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Galois Cohomology Seyfi Tu¨rkelli June 15, 2004 Introduction Let K/k be a Galois extension. Galois correspondence says that there is a 1-1 corre- spondence between the sub-extensions of K/k and the subgroups of Gal(K/k) in such a way that normal sub-extensions correspond to normal subgroups. In view of this result, which is usually called the fundamental theorem of Galois theory, understanding a Galois extension is the same as understanding its Galois group. As usual, we have cohomological invariants of Galois groups and its theory Galois cohomology. Galois groups are in fact profinite groups, namely Gal(K/k) = limGal(E/k) where the limit runs over the finite sub-extensions, and ←− the converse is also true. Therefore, Galois cohomology is the cohomology of profinite groups which can be seen as the extension of cohomology of finite groups to the one of profinite groups with respecting the topological structure on profinite groups. In other words, finite groupsaretriviallyprofinitegroupsand, inthispointofview, cohomologyofprofinitegroups recovers that of finite groups. Almost all of the results in this theory is due to Tate. Many deep results can be proven, with relative ease, by using cohomological machinery. For instance, the existence of Hasse invariant [Sh,p155] or Tsen’s theorem saying that the Brauer group Br(K), which is a very important algebraic invariant of the field, of a function field K in one variable over an algebraically closed field is trivial [Sh,p108]. In this text, our aim is to prove one of the most basic and important results of the theory, namely Hilbert’s theorem 90, and to give a few of its applications to the field theory. In chapter 1, we introduce profinite groups and prove Pontryagin duality, which is used very often like many other duality theorems -as an example see the proof Shafarevich-Golod’s theorem [Sh,p69]. In chapter 2, we define the cohomology of profinite groups and its elementary properties. In chapter 3, we introduce another very useful invariant, cohomological dimension of an extension, instead of that we don’t really use it in this text. In the last chapter, we show our theorem and its applications. Contents 1 Profinite Groups 3 1. Structure of Profinite Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Pontryagin Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4. Sylow p-Subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 Cohomology 12 1. Two Definitions of Cohomology and Their Equivalence . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. Res, Cor and Functoriality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3. Induced Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4. Cup Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5. Spectral Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3 Cohomological Dimension 25 1. Basic Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2. Cohomological Dimension of Subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3. The Case Cohomological Dimension 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4 Galois Cohomology: An Application 31 1. Hilbert’s Theorem 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2. Some Applications: Cyclic Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3. Some Applications: Brauer Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2 Chapter 1 Profinite Groups 1. Structure of Profinite Groups WesaythatagroupGequippedwithatopologyisatopological group ifthemaps(x,y) 7→ xy and x 7→ x−1 are continuous. From the definition, it immediately follows that the maps x 7→ ax, x 7→ xa and x 7→ x−1 are homeomorphisms. It is clear that {1} is closed in G if and only if G is Hausdorff. Throughout the section we will assume that topological groups are Hausdorff. A topological group G has the following obvious properties: i. Any open subgroup of G is closed. ii. Any closed subgroup of finite index is open. iii. If a subgroup of G contains an open subgroup then it is open. iv. If G is compact then the open subgroups are of finite index. The isomorphism theorems hold for closed subgroups of topological groups if we assume that homomorphisms are closed and open [Pn, p 113]. This is automatic for compact groups [Pn, 115]. A partially ordered set I is called directed if for any i,j ∈ I there exists a k ∈ I with i ≤ k and j ≤ k. An inverse system of topological groups (sets) is a family (G ,ϕj) of i i i,j∈I topological groups (sets) and continuous homomorphisms (maps) ϕj : G → G i j i such that for k ≤ i ≤ j, we have ϕi = id and ϕi ◦ϕj = ϕj. i k i k By the inverse or projective limit of an inverse system of topological groups (sets) (G ,ϕj) i i we mean the group (set) G = {(x ) ∈ QG | x = ϕj(x ),i,j ∈ I,i ≤ j} and denote it i i∈I i i i j Q by G = limG . Then G is a closed subgroup of G , in particular a topological group, and ←− i i 3 the projections Π : G → G are continuous homomorphisms [Ri,p 3]. If we have another i i inverse system (H ,ψj) and the continuous homomorphisms θ : G → H which are i i i,j∈I i i i compatible with ϕj ’s and ψj ’s then the map θ : G → H induced by θ ’s is also a continuous i i i homomorphism. A profinite group G is the inverse limit of an inverse system of finite groups endowed with the discrete topology. G is clearly compact and its topology generated by Π−1(g ), g ∈ G , i i i i i ∈ I [Fr, p 3]. Noting that Π−1(g )’s are open and closed, it can be easily seen that G is i i totaly disconnected. And, a basis for open neighborhoods of 1 given by the open normal subgroups of G. Open subgroups are precisely the closed subgroups of finite index, and their intersection is 1. Therefore, every closed subgroup H is the intersection of open subgroups. T T Indeed, H = G where G is an open subgroup containing H. If x ∈ G then i i i x ∈ NH for all open subgroups N of G since NH is an open normal subgroup containing H. So xN ∩ H 6= ∅. Since H is compact and any finite collection of them has nonempty intersection, (TxN) ∩ H 6= ∅ and there exists h ∈ H such that h ∈ xN for all such N. Hence x−1h ∈ TN, x−1h = 1 and x = h ∈ H. As we mentioned before, a profinite group is compact and totaly disconnected. Con- versely: Theorem 1.1. Any compact totaly disconnected group is profinite. In order to prove this result, we need two lemmas. Lemma 1.2. Let G be a compact group and {N | i ∈ I} be a family of normal closed i subgroups of finite index satisfying T i. For every finite subset J of I there exists i ∈ I such that N ⊆ N , i J j T ii. N = 1. I i Then G = limG/N is a profinite group. ←− i Proof. Define the partial order ≤ on I as follows: i ≤ j if and only if N ⊇ N . Let’s define i j the ”restrictions”, for i ≤ j, ϕj : G/N → G/N as the natural quotient maps. By condition i j i i, I is a directed set. Note that G/N ’s are finite groups endowed with the discrete topology i so the restrictions are automatically continuous. We have the canonical map ψ : G → limG/N . ←− i defined by g 7→ (Π (g)) i i where Π : G → limG/N is the projection. By condition ii, ψ is injective. Since {Π−1(g )} i ←− i i i i,gi forms a basis for the topology of limG/N and g ∈ Π−1(g ) where g = Π (g), ψ(G) is dense ←− i i i i i in limG/N . On the other hand, Π ’s are continuous and so is ψ. Since G is compact, ψ is ←− i i surjective and we are done. Lemma 1.3. Open subgroups of totaly disconnected locally compact groups form a base for neighborhoods of 1. 4 Proof. See [PN, Thm 67]. Proof of Theorem 1.1. If H is an open subgroup of G then [G : H] < ∞ and the set {Hg | g ∈ G} is finite; Thus T Hg is an open normal subgroup of G. By lemma 1.3, open g∈G normal subgroups forms a basis for neighborhoods of 1 and the set {N | N EG,N is open} i i i T satisfies condition i in Lemma 1.2. Since G is Hausdorff, N = 1 i.e the second condition i is also satisfied. Hence, by Lemma 1.2, we are done. (cid:3) Note that profinite groups form a category in which morphisms are continuous homomor- phisms, and products and inverse limits exist. Corollary 1.4. A closed subgroup H of a profinite group G is profinite. If H is also normal then G/H is a profinite group. Corollary 1.5. Z , p-adic completion of Z or ring of integers of Q , is a profinite group. p p Namely, Z = limZ/pnZ where p is a prime number and n ∈ N. p ←− Corollary 1.6. An inverse limit of profinite groups is a profinite group. Corollary 1.7. Any Galois group G = Gal(E/K) is profinite. Indeed, G = limGal(F/K) ←− where K ⊆ F ⊆ E and F/K is a finite Galois extension. Perhaps the theorem we have already proved gives us a good characterization of profinite groups. But we can give a more explicit description: Theorem 1.8. Every profinite group is isomorphic to a Galois group of some Galois exten- sion. We need a lemma, which is a generalization of Artin’s Lemma: Lemma 1.9. Let G be a profinite group acting faithfully as automorphisms of a field E such that G = {g ∈ G | xg = x} is an open subgroup of G for all x ∈ E. Then E is the Galois x extension of the fixed field K = {x ∈ E | xg = x for all g ∈ G}. Proof. In case G is finite, this is Artin’s Lemma [La, p 264]. If H = xG ∩ ... ∩ xG for 1 n x ,...,x ∈ E then ,by the assumption, H is open in G and N = T Hg, which is a finite 1 n g∈G intersection,isanopennormalsubgroupofG. ThesetofsuchN’ssatisfiestheassumptionsof Lemma1.2soG = limG/N. Ontheotherhand,finitegroupG/N actsonF = K(xG∩...∩xG) ←− 1 n faithfullywiththefixedfieldK (Observethatx ’sarefiniteorbits). Thus, byArtin’sLemma, i F is a Galois extension of K and G/N ∼= Gal(F/K). Since this holds for all xG∩...∩xG ∈ E, 1 n E is the union of all such F’s and we have Gal(E/K) = limGal(F/K). Hence, we get the ←− ∼ isomorphism Gal(E/K) = limGal(F/K) = limG/N = G induced by the finite case. ←− ←− ‘ Proof of Theorem 1.8. Let Γ = G/N where the disjoint union runs over open normal subgroups of G and F be any field. Define the action of G on the purely transcendental extension F(Γ) by g.(xN) := (gx)N for xN ∈ Γ and ag = a for a ∈ F. Since Γ is a set of formal objects, in other words set of algebraically independent elements over F, G acts on 5 F(Γ) faithfully. An element of F(Γ) is of the form y = f(x ,...,x ,a ,..,a ) where x ∈ Γ, 1 n 1 k i a ∈ F and f is a function. On the other hand, G = G and G = N for x ∈ G/N; In i ai xi i particular G is open. Therefore, G ∩...∩G ∩G ∩...∩G is open, and G is open xi x1 xn a1 ak y since it contains G ∩...∩G . Hence, by Lemma 1.9, we are done. (cid:3) x1 ak 2. Pontryagin Duality A direct system of topological groups is a family (A ,ϕj) of topological groups and con- i i i,j∈I tinuous homomorphisms ϕj : A → A i i j such that for k ≤ i ≤ j, we have ϕi = id and ϕj ◦ϕi = ϕj. i i k k The direct or inductive limit of a direct system of topological groups (A ,ϕj) is the group i i A = L A /Γ where Γ =< ϕj(x)−x | x ∈ A ,i,j ∈ I > and is denoted by A = limA . I i i i −→ i Given a torsion abelian group G, its dual G∗ = Hom(G,Q/Z) is a commutative profinite group with the topology given by pointwise convergence. Then we have the duality: Torsion Abelian Groups ⇔ Commutative Profinite Groups Formally speaking, we have: Theorem 1.10. i. If G is a profinite group then its dual G∗ is a discrete torsion abelian group. ii. Conversely, if G is a discrete torsion abelian group then G∗ is a profinite group. iii. If G is a profinite group or a discrete torsion abelian group then the homomorphism α : G → G∗∗ G is an isomorphism. It is clear that Pontryagin duality holds for cyclic groups, and so does for finite abelian groupssinceeveryfiniteabeliangroupisasumofitscycliccomponents. Inordertogeneralize thisfacttoprofinitegroups,weneedsomefactswhichstatesomebasicpropertiesofcompact, discrete groups and inverse and direct limits. Lemma 1.11. i. Every proper closed subgroup of S1 is finite. 6 ii. If G is a compact group then Hom (G,S1) is a discrete group where Hom stands TG TG for topological group homomorphisms and similarly Hom stands for group homomor- phisms. iii. If G is a discrete then G is a compact group. Proof. i. It immediately follows from the obvious fact that any infinite subgroup of S1 is dense in S1. ii. Assume G is a compact group. It is enough to show that ϕ ∈ G∗, ϕ(g) = 1 for all g ∈ G, is isolated, i.e There is no sequence (ψ ) with ψ (g) 6= 1 for some g ∈ G for all n ∈ N such n n n that (ψ ) → ϕ. n n Suppose not! Let (ψ ) be such a sequence. Then for all n ∈ N there is g ∈ G with n n n ψ (g ) ∈ [eiΠ/2,ei3Π/2]. Since G is compact we may assume that limg = g exists. Then n n n limψ (g ) = ϕ(g) = 1 ∈ [eiΠ/2,ei3Π/2]. A contradiction. n n iii. G is discrete so Hom (G,S1) = Hom(G,S1). It suffices to show that Hom (G,S1) TG TG is a closed subgroup of Q S1, which is a compact Hausdorff space. Let (ψ ) be a sequence G n n in Hom(G,S1) with (ψ ) → ψ in Q S1. Then for g ,g ∈ G we have n n G 1 2 ψ(g g ) = limψ (g g ) = lim(ψ (g )ψ (g )) 1 2 n 1 2 n 1 n 2 = limψ (g )limψ (g ) = ψ(g )ψ(g ) n 1 n 2 1 2 and we are done. Lemma 1.12. Let G be a profinite group and f : G → S1 be a continuous homomorphism. Then f(G) is a finite subgroup of S1 and f(G) < Q. Proof. In view of Lemma 1.11, this is trivial. Lemma 1.13. i. Let {G ,ϕ ,I} be a surjective inverse system of profinite groups over a directed set I i ij and let G = lim G . Then there exists an isomorphism ←−i∈I i G∗ = Hom (limG ,Q/Z) = limHom (G ,Q/Z) = limG∗. TG ←− i −→ TG i −→ i ii. Let {A ,ϕ ,I} be a direct system of discrete torsion abelian groups over a directed set i ij I and let G = lim A be its direct limit. Assume that the canonical homomorphism −→i∈I i ϕ : A → A are inclusion maps. Then there exists an isomorphism of profinite groups i i A∗ = Hom (limA ,Q/Z) = limHom (A ,Q/Z) = limA∗. TG −→ i ←− TG i ←− i 7 Proof. i. Let f : G → Q/Z be a continuous homomorphism. Then f(G) is finite by Lemma 1.12. Therefore, there exits f : G → Q/Z with f = f ϕ where ϕ : G → G is the projection i i i i i i [Ri, p 13]. Then we have the isomorphism Φ : G∗ → limG∗ −→ i defined by f 7→ (f ) . i i ii. Let f : A → Q/Z be a continuous homomorphism. Then we have the isomorphism of groups Ψ : A∗ :→ limA∗ ←− i defined by f 7→ (f ) i i wheref = f ϕ andϕ : A → Aisthecanonicalhomomorphism. Itisclearlyanisomorphism i i i i of groups. Since A∗ and limA∗ are compact, it suffices to prove that Ψ is continuous. Let ←− i fn → f beaconvergentsequenceofsuchmaps. Wewanttoshowthatfn = fnϕ → f = fϕ i i i i for all i. But it means that fn(ϕ (a )) → f(ϕ (a )), which holds since A is discrete i.e i i i i fn(a) = f(a) for sufficiently big n > N and for all a ∈ A. a Proof of Theorem 1:10. (i) and (ii) follows from Lemma 1.11 and Lemma 1.12. iii. Let G be a profinite group, G = limG where {G ,ϕ ,I} is an inverse system of finite ←− i i ij abelian groups. Then for each i ∈ I we have the commutative diagram G αG //G∗∗ ϕi (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15)ϕ∗i∗ G //G∗∗ i αGi i By Lemma 1.13, we get the isomorphism α = limα . G ←− Gi On the other hand, if G is a discrete torsion abelian group then, by Lemma 1.13, G = limG where G ’s are finite subgroups of G. Then we have the isomorphism −→ i i α : G = limG → limG∗∗ = G∗∗ G −→ i −→ i induced by α : G → G∗∗. Gi i i (cid:3) 8 3. Subgroups Lemma 1.14. let G be a compact group and {S } be a decreasing filtration of G by closed i i∈I T subgroups. Let S = S . Then the canonical map i ϕ : G/S → limG/S ←− i is a homeomorphism. Proof. Clearly, ϕ is injective and continuous. And, ϕ(G/S) is dense in limG/S since ←− i Π−1(U )’s form a basis and ϕ(g) ∈ Π−1(U ) where Π (g) ∈ U , U is an open subset of i i i i i i i G/S . Compactness of G implies that ϕ is a surjection and homeomorphism. i Lemma 1.15. Let K ≤ H be closed subgroups of a profinite group G with [H : K] < ∞. Then there is a continuous section s : G/H → G/K. Proof. We know that open normal subgroups of G forms a base for neighborhoods of 1. Since H/K is finite, K is open in H and so there is an open subset U of G such that U ∩H = K. By the fact mentioned above, we may assume that U is an open normal subgroup of G with the assumption U ∩ H ⊆ K. Then the canonical map Π (cid:23) : G/K → G/H is an injection U and, of course, a homeomorphism. Since G = g U t...tg U, one can extend the inverse of 1 k this map to whole G by translation continuously. This completes the proof. Theorem 1.16. Let K ≤ H be arbitrary closed subgroups of G. Then there exits a continuous section s : G/H → G/K. Proof. Consider the set Z = {(U ,s ) | U is a closed subgroup of H with U ⊇ K, s : i i i i i G/H → G/U is a section }. Let’s define an order on Z as follows: (U ,s ) ≤ (U ,s ) if i i i j j and only if U ⊇ U and s = p ◦ s where p : G/U → G/U is the canonical map. By i j i j j i T Lemma 1.14, (U,s) is the maximal element of an ascending chain (U ,s ) with U = U and i i i S s = s . By Zorn’s lemma, there is a maximal element, call (U,s). We claim that U = K. i Suppose not! Let S be a proper subgroup of U containing K with [U : K] < ∞ (It exists i T because K = S where S ’s are open subgroups, or equivalently closed subgroups of finite i i index). Then, by Lemma 1.15, there is a continuous section p : G/U → G/S. Therefore, (S,s0) ∈ Z where s0 = p◦s and (U,s) (cid:0) (S,s0). A contradiction. 9

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