks posess sound strong minds that formu late individual opinions which lead to edacated intelligent deci- sions, The political future of our people is far too important for ‘annish voring,” she stated. She ‘sid she sees Barack sche present Democrats come jobs and pos sible economic gain for working ‘lass people. “Barack Obama, #9 polished, exploding with incel- Tee, keen oratory aki, vision, and strong Afian genes, will gx ty votes no wonder the entire [African diaspora is watching,” ‘commented Ema. For race o gender o beanie sue in choice would be insulting to both Democratic ontrunner ‘supporters wat her take on the {queston, "If only we dared t0 follow the outcry from Obama's Midwestern constituents, we might becomea far better, sron- ‘ger nation,” Emma said, Continued on page 2 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM HAS WINNING YEAR By ERIN HARPER Aer a four-year hiatus fom competitive play, the Roxbury Community College (RCC) ‘Womens Basketball Tear has just finished the season as winners, “The Lady Tigers, with 310-8 eg ‘lar seaton record, also carned a playoff spor in the Masachuserts Sate Tournament. Unfortunately, che women lst +0 top-seeded Holyoke Commu. nity College, 67-49, on Feb. 23, at Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester. According to fans, che game seemed much closer than the Final score indi ‘ate, Freshman guard Brandi San- tiago had by far her best game of the seaon, grabbing 10 rebounds and adding 8 points, Freshman fant Kiel Banks had a eam-high 18 point, Qualifying for the playofts this seaton, which many con- sidered a rebuilding year, is a tuemendous accomplishment for the team and coaching staf” sid RCC Athlete Director Keith Me- Deore Continued on page 3 Ponts Roxbury Community Collage Lady Tigers freshman guard Ashley Murchison takes a jump shot during 9 game at the Reggie Lowi Center versus Quinsigamond Community College. Under the ‘supervision of head coach Mark Leszczyk and assistant coaches Shakur Yahya and Cody Elicer, {he reinstated women's basketball team is having a successful season after Tour year hiatus. 2.» ROXBURY COMMUNITY COLLEGE GATEWAY GAZETTE + MARCH 2008 CHELSEA CLINTON Continued fom page 1 Clinton was introduced to RCC student and faculty by «0 local elected officials, state Rep. “Marie St. Fleur and Safa Coun- ‘y Sheriff Andiea Cabal St Fleur spoke about Senator Clintons experince and her prov leadership. "We need someone who knows where the bones are buried and how to uncover them,” the sid. “Government hus «role ‘o payin enhancing the lives ofall people. Experience coun” (Cabral told the audience that, in her opinion, President Bush “has mortgaged our fare.” She lko noted the importance of Hill ary Clitoris experience. “The best indicator of whac somebody will do i what cheyve already done,” the sid ‘TheyoungerClinton responded to several questions fom students ‘When asked what her mother ‘would do to help student strug: sling financially, she mentioned the $3,500 eax cri tha families, wil rcv for every child in col- leg, aces 0 more Pll Grans and the value of Amercorps, which of fersloan postponement. lected, Hillary Clinton would ey 10 in create to $10,000 the amount tiven to college-bound citizens tho have served a east one year in Americonps, er daughter sid. ‘On the immigrant sue, Chel- sea Clinton mentioned “The Dream Act,” which would offer citizenship to the children of i- legal immigrants who have earned associate degrees of served eo years inthe military. legal im- tigen need ro "come oat of the shadows,” she std. Hillary Clinton serves on the Senate Armd Services Commitee and, according to her daughter, noted during her eequested de- briefing that there is no plan in Place wich regard eo exiting Iraq ‘According to Clinton, her mother ‘believes chat the US should noe be refereeing, Iraq needs to find its ‘own political slutons ’At the RCC forum, Chelsea Clinton spoke on several other ‘sues, and once, when she didat know the answer, requerted the femal addres ofthe udent who tsked the question 20 she could father more information. After the formal queston-and-answer sesion, Clinton stayed fr sever ‘minutes and spoke informally to students and fculy. The writer is eordinatr of the RCC Writing Center and faulty seit to The Gateway Gate WHO & WHY Continued from page 1 ¢, 4 state employee and father of an RCC student, Sid he feels thie stare and na ‘ion have suffered enough Fom years of Republican leadership.” If not subjected to Republi can setbacks, Im sure I would have secured funds 0 enroll my daughter in a four-year school 1 oppored toa two-year school prior ro a foun” Bryant said Barack Obama is his man. He said that not only docs he see ‘Obama bringing new leadership and a bewer perception abroad, bute als ses Obama inspiring senerations of children co aspire to games. ‘Why do prejudic- ces always raise theic ugly heads? ‘Obama is not the fist black to ‘un for president noe is Clinton the frst Female. The race and gender card didnt factor before, $0 why would they be critical ‘now? Is i just because one of them is assured the nomina- Kathleen Tracey, 24 years fold and a thied-year student at RCC majoring in business Imanageinent, sid she is voting for Hillary Clinton. Tracey said the is voting for Clincon based fon gender. There’ never been 2 ‘woman president," Tacey said, “Tliked ic when President Clin- ton was in office. Things were ‘much bertcr then.” Tracey sid the believes that ies import for her to vote for Clinton be- ‘cause she remembers that worn fen didet have the right ro vote. ‘Tracey made ic clear that shes voting primarily based on race, but she felt ic was important to add that blacks would also base their vote on the premise of race “I think chac blacks ae going to vote for Obama,” she Sid. “Blacks dides have alo of rights as wel. I think if you'e prejudiced against women or black people, thats going co de- termine your vote Micris Godfrey, who is 22 years old and attending his frst semester at Roxbury Commu Earning a Bachelor’s Degree nity College, sid is voring for ‘Obama, He sai he fels chat ies time fora black president. “Td Tike to see Obama win. I's time for an educated Black man in the oval office,” he st. God frey, who said he is confident that Obama wil create positive ‘changes for all Americans, will ‘continue to support Obama.“ believe that most black people ‘wll suppore Obama as wall. We {blacks} have come all long way. Yes, weve had black man run for president before. However, he wasn a polished and accu: late” By Naya Mawes Denise Badgett, 31, is « broadcast media technology su dene from Dorchester. She sid ‘he is for Obama and is voring for him because he is black. She said, "We are just exited to have will do for our country. She sid race and gender had nothing to ddo with her decision a all, just. the face that she likes the Clin- ton family and would like wo see four country be run again by 3 Clinton. On the other hand, Adianer sated chat mos black people will be inclined to vote for Barack Obama because of his race Delilah Ortiz is 2 sopho- more at RCC, and she will be voting for Hilary Clinton to be fou frst female president. She sid she thinks that most wom- en ae inclined t0 vote for Hi ary because of her gender and because they would like co see four first female president and hhow she will un our country {As for herself she sid, “Race or gender had nothing to do with ‘my decision.” IGN isa sophomore at RCC Earning a Bachelor’s Degree at UMass Lowell could be easier than you think. UMass Lowell is committed to making the transfer process—and completion of your bachelor's degree—as smooth as possible. ‘At www.umledu/transfer you can ‘* See when a UML transfer counselor will be at your campus this spring; ++ Look at the Transfer Dictionary to check out which of your courses might transfer; * Learn the requirements for the BA or BS degree that interests you and ‘* Meet transfer students who share their experiences at UMass Lowel Dh: A “Transtr Office, UMass Lovell Office of Undergraduate Admissions {883 Broadway, Suite 110 Lowel, MA 01854 978-934-3031 ‘ranters@uml edu wou. edutranser a | GATEWA\ Se ee ee for him because he is black. She my decision ssid, “Weare justexcted w have G.N is a sophomore at RCC ‘black man cunning." She's a and a crim 3 justice major Democrat and said, "Iam just She aid her decision to vote for ready for ablack man o win.” Hillary Clinton had nothing ‘Betsey Santana, 21, isan In- o do with the fact tha she is 3 dependent from Waltham. She woman. She sd likes Hillary is a broadcast technology stu- and she would like t sce how dent. She sid she efor Clinton she will do cunning our coun: because her husband, former try. G.N said that women wi president Bill Clinton, is be- be inclined to vote for her be- hind her She said she feels that cause she willbe che fis fe black people are going to vote president, and many women for Obama because he can do like her would love to have something for the community. 4 female president for once She said she doesnt support G.N also stated that most black people based on race oF gender, people will be inclined to vote juscon ther achievements. for Barack Obama just because By James MeGruder je is black, and they also would love to see the frst black pes janezN. is asophomoreat dent running our country. RCC, and she std she would be “ay Charislle voting for Hillary Clincon inthe primary. She ssid she decided ro. The writers ae all rudent in vote for Hillary because she is Journalom 1 at RCC. interested to see what Hillary A pliion ‘Roxbury Community 1254 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury Croning, Massachuxets 02120 Staff and students are invited reflect hose ofthe newspaper to send eters the editor, news Faculty advisors: Judith Ka- tips, ideas for articles and photos has and Sandra Storey tnd any other information for Student staff includes Adler the Gazette co jlahals@rcemast. Fedenin, Britany Fernandes, Eat, flu. Allsubmisionsaresubjectto Ingram, Najya Maweasi, James liting. The opinions exprsted | McGruder, Charisle Negron and in thse pager do not necesaily Nadine Wilkerson RoxBURY COMMUNITY COLLEGE GATEWAY GAZETTE + MARCH 2008 + 3 Research Reveals ADJUNCT FACULTY: FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE? By Ks KRATSAS “There wat spot inne when adjunct fic, previously regarded 2s “oad scholar” “expert” oF is iting profesor” wee excemed for the now. Tay, “aun fe thay become contingent and ex pndable workforce” (Wale). Whe their credentials at often parle 0 those of thie fllxime leagues, thei pay and benefis have Hkened hemo beng part ofan inl weap (eye. “The ge numberof aunt fc dey can be found runing thes of community colleges: in contrast they sre least heaily wed among major ‘universes (Lie 19. "The ance Facly phenomenon is more intense in community college stings, as they ae: mor respons o bane, polical, and cultural demands, ess expe in acalemi tations, have the vie of doing more with ls, andar marketed a inexpensive a Cation” (Rio). They ae wed most heavily areas tht puta premium on Alexi, innovation, and nondis- pinay aching ls (Lei 21). cain ares, adjuncts have more current knowledge than fallsimers ecu thy ate ot inthe ld work ingevery day" Mey) The motives in using adjunct faculty appear to be comple they ae nyhing but purely cenomi” (Les le 15). Fist and foremost, adjunct. faculty ae diet ink between the ‘community andthe colege (Wali) ‘Therlane on ajunes is abo lagly covollmentdeiven (Lee 29), When decd pepe conn doped de peer area pss inalapteipies eRe ogee ar tee ha ede Tee RAC EAS prea = haus ae Te lng Gireicn de aieiaipay secies tags (Lie 29, Ore teccg eh ey tala ena ear frnatg in ye oy ater erie le meal deen occ ee cea elie pinrgarlelsrriee pei ix rebel guaient eae WORKS CITED nel ace vet peak aman Se Commi, 1.08 0 het =e donate Prete Reer haba hice 2 siiidieatecsaei of Remarc end Praction byt, ZA: ST3>~, Aes (Walia). tn employing 2 maoriy of ajunceinarictors, comm colleges are able o fe students the roads aay ofcourse (Phi lip. ‘Adjunct faulty noc ony have an Jinpact on the institution’ baton line, bu aio onthe acces ofthe seadens. One study fom the Lows fund that "when fesimen tol bigher percentage of ther courses wih parece fc, they were es likely to peat owatd ei degree” (acaby). "Research suggests that seadens who take many cous wih adjunc fice are ily ogra send. Another lager specu study se observations dating back 10 1986, when he sea ban. "The study conlaed that foreach 10% increase inthe percentage of fcley employed parece at four ernst fesons, gradation rates decrease by 2.6596" (acd. Seve seas of advil ni ‘erie ave determined tht fesh- ren tug by many parecimes wee mot likely to drop ou” (Find) “Hoving an dj ina cour sn ees bad for you but havngo0| many adjuncts might be” sid Esc Bexinget an economics profesor at Cate Wesern Reserve Univescy in Cleveland (Find) “The parttime sprtem alo provides Few incentives 10 ower rich interactions between faclty and ean, pd ths under ‘mines the campus learning environ: ment acoby) The ak of pay and ef for adjunct fae ges them lil incendie ofall participate in theinatution and the ces of hie seudens Joby) “Paley pay offers parecer lle incentive to keep tong hous doing core preperation ‘orang suds ouside te ca room, where considerable learning scan? (Mg Tadividaal once ermed a “ex pro "oad cholate now gen the cle faut nsouco, at are rewarded for their knowledge and ables with ply pay anda lack of benef Tes ar hat he we of adjunce inseuctors to such great extent is someting ta eed to be ted California as coche that a com munity cllge filed wich adjunct Jnsrvctors not wort the sings “hey in ur ped legion man ding ha 75 percent of insrucion 2 community colleges must be pro- ‘ide by flsine instructors (Mey Peshpetis wl be the rencaration of showing adjunct pect they deserve whl providing sens vith an education chat receives the Finding nd terion cit nid a, Th arte war excerpted fom rca paper oan bona compotion lar writen by « RCC dent. Pee lend writen comment on adjunct a yw hal re mace fr po {ihe pablaton We rere the igh di for lnc and ceri TSE Nochecetem poe eae WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Contiaed fiom page Static, the women had an i ar wa ed by rsh ‘man forward Ashley Murchison, « Former eandout Bask High School in Dorchter Macho fd the seen leading the county with 18.3 rebounds pr gume and was 21° with 174 points pr game forthe Lady T ger. Geng Pineda Providence, RR. nate averaged 17.8 pins, 84 sits and 6 esp cont. Adi ‘ional lar coneutions were made by Banks, Ester Coco, Venus Tent ad Esher Jean. The women had a eri on, and wich 3 small quad, they relly accompisod a lor They should be ‘ery proud,” sid Head Coach Mark Lenayke Because RCC had no Womens Meal la oc fo yo, ayes were youn, andthe bench was not crowded with xtra athletes opt ‘a sbsites Eaminga pot inthe sate tours men shows le about the doiation ‘he women have pu in this exon, ssid Lescrle "They have had c= rife yea” Lesceyk and Assanc Couches, Saku Yaya and Cody lier were hired tthe Begining ofthe sion ois he Lady Tigers askebll rogram afer th ong ha. "The aching ea i an impr ‘hy Soe Roxbury Community College Lady Tigers treshman Georgette Pinedatakesashorduringagame ‘atthe ReggieLewisConterversus Quinsigamond Community College. Providence, native, Pineda averaged 17 points, 8:4 ‘assists and 6 steals per contest this season, sive job building and mentoring the ‘eam Theplayer have shown ree ous commitment, sid MeDermo. [RCC is recognized as the fist, Junie College induced into the New England Bakcthll Hall of Fame in 2000 The writer is Sports Informa: tion Director forthe Reggie Lewis Center and RCC Athletics. Northeastern UNIVERSITY Bouvé Co.LLece oF HEALTH SCIENCES + To Utilize Your Experience | + To Make Fulfilling Career Choices To Help Children & Adolescents + To Become a Leader in: Child & Adolescent Mental Health Nursing Northeastern University School of Nursing was awarded a HRSA grant to expand the Masters in Nursing specializing in child and adolescent mental health nursing, focusing on psychopharmacology and underserved populations. Attend our Open House on Wednesday, March 19, 2008, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm at Northeastern’s Boston Campus Visit www.childpsychiatricnursing.neu.edu to learn more, or contact us at 617.373.5587 or [email protected] Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115-5000 4» ROXBURY COMMUNITY COLLEGE GATEWAY GAZETTE * MARCH 2008 —— OPINION WOULD ELECTION OF A WOMAN OR AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT MEAN THE US IS FREE OF PREJUDICE? By ADLER FEDESTIN | heard the line many times. as an adolescent, “This country would never elec a black presi dent.” Ie might have been said slghly diferenly, but the there was quite che ame. Ie dda mean that a black person will never be ‘qualified, bue tha this country simply won' elect an Alican “American at president. The idea docs sem 10 fetched now "As we inch our way towards the fal election, there is + very good chance that an Afican-American wil represent one ofthe ewo major patties in the race for the White House. His main competition is not tepretentng 2 race but an entire gender. Either one being lected would bea sign of progres bt, one most ak, would thi lead ‘many people into a false sense of. Let's fast-forward to 2009, President Bush has lef office, and cither Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton ate being sworn ino of fice. Te sight would be one that would sic with many from shat dhy forward. But would the word awe know icheve change Iwill have moved one foot forward, but the other foo would be let in the pat. The eaeir of our red, white sn blue vehicle would lok brand few but in the interior would ly sears and stsine chat wont disap pear overn ‘Many women would sill fice sexism at the workplace, on the street and in.everyday life, and 4 majority of Afvican-Amerians ‘wold il be faced with the same problems. Either Obama or Clin ton would stand asa symbol for change, but how long are we ‘wait o eel the wind of change? TF Barack and Hilary sand a the forefront, how long wilt ake for the breete of fresh se to hit the people atthe bak? Tet take a step back to tke a beter view of things. IF Obama ‘Clinton are elected, would this help many people all deeper ito ‘cloud of illusion? Would we have a America that has problems, but ‘ve give turn a blind eye ro them? (Or wil those il wit prejudices ing to their vote ata badge of thei forward thinking? or ea ple, we need ro prepare ourselves © hea this ine: “Oh, Ica possibly be rciseni. [voted fot Obama Glinon “Maybe I'm being too cynical bbut maybe these ate some que tions that need to be asked. Or maybe, just maybe... my fet are sil ef inthe past, too hesitan 0 stp ito the unoertn furue with these wo optimists The writer i a sade in our- eager amen i Pe i” mente i rn RCC FACULTY, STAFF TO BOWL FOR BOOKS By JUD KAMALAS Members of th acy stand hminiration of Roxbury Comm nity College (RCC) wil hold thee second anal Bow Thon at Milky ‘Way Lounge and Lane a 403 Cente Sein Jamaica Pin om Apel 14 to ise mone fo see bes Recognising the financial burden thatthe cox of books places on st dents, the commie has dedicated the fu aire help subside the purchase of books for ierving st es, Last year the Bow -Thon was a huge succes, ugmcaned by il, a auction and pledges. Fauey and staff who bowled go thee fiends Family and colleagues sponsor Arts Review them, whether per pi, torso fac donations, Profesor Kysis Re Agee got one ofthe highest over anus of ples and he was one of the highest scores. Tnvereed srdens ate welcome to ere on the commie, Commi tet aerbes ave Dean Nay Tee Profesor Michele Hare Profesor Veronica MeCorméck Willa Lar som feelers andThomat alin diector of es For moe information oft va: unter, email lahalas@ree mas. cd The writers eaordinaer of the ROC Whng Coe fui o The Ginway Gas and char of be Beats-Thn commie RCC THEATRE DOES BRECHT PROUD By EARL INcnam Many thanks tothe Roxbury Repertory Theatre (RRT) at Roxbury ity of New York, ood out from the tet. So comforable in er cancer svat, her lines owed with ese, elastase’ Gre a eS ee ee ee eT STUDENTS NEED TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS TO GET SCHOLARSHIPS By JUDY KANALAS ‘Many deserving Roxbury Com- ‘munity College (RCC) students were denied RCC Foundation ‘Scholarship for which they applied because thy filed to read and fl low the directions ofthe applic sion. Unfortunatly, the commie could not make exeptions. Conse quently, thousands of dolars that ould have been awarded wo nee seadents willbe ated ove to next “Academie excellence and doc rented need ate bac criteria for many of dhe awards that went un- claimed. Why? The committce feels that students also need to demonstrate an ability to follow clear guidelines and directions Many students forgot even the ‘mor asc asks such a signing the application. geting appropiate sig natures from ficult or department chai or writing the required exay. ‘Sadents should know that exays are not thre sentences stating that they are applying fora scholarship. Seadents who plan to apply for « Foundation Scholarship next = ‘ester should make wire chat they carey rad and ally understand the dzeions and tht they qualify for the specifi award for which they've applied. They need o get the required signatures, lin the form completly and atach anes say. The Witing Cener will hold two workshops, one in the day and ‘one inthe evening to review a plications and explain the diferent ‘qualifications for each, Students hold make sure they attend one ofthese so thar they ca be eligible fora scholarship. Money is wating tobe caimed! The write is oordinazor of the [RCC Whiting Cntr, fc adver 8 The Gateay Gaze and onthe [RCC Scholanbip end Honors Com Many thanks tothe Roxbury Repertory Teste (RRT) t Roxbury ‘Community Cllege (RCC) for is prsenttion of “Breck Unplggsd™ last month, The play was a wel cone addition to campos activites. ‘Whether an activin, poltally or socially motivated, o ja ou for a pod tne, audience members found ‘enlightening The play was wri: ‘en petfomed and questioned ides ina spi that mimicked Berle Brecht work. Transpsed into out present diy situation i onfonted br een engagement ito wa, the relevance the posible outcomes the bonds formed, common relation- ships (positive and negate, prone that gain by it, chose that safer om it, may aids, howe tat ‘condone and thos that fl oc, thereby condoning it.The stunchiy prolerian effort keyed on the a Togance of hus tue "Theses who played mother and nae the fe ofthe late peat fener war-sciar tunbe-pley-qemnal was ae, hr lines fed with ee, 2nd exresion poured fo her es, Al coining aur beliabiiy Inthe ply the women performane 6 were noteworthy: the teenagers nd chide performed wal Beyond ‘the yeus atthe men who goof to. rocky sa, vay ipod Theva and aul cements of the sage. of ack thee of reflected the theme Brecht made popular Misia props. solar white light ing and sound rendered fram wove insrumens, conveyed the silt, mosphere, baen of exraagance From ont fut fou ing the op radiates, judged solely on the steempe to emulate Brecht work He would be proud. Somewhere hes applauding. For morinfmation abou Rox bury Repertory Theatre, eal 41 5380 of email n@rccmaisage "Th rier eden in Jounal i SALAD IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN SOUP By GinneTTE ACEVEDO When I think of America 1 think ofthe beauty that makes [America what i is today, which is the variety of culeutes and ehnciies within ie. The US is 2 country chat accepts, acknow!- ‘edges, but alo celebrates the di versity that makes i special and unique. "The salad concept” of Ame differen cultures tnd ethnicities, their values and ‘atoms, bur enable them o mix caembraces together and become a whole of diversi. The soup concep” de- serbes pretty mach of 2 melting por that evaporates the identity nd uniqueness ofthe different ‘ypes of people thac make up this country leaving them only t0 adope the American cl bhecome “Americanized,” which sakes sll the same. {is tis diversity that ha ev ‘olutionized and brought about changes in America. Diversity has also shaped and molded ‘Ameria into what it is today, siding ro its valus and customs. Teas been a ey that has slowly driven out racitm and discrimi. ration and that continues do- ing so by constantly showing ‘hat we areal different. Blending ingredients violates our rights ax human beings and an- docs all the progress America has ‘made since the time of slavery and since the existence of Native “American tribes who were forced to adopt dhe American culture The writer is student at ROC By SHERMAN PeRRE She took my heart Not kindy no gency Like sharp but jagged teeth “IDONT LOVE YOU" ‘Where love once lived. —— POETS’ CORNER— MERCILES But wih the force af « Brtal savage She ripped ic rom my chest il beating ‘And with unter delight procecded eo devour it Her words or in is soft delicate exterior ‘They slowly and merilesly chewed ino the crevioes

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