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Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Microbiology Volume 2014, Article ID 141909, 11 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/141909 Research Article Gastrointestinal Bacterial and Methanogenic Archaea Diversity Dynamics Associated with Condensed Tannin-Containing Pine Bark Diet in Goats Using 16S rDNA Amplicon Pyrosequencing ByengR.Min,1SandraSolaiman,1RaymonShange,1andJong-SuEun2 1DepartmentofAgriculturalandEnvironmentalSciences,TuskegeeUniversity,Tuskegee,AL,USA 2DepartmentofAnimal,Dairy,andVeterinarySciences,UtahStateUniversity,Logan,UT,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoByengR.Min;[email protected] Received16July2013;Revised4September2013;Accepted4September2013;Published2January2014 AcademicEditor:IsabelSa´-Correia Copyright©2014ByengR.Minetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. EighteenKiko-crossmeatgoats(𝑛=6)wereusedtocollectgastrointestinal(GI)bacteriaandmethanogenicarchaeafordiversity measureswhenfedcondensedtannin-containingpinebark(PB).Threedietarytreatmentsweretested:controldiet(0%PBand30% wheatstraw(WS);0.17%condensedtannins(CT)drymatter(DM));15%PBand15%WS(1.6%CTDM),and30%PBand0%WS (3.2%CTDM).A16SrDNAbacterialtag-encodedFLXampliconpyrosequencingtechniquewasusedtocharacterizeandelucidate changesinGIbacteriaandmethanogenicarchaeadiversityamongthediets.Proteobacteriawasthemostdominantphylumingoats withmeanrelativeabundancevaluesrangingfrom39.7(30%PB)to46.5%(control)and47.1%(15%PB).Otherphylaindividually accountedforfewerthan25%oftherelativeabundanceobserved.PredominantmethanogenswereMethanobrevibacter(75,72, and49%),Methanosphaera(3.3,2.3,and3.4%),andMethanobacteriaceae(1.2,0.6,and0.7%)populationincontrol,15,and30% PB,respectively.Amongmethanogens,Methanobrevibacterwaslinearlydecreased(𝑃=0.05)withincreasingPBsupplementation. TheseresultsindicatethatfeedingPBselectivelyalteredbacteriaandmethanogenicarchaealpopulationsintheGItractofgoats. 1.Introduction Planttannins(condensed(CT)andhydrolysabletannins) are polyphenolic compounds of relatively high molecular Studiesongastrointestinal(GI)microorganismshavetradi- weightwiththecapacitytoformcomplexesmainlywithpro- tionally depended on the use of anaerobic cultivation tech- teins due to the presence of a large number of phenolic niques[1]whichonlycandetectanestimated11%ofthetotal hydroxyl groups [7]. They are ubiquitously spread in nutri- bacterial populations present in the rumen [2]. Molecular tionallyimportantforagetrees,shrubs,legumes,cereals,and methodologies developed over the past decade now enable tree barks. The effects of tannins on ruminant production researchers to examine the diversity of the gut microflora havebeenextensivelypublishedinthepast,andamongthem independentofculturalmethods.Bacterialdiversitieswithin beneficial effects of tannins on animal production system the GI tract of humans [3, 4] and rumen of beef cattle have been much focused, with particular interest in their [5, 6] have been investigated in recent years as a result of positiveeffectsonproteinmetabolism,preventionoffrothy development of 16S rDNA-based analysis, yet similar data bloat,andmodificationonrumenmicrobialpopulation[7]. on the microbiomes of bacteria and methanogenic archaea Microbialpopulationchangesinthegutwhenanimalswere diversity in the lower GI tract of meat goats are limited. In fed CT-containing diets were reported using a 16S PCR addition,thereisnoclearinformationontheprevalenceof technique in sheep [8] and rat [9]. In addition, the use of methanogenic and microbial populations in the hindgut of rapid sequencing technologies combined with molecular animalsotherthanhumanandswine. methods is becoming a prevalent standard for evaluating 2 InternationalJournalofMicrobiology Table1:Chemicalcompositionsofpinebark(PB),wheatstraw(WS),bermudagrasshay(BGH),andexperimentaldietsfedtoKikocrossbred malegoatkids. Ingredient,% Experimentaldiets1 Item SEM PB WS BGH Control 15%PB 30%PB Ingredientofthegrain/PBmix,%asis GroundPB — — — 0 15.0 30.0 — GroundWS — — — 30.0 15.0 0 — Corn — — — 20.0 20.0 20.0 — Soybeanmeal — — — 18.5 20.0 21.0 — Soyhulls — — — 4.5 5.0 4.0 — Alfalfameal — — — 5.0 3.0 3.0 — Molasses — — — 6.0 6.0 6.0 — Vitaminandmineralmix — — — 0.5 0.5 0.5 — Salt — — — 0.5 0.5 0.5 — NH Cl — — — 0.5 0.5 0.5 — 4 BGH — — — 15.0 15.0 15.0 — Chemicalcomposition,%DM(n=3) Drymatter 83.6 83.5 91.4 89.7 87.8 87.3 0.77 Crudeprotein 1.2 4.1 7.3 15.7 16.8 16.1 0.41 Neutraldetergentfiber 78.6 79.0 69.2 35.0 31.8 27.5 1.77 Aciddetergentfiber 72.1 49.2 37.3 23.7 23.2 23.6 1.42 Etherextract 1.65 0.42 1.51 2.3 2.6 2.5 0.25 Ash 2.3 2.0 4.8 6.4 6.2 5.9 0.31 NFC2 17.1 16.7 19.1 42.1 42.5 47.1 1.91 Aciddetergentlignin 21.3 8.01 6.3 5.9 9.9 12.4 0.85 Condensedtannins3 10.3 0.03 0.04 0.19 1.63 3.20 0.19 1 Control(0%PB),15%PB,and30%PBonanas-fedbasis.Exceptbermudagrasshay,allingredientswereincorporatedinthegrainmixes. 2Nonfibercarbohydrates=100–CP–NDF–etherextract–ash. 3Condensedtannins(CT)arerelativetoapurifiedquebrachoCTstandard. SEM:standarderrorofthemean. the microbiome of animals [10]. However, there is still a 2.1. Experimental Animals and Diets. Eighteen Kiko cross- lack of information on the microbial diversity in the gut of bred male goat kids (Capra hircus; initial body weight ruminantssuchassheepandgoats.Todate,littleresearchhas (BW)=31.0±1.49kg)werestratifiedbyBWandrandomly been focused on changes in microbial population diversity, assignedtooneof3experimentaltreatmentgroups(𝑛=6). particularlymethanogenicarchaealpopulation,andnostudy Goatswereindividuallyhousedindoorsinpensofapproxi- has measured the fecal microbial population in response mately1.2m2 withelevatedfloorsandwerefedgrainmixes to feeding diets containing different dietary concentrations withdifferentamounts(0,15,and30%drymatter(DM)PB) of CT-containing pine bark (PB). In our previous study, ofPBandlongbermudagrasshay(BGH;Cynodondactylon) additionofPBingoatdietsimprovedgrowthperformance, at85:15onanas-fedbasis.Anadjustmentperiodof4weeks reduced fecal egg counts, and favorably modified ruminal allowedgoatstobecomeacclimatedtopenlivingandroutine fermentation[11].Inthepresentstudy,therefore,weutilizeda feedingandtoallottimeforproperdietadjustmentpriorto bacterialtag-encodedFLX-titaniumampliconpyrosequenc- studyinitiation.Inwk1,allanimalswerefedadietwithout ing (bTEFAP) method that is able to perform diversity PB(controldiet).Startingonwk2,intheadjustmentperiod, analyses of fecal microbial populations. We evaluated the experimentaldietsweregraduallyfedtoanimalsinastepwise fecal microbiomes from 18 Kiko-cross meat goats fed PB increasingfashion,andattheendofwk4,allanimalswerefed containingdiets.Hence,ourprincipalobjectiveofthisstudy whole,preassignedexperimentaldiets(Table1). wastomeasuretheeffectsofCT-containingPBsupplemen- Experimentaldiets(Table1)containeddifferentamounts tationasafeedsupplementonGImethanogenicarchaeaand of the CT-containing ground PB replacing ground wheat bacterialdiversitydynamicsinmeatgoats. straw (WS; Triticum aestivum). Experimental treatments included the controldiet (0% PB), 15% PB, and 30% PB on 2.MaterialsandMethods anas-fedbasis.TheWScontainednegligibleCT(0.03%),but concentrationsofneutraldetergentfiber(NDF)andnonfiber Care and handling of all experimental animals were con- carbohydrates were similar between PB and WS [11]. The ductedunderprotocolsapprovedbytheTuskegeeUniversity freshPBwasdonatedbyawood-processingcompany(West InstitutionalAnimalCareandUseCommittee. Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., Opelika, AL) and air-dried under InternationalJournalofMicrobiology 3 the shed before processing. Freshly dried PB (10.3%CT) optimization and pyrosequencing analysis. Bacterial tag- was ground (Hammer Mill Model 1250; Lorenz MFG Co., encodedFLXampliconpyrosequencingPCRwascarriedout Benson,MN)toapproximately3mmparticle.TheWS(0.03% accordingtoproceduredescribedpreviously[10,14]. CT)wasalsoground(3mm)andincorporatedinthegrain mixportionofthediets.ConcentrationofCTin15%PBand 2.4. bTEFAP Sequencing PCR. The bTEFAP and data pro- 30%PBdietswas1.63%and3.20%DM,respectively(Table1). cessingwereperformedasdescribedpreviously[10].AllDNA The inclusion rate of PB was chosen, as we previously samples were adjusted to 100ng/𝜇L. A 100ng (1𝜇L) aliquot reported that beneficial effects of CT in the diet on sheep of each sample’s DNA was used for a 50𝜇L PCR reaction. performance may occur in the range of 2 to 4% CT of diet 󸀠 The 16S universal eubacterial primers 530F (5-GTG CCA DM [7, 11]. Mixtures containing ground PB and WS were 󸀠 GCM GCN GCG G) and 1100R (5 -GGG TTN CGN TCG commercially prepared at the local feed mill (Eclectic Feed TTG)wereusedforamplifyingthe600bpregionof16SrRNA Mill, Eclectic,AL). Experimentaldiets metrequirementsof genes. HotStar Taq Plus Master Mix Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, experimentalanimalsforgrowthandBWgainaccordingto ∘ CA)wasusedforPCRunderthefollowingconditions:94 C the NRC [12]. Diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric but ∘ ∘ for 3min followed by 32 cycles of 94 C for 30sec; 60 C for differed in NDF, lignin, and CT concentrations; lignin and ∘ ∘ 40secand72 Cfor1min;andafinalelongationstepat72 C CTconcentrationsweregreaterin15%and30%PBrations, for5min.AsecondaryPCRwasperformedforFLX(Roche, whereas NDF concentration was decreased compared with Nutley,NJ)ampliconsequencingunderthesamecondition controldiet. by using designed special fusion primers with different tag sequences as: LinkerA-Tags-530F and LinkerB-1100R [10]. 2.2. Sample Collection and Laboratory Analysis. After com- The use of a secondary PCR prevents amplification of any pletion of adaptation period for 4wk, total fecal collection potential bias that might be caused by inclusion of tag and wasperformedfor7dtoallgoats.Animalswerefedoncea linkersduringinitialtemplateamplificationreactions.After dayat8:00handhadfreeaccesstowaterandatracemineral secondaryPCR,allampliconproductsfromdifferentsamples saltblock.Grainmixesandhaywereofferedseparately,and weremixedinequalvolumesandpurifiedusingAgencourt refusals were recorded daily. Amounts of feed offered were Ampurebeads(AgencourtBioscienceCorporation,MA). adjustedeverydaytomaintainthepreferreddailyrefusalrate of5to10%. 2.5.bTEFAPFLXMassivelyParallelPyrosequencing. Inprep- Duringthecollectionperiods,totalindividualfecalsam- aration for FLX sequencing, the DNA fragments size and plefromthemetabolismcratewascollectedat9:00am(24h concentrationwereaccuratelymeasuredbyusingDNAchips overnight collection) during 7d with two different experi- under a Bio-Rad Experion Automated Electrophoresis Sta- mentalperiods.Feedandortssamplesforindividualanimals tion(Bio-RadLaboratories,CA)andaTBS-380Fluorometer were collected daily during the collection period, dried at ∘ (TurnerBiosystems,CA).Asampleofdouble-strandedDNA 60 Cfor48h,groundtopassa1mmscreen(standardmodel containing 9.6 × 106 molecules/𝜇L of average size 625bp 4; Arthur H. Thomas Co., Swedesboro, NJ), and stored for was combined with 9.6 million DNA capture beads and subsequentanalyses.Dailyportionsofgroundsampleswere then amplified by emulsion PCR. After bead recovery and composited for each animal and analyzed for DM, crude bead enrichment, the bead-attached DNA was denatured protein (CP), acid detergent lignin, ether extract, and ash with NaOH, and sequencing primers were annealed. A accordingtothemethodsdescribedbyAOAC[13].Nitrogen two-region 454 sequencing run was performed on a 70 × for diet sample was determined using a Kjeldahl N, and 75GS PicoTiterPlate (PTP) by using a Genome Sequencer CP was calculated by multiplying N by 6.25. The NDF FLX System (Roche, Nutley, NJ). It should be noted that andADFconcentrationsweresequentiallydeterminedusing 200/220 100 total samples were run within this same FLX 2-region an ANKOM Fiber Analyzer (ANKOM Technology, sequencingreaction.Theadditional79taggedsampleswere Macedon, NY). Sodium sulfate heat stable amylases (Sigma associatedwithunrelatedstudies.AllFLXrelatedprocedures Aldrich Co., St. Louis, Mo) were used in the procedure were performed according to manufacturer’s instructions for NDF determination and pretreatment with heat stable (GenomeSequencerFLXSystem).Acustomscriptwrittenin amylase (Type XI-A from Bacillus subtilis; Sigma-Aldrich manufacture’sinstructionwasutilizedtogenerateallpossible Corporation, St. Louis, MO). Acetone (70%) extractable combinations of 10-mer oligonucleotide tags with GC % CT in grain mixes were determined using a butanol-HCL between40and60%.Fromthispool20individualtagswere colorimetricprocedure[7,11]. chosen(Table2). Theresultantindividualsampleafterparsingthetagsinto 2.3. DNA Extraction. Genomic bacterial DNA was isolated individual FASTA files was assembled using CAP3. The ace from0.3goffecalsamplesaccordingtothemethoddescribed files generated by CAP3 were then processed to generate inthePowersoilDNAminiKit(PowerSoil,WestCarlsbad, a secondary FASTA file containing the tentative consensus CA).ExtractedDNA(2𝜇L)wasquantifiedusingaNanodrop (TC) sequences of the assembly along with the number of ND-1000spectrophotometer(NyxorBiotech,Paris,France) reads integrated into each consensus. The TC was required and run on 0.8% agarose gel with 0.5M tris-borate-EDTA tohaveatleast3-foldcoverage.TheresultingTCFASTAfor (TBE) buffer. The samples were then transported to the each sample was then evaluated using BLASTn [15] against Research and Testing Laboratory (Lubbock, TX) for PCR a custom database derived from the RDP-II database [16] 4 InternationalJournalofMicrobiology Table2:PrimersequencesutilizedforgoatssamplesduringbTEFAP. 󸀠 󸀠 Name Primersequence(5-3) 454-F30 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGCGCACTACGTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F31 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGCGCAGCTGTTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F32 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGCGCATACAGTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F33 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGCGCATCTATAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F34 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGCGCATTGGTGGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F35 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGCGCCAGAAAAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F36 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTGACGTACGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F37 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTGTGCATAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F38 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTGTCCTCAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F39 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTGCATCACGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F40 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTGCCTAGAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F41 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACATAGTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F42 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACATTGAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F43 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACATTGTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F44 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACCAACAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F45 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACCAACTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F46 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACCAATCGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F47 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACCAGATGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F48 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACCCATAGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F49 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACAGGGTGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG 454-F50 GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAGTGTACCTATCGTGCCAGCMGCNGCGG linkerB-1100R GCCTTGCCAGCCCGCTCAGGGGTTNCGNTCGTTG 4000 1800 1600 3500 d e 1400 ct 3000 edi Us 1200 ved/pr 22050000 ed OT 1000 obser 1500 bserv 680000 TUs 1000 O 400 O 500 200 0 0 Sobs Chao ACE 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Sequences sampled 0%PB 0%PB 15%PB 15%PB 30%PB 30%PB (a) (b) Figure 1: Bacterial richness/diversity estimator (a) and rarefaction curves (b) presented as calculated by MOTHUR at a level of 3% dissimilarity.0%PB(control),15%PB,and30%PBonanas-fedbasis. andGenBankwebsiteathttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.The package(SPSSInc.,v17.0,Chicago,IL).Relativeabundance sequences contained within the curated 16S database were data are presented as percentages/proportions, but prior to both >1200bp and considered as high quality based upon subjectiontoGLM,theyweretransformedusingthearcsine RDP-IIstandards. functionfornormaldistributionpriortoanalysis.Packageof NCSS(NCSS,2007,v7.1.2,Kaysville,UT)wasusedforcluster analysisthroughwhichdoubledendrogramsweregenerated 2.6. Data Processing and Statistical Analysis. All statistical through use of the Manhattan distance method with no analyses (Figures 1 to 6) were performed using the SPSS scaling and the unweighted pair technique. Raw sequences InternationalJournalofMicrobiology 5 6000 1200 d 5000 1000 e ct edi 4000 Us 800 ved/pr 3000 ed OT 600 Us obser 2000 Observ 400 T O 1000 200 0 0 Sobs Chao ACE 0 5000 10000 15000 Richness estimators Sequences samples 0%PB 0%PB 15%PB 15%PB 30%PB 30%PB (a) (b) Figure2:Fecalarchaearichness/diversityestimator(a)andrarefactioncurves(b)presentedascalculatedbyMOTHURatalevelof3% dissimilarity.0%PB(control),15%PB,and30%PBonanas-fedbasis. weresubmittedtotheNCBISequenceReadArchive(SRA). 16S database were those considered as high quality based In addition, quantification of major hindgut bacterial and upon Greengenes [20] standards and which had complete archaea populations (Tables 3 and 4) was analyzed by the taxonomicinformationwithintheirannotations.Clustersat GLM procedure of the SAS (SAS Inst., Cary, NC) in a 3%and5%werethenutilizedtogeneraterarefactioncurves completely randomized design with the factors examined andthediversityindicesACE[21,22]aswellasunweighted beingthreelevelsofPBsupplementationinthediets.Linear and weighted UniFrac for Principle Coordinate Analysis and quadratic effects were determined utilizing orthogonal (PCOA)plotsandaVenndiagram. polynomialcontrastsforequallyspacedtreatments.Animals were the experimental unit and treated as a random effect. There were no treatment × period interactions (𝑃 > 0.10), 3.ResultsandDiscussion henceonlythemaineffectsarereportedformajormicrobial Despiteseveraldecadesofstudiesdemonstratingtheroleof populationsintheresultsection.Resultsarereportedasleast theruminalandGImicrobialdiversityinruminantsassoci- squaremeans. atedwithbacteriaandarchaeapopulations,theresponseof Quality trimmed sequences were provided with the the microbialconsortiumto feeding variousCT-containing sequencingservicesbytheResearchandTestingLaboratory diets remains largely unknown. The principal objective of (Lubbock,TX)[16].Tagswhichdidnothave100%homology this study was to assess the effects of CT-containing PB to the original sample tag designation were not included supplementation as a feed replacement on gastrointestinal in data analysis. Sequences which were less than 250bp methanogenic archaea and bacterial diversity dynamics in after quality trimming were not also considered. The B2C2 meat goats. The most significant findings in the present software[17],whichisdescribedandfreelyavailablefromthe study was a decreased predominant fecal methanogenic ResearchandTestingLaboratory,wasusedtodepletesamples genera Methanobrevibacter population (comprising up to of definite chimeras. Further processing and operational 75%ofthearchaeapopulation)asthelevelofPBsupplement taxonomic units (OTUs) based analyses were then carried increasedinthediet.Thebacterialdistributionshowedthat out using the MOTHUR v.1.19.4 [18] suite of algorithms proteobacteria was the most dominant phyla with mean for sequence processing and diversity analysis, including relativeabundancevaluesrangingfrom46.5%incontrolto commands for identifying/consolidating unique sequences, 47.1%in15%PBandto39.7%in30%PBdiets. filtering, multiple sequence alignment, generating distance matrices,andclusteringofsequencesintoOTU.Theresulting clusterswereassessedat3%and5%dissimilaritytoprovide 3.1.DietComposition. Ingredientsandchemicalcomposition thedataneededfordiversityanalysis.Baseduponrarefaction of experimental diet, PB, WS, and BGH are presented in [19],itisexpectedthat0%dissimilarityinsequencesprovides Table1. Goats were provided diets that met all animals’ dramatic overestimation of the species present in a sample. requirements for growth and gain according to NRC [12]. Theresultingsequenceswerethenevaluatedusingtheclas- TotalCTconcentrationinthePBandWSwas10.3and0.03% sify.seqsalgorithm(Bayesianmethod)inMOTHURagainst DM,respectively.However,grainmixescontained0.19,1.63, adatabasederivedfromtheGreengenessetusingabootstrap and3.20%CTDMforthe0,15,and30%PBdiet,respectively. cutoff of 65%. The sequences contained within the curated All the experimental treatments provided similar nutrient 6 InternationalJournalofMicrobiology 100 4.0 5.4 2.9 90 10.6 9.0 14.4 32.0 80 42.8 75 80.09 42.3 8.2 5.8 69.90 %) Relative abundance ( 4600 41232612.....36538 41134742.....72151 32997...971 %ative abundance () 4650 59.98 Rel 30 20 21.8 36.1 28.9 30.1 15 21.2 21.0 0 0% 15% 30% Diet (% pine bark) 0 0% 15% 30% Sphingobacteria Clostridia Diet (% pine bark) Bacilli Bacteroidia Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria Figure 4: Relative abundance of major taxonomic group (Eur- Flavobacteria Firmicutes yarchaeota)acrosspinebark(PB)dietarysupplementationingrow- Betaproteobacteria Bacteroidetes ingmeatgoats.Phylaincludedinthisfigurehadrelativeabundance valuesconsistentlygreaterthan1%.Valuespresentedarethemean Figure 3: Relative abundance of major taxonomic groups across percent.0%=0%PB(control),15%=15%PB,and30%=30%PB pine bark (PB) dietary supplementation in growing meat goats. onanas-fedbasis. Phylaincludedinthisfigurehadrelativeabundancevaluesconsis- tentlygreaterthan1%,aswellastheabundantclassesofthephylum Proteobacteria.Valuespresentedarethemeanpercentage.0%=0% PB(control),15%=15%PB,and30%=30%PBonanas-fedbasis. Smithet al.[9]reportedthatfecalbacterialpopulationwas affectedbythepresenceofCTintheratgastrointestinaltract. When considering richness observations and estimates profiles,exceptCTandaciddetergentligninthatwerehigher for archaeal community in the study, results demonstrate in15and30%PBration.Inourpreviousstudy,additionofPB a vastly different trend (Figures 2(a) and 2(b)). Mean val- ingoatdietsimprovedADGandfavorablymodifiedruminal ues for observed richness were consistently higher in the fermentation[11]. control treatment for all of the richness calculators. The trend observed of OTUs the highest mean value for the control (181), followed by the 15% diet (164), while the 3.2.RichnessandDiversityEstimates. Intherichnessanddi- 30% diet remained the lowest (135; Figure2(a)). The same versity data in bacteria and archaea was presented in trend was observed in the Chao and ACE estimates, as Figures 1 and 2, respectively. For bacteria, the maximum wellastheOTUsobservedinrarefaction.Furthermore,the OTUs observed across the study were detected in control Chao estimate appears to show the greatest coverage of the group, although the highest mean of bacterial richness was rarefaction peak values. The microbial community in the detectedinthetreatmentgroupfedthe15%PBdiet(782.6; 30%PBsupplementedgroupconsistentlyshowedthelowest Figure1(a)).MaximumOTUswerepredictedforCHAOand values for richness in bacteria (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)) and ACE estimates with similar trends for the same sample as well. The trend of impact of PB in diet (15% > 30% > 0%) archaea(Figures2(a)and2(b)). IthasbeenreportedthatthePBcontainedhighlevelof was found in richness observations (sobs) that showed that CT [11] and polyphenolic compounds [25]. This chemical the highest concentration of PB in the goat diet resulted in disturbance creates a microbial community with distinct the lowest amount of bacteria detected in the feces while abioticandbioticcharacteristics,whichimpactsthegrowth thecontroland15%dietshowedverylittledifference.When andstabilityofgastrointestinalmicrobialcommunity[26]. calculating richness with Chao and ACE, the distinction between the treatments is more explicit as the 30% diet remained the lowest, followed by the control and then the 3.3. Relative Abundance of Bacterial and Archaea Phyla. 15%diet.Incalculatingrarefactioncurvesrichnessestimates Bacterial(Figure3)andarchaeal(Figure4)communitycom- was found to be within Figure1(b). It was hypothesized positions of the feces were examined at descending levels thatbacterialcommunityrichnessunderCT-containingPB ofbiologicalclassificationtoweretodeterminetheeffectof supplementation would differ due to inhibition of bacterial PB supplementation on community membership. Detailed growth[23]andreducefiberdigestibilityintherumen[24]. phylogenic analyses grouped the fecal bacteria associated InternationalJournalofMicrobiology 7 bacterial sequences into 20 phyla (including unknown). 9 The relative abundances of the 10 most abundant phyla are presentedinFigure3.Thebacterialdistributionshowedthat Proteobacteria was the most dominant phylum with mean 7.5 relative abundance values ranging from 46.5% in control to 47.1 in 15% PB and to 39.7% in 30% PB diets. They include a wide variety of pathogens, such as Escherichia, %) 6 Salmonella, Vibrio, Helicobacter, and many other notable ce ( n a genera[27].Othersarefree-living,andincludemanyofthe d bacteria responsible for nitrogen fixation. Other dominant bun 4.5 a phyla were Gammaproteobacteria (representing 32.0–42.8% ve of the bacterial sequences in the samples) and Firmicutes ati el 3 and Bacteroidetes (which represented 21.0 to 36.1% of the R bacterial sequences in each sample). The remaining phyla accounted for fewer than 25% of the relative abundance 1.5 observed and were designated as minor. Of these groups, Gammaproteobacteria(𝑃 < 0.05),Flavobacteria(𝑃 < 0.01), Proteobacteria (𝑃 < 0.05), and Bacteroidetes (𝑃 < 0.05) 0 werelinearlydecreased(𝑃 < 0.05)withincreasingPBdiets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 However, Clostridia (𝑃 < 0.01) and Firmicutes (𝑃 < 0.05) Sample number Taxa werelinearlyincreasedwithincreasingPBsupplementation. Desulfurococcaceae (genus unknown) Archaeoglobus ThishasbeenconfirmedbythefindingsthatFirmicutes,Bac- Methanobacteriaceae (genus unknown) Mc18 teroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria were reported Methanosphaera Thermofilum tobedominantbacterialphylainthehumangut[28]. The trend with respect to the one dominant archaea Figure5:The6mostabundantarchaeagenera(Methanobrevibac- communitygroupcanbeseeninFigure4,inwhichtheclass ter,Desulfurococcaceae,Methanosphaera,Archaeoglobus,Mc18,and of Euryarchaeota population was linearly decreased (𝑃 < Thermofilum) in the hindgut of various levels of pine bark (PB) 0.01) with increasing PB diets. Collectively, the observed dietsfromacommoncohortof17meatgoats.Clusteringinthe𝑌 directionisindicativeofabundance,notphylogeneticsimilarity.0% changes in frequency of occurrence depict dramatic shifts PB(control)=sample(ortag)number1,2,3,4,5,and6;15%PB= in fecal microbial communities associated with changes in tagnumber7,8,10,11,and12;30%PB=tagnumber13,14,15,16,17, diet in goats. It has been classified that Euryarchaeota, one and18. of the meanwhile four kingdoms (or phyla) of the archaeal domain, consists of the strict anaerobic methanogens, the extreme halophiles, the hyperthermophilic Archaeoglobales 3.4.DiversityandAbundanceofFecalBacteriaandArchaea. andThermococcales,andthecellwallfreeThermoplasmatales Foreaseofpresentationandinterpretation,wepresentpreva- [29,30]. lentbacterialgenera(Figure5)andarchaealgenera(Figure6) Tannins are phenolic plant secondary compounds and communitybasedonacutoffvalueof0.9%ofrelativecom- are widely distributed through the plant kingdom which munityabundanceforinclusioninadoubledendogramclus- affect animal performance and gut microorganisms. Tan- ter analysis of individual animal microbial diversity within nins exist primarily in CT and hydrolysable tannins [7]. andamongdietsinFigures5and6.Overall,animalsclustered The hydrolysable tannins occur mainly in fruit pods and relativelywellwithindietandanimals.However,15%PBdiet plant galls and unlike CT their degradation products are ofone(tagnumber12)animalclusteredmoreclosedtothe absorbed from the small intestine of animals [7] and are controldiet(0%PB).Weattribute“misclassification”ofthis potentiallytoxictoruminants.In contrast,CT,unlikemost animal to greater relative abundance of Xanthomonadales, compounds,isonlypartiallyabsorbedinthesmallintestine Clostridiales, Pseudomonadales, and Flavobacteriales and in ruminants [31]. Most of the dietary CT reach the colon lower abundance (%) of Mycoplasmatales and Bacteroidales where simple phenolics and phenols (e.g., phenylacetic, comparedwithanimalswhoreceivedPBdiet.Similardiver- mono- and dihydroxyphenylacetic acids, and protocate- sitytrendsinarchaealpopulationswereobservedonthesame cuic acid) are produced by breakdown due to microbial diets.Forarchaea,microbialarchaeaclusteredvarybetween activity [32]. Ultimately, these simple phenolics can be diets, but we classified these animals to greater relative further metabolized to nonaromatics, such as short-chain abundance of Methanobacteriales and lower abundance of fatty acids, lactate, succinate, ethanol, and the gases (CO2 ArchaeoglobusandThermofilumbetweendiets. and H2) by the colonic microorganisms [28]. Therefore, the bacterial characterization of the gut microorganisms is surely important, but ultimately the enzymatic activ- 3.5. Quantitative Analyses. So far, only a limited number ity of its microorganisms becomes vital to map func- of bacterial species have been identified as being involved tional metabolic reactions and describe the interaction in the metabolism of CT and polyphenols, and little is between host and its microbe to understand metabolism known about the microbial populations in the hindgut of [28]. thegoat.Themetabolicactivitiesofthebacteriaandarchaea 8 InternationalJournalofMicrobiology Col1 RA Distance 55.78 2.00 0.77 1.50 0.03 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Xanthomonadales Clostridiales Pseudomonadales Flavobacteriales Bacillales Enterobacteriales Burkholderiales Sphingobacteriales Lactobacillales Actinomycetales Spirochaetales Rhodobacterales Caulobacterales Rhizobiales Sphingomonadales Oceanospirillales Aeromonadales Erysipelotrichales Cw040 Kiloniellales Verrucomicrobiales Rickettsiales Coriobacteriales Roseiflexales Pasteurellales Desulfuromonadales es Deinococcales abl Fusobacteriales Vari LPeirnetlilsuplahlaeesrales Acholeplasmatales Fibrobacterales Synechococcales Spartobacteriales Chromatiales Bifidobacteriales Pseudanabaenales Gemmatimonadales Gn09 Anaeroplasmatales Nitrospirales Haloplasmatales Alteromonadales Rhodospirillales Turicibacterales Chroococcales Methylomirabiliales Methylococcales Campylobacterales Ws3candidatedivision Desulfovibrionales Mycoplasmatales e c Bacteroidales n Dista3.502.631.750.880.00 1 4 12 3 2 5 17 10 7 8 11 15 18 16 13 14 6 Figure6:Thermaldoubledendrogramofthe53mostabundantbacterialgenerainthehindgutofvariouslevelsofpinebark(PB)diets fromacommoncohortof17meatgoats.Clusteringinthe𝑌directionisindicativeofabundance,notphylogeneticsimilarity.RA=relative abundance;0%PB(control)=tagnumber1,2,3,4,5,and6;15%PB=tagnumber7,8,10,11,and12;30%PB=tagnumber13,14,15,16,17, and18. in the gut are very important in determining the healthy therelativeabundanceobserved.Ofthesegroups,Flavobac- functioning and methane gas emissions from the gut. For terium gelidilacus (𝑃 < 0.02) and Myroides odoratimimus furtherquantificationofmajorhindgutbacterialandarchaeal (𝑃 = 0.09) were decreased (𝑃 < 0.05) with increasing speciesdiversitypopulationsinmeatgoats(𝑛 = 6)arepre- dietary PB concentration. However, Bacteroides capillosus sented in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. For bacterial species, (𝑃 < 0.02), Clostridium orbiscindens (𝑃 < 0.03), and Stenotrophomonaskoreensiswasthemostdominantbacterial Oscillospiraguilliermondii(𝑃=0.06)werelinearlyincreased species with mean relative abundance values ranging from with increasing PB concentration. This finding agrees with 23.9% (control) to 9.9% (15% PB) and 17.2% (30% PB). The the results of a metabolic finger print patterns study of a remainingbacterialspeciesaccountedforfewerthan10%of rat fed CT extract from Acacia angustissima. Condensed InternationalJournalofMicrobiology 9 Table3:Quantificationofmajorhindgutbacterialdiversitypresentinmeatgoat(n=6)asanalyzedusingbTEFAPpyrosequencingmethod1. Diets2 Pvalues3 Item SEM Control 15%PB 30%PB L Q Acinetobacterhaemolyticus 1.1 1.2 0.2 0.06 0.32 0.54 Acinetobacterlwoffii 7.0 6.5 0.3 3.70 0.22 0.56 Acinetobacterradioresistens 1.4 4.2 1.1 0.92 0.80 0.03 Acinetobacterrhizosphaerae 1.1 1.5 0.9 0.47 0.76 0.39 Acinetobacterschindleri 3.4 8.5 5.3 0.82 0.46 0.11 Bacteroidescapillosus 0.5 1.1 2.7 0.60 0.02 0.52 Clostridiumorbiscindens 0.02 1.4 2.3 0.48 0.03 0.92 Comamonasaquatica 2.4 3.9 4.7 1.43 0.25 0.88 Enterobacterhormaechei 0.8 3.3 2.0 0.95 0.42 0.16 Escherichiaalbertii 0.6 1.5 0.9 0.53 0.73 0.25 Escherichiafergusonii 0.6 1.9 1.2 0.60 0.49 0.18 Flavobacteriumcolumnare 0.4 2.0 0.5 0.83 0.91 0.18 Flavobacteriumgelidilacus 5.81 1.2 1.7 1.14 0.02 1.10 Flavobacteriumsuccinicans 1.7 0.2 1.3 1.80 0.58 0.15 Myroidesodoratimimus 7.8 4.5 1.2 2.58 0.09 0.99 Oscillospiraguilliermondii 0.99 1.2 3.0 0.69 0.06 0.38 Sphingobacteriumfaecium 1.2 4.4 0.53 1.09 0.83 0.16 Sphingobacteriummizutaii 1.8 0.6 1.4 0.41 0.40 0.07 Stenotrophomonaskoreensis 23.9 9.9 17.2 7.40 0.53 0.28 Rummeliibacilluspycnus 8.54 9.9 6.9 0.35 0.75 0.63 1 Datawerepresentedwithacutoffvalueof0.9%. 2Control(0%PB),15%PB,and30%PBonanas-fedbasis. 3Polynomialcontrastsforequallyspacedtreatments. L:lineareffect;Q:quadraticeffect. Table4:Quantificationofhindgutmethanogenicarchaeadiversitypresentinmeatgoat(n=6)asanalyzedusingbTEFAPpyrosequencing method1. Diets2 Pvalues3 Item SEM Control 15%PB 30%PB L Q Methanobrevibacterspp. 74.8 71.7 49.6 8.84 0.05 0.43 Methanosphaeraspp. 1.18 0.61 0.74 0.45 0.51 0.57 Methanobacteriaceaespp. 3.35 2.31 3.44 1.01 0.95 0.44 1 Datawerepresentedwithacutoffvalueof0.9%. 2Control(0%PB),15%PB,and30%PBonanas-fedbasis. 3Polynomialcontrastsforequallyspacedtreatments.L:lineareffect;Q:quadraticeffect. tannin extracts from A. angustissima altered fecal bacterial concentratedgreenteawerenecessaryfortheretobeagreat populations in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in a shift decreaseinClostridiumspeciesandClostridiumperfringens. inthepredominantbacteriatowardstannin-resistantgram- Othergroupsofbacteria,includingtheBacteroidaceae,were negativeEnterobacteriaceaeandBacteroidetes[9].Incontrast, not affected [29, 30]. However, Moco et al. [28] reported the gastrointestinal microbial population was significantly that diet containing polyphenols (e.g., +catechin) increased different in cattle, dominated by Prevotella (18.2% of total thegrowthoftheClostridiumcoccoides,Eubacteriumrectale, population) in the rumen and Clostridium (19.7% of total Bifidobacterium spp., and Escherichia coli, but significantly population)inthefeces[29].Interestingly,themajorityofthe decreasedthegrowthoftheClostridiumhistolyticumgroup. bacteriainthehumangutrecordedbelongstotheClostridia In chickens the levels of cecal lactobacilli increased signifi- group,whichisalargecomponentofthegutmicrobiota[28]. cantly, while the levels of Enterobacteriaceae decreased [33, Condensedtanninsfromgreenteacatechins,whichare 34].AllthesestudiesconfirmedthatCTcauseashiftinthe monomeric polyphenols, have also been shown to cause a bacterial population in the intestinal tract, and a consistent shift in bacteria populations. 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Sep 4, 2013 changes in GI bacteria and methanogenic archaea diversity among the diets. Proteobacteria .. 27.1. 5.8. 8.2. 32.0. 9.0. 2.9. 0. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. 0%. 15%. 30%. Relativ . The metabolic activities of the bacteria and archaea
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