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Preview Gas Accretion onto a Supermassive Black Hole: a step to model AGN feedback

**VolumeTitle** ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.**VolumeNumber** **Author** (cid:13)c**CopyrightYear**AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific GasAccretion onto a SupermassiveBlack Hole: a stepto model AGNfeedback 2 1 0 KentaroNagamine,1 ParamitaBarai,1,2 andDanielProga1,3 2 1University ofNevada,LasVegas,DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,4505 n S.MarylandPkwy,LasVegas,NV89154-4002, USA a J 2INAF-AstronomicalObservatory ofTrieste,ViaG.B.Tiepolo11,I-34143 1 Trieste,Italy 1 3Princeton UniversityObservatory, PeytonHall,Princeton, NJ08540, USA ] O C Abstract. Westudythegasaccretionontoasupermassiveblackhole(SMBH)using the 3D SPH code GADGET-3 on scales of 0.1−200pc. First we test our code with . h sphericallysymmetric,adiabaticBondiaccretionproblem.Wefindthatoursimulation p canreproducetheexpectedBondiaccretionflowverywellforalimitedamountoftime - o untiltheeffectofouterboundarystartstobevisible. We alsofindartificialheatingof r gas near the inner accretion boundary due to the artificial viscosity of SPH. Second, t weimplementradiativecoolingandheatingduetoX-rays,andexaminetheimpactof s a thermalfeedbackbythecentralX-raysource. Theaccretionflowroughlyfollowsthe [ Bondi solution for low central X-ray luminosities, however, the flow starts to exhibit non-sphericalfragmentationduetothermalinstabilityforacertainrangeofcentralL , 2 X andastrongoveralloutflowdevelopsforgreaterL . Thecoldgasdevelopsfilamentary v X 5 structuresthatfallintothecentralSMBH,whereasthehotgastriestoescapethrough 2 the channels in-between the cold filaments. Such fragmentationof accreting gas can 5 assistintheformationofcloudsaroundAGN,inducestar-formation,andcontributeto 3 theobservedvariabilityofnarrow-lineregions. . 2 1 1 1 : 1. Introduction v i X Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is considered to be one of the important r processes inregulating galaxy growth overcosmic time. Severalresearch groups have a implementedAGNfeedbackincosmologicalhydrodynamicsimulations(e.g.DiMatteoetal. 2005;Booth&Schaye2009),howevertheyallhavetoassumeasubgridmodelforthe accretionontoSMBHandfeedbackwithuncertainparametersduetolimitedresolution incosmological simulations. Herewetake adifferent approach and perform small-scale simulations of gasac- cretion ontoSMBHusingtheGADGET-3SPHcode(originally described bySpringel 2005)onsmall-scalesofr < 200pc. Ourlong-termgoalistodevelopabettermodelof AGNfeedback for large-scale cosmological simulations based on the results of small- scaleBHaccretion simulations. Inthisarticle, wereport ourinitial results ofadiabatic Bondi accretion simulations, aswellasthose withradiative cooling and heating byX- rays from the central SMBH (Baraietal. 2011b). We run a large set of simulations ofspherically symmetric Bondi accretion withdifferent resolution, volume, and initial 1 2 Nagamine,Barai,&Proga 0 10-18 s) -500 3m) 10-19 m/ -1000 c 10-20 k g/ v (r --21050000 v vZEUS ρ ( 1100--2221 ρZEUS ρff ff -2500 10-23 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 r (pc) r (pc) 100.0 108 oT (K) 111000567 TZEUS Tff,ar Mach = |v| / cs 110..00 Machff,ar 104 Tff,a 0.1 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 r (pc) r (pc) Figure1. RadialprofilesnapshotofgasparticlesinarunwithX-rayheatingand cooling,showingradialvelocity,density,temperatureandMachnumber. Thesolid lineisthemedianvalue,thedashedlinesarethe95percentile,andthedottedlines arethemin/maxvalues. Theredcurveineachpanelshowsthefree-fallscaling,and thebluecurveshowsthecorrespondingZEUSsimulationresults: v andv are ZEUS ff indistinguishable,ρ isataconstantoffsetfromρ becauseofdifferentnormal- ZEUS ff ization. Thegreencurveinthebottom-leftpanelindicatesthefree-falltemperature withonlyadiabaticprocesses. FiguretakenfromBaraietal.(2011b). conditions. TheBondiproblemisidealfortestinganyhydrodynamic code,sinceithas asemi-analytic solution. 2. SimulationsofBondiAccretion ontoaSMBH The central SMBH has a mass of M = 108M , and the initial conditions are gener- BH ⊙ ated using γ = 1.01, ρ = 10−19g/cm3, and T = T = 107K. The corresponding ∞ init ∞ BondiradiusisR =GM /c2 = 3.0pc,theBonditimeist = R /c = 7.9×103yrs, B BH s,∞ B B s and the sonic radius is R = 1.5pc. The total initial mass of the gas sphere is in the s range of105 −107M depending on thesetup, and the particle counts werevaried be- ⊙ tween 643 − 2563 for resolution test. The inner boundary radius is r = 0.1pc from in thecentral SMBH,andweregardthattheparticle isaccreted toSMBHonceitcrosses r . Theouterboundaryradiuswasvariedbetweenr = 5−200pc. Forthefulllistof in out runsandparameters, seeTable1ofBaraietal.(2011b). Firstwefindthattheadiabatic simulationsreproduce theexpectedBondisolution verywellforalimitedtime. Sincethegasparticlesneartheouterboundaryescapedue toadiabaticexpansion,afteracertaintimethemassaccretionratestarttodecreasefrom theBondirate. Thisisaproblemowingtothedifficultyofsettingaboundarycondition GasAccretionontoaSupermassiveBlackHole 3 intheSPHmethod,anditdoesnotarisewiththemeshcodes,asonecansimplyfixthe outerboundary withρ andT . ∞ ∞ Inthe second set ofruns with radiative cooling and heating by X-rays, wefollow the approximate treatment of Blondin (1994) and Proga (2007), assuming that the 10 keVbremsstrahlung radiation fromthecentralSMBHisilluminating theoptically thin gas. InFigure1,weshowtheparticle radial profileforvarious quantities inarunwith L = 0.01L , where L is the Eddington luminosity. We find that the simulation X Edd Edd roughlyfollowstheBondiflowsolutionevenwiththeX-rayheatingandcooling,except at r < 0.5pc where we see a spurious heating due to artificial viscosity (AV) of SPH particles. WehaveconfirmedthatthiseffectisduetoAVbyturningitonandoff. With no AV,the overheating does not occur, and the gas particles overshoot the SMBH due tolackofviscosity andmanyarenotaccreted. Themassinflowrateatr inthisrunis in enhanced overtheBondiaccretion ratebyafactorofafewduetocooling. 3. Non-sphericalFragmentationduetoThermalInstability,andOutflowsdueto X-rayThermalFeedback To study the effect of X-ray thermal feedback, we gradually increase L /L from X Edd 5×10−5 to5×10−2. Intheseruns, theinitial condition contains 12.7millionparticles for a gas sphere of 9.77×106M , each gas particle mass of 0.791M , adiabatic index ⊙ ⊙ γ = 5/3,r = 200pc,ρ = 10−23g/cm3,andT = 105K.TheBondiradiusforthese out ∞ ∞ parametersis183.9pc,thereforemostofourcomputationalvolumeiswithintheBondi radius and we fully resolve below the Bondi radius with minimum smoothing length of ∼ 0.1pc. In general we find that, with increasing L , the mass accretion rate at r X in decreases, andtheoutflowrateatr increases. out WhenL becomes≥ 0.01L ,westarttoseeaninterestingtransitionfrominflow X Edd tooutflow,andnon-spherical fragmentation ofgasintomultiphasemediumtakesplace due to thermal instability. The filamentary cold gas continues to flow in, and the hot gas tries to escape through the channels between cold filaments. Examination of the flowmotionshowsthat thefilaments getstretched, fragments, andthe ‘clouds’ merge. SuchfragmentationofaccretinggascanassistintheformationofcloudsaroundAGN, inducestar-formation,andcontributetotheobservedvariabilityofnarrow-lineregions. Figure 2 shows an example of such multiphase structure in a run with L = X 0.01L , when the outflow is still not very prominent and the hot gas is still being Edd accreted to SMBH. Studies with 1D & 2D ZEUS simulation shows that this fragmen- tation does not occur in a spherically symmetric Bondi flow, unless some perturbation is introduced by hand. The SPH simulations inherently have tiny fluctuations in the density field due to its algorithmic nature, which can be amplified through thermal in- stability. As L is increased to >0.01L , the outflow starts to dominate over the inflow, X Edd and the hot gas escapes through the channels between cold filaments, as shown in the left panel of Figure 3. We find that the transition from inflow to outflow occurs in- between L /L = 0.01−0.02, but note that this transition luminosity would depend X Edd on the value of ρ . In other words, the more relevant parameter for the transition is ∞ the range of photoionization parameter ξ ∝ L /ρ for the unstable branch of the T −ξ X equilibrium curve. With a high enough L (= 0.05L ), a strong outflow is produced due to strong X Edd thermal feedback, and the mass outflow rate at r = r increases dramatically. A jet- out 4 Nagamine,Barai,&Proga Figure2. Densityandtemperaturecross-sectionsin a runwith L /L = 0.01. X Edd Thetoptwopanelsshowtheinner±30pc,andthebottomtwotheinner±4pcofthe [x−y]planethroughz = 0. Cold,densefilamentarystructurehasdevelopeddueto thermalinstability,whichisfallingintotheSMBHrapidly. Thehotgasistryingto escape,butastrongoutflowhasnotdevelopedyetduetolowL . X likeplumeofhotandbuoyantgasescapesfromthecentralregiontotheouterboundary, asshownintherightpanelofFigure3. Theseresultsonthenon-spherical flowhavebeenreportedinoursecondpaperin series(Baraietal.2011a),whereweexaminedtheT−ξequilibriumcurveindetailand determinetheunstable ξ-range. 4. Conclusions We find that GADGET-3 SPH code can reproduce the spherically symmetric Bondi accretion flow properly with mainly two limitations: 1) the gas particles escape from theouterboundaryduetoadiabaticexpansion; 2)spuriousheatingisobservednearthe innerboundary aroundSMBHduetotheartificialviscosity ofSPH. Wealsoexamined theimpactofradiative cooling andheating duetoX-rays. The accretion flow roughly follows the Bondi solution when the central X-ray luminosity is relatively low, but the mass accretion rate at r is enhanced by a factor of a few in over the Bondi accretion rate due to cooling. The simulation starts to exhibit non- spherical fragmentation due to thermal instability once L exceeds ≃ 0.01L . At X Edd L = 0.02L , thehot gas escapes in-between thecold filaments. When L is further X Edd X increased to 0.05L , the outflow completely dominates over the inflow, and most Edd of the gas escapes from the computational volume. A jet-like outflow feature is also GasAccretionontoaSupermassiveBlackHole 5 Figure3. Temperaturecross-sectioninrunswith L /L = 0.02(left)and0.05 X Edd (right). Theleftpanelshowstheinner±100pc,andtherightpanelshowstheentire computational volume of ±200pc. In the left panel, the cold, dense, filamentary structurehasdevelopedduetothermalinstability,whichis fallingintotheSMBH. The hotgastries to escape throughthe channelsin-betweenthe cold filaments. In therightpanel,theoutflowdominatesovertheentirecomputationalvolume,andthe hotplumeofgasisescapingfromthecentertotheouterboundary. observed atthis L ,whichselectsapreferential direction forhotgastoescape rapidly. X Suchnon-sphericalfeaturesofaccretinggascanassistintheformationofcloudsaround AGN, induce star-formation, and contribute to the observed variability of narrow-line regions. Inthefuture,weplantoimplementrotation,radiationpressure,anddifferentinitial geometryofgasdistribution. Wewillmeasuretheefficienciesofthermal,radiative,and kineticfeedback,andcomparethemwiththosemeasuredbyKurosawaetal.(2009)and thoseusedinthecosmological simulations. Acknowledgments. WearegratefultoV.SpringelforallowingustousetheGADGET- 3code. ThisworkissupportedinpartbytheNSFgrantAST-0807491,NationalAero- nauticsandSpaceAdministrationunderGrant/CooperativeAgreementNo. NNX08AE57A issuedbytheNevadaNASAEPSCoRprogram,andthePresident’sInfrastructureAward from UNLV. DP also acknowledges the UNLV sabbatical assistance. This research is also supported by the NSF through the TeraGrid resources provided by the Texas Ad- vanced Computing Center. Some numerical simulations and analyses have been per- formedontheUNLVCosmologyCluster. References Barai,P.,Proga,D.,&Nagamine,K.2011a,ArXive-prints.1112.5483 —2011b,MNRAS,418,591.1102.3925 Blondin,J.M.1994,ApJ,435,756 Booth,C.M.,&Schaye,J.2009,MNRAS,398,53.0904.2572 DiMatteo,T.,Springel,V.,&Hernquist,L.2005,Nature,433,604 Kurosawa,R.,Proga,D.,&Nagamine,K.2009,ApJ,707,823.0906.3739 Proga,D.2007,ApJ,661,693.arXiv:astro-ph/0702582 Springel,V.2005,MNRAS,364,1105.arXiv:astro-ph/0505010

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