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GAELIC IN PRIJ(ARY EDUCATION: A STUDY OF ThE DEVELOPXENT OF GAELIC BILINGUAL EDUCATION IN URBAN CONTEXTS by AWE FRASER Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Ph. D. in the University of Glasgow November 1989 1. FORE frVRD i. In August 1985 two small-scale Gaelic Units were opened by Strathclyde and Highland Regional Councils, situated within urban primary schools in Glasgow and Inverness respectively. Their purpose was to develop the use of Gaelic as a medium of education for children to the majority of whom it is not the mother tongue - creating a new, protected and prestigious domain for the language in contexts where its speakers are nowadays scattered and its use almost entirely confined to Isolated intra-familial exchange. Evidence suggests that the establishment of these Units has already had political, cultural and educational repercussions far in excess of their direct effect on the lives of the individual city-dwelling families invol wed. ii. This thesis describes developments in Scottish Gaelic primary-school education during the period 1985 - 1989, places them in their historical, socio-linguistic and educational contexts, and attempts to extrapolate from the findings some pointers of practical utility for future development. Though due attention Is paid to comparative evidence from other countries the central thesis is firmly rooted within Scottish experience, for the following reasons: (a) there has been a general dearth of recorded data relating specifically to Scottish Gaelic education, a situation which must be urgently addressed in support of prese'nt initiatives and to facilitate future development; and (b) circumstances have given the researcher access to unusually detailed local evidence, both longitudinal and latitudinal, ii. prior to and during the period under discussion, as will be seen below (iii). iii. Throughout the 1980's the researcher has been personally involved in the promotion of Gaelic in education - observing (and hopefully assisting) its progress from within as activist, teacher and, latterly, education officer. Such pragmatic experience has inevitably amplified the response to available published data, given direction and purpose to the research methods employed, and inspired further lines of enquiry since formally embarking on the research. iv. The researcher trained and 8ained experienced as a secondary school teacher in the '1960's, thea, in preparation to embarking upon this study, attended a full-time Priry Conversion Course at Jordanhill College of Education, Glasgow. This provided invaluable theoretic and practical experience of modern methodology and classroom organisation, as did serving a teaching apprenticeship (1985-86) within Sir John Maxwell Primary, Glas8ow, host school to the newly opened Gaelic Unit. Throughout 1986-88 (the first two years of the present part-time research) a close relationship was maintained with the Gaelic Unit, including regular service as supply teacher. Working closely with the children during this period allowed observation - informal but in depth (perhaps, one might argue, in greater depth than formal assessment procedures would have allowed) - of children's general progress since the inception of the Unit. It should nevertheless be noted that it is not within the remit of this thesis to assess the educational and/or linguistic success of this or any other Gaelic Unit, except in the most general terms: the close relationship with 111. Sir John Xaxwell Gaelic Unit might render objectivity difficult, if not impossible, for the foreseeable future. v. At national level the researcher has gained first-hand experience of almost a decade of Gaelic initiatives as active Patron of Combairle nan Sgoiltean Araich (the Gaelic Play-group Association) and, since 1988, in the full-time employ of Coijnn na Gaidhllg (the official Gaelic language promotion agency) as Education Officer with a national remit covering all aspects of Gaelic education. The relationship with Sir John Kaxwell Gaelic Unit has continued, though in less depth, and to it has been added access to similar Gaelic Units throughout Scotland, attendance at national prim2ry Gaelic INSET courses, constant dialogue with parents, teachers, educationists and officials throughout Scotland and beyond, participation In planning-zveetings concerned with inter-authority resource production, linguistic and educational philosophy and funding, and in meetings with parents, activists and officials to review present measures and extend their remit. vi. Awareness of the international dimension was heightened and given focus by attendance (1986-87) of Glasgow University's Nulticultural Education course and through the ongoing input provided by seminars and conferences on various aspects of education, language and culture - a process which has continued throughout the duration of the research period. vii. Though much of the above experience cannot be used as an explicit source of specified data, its cumulative influence cannot be dismissed as wholly impressionistic or subjective for the purposes of this thesis: it iv. is implicit within case-studies, personal observation and analysis, etc, amplified by published comparative and historical sources where appropriate. Further original evidence has been established using the following methods: vii.i questionnaires: two separately designed and administered questionnaires were circulated and analysed as follows: vii.i.i to Gaelic speakers and learners aged 16+ throughout Scotland, to establish their awareness of recent Gaelic initiatives and their attitudes towards them, and vii.i.ii to the families of all children currently attending Gaelic Primary Units in Scotland, to establish the extent of linguistic usage and exposure in the child's present extra-mural environment vii.ii interviews: in-depth personal interviews were conducted to establish detailed follow-up to data emerging from questionnaires; findings are both (a) incorporated into the text and (b) separately presented as case studies, both for descriptive and for comparative purposes. Although such data does not pretend to be scientifically controlled it contains much that is of interest, especially taken in conjunction with questionnaire results. Two different types of case- study are presented: V. vii.ii.i school studies: using classroom observation, in conjunction with the comments of parents and practitioners involved in Gaelic-medium education, to define and illustrate key aspects of representative urban Gaelic Primary Units, contrasting these with observations made in rural situations and in Vales and iVorthern Ireland and viii.ii family studies: using longitudinal observation, in conjunction with interviews with parents, to describe and illustrate educational affect in terms of the consumer. ix. Thanks are due to many people, without whom this thesis would not have been possible, especially: The Director, Officers and Board of Camunn na Gàidhlig The Director and Officers of Combairle nan Sgoiltean Araich The staff of the Gaelic and Primary Departments, Jordanhill College of Education The staff of the Institute of Education of Glasgow University The Directorate of Education and Advisory Services of Combairle nan Eilean and Strathclyde, Highland and Lothian Regional Councils vi. The Headteachers and staff of Sir John Maxwell and Keadowburn Primaries (Glasgow); Tollcross Primary (Edinburgh); Central School (Inverness); Craighill Primary (Thin); Breascielt and Shawbost Primaries (Lewis); Stoneybridge School (S. Uist); and Pox-tree, Sleat, Broadford and Staffin Primaries (Skye) The parents and children of all the above schools and of the Gaelic play-groups; parents of children in more recently-opened Gaelic Units with whom the researcher met and talked during 1989 The Directorate and Advisory Services of Gwynedd County Council, West dnd South Glamorgan, and all staff and pupils in schools visited in Wales The Directorate, staff and pupils in Gaelic schools visited in Belfast and Derry; parents and leaders involved in pre-school initiatives Gaelic Department staff, St Mary's Teacher Training College, Belfast The following have given special personal support: Prof. Nigel Grant, Glasgow University Kurdo NwLeod, ex-HI Inspector of Schools John Angus MacKay, Director, and Jack MacArthur, Vice-chairman, Comunn na Gaidhlig Fionniagh XacLeôid, Director, and Keith Scammell, Administrator, CNSA vii. J. Boyd Robertson and Chrissie Bannerrnan, Gaelic Department, Jardanhill Col2e8e of Education Danny Clelland, ex-Strathclyde University Dept. of Information Technology John Fex-gusson, Adviser in Nodern Languages, Strathclyde Region Donald John KacLeod, Gaelic Adviser, Highland Region Anne Campbell, Primary Adviser, Lothian Region Christina MacKenzie, Primary Adviser, Coinhairle van Eilean Elfyn Pritchard, Primary Adviser, Gwvnedd Henry KcRory, H/f Inspector of Schools, N. Ireland David Betteridge, HT, Polloksbields Primary School Janet Morrison, Comann naiv Pàrant, Glasgow Karsaili and Rachel Fraser, Gaelic Unit pupils and long-suffering victims of maternal obsession COJTEJTS 1. Foreword. 1. 1.HISTORICAL OVERVIEV: 1.1 Gaelic in Scotland........................................1 1.2 Gaelic in Education......................................29 2. LIIGUISTIC BACKGROURD; 2.1 Language teaching: historical overview (a) The rule of gram1r..................................62 2.2 (b) Towards a re communicative approach................73 2.3 Communicative Language Teaching..........................92 2.4 Gaelic Teaching.........................................101 2.5 Bilingual Education.....................................112 3.GAELIC PRIXARY EDIJCATIOI II THE 1980's: 3.1 General Background......................................145 3.2 Gaelic Priry Units in Scotland: 3.2.1 Introduction......................................158 3.2.2 Sir John Jaxwell Priry, Glasgow.................159 3.2.3 Central Priry School, Inverness.................186 3.2.4 Thumbnail sketches of ten Bilingual Units in Scotland.................................199 3.2.5 Conclusions.......................................208 3.3 Children's linguistic experience outwith the school: 3.3.1 Introduction and Global Frequencies...............212 3.3.2 Comparison between Urban and Gàidhealtachd........234 3.4 Case Studies............................................269 4. POPULAR ATTITUDES TOVARDS GAELIC IJ EDUCATIOJ 4.1ff Introductory.......................................... 328 4.12 Suimry and general discussion offindings........................................... 346 4.13 Discussion of findings: (a)Language and Culture . 355 4.14 Results (a) Language and Culture......................362 4.15 Discussion of findings: (b)Gaelic in pre-school education....................368 4.16 Results (b) Pre-school................................379 4.17 Discussion of findings: (c)Gaelic in prinry education.......................383 4.18 Results (c) Priry education.........................392 4.19 Discussion of findings: (d)Gaelic in secondary education.....................39? 4.20 Attitudes of educationists............................405 4.21 Results (d) Secondary education.......................406 4.22 Discussion and findings: (f) educational constructs............................410 4.23 General Swiry.......................................419 4.24 Respondents' Comnts.................................422 5. StJl(J(ART All) REC011(EIDATIOJS FOR F1JTIJRE RESEARCH AIDDEVELOPXEJT................................................425 APPEIDII 1: Correspondence and questionnaire: Chlldren's extra-scholastic experience...............433 APPELDIX 2: Correspondence and questionnaires (Gaelic and English): Gaelic in Education: A Survey into Popular Attltudes....................... 443 APPEIDIX 3: Study Visit to Vales: A Report........................499 APPELDIX 4: Study Visit to lorthern Ireland: AReport..............................................555 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................577 APPEIDII 5: The Parent's Perspective: Transcript of a conference speech Sabhal Nor Ostaig, December 1987......................603

parents, activists and officials to review present measures and extend their remit. family relations and (b) historical - those with a sense that Gaelic is an 1.2.5 In terms of economic philosophy the twinning of wordly "business".
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