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FY 2012 Annual Report PDF

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Preview FY 2012 Annual Report

fy 2012 annual report year of excellence On the COver On April 9, 2012 SEPTA launched a successful campaign aimed at acquiring young riders through peer-to-peer testimonials. The campaign turned SEPTA into a verb, such as “ISEPTA to the mall”…“ISEPTA to the Phillies.” We reached this group by identifying what they like to do. We sponsored a series of concert “block parties,” advertised in movie theaters, and ran commercials and banner ads on Pandora. All messaging was designed to drive traffic to a new, interactive web site where riders were encouraged to submit their own SEPTA videos for a chance to win prizes, including transit passes, concert tickets, and a trip to Las Vegas courtesy of Clear Channel Radio. Our young riders tell each other that they “SEPTA Philly” because it is easy, affordable, clean, eco-friendly, and more. Overall, “ISEPTA Philly” proves to be a way to learn more about riding, as well as for us to get valuable feedback. Click here to learn more at http://www.iseptaphilly.com/ Fiscal Year 2012 Table of conTenTs 2 14 26 44 ManageMent’S ManageMent Letter nOveMBer May diSCuSSiOn and anaLySiS 4 16 28 50 StateMentS Of June SePta BOard MeMBerS deCeMBer net aSSetS 6 18 30 52 StateMentS Of revenueS, tOward the JuLy January exPenSeS, and ChangeS future in net aSSetS 8 20 34 53 eCOnOMiC StateMentS Of auguSt feBruary deveLOPMent CaSh fLOwS 10 22 40 54 finanCiaL and nOteS tO finanCiaL StatiStiCaL SePteMBer MarCh StateMentS highLightS 12 24 43 indePendent OCtOBer aPriL auditOrS’ rePOrt Fiscal Year 2012 managemenT leTTer I n Fiscal Year 2012, the Control Center monitors real use of high-efficiency vehicles. Translation. We also are using Although the Authority is proud of Southeastern Pennsylvania time operational data, publishes As a national leader, APTA Facebook and Twitter. the progress made in improving Transportation Authority Travel Alerts to the SEPTA website, honored SEPTA with the Gold service to our customers, the The Authority continued to recorded the Authority’s Twitter and ReadyNotify-PA. In Recognition Level in sustainability declining condition of our maintain the fiscal discipline highest ridership in more renewing its bus and rail fleet, commitment. SEPTA is the fourth aged infrastructure and lack of it is known for, balancing the than 23 years. Our riders took SEPTA continued to take delivery agency in North America to funding to address those needs operating budget for the 13th 339.3 million trips on buses, of new vehicles including the receive such recognition and the is a critical concern. In 2011, the consecutive year. SEPTA is subways, regional rail trains, Silverliner V rail cars with final first on the East Coast. Pennsylvania Transportation dedicated to controlling costs trolleys, and Customized assembly of those vehicles taking Funding Advisory Commission In Fiscal Year 2012, a major and increasing efficiencies while Community Transportation place in Philadelphia provided by reported statewide transportation step was taken in modernizing improving customer service service. This ridership level is parts from suppliers throughout needs of $3.5 billion and, without our fare collection system by and maintaining an aging an increase of 5.3 million riders, the Commonwealth. action, those costs continue to awarding a contract to ACS infrastructure. Beyond relying on Pasquale T. Deon, Sr. or 1.6% over Fiscal Year 2011. rise at a rate of $1 million dollars Public transit is a “green” Transport Solutions Group farebox revenue, the Authority ChairMan Passenger revenue rose as a day reaching a current level business and SEPTA has adopted (recently acquired by the Xerox aggressively pursues innovative consumers selected SEPTA as of $4.5 billion. It is critical that a comprehensive program that Corporation) for equipment and sources of income such as income their transportation of choice. Governor and General Assembly commits the organization to services. Development of the from website, billboard, and Moreover, in the last six years reach a legislative agreement this advance economic, social, and new fare collection system is exterior train advertising. annual ridership has grown by year which provides a dedicated, environmental sustainability underway with the system set to more than 14% or 42.7 million These many accomplishments predictable and growing goals and objectives. Several roll out beginning in 2014. trips. resulted in SEPTA receiving transportation funding program. “green” technologies were Our ongoing commitment to the 2012 “Outstanding Public Despite a capital budget funding pursued during the year and the As the Authority carries more customer service resulted in Transportation System level of $300 million which is at Authority was awarded grants than 76% of all transit riders emphasis on technologies that Achievement Award” from the a 15 year low, SEPTA continued to for its Wayside Energy Storage in the Commonwealth and place information at our riders’ American Public Transportation strategically make investments program, Vulnerability and Risk spends hundreds of millions of fingertips. Real-time tools Association (APTA) for our efforts in our transportation system. Assessment study and an ultra- dollars in contracts benefiting include TrainView, Next to Arrive, to enhance service, efficiencies, SEPTA invested in signal system low emitting locomotive engine businesses throughout the state, TransitView, and SMS Transit and overall effectiveness. improvements, Centralized Train along with grants to continue the the economic competitiveness of Schedules. On our website, Naming SEPTA the best large Control Systems, and bus/trolley expansion of its hybrid bus fleet. the region and Commonwealth riders can get quick responses transportation system in North GPS systems to enhance on-time Such initiatives have generated depend on a strong and balanced with Google Transit, Customer America, APTA called our performance, quality of service, annual operating budget savings transportation network of Service’s On-Line Chat, and achievements “models for the rest and communicate service status. of $5.6 million through recycling, highway, bridges, and transit. Dynamic Website Language of the public-transit industry.” Joseph M. Casey The Authority’s State-of-the-Art innovative energy storage and generaL Manager 2 3 Fiscal Year 2012 Chairman vice Chairman sepTa board members Pasquale T. Deon, Sr. Thomas E. Babcock SEPTA Board: Fiscal Year 2012 SEPTA Officers Bucks County governor’s appointee general Manager Pasquale T. Deon, Sr. Thomas Jay Ellis, Esquire Joseph M. Casey, CPA Honorable Charles H. Martin Senate Majority Chief financial Officer/ Chester County Leader appointee treasurer Cuyler H. Walker, Esquire Honorable Stewart J. Greenleaf, Richard G. Burnfield Kevin L. Johnson, P.E. Esquire general Counsel delaware County Senate Minority James B. Jordan, Esquire Thomas E. Babcock Leader appointee Daniel J. Kubik James C. Schwartzman, Esquire Controller to the Board Stephen A. Jobs, CPA Montgomery County house Majority Kenneth Lawrence, Jr. Leader appointee Secretary to the Board Michael J. O’Donoghue, Esquire Christopher H. Franklin Elizabeth M. Grant Philadelphia house Minority Beverly Coleman Leader appointee Rina Cutler John I. Kane Back row: (L to R) Christopher H. Franklin, Kenneth Lawrence Jr., Kevin L. Johnson, P.E., Honorable Charles H. Martin, Michael J. O’Donoghue, Esq. front row: (L to R) Rina Cutler, Thomas E. Babcock, Pasquale T. Deon, Sr., James C. Schwartzman, Esq., Thomas Jay Ellis, Esq. not Pictured: Beverly Coleman, Honorable Stewart J. Greenleaf, Esq., John I. Kane, Daniel J. Kubik, and Cuyler H. Walker, Esq. Created by the State Legislature in 1964, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority was formed to plan, develop and coordinate a regional transportation system for Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. It has the right to acquire, construct, operate, lease and otherwise function in public transport in these five counties. The SEPTA Board determines policy for the Authority. Its 15 members represent the five counties served by SEPTA and the governing bodies of the Commonwealth. 4 5 July ridership moving forward Through The roof while honoring The pasT We took riders on 339.3 million trips on buses, trains, subways, trolleys, and SEPTA and neighbors of historic ambler Station Customized Community Transportation vehicles in FY 2012. This marked the highest on the Lansdale/Doylestown Regional Rail Line ridership since 1989. While riders realize that SEPTA is the way to beat high gas joined together to celebrate the rebuilt station costs, we gave them even more reasons to ride with improvements everywhere. This and honor the heroism of its namesake, Mary includes renewed stations, larger parking lots, and modern vehicles. And we made Ambler. Legendary Mary used her nursing skills to save lives during a train accident 150 years ago. customer service even better with new technologies. Today, Mary would be proud of the new building, high-level platforms, and shelters that now stand at Ambler Station. July 1, 2011: Riders in the region July 17, 2011: Ambler Station plaque unveiling with Todd Stephens, Pennsylvania State Representative (right) and a Mary SEPTA ANNUAL RIDERSHIP Ambler look-alike (left). 340 335 330 S N 325 O LI 320 L The installation of I 315 M N 310 new platforms. I S 305 P I 300 R T 295 290 6 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 7 August fox chase sTaTion riders scores silver on The sTorm fox Chase is the nation’s first Leed Silver certified train station. LEED stands for Leadership in Preparing for Hurricane Irene took the efforts of all SEPTA employees. Although we do not Energy and Environmental Design. Situated on the Fox Chase Regional Rail Line, the station was have the “annual Florida-type experience,” SEPTA pulled together to do what was most certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. important: safeguard riders. It was all-hands-on deck: from those manning the front-line throughout all five counties, to Control Center personnel at 1234 Market Street, to track SEPTA went Silver by employing eco-friendly methods from start to finish. This includes crews that worked endless hours. The potentially hazardous weather conditions predicted recycling construction waste materials such as drywall; using low-pollutant building materials; forced us to make the unprecedented decision to temporarily suspend service during the and purchasing energy from a local green-energy supplier. For riders, Fox Chase Station offers height of the storm and the hours immediately after. Said General Manager Joe Casey: recycling receptacles and 15 parking spots reserved for energy-efficient vehicles, like hybrids. “We did this to safeguard our customers, employees, infrastructure, and vehicles and to ensure that we could get service running again, as soon as it was possible.” August 1, 2011: The $1.1 million project was funded by the Stimulus American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). August 27, 2011: Although trees took wires down, SEPTA took the unprecedented step of halting service to prevent stranding passengers. Crews worked tirelessly to bring the rails back to life. 8 9 September sTaTion geTs a making regal makeover fruiTful connecTions On Sept. 7, 2011 the ribbon was cut to reveal the renewed beauty of the 125-year-old The new food trust farmers Market at busy frankford transportation Center (ftC) is one Queen Lane Station. SEPTA has created a $4.1 million dollar award-winning renovation of several taking root at our stations. We are helping to bring regional farm food into urban that meticulously blends the best of the old with new amenities. This included areas in collaboration with the City and The Food Trust. This is just one more way SEPTA restoration of the existing exterior, a new pedestrian bridge, and passenger shelters. is lending a hand to the communities it serves. After the opening ceremony, the elected Queen Lane sits on the Chestnut Hill West Regional Rail Line. officials made the market’s first purchases of the day, buying apples and peaches. As Nutter said, “Nothing beats a good peach.” September 13, 2011: Mayor Michael A. Nutter affirmed his commitment to a healthy Philly at the grand opening of the FTC Food Trust Farmers Market. (Left to right): Donna Reed September 7, 2011: Miller, Philadelphia City New Queen Lane exteriors. Councilperson; Chaka Fattah, U.S. Congressman; Joe Casey, SEPTA General Manager; and Rosita Youngblood, Pennsylvania State Representative. 10 11 October surveillance video holds all aboard in key evidence croydon SEPTA and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Over the course of two years, we have transformed Office launched a campaign to stop fraudulent regional rail service in Croydon on the Trenton injury claims by highlighting the growing Line to meet the needs of the modern rider and the role surveillance video is playing in exposing surrounding community. In place of a single shelter defrauders. The campaign included two public stands a station with radiant-heated shelters, full-level service announcements by District Attorney Seth platforms, new parking lots, and other amenities. It Williams, warning about the penalty of filing is fully-compliant with the Americans with Disabilities false claims and noting how surveillance cameras Act. “The end result is a beautiful, technologically- on SEPTA vehicles can be used as evidence. “A advanced station that is safe for our passengers and picture is truly worth a thousand words in these for residents who live and drive by the station,” said cases,” said District Attorney Seth Williams. SEPTA Board Chairman Pasquale T. Deon, Sr. October 13, 2011: October 28, 2011: SEPTA and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Federal Transit Administration Office held a press conference about the Administrator Peter M. Rogoff and SEPTA modern, successful use of surveillance cameras. Board Chairman Pasquale T. Deon, Sr., at the beautiful new Croydon Station. wiTh old-sTyle grandeur SEPTA received the distinguished Brunel award for the reconstruction of Regional Rail stations at Fort Washington, Ambler, and North Wales. the international award recognizes the best railway projects in the world. These stations stood out for successfully blending modern customer amenities, while remaining consistent to the building’s historical legacy. Said Deputy General Manager Jeffrey D. Knueppel, “I am extremely proud of the design and October 14, 2011: construction efforts that enabled us to win this prestigious international award. The final Joe Casey accepts Brunel Award product at each of these stations is first rate and now we can truly say world class.” in Washington D.C. 12 13 November npT is on The way wiTh direcT access conTracT award To sanTa On November 17, 2011 SEPTA awarded a contract to ACS Transport Solutions Group Our riders don’t need to park miles from the mall on Black Friday. Continuing a 21-year to install a new contactless fare payment system. this system, currently referred to tradition, they simply jumped aboard SEPTA’s Santa express. In specially-decorated trains as new Payment technologies (nPt), will replace tokens, tickets, and paper transfers and subway cars, SEPTA made like reindeer with a streamlined system. It will enable riders to simply wave their payment device whisking throngs into Center City’s largest of choice—cards, key fob, or smartphone—to travel on any SEPTA vehicle. Also, pre- mall, The Gallery at Market East. There, the paid SEPTA cards with contactless technology will be available. The simplicity of NPT festivities went into overdrive as riders—mostly appeals to riders. Benefits include auto reloading and easy recovery if their payment children and parents—joined Santa, Mrs. Claus, option is lost or stolen. NPT is divided into three phases. Work is expected to be and the elves for a parade to Santa’s big, comfy completed within three years. chair. A group of spirited SEPTA employees volunteer as early as August to prepare for the day-after-Thanksgiving activities. November 25, 2011: Santa and Mrs. Claus greeted children along the Market-Frankford Line. For more information about the New Payment Technologies click here. 14 15

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