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FUZZY sets and systems VIER Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 403-420 evier.cony locate/tfss Master Index Volumes 116—125 Abbod, M.F., D.G. von Keyserlingk, D.A. Linkens and M. Mahfouf, Survey of utilisation of fuzzy technology in Medicine and Healthcare 20(2) (2001) Abd El-Hakeim, K.M., Fuzzy weak totally semicontinuous and fuzzy weak totally precontinuous mappings 3 2001) 505 Abd El-Hakeim, K.M., F.M. Zeyada and O.R. Sayed, pre-Continuity and D(c,p)-continuity in fuzzifying topology 3) (2001) 459 Abdel-Sattar, M.A., see A.A. Ramadan (3) (2001) 473 Abd El-Wahed, W.F., A multi-objective transportation problem under fuzziness ) (2001) 27 Abd El-Wahed, W.F. and M.A. Abo-Sinna, A hybrid fuzzy-goal programming approach to multiple objective decision making problems 2001) Abonyi, J., L. Nagy and F. Szeifert, Fuzzy model-based predictive control by instantaneous linearization 2001) Abo-Sinna, M.A., see W.F. Abd El-Wahed | 2001) ne Abouelala, O., see N. Zahid 2001) . Acosta, L., see G.N. Marichal . 2001) Ahmed, M.S., U.L. Bhatti, F.M. Al-Sunni and M. El-Shafei, Design of a fuzzy servo-controllet 2001) Ahn, S.S., see Y.B. Jun 2001) . Ahn, S.S., see Y.B. Jun 2001) Albertos, P., see A. Sala 11 2001 Alex, R., see P.Z. Wang 117% 2001 Alex, R., see P.Z. Wang 1) (2001 Ali, F.M., A differential equation approach to fuzzy vector optimization problems and ser analysis 191 2001 Ali, Y.M. and L. Zhang, A methodology for fuzzy modeling of engineering systems } (2001 Aliev, R.A., B. Fazlollahi and R.M. Vahidov, Genetic algorithm-based learning networks. Part |: feed-forward fuzzy neural networks 118 2001 Al-Sunni, F.M., see M.S. Ahmed 124 2001) Amaral, W.C., see R.J.G.B. Campello 121(1) (2001) Amemiya, M. and W. Takahashi, Fixed point theorems for fuzzy mappings in complete metric spaces 125(2) (2001) Aranda-Garrido, M.C., see J. Galindo 121(3) (2001) Arikan, F. and Z. Giingor, An application of fuzzy goal programming to a multiobjective project network problem 1 2001) Arslan, A. and M. Kaya, Determination of fuzzy logic membership functions using genetic algorithms 118(2) (2001) Avineri, E., J. Prashker and A. Ceder, Transportation projects selection process using fuzzy sets theory 16 2000) Aygiin, H., x-compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces 116(3) (2000) Aygiin, H., S.R.T. Kudri and M.W. Warner, Relative compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces 116(3) (2000) Ayyub, B.M., see Y.-H.O. Chang 119(2) (2001) Babic, O. and T. Krstic, Airspace daily operational sectorization by fuzzy logic I 2000) 49 Badra, N.M., Stability of multicriteria nonlinear programming problems using fuzziness 12 2001) 343 Bafas, G.V., see D.1. Sagias 2001) 169 Ban, A.I. and S.G. Gal, Decomposable measures and information measures for intuitionistic fuzzy sets 123 2001) 103 Barbieri, G., M.A. Lepellere and H. Weber, The Hahn decomposition theorem for fuzzy measures and applications 2001) 519 Elsevier Science B.V PII: S0165-0114(01)00226-3 Barros, L.C., see H. Roman-Flores (2001) 32 Basak, N.C. and A. Gupta, On quotient n -s of a fuzzy tomaton and the minimal machine 125(2) (2001) 7 4 Bassanezi, R.C., see H. Roman-Flore 17(3) (2001) Bayoumi, F., The -levels of a fuzzy uniform icture and of a fuzzy proximity (2000) Bector, C.R. and S. Chandra, On duality in linear programming under fuzzy environment 125(3) (2001) Behboodian, J., see S.M. Taher (2001) Beliakov, G., Shape preserving splines u structing WOWA operators: Comment on paper by V. Torra Fuzzy Sets an ystems 113 (2001) 389-396 | 3) (2001) Bersini, H., see G. Bontempi (2001) Bertoluzza, C., M. Solci and M. Capodieci, Measure of a fuzzy set. The x-cut approach in the finite (2001) Bhatia, D., see P. Gupt (2001) Bhattacharya, A.. B.B 18(3) (2001) Bhatti, U.L., see M.S. Ahmed 12442) (2001) Bikdash, VI.. \.H (2001) Birattari, ¥I., G.B 121¢1) (2001) Bison, P.. S 21(3) (2001) Biswas, R.. S.K. D (2001) Biswas, R.. S.K. D (2001) Blanco, A., M. Delgado and M.C. Pegalajar, Id« t neura tw KS (2001) Blue, Vi.. B. Bush and J. Puckett, | 2~ 001) Bobee, B.. S. La 116(2) (2000 Bodjanova, S., A genet i} gral 2000) Boixader, D., J. Jacas | J. Recasens, | 2001) Bontempi, G., H. Bersini | M. Birattari, 1 2001) Bounias, VI... B.K. SI 2001) Brackstone, VI.. WwW 16(1 2000) Buckley, J.J., N ( | 2001) Buckley, J.J I. Feuring, 2001) Buckley, J.J.. R. ¢ >2 001) Biilbiil, A., O i L-Fuzz pological spa : 2001) Burusco, A | R. Fuentes-Gonzalez, T! t 3 2001) Bush, B.. M.B adenas, J.¥I.. o Sint alvo, T., B. de Baets | J. Fodor, TI alvo, T R. Mesiar, Generalized media ampello, R.J.G.B. i W.C. Amaral, Mode ao, S.G., N.W. Rees and G. Feng, | ao, S.G., N.W. Rees and G. Feng, Man ao, Y.-¥ 1 P.M. Frank, Stability a S apodieci, VI., C.B IZZa ardenas Viedma, V1.A., R. Marin Morales and L. Navarrete Sanchez, I arisson, ( 1 R. Fuller, Optu arlisson, ( 1 R. Fuller, O arvalho, M.T. and F. Durao, ( rol ! astillo, L., A. Gonzalez and R. Pérez, Including a simplici astro, J.L., J.J. Castro-Schez and J.M. Zurita, Use of io j process (2001) astro, J.L.. M. Delgado and C.J. Mantas, A fuzzy rule-based algorithm to train perceptrons 2) (2001) 399 Vaster Index Volumes 116-1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems Castro, J.L., M. Delgado and C.J. Mantas, A new approach for the execution and adjustment of fuzzy algorithm (2001) 49] < 03 Castro-Schez, J.J., see J.L. Castro (2001) 3 20 Ceder, A., see E. Avineri (2000) 47 Chakraborty, D., Structural quantization of vagueness in linguistic expert opinions in an evaluation programme (2001) Chakraborty, D., Redefining chance-constrained programming in fuzzy environment 2001) Chakraborty, D., see A. Sengupta 2001) Chakraborty, M. and S. Gupta, Fuzzy mathematical programming for multi objective linear fractional programming problem 2001) Chan, P.T., A.B. Rad and J. Wang, Indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control: Part II: parameter projection and supervisory control 2001) Chan, P.T., see J. Wang (2001) Chanas, S., On the interval approximation of a fuzzy number 2001) Chanas, S. and P. Zielinski, Critical path analysis in the network with fuzzy activity times 2001) Chandra, S., see C.R. Bector 2001) Chang, S.-C., see J.-S. Yao 2000) 433 Chang, S.-C., see J.-S. Yao 2001) 113 Chang, S.-s. and K.-k. Tan, Equilibria and maximal elements of abstract fuzzy economies and qualitative fuzzy games 2001) 3K9 Chang, W., J.B. Park, Y.H. Joo and G. Chen, Design of robust fuzzy-model-based controller sliding mode control for SISO nonlinear systems 2001 Chang, X.G., see W. Li 2001 Chang, Y.-H.O., Hybrid fuzzy least-squares regression analysis and its reliability measures 2001 Chang, Y.-H.O. and B.M. Ayyub, Fuzzy regression methods — a comparative assessment 2001 Charnomordic, B., see S. Guillaume 2001 Chattopadhyay, K.C., U.K. Mukherjee and S.K. Samanta, Product of /-proximities 2001 Chaudhari, S.R., see H.V. Kumbhojkar 2001 Chaudhuri, B.B. and A. Bhattacharya, On correlation between tw 2001 Chemello, G., see C. Sossai 2001 Chen, A.-P. and C.-C. Lin, Fuzzy approaches for fault diagnosis of 2001 Chen, C.H., see R.J. Ku 2001 Chen, C.-T., A fuzzy < to select the yn of the distributior 2001 Chen, G., see W. Chang 2001 Chen, G., see W. Tang 2001 Chen, H.-H., see S.-M. Guu 2001 Chen, H.-J., see Y.-P. Huang 2001 Chen, J.-Y., Rule regulation of fuzzy sliding mode controller design: direct adaptive approach 2001 Chen, L., N. Tokuda, X. Zhang and Y. He, A new scheme f n automatic generation of variable fuzzy systems 2001 Chen, S.H., see H.T. Lee 2001 Chen, S.-H., see J.-H. Chou 2001 Chen, S.-L. and Z.-X. Wu, Urysohn separation property in topological molecular lattices 2001 Chen, S.-M., Fuzzy group decision making for evaluating the rate of aggregative risk development 2001 Chen, T., see D. Huang 2001 Chen, T.-M., see J.-P. Su 200 1 Chen, T.-T. and T.-H.S. Li, Simplex-type fuzzy sliding-mode control 200) Chen, T.-Y. and J.-C. Wang, Identification of 4-fuzzy measures using sampling design and algorithms 2001 Chen, X., Ideals on de Morgan topological algebra 2001 Chen, Y.-S., Outliers detection and confidence interval modification in fuzzy regression 2001 Cheng, C.-B. and E.S. Lee, Fuzzy regression with radial basis function network 2001) Chiang, J. and J.-S. Yao, Fuzzy probability over fuzzy o-field with fuzzy topological spaces 2000) Chiclana, F., F. Herrera and E. Herrera-Viedma, Integrating multiplicative preference relations in a multipurpose decision-making model based on fuzzy preference relations (2001) Chien, C.-J. and H.-H. Tsai, Using fuzzy numbers to evaluate perceived service quality (2000) 289 ho. S.J.. B.S. Lee, G.M. Lee i D.S. Kim, | ho, S.-J., J.-G. Kim and W.-S. Lee, De ho, ¥.J IS. J 6(3) (2000) 47 hoi, ¥.K.. ia 2 1. 643) 000) 47o n hon, 1... S hou, J.-H S.-H. Chen, 5 hu, H.-4 hun, V1.-G.. hung, I.-t intula, P., 1 ipriano, A.. lifton, ¢ oker, D Mi. Demirci, A oker, D N I oncha, J., Cipriano R. Vidal, D onejo, R R. M B ordon, O F. Herrera, H osta Branco J.A. Dente, f ouso, | retu, I sutora, R Buckley, | zogala, | J. Leski, Or Dai, Dai Das, Das, Das, Das, P.. N.1 Dasgupta, VI Davvaz, B., I I jule De, S.K., R. Biswas 1 A.R. Roy, O De, S.K., R. Biswas 1 A.R. Roy, Deb, R.. M.D : De Baets, B., F. Esteva, J. Fodor j Godo, S$ De Baets, B.. rT. ¢ de Cooman, G.. G. Zhang de Cooman, G.. Delgado, VI.. Delgado, VI.. Delgado, Demirci, Demirci, Demirci, Demirci, Demirhan, VI., L. Ozdama Deneux, T. and L.M. Zouhal, Handlir Deneux, T., Mode Dente, J.A., ‘ de Soto, A.R. and J. Recasens, Modelling nduced by an indistii nguishability operat De Souza, R., see Z. Zha Diamond, P., Posit Diamond, P., A fuzz Do, H.Y., see D.H. Hong Driankov, D., see R. Palin Dubois, D. and H. Prade, Book Ruspini, P.P. Bonissone, W. Ped: Dudek, W.A., Y.B. Jun and Z. Stojakovi¢. Durao, F.. M.T. ¢ h Ebrahim, R., Fuzz gic pr Efe, Mi.O. and O. Kaynak, A 9 le struc El-Deeb, S.N., see A.A. Ramada El-Gayyar, VILK., E.E. Kerre and A.A. Ramadan, Or El-Shafei, VI.. M.S. Ahmed El-Sheikh, S.A.., ‘ 1 Essaid, A.. N. Zal Esteva, F. and L. Godo, M Esteva, F.., B. De B Fan, .'.-L., Y.-L. Me 1 W.-X. Xie, O Fan, gence index C.-H. Yan, | nd G.-A. Song, ®-~< _J.- . J.- > S. ¢ arrell, J.. Fazlollahi, B.., Feng, Feng, Feng, Feng, I Feng, I Feng, Y.. Feng, Y.. Feuring, Fiordaliso, A.. Fiordaliso, A., A Flores-Sintas, A., J.M. Cadenas and F. Martin, Detect Euclidean distance Fodor, J., Book review of “Triangular Norms Fodor, J.. see T. Cals Fodor, J., see B. De Baets Fonseca, D.J. and G.M. Knapp, A fuzzy schen Fortemps, P., A book-review section for our Frank, P.M., see Y.-Y. Cao Fu, L.-C., see F.-Y. Hsu (2001) 83—106 Fu, Y.., X. Xue (2001) 239-243 Fuentes-Gonzalez, R., Dow: sociated to fuzzy relations and t-norms: A definition 17 semi-ideals 2001) 377—389 Fuentes-Gonzalez, R., see A. Burusco 2001) Fuller, R. and P. Majlender, An analytic a ach for obtz 1ining n entropy OWA operator veights 2001) Fuller, R.., 2001) Fuller, R., 2001) Fung, R.Y.K., (2001) Gal, S.G.., A.1. Ban 2001) Galindo, J., J.M. Medina and M.C. Aranda-Garrido, Fuz uzzy relational databases: ar 2001) Gao, Z.. Q. Zha g 2001) Gavalec, M., Solvability and uni gue soiva equations 2001) Gedeon, T.D., s« Tikk 2001) Georgiou, D.N. and B.K. Papadopoulos, On { 2000) Gerla, G., Fuzzy contr s a fuzzy deductio 2001) 409 Ghil, B.M., S.Y. Joo and Y.K. Kim, A characteriz 2001) 191 Gil, P.. S. Mont 2001) Godo, l B. I Baets (2001) Godo, I Godo, | Gong, Z., Gonzalez, A.. sy Gottwald, S. and S. Jenei, A 3()3 Gottwald, S.., P. Hajek Gregori, V. 1 A. Sapena, Or Groenen, P.J.F. and K. Jajuga, | Grzegorzewski, P., I Guerra, T.M d L. Vermeiren, ( Guh, Y.-Y., C.-C. Hon and E.S. Lee, ! ( i ¢ " Guillaume, S | B. Charnomordic, K Giingor, Z Guo, VI.-h., Guo, P H. Tanaka, Fuzzy DEA Gupta, A.., N.C. Basak Gupta, K.C. M.K. Kantroo, Ger Gupta, P 1 D. Bhatia, Sensiti Gupta, S.. M. Chakraborty Guu, S.-M., H.-H. Chen and C. Ha, M.., xX. W Hampel, R., M Han, H. and C.-Y. (2001) Hanikova,Z. , Stan g or fuzzy | ositional calcu (2001) Hao, J., Gener 1OTy O1 72) groupoids with resy i t-nor | ) (2001) He, Y., see I hen | Henn, V., Fuzzy route le ChcOhIocicee modelle l for traff ic assignment (2000) Herrera, F., E. Lopez, C. Mendafia and M.A. Rodr wwuez, A linguistic Gedeelc isior inaagg emenentt solved with al inguistic biobjective genetic algorithm (2001) Herrera, F., see O. ( 2» 001)| Vaster Index Volumes 116-1 7 ts and Systems Herrera, F., see F. Chiclana 127 2001) Herrera-Viedma, E., see F. Chiclana 122(2) (2001) Hirota, K., see J. Yi : 2001) Hirota, K., see J. Yi | 001 Hitaka, M., see M. Sakawa 11701) (2001) Hajek, P., L. Godo and S. Gottwald, Editorial | 9001) Hajek, P., On very true 2001) Hlebcar, B., Forecasting closing overvoltages in high-voltage networks using a fuzzy mode 001) Homaifar, A., M. Bikdash and C. Clifton, Approximating an optimal feedback control generalized Sugeno controller | 2001) Hon, C.-C., see Y.-Y. Guh | 1) (2001) Honda, A., Canonical f easure OF 1} 123 2001) 14 Hong, D.H., Some results on the addi f fuzz 122 2001) 349 Hong, D.H., Parameter estimations of tually T-related fuzzy variables 1231 2001) 63 Hong, D.H., Shape preserving multiplications of fuzzy numbers 12 2001) Hong, D.H., A note on the correlation and information energy of interval-valued fuzzy numbe 2 2001 Hong, D.H. and J. Lee, On the law of large numbers for mutually 7-related L-R fuzzy “T l 2) (2000) Hong, D.H. and J. Lee, A convergence of geometric mean for T-related fuzzy numbers 12103 2001 Hong, D.H., S. Lee and H.Y. Do, Fuzzy linear regression analysis for fuzzy input-output dat shape-preserving of itions 123 2001 Hong, D.H. and P.I. Ro, The law of large numbers for fuzzy numbers with unbounded supr ports 116(2 2000) Hsu, F.-Y. and L.-C. Fu, I icerta n systems via Dackstepping Hsu, H.-\ ind W.-P. Wang, Possibilistic programm Hu, L., s f Hu, S.-k. and Z.-f. Li, The structure of contin Huang, D., T. Chen and M.-J.J. Wang, A Huang, N.-j., Existence of equilibrium f Huang, S.-J., see R.-J. Lian Huang, S.-Y.. C.-T. Lin Huang, Y.-J. and M.-h. Guo, Fuzzy Huarng, K., Heuristic 1 uzzy time series Huarng, K., Effective len of intervals to impro Hung, W.-L., Bootstrap met! Hwang, C.-M., A theorem of renewal process for fuzzy random var *s and its applicati Hwang, S.Y. and H.S. Lee, Nilpotent Hwang, Y.C., see R.J. Kuo Ichikawa, A., see J. Yoneyan Ishibuchi, H. and M. Nii, Fi networks Ishibuchi, H. and M. Nii, Nun I ruies Ishikawa, S., Statistics i Iwamura, K.., B. Liu Jacas, J., see D. Boixader 2043) (2001 Jager, G., Even continuity and equicontinuity in fuzzy topology 123(2) (2001 Jager, G., Degrees of compactness in fuzzy convergence spaces 125(2) (2001 Jain, A., Tom Head's join structure of fuzzy subgroups | 2) (2001 Jajuga, K., see P.J.F. Groenen 2012) (2001 Jamison, K.D. and W.A. Lodwick, Fuzzy linear programming using a penalty method 1191) (2001 Jang, L.-C. and D. Ralescu, Cardinality concepts for type-two fuzzy set 3) (2001 Janssen, H.J., G. de Cooman and E.E. Kerre, Ample fields as a basis for possi bilistic processes ]2 ( 2001) Jegdic, K.., E. Par 2000) Jenei, S., Continuit induced negations and their 2001 Jenei, S.. 2001 Jeung, E.T.. K.R. I Joo, a D. Tikk 2001 Joo, S.Y. and Y.K. Kim, K MMoLoO nul nbers f 2001 Joo, S.Y., see B.M snl 2001 Joo, 200) Jun, ein plicative and fuzzy \ liters Of | ittice implication algebras 2001 Jun, be ‘ ind H.S. Kim, Quotien some implicative algebras via fuzzy 2su) 001 1 Jun, d H.S. Kim, f izzy subinclines (ideals) incine ilgeb ras 2001 Jun, ! . Involut ory and invertible fuzzy BCK (2001 Jun, 2001 Jun, 2001 Jun, deals in BCK iige 2001 Jung, 1.H.., (2> 001 Jung, J.S., Y.J. Cho, S.M. Kang, B.S. Lee ar i Y.K. Choi, ¢ : {Ud , tric f im! 2000 Kacprzyk, J., (2001) Kagei, S., | relational equatior vitthh ddee 200 Kamimura, H. and M. Kurano, Clustering b 2001 Kandel, A.., ‘ Marimor 2001 Kandiah, S.., M. Mahi 2001 Kang, H.-J., H. | 2001) Kang, S.M., IS. Jur 2000 Kantroo, VILK., see K.C. Gupta 2001 Kao, C. and S.-T. Liu, Fractior Ai} prog! 2001 Karnik, N.N. i J.M. Mendel, Operations 2001 Katayama, H., J Yone 2001 Kato, K.. M. Sak iwa 2001 Kaur, C. and A. Sharfuddin, O1 2001 Kaya, M.., A. Arslar 2001 Kaynak, O.., M.O. Ef 2001 Kerre, E.E.. G. de Co 2001 Kerre, E.E., M.K. El (savy 2001 Kerre, E.E., H.J. Jansset 2001) Kelly, R.. \. Llama 2001 Kerre, E.E., M. Nachte ici 2001 Kerre, E.E., W. Var Leek wijck 2001) Kerre, E.F X. Wang 2001 Kerre, E.E., X. Wang 2001 Khare, ©M., see P. Srivastava 2001 Khedr, F.H., F.M. Zeyada and O.R. Sayed, nd cz-cont nu:ty in fuzzilying topolog' 2000 Khedr, F.H., F.M. Zeyada and O.R. Sayed, separation ixiomMs If fuzzifying topology 2001 Kikuchi, S., l lefuzzify the fuzzy transportatior problem application 2> 000 Kim, D., A design of CMAC-based fuzzy controller with earning al 1a i}Ip pro tion 2001 Kim, D. ind H.-P. Lee, An optimal design o -FLC by Lamarc kian ¢ learning inndd ¢ | 1ulit ¢l or 2001 Kim, D.S., see 8.J. Cho 2001 Kim, E. and L.J. Kohout, Generalized morphisms, a new tool for comparative evaluation of fuzzy implications t-norms and co-norms in relational knowledge elicitation (2001) Kim, E., se Lee 1204 (2001) .. H. Lee-Kwang and S.W. Yoo, | ind Y.B. Jun, Normal fuzzy R-s nd K.H. Lee, Gener B M Gh S.Y. Jo Kofler, E., Linear partial informat Kohli, J.K. and A.R. Prasannan, | Kohout, L.J., see E. Kin Kolesarova, A., Lin Koo, K.-M., Stable Kopp, R.. see Y.-H Kratschmer, V., A unified apy Krone, A. and H. Taeger, Data-ba Krsteska, B., A Krstic, T., see O. Babic Kudri, S.R.T., see H. Aygiir Kukolj, D., S. Kuzmanovic, E. Levi and F. Kulic, De Kulic, F.. see D. Kukol Kumbhojkar, H.V. and S.R. Chaudhari, O: Kuncheva, L.1., Using measures of sit ! Kundu,S. , The norma! form of a granu Kuo, R.J., C.H. Chen and Y.C. Hwang, A Kurano, VI.. H.K Kuzmanovic, S., see D. Kuk Kwon, J.S. and H.T. Shim, Re Lai, K.K., J Lapointe, S. and B. Bobée, Revisior Last, M., see O. Maimor Layne, J.R. and K.M. Passino, A [ Lee, B.S., see S.J Lee, B.S., see JS Lee, E.S., see ¢ g Lee, E.S., see Y.-Y. Gul Lee, G.M., see S.J. Cho Lee, H., E. Kim, H.-J. Kang and M. Park, A 1 Lee, H.-P., see D. Kim Lee, H.S.., ee S.Y Hwang ee, H.-S., An optimal algorithm for co t *e, H.T. and S.H. Chen, Fuzzy 1 orecasting 2001) , J., see D.H. Hong 2000) , J., see D.H. Hong : 2001) 537 Lee, J.-H. and H. Lee-Kwang, Comparison of fuzzy values on a continuous domain 118(3) (2001) 419 Lee, K.H., see W.K. Kim (2001) 293 Lee, K.R., E.T. Jeung and H.B. Park, Rob k: an LMI approact Lee, VL.J., Lee. S.. D.H Lee, W.-S., Lee, Y.-H. and R. Kopp, Apy Lee-Kwang, H.. }-K. K Lee-Kwang, H.. J.-H. Lee Leon, T. and V. Liern, A Lepellere, M.A... G. B Leski, J Levi, F ae, Gn J l 1) Li, F., J. Qiu i J. Zhai, T problem of mpletefnore ps-msea n symmetric difference metri 16(3) (ttllltttyttt22tyyayyaa eeeeo 0 00 Li, F., Wu, J. Qiu 1 L. Se, Platt 3 Li Li, Li, Li Li, Li Li, Li, Li. , Li, W., X.G. Chang, F.Mi. Wahl and J. Farrell, Tra FUZZY P+ID Li, Y.-M.., Z.-H. Li, 1 Li. Li, Lian, 1.-B., R id 2 Lian, R.-J S.-J. Huang, A mixed f nt er f MIMO Liao, T.W.., ¢ j j tf f Liao, Y.-¢ iern, \ imouri, VI., in, C.-¢ in, C.-T., L-F. Chung S.-Y. Huang, EDM C.H. Tseng,| in, W.-S C.-H. Tsai, S in, W.-S., C.-H. Tsai J.-S. Liu, R ing, W.D.. ind WO inkens, D.A., M.I inkens, D.A., M.M itoiu, VI 1 R. Tadei, R itoiu, Mi | R. Tadei, I iu, B 1 K. Iwamura, |

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