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Bibliography: Gender Issues in Latin America and the Cadibbean By: Suzanne B. Muz6 June 1992 Prepared for: Office of Women in Development Bureau for Research and Development Agency for International Development Contract No. PDC-0100-Z-O-9044-O0 G ESY BIBLIOGRAPHY: GENDER ISSUES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Suzanne B. Mauz6, compiler The Futures Group GENESYS Project May 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS AGPJCULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES 1 I. Agriculture 1 1. Sustainable Agriculture 2. Agricultural Research 7 II. Natural Resources 9 1. Women's Role in Natural Resource Management and Conservation 9 2. Agroforest'y 14 DEMOCRATIC INITIATIVES 17 I. Women's Civic Participation and Roles in Democratization 17 II. Legal Issues in Relation to Gender and Women's Status 25 HUMAN RESOURCES 29 I. Education 29 1. Formal Education 29 2. Economic Returns to Education 33 3. Vocational Training 35 II. Health Care Issues 36 1. Maternal and Child Health Care 36 2. Health Care Financing and Delivery to Women 38 III. Institutional Programs in WID (Including NGO Initiatives) 39 POVERTY 42 T. Female-Headed Households (Determinants and Consequences) 42 II. Women and Poverty in Urban Areas 45 III. Meeting Basic Human Needs 47 STATISTICS / INDICATORS ON WOMEN 49 TRADE AND INVESTMENT 52 I. Economic Policy 52 1. Impacts of Recession and Structural Adjustment on Women 52 2. Investment/Trade Development 56 II. Labor Force 61 1. Female Labor Force 61 2. Female Employment in Free Trade Zones/Manufacturing 63 3. Women in Agricultural Export Production 67 4. Women in the Informal Sector and Microenterprise 69 5. Women in Tourism 75 INDEX 77 AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES I. AGRICULTURE 1. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Alberti, Anialia M. 1986. "Gender, Ethnicity, and Resource Control in the Andean Highlands of Ecuador." PhD. Dissertation. Stanford: Stanford Upiversity. Allison, C. 1985. "Women, Land, Labour and Survival: Getting Some Basic Facts Right." 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Women's Role in Natural Resource Management and Conservation. 9. 2. Agroecology: The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture. Boulder:
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