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ISBN:978-0-7506-8979-3 ForinformationonallGulfProfessionalPublishing PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 08 09 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A Note from the Authors Gulf Equipment Guides series serves as a quick reference for the design, selection, specification, installation, operation, testing, and trouble-shooting of surface production equipment. The Gulf Equip- ment Guides series consists of multiple volumes, each of which cov- ers a specific area in surface production equipment. These guides cover essentially the same topics included in the “Surface Production Operations” series but omit the proofs of equations, example pro- blems and solutions which belong more properly in a handbook. This book contains fewer pages and is therefore more focused. The reader is referred to the corresponding volume of the “Surface Production Operations” series for further details and additional information such as derivations of some of the equations, example problems and solutions and suggested test questions. About the Book Gas–Liquid and Liquid–Liquid Separators is the first volume in the Surface Production Facilities Engineering Handbook series. Each vol- umeprovidesacompleteandup-to-dateresourcemanualonaspecific area of Facilities Engineering. The series provides the most compre- hensive coverage you’ll find today dealing with surface production facilities in its various stages, from initial entry into the flowline through gas–liquid and liquid–liquid separation; emulsions, oil and water treating; water injection; hydrate prediction and prevention; gas dehydration; and gas conditioning and processing equipment to the exiting pipeline. The series has volumes devoted to pumps, com- pressorsanddrivers;plantpiping andpipelines;heattransferandheat exchangers; plant piping and pipelines; instrumentation, process con- trol and safety systems; project management; and risk assessment. Featured in thisvolume aresuch important topics as basic principles, process selection, gas–liquid separators, liquid–liquid separators, and mechanical design of pressure vessels, and many other related topics. AllvolumesoftheSurfaceProductionFacilitieshandbookseries serve the practicing engineer and senior field personnel by providing organized design procedures; details on suitable equipment for appli- cationselection;andcharts,tables,andnomographsinreadilyuseable form. Facility engineers, process engineers, designers, operations engineers, and senior production operators will develop a “feel” for theimportantparametersindesigning,selecting,specifying,andtrou- ble-shootingsurfaceproductionfacilities.Readerswillunderstandthe uncertainties and assumptions inherent in designing and operating the equipment in these systems and the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages associated with their use. CHAPTER 1 Basic Principles 1.1 Introduction Beforedescribinggas–liquid(2-phase)andliquid–liquid(3-phase)separa- tionequipmentusedinoilandgasproductionfacilitiesanddesigntech- niquesforselectingandsizingthatequipment,itisnecessarytoreview somebasicprinciplesandfluidproperties.Wewillalsodiscusssomeof the common calculation procedures, conversions, and operations used todescribethefluidsencounteredintheproductionoperations. 1.2 Fluid Analysis An example fluid analysis of a typical gas well is shown in Table 1.1. Note that only paraffin hydrocarbons are shown. This is not correct, even though they may be the predominant series present. Also note that all molecules of heptane and larger ones are lumped together as heptanes plus fraction. 1.3 Physical Properties Anaccurateestimateofphysicalpropertiesisessentialifoneistoobtain reliablecalculations.Physicalandchemicalpropertiesdependupon: l Pressure l Temperature l Composition Most hydrocarbon streams are mixtures of hydrocarbons that may contain varying quantities of contaminants such as l Hydrogen sulfide l Carbon-dioxide l Water 2 Gas-LiquidandLiquid-LiquidSeparators TABLE1.1 Examplefluidanalysisofgaswell Component mol% Methane(C ) 35.78 1 Ethane(C ) 21.46 2 Propane (C ) 1.40 3 i-Butane (i-C ) 5.35 4 n-Butane(n-C ) 10.71 4 i-Pentane(i-C ) 3.81 5 n-Pentane(n-C ) 3.07 5 Hexanes (C ) 3.32 6 Heptanes plus(C7þ) 3.24 Nitrogen 0.20 Carbondioxide 1.66 Total 100.00 The more similar the character of the mixture molecules, the more orderlytheir behavior.Asinglecomponent system composedentirely of a simple molecule, like methane, behaves in a very predictable, correctable manner. The accuracy of calculations decrease in the following order: l Single component system l Mixture of molecules from the same homologous series l Mixture of molecules from different homologous series l Hydrocarbon mixtures containing sulfur compounds and/or carbon dioxide Performance data for a single component system can be accurately correlated in graphical or tabular form. For all others, one must use either pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) equations of state or the Weighted Average. The Weighted Average assumes that the contribu- tion of an individual molecule is in proportion to its relative quantity in the mixture. The more dissimilar the molecules, the less accurate thepredictionbecomes.Table1.2listssomeofthephysicalproperties of some of the paraffin hydrocarbon series. Waterinliquidorvaporformispresenttosomedegreeinallsys- tems.Liquidwaterisessentiallyimmiscibleinhydrocarbons.However, in the vapor phase it represents a small percentage (seldom more than onepartperthousand,byweight).Sincenormalphasebehaviorcalcula- tionsdonotapplyforwater,specialproceduresmustbeused.Equations ofstateusethevaluesofP,V,andTatthecriticalpoint.Eachmolecular specieshasauniquecriticalpoint. TABLE1.2 Physicalpropertiesof paraffinhydrocarbons Component Methane Ethane Propane iso-Butane n-Butane iso-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane n-Octane n-Nonane n-Decane Molecularweight 16.043 30.070 44.097 58.124 58.124 72.151 72.151 86.178 100.205 114.232 128.259 142.286 [email protected] (cid:3)258.73 (cid:3)127.49 (cid:3)43.75 10.78 31.08 82.12 96.92 155.72 209.16 258.21 303.47 345.48 psia,(cid:2)F [email protected] (cid:3)296.44 (cid:3)297.49 (cid:3)305.73 (cid:3)255.28 (cid:3)217.05 (cid:3)255.82 (cid:3)201.51 (cid:3)139.58 (cid:3)131.05 (cid:3)70.18 (cid:3)64.28 (cid:3)21.36 psia,(cid:2)F Vaporpressure@100(cid:2)F, (5000.) (800.) 188.4 72.58 51.71 20.445 15.574 4.960 1.620 0.5369 0.1795 0.0609 psia Densityofliquid@60(cid:2)Fand14.696psia Relativedensity@ (0.3) 0.3562 0.5070 0.5629 0.5840 0.6247 0.6311 0.6638 0.6882 0.7070 0.7219 0.7342 60(cid:2)F/60(cid:2)F (cid:2)API (340.) 265.6 147.3 119.8 110.7 95.1 92.7 81.60 74.08 68.64 64.51 61.23 Absolutedensity, (2.5) 2.970 4.227 4.693 4.870 5.208 5.262 5.534 5.738 5.894 6.018 6.121 lbm/gal(invacuum) Apparentdensity, (2.5) 2.960 4.217 4.683 4.861 5.198 5.252 5.524 5.729 5.885 6.008 6.112 lbm/gal(inair) Densityofgas@60(cid:2)Fand14.696psia Relativedensity(air¼ 0.5539 1.0382 1.5225 2.0068 2.0068 2.4911 2.4911 2.9755 3.4598 3.9441 4.4284 4.9127 1),idealgas lb/Mft3,idealgas 42.28 79.24 116.20 153.16 153.16 190.13 190.13 227.09 264.06 301.02 337.98 374.95 Volume@60(cid:2)Fand14.696psia Liquid,gal/lb-mol (6.4) 10.13 10.43 12.39 11.94 13.85 13.72 15.57 17.46 19.38 21.31 23.45 Ft3has/galliquid,ideal (59.1) 37.48 36.375 30.64 31.79 27.39 27.67 24.37 21.73 19.58 17.81 16.33 gas (Continued) TABLE1.2 (Continued) Component Methane Ethane Propane iso-Butane n-Butane iso-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane n-Octane n-Nonane n-Decane Ratio,gas/liquid, (442.) 280.4 272.1 229.2 237.8 204.9 207.0 182.3 162.6 146.5 133.2 122.2 invacuum Criticalconditions Temperature,(cid:2)F (cid:3)116.67 89.92 206.06 274.46 305.62 369.10 385.8 453.6 512.7 564.22 610.68 652.0 Pressure,psia 666.4 706.5 616.0 527.9 550.6 490.4 488.6 436.9 396.8 360.7 331.8 305.2 Grosscalorificvalue,combustion@60(cid:2)F Btu/lb,liquid – 22181 21489 21079 21136 20891 20923 20783 20679 20607 20543 20494 Btu/lb,gas 23891 22332 21653 21231 21299 21043 21085 20942 20838 20759 20700 20651 Btu/ft3,idealgas 1016.0 1769.6 2516.1 3251.9 3262.3 4000.9 4008.9 4755.9 5502.5 6248.9 6996.5 7742.9 Btu/gal,liquid – 65869 90830 98917 102911 108805 110091 115021 118648 121422 123634 125448 Volumeairtoburnone 9.54 16.71 23.87 31.03 31.03 38.19 38.19 45.35 52.52 59.68 66.84 74.00 volume,idealgas Flammabilitylimits@100(cid:2)Fand14.696psia Lower,volume%inair 5.0 2.9 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 Upper,volume%inair 15.0 13.0 9.5 8.5 9.0 8.0 8.3 1.7 7.0 6.5 5.6 5.4 [email protected] Btu/lb@boilingpoint 219.45 211.14 183.01 157.23 165.93 147.12 153.57 143.94 163.00 129.52 124.36 119.65 Specificheat@60(cid:2)Fand14.696psia C gas,Btu/(lb-(cid:2)F),ideal 0.5267 0.4078 0.3885 0.3867 0.3950 0.3844 0.3882 0.3863 0.3845 0.3833 0.3825 0.3818 p gas C gas,Btu/(lb-(cid:2)F),ideal 0.4029 0.3418 0.3435 0.3525 0.3608 0.3869 0.3607 0.3633 0.3647 0.3659 0.3670 0.3678 v gas K¼C /C ,idealgas 1.307 1.193 1.131 1.097 1.095 1.077 1.076 1.064 1.054 1.048 1.042 1.038 p v C liquid,Btu/(lb-(cid:2)F) – 0.9723 0.6200 0.5707 0.5727 0.5333 0.5436 0.5333 0.5280 0.5241 0.5224 0.5210 p BasicPrinciples 5 For each of the pure components shown in the tables, the critical values represent the maximum pressure and temperature at which a two-phase,vapor–liquidsystemcanexist.AboveP andT ,onlyasingle c c phase is possible. For mixtures, pseudo-critical values are calculated, which are correlation constants only and are not a point on the phase diagram. 1.3.1 Equations of State The correlations that follow are commonly used for hydrocarbon sys- temsandaresuitableforuseformostcalculations.Anyequation cor- relatingP,V,andTiscalledanequationofstate.Theidealequationof state is sometimes called ideal gas law, perfect gas law, or general gas law and is expressed by Equation (1.1). PV ¼nRT (1.1) where P ¼ absolute pressure V ¼ volume n ¼ number of moles of gas of volume V at P and T R ¼ Universal gas constant (refer to Table 1.3) T ¼ absolute temperature Equation (1.1) is valid up to pressures of about 60 psia (500kPa, 4 bara). As pressure increases above this level, its accuracy becomes lessandthesystemshouldbeconsideredanon-idealgas.Table1.3lists the values of the universal gas constant for different unit systems. 1.3.2 Molecular Weight and Apparent Molecular Weight The number of moles is defined as follows: Mass Mole¼ (1.2) Molecular weight TABLE1.3 Universalgasconstant P V T R kPa m3 K 8.314(kPa)(m3)/(kmol)(K) MPa m3 K 0.00831(MPa)(m3)/(kmol)(K) bar m3 K 0.08314(bar)(m3)/(kmol)(K) psi ft3 (cid:2)R 10.73(psia)(ft3)/(lb(cid:3)mol)((cid:2)R) lb/ft2 ft3 (cid:2)R 1545(psia)(ft3l/(lb(cid:3)mol)((cid:2)R) 6 Gas-LiquidandLiquid-LiquidSeparators expressed as m n¼ (1.3) M or in units as lb lb(cid:3)mole¼ (1.4) lb lb(cid:3)mole Molecular weight is defined as the sum of the atomic weights of the various elements present. Example 1.1: Molecular Weight Calculation Given: Determine the molecular weight of ethane, C H 2 6 Solution: Element No. of Atoms Atomic Weight Product C 2 (cid:4) 12 ¼ 24 H 6 (cid:4) 1 ¼ 6 Molecular weight ¼ 30lb/(lb(cid:3)mol) Up to now, we have addressed only pure substances. We now have to consider hydrocarbon mixtures. However, first we must discuss apparent molecular weight and specific gravity. It is not correct to say that a hydrocarbon mixture has a molecular weight; rather, it is an apparent molecular weight. Apparent molecular weight is defined as the sum of the products of the mole fractions of each component times the molecular weight of that component. This is shown in Equation (1.5): X MW¼ yiðMWÞi (1.5) where yi ¼ molecular fraction of ith component PMWi ¼ molecular weight of ith component yi ¼ 1 Now, let us look at an example of the application of apparent molecular weight that will also result with a number that we will use often throughout this book.