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Gallup Hi-Aktiv® Label PDF

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Preview Gallup Hi-Aktiv® Label

n o Gallup Hi-Aktiv ® i t c e Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv is a systemic herbicide for the control of most MAPP No. 17646 t broad-leaved and grass weeds in: o • Asparagus • Linseed • Peas (combining and Contains 490 g/l glyphosate as a • Barley • Mustard vining) soluble concentrate. • Durum wheat • Natural surfaces not • Permeable surfacres • Field beans intended to bear overlying soil P • Forest vegetation • Pre-emergence of IMPORTANT INFORMATION • Grassland including • Oats drilled crops grassland destruction • Oilseed rape • Stubbles of all FOR USE ONLY AS AN • Green cover in land • Bulb Onion and leek edible and AGRICULTURAL, not being used for • Orchards: apple, pear, nonp-edible crops HORTICULTURAL, AQUATIC, FORESTRY HERBICIDE AND crop production cherry, damson and • Sugar beet DESICCANT • Hard surface plum • Swede See Directions for Use on attached o • Land immediately • Turnip leaflet for the following: Safety Precautions, Maximum adjacent to aquatic • Wheat individual dose of product, Maximum areas r total dose, Latest time of application and Other specific restrictions. C Risk and Safety Information READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A THE CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH REGULATIONS (COSHH) MAY MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT APPLY TO THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT AT WORK. WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE To avoid risks to man and the enviroynment comply with the instruction for use OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT Safety Data Sheet available for professional users on request. PROTECTION PRODUCTS This product is approved under The Plant Protection Products Regulations (as amended). a l c Manufacturer: Barclay Chemicals Manufacturing Ltd., Damastownr Way, Damastown Industrial Park, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 8112900 Fax: +353 1 8224678 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.barclay.ie a Approval Holder: Barclay Chemicals (R&D) Ltd. Contact details as above. Copyright © Barclay Chemicals (R&D) Limited, 2016. B®Gallup Hi-Aktiv is a registered trademark of Barclay Chemicals (R&D) Ltd PROTECT FROM FROST n SAFETY PRECAUTIONS o OPERATOR PROTECTION Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personali protective equipment. t WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES when handling the concentrate and contaminated surfaces. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND RUBBER BcOOTS when using hand-held sprayers, hand-held rotary atomisers, weed-wiping equipment or when making cut stump treatments. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, rubber boots and FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when using stem injection equipment. e However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH CONCENTRATE from skin or eyes immediately. t DO NOT BREATHE SPRAY. o WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before meals and after work. r ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Do not contaminate water with the product or its container* (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid P contamination from farmyards and roads) *except when used as directed. The maximum concentration of glyphosate in the water must not exceed 0.2 ppm or such lower concentration as the appropriate regulatory body may require. Livestock must be kept out of treated areas [for at least 5 days following treatment] IF RAGWORT IS PRESENT, FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE IN THE ‘DIRECTIONS FOR USE’ p STORAGE AND DISPOSAL KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safeo place. WASH OUT CONTAINER THOROUGHLY, empty washings into spray tank and dispose of safely Dispose of empty container by Recycling r C y a l c r a B 2 n DIRECTIONS FOR USE o IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. i Where ragwort is present users should consult the Code of Practice on How to Prevent the Spread of Ragwort. Ragwortt plants sprayed with this herbicide are more palatable and contain higher levels of toxins. Animals should be excluded from treated c areas until any ragwort has completely recovered or died and there is no visible sign of the dead weed. Do not include treated ragwort in hay or silage crops IMPORTANT INFORMATION e FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, AQUATIC, FORESTRY HERBICIDE AND DESICCANT Crops/situations Maximum individual Maximum total dose Lattest time of application dose of product o Wheat, barley, oats, durum wheat, 1.1 l/ha 1.1 l/ha product per crop Pre-emergence of the crop oilseed rape, linseed, mustard, combining peas, vining peas, field r beans, sugar beet, swede, turnip, bulb onion and leek. P Wheat, barley, oats, durum wheat 2.9 l/ha 2.9 l/ha product per crop 7 days before harvest Oilseed rape, linseed 2.9 l/ha 2.9 l/ha product per crop 14 days before harvest Mustard 2.9 l/ha 2.9 l/ha product per crop 8 days before harvest p Peas (combining), field beans 2.9 l/ha 2.9 l/ha product per crop 7 days before harvest All edible and non-edible crops 1.1 l/ha 1.1 l/ha product per year 2 days before drilling or planting of (stubble) o the following crop or 24 hours before cultivating All edible and non-edible crops 3.7 l/ha 3.7 l/ha product per year 5 days before drilling or planting of r (stubble) the following crop or 24 hours before cultivating C All edible and non-edible crops 3.7 l/ha 3.7 l/ha product per year 5 days before driling or planting of (destruction, before sowing/planting) the following crop Grassland 4.4 l/ha 4.4 l/ha product per year 5 days before harvest, grazing or drilling y Natural surfaces not intended to 4.4 l/ha - - bear vegetation, permeable surfaces overlying soil, hard surfaces a Apple and pear orchards 3.7 l/ha 3.7 l/ha product per year In Spring, before green cluster stage l Cherry, damson and plum orchards 3.7 l/ha 3.7 l/ha product per year In Spring, before white bud stage c Green cover on land not being used 4.8 l/ha 4.8 l/ha product per year 24 hours before cultivating for crop production r Forest 7.3 l/ha see Other specific - restrictions a Land immediately adjacent to 4.4 l/ha see Other specific - aquatic areas restrictions B Asparagus 3.6 l/ha 3.6 l/ha product per crop Pre-emergence 3 n o Other specific restrictions 1. Users must consult with the appropriate water regulatory body (Environment Agency/Scottish Environment Protection Agency) before using the product near water and must obtain their agreement before using this product to control aquaitic weeds. t 2. When applying through rotary atomisers, the spray droplet spectra produced must be of minimum Volume Median Diameter (VMD) of 200 microns. c 3. For stump application, the maximum concentration must not exceed that produced by 150 ml product made up to 1 litre with water (15% v/v). 4. Weed-wipers may be used in any crop where the wiper does not touch the growing crop. The maximum econcentrations used must not exceed the following (a) Weedwiper Mini – 3:8 dilution with water (b) Other wipers – 3.5:6 dilution with water. t READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECoTION PRODUCTS GENERAL INFORMATION r Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv is a foliar acting herbicide that controls annual and perennial grasses and most broad-leaved weeds when used as directed. It is translocated from treated vegetative growth to underground roots, rhizomes or stolons. Leaf symptoms, P being a reddening then yellowing of the foliage, are first seen on grass weeds but take longer to appear on broad-leaved weeds. It is particularly importantthat the weeds have sufficient leaf growth and are actively growing when treated. Perennial grass weeds must have produced fresh leaves, which are green and vigorous. Common couch/scutch is most susceptible to Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv when it is tillering and when npew rhizomes have begun to grow. This is usually when the plants have about 5-6 leaves, each with approximately 12-15 cm (5-6”) of new growth. The majority of perennial broad-leaved weeds are most susoceptible if treated when they are actively growing and are at or near flowering stage. Annual weeds should be actively growing with grasrses having at least 5 cm (2”) of leaf and broad-leaved weeds at least two expanded true leaves when sprayed. C Couch/scutch grasses and other grass and broad-leaved weeds are less susceptibleto Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv when growth is restricted by drought, waterlogging, frost, very high temperatures or natural dieback. Efficacy will be reduced if such conditions occur at or immediately after spraying. Occasionally a slight check to crop growth may occur, particularly after direct drilling when crop seeds germinate amongst a mass y of decaying foliage, stolons, rhizomes or roots. Thorough cultivations are necessary to disperse or bury decaying organic matter. Consolidate loose soils and ensure crops are adequately fertilised and appropriate measures are taken to prevent insect and fungal damage to the faollowing crop, especially where following grassland. DO NOT apply lime, fertiliser, farmyard manure, pesticides or similar materials until at least 7 days AFTER an application of Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv. l Note: Barcclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv does not give acceptable control of horsetail, Equisetum arvense. Repeat treatment will be necessary. r a B 4 n o KNAPSACK RATE ESTIMATOR Using standard nozzles appropriately calibrated, each litre will treat 40m² (250l/ha water) The rate of product applied using a knapsack sprayer must be equivalent to the application rates authorised in the ‘Directionsi for use’ section of the label. t Barclay Gallup Quantity of Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv required Areac of Use Hi-Aktiv required per 10 litres to treat 400m² per 1 litre spray solution: recommendation: e 2.9 l/ha in 250 l/ha water 116 ml 12 ml/1L water General Use 4.4 l/ha in 250 l/ha water 176 ml 18 ml/1L water Perennial broad- tleaved weeds present o WEATHER CONDITIONS r A period of at least 6 hours and preferably 24 hours free of rain must follow spraying. Do not spray onto weeds suffering from P drought stress as reduced control may occur. Do not spray in windy conditions as drift onto other crops or vegetation can cause severe injury or destruction. Do not spray during frosty weather that prevents active growth and can induce weed senescence. PRE-EMERGENCE OF DRILLED CROPS - A NNUAL WEEDS/VOLUNTEERS Weeds Controlled: Annual grasses and broad-leaved weedsp. Volunteer cereals. Seed must be drilled and drills firmly closed with a minimumo 15 mm (½”) of settled soil above the seed. Annual weeds must be small when treated following direct drilling. DO NOT ALLOW SPRAY TO CONTACT THE LEAVES OF ANY CROP CAUTION: Ensure that spraying precedes ANY crorp emergence. Crop C Time and Method Dose Rate Drilled crops of: Spray after drilling but not later than 1.1 l/ha Wheat, barley, oats, durum wheat 72 hours before crop emergence. Oilseed rape, linseed, mustard, combining peas, vining Spray up to 48 hours after drilling. Apply in 80-125 l/ha water peas, field beans, sugar beet, yswede, turnip, onion and leek. a WEED CONTROL PRE-EMERGENCE OF ASPARAGUS Weeds Controlled: Annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and grasses. l Crop c Time and Method Dose Rate Asparagus Spray whilst the crop is dormant Annual weeds 1.1 l/ha before ALL new spear emergence. r Spray must not contact the Perennial grasses 2.9 l/ha a spears/foliage of the crop. At least 15 mm of firmly settled soil must be Perennial broad-leaved weeds covering crowns and spears. 3.6 l/ha B Apply in 80-250 l/ha water 5 n o WEED CONTROL IN STANDING CEREAL CROPS (PRE-HARVEST) Weeds Controlled: Common couch/scutch (Elymus repens) Black bent (Agrostis gigantea) i Creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera) Perennial broad-leaved weeds t Crops: Wheat including durum wheat, and oats destined for milling or feed. c Barley destined for malting or feed. (Consult purchasers of crops grown on contract and prospective purchasers of malting grade barley before treatment) DO NOT TREAT CROPS INTENDED FOR SEED. e DO NOT TREAT UNDERSOWN CROPS. Time Method Doset Rate Spray when the moisture content of the grain measures Spray the crop and weeds overall. Loow-medium couch/scutch-grass less than 30%. Use high clearance tractors with infestations, up to 75 shoots/m²: narrow wheels and crop dividers. 2.2 l/ha Target weeds must be green, actively growing and Adjust boom height to maximise r accessible to the spray. spray retention on the target weeds. Medium-high couch/scutch-grass P infestations, over 75 shoots/m²: After spraying: 2.9 l/ha Wait at least 7 days before harvesting. Treated straw must be Perennial broad-leaved weeds; chopped and in corporated or other perennial grasses:2.9 l/ha removed, after which normal p cultivations may be resumed. Apply in 150-250 l/ha water. Treated straw may be used for feed and litter, but must not be used for hoorticultural purposes. r DETERMINATION OF HARVEST FOR WHEAT AND BARLEY (HARVEST MANAGEMENT) (aided desiccCation of the crop already in the ripening phase) Crops: Wheat, for milling and feed. Barley, for malting or feed. (Consult purchasers o f crops grown on contract and prospective purchasers of malting grade barley before treatment). DO NOT TREAT CROPS INTENDED FOR SEED. DO NOT TREAT UyNDERSOWN CROPS. a Time and Method Dose Rate Remarks Spray when the moisture content of the grain measures 0.75-1.1 l/ha After spraying, treated straw must l less than 30%. (Use 1.1 l/ha if annual broad-leaved be chopped and incorporated or c Spray the crop and any weeds overall. Use high weeds are present) removed, after which normal clearance tractors with narrow wheels and crop dividers. cultivations may be resumed. Apply in 80-150 l/ha water for these Treated straw may be used for feed r Harvesting: doses. and litter, but must not be used for aWait at least 7 days before harvesting. horticultural purposes. B 6 n o WEED CONTROL AND DESICCATION IN STANDING OILSEED RAPE, MUSTARDAND LINSEED (PRE-HARVEST) Weeds Controlled: Common couch/scutch(Elymus repens). Black bent (Agrostis gigantea). Creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera). Perennial broad-leaved weeds. i t Crops: Oilseed rape, winter or spring. Mustard c Linseed, winter or spring e The treatment is suitable only for uniform, evenly maturing crops proceeding to harvest in prime condition. DO NOT TREAT CROPS INTENDED FOR SEED. Time Method Doset Rate Weed control/crop desiccation: Spray the crop and weeds overall. Minimise crop damage Loow-medium couch/scutch-grass Spray 2-3 weeks before harvest by use of high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and infestations up to 75 shoots/m² when the natural ripening of the crop dividers. and crop desiccation: 2.2 l/ha seed is progressing and the r moisture content of the seed After spraying: Medium-high couch/scutch-grass measures less than 30%. Target Wait at least 8 days before harvesting mustard. P infestations over 75 shoots/m² and weeds must be green, actively Wait at least 14 days before harvesting oilseed rape. crop desiccation: 2.9 l/ha growing and accessible to the Wait at least 14 days before harvesting linseed although spray. up to 28 days may be necessary to achieve the required Perennial broad-leaved weeds; degree of desiccation. other perennial grasses and dessication: 2.9 l/ha p Direct combine harvest the crop when fit. Treated straw must be chopped and incorporated or removed, after Apply in 200-250 l/ha water. which normal cultivations may be resumed. o WEED CONTROL IN FIELD BEANS AND PEAS (PRE-HARVEST) r Weeds Controlled: Common couch/scutch(Elymus repens). Black bent(Agrostis gigantea). Creeping bent (AgrosCtis stolonifera). Perennial broad-leaved weeds. Crops: Field beans, winter or spring. Peas, winter or spring, to be harvested dry. DO NOT T REAT CROPS INTENDED FOR SEED. y Note: This treatment is intended for weed control and not for crop desiccation. Time Method Dose Rate a Spray when the natural ripening of Spray the crop and weeds overall. Minimise crop damage Low-medium couch/scutch-grass the seed is progressing and the by use of high clearance tractors with narrow wheels and infestations up to 75 shoots/m²: l moisture content of the seed crop dividers. 2.2 l/ha measures lescs than 30%. Target weeds must be green, After spraying: Medium-high couch/scutch-grass actively growing and accessible to Wait at least 7 days before harvesting. Direct combine infestations over 75 shoots/m²: r the spray. harvest the crop when fit. Treated straw must be chopped 2.9 l/ha and incorporated or removed, after which normal a cultivations may be resumed. Perennial broad-leaved weeds; other perennial grasses:4 l/ha B Apply in 200-250 l/ha water. 7 n o STUBBLE - ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL WEEDS, VOLUNTEERS (All edible and non-edible crops) Weeds Controlled: Common couch/scutch (Elymus repens). Black bent (Agrostis gigantea). Creeping bent(Agrostis stolonifera). Annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds. i Volunteer cereals and potatoes (autumn only). t Crops: Any crop to follow application on stubble. c Time Method Dose Rate e Autumn/winter applications: After harvest: Low-medium couch/scutch-grass Spray when perennial weeds are • Do not cultivate. infestations up to 75 shoots/m²: actively growing, especially after mid- • Remove straw. t 2.2 l/ha October. Common couch/scutch • Allow weeds to regrow. should have at least 6 new leaves • Spray during mild conditions. oMedium-high couch/scutch-grass approx. 12cm (5”) long. • Allow volunteer potatoes to make ample top growth and infestations over 75 shoots/m² and spray well before onset of frost or natural senescence. volunteer potatoes: 2.9 l/ha r After spraying: Perennial broad-leaved weeds • If before mid-November, wait at least 5 days befoPre present: 3.7 l/ha cultivating. • If after mid-November, wait for perennial grass leaves to turn red/yellow before cultivating. Apply in 150-250 l/ha water. Spring applications: After harvest: p Spray when weeds are actively • Cultivate as required. growing as for autumn applications. • Leave for regrowth to appear - allow a minimum 21 days Roots chopped by cultivations must weed growth before spraying. o show new leaf growth to be killed. After spraying: Wait at least 5 days before cultivating. Re-treatment may be necessary pre-harrvest or in autumn as emergence in spring may be incomplete. C ALL EDIBLE AND NON-EDIBLE CROPS - DESTRUCTION OF WEEDS AMONGST ANY FAILED, UNWANTED OR UNMARKETABLE RESIDUAL CROP PRIOR TO RE-CROPPING Do not use under glass or polythene. Weeds Controlled: Common cyouch/scutch (Elymus repens). Black bent (Agrostis gigantea). Creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera). Annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds. Perennial broad-leaved weeds. a Time Method Dose Rate Spray when perennial weeds are Allow the weeds to make ample top growth and spray well Annual weeds: 1.1 l/ha actively growing, espelcially after mid- before onset of frost or natural senescence. October. c Perennial grass weeds: 2.9 l/ha Common couch/scutch should have at After spraying: least 6 new leaves approx. 12 cm • If before mid-November, wait at least 5 days before Perennial broad-leaved weeds: long. r cultivating. 3.7 l/ha • If after mid-November, wait for perennial grass leaves to a turn red/yellow before cultivating. • Old crop residues must be chopped and incorporated or Apply in 150-250 l/ha water. removed, after which normal cultivations may be resumed. B 8 n o STUBBLE/CULTIVATED LAND - ANNUAL WEEDS/VOLUNTEERS (all edible and non-edible crops) Weeds Controlled: Annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds. i Volunteer cereals. t Crops: Any crop to follow application. c Time Method Dose Rate e Autumn/spring/summer: After harvest or cultivations: 1.1 l/ha Spray when weeds are actively Allow ground to remain undisturbed for as long as growing. practicable to allow weeds to regrow. Apply in 80-125 l/ha water. t For optimum control: After spraying: o · Annual grasses should have at • Wait at least 24 hours before cultivating. least 10cm (4”) of green leaf. • Wait at least 48 hours before drilling. · Annual broad-leaved weeds r should have at least 2 true leaves. P GRASSLAND INCLUDING GRASSLAND DESTRUCTION Grasses/Weeds Killed: Annual and perennial grasses. Annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds.p Crops: Any crop to follow application. o Time Method Dose Rate Spray when grasses and weeds are • Lightly cut or graze and allow regrowth for about 1-2 years old, only annual weeds and r actively growing at the following times 4 weeks until the recommended growth stages grasses: 2.2 l/ha and growth stages: are reached. C • Spray at the dose rate recommended for the 2-4 years old, with perennial Annual grasses and annual weed or grass type. grasses: broad-leaved weeds: • Wait at least 5 days, when the leaves become 2.9 l/ha · Spring, summer or autumn. yellowed, before removing the growth for · Annual grasses have at least 10cm conservation or by grazing as required, prior to Long leys e.g. 4-7 years old with (4”) of green leaf. y cultivating or drilling. perennial broad-leaved weeds: · Annual broad-leaved weeds have at • Surface mats of old grassland must be 3.7 l/ha least 2 expanded true leaves. thoroughly broken by cultivations before a reseeding - see also GENERAL INFORMATION Permanent grassland with ragwort or Perennial grasses and perennial and CULTURAL ADVICE (below). predominantly fine-leaved grasses: broad-leaved weeds: · Mid to late sumlmer. 4.4 l/ha · Perennial gcrasses have at least 12cm (5”) of leaf or 5 fully expanded leaves. Apply the recommended dose in · Perennial broad-leaved weeds have 200-250 l/ha water. subrstantial leaf area or are near flowering. a Important: Livestock must be kept out of treated areas [for at least 5 days following treatment] IF RAGWORT IS PRESENT, FOLLOW THE GUIDANCE IN THE ‘DIRECTIONS FOR USE’ B 9 n CULTURAL ADVICE o Direct drilling of grass after a short-term ley Direct drilling may be practised after a short-term ley provided that all nutrient and lime deficiencies have been corrected and there is no surface trash. i t Sowing to grass after late-summer desiccation of long leys or permanent pasture with surface mats Either: defer seeding until the following spring to allow surface mats to decompose. c Or:apply 2.5 tonnes/ha (1 tonne/ac) of ground limestone to the surface mat not less than seven days after treatment followed by rotary cultivation to break the surface mat and incorporate the ground limestone into the soil. Seeding may be conducted as required thereafter provided that the surface mat has been completely broken down and the seeds will be in contact withe mineral soil. t GREEN COVER ON LAND TEMPORARILY REMOVED FROM PRODUCoTION (SET-ASIDE) Weeds Controlled: Common couch/scutch (Elymus repens). Black bent (Agrostis gigantea). Creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera). Annual rgrasses and broad-leaved weeds. Volunteer cereals. P Crops: Any crop to follow application. Users must ensure for themselves compliance with the management rules of any grant-aided scheme before use; the guidance given in the following may be changed. p Time Method Dose Rate Spray whilst the green cover is • Do not cut or cultivate oprior to applying this product Only annual weeds and grasses actively growing at any time in this situation. except black-grass: 1.1 l/ha consistent with the prevailing • Spray before weeds set seed weather conditions and within the • After spraying do not cut, cultivate or prepare land (note - if the green cover is dense and/or r management rules of any grant for the next crop until permitted to do so by the well established, use the higher dose of aided scheme. Normally managemCent rules; in any event do not cut or 2.2 l/ha in 150-250 l/ha water as for destruction of green cover cannot cultivate for 1day (after 1.1 l/ha) or 5 days (after low-medium couch/scutch - see below) be started before 15 April and 3-2.2-4 l/ha) after application. Apply in 80-150 l/ha water for this dose must be accomplished by 31 rate. August. Deep-rooted perennial broad-leaved weeds are best controlled when well grown andy Low-medium couch/scutch-grass infestations up to 75 shoots/m²: are at or near flowering. 2.2 l/ha a Medium-high couch/scutch-grass infestations over 75 shoots/m² and l black-grass: 2.9 l/ha c Ragwort, deep-rooted perennial broad-leaved weeds and fine-leaved r grasses present: 4.4 l/ha a Apply in 150-250 l/ha water. B 10

Barclay Gallup Hi-Aktiv is a systemic herbicide for the control of most broad-leaved and grass weeds in: • Asparagus. • Barley. • Durum wheat.
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