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Preview Gas dynamics of the central few parsec region of NGC 1068 fuelled by the evolving nuclear star cluster

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2002) Printed19January2010 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Gas dynamics of the central few parsec region of NGC 1068 fuelled by the evolving nuclear star cluster M. Schartmann1,2,(cid:63), A. Burkert1,2,†, M. Krause1,2, M. Camenzind3, 0 K. Meisenheimer4 and R. I. Davies1 1 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstraße, D-85748 Garching, Germany 0 2Universita¨ts-Sternwarte Mu¨nchen, Scheinerstraße 1, D-81679 Mu¨nchen, Germany 2 3ZAH, Landessternwarte Heidelberg, Ko¨nigstuhl 12, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany n 4Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Astronomie, K¨onigstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany a J 9 Accepted.Received;inoriginalform 1 ] O ABSTRACT Recently, high resolution observations with the help of the near-infrared adaptive C optics integral field spectrograph SINFONI (Spectrograph for INtegral Field Obser- h. vations in the Near Infrared) at the VLT proved the existence of massive and young p nuclear star clusters in the centres of a sample of Seyfert galaxies. With the help of - three-dimensional high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the Pluto code, o we follow the evolution of such clusters, especially focusing on stellar mass loss feed- r t ing gas into the ambient interstellar medium and driving turbulence. This leads to a s vertically wide distributed clumpy or filamentary inflow of gas on large scales (tens of a [ parsec),whereasaturbulentandverydensediscbuildsupontheparsecscale.Inorder to capture the relevant physics in the inner region, we treat this disc separately by 2 viscously evolving the radial surface density distribution. This enables us to link the v tens of parsec scale region (accessible via SINFONI observations) to the (sub-)parsec 7 scale region (observable with the MIDI instrument and via water maser emission). 7 Thereby,thisprocedureprovidesuswithanidealtestbedfordatacomparison.Inthis 6 work, we concentrate on the effects of a parametrised turbulent viscosity to generate 4 . angularmomentumandmasstransferinthediscandadditionallytakestarformation 2 into account. Most of the input parameters are constrained by available observations 1 ofthenearbySeyfert2galaxyNGC1068andwediscussparameterstudiesforthefree 9 parameters. At the current age of its nuclear starburst of 250Myr, our simulations 0 yield disc sizes of the order of 0.8 to 0.9pc, gas masses of 106M and mass transfer : (cid:12) v rates of 0.025M /yr through the inner rim of the disc. This shows that our large (cid:12) i X scale torus model is able to approximately account for the disc size as inferred from interferometric observations in the mid-infrared and compares well to the extent and r a mass of a rotating disc structure as inferred from water maser observations. Several other observational constraints are discussed as well. Keywords: galaxies:Seyfert–galaxies:nuclei–hydrodynamics–accretion,accretion discs – ISM: evolution – galaxies: structure. 1 INTRODUCTION 2004). Seeing the central engine or not in this scheme is solely determined by the orientation of a ring-like dust dis- Often challenged, but on the whole still valid, the Unified tribution around the galaxy centre, the so-called molecu- Scheme of Active Galactic Nuclei (Antonucci 1993; Urry & lar torus. It constitutes not only the source of obscuration, Padovani 1995) constitutes the standard paradigm for the butalsothegasreservoirforfeedingthehotaccretiondisc. composition of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Their highly Viewedface-on,mostoftheUV-opticalcontinuumemission energeticcentralactivityispoweredbyaccretionontoasu- oftheaccretiondisc(theso-calledbigbluebump)isvisiblein permassive black hole (106−1010M , e. g. Shankar et al. (cid:12) thespectralenergydistribution(SED),whereasitisblocked by the dust in the case of an edge-on view. The absorbed energy is reemitted in the infrared wavelength regime, giv- (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] ing rise to a pronounced peak in the SED of many AGN † MaxPlanckFellow (cid:13)c 2002RAS 2 M. Schartmann et al. (Sanders et al. 1989). This scenario enables the unification severalmodellingattemptshavebeenputforward:Thetorus of two observed classes of galaxies, namely type 1 (direct was claimed to be made up of clumps with supersonic ran- view onto the central engine) and type 2 sources (through dom velocities, which are sustained by transferring orbital dust). It was first proposed by Antonucci & Miller (1985), shear energy with the help of sufficiently elastic collisions after broad emission lines – arising from fast moving gas between the clumps (e. g. Krolik & Begelman 1988; Beck- close to the central black hole (the so-called broad line re- ert & Duschl 2004). Starburst-driven AGN tori were inves- gion)–havebeendetectedinpolarizedlightintheSeyfert2 tigated with the help of hydrodynamical simulations of the galaxyNGC1068.Thesephotonsarescatteredintotheline interstellar medium (ISM), concentrating on two effects: (i) of sight and polarised by dust and free electrons above the alargerateofcore-collapsesupernovaexplosions(following torus opening. In unpolarised light, type 2 sources only ex- in situ star formation in the densest region) in a rotation- hibitnarrowemissionlines,whichoriginatefromslowergas allysupportedthindisc(Wada&Norman2002;Wadaetal. motions further away from the black hole, in the so-called 2009) and (ii) feedback due to strong winds of young and narrow line region, stretching beyond the opening of the massive stars (Nayakshin & Cuadra 2007). Alternative sce- torus funnel. nariosreplacethetorusitselfbyahydromagneticdiscwind, Resolvingthedustytoruswasforthefirsttimepossible in which dusty clouds are embedded and produce the nec- with the advent of the mid-infrared interferometer (MIDI) essary obscuration differences between type 1 and type 2 attheVLTI(verylargetelescopeinterferometer)bycombin- objects (Ko¨nigl & Kartje 1994; Elitzur & Shlosman 2006) ingthelightoftwooftheeightmeterclassVLTtelescopes. orbynucleargasdiscs,whicharewarpedduetoanaxisym- This revealed geometrically thick dust structures on parsec metric gravitational potential generated by discs of young scaleinalargesampleofnearbyAGN(Tristrametal.2009), stars (e.g. Nayakshin 2005). Pier & Krolik (1992) claim the but with a large variety of torus properties. Exhaustive ob- importance of infrared radiation pressure in the sub-parsec servationsofthenearbygalaxyNGC1068(Jaffeetal.2004; toparsecscalepartofthetorusornucleardisccomponent. Poncelet et al. 2006; Raban et al. 2009) and the Circinus This scenario was elaborated in Krolik (2007). With the galaxy(Tristrametal.2007)bothfoundthedusttobedis- help of analytical calculations, they find good comparison tributedinacomplexstructure.Thebrightnessdistribution of gas column densities to observations for reasonable in- couldbedisentangledintotwocomponents:ageometrically trinsic AGN luminosities. For a more detailed discussion of thin disc-like structure on sub-parsec to parsec scale and a available models see also Krolik (2007). fluffy or filamentary torus-like distribution surrounding it. Despite these great successes in pinning down several For the case of the Circinus galaxy, the interferometric sig- aspects of physical processes in the vicinity1 of black holes, nalevenshowedfinestructure.Thiswasinterpretedtoresult aconclusiveglobalphysicalmodelforthebuild-upandevo- fromaclumpylargescalecomponent,whichputsseverecon- lution of gas and dust structures in the nuclear region of straints on theoretical models. Not being capable of direct active galaxies, as well as the origin of the dust content is imaging, radiative transfer models are needed for a careful still missing. The main reasons are the complexity of the data interpretation and modelling. physicalprocesses,whicharethoughttohappeninthesere- From the theoretical perspective, basically three ques- gionsandtheirscalelengths,whichmaketheminvisiblefor tions are of current interest: directobservationsinmostwavebands.However,ascenario of co-evolution of nuclear starbursts and tori, based on the (cid:182) What is the structure of tori? models of Vollmer et al. (2004), Beckert & Duschl (2004) (cid:183) What are the basic shaping processes and how do they and observations of Davies et al. (2007) was suggested by sustain the scale height of the torus against gravity? Vollmeretal.(2008).Anexternalmassaccretionratecauses (cid:184) Howaretoribuiltupandhowdotheyevolveandfeedgas threephases:(i)massivegasinfallleadstoaturbulent,stel- on to the central engine? larwind-drivenQ≈1disc,whereQistheToomrestability Modellingsofarconcentratedmainlyonseveralaspects parameter, (ii) subsequent supernova typeII explosions re- ofthefirsttwoquestions.Alargenumberofcontinuoustorus move the intercloud medium and a geometrically thick col- models have been used in radiative transfer calculations in lisional clumpy disc remains. In the final phase (iii) with a order to compare simulated SEDs with high resolution ob- low mass accretion rate, the torus gets geometrically thin servations in the infrared (e.g. Pier & Krolik 1992, 1993; and transparent. Hydrodynamical simulations of the effects Granato & Danese 1994; van Bemmel & Dullemond 2003; ofstellarfeedbackfromayoungnuclearstarclusterasubiq- Schartmannetal.2005;Fritzetal.2006),constrainingphys- uitously found in Seyfert galaxies (Davies et al. 2007) was ical parameters of tori in specific galaxies or whole samples investigated in an exploratory study by Schartmann et al. of AGN tori, like the shape, size, luminosity, etc. The most (2009). Turbulent mass input in combination with super- uptodatesimulationsconcentrateonclumpinessoftheab- nova feedback and an optically thin cooling curve yield a sorbing dust (e. g. Nenkova et al. 2002; Ho¨nig et al. 2006; two-component structure, made-up of a geometrically thick Nenkova et al. 2008a,b; Schartmann et al. 2008), following filamentary torus component on tens of parsec scale and a suggestion by Krolik & Begelman (1988), which helps to a geometrically thin, but turbulent disc structure. Subse- prolong the timescale for the destruction of dust impacted quent continuum dust radiative transfer modelling results byhotsurroundinggas.Simultaneousagreementwithhigh- inagoodcomparisonwithavailableobservationaldatasets. resolution spectral (e. g. NACO or Spitzer) as well as in- terferometric data (MIDI) give us a good idea of possible structural properties of these tori. 1 In the following, we mean the parsec scale region around the Concerningthesecondquestionofthestructuringagent black hole, when we talk about the vicinity or the environment andthestabilityoftheverticalscaleheightagainstgravity, oftheblackhole! (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Central gas dynamics in NGC1068 3 Giventhesuccessofthesesimulations,thispaperisafollow- the rotation velocity drops from approximately 70 km/s to up, concentrating more on the long-term behaviour of this about 30 km/s in the tens of parsec distance range, which scenario and justifying our assumptions with the help of corresponds well to the values derived from the SINFONI further data comparison. This is enabled by treating the observations,whichscatteraroundroughly45km/s(Davies innermost part with a simplified effective disc model and etal.2007).Themassinputrateischosenaccordingtothe by concentrating on the nearby and well-studied Seyfert2 formalism described in Jungwiert et al. (2001). Gas cooling galaxy NGC1068. iscalculatedwiththehelpofaneffectivecoolingcurvewith After shortly reviewing the underlying global physical solarmetallicity,preparedwiththehelpoftheCloudycode model and its numerical realisation, the resulting state of (Plewa 1995, see also Schartmann et al. 2009, Fig.1). The the gas is discussed briefly. The gas inflow of these simu- hydrodynamical evolution is then followed within the fixed lations is used in a subsequent effective treatment of the gravitational potential of the nuclear stellar cluster, mod- resultinggassurfacedensityoftheinnerdiscstructurefora elled with the help of a Plummer distribution of stars and long-term evolution study. This enables us to link the large theNewtonianpotentialofacentralsupermassiveblackhole and the small scale structure in these objects. The compar- with an influence radius of r = GMBH ≈ 3.4pc. We use ison of feeding parameters as well as structural parameters outflowboundaryconditionsBinHradialσa∗2swellaspolardirec- with observations and previous modelling is done to assess tion, not allowing for inflow. Periodic boundary conditions that this model is a viable option and able to explain the areappliedintheazimuthaldirection,whereweonlymodel massassemblyinthedisc,thediscpropertiesaswellasthe a 90◦ fraction of the whole model space. feeding of the central supermassive black hole. Sect. 4 pro- The hydrodynamics themselves are treated with the vides a critical discussion, before we summarise our results helpofthePlutocode(Mignoneetal.2007).Beingafully in Sect. 5. MPI2-parallelized high resolution shock capturing scheme with a large variety of Riemann-solvers, we consider it per- fectlysuitedtotreatourphysicalsetup.Forthecalculations showninthispaper,weusedthetwo-shockRiemannsolver 2 LARGE SCALE HYDRODYNAMICAL togetherwithalinearreconstructionmethodanddirectional TORUS MODEL splittingonathree-dimensionalsphericalcoordinatesystem. A more detailed description of the underlying physical 2.1 Model and numerical realisation model can be found in Schartmann et al. (2009). However, Inrecentyears,therehasbeengrowingevidenceforadirect mind that due to large uncertainties in the delay times and link between galactic nuclear activity and star formation the rates of supernova type Ia explosions (see discussion in on the parsec scale (Davies et al. 2007). Massive nuclear Schartmannetal.2009),inthispaperwesolelyconcentrate star clusters (≈ 108M ), as ubiquitously found in Seyfert on the effect of turbulent mass input of the nuclear star (cid:12) galaxiessignificantlyimpacttheirenvironmentduringmany cluster. The basic physical parameters of our simulations stages of the evolution of their stellar population. Analyti- are summarised in Table 1. They are chosen to represent calargumentsbasedonenergyconsiderations(Daviesetal. the nearby – and therefore well studied – Seyfert 2 galaxy 2007) as well as numerical simulations (Schartmann et al. NGC 1068. 2009) reveal that during the first phase of the evolution of the most massive stars towards core collapse supernova, 2.2 Resulting density and temperature most of the gas will be expelled from the region of the stel- distribution lar cluster. A less violent phase follows, where the mass in- put is dominated by low velocity winds during the Asymp- The resulting temporal evolution of the density distribu- totic Giant Branch (AGB) phase, after approximately 50 tion within a meridional plane in a three-dimensional high- Myrs. At roughly this time, Davies et al. (2007) observa- resolution simulation (n = 250, n = 133, n = 70) with r θ φ tionally find a switch-on process of the active nucleus, in- the parameters given in Table 1 as well as the same cut terpreted as the beginning of accretion onto the black hole through the temperature distribution is shown in Fig. 1. of these low-velocity stellar ejecta. This is the time when In the first time steps of the simulation, the density distri- our simulations start. The initial condition comprises of a bution is dominated by the original, injected mass blobs. very low density, equilibrium distribution of matter for the Due to their large number density within the domain and givengravitationalpotential,whichiswashedoutsoonand their high randomly oriented velocities, collisions are very is insignificant for the further evolution. The injection of frequent.Inourpurehydrodynamicalsetup,thesecollisions mass into the model space in our simulations is mimicking are inelastic. Therefore, the blobs dissipate a large fraction the process of slowly expanding planetary nebulae shells: a oftheirkineticenergy–whichisradiatedawayduetoopti- massof0.5M(cid:12) isevenlydistributedwithinaradiusof1pc callythinlineandcontinuumcoolingprocesses–andmany together with the equivalent of the kinetic energy of an ex- of them merge to form larger complexes. As discussed in pandingshellof30km/sinformofthermalenergyandwith Sect.2.1,thestars(andthereforealsothecloudsatthetime abulkvelocitycomprisedofthe(constant)randomvelocity ofinjection)possesssub-Keplerianrotationvelocitiesatthe and the rotational velocity (described by a power law) of tensofparsecdistancefromthecentre.Therefore,thelarger the underlying stellar distribution. The nuclear star cluster gascloudsnolongerpossessstableorbits,afterlosingacer- in NGC1068 has a velocity dispersion of roughly 100km/s tainamountofkineticenergy(fromtherandomcomponent (Davies et al. 2007). Therefore, random motions are an im- portant stabilising mechanism and the bulk rotation must besub-Keplerian.Fortheparametersofourstandardmodel, 2 MessagePassingInterface (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 4 M. Schartmann et al. Figure 1.Snapshotsofthedensitydistributioninameridionalplaneafter(a)0.2orbits(correspondingto7·104yr)and(b)1.7orbits (approximately 6·105yr). The panel on the right hand side (c) shows the temperature distribution in the same meridional plane after 1.7orbits. nent (mainly visible in the plots of Fig. 1) and a geomet- Table 1.Parametersofourstandardhydromodel. rically thin, but very dense disc on parsec scale (not vis- ible in the plots)3. Clumps and filaments from the outer Parameter Value Reference component fall onto the thin disc and cause some amount MBH 8 ·106M(cid:12) L03 of turbulence, triggeringangular momentum transport out- M∗ 2.2 ·108M(cid:12) D07 wards and accretion4 inwards. The corresponding tempera- Mginais 1.0 ·102M(cid:12) turedistributionisdepictedinFig.1(b)andshowscomple- Rc 25pc G03 mentarybehaviourwithrespecttothedensitydistribution: RT 5pc the densest blobs are the coldest, whereas the tenuous gas Rin 0.2pc in-between is the hottest. This is due to the optically thin Rout 50pc σ∗ 100km/s D07 gascooling,whichscalesquadraticallywiththedensitydis- β 0.5 tribution.Fig.2showstheinnermostpartofthissimulation Tini 2.0 ·106K inacutthroughtheequatorialplane.Themaindisccompo- M˙n 9.1 ·10−10M(cid:12)/(yrM(cid:12)) J01 nentinoursimulationspansaradialrangebetweenroughly MPN 0.5M(cid:12) 0.5pc and 1.1pc. This is in approximate agreement with a Γ 5/3 discfoundwiththehelpofwatermaserobservationswithan extent between 0.65pc to 1.1pc (Greenhill & Gwinn 1997). This shows that the angular momentum distribution of the Mass of the black hole (MBH), normalisation constant of the stellar potential (M∗), initial gas mass (Mginais), cluster core ra- gasflowingtowardsthecentreseemstobereasonable.Note dius (Rc), torus radius (RT), inner radius (Rin), outer radius however that the outer large scale torus part is in equilib- (Rout), stellar velocity dispersion (σ∗), exponent of the angular riumalready,butmassstillassemblesinthedisccomponent momentum distribution of the stars (β), initial gas temperature of our simulations. Although filling most of the volume of (Tini), normalised mass injection rate (M˙n), mass of a single in- themodelspace,theobscurationpropertiesaremostlygiven jection (MPN) and adiabatic exponent (Γ). The references are: L03(Lodato&Bertin2003),D07(Daviesetal.2007),G03(Gal- limore&Matthews2003)andJ01Jungwiertetal.(2001).Fora detailed description of the model, we refer to Schartmann et al. 3 To avoid confusion: The two-component structure is what we (2009). called the torus in Sect.1. When we talk about discs in the fol- lowing, we always refer to this dense nuclear disc component on parsec scale. The accretion disc in the immediate vicinity of the mainly), and tend to stream radially inwards, where they blackhole(rangingfromthemarginallystableorbituptoafew findtheirnewequilibriumattheirangularmomentumbar- thousand Schwarzschild radii) will be called hot inner accretion rier, after suffering some angular momentum redistribution discfromnowon. on their way towards the centre. 4 Please mind that the term accretion not necessarily refers to Inthecourseofthesimulation,atwo-componentstruc- accretion onto the central black hole, but it also means simply ture builds up: a large-scale clumpy or filamentary compo- masstransferthroughthenucleardiscinourterminology. (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Central gas dynamics in NGC1068 5 Being restricted by the physics we are able to take into ac- count in the large scale simulations, this disc continuously grows in mass in our simulations, with only a very small amount being transported inwards. Simplified effective disc simulations will help us in the following to test, whether a stationary state can be reached and how the physical pa- rameters of these discs compare to observations. In this ef- fectivediscmodelwecalculatetheviscousevolutionofsuch discs including star formation and taking mass input from our large-scale simulations into account. Angular momen- tum is mediated by a turbulent viscosity (e. g. generated by magneto-rotational instability or a self-gravitating disc) and star formation happens in the densest regions of the disc. FollowingPringle(1981)andLin&Pringle(1987),the viscous evolution of such a disc can be described by the following differential equation:  (cid:16) (cid:17) ∂ ν Σ(t,R)R3 dΩ(R) ∂ 1 ∂ ∂R α dR Σ(t,R)+  =S (1) ∂t R ∂R d (R2Ω) dR Figure2.Cutthroughtheinnermostpartoftheequatorialplane This equation is derived from mass and angular mo- ofour3Dhydrodynamicalstandardmodelafter6·105yr,showing mentum conservation, coupled via the radial velocity (for thenucleardisccomponent. details see Pringle 1981). Σ(t,R) is the surface density de- pendingontimetandradiusRwithinthedisc.Therotation is Keplerian yielding the following rotation frequency: by the inner dense disc component. The outer fluffy torus part alone can not account for the Seyfert 1/2 dichotomy. √ Ω= GM R−1.5 (2) However, it is still a matter of debate what the actual BH driver for angular momentum redistribution in such discs with the mass of the nuclear supermassive black hole M BH is. Due to this missing mechanism and the lack of feedback and G being the gravitational constant. The stellar mass due to the formation of stars in our simulations, more and component is neglected here, as we are well inside the in- moregasfromthelarge-scaletoruscomponentassemblesin fluence radius of the black hole (≈ 3.4pc for NGC1068). the disc, which prevents us from treating the whole Seyfert We assume that the viscosity is due to some turbulent pro- activity cycle – which is expected to be of the order of 107 cessanddescribeitwiththehelpofaturbulentαviscosity to108 years–inonesimulation.Apartfromthis,thesekind (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973): of computations are very time consuming. Therefore, we use our 3D hydrodynamical simulations to describe the large-scale structure and attach an axisym- να =ανcsH(R), (3) metric viscous disc model at small scales. In this paper, we whereα isadimensionlessparameterdeterminingthe ν are especially interested in comparing the resulting neutral strength of the angular momentum transport (α ∈ [0,1]), ν hydrogen column densities, disc sizes and accretion rates c isthespeedofsoundandH(R)isthescaleheightofthe s through our inner boundary to various observations. disc H(R)=δR, (4) 3 THE EFFECTIVE NUCLEAR DISC MODEL withthescalingparameterδ.Weaddedtheextraterms 3.1 Overall model and numerical realisation abbreviatedbyS.Theyincludeasourceofmassduetothe Theideabehindthesesimulationsistousethegassupplied inputfromlargescale(Σ˙input(t,R),seeSect.3.2)andasink by our large scale three-dimensional Pluto torus simula- due to star formation (Σ˙SF(t,R), see Sect. 3.3): tions, which is driven inwards due to dissipation of turbu- lentcloudmotionsincollisions.Theresultingdenseclumps S =Σ˙ (t,R)−Σ˙ (t,R) (5) cool on small time scale, acting as a stabilising mechanism input SF for the clouds and preventing them from smearing out into Equation1issolvedwiththehelpofMatlab’s5 pdepe a continuous medium, which happens as soon as cooling is solver. A summary of the parameters of our effective disc turned off. Additionally, some amount of angular momen- standard model in addition to the ones used for the 3D tum is transported with the help of these collisions. This Pluto calculations are summarised in Table 2. inward motion stalls at the respective radius where the an- gular momentum barrier is reached for the corresponding gas clump and leads to the formation of a nuclear gas disc. 5 http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/ (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 6 M. Schartmann et al. theangularmomentumofaKepleriandiscattherespective Table 2.Parametersofourstandardeffectivediscmodel. radius: Parameter Value Rin 0.1pc r = jg2as,input , (6) Rout 100.0pc input G (MBH+M∗(R)) δ 0.2 T 400K wherejgas,input isthespecificangularmomentumofthegas. αν 0.05 This assumes that mass inflow does not interact with tstart 50Myr disc material before settling into the disc plane (e. g. gas cluster tend 300Myr inflow happens from all directions and the disc is geometri- cluster nr 5000 callythin).Fig.4showstheresultinghistogramofthemass flowthroughasphereofradius2.5pcfromthePlutosim- ulation. The histogram is calculated from a slightly higher Inner radius of the domain (Rin), outer radius of the domain resolvedPlutorunwitharesolutionofn =200,n =197 (Rout),thicknessofthedisc(δ=discscaleheight/radiusofthe r θ disc),gastemperature(T),αviscosityparameter(αν),ageofthe and nφ = 103, which was restricted to a radial range be- nuclearstarclusteratthebeginningofthesimulations(tstart ) tween 2.5pc and 50pc. The time resolution of the gas flow cluster andattheend(tecnludster)andresolutionofthesimulations(nr). derivationisapproximately3400yr.Forthehistogram,ato- tal of 100 snapshots have been used between an evolution timeof0.7Myrand1.0Myr.Colourcodedistherelativefre- quencyofagivencombinationofradiusandsurfacedensity growth rate within the 100 snapshots. For each radial bin of this histogram, the red triangle denotes the maximum of the respective radial bin (the most frequent combination of this radius and mass input rate of the snapshots). We then fit these triangles with a parabola and renormalise to the total mass input rate. This parametrised mass input rate is given by Σ˙ (t,R)=10−12.80−0.23R[pc]2 (7) input wheretheradiusinthediscRisgiveninunitsofparsec as indicated. This function, which is also shown as the red parabola in Fig. 4, is used in the simulations of this paper. Mindthatasmallportionofthegasat2.5pcpossessesmore angular momentum than it would have in a Keplerian disc at the same radius. Figure 3.Totalgasmasswithinthedomainofour3DPLUTO As already mentioned before, the stars in the nuclear simulationsoutsideasphereofradius0.25pc,2.5pcand25pc. clusterrotatewithsub-Keplerianvelocities.Ifwewoulduse themassinjectionsofthestarswithinthenuclearstarclus- ter directly and feed them into a Keplerian rotating disc, 3.2 Mass input from our Turbulent Torus withouthydrodynamicallycalculatingtheinteractionofthe Simulation blobs, then the yellow graph would result. However, during the 3D PLUTO simulations, turbulent motions within the Alreadyafterthecomparativelyshortevolutiontimeofour large scale torus component transport angular momentum three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, the outer outwardsandleadtoaccretionofmatterandthereforetoa partofthesimulationhasreachedastableequilibrium,con- furtherconcentrationofthedisctowardsthecentre,evident cerning the total mass balance. This can be seen in Fig. 3, in the different shapes of the red and yellow graph. where the total gas mass outside a given radius (0.25pc, 2.5pcand25.0pc)isplottedagainstthetime.Whereasthe smallest radius shown lies within the dense disc structure, 3.3 Treatment of star formation we are well outside the disc further out than 2.5pc in ra- dius. Therefore, we use all gas, which is advected through Cold nuclear discs of this kind are known to be able to a sphere of radius 2.5pc for our effective disc simulations. formstars(Paumardetal.2006;Nayakshinetal.2006;Alig Thisamountstogasmasstransferof0.14M(cid:12)/yratacluster et al. 2010). In our simulations, we convert gas into stars, age of 50Myr. The temporal evolution of the accumulated whereever the Toomre stability parameter massofthisgasisshownasthereddashedlineinFig.5and Fig.6.Thechangeofslopeisduetothedecreasingmassin- c Ω put rate with time, according to the analytical prescription Q= s (8) πΣG ofthemasslossprocessesofastellarpopulationasdescribed by Jungwiert et al. (2001). The radial location of input is is smaller than unity, where Ω is the Keplerian orbital chosen such that the angular momentum of the gas com- frequency,c isthelocalspeedofsound,Σisthegassurface s ing from the large scale hydrodynamical simulations equals density and G is the gravitational constant. The amount of (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Central gas dynamics in NGC1068 7 Figure 4. Mass input into our effective disc model, shown as thegrowthofthegassurfacedensityatdifferentradii,flowingin through a sphere with radius of 2.5pc from our 3D Pluto tur- bulent torus simulation. The input radii are set according to an angularmomentumdistributionofaKepleriandisc.Shownisthe logarithm of a histogram for 100 timesteps with a resolution of Figure5.Comparisonofmasscontributionsofthevariouscom- approximately3400yrbetweenanevolutiontimeof0.7Myrand ponents of our model for an α viscosity parameter of 0.05 and 1.0Myr,wherethe3Dhydrosimulationisalreadyinanequilib- a gas temperature of 400K. The blue dashed line denotes the rium state. The red triangles denote the maxima of each radial estimatedcurrentageofthenuclearstarclusterinNGC1068. bin,theredparabolaistheparametrisationusedassourceterm in the effective disc simulations. The yellow graph denotes the growthofthegassurfacedensity,ifwedirectlytaketheangular momentumofthemassblobs,ejectedfromthestellarclusterand donotevolvetheminahydrodynamicalsimulation. is given as red dashed line. Most of this mass then gets ac- creted through viscous processes, as shown with the yellow dash-dotted line. The gas residing in the disc is given as gas removed from the computational domain is chosen ac- black solid line. It rises steeply during the first few Million cordingtotheKennicutt-Schmidtstarformationlaw(Ken- years. By then, gas transport through the inner boundary nicutt 1998): and transformation of gas into stars get significant, leading to a turn over of the disc mass curve. In the further evolu- (cid:34) (cid:35)1.4 Σ˙ =2.5·10−4 Σ M(cid:12) (9) tion, the disc mass stays approximately constant, whereas SF M(cid:12) yrkpc2 theslopesofthetotalaccretedgasmassaswellasthetotal pc2 massinstarsflattenduetothedecreasingmassinflowrate. Σisasusualthegassurfacedensitywithinthedisc.Gas The same comparison of contributions to the total in- whichformsstarsissimplyremovedfromthesimulationand tegrated mass budget, but for the case of a lower gas tem- willnolongerparticipateintheviscousevolutionofthedisc. perature of only 50K is shown in Fig. 6. When decreasing thegastemperature,theToomrecriterionindicatesinstabil- ity alreadyatlowergas densities.Therefore,starformation 3.4 Results of the effective disc models and now dominates over the gas mass residing in the disc af- comparison with observations ter roughly 110Myr. It contributes the largest fraction of In the course of the simulation, several physical processes theinsertedgasmass.Thediscmassevolutionnowshowsa are competing with one another. Starting with a basically visible decrease at later times. The dependence of star for- empty model space in all our simulations, the knowledge of mationonthetemperatureofthegasinthedisccanbeseen theinitialconditionislostonveryshorttimescale.Themass directlyinthecomparisonbetweenFig.5andFig.6,which inflow from evolving stars in our large scale simulation first shows a difference of roughly a factor of two between the buildsuptherotatingdisc,whichisthenconstantlyreplen- stellarmassinthe400Kandthe50Ksimulation.Inreality, ishedovertime,butwithadecreasingmassinputrate.The we expect the disc to consist of a multiphase medium, with turbulent viscosity tries to move angular momentum out- regions of cold, warm and even hot gas due to gas cooling ward, leading to accretion of gas through the disc towards and a variety of heating processes within the disc, so that theinneredgeandbeyond.Theresidualofthenewlyintro- the star formation rate might be intermediate between the duced gas remains in the disc and at some point, when the examples depicted here (e. g. Schartmann et al. 2009). Toomre stability criterion is not fulfilled anymore, gravita- Inthefollowingpartofthissection,westudyhowthese tionalcollapsecanoccurandstarswillform,contributingto processes compete with one another, when changing the astellardisc,whichthencoexistswiththegasstructure.A (generally unknown) α viscosity parameter of the disc. In comparison between the various contributions for our stan- thisstudy,ittakesthevalues0.05,0.1and0.2.Observation- dard model (for the parameters given in Table1 and 2) is ally, King et al. (2007) find for thin, fully ionised accretion shown in Fig.5 as a function of time. The vertical dashed discs a typical range of values between 0.1 and 0.4. Nu- blue line marks the estimated current age of the nuclear merical studies of magnetohydrodynamical turbulence tend star cluster in NGC1068 of 250Myr (Davies et al. 2007). to derive up to an order of magnitude smaller values. For Theintegratedgasmassintroducedintothediscsimulation the case of circum nuclear discs, which are only partially (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 8 M. Schartmann et al. Figure 7. Final gas density distribution at a cluster age of Figure6.Comparisonofmasscontributionsofthevariouscom- 250Myr. Superposed as blue dashed lines are the two limiting ponentsofourmodelforanαviscosityparameterof0.05anda curves for the range of possible surface density distributions as temperatureof50K. determinedfromMIDIobservations(Kishimotoetal.2009). roughly to a (more or less model independent) surface den- ionised, angular momentum transport is reduced and de- sity distribution proportional to r−1...0 (Kishimoto et al. pends strongly on the ionisation fraction of the gas. 2009). Line segments with the two limiting exponents (-1 Fig.7showsthegassurfacedensitydistributionforthe and 0) are superposed as blue dashed line segments in the threeαparameters:α =0.05asblacksolidline,α =0.10 radial range of the detection of a disc-like dust structure in ν ν as red dashed line and α =0.20 as green dotted line at an NGC1068 by MIDI with a size of roughly 0.7pc in radius ν age of the nuclear star cluster of 250Myr. The qualitative (Raban et al. 2009). In this radial range, the shape of the difference between the parameter study is as expected: the surface density distribution of our discs is well consistent smaller the viscosity (scaling proportional to α ), the more with these slopes inferred from observations by Kishimoto ν massisabletoassembleinthedisc.Thisisalsoreflectedin et al. (2009), but are rather at the upper end. the graph of the total gas mass in the disc (Fig. 8). Thetimeevolutionofthetotalgasmasswithinthedisc In order to be able to compare the sizes of the discs (Fig.8)showsasteepriseatthebeginningofthesimulation, withMIDIobservations,thefollowingprocedureisapplied: until the gas disc is build up and a maximum is reached. MIDI detects hot dust (see Sect. 1), which can only ex- Then,itisfollowedbyashallowdecay,duetothedecreasing ist beyond the sublimation radius, which was estimated to gasmassinputrate.Valuesareoftheorderof2·106M in (cid:12) beroughly0.4pcforthecaseofNGC1068 (Greenhill etal. the maximum. In good comparison to that, Kumar (1999) 1996;Schartmannetal.2005).Therefore,wecutourdiscsat foundadiscmassoftheorderof106M withthehelpofa (cid:12) this radius, assume a constant gas-to-dust ratio and derive clumpy disc model, which accounts for the observed maser the half width at half maximum (HWHM) of the remain- emission. Furthermore, a highly inclined thin, and clumpy ing structure. This then yields a HWHM of the dust disc ring or nuclear disc with a molecular mass of 1.3·106M (cid:12) between approximately 0.84pc and 0.86pc for the three α (Montero-Castan˜o et al. 2009) has been found in our own parameters at the current age of the nuclear star cluster galactic centre in a distance ranging from approximately 2 in NGC1068. Remarkably, this is very similar to the ex- to 5pc (Genzel et al. 1985; Guesten et al. 1987). This is tent of the inner component as seen with MIDI. Here, a particularly interesting, because the black hole mass in the halfwidthathalfmaximumofapproximately0.7pcismea- galacticcentreof4·106M (Ghezetal.2005;Scho¨deletal. (cid:12) sured (Raban et al. 2009). As already mentioned before, a 2009) is very similar to the one in NGC1068 and the mass warpeddiscasseeninwatermaserobservationsofthesame ofitscircumnucleardisciscomparabletotheresultsofour size was found by Greenhill & Gwinn (1997). It extents be- infall model. tween0.65pcand1.1pc.Watermaseremissiontraceswarm Fig. 9 shows the total accreted mass of the parame- (≈400K), high-density (n ≈108−1010cm−3) molecular ter study. As expected, larger α -values lead to a larger H2 ν gas (Elitzur 1992). However, one should note that it is still amount of angular momentum transfer outwards and to a unclearhowthestructuredetectedinhotdustemissionwith largeramountofgasaccretionthroughtheinnerboundary, MIDI can be connected to the very dense and clumpy disc which can also be seen in the current mass transfer rate assumedfromwatermaseremission.Nevertheless,thefind- through the inner boundary (Fig. 10) in solar masses per ingindifferentmodesofobservationsaswellasinphysically yearasafunctionoftime.Afteranevolutiontimeof250Myr motivated simulations suggests a common origin. after the cluster formation, a typical accretion rate of ap- MIDIobservationsofasampleofnearbyAGNsuggesta proximately 0.025M /yr results. It is generally unknown, (cid:12) commonradialstructureofAGNtoriwithasurfacebright- whichfractionofthismasstransportedthroughasphereof ness distribution proportional to r−2, which corresponds radius 0.1pc really reaches the black hole. Assuming that (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Central gas dynamics in NGC1068 9 Figure 8.Totalgasmassofthedisc. Figure 9. Total accreted gas mass through the inner boundary ofthedomain. the efficiency is somewhere in between 10% and 100%, ac- cretion rates onto the black hole of between approximately 0.0025M /yr and 0.025M /yr result, which are well con- (cid:12) (cid:12) sistent with typically observed values for Seyfert galaxies of a few times 10−3M /yr to 10−2M /yr (Jogee 2006). If (cid:12) (cid:12) we assume that all of the gas transferred through the inner boundary of our model space will reach the black hole and that the efficiency for mass energy conversion is 10%, this yields a source luminosity of 1.5·1044erg/s corresponding to 15% of the Eddington luminosity. For radiative transfer calculations through a simple two-dimensional axisymmet- riccontinuoustorusmodel,Schartmannetal.(2005)needed avalueof20%inordertoobtainagoodadaptationtohigh spatialresolutionspectralenergydata.Inradiativetransfer calculations,thesourceluminositysetsthescalingofthere- processed radiation. Determining the source luminosity is a difficult task for the case of NGC1068, being a heavily ob- scured Seyfert2 galaxy. Therefore, it can only be estimated with the help of the accretion disc radiation reflected by Figure 10.Totalaccretionrateofgasthroughtheinnerbound- aryofthedomain. electronsabovethedustdistributionandisthereforegeom- etry dependent. Pier et al. (1994) did a careful analysis of thegeometrydependenceandcameupwithabestestimate of The total mass of formed stars for the α parameter studyisshowninFig.11.Thestarformationrateincreases steeply at the beginning of the simulation, when the mass (cid:18)f (cid:19)−1(cid:18) D (cid:19)2 L = 9.4 ·1010 refl L (10) input rate is still high. Larger values of α lead to a larger bol 0.01 14.4Mpc (cid:12) mass accretion rate (see Fig. 10) and a smaller gas surface erg ≈ 3.6·1044 , (11) density (see Fig. 7) and in consequence to a smaller total s mass in stars. A total mass of up to 4·106M is reached (cid:12) which corresponds to 35% of the Eddington luminos- at the current age of the nuclear starcluster. In compari- ity, including a quite large uncertainty6. However, concern- son to this, Kumar (1999) estimate the stellar mass within ing the current mass accretion rate, our smooth disc de- 1pcaroundthenuclearblackholeinNGC1068tobeofthe scription with an effective α parameter is an oversimplifi- order of 107M(cid:12) on basis of theoretical considerations and cation. In reality, we expect the matter transport from the from observations by Thatte et al. (1997). Such a high rate circum nuclear disc towards the inner hot accretion disc to of star formation will also lead to subsequent energy input be clumpy, as e. g. observed in the galactic centre environ- intothediscbysupernovatypeIIexplosionsafterafewmil- ment (Montero-Castan˜o et al. 2009). lionyears.Thisadditionalfeedbackprocesswillstirfurther turbulence in the disc and might be an important driver to increase its scale height. However, a detailed analysis of 6 Equ.10 has been rescaled to today’s distance estimate, com- these effects can only be done in three-dimensional, multi- paredtotheoriginalpublication. phasehydrodynamicalsimulationsincludingtheeffectofgas (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 10 M. Schartmann et al. pated, e. g. in collisions. Being a fast process happening on the order of only a few orbital periods, this contrasts with observationsofgeometricallythickstructures.Ashortsum- mary of the models proposed to circumvent this problem is given in Sect. 1. In our three-dimensional hydrodynamical model, geo- metrically thick gas and dust structures naturally result fromthefactthattheemittingstarsareorganisedinaverti- callyextendedstructure(Daviesetal.2007).Theseclusters are hot stellar systems, which are stabilised mainly by ran- dommotionsofthestars,leadingtoaturbulentpressureand rotationisonlyofminorimportance.Theturbulentmotions lead only to a weak stabilisation against gravity concerning theemittedgas,astheblobsmergeanddissipatetheirran- domkineticenergycomponentonashorttimescaleandare abletomoveradiallyinward,untiltheyfindtheirnewequi- librium radius in the Keplerian disc. However, one should note again that the outer torus Figure 11.Totalmassofformedstars. part of our model can not account for the Seyfert 1/2 di- chotomy, due to its low gas column density. This can only bedonebytheinnernuclearandverydensedisccomponent. Thecrucialprocessesforpuffingupthisstructurearestilla cooling. However, using such a scenario, Wada et al. (2009) matterofdebate.Everyprocesswhichisabletostirturbu- find that only on scales beyond a few parsec, a significant lence is a possible candidate. Turbulent motions within the scale height can be achieved. discwilldoboth,puff-upthediscstructuretoformgeomet- A further comparison with observations can be done rically thick tori and drive accretion as it also leads to an by calculating the neutral hydrogen column density on the effective viscosity. Some ideas are discussed in Sect. 4.2 line of sight. To do this, we use the gas surface density and distribute the gas homogeneously in z-direction in a disc structureaccordingtothescaleheightdistributionassumed 4.2 Origin of the turbulent viscosity previously(equation4).Manysimplificationshavetobeas- sumed,concerningthegeometricaldistribution,thegasmix- Evidence is growing that magnetic fields are most impor- ture, the ionisation state, etc. Therefore, only a rough esti- tanttomediateredistributionofangularmomentuminthin matecanbegiven.Assumingsolargascompositionandthat and ionised accretion discs. This basic idea was coined al- thedisciscompletelyneutral,valuesbetween4×1025cm−2 ready by Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) after setting up their for α = 0.2 and 1×1026cm−2 for α = 0.05 result. In a parametrised thin disc model (Shakura-Sunyaev disc, α- ν ν compilationofobservedSeyfertgalaxiesinShietal.(2006), disc, standard disc). The first numerical realisation of this the values spread between approximately 1020cm−2 (which Magneto-RotationalInstabilitywasgivenbyBalbus&Haw- is basically the galactic foreground value) and 1025cm−2. ley(1991)showingthataweakmagneticfieldtogetherwith Seyfert2 galaxies fill the upper part of this range start- a shear flow is able to maintain a magnetic dynamo in ac- ing at roughly 1022cm−2. This shows that our derived val- cretion discs and lead to an accretion flow. This scenario ues lie in the upper range or even beyond the sample of still forms the basis of the most up to date simulations. In Seyfert2 galaxies. One should however note that a density our case, this might be relevant only for the innermost re- stratification in vertical direction of the disc is expected. gionofthediscandaboundarylayer,whichcanbedirectly In particular, Mulchaey et al. (1992) find that the torus in ionised by the central source (e. g. Blaes & Balbus 1994). NGC1068hasaveryhighgascolumndensityoftheorderof However, there is still contradiction between theoretically N = 1025cm−2. An additional component on tens of par- derived α-values and those measured in observations (King H sec scale, as revealed by SINFONI, adds a column density et al. 2007). ofapproximately8.0×1024cm−2 (Sa´nchezetal.2009).The Furthermore, any kind of turbulent process will lead hydrogen column density through our outer torus compo- toaneffectiveviscosityandtherebydrivesangularmomen- nent(inour3Dhydrodynamicalmodels)isonlyanegligible tum redistribution. Relevant for our simulations is first the fraction of these values. merging of blobs and streams of gas into the nuclear disc. Possessing a range of various momenta coming from differ- entdirections,thisleadstoenhancedturbulencewithinthe disc.Detailedhydrodynamicalsimulationsoftheseprocesses 4 DISCUSSION areplannedandwillgiveusanestimateoftherelevancefor angular momentum transfer in the disc. 4.1 Keeping tori stable against gravity Rice&Armitage(2009)proposedself-gravitytobethe OnemajorsubjectintheoreticalAGNtorusresearchisthe dominant transport mechanism of angular momentum for question of stability of the vertical structure. A geometri- the case of discs, which are too weakly ionised to sustain cally thick torus, which is stabilised by Keplerian rotation MHDturbulence(Blaes&Balbus1994).Thismightbethe will soon collapse to a thin disc, when the thermal pressure situationwithinsomeradialextentofcoldanddenseproto- is reduced by gas cooling or the turbulent pressure is dissi- planetaryaccretiondiscsandmightberelevantforthecase (cid:13)c 2002RAS,MNRAS000,1–??

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