January24,2017 1:19 ws-procs961x669 WSPCProceedings-9.61inx6.69in ripa1 page1 1 Gamma-ray bursts and their relation to astroparticle physics and cosmology J.Rˇ´ıpa 7 1 Leung Centerfor Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University 0 No.1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan (R.O.C) 2 E-mail: [email protected] n a Thisarticlegivesanoverviewofgamma-raybursts(GRBs)andtheirrelationtoastropar- J ticlephysicsandcosmology. GRBsarethemostpowerfulexplosionsintheuniversethat 1 occur roughly once per day and are characterized by flashes of gamma-rays typically 2 lastingfroma fractionof a second to thousands of seconds. Even after morethan four decadessincetheirdiscoverytheystillremainnotfullyunderstood. TwotypesofGRBs ] are observed: spectrally harder short duration bursts and softer long duration bursts. E ThelongGRBsoriginatefromthecollapseofmassivestarswhereasthepreferredmodel H for the short GRBs is coalescence of compact objects such as two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole. There were suggestions that GRBs can produce ultra- . h highenergycosmicraysandneutrinos. Alsoacertainsub-typeofGRBsmayserveasa p newstandardcandlethatcanhelpconstrainandmeasurethecosmologicalparametersto - muchhigherredshiftthanwhatwaspossiblesofar. Iwillreviewtherecentexperimental o observations. r t s Keywords:gamma-raybursts;astroparticlephysics;cosmology a [ 1. Gamma-Ray Bursts 1 v This section briefly overviews the gamma-ray burst (GRB) phenomena1–5. GRBs 8 are one of the most extreme explosive events ever observed. They were discove- 5 red in late sixties and reported to the scientific community in early seventies6,7. 0 6 In spite of tremendous effort and numerous observations there are still open ques- 0 tions concerning their detailed physics. They occur roughly once per day and are . 1 characterized by flashes of γ-rays typically lasting from a fraction of a second to 0 thousands of seconds, see Fig. 1(a). It has been found that the duration distribu- 7 tion of their γ-ray prompt emission is bimodial8 which suggested that there were 1 : two groups of GRBs, see Fig. 1(b). Later, based on more observations, it has been v confirmed that these two GRB groups were two distinct astrophysicalpopulations: i X I. so called long GRBs with prompt γ-ray emission & 2s that has been identified r to be gravitational collapses of massive stars due to their association with type Ic a core-collapsesupernovae,and II. so called short GRBs with prompt γ-rayemission .2s that has been suggestedto originate in a merger of two compact objects such as NS-NS or NS-BH9. It was proposed that they lie at cosmological distances10 and they are created in collisions of highly relativistic outflow of the accelerated jetted matter11,12. In many cases it was found that the prompt γ-ray emission is followed by longer-lasting afterglow in soft X-ray, optical or radio waves13,14 ex- plainedasaresultoftheinteractionoftherelativisticoutflowwiththecircum-burst January24,2017 1:19 ws-procs961x669 WSPCProceedings-9.61inx6.69in ripa1 page2 2 medium. Observations found that their redshifts are up to z = 9.4 with hzi ≈ 0.5 for short GRBs and hzi≈ 2.0 for long GRBs9 which requires energy release up to an isotropic-equivalentvalue of ∼1054erg. (a) (b) Fig.1. (a)AnexampleofGRBpromptgammafluxcurvedetectedbyBATSEinstrument. From ref.15. (b)ThedistributionofT90 durationsofGRBsindicatingtwodistinctgroups. Fromref.8 2. Relation of GRBs to Cosmology There were discovered several correlations in the properties of the GRB emission: the anti-correlation between isotropic luminosity L and spectral lag τ of the iso lag prompt γ-ray emission16; the correlation between L and light-curve variability iso V 17; the spectral peak energy of the prompt γ-ray emission E and isotropic- peak equivalent released energy E correlation18, see Fig. 2(a); E and collimated iso peak energy E correlation19; E and peak luminosity L correlation20; correlation γ peak p between E , E and rest-frame temporal break in optical afterglow light curve peak iso t 21; and a correlation between L , E and prompt ’high-signal’ time-scale break iso peak T (variability)22. This makes GRBs a potential tool to constrain cosmological 0.45 parameters23–26, see Fig. 3(a). Itwas alsofound thatthe peak flux F (at2eVandz =2) mightanti-correlate p with peak time t in the optical lightcurves27–29, see Fig. 2(b). A similar anti- p correlationfor the peak luminosity inR bandof the onset bumps and lesssteep for the re-brighteningbumps in the opticallightcurveswasfound30. Unfortunately for many observationsthe peak time t is unknownandfurther opticalobservationsat p earlier times are needed. More early optical observations with fine sapling of the light curves around the peaktimesbelowoneminutecouldbeprovidedbytheUltra-FastFlashObservatory pathfinder (UFFO-p)31–33. It is a novel spaceborn instrument dedicated to detect GRBs and rapidly follow their optical/ultraviolet counterparts to provide prompt optical and early afterglow measurements. It consists of two scientific instruments, January24,2017 1:19 ws-procs961x669 WSPCProceedings-9.61inx6.69in ripa1 page3 3 (a) (b) Fig.2. (a)TheEp,i−EisocorrelationforlongGRBswithmarkedbest-fitpower-law(blacksolid line)fordifferentinstruments. Fromref.26(b)Theanti-correlationofopticallight-curvepeakflux (at2eV)forredshiftz=2andpeaktimeforsixfastrisingafterglows(lightbluepoints)andfive afterglowsslowrising(purplepoints). Thesolidstraightlineshowsthebestfit. Fromref.27 12..80 ::SXN-raey Gas 10-8 Waxman & Bahcall 100 IC40 limit 111...246 :::::GCBPSAGNMROeRBB+CMB+BAO+Gas+PGR+G211m s sr)−−−RB II I CClCeimt444 ai000tl ++.G55u99e CGttoaum eetbtt aian le.d 2eV cm)− 01..80 Φ (GeV cν10-9 10-12E F (Gν 0.6 2E 0.4 0.2 104 105 106 107 Neutrino Energy (GeV) 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 M (b) (a) Fig.3. (a)Joint1σconfidenceintervalsgivenbyconstraintsfromthedatasetsofgalaxyclusters, GRBs,CMBshiftparameter,SNeIa,BAO,and2dFGalaxyRedshiftSurvey. Fromref.24,25 (b) Comparison of predictions of ν flux from GRBs based on observed γ-ray spectra (dashed lines) with 90% confidence upper limits obtained from the results of IceCube for 40 and 59 detector strings. Fromref.50 see Fig. 4. A GRB location is determined in a few seconds by the first instru- ment called UFFO Burst Alert & Trigger telescope (UBAT)34–37 which employs the coded mask imaging technique38 and the detector comprising of Yttrium Oxy- orthosilicatescintillatingcrystalsandmulti-anodephotomultipliertubes. Ithasthe energyrangeof≈10−150keVwithhalf-codedfieldofview(HCFOV)70.4◦×70.4◦ ′ and angular resolution ≤ 10. The second instrument is the Slewing Mirror Tele- January24,2017 1:19 ws-procs961x669 WSPCProceedings-9.61inx6.69in ripa1 page4 4 scope(SMT)39–42withthefieldofviewof17′×17′andUVrangeof200−650nm. It consistsofaRitchey-Chr´etientelescopewithanIntensifiedCharge-CoupledDevice initsfocalplane. Infrontofthetelescopethereisplacedafastplaneslewingmirror which allows to redirect the optical path and start observation within ≈ 1s since it receives the target direction. SMT slewing mirror provides approximately the same sky coverageas UBAT’s HCFOV. UBAT and SMT have been assembled and integratedwith the controlelectronicsonUFFO-pwhichis plannedtobe launched on the Lomonosov Moscow State University satellite43. Fig.4. ThephotoshowsassembledUFFO-pwithitstwoscientificinstruments: UBATandSMT. Fromref.37 3. Relation of GRBs to Astroparticle Physics GRBs were proposed to be sites for accelerating ultra-high energy cosmic rays and sources of very high energy neutrinos up to 1017 ∼ 1019eV44–48. However, the recent results from the IceCube detector49 suggests that the efficiency of neutrino production may be much lower than predicted50. 4-years data of IceCube put constraints on the prompt neutrino flux from GRBs, see Fig. 3(b). A single low- significance neutrino, compatible with the atmospheric neutrino background, was found in coincidence with one of the 506 observed GRBs51. References 1. T. Piran, The physics of gamma-ray bursts, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 76, 1143 (2004). 2. P. 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