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GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINICS OF S NORTH AMERICA Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Cumulative Index 2003 Volume 32 March GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS DURING PREGNANCY, pages 1-462 June FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, pages 463-762 September PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY, pages 763-1034 September PHARMACOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE USE OF PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS: TAILORING THERAPY TO IMPROVE GERD OUTCOMES, pages S1-S49 December GASTROENTEROLOGIC EMERGENCIES: DIAGNOSIS AND MAN- AGEMENT, pages 1035-1359 Note: Page numbers of article titles are in bold face type; the letter ““S” before a page number indicates the Supplement issue. A ectopic, 10-13 Abdomen endoscopy in, 8-9 distention of extraabdominal causes of. 42 in intestinal ischemia, 1129 heterotopic, 13 in small intestinal obstruction, idiopathic, 42-43 1230 imaging in, 8 pressure in, in pregnancy, in adnexal disorders, 15-17 gastroesophageal reflux disease in appendicitis, 18-20 and, 239-240 in bacteriuria, 37-38 in Budd-Chiari syndrome, 35-36 Abdominal compartment syndrome, in in cholecystitis, 28-29 pancreatitis, 1179-1180 in choledochal cysts and Abdominal migraine, cyclic vomiting neoplasms, 30 syndrome and, 996, 1003-1005, si choledocholithiasis, ae 1009-1010 in cholelithiasis, 28-29 in cystitis, 37-38 Abdominal pain in diaphragmatic hernia, 23-24 in cholangitis, 1155 in drug toxicity, 42 in cholecystitis, 1146-1147 in eclampsia, 31-33 in colonic perforation, 1302-1303 in endocrinologic disease, 41 in cyclic vomiting syndrome, 996, 998 in endometriosis, 17 in diabetes mellitus, 623 in fatty liver, 34-35 in eosinophilic esophagitis, 950 in gastroesophageal reflux in HELLP syndrome, 1215 disease, 20-22 in inflammatory bowel disease, 967 in gastrointestinal disorders, in intestinal ischemia, 1128, 1137 18-27 in mitochondrial disorders, 793 in genitourinary cancer, 39 in pancreatitis, 1171-1173 in gynecologic disorders, 3, 15-18 in preeclampsia, 1214 in HELLP syndrome, 32-33, 417 in pregnancy, 1-57 in hematologic disease, 40-41 abdominal, 13 in infections, 41-42 differential diagnosis of, 1-7, 183 in inflammatory bowel disease, diffuse, 1 24-26 0889-8553/03/$ - see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0889-8553(03)00109-2 1312 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Abdominal (continued) Abuse, functional gastrointestinal disorders in intestinal obstruction, 22—23 and, 482-484, 493-494 in intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Acalculous cholecystitis, acute, 1152-1153 24 irritable bowel syndrome, Accommodation, impaired, in functional 26-27, 387-388, 403 dyspepsia, 576-577 kidney disorders, 37-39 leiomyoma, 17-18 Acetate breath test, in motility testing, 743 liver disease, 30-37 Acetylcholine, in gastric acid secretion, $37 nausea and vomiting, 212 obstetric disorders, 3, 10-15 Achalasia, dysphagia in, 563, 566-567 pancreatitis, 27-28 Acid ingestion, esophageal damage in, pancreatobiliary disease, 1035-1038 27-30 in pelvic inflammatory disease, 17 Acid suppressive therapy. See also specific in peptic ulcer disease, 20-22, 265 drugs. in placenta previa, 14-15 for peptic ulcer bleeding, S$14-S18 placental abruption, 14 for stress ulcer bleeding, S19-S21 porphyria, 36-37 Acidosis, lactic. See Lactic acidosis. preeclampsia, 31-33 premature labor, 15 Aciphex. See Rabeprazole. spontaneous abortion, 13-14 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. See systemic diseases, 40-42 Human immunodeficiency virus trophoblastic proliferations, 15 infection. tubo-ovarian abscess, 17 upper gastrointestinal Acupuncture bleeding, 22 for irritable bowel syndrome, 523 urinary tract disorders, 37-39 for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, 610 uterine rupture, 18 in vascular diseases, 40-41 Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction lower left quadrant, 3 (Ogilvie’s syndrome), 1233-1242 lower right quadrant, 3 clinical features of, 1235, 1237 neurophysiology of, 4-5 diagnosis of, 1237 parietal, 5 etiology of, 1235-1236 physiologic effects in, 7-8 in pregnancy, 24, 191-192 psychologic factors in, 5 pathogenesis of, 1235 referred, 5 treatment of, 1237-1242 team approach to, 9-10 Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. See Fatty upper left quadrant, 2 liver of pregnancy. upper right quadrant, 2 visceral, 4—5 Acyclovir, for herpesvirus infections, in in small intestinal obstruction, 1230 pregnancy, 1221 in sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, Acylearnitine profile, in mitochondrial 602-604 disorders, 810 Abdominal pregnancy, pain in, 13 Addison’s disease, in pregnancy, 41 Abortion, spontaneous Adenocarcinoma, of esophagus, S6 in portal hypertension, 422 pain in, 13-14 Adenoma, of liver, in pregnancy, 36 Abruption, placental, pain in, 14 S-Adenosyl methionine, for intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, 413 Abscess(es) in Crohn’s disease, 1275-1278 Adhesions, small intestinal obstruction in, in esophageal perforation, 1039 1230 in pregnancy Adnexal disorders, pain in, in pregnancy, liver, 36 15-17 tubo-ovarian, 17 pancreatic, 1179 Adrenalin, for peptic ulcer bleeding, $13-S14 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 1313 Adult respiratory distress syndrome, in Ampicillin, for endoscopy, 131, 135-136 fulminant hepatic failure, 1199-1200 Anemia Adynamic ileus, in pregnancy, 24 in Pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome, 777, 801-802 Aganglionic megacolon. See Hirschsprung in pregnancy disease. in colorectal cancer, 350, 360 AIDS. See Human immunodeficiency virus treatment of, 89 infection. in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, 774 Airway, edema of, in caustic ingestion, 1037 iron deficiency, in celiac disease, Alagille syndrome, 866-871 931-932 clinical manifestations of, 868-870 Anesthesia description of, 866 for delivery, aspiration in, 254-256 diagnosis of, 870-871 for surgery, in pregnancy, 184 genetics of, 866-868 prognosis for, 871 Aneurysm, splenic artery, in pregnancy, 40, treatment of, 871 192, 424 Alkaline ingestion, esophageal damage in, Angina, versus noncardiac chest pain, 1035-1038 531-533 Allergy, food, eosinophilic esophagitis and, Angiodysplasia, bleeding in, 1108, 946, 948, 950, 956-959 1113-1116 Allodynia, definition of, 734-735 Angiography in angiodysplasia, 1115 Alosetron in arterial pseudoaneurysm, in for functional dyspepsia, 588 pancreatitis, 1188-1189 for functional gastrointestinal in intestinal ischemia, 1137, 1139 disorders, 721-722 in lower gastrointestinal bleeding, for irritable bowel syndrome, 519 1111-1112 Alpers—Huttenlocher syndrome, 798 magnetic resonance, in intestinal ischemia, 1130-1131 Alpha>-adrenoreceptor agonists, for functional gastrointestinal disorders, Angioma, bleeding from, electrocoagulation 723-724 for, 1066 Alpha-fetoprotein, elevated, in Anismus. See Constipation, dyssynergic. hemochromatosis, 884 Anorectal manometry, in constipation, 662, Alternative medicine 666-668 for functional gastrointestinal Anorexia, in chronic diarrhea and intestinal disorders, 725 pseudo-obstruction, 802 for irritable bowel syndrome, 402, 522-523 Antacids for GERD, 540-541, S40 Amino acids, analysis of, in mitochondrial in anesthesia, 255 disorders, 810 in pregnancy, 21, 243-244 Aminoacidemias and aminoacidurias, for peptic ulcer disease, 275-276 pancreatitis in, 773 Anti-inflammatory drugs, for eosinophilic 5-Aminosalicylic acid, for inflammatory esophagitis, 953-956 bowel disease, 329 Antibiotics Amitriptyline after portoenterostomy, 901 for cyclic vomiting syndrome, for appendicitis, 187 1006-1007 for cholangitis, 1156-1157 for dysphagia, 569 for cholecystitis, 1150 for chronic intestinal Amoxicillin pseudo-obstruction, 643 for Helicobacter pylori infections, $42 for diarrhea, 319-320, 1259 for peptic ulcer disease, 278, 285 for endoscopy, 131, 135-137 1314 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Antibiotics (continued) Aortography, in intestinal ischemia, for esophageal perforation, 1041-1042 1135-1136 for inflammatory bowel disease, Apoprotein C-11 defects, pancreatitis in, 329-330 772-773 for intestinal ischemia, 1131 for pancreatitis, 1178 Appendicitis, in pregnancy, 18-20, for peptic ulcer disease, 278, 184-187 285-288 versus peptic ulcer disease, 269 for Vibrio infections, 1252 Argon plasma coagulation, for upper Antibody(ies) gastrointestinal bleeding, 1065 endomysial, in celiac disease, 934-935 in chronic intestinal Arterial pseudoaneurysm, in pancreatitis, pseudo-obstruction, 636, 638 1188-1189 transglutaminase, in celiac disease, Arthritis, in inflammatory bowel disease, 929-930, 935 969-970 Anticholinergic agents Ascending cholangitis, in polycystic kidney for functional gastrointestinal disease with hepatic fibrosis, disorders, 714-715 863-864 for irritable bowel syndrome, 398-399 Ascites, in pancreatitis, 1179-1180, 1183, 1185 Anticoagulants for inflammatory bowel disease, 1282 Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), in pregnancy for intestinal ischemia, 1137, 1140 deficiency of, 66, 70 excess of, 66, 70 Antidepressants requirements of, 62, 70-71 for cyclic vomiting syndrome, 1006-1007 Asimadoline, for functional gastrointestinal for dysphagia, 569 disorders, 723 for functional dyspepsia, 587 Aspiration for functional gastrointestinal nasogastric, for upper gastrointestinal disorders, 718-720 bleeding, 1055 for irritable bowel syndrome, 399-400, pulmonary 520 in anesthesia, 254-256 for noncardiac chest pain, 542-543 in tube feeding, 91 Antidiarrheal agents in variceal bleeding, 1084 for acute severe diarrhea, 1259-1260 Aspirin, Reye’s syndrome and, 804-805 for irritable bowel syndrome, 516 Atherosclerosis, intestinal ischemia in, Antiemetic agents 1135-1137 for functional gastrointestinal disorders, 725 Atropine, for functional gastrointestinal for gastroparesis, 631-632 disorders, 714 Antihistamines, for nausea and vomiting, Attapulgite, for diarrhea, 1260 220 Autoimmune disorders Antioxidants, for hemochromatosis, 885 biliary atresia as, 895-896 celiac disease in, 934 Antispasmodics hepatitis as, in pregnancy, 1223 for functional gastrointestinal disorders, 714-716 Autonomic nervous system for irritable bowel syndrome, 398-399, dysfunction of 516-518 in chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, 638 Antroduodenal manometry, for in congenital central gastroparesis, 625-626 hypoventilation syndrome, Anxiety disorders, functional 823 gastrointestinal disorders and, 481 in cyclic vomiting syndrome, 1005, 1011 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 in diabetes mellitus, gastroparesis Batteries, button-type, lodging in in, 622 esophagus, 1049 in functional dyspepsia, 581 function of, 469-470 BCSIL gene mutations, siderosis in, 880 Beano, for irritable bowel syndrome, Autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia, 794 400-401 Behavioral disorders, constipation as, Avoidance therapy, for eosinophilic 662-663 esophagitis, 956-959 Axid. See Nizatidine. Bendectin, for nausea and vomiting, 217 Bernstein test, in noncardiac chest pain, 538 Ayurvedic herbal medicine, for irritable bowel syndrome, 523 Beta-blockers for portal hypertensive gastropathy. Azathioprine, for inflammatory bowel 1096, 1098 disease, 330-331 for variceal bleeding, 1082, 1091-1092 Bethanechol, for functional gastrointestinal B disorders, 711-712 Baclofen, for functional gastrointestinal Bezoars, small intestinal obstruction from, disorders, 713 1232 Bacteriuria, in pregnancy, 37-38 Bifidobacterium, for irritable bowel” Balloon dilation, for dysphagia, 562-563. syndrome, 514 566-567 Bile Balloon expulsion test, in constipation, 668 analysis of, in cholestasis, 847 formation and transport of, disorders Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous of, 839-855, 912 obliteration, of gastric varices, 1095 benign recurrent intrahepatic Balloon tamponade, for variceal bleeding, cholestasis, 843 1087-1088 cryptogenic cirrhosis and multidrug resistant type 3 Band ligation deficiency, 846 for bleeding, in diverticulosis, 1113 diagnosis of, 847-849 for small intestinal perforation, 1299 Dubin-Johnson syndrome, for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, 846-847 1067-1068 gallstone disease and multidrug for variceal bleeding, 1086, 1095 resistant type 3 deficiency, Bardet-Bied| syndrome, Hirschsprung 845-846 disease in, 824 intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and multidrug Bariatric procedures, in pregnancy, resistant type 3 deficiency, 103-104 844-845 Barium studies physiologic considerations in, in chronic intestinal 839-841 pseudo-obstruction, 639 progressive familial intrahepatic in constipation, 666 cholestasis, 841-844, 846 in dysphagia, 556-557, 559 treatment of, 849-851 physiology of, 839-841 in esophageal perforation, 1041 in gastroesophageal reflux disease, toxicity of, mitochondrial damage in, 807-808 534 in noncardiac chest pain, 534 Bile acids, measurement of, in intrahepatic Barostat cholestasis of pregnancy, 412 in motility testing, 740-741 Bile ducts in sensation testing, 736-737 disorders of, 857-875. See also Biliary Barrett’s esophagus, cancer risk in, S6 atresia. after liver transplantation, Basal energy expenditure, in pregnancy, 86 918-919 1316 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Bile ducts (continued) in chronic intestinal cystic, 858-865 pseudo-obstruction, 641-642 embryologic considerations in, liver 857-858 in biliary atresia, 898-899 paucity, 865-871 in cholestasis, 847-849 perforation of, 1200 in congenital hepatic fibrosis, 863 in fulminant hepatic failure, 1203 Biliary atresia, 891-907 small intestine, in celiac disease, 934 anatomy of, 896-897 classification of. 896-897 Biotin, requirements of, in pregnancy, 61 epidemiology of, 891 Bisacodyl, for constipation, 313 etiology of, 892-896 evaluation of, 897-899 Bismuth subgallate, for peptic ulcer disease, fetal, 892 278 genetics of, 895 histopathology of, 896-897 Bismuth subsalicylate historical background of, 891 for diarrhea, 318, 1260 perinatal, 892 for peptic ulcer disease, 286 postnatal, 892 Bisphosphonates, for osteopenia, in treatment of, 891-892, 900-902 inflammatory bowel disease, 979 Biliary colic Bladder, infections of, in pregnancy, 37-38 in cholecystitis, 1146 in gallbladder dysmotility, 612-613 Bleeding in pregnancy, 28-29, 150-156 disorders of. See Coagulopathy. from ulcers, S11-S23 Biliary pain, classification of, 603-604 peptic, S11-S18 Biliary tract. See also Bile ducts; stress, $18-S21 Gallbladder. in liver transplantation, 918 dysfunction of. See also Cholecystitis: in pancreatitis, 1180, 1184, 1188-1189 Cholangitis. in pregnancy in inflammatory bowel disease, ectopic, 12 970 endoscopy for, 142-143 in pregnancy, 29-30, 150-156, in liver rupture, 33-34, 189-190 187-189 in peptic ulcer disease, 291-292 dysmorphogenesis of, biliary atresia in placental disorders, 14-15 in, 894 in portal hypertension, 423-427 endoscopic drainage of, for upper gastrointestinal, 22, cholangitis, 1157-1158 142-143 fistula of, in pancreatitis, 1180 intracranial, in Alagille syndrome, functional disorders of. See also 869-870 Sphincter of Oddi, liver, in pregnancy, 1218 dysfunction of. lower gastrointestinal, 1107-1125 gallbladder motility disorders, definition of, 1107 612-613 diagnostic evaluation of, obstruction of 1110-1112 cholangitis in, 154 etiology of, 1107-1108 in pancreatitis, 1186-1187 in angiodysplasia, 1108, partial diversion of, with ileal 1113-1116 exclusion, for cholestasis, 850 in diverticulosis, 1108, 1112-1113 Biofeedback training hemorrhoids, 1116 for constipation, 673 infectious colitis, 1118-1119 for fecal incontinence, 691-694 inflammatory bowel disease, Biologic agents, for inflammatory bowel 1117, 1275 disease, 332 intestinal ischemia, 1128-1129 ischemia, 1116-1117 Biopsy neoplasia, 1108, 1119 esophagus, in eosinophilic esophagitis, radiation colitis, 1119 951 stercoral ulcers, 1119 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 1317 initial evaluation and Brain-gut axis, disturbances of, 466-471 resuscitation in, 1107, 1109 autonomic nervous system, 469-470 mortality in, 1107-1108, combined sensory-motor, 466-467 1119-1120 enteric nervous system, 468-469 NSAID-induced, 1116 motor, 466 outcomes of, 1119-1120 peripheral sensory pathways, 470-471 postpolypectomy, 1117-1118 psychosocial influences on, 467, postpartum, in portal hypertension, 487-489 424 Breastfeeding upper gastrointestinal, 1053-1078 GERD drugs during, 256-257 clinical presentation of, HIV transmission in, 441 1054-1055 inflammatory bowel disease drugs diagnosis of, 1056-1060 during, 333-334 epidemiology of, 1053 etiology of, 1053-1054 Breath testing in portal hypertension. See Portal in motility testing, 743-744 hypertension. stable isotope, in gastroparesis, initial evaluation of, 1055-1056 624-625 prognosis of, 1055-1056 treatment of BRESEK syndrome, Hirschsprung disease endoscopic, 1060-1069 in, 824 medical, 1070-1071 Bristol Stool Scale, in constipation, 663-664 triage in, 1060 variceal. See Varices, BSEP gene mutations, in progressive gastroesophageal, bleeding familial intrahepatic cholestasis, type from. II, 844 Blood loss, in pregnancy, hypovolemia Budd-Chiari syndrome, in pregnancy, correction in, 88-89 35-36, 224, 1222 Body mass index, in pregnancy, 82 Burns, of esophagus, in caustic ingestion, 1035-1038 Boerhaave’s syndrome, 1039-1040 Buspirone Bone marrow failure for functional dyspepsia, 588 in Pearson marrow-pancreas for functional gastrointestinal syndrome, 801-802 disorders, 717 in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, 775-777 Butterfly vertebrae, in Alagille syndrome, 869 Bone mineral density, reduced in celiac disease, 933 Byler disease (progressive familial in inflammatory bowel disease, intrahepatic cholestasis), 773, 842 977-979 Botulinum toxin C for esophageal sphincters Calciferol (vitamin D), in pregnancy in dysphagia, 566 deficiency of, 66, 72-73 in noncardiac chest pain, 542 for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, 610 excess of, 66, 72 requirements of, 63, 72-73 Bougienage, in dysphagia, 562-563 Calcium Bradygastria, in pregnancy, 206-209 deficiency of, in inflammatory bowel disease, 978 Brain in pregnancy activation of, in functional deficiency of, 66, 75-76 gastrointestinal disorders, excess of, 66 471-472 requirements of, 63, 75-76 edema of, in fulminant hepatic failure, 1198-1199 Calcium channel blockers vascular anomalies in, in Alagille for functional gastrointestinal syndrome, 869-870 disorders, 715 1318 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Calcium channel (continued) clinical manifestations of, for irritable bowel syndrome, 398-399 930-933 for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, definition of, 927 610 diagnosis of, 935-936 differential diagnosis of, 936 Calculous cholecystitis, acute, 1145-1151 diseases associated with, 934 Campylobacter jejuni infections, diarrhea in, epidemiology of, 927-928 1253 genetics of, 928 histopathology of, 936 Cancer in pregnancy acute colonic pseudo-obstruction in, hyperemesis gravidarum in, 1236 224-225 esophageal, 555, S6 nutrition in, 101-102 in celiac disease, 936-937 pathogenesis of, 929-930 in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2, prevention of, 937-938 823-824 prognosis for, 936-937 in pregnancy serologic markers of, 934-935 gastrointestinal, 193-194. See treatment of, 937-938 also Colorectal cancer. gastric, 296-297 Central nervous system, dysfunction of, versus peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel syndrome related to, 269-270 390-391 genitourinary, 39 Cereulide, mitochondrial disorders from, ovarian, 15-16 806 small intestinal, obstruction in, 1232 Charcot’s triad, in cholangitis, 1155 Carbamazepine, for cyclic vomiting syndrome, 1007 Chelation therapy, for hemochromatosis, 885 Carbon dioxide, stable isotope of, in breath testing, for gastroparesis, 624-625 Chemotherapy, for colorectal cancer, 362-366 Carcinoembryonic antigen, in colorectal cancer, 355 Chest pain, noncardiac, 529-550 definition of, 529 Cardiovascular disorders evaluation of, 531-540 acute colonic pseudo-obstruction in, cardiologist role in, 531-533 1236 esophageal manometry in, fulminant hepatic failure and, 1197, 536-538 1199 in gastroesophageal reflux in Alagille syndrome, 869-870 disease, 533-536 Cardiovascular system, changes in, in provocative tests in, 538 pregnancy, 18!—182, 418-420 psychologic evaluation in, 538-539 Caroli disease, 859 in diabetes mellitus, 623 Cascara, for constipation, 313 in esophageal foreign body, 1044 in esophageal perforation, 1039 Cataract, in inflammatory bowel disease, pathophysiology of, 530-531 1283 treatment of, 540-545, 717-724 Caustic ingestion, esophageal damage in, Chinese herbal medicine, for irritable bowel 1035-1038, 1049 syndrome, 523 Cecum, volvulus of, 1233-1234 Chlorpromazine, for cyclic vomiting Celiac axis syndrome, 1007 anatomy of, 1127-1128 Cholangiography ischemia of. See Intestinal ischemia. in biliary atresia, 899 Celiac disease, 927-943 in cholestasis, 847 atypical presentation of, 931 Cholangiopancreatography, magnetic classical presentation of, 930 resonance, in cholangitis, 1156 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Cholangitis pancreatitis in, 1170-1173 acute, 1154-1161 small intestinal obstruction from, 1232 clinical presentation of, Cholera, diarrhea in, 1252 1155-1156 diagnosis of, 1155-1156 Choleresis, after portoenterostomy, 901 pathophysiology of, 1154-1155 Cholescintigraphy treatment of, 1156-1161 in gallbladder dysmotility, 612-613 after portoenterostomy, 901 in sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, ascending 608-610 clinical algorithm for, 1160 Cholestasis in polycystic kidney disease with benign recurrent intrahepatic, 843 hepatic fibrosis, 863-864 diagnosis of, 847-849 sclerosing, in inflammatory bowel in Alagille syndrome, 868 disease, 970, 1283-1284 in biliary atresia, 892 Cholecystectomy in cryptogenic cirrhosis, multidrug for cholangitis, 1159-1161 resistant type 3 deficiency with, for cholecystitis, 1150-1151, 1153 846 for gallbladder dysmotility, 613 in Dubin-Johnson syndrome, 846-847 for gallstone pancreatitis, 1173 in gallstone disease, multidrug in pregnancy, 150-156, 188-189 resistant type 3 deficiency with, pain after. See Sphincter of Oddi, 845-846 dysfunction of. in mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, 799 Cholecystitis in Navajo neurohepatopathy, acalculous, acute, 1152-1153 803-804 calculous, acute, 1145-1151 in neonatal liver failure, 797 clinical presentation of, intrahepatic, of pregnancy, 409-414, 1146-1147 1218-1219 complications of, 1151 multidrug resistant type 3 diagnosis of, 1147-1149 deficiency with, 844-845 natural history of, 1146 physiologic considerations in, outcomes of, 1151 839-84] pathophysiology of, 1146 progressive familial intrahepatic, treatment of, 1149-1151 841-842 in pregnancy, 28-29 type | (Byler’s disease), 773, 842 versus peptic ulcer disease, 269 type Il, 843-844 type III, 844 Cholecystokinin type IV, 846 antagonists of, for gastroparesis, 634 treatment of, 849-851 in sphincter of Oddi function, 601 Cholesterol Cholecystotomy, percutaneous, for deficiency of, in progressive familial cholecystitis, 1151, 1153 intrahepatic cholestasis, type I, Choledochal cysts 842 biliary atresia and, 894 elevated, in Alagille syndrome, 868 in pregnancy, 30 Cholestyramine Choledocholithiasis, 1147 for diarrhea, 398 cholangitis in, 1155 for intrahepatic cholestasis of in pregnancy, 29-30, 150-156 pregnancy, 413, 1219 for irritable bowel syndrome, 516 Choledochotomy, for cholangitis, 1158 Choline, requirements of, in pregnancy, 61 Cholelithiasis cholangitis in. See Cholangitis. Cholinergic agents, for functional in cholecystitis, 1146 gastrointestinal disorders, 711-713 in pregnancy, 28-29, 150-156, Choriocarcinoma 187-189, 1222 hyperemesis gravidarum in, 222-223 multidrug resistant type 3 deficiency pain in, 15 with, 845-846 1320 Cumulative Index | Gastroenterol Clin N Am 32 (2003) 1311-1359 Chromium, in pregnancy Citalopram, for functional gastrointestinal deficiency of, 67, 78 disorders, 720 excess of, 78-79 Citrullinemia, pancreatitis in, 773 requirements of, 63, 78-79 CJ-11,974, for functional gastrointestinal Chromosomal abnormalities, in disorders, 724 Hirschsprung disease, 821-825 Clarithromycin Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, for functional gastrointestinal 636-647 disorders, 711 causes of, 636-637 for peptic ulcer disease, 278, 285-286 classification of, 636-637 clinical manifestations of, 636, 638 Clichy criteria, for hepatic failure prognosis, diagnosis of, 638-642 1202 in pediatric patients, 636, 644-647 treatment of, 642-644 Clidinium bromide, for irritable bowel syndrome, 518 Chylomicronemia, in lipoprotein lipase defects, pancreatitis in, 772-773 Clips for colonic perforation, 1304 Cilansetron, for irritable bowel syndrome, for diverticular bleeding, 1113 519 for gastric perforation, 1293 for small intestinal perforation, Cimetidine 1298-1299 for GERD, S40-S41 for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, in anesthesia, 255 1067-1068 in pregnancy, 244, 246-2 for peptic ulcer disease, 277, Clonidine for stress ulcers, $19-S20 for functional dyspepsia, 588 mechanism of action of, $27 for functional gastrointestinal disorders, 713, 717, 723-724 Cimetropium, for functional gastrointestinal disorders, 714 Clostridium difficile infections, diarrhea in, 1254 Cineradiography, in dysphagia, 556 Coagulation therapy, for peptic ulcer Ciprofloxacin bleeding, S13-S14 for chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, 643 Coagulopathy for inflammatory bowel disease, in fulminant hepatic failure. 329-330 1200-1201 in HELLP syndrome, 1216 Cirrhosis cryptogenic, multidrug in inflammatory bowel disease, 1281-1282 resistance-associated protein in liver transplantation, 918 defects with, 846 in inflammatory bowel disease, 970 in lower gastrointestinal bleeding, 1110 in portal hypertension, 1083 in pregnancy, portal hypertension in, 418-427 Cobalamin (vitamin B,>), requirements of, in progressive familial intrahepatic in pregnancy, 62 cholestasis, type I, 842 portal hypertension in, 418-427, 1080, Codeine, for diarrhea, 328 1084 Cognitive-behavioral therapy Cisapride for functional gastrointestinal for chronic intestinal disorders, 495 pseudo-obstruction, 642 for irritable bowel syndrome, 521 for cyclic vomiting syndrome, 1007 Cognitive therapy, for irritable bowel for functional dyspepsia, 587-588 syndrome, 402 for functional gastrointestinal disorders, 708 Colchicine, for constipation, 672 for gastroparesis, 630-631, 634 Colectomy for GERD, 244, 250-251 for constipation, 674

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