GAME THEORY, EXPERIENCE, RATIONALITY FOUNDA TIONS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, ECONOMICS AND ETHICS IN HONOR OF JOHN C. HARSANYI VIENNA CIRCLE INSTITUTE YEARBOOK [1997] 5 VIENNA CIRCLE INSTITUTE YEARBOOK [1997] 5 Institut 'Wiener Kreis' SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD CONCEPTION Series-Editor: Friedrich Stadler Scientific Head,lnstitut 'Wiener Kreis' University of Vienna, Austria Advisory Editorial Board: Honorary Consulting Editors: Rudolf Haller, University o/Graz, Austria, Coordinator Carl G. Hempelt, Princeton, U.S.A. Kurt E. Baier, University o/Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Stephan KOmer, Bristol, U.K. Francesco Barone, University 0/ Pisa,lta/y Henk Mulder, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Nancy Cartwright, London School 0/ Economics, U.K. Arne Naess, Oslo, Norway Robert S. Cohen, Boston University, U.S.A. Paul Neurath, New York, U.S.A.lVienna, Austria Wilhelm K. Essler, University 0/ Frankfurt/M., Germany Willard Van Orman Quine, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Kurt R. Fischer, University o/Vienna, Austria Michael Friedman, University 0/I llinois at Chicago, U.S.A. Peter Galison, Harvard University, U.S.A. Review Editor and Editorial Assistant: Adolf Griinbaum, University 0/P insburgh, U.S.A. Michael St6ltzner Rainer Hegselmann, University 0/ Bremen, Germany Michael Heidelberger, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany Editorial WorkJLayoutJProduction: Gerald Holton, Harvard University, U.S.A. Janos Bekesi Allan S. Janik, Universities o/Innsbruck and Vienna, Robert Kaller Austria Camilla R. Nielsen Richard Jeffrey, Princeton University, U.S.A. Angelika Rzihacek Andreas KamIah, University o/Osnabruck, Germany Helmut Ruck Saul A. Kripke, Princeton University, U.S.A. Werner Leinfellner, Technical University o/Vienna, Austria Editorial Address: Brian McGuinness, University 0/ Siena,lraly Institut 'Wiener Kreis' , Julian Nida-Riimelin, University o/Gottingen, Germany MuseumstraBe 5/,})19, A-1070 Wien, Austria, Helga Nowotny, University o/Vienna, Austria TelJFax: +431/5361005 (international) or Joelle Proust, Ecole Polyt echnique CREA Paris, France 0115261005 (national) Jan Sebestik, CNRS Paris, France email: [email protected] Karl Sigmund, University o/Vienna, Austria homepage: Hans Sluga, University o/California, Berkeley, U.S.A. Antonia Soulez, University 0/ Nancy, France Christian Thiel, University 0/ Erlangen, Germany Walter Thirring, University o/Vienna, Austria Marx W. Wartofskyt, City University 0/ New York, U.S.A. Georg Winckler, University o/Vienna, Austria Ruth Wodak, University o/Vienna, Austria Jan Wolenski, University o/Warsaw, Poland Anton Zeilinger, University o/Innsbruck, Austria The titles published in this series are listed at the end oft his volume. GAME THEORY, EXPERIENCE, RATIONALITY FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, ECONOMICS AND ETHICS In Honor ofJ ohn C. Harsanyi Edited by WERNER LEINFELLNER University ofN ebraska and University ofGraz and ECKEHART KOHLER Institute Vienna Circle. Vienna and University of Vienna SPRINGER-SClENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-90-481-4992-6 ISBN 978-94-017-1654-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-1654-3 Series ISSN 0929-6328 Gedruckt mit Forderung des Osterreichischen Bundesministeriums flir Wissenschaft, Verkehr und Kunst Austria and Bank Austria 02-0799-200 ts Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1998 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1998 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL ...... . IX WERNER LEINFELLNER, Introduction Articles GAME THEORY, EXPERIENCE, RATIONALITY FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, ECONOMICS AND ETHICS IN HONOR OF JOHN C. HARSANYI Keynote Lecture REINHARD SEL TEN, Game Theory, Experience, Rationality . . . . . . . . .. 9 I. Rationality and the Foundations of the Social Sciences ANATOL RAPOPORT, Counterproductive Rationality ... . ... 35 THOMAS C. SCHELLING, Rationally Coping With Lapses From Rationality ................ . .49 JOHN D. HEY, Do Rational People Make Mistakes? . 55 DANIEL M. HAUSMAN, Rationality and Knavery .. .67 JULIAN NIDA-ROMELIN, Structural Rationality in Game Theory . 81 ROBIN POPE, Attractions to and Repulsions From Chance . . . . .95 MATTHIAS HILD/RICHARD JEFFREY IMAT HIAS RISSE, Agreeing to Disagree: Harsanyi and Aumann ..................... 109 II. Cooperation and Rationality EDWARD F. MCCLENNEN, Rethinking Rational Cooperation . . . . . . . . 117 VI KARL SIGMUND/MAARTEN BOERLIJST/MARTIN A. NOWAK, Automata and Inner States for Repeated Games .................. 131 III. Rationality and Economics LUTZ BEINSEN/ULRIKE LEOPOLD-WILDBURGER, Towards Bounded Rationality within Rational Expectations - Some Comments from an Economic Point of View ............. . ... 141 THOMAS RUSSELL, Macroeconomics and Behavioral Finance A Tale of Two Disciplines ........................ 153 IV. Bayesian Theory and Rationality BRIAN SKYRMS, Bayesian Subjunctive Conditionals for Games and Decisions ......... . ............ 161 ISAAC LEVI, Prediction, Bayesian Deliberation and Correlated Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . .... 173 PETER J. HAMMOND, Consequential ism and Bayesian Rationality in Normal Form Games .......................... 187 V. Evolutionary Game Theory and Game Dynamics WERNER LEINFELLNER, Game Theory, Sociodynamics, and Cultural Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . 197 DIRK HELBING, Microscopic Foundation of Stochastic Game Dynamical Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 IMMANUEL M. BOMZE, Uniform Barriers and Evolutionarily Stable Sets .... 225 JOSEF HOFBAUER, Equilibrium Selection via Travelling Waves 245 ANDREAS FLACHE/RAINER HEGSELMANN, Rational vs. Adaptive Egoism in Support Networks: How Different Micro Foundations Shape Different Macro Hypotheses ................... 261 VII VI. Ethics and Game Theory KEN BINMORE, Evolutionary Ethics .......... . . ..... 277 JOHN C. HARSANYI, A Preference-Based Theory of Well-Being and a Rule-Utilitarian Theory of Morality ............... 285 VII. Applications of Game Theory ANTONIO CAMACHO, Variability, Uncertainty, and the Emergence of Firms and Markets .......... 301 JAAKKO HINTIKKA, A Game Theory of Logic - A Logic of Game Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 DEAN P. FOSTER/H. PEYTON YOUNG, Learning with Hazy Beliefs 325 LUCIAN KERN, A Game-Theoretic Model of the War in Chechnya 337 DENNIS C. MUELLER, Information and Uncertainty: Power, Profits and Morality ....................... 349 Report - Documentation ARNE NAESS, The Spirit of the Vienna Circle Devoted to Questions of Lebens- and Weltauffassung . . . . . . . . . . . 359 CHRISTOPH HOFINGER/OLlVER HOLLE/ MARKUS KNELL, "Sicher ist sicher" .................. 369 Review Essay GERHARD BENETKA, Scientific Emigration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 KARL H. MULLER, Reflections on the Austrian Knowledge Bases 387 VIII Reviews Hans Hahn, Collected Works, Volume 2 and 3, edited by Leopold Schmetterer and Karl Sigmund (Thomas Mormann) 398 Kurt GOdel, Collected Works, vol.3 (Ulrich FeIgner) ............ 403 John W. Dawson, Jr., Logical Dilemmas. The Life and Work of Kurt GOdel. (Helmuth Veith) ..................... 406 Bruno de Finetti, Filosofia della probabilita (Maria Carla Galavotti) . . . 408 Friedrich Stadler, Studien zum Wiener Kreis (Hans Sluga) 411 Paolo Parrini, Conoscenza e Realta. Saggio di filosofia positiva (Michael Stoltzner) ........................ 415 Michael Heidelberger, Die innere Seite der Natur. Gustav Theodor Fechners Wissenschaftlich-philosophische Weltauffassung (Veronika Hofer) .................... 420 Martin Carrier, The Completeness of Scientific Theories (Thomas Breuer) .............................. 424 Jan Faye, Niels Bohr: His Heritage and Legacy Jan Faye, Henry J. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy (Anton Zeilinger) ....................... 429 Christian Thiel, Philosophie und Mathematik (Hans-Christian Reichel) .. 432 Jesus Padilla Galvez (ed.), El Circulo de Viena, Reconsiderado (Camilla R. Nielsen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 Kurt Blaukopf, Pioniere empiristischer Musiliforschung (K. Peter Etzkorn) ............................. 437 Kurt Blaukopf (Ed.), Philosophie, Literatur und Musik im Orchester der Wissenschaften (K. Peter Etzkorn) . . . . . . . . . 439 Hans Sluga/David G. Stern (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein (Gabriele Mras) ..................... 442 Activities of the Institute Vienna Circle SURVEY 1997 ..................................... 449 PREVIEW 1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 INDEX OF NAMES .................................. 453 EDITORIAL About 50 years ago, Oskar Morgenstern's article, "Logistik und die Sozialwissenschaften" , was published in the journal Zeitschrift jUr Nationa16konomie. Here he directed attention to the rich potential of the "new logic" (Karl Menger and Kurt GOdel) or "logistics" (Russell and Whitehead) as a pure formal discipline. For economics Morgenstern explicitly endorsed the theory of types (Bertrand Russell), axiomatics (David Hilbert) as well as the use of an exact scientific language, of a so-called "scientific logic" in Rudolf Camap's sense. He concluded his article by referring to the relevance of these methods for the social sciences as well, including theoretical economics and political economics. To this end, he summed up the main ideas of Karl Menger's book Morality, Decision and Social Organization. Toward a Logic of Ethics (1934, transl. 1974). It should be noted that John von Neumann attended a Vienna Circle congress (Konigsberg 1930) and Menger's famous "Mathematical Colloquium" in the twenties and thirties. It would be a misleading exaggeration to claim that the Vienna Circle was the main source of ideas for today's decision and game theories. It was, however, one of the principal contributors, inter alia, through Menger's work. I would only like to recall the intellectual setting on which the modem theory of science in the natural and social sciences is based. What I am addressing here also has more to do with a general approach, namely, the attempt to formulate solutions in clear language with precise formal methods and by recourse to empirical methods. Still today this approach is relevant in that it provides principles of research. In the final analysis, this approach is also characteristic of Harsanyi's work on economics, and has a bearing on social theory as well as ethics. Moreover, issues such as 'experience' and 'rationality', 'chance' and 'determinism' and their relation were already very seriously discussed issues for Logical Empiricism. The evolutionary view of science can be traced from the work of Mach and Boltzmann to today's evolutionary game theory. Since the seventies, the dynamic perspective has spread from biology to the rest of science (e.g., mathematization of Darwinian evolutionary theory). What is at stake here is apparently an all embracing game of nature and society! I would like to express my thanks to the following participants of our "game" who helped make the symposium "Game Theory, Experience, Rationality", held on June 12 to 15, 1996 in Vienna, possible, which herewith is documented in this Yearbook: • the Bundesmisterium fur Wissenschajt, Verkehr und Kunst (Federal Ministry for Science, Transportation and Art) for funding this conference