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Preview Gaia Data Release 1: Validation of the photometry

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.GAIA-CS-CP-IOA-DWE-050Final (cid:13)cESO2017 January23,2017 Gaia Data Release 1 Validation of the photometry D.W.Evans1,M.Riello1,F.DeAngeli1,G.Busso1,F.vanLeeuwen1,C.Jordi2,C.Fabricius2,A.G.A.Brown4, J.M.Carrasco2,H.Voss2,M.Weiler2,P.Montegriffo3,C.Cacciari3,P.Burgess1,andP.Osborne1 1 InstituteofAstronomy,UniversityofCambridge,MadingleyRoad,CambridgeCB30HA,UK e-mail:[email protected] 2 InstitutdeCiènciesdelCosmos,UniversitatdeBarcelona(IEEC-UB),MartíFranquès1,E-08028Barcelona,Spain 3 INAF–OsservatorioAstronomicodiBologna,viaRanzani1,40127Bologna,Italy 4 SterrewachtLeiden,LeidenUniversity,POBox9513,2300RALeiden,theNetherlands 7 1 ReceivedMonthDay,201X;acceptedMonthDay,201X 0 2 ABSTRACT n a Aims.ThephotometricvalidationoftheGaiaDR1releaseoftheESAGaiamissionisdescribedandthequalityofthedatashown. J Methods.Thisiscarriedoutviaaninternalanalysisofthephotometryusingthemostconstantsources.Comparisonswithexternal 0 photometriccataloguesarealsomade,butarelimitedbytheaccuraciesandsystematicspresentinthesecatalogues.Ananalysisof 2 thequotederrorsisalsodescribed.Investigationsofthecalibrationcoefficientsrevealsomeofthesystematiceffectsthataffectthe fluxes. ] Results.Theanalysisoftheconstantsourcesshowsthattheearly-stagephotometriccalibrationscanreachanaccuracyaslowas3 M mmag. I . Keywords. Astronomicaldatabases;Catalogues;Surveys;Instrumentation:photometers;Techniques:photometric;Galaxy:gen- h eral; p - o r1. Introduction photometric data, the photometric residuals, and an analysis of t s theepochphotometryofconstantsourcesinSects.7-9.Exter- aThephotometriccalibrationofthefirstdatareleaseoftheGaia nalcomparisonsarethendescribedinSect.10.Finally,Sect.11 [catalogue (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016a) aims to achieve summarises the conclusions. Appendix A contains a list of the 1 mmag-level precision (van Leeuwen et al. 2016). This is car- acronymsusedinthispaper. vried out via an internal, self-calibrating method as detailed in Further validation of the overall catalogue can be found in 3Carrasco et al. (2016). No comparison with a set of standards Arenouetal.(2016). 7wouldbesufficienttoconfirmthattheaccuraciesquotedforthe Thefollowingsubsectionprovidesabriefdescriptionofthe 8photometrywerevalidbecausetheprecisionaimedforisbetter Gaiainstrumentsanddata.Manymoredetailsareavailablefrom 5thantheprecisionofothercurrentlyavailablelargecataloguesof GaiaCollaborationetal.(2016b). 0photometricstandards.Also,unexpectedsystematiceffectshave . 1beenfoundintheGaiadatathatrequiredadditionalcalibrations 0to be carried out with respect to the initial plan (Riello et al. 2. Inputdata 72016),suchaslineartrendswithtimeandincreasedbackground 1level. It is necessary to check that these calibrations have re- Gaiaisascanningsatellite.Thefullskyisexpectedtobecov- v:movedallthesystematiceffectsandthattheaccuraciesachieved eredinaboutsixmonthsofobservations,butthenumberofob- iareclosetothephotonnoiselevel.Itisexpectedthatfuturere- servationspersourcelargelydependsontheastrophysicalcoor- X leases of the Gaia catalogue will have improved accuracies as dinatesofthesource. rfurthercalibrationsareintroducedintothedataprocessing. a The main input data for the photometric processing comes Although no colour nor spectral information is included in fromtheAstrometricField(AF)CCDs.Thisisanarrayofseven this data release, some validation is given to the processing of rows (parallel to the along-scan (AL) direction) and nine strips thespectralcalibrationsofblueandredphotometers(BPandRP, (parallel to the across-scan (AC) direction) of CCDs collecting respectively).Thisisduetotheuseofcolourinformationinthe light in the Gaia G broad band. Colour information for each calibration of the G-band photometry, which is itself internally source (also a fundamental ingredient for the photometric cali- calibrated.Wealsopresentsomeresultsofthevalidationofthe brations)isderivedfromthelow-resolutionspectracollectedby epochphotometryavailableintheGaiaEPSLrelease(Eyeretal. theBPandRPinstruments.Thelightisdispersedinthealong- 2016). scandirection. Sections 3 to 6 of this paper cover the direct validations of In the following we will refer to field-of-view (FoV) and thecalibrationscarriedoutinthephotometricprocessing.Thisis CCDtransits:aFoVtransitincludesseveralCCDtransits(usu- followed by internal consistency checks using the accumulated ally nine AF, one BP, and one RP CCD transit). It should be Articlenumber,page1of15 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GAIA-CS-CP-IOA-DWE-050Final noted that the two FoVs are simultaneously projected onto the thiscalibrationandofthenominaldispersionfunctionbringsall focalplanearray. thedataontothesamewavelengthsystem. Only small windows centred on the detected sources are The BP/RP windowsthat are assigned onboard will gener- downloaded from the satellite. The size of these windows de- allynotbewellcentredonthesource.Thisisexpected,giventhe pendsonthemagnitudeestimatedonboard;onlybrightsources designoftheinstrument,andisduetovariousfactors:theloca- areobservedwith2Dwindows.Differentconfigurationsarere- tion of the centroid from the SM observation may not be very ferred to as “window classes”. The shape of the windows (nor- accurate, and sources may have a non-negligible motion along mallyrectangular)canbecomplicatedbyconflictsbetweenad- or across scan. This implies that considering an arbitrary refer- jacentsourcesincrowdedregionsinthesky.Thesenon-nominal ence wavelength, the location will not correspond to the same cases have not been treated yet and have not contributed to the locationinsamplespaceeveninspectraofthesamesource(for photometrypublishedinGaiaDR1. adefinitionofsamplespaceseeGaiaCollaborationetal.2016b). TheCCDsareoperatedinatime-delayedintegration(TDI) The location of the centre of the source, or more precisely mode whereby charges are integrated while they move across ofareferencewavelengthinthedispersedimageofthesource, theCCD.TheeffectiveexposuretimeoveroneCCDisapprox- canbepredictedbyextrapolationfromtheseriesofsourcecen- imately 4.5 seconds, but this can be reduced by activating the troids of each of the AF observations that precede the BP/RP “gates”. Several different gate configurations are defined and a observationsinaFoVtransit.However,thisrequiresanaccurate particulargateisassignedtoeachCCDtransitdependingonthe knowledgeofthegeometriccalibrationoftheBP/RPCCDswith magnitudeofthesourceasestimatedfromthestripofCCDpre- respecttotheAFCCDs(andofthesatelliteattitude). ceding the AF (known as the “star mapper” or SM CCDs) and To calibrate the geometry of the instrument, this prediction theACpositionofthesourceinthefocalplane.OveraFoVtran- needs to be compared to the actual location of the reference sit,differentgateconfigurationscanbeusedonindividualCCD wavelength in the observed spectra. This is done by selecting observations.Theactivationofagatetriggeredbythetransitof a small fraction of the observed spectra based on a filter in abrightsource,willaffectallothersourcesobservedsimultane- colour and magnitude, so that we can be confident that we are ouslyinthesameregionofaCCD.Itmayalsoaffectonlypart usingspectraofsourceswithasimilarspectralenergydistribu- ofawindow,thuscreatingcomplexgatecasesthathavenotyet tion, where the sample position corresponding to the reference beentreatedbythephotometricprocessing. wavelengthwillbethesame(exceptfortheeffectofnon-perfect Different gate and window class configurations effectively centringofthewindowmentionedabove)andthatwearefilter- definedifferentinstruments(referredtoascalibrationunits)that ing observations with a high S/N. The colour range adopted is need to be calibrated to form one consistent reference system [0.3,0.6] for the calibration of the BP instrument and [1.3,1.6] (formoredetailsseeCarrascoetal.2016). for the calibration of the RP one. These correspond approxi- matelytospectraltypesFandK(basedonnominalknowledge Theinputdatatothephotometricprocessingconsistsofim- oftheinstrumentandpre-launchsimulations).Thiscolourselec- age parameters (such as fluxes, centroids, and goodness of fit tion,inadditiontootherfiltersdesignedtoselectisolatedspec- measurements) for the SM and AF CCD transits, and raw BP traandtoavoidspectrathatareaffectedbycosmicrays,yields and RP spectral data. Errors on the G-band flux measurements a sufficient number of calibration spectra. This is of the order are estimated in the image parameter determination (IPD) pro- of several hundreds for each calibration unit of the large-scale cess;formoredetailsrefertoFabriciusetal.(2016). componentoftheALgeometriccalibrationmodelwhichisthe Two significant and unexpected features were discovered one that is updated most often (every 20 OBMT revolutions or during the commissioning period and required the introduction about5daysforGaiaDR1).Theselectedspectraarealignedand of ad hoc calibrations. One is the presence of stray light scat- usedtogenerateareferencespectrum,whichisthenfittedback tered by the solar shield, causing the background level to be toeachspectrumtoevaluatethesamplepositionofthereference uptotwoordersofmagnitudehigherthanexpected(withlarge wavelength within the actual sampling. Two reference spectra variationsdependingontherotationphaseofthesatellite).The aredefinedfortheentiredataset,oneforBPandoneforRP. additionalstraylightcomponentofthebackgroundcanbecali- brated,buttheassociatednoisewillaffectperformanceforfaint At this stage, the processing has concentrated on differen- tialcalibrationsofthevariousinstrumentconfigurationsontothe objects.Theotherfeatureisadecreaseovertimeofthethrough- sameinternalreferencesystem.Thisisthentiedtotheabsolute putoftheinstrumentsduetocontinuedcontaminationbywater ice.Thewavelength-dependenttransmissionlossisdifferentfor system adopting the nominal pre-launch knowledge of the in- strument. In this simplified schema, it is acceptable to adopt as thetwoFoVsandvariesacrossthefocalplane.Thisaddsasys- tematiceffecttothephotometricdatathatisordersofmagnitude the reference wavelength the nominal value which corresponds larger than expected and in particular affects our ability to cre- to the central sample of a perfectly centred window and to as- sume that the reference spectrum (being the result of an accu- ate a consistent reference catalogue for the internal calibration. mulation over an extremely large number of observed spectra) An additional calibration of this strong time dependency in the willberepresentativeofaperfectlycentredspectrum. transmissionhadtobeincludedtosolvethisproblem. Thegeometriccalibrationmodelisdefinedbythefollowing components(formoredetailsseeCarrascoetal.2016): 3. ValidationofBP/RPspectralcalibrations – a large-scale component, computed over a short timescale, definedbyalinearcombinationofshiftedLegendrepolyno- EventhoughcolourinformationisnotincludedinGaiaDR1,BP mials describing overall effects of translation, rotation, and andRPdataareprocessedtoproducethecolourinformationre- curvature; quiredtocalibratetheG-bandphotometry.Thissectionfocusses – anoffsetfordifferentgateconfigurations(relativetotheun- onthevalidationofthealong-scangeometriccalibrationofthe gatedcase)computedonalongertimescale,takingintocon- spectrophotometric data. This is a fundamental element in the siderationtheresidualeffects; computationofcolourinformationintheformofspectrumshape – anoffsetfordifferentCCDACstitchblocks,alsocomputed coefficients (SSC; see Carrasco et al. 2016). The application of on a long timescale, taking into account the effects due to Articlenumber,page2of15 D.W.Evansetal.:GaiaDataRelease1 Fig. 1: Evolution in time of the zeroth-order coefficients of the Fig.2:Evolutionintimeofthefirst-(distributedbetween4.5and large-scalecomponentoftheBPgeometriccalibration.Theunits 6 ms) and second-order coefficients (distributed between −0.5 onthe ordinateaxisarems (theTDIperiodis 1ms).The units and 0.5 ms) of the large-scale component of the BP geometric ontheabscissaaxisareOBMTrevolutions(onerevolutioncor- calibration.Theunitsontheordinateaxisarems. Theunitson responds to approximately 6 hours). The OBMT range covers the abscissa axis are OBMT revolutions (one revolution corre- theentirescienceacquisitionperiodforGaiaDR1,i.e.between sponds to about 6 hours). The OBMT range covers the entire 25July2014and16September2015.Differentcoloursareused scienceacquisitionperiodforGaiaDR1.Colour-codingisasin toindicatedifferentCCDrows(CCDrows1to7fromredtovio- Fig.1. let,lightercoloursfortheprecedingfieldofview,darkeronesfor thefollowingfieldofview).Eachlarge-scalecalibrationcovers atimerangeofabout20revolutions(5days). Figure 2 shows the time evolution of the first- and second- order large-scale coefficients. The colour-coding is the same as inFig.1.Thesecond-ordercoefficientsarealwaysverycloseto thephotolithographyprocessusedtomanufacturetheCCDs 0.Bothsetsofcoefficientsarequitestable. (for more details on the definition of the stitch blocks see Finally, Fig. 3 shows the offset calibrated for different gate GaiaCollaborationetal.2016b). configurations.Theonlygatesthatcouldbecalibratedoverthe wholeperiodareGate09,Gate11,Gate07,andGate05.Theco- Suddenvariationsinthevaluesofthecalibrationcoefficients efficients for Gate05 and Gate07 are quite noisy (the width of overtimeshouldonlytakeplacecorrespondingtoparticularand thedistributionoftheparametervaluesforthesetwoconfigura- knownsatelliteeventsorfeatures/changesintheinputdatapro- tionsis0.22and0.14pixelstobecomparedwith0.02obtained duced by the upstream systems. Therefore, the main validation forbothGate09andGate11).Thisisduetothesmallamountof analysis is based on the temporal evolution of the calibrations. dataavailableforthesecalibrations.Timerangescoveringabout Figure1showstheevolutionversustime(inOBMTrevolutions, 160revolutions(40days)wereusedforthisrunofthegateoffset whereonerevolutionlastsapproximately6hours;seeGaiaCol- calibration.Longertimerangescouldbeadoptedinfutureruns laboration et al. 2016b) of the zeroth order coefficients in the ifthecalibrationsaresufficientlystable. large-scale component. Some known events are marked in the The final set of coefficients, calibrating small-scale effects plotusingverticallines(twodecontaminationactivitiesindark on the scale of CCD AC stitch block, produces offsets that are green and two refocus activities in blue). As expected, these always below 0.05 pixel in absolute value and are quite stable significantly affect the calibrations. Decontamination activities (the width of the distribution over time of these parameters is wereintroducedtomitigatetheproblemofcontaminationaffect- lowerthan0.02pixelsineverycalibrationunit). ing mirrors and CCDs. During these activities, the mirrors and The validation of the geometric calibrations is primarily CCDs were heated. The decontamination and refocus activities basedontheanalysisofthestandarddeviationofthesinglecal- mainlyaffectthebasicangle,whiletheyseemtohaveanalmost ibrations. The standard deviation of the zeroth-order parameter negligibleeffectontherelativegeometryofAFandBP/RP. foreachsinglecalibrationunit,overthe6monthsfollowingthe Itisinterestingtonotethatthevariationsfollowingadecon- first refocus event, is of the order of 0.06 ms for BP (equiva- taminationseemtotakeplacewithsomedelay.Thisislikelydue lent to 0.06 pixel or 0.5 nm in terms of wavelength) and 0.15 tothefactthatdatacollectedjustafteradecontaminationevent ms for RP (i.e. 0.15 pixel or 1.65 nm in terms of wavelength). arenotofsufficientqualitytogenerateanupdatedAFgeomet- Errors of this size are negligible when computing the spectrum ric calibration, and therefore this update takes place only once shapecoefficientsusedforthephotometriccalibrations.Thisis theentireinstrumenthascooleddownsufficiently.Variationsin the only relevant quantity for Gaia DR1 as spectral data is not theleveloftheBP/RPgeometriccalibrationcoefficientsareex- yetincludedintherelease. pected whenever a new geometric calibration for the AF field It should be noted that systematic errors on the geometric comesinplace.ThisoccursbecausetheextrapolationoftheAF calibrationparameterswouldnotaffectthephotometriccalibra- centroidstotheBP/RPCCDsdependsontheAFgeometriccal- tionsastheywillsimplyresultinaslightlydifferentsetofSSC ibration. bandsbeingusedforthedefinitionofthecolourinformation. AscanbeseenfromFig.1,thelarge-scalecomponentisvery TheRPresults(notshowninthispaper)areequivalenttothe stableoverstretchesofnominaloperations. BPones. Articlenumber,page3of15 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GAIA-CS-CP-IOA-DWE-050Final 300 BP 200 n 100 0 RP 100 n 0 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 error[e/pix/sec] BP ROW1 BP ROW2 BP ROW3 BP ROW4 BP ROW5 BP ROW6 BP ROW7 Fig. 3: Evolution in time of the gate offset coefficients of the Fig. 6: Error distribution (in electron/pixel/s) for the stray light large-scalecomponentoftheBPgeometriccalibration.Theunits maps built with 1D observations (colour-coded by CCD row). on the ordinate axis are ms. The units on the abscissa axis Top:BP.Bottom:RP. are OBMT revolutions (one revolution corresponds to about 6 hours). The OBMT range covers the entire science acquisition periodforGaiaDR1.Differentcoloursareusedtoindicatedif- tron/pixel/s).Forthemapsobtainedwiththe1Dtransits,thedis- ferentgateconfigurationsasindicatedbythelabels. tributions are broadly similar for all CCDs. However, while in RPthereisaclosesimilaritybetweentherows,inBPthereare moredifferences;thisisexplainedbythefactthatinRPthestray 4. ValidationofBP/RPstraylightcalibration lightfeaturesaresimilarforallCCDs,whileinBPthefeatures canchangesignificantlyinshape,position,andstrength.Forthe AsdescribedinRielloetal.(2016),thecurrentimplementation maps obtained with the 2D transits, it is evident that there are of the background correction takes into account only the stray two distributions: the first between 0 and 0.05, very similar to light calibration as it is the most important contribution to the that for 1D transits and the second between 1.35 and 1.4. The background. As Carrasco et al. (2016) have noted, this correc- latter is due to the stray light bins with only one measurement, tion of the stray light also includes the smoother component of so that the error in that case is not the error on the median but the astrophysical background. The stray light is modelled as a theerroronthatsinglemeasurement. discrete2Dmap,obtainedbyaccumulatingeightrevolutionsof data(correspondingtoroughly2days).Themapcoordinatesare Theresidualsobtainedbysubtractingthemapfromthesame theheliotropiccoordinatespinphaseandtheACcoordinate.The data used to calculate it have also been analysed. Figure 9 1Dand2Dtransitsareprocessedseparatelybecauseanalysisof shows examples of residual histograms. The histograms were thedatashowsthatwhilethestructureofthemapisverysimi- normalised to the same area to allow a better comparison. The lar,thereisasmalloffset(stillunderinvestigation)betweenthe distribution is well centred around zero, with a different width two.Sincetherearemanymore1Dtransitsthan2Dtransits,they for 1D and 2D transits, showing that the model is correct and have a much higher weight in the determination of the bin val- thatthereisnoresidualtrend. ues,andusingamapbuiltwithbothkindsofobservationsleads An additional check is the calculation of the scatter of the toanovercorrectionwhenremovingthebackgroundforthe2D residuals, made using an interquartile method used in the Hip- transits. The amplitude of this offset depends on the CCD and parcos mission (ESA 1997) which uses the percentile values at variesbetween0and2electron/pixel/s.Thisdoesnotaffectthe 15.85and84.15%torobustlyestimatethestandarddeviationof photometrybecauseitiscalibratedoutbycreatingseparatemaps the distribution (see also Sect. 9). The scatter is lower for 1D for 1D and 2D windows. In addition, the grid used to build the than2Dobservations,asshowninFig.9(leftpanel)wherethe mapsfor1Dand2Dtransitsaredifferent,with360binsinphase valueis∼ 0.053electron/pixel/sforresidualsfrom1Dobserva- and 20 in AC coordinate in the former and 180 and 15 in the tions,whileitis∼ 0.131electron/pixel/sforresidualsfrom2D latter.Thisallowsfeweremptybinsforthemapsbuiltwith2D observations.Thisisexpected,sincefor2Dwindowsthenumber transits. ofobservationsismuchlower(about10%ofthenumberof1D Examples of stray light maps obtained with 1D transits for windows)andthereforethemodelislessaccurateandtheresid- BP and RP are shown in Fig. 4, while maps obtained with 2D ualsarebigger.ThesameresultsapplytoRPaswell.Theworst transitsareshowninFig.5. case,shownin therightpanelofFig.9,iswhenthevariationsin Afirstvalidationisdonedirectlybyinspectingthemapand theACandALdirectionsarequitelarge,butthisisexpectedas looking at the distribution of the errors. The value in a bin is wellsincetheresolutionofthemapisnotsufficienttoreproduce themedianvalueobtainedfromallobservationscontributingto the rapid variations. Unfortunately, increasing the resolution of the bin. The median was chosen instead of the mean to reduce themapisnotanoptionbecausethereissimplynotenoughdata theeffectofoutlierscausedforinstancebycosmicraysorcon- available to robustly measure the background level. This scat- tamination from stars. The error for a bin is calculated as the tertranslatesintoanerrorinmagnitudewhichiswellbelowthe median absolute deviation (MAD) associated with the median expectedend-of-missionerror:intheworstcase,thevaluesare value. Figures 6, 7, and 8 show the histograms for the stray comparablebutitshouldbenotedthattheend-of-missionerror light map bin errors, with a histogram bin size of 0.001 (elec- is calculated based on the accumulation of the measurements, Articlenumber,page4of15 D.W.Evansetal.:GaiaDataRelease1 1D Values BP ROW5 rev 1086.0 1D Values RP ROW5 rev 1086.0 10 10 1750 1750 c] c] 1500 x/se7.5 1500 x/se7.5 pi pi AC[pix]11020500 erBin [e-/ 5 AC[pix]11020500 erBin [e-/ 5 750 eP 750 eP u u al al 500 V 500 V n2.5 n2.5 a a 250 Me 250 Me 0 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 phase[deg] phase[deg] Fig. 4: Stray light discrete maps for BP and RP in the left and right plots, respectively, built with 1D observations (see text for details).InabscissaisthespinphaseandinordinatetheACcoordinate.Thebinvaluesinelectron/pixel/sarecolour-codedasinthe bartotheleft.Revtimeinthefigurelabelindicatesthestartofthetimerangewhenthedatawereacquired,inthiscaserevolution 1086. 2D Values BP ROW5 rev 1086.0 2D Values RP ROW5 rev 1086.0 10 10 1750 1750 c] c] 1500 x/se7.5 1500 x/se7.5 pi pi AC[pix]11020500 erBin [e-/ 5 AC[pix]11020500 erBin [e-/ 5 750 eP 750 eP u u al al 500 V 500 V n2.5 n2.5 a a 250 Me 250 Me 0 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 phase[deg] phase[deg] Fig.5:SameasinFig.4for2Dobservations.Itshouldbenotedthattheblacksquaresindicatethatthereisnoinformationforthat bin.Interpolationisdoneforthesecases.SeeRielloetal.(2016)formoredetails. 2D BP 2D BP 1,250 120 BP 1,000 100 80 750 n n 60 500 40 250 20 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 error[e/pix/sec] error[e/pix/sec] BP ROW1 BP ROW2 BP ROW3 BP ROW4 BP ROW5 BP ROW6 BP ROW7 BP ROW1 BP ROW2 BP ROW3 BP ROW4 BP ROW5 BP ROW6 BP ROW7 Fig.7:Errordistribution(inelectron/pixel/s)forthestraylightmapsbuiltwith2DobservationsforBP(colour-codedbyCCDrow). Theplotontheleftshowsalldata,whiletheoneontherightcontainsonlytheerrorvaluesforthemapbinswithmorethanone measurement.Seetextfordetails. while the scatter is calculated on single measurements and will two ways. The first is used in the validation of the calibrations decrease. themselves,andthesecondisusedinthevalidationofthepho- tometryasawholeinthedetectionofanomalies. When the calibrations are carried out, the unit-weight stan- 5. StudyofLSandSScalibrationcoefficients darddeviationofthesolutioniscalculated.Thisisdefinedasthe As described in Carrasco et al. (2016), two of the main pho- square root of the normalised chi-square (van Leeuwen 2007). tometric calibrations are referred to as the large-scale (LS) and Thisgivesanindicationofhowwellthesolutionmodelisableto small-scale(SS)calibrations.Theycanbeusedforvalidationin removeanysystematiceffects.Intheidealcase,thisvalueshould Articlenumber,page5of15 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GAIA-CS-CP-IOA-DWE-050Final 2D RP 2D RP 1,250 120 RP 1,000 100 80 750 n n 60 500 40 250 20 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 error[e/pix/sec] error[e/pix/sec] RP ROW1 RP ROW2 RP ROW3 RP ROW4 RP ROW5 RP ROW6 RP ROW7 RP ROW1 RP ROW2 RP ROW3 RP ROW4 RP ROW5 RP ROW6 RP ROW7 Fig.8:AsinFig.7forRP. BP ROW1 BP ROW5 20 7 18 6 15 5 12 4 n10 n 3 8 2 5 2 1 0 0 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 residuals (e-/pix/sec) residuals (e-/pix/sec) Fig.9:Residualdistribution(normalisedtothesamearea)forthestraylightmaps.Inbluethedataobtainedfrom1Dtransits,in yellowfrom2Dtransits.Theleftplotshowsthebestcase(forBPROW1withscatter∼0.031for1Ddataand∼0.057for2Ddata), whiletherightplotshowstheworstcase(forBPROW5,withscatter∼0.075for1Ddataand∼0.161for2Ddata). be around 1.0. However, in these early stages of the mission, it is not expected that the values found in the solutions would be close to ideal, either because the calibration model does not represent the systematics very well or because the quoted er- rors on the fluxes do not correctly represent the true error (or both).Figures10and11showexampleplotsofthestandardde- viation for the large- and small-scale calibrations, respectively. Where the standard deviation varies from the average value, it indicatesaregionwherethecalibrationmodelisworseatmod- ellingthesystematiceffectsandthatapossibleimprovementor additional calibration feature is required. In the example of the large-scalecalibration(Fig.10),theaveragevalueof5.0implies that the observed scatter in the data for this configuration will be5timesworsethanthequotederrorsforthoseperiodswitha standarddeviationof5.0.Thisonlyaffectstheindividualtransit measurements.Itshouldbenotedthattheerrorontheweighted meanwillnotbeaffectedbythissincethemeasuredscatterhas been accounted for in its calculation (see Carrasco et al. 2016, Fig. 10: Unit-weight standard deviation of the large-scale cali- formoredetails). brationasafunctionoftime(insatelliterevolutions)foranex- amplecalibrationunit.Inthiscase,AF6,Row1,WindowClass In the example shown for the large-scale calibration 1, No Gate. The black lines are for the preceding and red for (Fig.10),thepeaksseencorrespondtoshortperiods,sometimes thefollowingFoVcalibrationunits.Theverticallinesrepresent individual calibrations, which indicate problems with the IPD significant satellite events: scanning law change (magenta), de- (seeFabriciusetal.2016,formoredetails),suchastheuseofan contamination(green),andrefocussing(blue). incorrect orsuboptimalLSF/PSFlibrary. Future processingcy- cles will use redetermined IPD values for which many of these features will have been corrected. The period immediately af- terthefirstdecontamination(withintheperiodcoveredbyGaia having reached thermal stability. The quality of these few days DR1)maybeproblematicowingtothefocalplanepossiblynot isbeinginvestigatedfurther.Alsoseeninthisplotisanindica- Articlenumber,page6of15 D.W.Evansetal.:GaiaDataRelease1 AF9 ROW7 None AF:ClassOne N = 269414 obs 17.5 15.0 n o ati12.5 vi e D10.0 d ar d 7.5 n a St 5.0 2.5 0.0 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 AC position Fig. 11: Unit-weight standard deviation of the small-scale cal- Fig.12:Effectivezeropointofthelarge-scalesensitivitycalibra- ibration as a function of across-scan position on the CCD for tion as a function of time for an example calibration unit. The anexamplecalibrationunit.Inthiscase,AF9,Row7,Window calibrationunitisthesameasinFig.10,asaretheverticallines. Class1,NoGate.TheredlinesshowthelocationsoftheCCD For this plot the SSC terms of the calibration model have been stitch blocks and the green dots show the location of detected combined to form an effective zeropoint using default colours. badcolumns. Thisisnecessarysincethereisnozeropointterminthecalibra- tionmodel.SeeCarrascoetal.(2016)formoredetails. tionthattheperiodbetweenthechangeinthescanninglawand the first decontamination is of a poorer quality for the preced- AF9 ROW7 None AF:ClassOne N = 269414 obs ing FoV in comparison to the rest of the Gaia DR1 period. It should be noted that for Gaia DR1, the calibrations are carried 0.015 outapproximatelyeveryday,whichishowtimevariationinthe 0.010 responsefunctioniscalibrated. nt For the small-scale calibration (Fig. 11), the main features poi 0.005 o seen in the standard deviation plots arise from bad columns. er ManyoftheseareconfirmedintheCCDhealthcalibrations(see nt z 0.000 e Fmaibssriicoinu,stheitsailn.f2o0r1m6a,tfioonrmwoilrlebdeeutasields)t.oInmtahsekltahteerasfftaegcetesdosfatmhe- uival-0.005 q plesaspartofthePSFfitof2DwindowsperformedbytheIPD E-0.010 process(seeFabriciusetal.2016). Plotting the various calibration coefficients from the solu- -0.015 tions as a function of time (LS) and AC position (SS) is also -0.020 agoodwayto identifyanomaliesandtoindicatewhere further 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 AC position investigationisrequired(seeFigs.12and13). The main features seen in the large-scale calibration plots (Fig. 12) are the changes in the response of the CCD due to Fig. 13: Zeropoint of the small-scale sensitivity calibration as the varying levels of contamination on the mirrors and CCDs. a function of across-scan position on the CCD for an example Asthemissionprogressed,morecontaminantwasdepositedon calibration unit. As defined in Carrasco et al. (2016), 1.0 has themirrorsandCCDs,thusreducingtheefficiencyoftheoverall been subtracted from the zeropoint. The calibration unit is the system.TheresponseisdifferentbetweenthetwoFoVs;themir- sameasinFig.11.TheredlinesshowthelocationsoftheCCD rorsassociatedwiththefollowingFoVaremorehighlycontam- stitch blocks and the green dots show the location of detected inated. As already mentioned in Sect. 3, two decontamination badcolumns. campaigns were performed during the period covered by Gaia DR1.Thissuccessfullyimprovedthephotometricthroughputas can be seen from Fig. 12. However, the contamination was not asmallvariationintheresponse ataroundACposition300for fullyremovedandcontinuedtoincreasewithtime,albeitatare- asmallnumberofcolumns.Inthiscase,thereisnocorrespond- ducedrate.Itshouldbenotedthatsomeofthespikesseeninthe ingspikeinthestandarddeviationplotindicatingthatthemodel standarddeviationplots(Fig.10)arealsoseeninthecoefficient is reasonably correct and that this does represent a genuine re- plots(Fig.12). sponsevariation. The main variation mapped out by the small-scale calibra- It should be noted that for Gaia DR1, only a single set of tion is the response as a function of AC position on the CCD SScalibrationsspanningtheentiretimerangewascomputedin (Fig. 13). This is effectively a 1D flat field. Again, the bad ordertoensureenoughcalibratorsatthebrightendofthemagni- columnspresentontheGaiaCCDscanbeseeninthezeropoints tudescale.InordertoverifythattheSScalibrationsareindeed ofthesmall-scalecalibrations.Whencombinedwiththematch- stable over the entire time range, the period was divided into ingstandarddeviationplot(Fig.11),thisshowsthatthecurrent threeandasetofcalibrationswasderivedforeachone.Nosig- modelisnotappropriateforthesecolumns.Thisplotshowsalso nificantvariationwasseenbetweenthethree setsofcalibrations Articlenumber,page7of15 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GAIA-CS-CP-IOA-DWE-050Final Fig. 14: Zeropoint of the small-scale sensitivity calibrations as Fig.16:DistributionofthenumberofG-bandCCDtransitsfor a function of across-scan position on the CCD (same calibra- eachsourceanalysed. tion configuration as Fig. 11) where the time range of Gaia DR1hasbeendividedgivingthreesetsofcalibrations.Wenote the change in the ordinate scale. This plot was derived from a ofconvergencemetricneedstobeused.Theonechosenwasan preparatoryprocessingrun(OR5S3). L1normandwaschoseninpreferencetotheL2normsinceitis morerobusttooutliers.ThegeneralformoftheL1normis (cid:90) L1 Norm metric |pi(x)−pi+1(x)|dx, (1) 0.0250 0.0225 wherep correspondstothecalibrationfactorfortheithiteration i 0.0200 andxthesingularparametersofasource.Ifthisintegraliscar- etric0.0175 riedoutoverarepresentativerangeofparameterspace,thenorm M0.0150 representsthetypicalchangeinthecalibrationfactorswhengo- ned 0.0125 ingfromoneiterationtothenext.Inthisanalysis,thiswasdone bi byusingthesingularparameters(e.g.colour)ofabout1000ran- m0.0100 o domlyselectedsources.Theoverallmetricusedwasthemedian C 0.0075 valueofthenormsforthecalibrationsconsidered. 0.0050 Figure15showstheconvergencemetricfortheG-bandWin- dow Class 2 calibrations (G > 16). The final data point shows 0.0025 the difference between the final LS calibrations of the iteration 0.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 stageandtheLScalibrationsperformedaftertheSScalibrations Iteration have been carried out. It can be seen that the photometric sys- temconvergesverywell.Afterfiveiterationswerecarriedout,it Fig. 15: Convergence metric as a function of iteration for the wasdecidedtostoptheinitialisationprocessconsideringthatthe G-bandWindowClass2large-scalecalibrations.Thesemetrics changeshadreachedthemmaglevel.Infuturereleases,further comparethelarge-scalecalibrationsbetweentwoiterations,the iterationswillbecarriedouttoimproveonthisperformance. onenumberedintheplotandthefollowingone.Theexception isthefinalpointwhichcomparesthelarge-scalecalibrationsat the end of the initial set of iterations and those done after the 7. Analysisofaccumulationdata small-scalecalibrationshavebeencarriedout;seeCarrascoetal. AsdescribedinCarrascoetal.(2016),thedataforeachsource (2016)andRielloetal.(2016)formoredetails. isaccumulatedandvariousstatisticsgathered.Figure16shows the distribution of the number of G-band CCD transits for each source analysed. To remove most of the spurious detec- at the level that was required for Gaia DR1 (see Fig. 14). The tions made by Gaia, which are mainly around bright sources, variationinthisplot,typicalforWindowClass1(13< G <16), the validation analysis has a lower cut-off of 30 CCD transits was0.17mmagasmeasuredbytherobustwidthmentionedear- (roughly corresponding to 3 FoV transits) as seen in this his- lier. togram.Becausetheyarespurious,suchdetectionsareunlikely tobematchedwithotherobservations(seethesectiononcross- matches in Fabricius et al. 2016) and such “sources” will thus 6. Convergenceofthelarge-scalecalibrations have low numbers of CCD transits accumulated. The average As described in Carrasco et al. (2016), the photometric system numberofG-bandCCDtransitsforGaiaDR1isjustunder100 needs to be established in the initial stages of calibration. This (withmeanandmedianequalto97and79,respectively)which is done by iterating between the large-scale calibration and de- correspondstoabout10FoVtransits.Thespreadinthenumber termining the reference fluxes using the latest iteration of cali- ofobservationsisduetothescanninglaw,andsomesourceswill brations.Inordertoshowthatthesystemisconverging,aform havesignificantlymoreobservationsthantheaverage. Articlenumber,page8of15 D.W.Evansetal.:GaiaDataRelease1 TheincreaseinerrorseenatG=16islinkedtothechangein thesizeofthewindowconfiguration.Intherange16<G<17,a limitisreachedintheaccuracy,probablycausedbyIPDissues. At G=13, the window class changes from 1D to 2D win- dows for the brighter transits and the IPD algorithm therefore changes(Fabriciusetal.2016).ThegreatesteffectisthatanAC LSFcomponentisneededinthefitting.Atthisearlystageofthe mission, the best AC LSF to use is not very sophisticated and doesnotincludecolourorACvelocitydependencies.Although the colour will remain the same for each observation for most sources,theACvelocitywillnot.Thismeansthatanadditional noise is introduced into the flux determination. Moreover, at thispointtheeffectoffluxlossaffectsobservationsfainterthan G=13. When initialising the photometric system from raw ob- servations,caremustbetakentomakesurethatdiscontinuities are not introduced into the system. This is described further in Sect.4inCarrascoetal.(2016).Ifthereareproblemswiththis Fig. 17: Distribution of error on the weighted mean G-value as calibration,thenalargerscatterwillbeseenforsourcesaround afunctionofmagnitude.Theorangelineshowsthemodeofthe thismagnitude. distribution. This plot is restricted to all sources with between Atthebrightendsomeoftheincreasedscatteriscausedby 90 and 110 CCD transits. The green line shows the expected saturation.Settingthegateconfigurationatthetimeofobserva- errorsforsourceswith100CCDtransitsandforanominalmis- tion should remove most of the saturation by changing the ef- sionwithperfectcalibrations.Theredlineshowsthesameerror fectiveexposuretime;however,theaccuracyoftheon-boardde- function,butwithacalibrationerrorof3mmagaddedinquadra- terminationofthesourcemagnitude,whichdeterminesthegate turetotheindividualobservations.Thedashedblacklinehasa configuration, is poor (about 0.3 mag) at the bright end (Gaia slope of 0.4 and indicates that the faint end is sky dominated. Collaborationetal.2016b).Thismeansthatsomeobservations Thedistributionhasbeennormalisedalongthemagnitudeaxis, arecarriedoutwithagateconfigurationthatdoesnoteliminate i.e. scaled so that each magnitude bin has the same number of saturation. While some masking of saturated pixels is carried sources in order to show features along the whole magnitude out by the IPD, the calibration library used for this purpose is range.Thegreyscaleislinear. anearlyversionfromthecommissioningperiodwhichonlyac- counts for numerical saturation. Updates of this library will be inplaceforthenextrelease. Theothervariationsatthebrightendarealsocausedbythe The distribution of quoted error on the weighted mean1 as differentgateconfigurationsbeingset.Thischangestheeffective a function of magnitude shown in van Leeuwen et al. (2016) exposure time for each observation which alters the amount of cannotbecomparedwithexpectationsbecauseeachsourcehas smearing caused by the AC velocity. The amount of additional a different number of observations. Figure 17 shows the same noiseseenwilldependontheACLSFselected.Atthisstageof analysis, but is restricted to those sources with between 90 and themission,novariationintheACLSFismadeasafunctionof 110CCDtransits.Theresultsforthesesourcescanthenbecom- ACvelocity(Fabriciusetal.2016). pared with predictions for N = 100 using the formulation obs From the accumulated data for each source, a P-value can giveninJordietal.(2010).Thelowerline(green)givestheex- be calculated from the χ2 of the weighted mean flux calcula- pected errors for a nominal mission and no calibration errors. tion.Thisisdefinedastheprobabilitythatthetransitsthathave Thezig-zagvariationatG<12showstheeffectofgatingwhich beenusedinformingtheweightedmeanfluxforeachsourceare changestheeffectiveexposuretimeoftheobservations.Adding normally distributed about the mean according to their quoted a3mmagcalibrationerrortothisformulationshowsthegeneral errors, i.e. there is no additional source of noise, for example levelofcalibrationthathasbeenachievedforGaiaDR1. sourcevariability. Furtherfeaturescanbeseeninthisfigure. TheP-valuescanbecalculatedusingtheequation At the faint end, the main difference between the nominal (cid:32)(n−1) χ2(cid:33) andcurrentmissionistheincreasedstraylightlevelwhichleads P= Q , , (2) 2 2 topoorerperformancethanexpected.Thiscannotbecalibrated outsinceitispurelyanincreaseinthenoiselevel. where Q is an incomplete gamma function (Press et al. 1993) The jumps at approximately G=13 and G=16 are due to andnthenumberofCCDtransits. changesinthewindowclasswhichaffecttheIPDalgorithmand Ifthequotederrorsareaccurateandrepresentative,thisisa verygoodwayofdetectingvariability.However,thisisnotthe thenumberofpixelspresentintheimagewindow.Itshouldbe casewiththecurrentG-banddataandthequotederrorsfromthe noted that they do not occur exactly at these magnitudes since theplotsaremadewithcalibratedphotometry,whichisdifferent IPDdonotaccountformodelinaccuracies,suchasusinganLSF thatistoosimpleintheIPDfit.ThismeansthattheCCD-level totheon-boardmagnitudeestimatesthatwereusedtodetermine transitswouldbeseenashavinganunderestimatedquotederror. theconfigurations(gateandwindowclass)foreachobservation. Aconsequenceofthisunderestimationisthatalmostallsources haveaG-bandP-valueof0.0andareseenasvariable.Although 1 Thequotederrorontheweightedmeanincludesacontributionfrom nodirectrescalingoftheindividualphotometricerrorsiscarried themeasuredscatterandthusaccountsforanyunderestimationofthe out for Gaia DR1, the calculation of the error on the weighted errorsontheindividualtransits.Seethesectiononthe“Referencepho- meanfluxdoestakeintoaccountthescatterofthedataandthus tometryupdate”inCarrascoetal.(2016). thiserrorisrealistic. Articlenumber,page9of15 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.GAIA-CS-CP-IOA-DWE-050Final 2500000 Accumulations RP Full GDR1 2000000 1500000 350,000,000 1000000 500000 325,000,000 0 0.03 300,000,000 275,000,000 0.02 250,000,000 225,000,000 0.01 Number112570050,,,000000000,,,000000000 Residual[mag] 0.00 0.01 125,000,000 − 100,000,000 0.02 − 75,000,000 50,000,000 0.03 25,000,000 − 0 500 A1C0[0p0ix] 1500 196601.0E72.0E73.0E74.0E75.0E76.0E7 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 102 103 104 105 counts P-Value Fig.19:DistributionofphotometricresidualsagainsttheACco- Fig.18:P-valuedistributionforG fortheGaiaDR1sources. ordinateforalldatainAF1CCDsandWindowClass1(assigned RP tosourceswithmagnitude13<G <16asestimatedonboard). ThesituationisdifferentforG andG sincethefluxde- 3000000 BP RP 2500000 terminationiscarriedoutusingasimpleintegrationratherthan 12500000000000 1000000 amodelfit(Carrascoetal.2016).Theerrorsherehavecontribu- 500000 0 0.03 tionsfromphotonnoise,backgrounddetermination,andthege- ometric and differential dispersion calibrations. As can be seen 0.02 from Fig. 18, the main feature in the P-value distribution for G isthepeakat0.0,whicheitherindicatesvariabilityorthat 0.01 tshoReuPrccaelsib.rTahtieonsigmnoifidcealnitsflnaottdwisetrllibmutaitocnhebdetwtoetehne0d.0ataanfdor1.t0heinse- Residual[mag] 0.00 dicatesthatthequotederrorsarerealistic.Nosuchflatdistribu- 0.01 − tionwasseenintheequivalentG-bandanalysis. 0.02 − 0.03 8. Analysisoftheresiduals − 1200 1400 1600 180O0BMT[r2e0v0]0 2200 2400 2600 01.0E72.0E73.0E74.0E75.0E76.0E7 101 102 103 104 105 counts Adetailedanalysisoftheresidualsallowsustovalidatethecor- rectness of the calibration models by showing that there are no Fig.20:Distributionofphotometricresidualsintimeforalldata systematicdependenciesleftfromthecalibrationparametersaf- in AF1 CCDs and Window Class 1 (assigned to sources with ter the application of the calibrations. In this case residuals are magnitude in the range 13 < G < 16 as estimated on board). computedasthedifferencebetweenthecalibratedepochmagni- The time is given in OBMT revolutions (one revolution corre- tudeandthereferencemagnitudeforeachsource. spondstoapproximately6hours).Verticalsolidredlinesmark Each calibration unit is calibrated independently and there- theoccurrencesofdecontaminationactivities,whiledashedlines forewillnaturallyhaveresidualscentredonzero.Wehaveanal- correspondtorefocusevents. ysed residual distributions for all CCDs in various magnitude ranges,andindeedcannotseesignificantdifferences. In particular, residuals do not show any significant depen- dency on the calibration parameter AC coordinate. Figure 19 shows one such distribution (for the case of the AF1 CCDs and for the window class configuration nominally assigned to sourceswithmagnitude13 <G < 16).Thisisrepresentativeof similardistributionsinotherlocationsonthefocalplane. In Fig. 20 the distribution in time of the residuals for the sameCCDsandmagnituderangeusedinFig.19showsanon- GaussiandistributionoftheresidualsfortheEPSLperiodwhere the data was heavily affected by contamination and poor LSF calibrations.Fromthefirstdecontamination(markedbythefirst continuousverticalredline)onwardsthereisnosignofsystem- -0.005 0.005 aticproblemsintheresidualdistribution. Fig. 21: Distribution of the median photometric residual in the Askymapofthemedianphotometricresidual(asshownin sky for all data in AF1 CCDs and Window Class 1 (assigned Fig. 21 for the same set of observations used in other residual to sources with magnitude in the range 13 < G < 16 as esti- plots in this section) indicates that there are some areas of the matedonboard).Themapisshownusingequatorialcoordinates skyandinparticularsomesatellitescansthatwerenotproperly inMollweideprojection. calibratedatthe0.01maglevelintheworstcases. Articlenumber,page10of15

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