GAM BIPTLA Y . sacrnigfti cnti h eo peinn g '�IMMORTAL �/; � chesfso rum I• •• a •••••• •1I• •11 • ••••••••••11•. AnguDsu nnington EVERYMAN CHESS GloucePsutbelri sphlecwr wsw byt ilulll.:l'slcrp it.: (flJrmcrly E".'1)'lllilll !'i(It;''IuOshUllC iilMls2�alSh(nt cs)c:id(i'o J n�s , Publishers l'III,IiMIII'r!'! 1''''), I4UA ShaftcsbLonutyd oAnv WeCn2u11e ,� I rl> (; opyrig2h0t0 A3ngus Dunningto n © 'l'rlilgloh'ft A ngusD unnington to as ina ccordanceth e Cobpeidenyrigh titfiseed,sign stha ean Puc:ltha oteorfn tthiss work bheaesn asserted with D .Act 1988, All h reservNeod of publicatiobenr eproduced, a rigotrstr ansmittepdart fothisrm or by means,ma y electroni c,e cstrtorstaetic,dil magn lretrieva etilc sysptheomt ocopryinineg,c oanrdingy o ro therwiansye , el o publisher, lape, withouptri oprermis sion of the British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication catalogureec orfdo r book availableD ata library. A this is from theB ritish ISBN8 517 4343 49 >istriibnuN toerdthA mericbay Th e Globe ress, x 480, I (iooLsaen eG,u iIford,0 6437-0P4e8q0uPo.t P.OB o 246 CT Alolt hesra leensq uirisehso uld directed ChesGsl,o ucester lihersp lcG,l oucesMtanesro nsb, 1e4 0SAh atfoEt veesArymbvauryen n uLoen,d on P8uHbD s02705 3796 0f0a x0:2 7i03749060 WC2H Id: [email protected] lwe�bmsaili:wwtw e:. I':veriystm haern e gistetrraeddme a rko fR andoHmo usIen ca.n di su seidn thi s worukn der lifcreonRmsa en dom HoIunsce. EVERYMAN CHESS SER(IfEoSr meCraldyo gaCnhe ss) Chieafd visGoarr:rK ya sparov Commissioninegd itBoyrr:o Jna cobs Typesaentde ditebdy F irRsatn kP ublishBirnigg,h ton. Covedre sibgynH oratiMoo nteverde. ProductiboyNn a vigatGouri des. Printeda ndb ound GreaBtr itbayi n Ltd. in Biddies I CONTENTS Introduction 5 1 Time 7 2 OpenLin e 30 s 3 41 TheI nitiative 4 Outposts 60 5 84 Disprtiuon 6 97 Structure 7 Miniatures 109 I INTROJUCTION Ina ni deawlo rlpdl ayecrosu lsde et he gambitosf,s acriftcai pnagw no rtw o biggepri cturaen da voigde ttintgh em(ort hr.e).e . int hee arlsyt agoefst he selvtieesd u pi no rdetro ' secuwrhea't gamei nr etufronr a developmaednt ise ssentiaa lglaym bipta wn( orp awns)v antagoep,e nl ineosr an influential that comei ntpol amyu chl atienr knighto utpofsotre, x amplTeh.ep racti will theg ameB.u ti nr ealtihteyir e yeasr e cale xamplienst hibso oka reb iasiend toob igt,h egryo w attachteogd a mbitf avouorft heg ambiatn di tmsa nyu ses, pawnsa nds tatrotb rearku letsh aatr e ast hespea gehsa veb eend esignteod usualltya kenf org rante'dH.o me'o ffear t astoefa keyp arotf t heg ame squaraersen eglecltiendoe,ps e nu pf or rathetrh ana foolprowoaft,e rtight thee xclusuisveeo f theo ppositiowne,a pon. piec-esw henftn allbyr ougihntt toh e Chesss houlndo tb e easyb,u ti t gameo,f temnu chl attehra tnh ee nemy shoulbde andm y intentiwohne m fun, force-se ndu p on unconventioannanlo,t ating gtahmeeswsea st op utt o pooro utpo.s tAsg ooda ppreciaotfi ogne thear c ollecotfig oanm biotr iented thish umann aturaes pecotf c hesiss lessotnhsa ptr oviadnei nteresatnidn g besetx ploibtyei dn jectsionmgee nergyi nstructguiidvee t oy ourn extd estina intoou rp layb,yk eepian mgo reo pen tiono nt her oatdo c hesdsi scovery. mind ast ot heg ambipto ssibitlhiatti esI ti sim peratitvheaa t g ambihta sa n lur-k nott oow elhli dde-ni nt he agendtah,a pta rting a pawno r with backgrooufne dv ergya me. morei sa ni nvestmfeonrtt h en eaorr nots on eafurt urea, p ricteop ayi nr e Evepryl qysehro bueald b tleom akues ofe turn fors omeo ther, non-fmaacterial sucshu bast trlea tweegapioacnsa p awsna cntor(Asn)y.t hinegl saen,y o ffetrh at ojic-eK arpov realcloyn ditionoanl t heo pposiitsi on blunderoirnp gl ayipnogo rm ovest,h en Quitsei mpltyh,i bso oka imst oa tthiissn ota p ropegra mbirta,t haeg ri ft, tractth er eadetrot hei deoaf p layinagn dw ea ren oti nt heb usineosfgis v ing 5 somethifnogr n othinwgh n we to a of downt op hIY ... e si1ht ealtopen dth e�s umpberojsve tichLtic,ls l,n ''or tal tlhleiol! kvt·J is happtyo r ecretiocpal gs book. a Indtk'ntalalmy , whithlee oIft helin eeninsse emq uiteHin otweerveefrsfr,eoting mw goalm1blittn tt.h�aynotodf u p latyrho rlmeo ougdhe la s gambitepeori'nsot f vi ew, dKirsapmlnaiawkyn osdrS ytpa hsskwiyth a anwdo huladv-e(b cea refmulaldye)a fewhi nts sllacsh I viewt o emulating exploiatnsy, wheraep propriate, forgtheatt theoretiociaoln sth eirin these pages succses gambbuidtptonl a'oytf tebno ils notb peuni seda st hef oundationdthsoe wn to proafc tipcasly, choflaocgical shaon uolpedn inrge pertoWhilier e.I hve to.r.s. otrfi iends omeo ft hmeo rheea vilyann oa- And rem m ber -Gambits are e Fun. I CHAPTEORN E Time When weighiunpg th e variofuasc torpsI et,r aditioenxaalm ploefs o nes ide thatd etennine the flavouorf a game, puttinhgi sf aitihnp ointtsh,eo theirn time andd evelopmentt ob eo vertime. Int hefIr stg ameW hitsee emtso tend lookeadn,d t oa dangeroduesgr ee- create profbolrhe immsse lbfy a llowing particulaarmloyn gc lubp layerWse. thedi splacemoefnh ti ski ng,b utt he knowth at kniag ht isw ortah pproxistratiestg oye xplotihtep redicamoefn t mateltyh repea wnst,h atwto rookasr e thee nemkinyg . a matcfho ra q ueeann ds oo n,b utt his isj udginglik e forlik e.W hent hev alue Kranmik-Knaoivd a ofa pawni sm easureadg aintimset, Groning1e99n3 howevecro,n fusisoent isn . Thosep layerfso rw hom pawns 1 tOf3d 5 d4tO f63 c4e 64 tOc3 barerleygi staesra ctupaile ceassl, o yald xc54 e 42.i. b46 .i.g5c 5 foots olditehrasmt i ghwte lwli nt he gamethin,k nothinogf l etttihnegm g o forp racticnaol cloym pensatYieotn . thesep laye-rsi ronic-allyh ave will morei nteresgtaimnegsa nda res uffi cientulninyh ibitteodc austeh eoiprp o nentpsr oblemOsf. c oursteh eya re moreli keltyh anth er esotf u st ofIn d themselovne tsh ew rongs idoef d iffi culrto oekn dinbgust,a tl eaistit s e asier tom akea conscieofufso trotd evotae littlmeo rec arew henc ontemplating gambitthsa ni ti st oa dopat n ewa nd Yous houlgda thferro mt hed iagram morev ersaatpilper oatcoht heg ameI.n posititohna tth eV iennVaa riation of thicsh aptweer looakt a fews im-theQ ueenG'asm biDte clinerde quiar es will 7 Gambitp ray nCliIn cClllsi,aimcoruanlJtok f t heorcti kyec heDceksp ite soonh �p calk nClwled�. A to OWIl kinwgh,at s trategy 7 .txc4 preevndsv hcasir �ou ntLhle White'wesak I.ccosmsmo n intrees is7 e S, nesses in permanaennthdte a typicocnatilbn uutab tieinogtinn 7g .. .c xd48 ex/?Ifomiatl lsoli ftt tlteaB cltaiccck r'se deakitneg . "':1lb4c+6 9 0-0-�0d 71 0liJ e4� e7 tveelxotp mepnrto blcmfso rtt hod ee fender. 11c x6fgx f6 12� h4l:t c8w heBnl ackT hisi,n earWhitne added hacslo lecttherpdewa en s( ansdo me turn, swil alt tacgke tusn der tobi toen f)o arp ece.T he 1S wtimaeyl .at wehre nh i dIt'hsiinnegtd o k epWh itiine drtievx1tn 1g 0. �.b.d 7 seagt. e the Blacwko ulpdre fer tob eti eudp 7. c.x.d 4 ut1 0.. i.. d71 1 i.xfno6t ouwte ll Withtw o pinonst hbeo arwdew on'tbf oWhirt e. The fupsotinwt to orn kotsie stha surprisoes edeB lackq'use ecno me l1...'ii1x2�cf 31+ g?xf 6ru nsi nt1ot3 he.' soon, btutt htimien g needtosb e %lc1 ICaI5F oerx almehpe r7e. .a.5 l?e!a ds . ria � a mfero W hitea fte8ri. x6f .tle",c 3+9 bxc3 1'i'0lbx dc23gx f+6 1 1 becaBulsaeckh asn othintgo lI"cf5o rurs damagkinegds ipdaew ns, Nhe,wWru tei rse atdocy a e wherei.axsc 3 • Al.iW�lxiidnti4 s im+ porttaonfIn td - or - them osatc curoradteeorf mIocvaers,nf or tinh ee vent .'i'.oa.f5 8 Whicta(.an�v othiedt rnaspost1othti eo n flloow9s i. x6f i.xc+3 10 .. mWe.'t xhca3+ti nfv aouorf9 i. d2wi!th a Fosrmo er easpoinno snb ishboy ps hIIlllc1�utc th td epfIurutlle. bishcoapcnsa ucsoen fusainohdn e,r e • b".51 0.i. b5+ ':c+8 flloowth eq ueenr'est .r eat bxa3 Forwilctlee hdrfo,er ies,1 1.gx..f6w,h e1n2 'ifb3 guarantWhietees a na dvantage, e..1g .20. -.10 30- lb0c 6( af1t.3ei.. rx. b 5 14liJ xb5 lbc61 5c 4B lackki'nsg side damaigse msoirgniefI cthaanntt h ies o latce-dp a1wn4i.) x c.t6x c165 lb xc6 bxc166 l:t ae1a,si nKh enkin-Rechlis, TeAlv i1v99 2o,r1 .2a. 61. 3 i. e2lb c6 140 -00- 105 ]:a :td1,Ei ngorn-Gelfand, Debre1c89e9n. 11.t xf6" xc3+ iils lo ClIa ll' Byn Clw ICcIh agnlI'h l' Time strtaegy t1 ...gx:1f260 -gi0v eWhist e gambiwthse tn-h sero tiieso vearn d tomo uachsha rmoyn. thmea tecroillaeeldc t,th 'ek eeping the 12� f1 head abovpeh aswoeafth t eed re' inconvenience isw hatf endtearrs'eksq uirbeosthg oomdo ves sTlhoWhiiwsmints oe rd own enugohf oBrl actko andg oonde ervsThi.s isp articularly abet oac ectth egam bit relewvhaentnth qeu eheanbes e nu sed b1e2. l.. p pawn. top icukpt hpea wn(pse)r htahpes gxf163 h 4 mostc ommngo ambsicte n.a rio Tuckintgh kein go ne 7i asn a lterna tivweh,e ln. S�. e.71 6lt c1 :d81 7 'iVc2lLl eS1 8'if b2': d61 9: b3h as beeans sesassce lde abrteltyef rro White,P .aCmlinrg-RodriguTeazla vera, DosH erma1n99a2sc otninuin1g9. b .S. 20f 4lLl c42 1i. xcb4x c242l:t xc.i4d 7 23a 4l:. d82 4e S Bringingt hreo oinkt toh gea mwei th h2-h4an dI:t h3 aih sa bwiet grow ouotf o ncweea ppretchiwalealo t ned ers ofc astlinbgu,ht e rteh ceir cwnscteasn dictattahet Whi te mobilhiisfsero ces befoBrlea ccakunrn a veMlo.r eotvheer , rook enttehrae r ena tewpmioth. Notiwilctleh B alta cmko'dssemt a telreiaadl seebmasrl eyn oticwehaebwnle ec on sird ehdiesv elopprmoebnltIem nfsc a.t Whithea mda nagteomd a intahienr iitts h pein Blancokw eadsdrsesl.e int hseev ariatthiaotn s 13. a.6. that Whiteo'wsnk inpgo sitiiosnn o ta 13.� .e.7a lescsopa etsh e piant- wbourtrl y.S'iV.. e .Si asn otohpetriw ohni,l e tacnkotsh inagfo,fr diWnhgi tmeo reW hi'tsce ompeinosinas et vidaefntte r time sot haaftt 1e4:r h 3'iV aS1 5lib 1 1.50. -.10 6 l:. g3�+h 81 7'iV c1l:. g81 8 thdee veloapdmveanntgt raogwfuesr 1:txg8�+x g189'iV h6. th(eSrl. l:r. .d.81 6'iVc l)!. 16� b3! 14l:l h3" a5 15� e2� c5?! Allo fWhi te'pise cheasve eay as ccess The'! ?i'sKr amnik'so wna,l thoutgoth hg ea me whBelraiecrsake s l yoni ng finding sgaeof omdo,v esi sd ihffierteh qeu eaennknid g htto fi ghtthb ea ttle. cuelvte fnoa rs trongs ucahs soKr amnidko ensomi ts st hoep portu-· dnaovAndh ereGIMnt htelr laeKdsaii tniiottnoyea lilmi nahtaetl hfee n emy'isVl ' pro.b lienam c ceg(p dteicnleonntg)- teforrcme, l eavtihnqgeu eetnod o aalctlth e Gambti Pfay worakgain , perior pawn2s2).i. e2J:l hd8!2?3 "I' xf6 ':d2 24':' a3 succeedieocd o n vertingth e White theL ead de initiativaen d in velopmetnoat extra safe pawn, 18Pu�t fting3 00 the g-fiIei alsso t oethaked f6-pawtnob e thef ocuosf W hitea'tst entiRioeosm. e m bethra tWhi te iso owto rriaedb oruet gaining theg ambpiatw asn ot to bew oob ack few msaocvrieafisecr ermdae threyetr lo g aio anad e x ploBiLltta ck's tartimdeyd e velop 16.. liJ.x b31 71i' xb3 The rtheastthulg eti tn ehixttsth e Blahcoke st ogi evth5ee b ishad oep efalcetv anintte nn s ofw6 - cenotu tpoposnte 6in ordert o and Blcak'dse fenotsanlsiyk v weo ulbdoe afc h cn bolsthteedr e fen1c7.e... s.e ,S itry s m entuateidfi t f s- bothe Sa nd ebe tioneind w e Akopiawnekrw ialthlothuet f1 will CHorvathN,C O1,N9 ik9shilw1ie cn t7. ",1,c7 18a. .e1i'.d8 f6-pawn. l:tdl.i. d7 Afte1r8 ",'iti>1e97 followedb y 18 :fc3 thethr eatenin:Eeftledtrt atioonn th e seventh havem orei mpact with ther answilktl a ndinogne 7A,cc odirng to kiWhingt e hasa ne dgea fttheer coNnCsOi s1t8e.n"t,i, 1e96'i ixb7 0-200 'iie7'iid8 Blcak'esx tpraaw in ss tilinl tact and heh asm anagteodn udghies b ishop forwardb,u Whti teh amsa dmeo rper o grsea sndh imsa jrop iectherse atteon hantdo getahnedir n vaTdhee,r foel lwe1d9'i ib2!,w henB lawcaks fi nally aI(he l tos nedh iksni to 'seaytf'w ith Inde2e1d'i ixf(62 'i1ic S!i?sa s ug IIJ",.Oa -lOt-ghOhow gui t2h0 l:t c1J. c6 gestioofnKr amni2k1)"'i .ixf262 l:t xf6 21i. xa(l:tdll6( 21h.xa.62. 2l:t xc'il6x c6 J:lfd283 l:td22 4a 3( 2.4J.. g4?2 S l:tl\" f ;llvrWoshl itllll"lsl a'nldS' lll 1l:t g3)l oJ:lof3lk iska ne u phils lt.r uggll' 2.\ for