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JAMES W. STAKELUM, C. M. GALEN AND THE LOGIC OF PROPOSITION PARS DISSERTATIONIS AD LAUREAM IN FACULTATE PHILOSOPHIAE APUD INSTITUTUM « ANGELICUM >> DE URBE K.OMAE 1940 PREFACE These JIUges, restrictedly entitled << Galen and the Logic of Propositions, >> originally formed part of an academic dis sertation, Galen's Introduction to Dialectic. The thteefold purpose of the larger study was to present Galen's Dialectic in a clear light, to examine his doctrine and weigh its impor tance as to originality or historical precedent, and from these considerations to draw conclusions as to its influence on suc ceeding generations. The doctrine, scattered throughout the Galenic. text, ·was gathered under five headings: /. Galen's Introductory Remarks; II. Logic of Propositions; 111. Ari stotelian Term Logic; IV. Other Classes of Syllogisms; V. Applied Logic. Owing to the limited size of the volumes of this series, published under the sponsorship of Father I. M. Bochemki, 0. P., it is impossible to publish here the whole result of the inquiry. Accordingly, we have selected for presentation our Introduction - tearranged as Part One in several short chapters - and the most important portion I of our examination of Galen's Dialectic, dealing with the logic of propositions. The latter section is divided into three parts. A brief conclusion completes the essay. It is traditional to attribute to Galen an eminent position in the field of logic, hut rarely do we find specific reasons assigned for this emin<>nce. The composition of this disser tation has, for me, definitely determined Galen's position in - v- the history of logic. It is hoped that it will serve a similm; purpose jov others. Here I wish to acknowledge briefly personal indebted· ness. I deeply UfJfJrec:iate the philos()phical course at the Pontifical Institute Angelicum ·which has made possible this study. To my professors and to all who have generously aided me in the composition of this work I offer my sincere thanks. I am fJarticularly grateful to Father I. M. Boc:henski, 0 . P., who has been of great assistance by his wise counsel and patient direction. I gladly acknowledge my obligations to lJ;ll my .friends; to me alone are chargeable the errors wlzich critical ( .:amination may discover. w. c. ]AMES STAKELUM, M. VI - BIBLIOGRAPHY SOURCES l. Manw;cript: HIBLIOTHEQUE NATJONALE PARIS, SuPPLEMENTUM GRAEC.UM, CooEx 635, folia 3v-l2r. Galen's Introduction to Dialecti.c. 2. Edition8 and Translations of Galen's Works: GALEN: Dialectica. gt·aece eel. M. Minas, Paris, 1844. lnstiJutio Logica, ed. C. Kalhfleisch, Lipsiae, 1896. Natural Fru:ulries, transl. A. J. Brock, London-N. Y., l928. Opcrn Omnia, t:d. Aldus Manulius, Venetiis, 1S25. OpPra Omnin (Mcdit·orum graecoruru opera), ed. C. C. Kuhn, Lipsiae, 1821-30. Scripr.a Minora, cd. J. M.an1uard1, I. Mueller, G. 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BoETHIUS: De Syllogismo Categorico; De Syllogisnw flypothetico; ln Topica Cireronis Commentarium, (Patrologiac cursus com pletus, Series Latina, ed. J. P. Migne, vol. LX1 V), Parisi is, 1891. Comm£•ntarium in librum Aristotelis Peri 1-lermeneias, Second Edition, ed. C. Meiser, Lipsiac, 1880. CICERO: De Natura Deorum, Academica, transl. H. Rackharri, Lou don-N. Y., 1933. DAVID: Prologemena ct 1I I Por [}hyrii r~(/ gogpn Commcntarium, ed. A. Busse, Berolini, 1904. DIOGENES LAERTJUS: transl. R. D. Hicks, London-N. Y., 1925. ELIAS: In Porphyrii Tsagogen Pt Aristotelis Categorias Commentnria, ed. A. Busse, Berolini, 1900. EPICTETUS: Di.ssertations, transl. W. A. Oldfather, London-N. Y ., 1926. EuDEMUS: ed. T. W. Mullack (Frngnwnla Philosoplwrum Grae corum, vol. III), Paris, 1860-81. MARTIANUS CAPELLA: ed. A. Dick, Lipsiac, 1925. MICHAEL: In Parva Natu.ralia Conunentaria, ed. P. Wendland, Be rolini, 1903. PHILOPONUS: In Aristotelis Analytica Priorn Cummentnrium, ed. M. Wallies, Berolini, 190:1. PLATO: Opera Omnia, cd. C. E. C. Schneider, Parisiis, 1833. PJ"UTARCHUS: Mornli.n, ed. G. N. Bernanlakis, Lipsiae, 1888-96. PRJSCIANUS: OpPra, ed. A. Krehle, Lipsiae, 1819. SEXTUS EMPIRICUS: trans I. R. G. Bury, London-N. Y., 19:~3-1936. Outlirws of Pyrrlwni.mz, vol. I. Against Logiciam, vol. II (i. e., Against Mat hemal icians, VII and VIII). Against Physicists, vol. III (i. e., Again~t Mathematicians, IX and X). . Against Ethicists, vol. III (i. c., Against il!fathematicians, XI). - VIII - SrMPLIClUS: In Aristotelis de Coelo Commentarium, ed. J. L. Hei berg, Berolini, 1894. STEPHANUS: In librum Aristotelis de lnterpretatione Commenta rium, ed. M. Hayduck, Berolini, 1885. THoMAS AQUINAS, S.: Opera Omnia, vol. I, Commentarium in Ari stnt:elis libros Peri Hermeneias et Postcriorum Analyticoru.m, edit io Leonina, Romac, 1R82. Sancti Thonwe Scriptum super Libros Sententiarum, cditio nova, cnra R. P. Mandonnet, 0. P., Parisiis, 1929. WORKS DAREMBERG, \..: Galien cot1.~idi>n! n mllltl' Philosoplw, Paris, JR48. BocHENSKI, I. M., 0. P.: Elementa Lo,~irrte GrrH'cae, Romae, 19::\7. BHOCHARD, V.: Rt11des de Phi/oso11hie Anrienne et de Philosophic Moderne, 11ew edition, Paris, 1926. CAMPBELL, D.: Arabian Mcdici.ne and its lnf/11encc 011 the Middle AgPs, London, 1926. CHAUVET, E.: ],ogique de Gahen, Paris, 1882. - La PlrilosnphiP d('s 111edecins GrN·s. Pat·is, 1886. FESTUGIERE, A. J. et FABRE, P.: Le Monde greco-romain au temps de Notre-Seigneur, Paris, 1935. FINLAYSON, J.: Two Bibliographical Denwnstration.~, Glasgow, 189S. JAEGER, W.: Aristodc, lt·ansl. R. Robinson, Oxford, 1934. JANET, P. ct SEAILLES, G.: fh~toire de la Philosnphic, 15th Edition, Paris, 1932. JoHGEN!->EN, J.: A TrPfltist' of l'onnul l-ogi1·, Copenhagen-Londott, 1931. KALBFLEISCH, C.: Ulwr Calf'll's Einleitung i11 Dit' Logik (Jnhrbii cher fiir r-lnssisclll~ Philologie, Snppl. 23), Leipzig, -1897. KEYNES, H. J. N.: Studif's nnd Exercises in Formal Logic, 4th f'di lion rCJHintcd, Louilon, 1928. KUMI-.E, F., S. J.: fnstitutiones llistoriae Philo.wphi-aP, Romac, 1923. LEWIS, C. L. anrl LANGFOIW, C. H.: Symbolic togic, N. Y.-London, 1932. LUKASIEWICZ, J.: Zur Ct'.w-·hichtf' der Au.~.~agen1ogil.- (Erkenntnis), Band S, Heft 2/3, Leipzig, 1935. IX - O'LEARY, DEL.: Arabic Thought and its Place tn History, London, 1922. OwEN, 0. F.: Organon, London, 1885-7. PAYNE, J. F.: The Relation of HarvPy to his Predecessors and espe- cially to Gnlen, (The Lancet), London, 1897. PHANTL, C.: Geschichte der LogiJ.: im Abendlonde, Leip:.:ig, L927. Ross, W. D.: The lllorks of Arist,otle, vol. I, Oxford, 1928. ScHOLZ, H.: Geschichte der Logik, Berlin, 1931. SMITH, SIR W.: Dictionary of Greek nnd Rom.a.n Biograph,,· 1111tf Mythology, London, 1870. STEBBJNG, L. S.: A M.oclern Introduction to Logic, 2nd edi1ion, Lon don, 193~. SYLVESTEH MAURUS: Aristoteli.~ Opem Omnia, eel. F. Ehrlc, S. J ., Parisiis, 1885. THORNDIKE, L.: History of Magic and Ex,wrinu'll.trd Sciell.ce, N. Y. , 1923. - Galen, the man and his times, (Scic11tific Monthly), Jan. 192::. TRENDELENBURG, A.: Ct~schichte der /(ategorienlehre, Berlin, 1846. TURNER, W.: Histon· of Philosuph_y, Boston, 1929. lTEBERWEGS, F.: Grundriss dt>r Gesr·hirhte tier l'hilo.~of>hie, vol. I, herausgegehf'n von Dr. Karl Praechter, Berlin, 1926. WHITEHEAO, A. 1\. and Hu~SELL B.: l'rinciJJia Math('fnatico, 2nd edition reprinted, London, 1927. WHIGHT, J.: Galen, his mentality and co.mwlogy, (Scientific Monthly), Aug., 1922. ZELLER, E.: Outlines of the History of Gmek l'hilosoflhv, London, 1892. - X ABBREVIATIONS Page ami line rcfcrencPs (c. g., 20.14) unaccompanied by <Ill)' other abbreviation refer to Cahnws lnstitutio Logica, cd. K a 1},. Ueisch. When •·cfcrence is macJe to othc•· more frequently cited work' listed in the bibliography, till' following abbreviations arc em ployed: (l Alex. l/1 ..JI'r. )) for « Af,xwuf,,., Comm<'nlrtrium 111 A11aly . I icrt Priora " (( Af,x. Ill To fJ· )) )) Alr'xander, Commen/.rt.rit.un in TujJica." (( A[IOII. Dvsc. )J )) << .-1 polloni.u s D y s co lu s , Crammatici Craeci '' (( A.rist. A Po. )J )) (( A ristot/e, A nn"·t ira Postl'riora l> (l Arist. ,IPr. )J )I '' A ristot/,, Analvtint l'riora " (( Arist. Cat. )) )) « Ari.~totle, /), Categoriis " (( Arist. Int. )~ )) « Ari.stotle, De lnt<'rjJrNatione '' (( Arist. /II('/ It ph . )) )) << Aristotle, Metapltysica Jl '' Arist. Soli· , " «Aristotle, D, Sotlhistici.s Elenchis '' « .clrist. Top. » J> « Ari. .~ /otft,, To[1ica » t.< 1\a/bf/,i.~rh " ll « /(a/bfleisf'l•, Uber Galen'.~ Einleitung in Die Logik " « /(u hn >> )I « Galeni Op<'rn Omnia " " Lukasiewicz " " « Lukasiewicz, Zur G<'.w:hichte df'r Au.,. sagenlogik >> « Philo[!. in Al'r. JJ >> « Philoponus, Co11111Wrtlarium in Anrtly. tica Pri.ora n (( p /'(/,// l/ )) )J " Pra,tl, Geschichte rler Logik im Alww/. !rt.nrle '' '' Sext. }','mp. MadL J> >> «Sextus Empirictt.,, Aeai.nst; Ma.themnt.i- cians '' « Sext. Emp. PhY. '' >I " Sextu., Em piric11s, Again.~t. l'h.ysicists >> « Sex/. Emp. Pyrr. >> '' " Sextus Ernpiricw;, Outlines of Pyrrfw lttSII£ l> --- XI - CONTENTS PREFACE . v BIBLIOGRAPHY Vll ABBREVIATIONS :XI PART ONE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. IMPORTANCE oF sEc.oNo CENTURY LoGic 1 )) II. LIFE OF GALEN 3 >> III. BRIEF H1sTOHY OF PRE-GALENIC. FoRMAL Loe1c 9 >> IV. Loc1c Ol" GALEN 14 PART TWO HYPOTHETICAL PROPOSITIONS INTRODUCTION CHAPTEH I. NoTION AND DIVISION OF PnoPOSJTIOl'll. (A) Stoic Doctrine: (1) Notion; (2) Division. (B) Ga lellic Doctrine: (1) Hypotlwtical Propositions; (2) Division of Hypothetical Propositions 18 >' II. OPPOSED PROPOSITIONS. (A) Stoic Doctrine. (B) Galenic Doctrine: (1) Complete Opposi tiou (the Excluding Alternative); (2) Incom plete Opposition; (3) The Not-excluding Al ternative; (4) Origin of Galen's Doctrine of Opposition; (5) Names of Proposition from Opposition 26 >> III. CoNDITIONAL PnoPOSJTJONS. (A) Stoic Doctrine. (B) Galenic Doctrine: (1) Consequence jn Ge neral; (2) Division o[ Consequence: (a) Com plete Consequence, (h) Incomplete Conse- -- XIII -

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