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Preview GamePro - Issue 256 - January 2010

-..: ..:::;:.1.:..i-l q B f, I I u ,4, rr I :ril Referer :e IruCe H.rn:;r l,1i rl tsl.rluil"le .-,, :lrrr. j 'c" " =5 ',r'inlene e -;'" t. :14. # ffiffi #Features JANUABY 2O1O lssuE #256 *IDepartments OpeningShots 4 Feedback 86 PartingShot 92 * The road ahead tar GamePro will be filled with positive change. Regular readers will notice some developments in this month's issue, but as we edge closer to 2O1O we also approach a new direction for the brand both in print and online at GamePro.com. Our r) 2 Headshot's Btrthday 1 Remastertns a Classlc gvookailn fgo ra tnhde itnu-tduerpet his tcoo vperoravgidee ththaot'su gahbt-opurto- With the headshot celebrating ,/ 1 We chat with famed developer more than just the products of this industry, its tenth anniversary, we talk to ( .. t \J Charles Cecil and legendary our goal (yeah, yeah I know this sounds pre- developers and enthusiasts comic book artist Dave Gibbons tentious) is to peek into the gaming's soul. about its origins and future. about updating 1994's Beneath Games are increasingly complex expe- riences that manipulate our emotions and a Steel Sky for the iPhone. challenge our minds. They're also a funda- mental part of our culture. They bring us to- 2 fire Reach of Betro 26 NewGamfurgMagazines gether as a community, they give us shared From good old nostalgia to You're reading a pretty awesome experiences, and provide us with a rich va- great new gameplay ideals, we magazine right now, but we high- riety of entertainment to occupy our avail- discuss the appeal of retro with light some more cool new publica- able time. ln the comlng months, our goal is to tackle our subject matter in a lot more Nintendo, Capcom, and video tions you won't find in stores. depth, but there are a few examples in this game historians. issue that will give you some insight into the direction we will be taking. To start with, there's our cover story. BioShock 2 is undeniably one of the big- gest releases of early 2O1O, but there's far more to discuss than the way the mechanics of the game have matured, or how the Big Daddies have evolved. Creative director Jor- dan Thomas provides us with some insight this issue into how they approached making a sequel to an originalthat was so complete. He explains that the story of BioShock is not the story of a single character, or a group of heroes, but the story of the city of Rapture itself. He then elaborates on how working on Bonk: Brink of Extinction Assassin's Creed ll (PS3) ...,..... 62 the ganre affected his own creative process, (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii)....... .......... 35 Borderlands (PS3, Xbox 360) ................72 and consequently infiltrated every facet of his life. Dante's lnferno (PS3, Xbox 360, PSP).................30 Brtital Legend (PS3, Xbox 360) ............. 70 Elsewhere this month you'll also find Divinity 2: Ego Dragonis (Xbox 360, PC) ............ 36 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Tae Kim's examination of the opening mo- Lego Universe (PC)....... 32 (PS3, Xbox 360) .......... 60 ments of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. DJ Hero (PS3, Xbox 360) ......... 79 Rather than simply enthuse about the up- dates in this much-anticiBated sequel, we Dragon Age: Origins (PS3, Xbox 360, PC).......... 00 Fairytale Fights (PS3, Xbox 360)....... ....82 cinosnteteandt idoeucsid aesdp etoct se xopfl othree goanme eo,f athned mquoesst- Grand Theft Auto: tion whether lnfinity Ward went far enough The Ballad of Gay Tony (Xbox 360) ...... 83 with their emotionally charged prologue. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (PSP)......... 83 This is just a taste of what lies ahead. Lego lndiana Jones 2: Be sure to check GamePro.com for new The Adventure Continues (Xbox 360) ................77 stories every day, and then next month (Wii) expect some hig changes here on the Need For Speed: Nitro ...78 magazine. We hope you enjoy it. Ratchet & Clank Future: (PS3)...... John Davlson A Crack ln Time ......... 80 EVP Content Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii) ....76 twitte r.corn/jwhdavison Tekken 6 (PS3, Xbox 360) ........ 81 (PS3) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves ......74 3 Gaan nPno.com Iax 2010 I I ro YmuR ScREEN sHGT GATEWAy GA,\atNfi. "'tt DxaI) To Rrcrrrs; RurRIBurIoN i. ,li, ii ur. ,,. :,i,r.; 'E A:.IXNS UrS. PnXDATOR $rxri:ji" ]!lir+ii1-,-r rrir,{t r'i' ='. MATr Ha,zARn: Brgon, BarH & Buyown ... :1, .!i i., it ,.ll'-4'u -*$,fi"',-#,- *,#.rz i I j, .ii "f,r I r"i 3 {.], ji ,,i 4.,, ,11 r[rti !: []'Sl , -i . r"l ri..i:l I u M^o,sS Errgct 2 ir:,ii, j'.r: ,i.,', i.. '$ BRINK i i,,::, ,,-ilt,,.rr -,i.i;. ir,.,- , "' FrNAt FANTASY XIII : : ,.,, ., 1; € WrrrrE KNTGHT CHnorurcLES r-':-,, l* " AR&{Y- r-lF FWm: Tf*n 4ffit=ff I}A}" , ffigurrEFIHtD Lg43 ,, .i l " ffiATTtEFTE[f]; B^qm tmnmpp.Ftry ? ,;,: U\f,"qm *+ [ff .t+,8 : -il}Ir;}x E\i ffi s #r; T=ffi # w :i r,r ':lii ..' .:..l. 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