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GAS PHASE CHROMATOGRAPHY ENGLAND: BUTTERWORTH & CO. (PUBLISHERS) LTD. LONDON: 88 Kingsway, W.C.2 AFRICA: BUTTERWORTH & CO. (AFRICA) LTD. DURBAN: 33/35 Beach Grove . AUSTRALIA: BUTTERWORTH & CO. (AUSTRALIA) LTD. SYDNEY: 6/8 O'Connell Street MELBOURNE: 473 Bourke Street BRISBANE: 240 Queen Street CANADA: BUTTERWORTH & CO. (CANADA) LTD. TO]{ONTO: 1367 Danforth Avenue, 6 NEW ZEALAND: BUTTERWORTH & CO. (NEW ZEALAND) LTD. WELLINGTON: 49/51 Ballance Street AUCKLAND: 35 High Street U.S.A.: BUTTERWORTH INC. WASHINGTON, D.C.: 7235 Wisconsin Avenue, 14 GAS PHASE CHROMATOGRAPHY Volume I GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY RUDOLF KAISER Badische Anilin- und Sodqfabrik AG Ludwigshafen Translated by P. H. Scott LONDON BUTTER WOR THS 1963 ISBN 978-1-4684-8293-5 ISBN 978-1-4684-8291-1 (eBook) DOl 10_1007/978-1-4684-8291-1 Originally published under the title Chromatographie in der Gasphase Band I Kapillar-chromatographie by Bibliographisches Institut AG Mannheim © 1960 Bibliographisches Institut AG Mannheim Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1960 English Translation © Butt6IWorth &: Co. (Publishers) Ltd. 1968 FOREWORD THE present volume, which is the first of a three-volume work on gas phase chromatography, deals with the problems of gas chromatography in packed columns. Gas chromatography, like any other analytical method, is mainly a matter of practical skill, and therefore emphasis has been given to the apparatus at the expense of a more detailed presentation of the theory. The aim of this book is to make lecturers and students, chemists, works engineers and laboratory workers familiar with this highly effective branch of analytical physical chemistry. I hope too that the experienced worker may find references which will be of value to him in his work and which will spare him part of the now almost impossible task of keeping up to date with the literature. The nomenclature used here is the result of a number of discussions with Professor E. Cremer and Dr. E. Bayer, and I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my grateful thanks to them. The present book is based partly on my book Gas Chromatography which appeared at the end of 1959. Numerous discussions with Professor E. Leibnitz and his colleagues H. P. Angele, M. Hofmann, H. Holzhauser, M. Kuhl and H. G. Struppe and the experimental work carried out with them have all influenced this revision. I should also like to thank Dr. H. Kienitz and his colleagues Dr. K. Dorfner, Dr. H. D. Ermshaus and Dr. H. Runge for valuable suggestions. Beckm.ilnn Instruments, GmbH, Munich, Perkin-Elmer & Co., Boden seewerk, Uberlingen, Griffin & George Ltd., Alperton, \Vembley, W. G. Pye & Co. Ltd., Cambridge, and the organizers of the 3rd Gas Chromato graphy Symposium at Edinburgh in 1960 have all been most generous in supplying me with data and illustrative material. I should also like to thank the Verlag Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, for their splendid co-operation. RUDOLF KAISER v CONTENTS FOREWORD v INTRODUCTION Survey of the four fundamental chromatographic methods Limits of application, definitions and methods of gas chromato graphy-Nomenclature-History of gas chromatography. 1. THEORY OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY.. 10 Definition and derivation of the characteristic values for gas chromatography-Retention volume and partition coefficient Retention values and the liquid phase in isothermal gas chromatography-Height equivalent to a theoretical plate Separation formula for gas chromatographic methods-Selec tivity, column performance and resolution-Retention values and temperature of separation; retention temperature Number of theoretical plates and peak form-Gas chroma thermography by the circulation technique. 2. APPARATUS 34 2.1. The column.. 37 The column packing-Evaluation of packed columns Calculation of the number of theoretical plates, column per formance and separation factor-Resolution-Calculation of the number of theoretical plates or column length necessary for a given separation-Load capacity-Performance index Time of analysis and resolution-Column material-Column diameter-The solid support-Removal of residual adsorption activity-Particle diameter-The liquid phase-Quantity of liquid phase-Impregnation of the support-Testing the column packing-Peak form-Control of the quantity of liquid phase -Temperature load capacity-Filling the column-Testing the column-Ageing of the column packing-Summary of the factors governing the preparation and operation of efficient columns. 2.2. The carrier gas 65 Gas purification-Control and measurement of the carrier gas flow rate-Disturbances of constant flow rate-Production of a constant gas flow rate-Gas tightness-Flow rate meters. 2.3. The sample injector 79 Sample injectors for gases-Sample injectors for liquids. 2.4. Detectors 99 Desirable and necessary properties of detectors-Principles of measurement-The thermal conductivity cell-The flame ionization detector-Testing of detectors-Comparison of sensitivity. vii Contents 2.5. Recorders 125 2.6. Temperature 127 The optimum operating temperature-Constant tempera ture-Temperature control-Heat insulation-Variable tem peratures. 2.7. Industrial gas chromatographs and other special apparatus 143 High temperature instruments-Multi-column instruments Apparatus for preparative work-Sample collection systems Fully automatic instruments-Trace analysis instruments-Low pressure instruments. 3. THE ANALYTICAL RESULT 165 3.1. The qualitative analytical result 167 Preparation of the sample-Choice of the most suitable column and operating conditions-Qualitative evaluation-Qualitative testing of columns. 3.2. The quantitative result 179 Requirements for the quantitative evaluation of gas chromato graphic results-Measurement of peak area-Evaluation from peak area measurements-Direct surface area method-Evalu ation by peak area measurements using specific calibration factors-Evaluation of the analysis by a calibration method External calibration of the peak heights-External calibration of the peak areas-Internal calibration with addition of ex traneous substance-Internal calibration with component already present-Evaluation by the height and area methods for constant sample quantity-Evaluation methods using integral detectors. 3.3. Application of gas chromatography to the determination of thermodynamic values 191 INDEX 195 viii INTRODUCTION DURING recent years gas chromatography has developed into the most effec tive of the chromatographic analytical methods. With its aid qualitative and quantitative separations and determinations can be carried out on mixtures of any substances which vaporize without decomposition under the condi tions of gas chromatography or which can be decomposed in a reproducible manner. This includes all organic and inorganic substances with definite boiling points, all substances capable of being converted into stable end products, and all those substances which, although originally not covered by these terms, can be converted into vaporizable or decomposable deriva tives. Gas chromatographic methods can be used for automatic operation. This is why their use in works laboratories, pilot plants, and full-scale chemical plants is widespread and still increasing. Modern gas chromato graphic methods require only a thousandth to a millionth of a gram of substance for an analysis, and can be completed within minutes or even in seconds. The new method provides a valuable extension of the range of analytical techniques, not only for the chemist but also for the biologist and the medical man. The present volume presents the theory of gas chromatography with packed columns, the so-called classical method, in a form which is very simple but is useful for the practician. A good understanding of the apparatus used in gas chromatography is essential, since in many cases it is necessary to build one's own or to modify existing equipment; in order to assist this and also to help select the most suitable commercial instrument for the job in hand, Volume I gives a very thorough treatment of apparatus problems. Finally the qualitative and quantitative application of gas chromato graphy to a few selected practical examples is described in a systematic and generalized manner. Volume II, which will follow later, will deal with the theory, apparatus and application of capillary gas chromatography. The latter method was only recently developed from classical gas chromatography as a new and in many cases very efficient variant. Finally the third volume will contain in tabular form all the important data which are necessary or useful for the widest possible application of classical and capillary gas chromatography for qualitative and quantitative analysis, and also for industrial gas chromatography. Survey of the Four Fundantental Chrontatographic Methods The term 'chromatography' is at present understood to include all those processes in which separation is brought about by adsorption or solution partition of a mixture between two non-miscible phases. Introduction The two phases flow in intimate contact countercurrent to one another, or one phase is stationary and the other phase flows intensively through it. For the mobile phase only two states of matter can be considered: liquid or gas. Only liquid or solid substances may be used for the stationary phase. Mobile phase Stationary phase G gas L liquid (liquidus) L liquid S solid (solidus) By combinations of these the four possible chromatographic methods (abbrevated to C) are obtained: GLC} Gas chromatography GSC LLC } Column, paper, and partition chromatography, and SLC ion exchange. The following table shows when and by whom the individual methods were first discovered. SLC Tswett (1906) GSC Schuftan (1931), or Ramsey (1905) LLC Martin, Synge (1941) GLC James, Martin (1952) or Damkoh1er, Theile (1943) There are four techniques by which the separation can be carried out: 1. By elution (elution analysis) 2. By displacement with the mixture itself (frontal analysis) 3. By displacement with an auxiliary substance (displacement analysis) 4. By circulation of a temperature field (circulating chromathermo graphy) Almost all the chromatographic methods can be carried out by the four techniques: GLC: Elution, frontal and circulating chromathermography GSC: Elution, frontal, displacement and circulating chromathermo- graphy LLC: Elution, frontal and displacement analysis SLC: Elution, frontal and displacement analysis Modern techniques, however, favour the elution process, because it is much easier to control than frontal and displacement analysis. Lindts of Application, Definitions and Methods of Gas ChroInatography The general term 'gas chromatography' includes all those chromato graphic processes in which the essential material transport occurs in the gaseous or vapour phase. The applicability of gas chromatography is limited to those substances which may be vaporized under normal conditions or which may be 2 Limits of Application, Definitions and Methods decomposed in a reproducible manner to give stable gaseous products. It may also be applied to substances which, although not capable of being vaporized or converted into gaseous products in their original form, can be converted by given chemical reactions into substances with the required properties. The range of application thus includes all gases, all liquid and solid substances capable of being distilled, all substances which may be decom posed in a reproducible manner such as polycondensates, polymerizates, salts of non-volatile acids, organic complexes of many metals, halides of the transition elements, etc. We can therefore make the following definition: Gas chromatography is a rapid process for the separation and analysis of all substances which can be vaporized or decomposed, or which can be chemically converted into such substances. By this means qualitative and quantitative analytical results can be obtained. There are several gas chromatographic processes; they may be distin guished on the one hand according to the principle of separation, on the other according to the method of operation. There are two different principles of separation: 1. Gas-solid chromatography (GSC) or adsorption gas chromatography. This principle depends on the variation in the extent to which the constituents of a mixture are adsorbed on an adsorbent such as activated carbon, silica gel, alumina, clay, molecular sieves, etc. 2. Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) or partition gas chromatography. This principle depends on the varying solubilities of the vapours of the constituents in the liquid phase, which may be a substance such as tricresyl phosphate, paraffin oil, glycerine, etc. Each of these principles can be carried out at either constant or fluctuat ing temperature. The operating temperature may rise steadily or discon tinuously, but a rising or falling temperature field can also recur in a cyclic fashion. We therefore speak of isothermal gas chromatography or gas chromather mography. Further, we may distinguish four different methods of operation: (a) The elution or development technique. In this method the mixture is 'transported' through a tube, or separating column, packed with adsorbent or impregnated with liquid phase, by means of a so-called 'carrier gas', which flows continuously and steadily. As a result of this continuous trans port of material through the column, the different rates of travel of the individual constituents effect the desired separation. The essential thing about this method is that the substance need only be introduced into the column inlet on one occasion, at the start of the analysis, and that only a small amount of substance is required. , (b) The displacement technique. The continuously flowing carrier gas is satur ated with the vapour of a substance which is adsorbed by the column packing 3

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