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Future trends in Concrete For Ab Dhabi 2030 or Ab Dhabi 2030 For PDF

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Concrete Mix Design Conference Abu Dhabi May 18-19, 2010 FFuuttuurree ttrreennddss iinn CCoonnccrreettee FFFFoooorrrr AAAAbbbbuu DDDDhhhhaaaabbbbiiii 2222000033330000 Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni BSc (Hons), MSc (GWU), PhD (Cornell), PEng, FASCE, FACI Vice Chancellor and CEO ALHOSN UNIVERSITY Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 1 FFFFuuuuttttuuuurrrreeee ttttrrrreeeennnnddddssss iiiinnnn CCCCoooonnnnccccrrrreeeetttteeee FFoorr AAbbuu DDhhaabbii 22003300 Prof. Abdul-Rahim Sabouni BBSScc((HHoonnss)), MMSScc((GGWWUU)), PPhhDD ((CCoorrnneellll)), PPEEnngg, FFAASSCCEE, FFAACCII Professor Abdul Rahim Sabouni is the Vice Chancellor and CEO of ALHOSN University. He holds a PhD degree from Cornell University in Structural Engineering, a Masters Degree from the George Washington University, and a Bachelors degree from Damascus University, and has more than 30 years of academic and professional experience in the US,Canada and the Middle East. In addition to being a Professor at ALHOSN University, he is an adjunct Professor in three Canadian Universities,Carleton University,the University ofWestern Ontario and Ryerson University. As a professional Engineer Dr. Sabouni worked as a buildings design consultant, and technical advisor in the ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff AAbbuu DDhhaabbii, aanndd wwaass iinnvvoollvveedd iinn mmaannyy pprreessttiiggiioouuss pprroojjeeccttss, iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee SShheeiikkhh ZZaayyeedd GGrraanndd Mosque and the Emirates Palace projects. Dr. Sabouni is a Professional Engineer in Ontario,Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers,Fellow of the American Concrete Institute,the founding president of the ACI-UAE Chapter,and the first recipient of the GeorgeWinter FellowshipAward in Cornell University. Prof.Sabouni publications include articles in reinforced concrete materials,and in expert systems for concrete mixes,and deteriorated concrete structures. http://www.sabouni.com Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 2 FFuuttuurree ttrreennddss iinn CCoonnccrreettee FFoorr AAbbuu DDhhaabbii 22003300 Introduction (cid:121) Expert Speculations (cid:121) Governing Factors (cid:121) Trends (cid:121) Abu Dhabi 2030 (cid:121) Conclusions (cid:121) Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 3 Introduction Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 4 HHHHiiiissssttttoooorrrriiiiccccaaaallll BBBBaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd (cid:121) Concrete is very old in history, but reinvented by in its modern ffoorrmm iinn tthhee 1199tthh cceennttuurryy. (cid:121) Early concretes were used by Syrians around 6500 BC and spread through Egypt and ancient Greece, but it was the Romans who refined the mixture's use. Even the word "concrete" is derived from the Latin "concretus," meaning "to grow together."[Keim 2005] (cid:121) While lower grades were used in everyday construction, the gems of Roman engineering - the Appian Way (which linked Rome to the East), the Coliseum, the Pantheon, and aqueducts - used a high- performance concrete that derived its strength from ashes emitted by Mt. Vesuvius. Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 5 HHHHiiiissssttttoooorrrriiiiccccaaaallll BBBBaaaacccckkkkggggrrrroooouuuunnnndddd (cid:121) "This substance, when mixed with lime and rubble," wrote VViittrruuvviiuuss, mmaasstteerr eennggiinneeeerr aanndd aarrcchhiitteecctt ttoo tthhee EEmmppeerroorr AAuugguussttuuss, "not only lends strength to buildings of other kinds, but even when piers of it are constructed in the sea, they set hard underwater.“ (cid:121) As the Dark Ages descended, Roman concrete mastery was lost, for nearly 1500 years, till concrete was rediscovered in the 19th cceennttuurryy aanndd bbeeccaammee ssoo ppooppuullaarr tthhaatt iitt iiss nnooww tthhee mmoosstt uusseedd construction material in the world. (cid:121) Modern Concrete owes much to France's Joseph-Louis Lambot who was the first to submit a patent for "ferro-cement". This original reinforced concrete was used in various applications: boats, aparttmentt bbllockks, workks off artt, ettc. Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 6 IIIInnnnttttrrrroooodddduuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnn (cid:121) There is just no question about it: Concrete is the world's most iimmppoorrttaanntt mmaatteerriiaall.. (cid:121) Each year, billions of tons of concrete become the stuff of buildings, hhiigghhwwaayyss,, ddaammss,, ssiiddeewwaallkkss,, aanndd eevveenn aarrttwwoorrkkss.. (cid:121) Concrete is probably used more widely than any other substance eexxcceepptt wwaatteerr.. MMoorree tthhaann aa ttoonn ooff ccoonnccrreettee iiss pprroodduucceedd eeaacchh yyeeaarr for every man, woman, and child on Earth. [Keim 2005] (cid:121) YYeett ccoonnccrreettee iiss oonnee ooff tthhee ssiimmpplleesstt mmaatteerriiaallss.. AA ttyyppiiccaall mmiixx ooff concrete simply consists of 60 to 75 percent sand and gravel or crushed stone, 15 to 20 percent water, and 10 to 15 percent cement, which is prepared by roasting limestone, clay, and other iingreddiientts. Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 7 EEEExxxxppppeeeerrrrtttt SSSSppppeeeeccccuuuullllaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss Concrete Construction invited several industry leaders to speculate upon wwhhaatt mmiigghhtt bbee iinn ssttoorree ffoorr tthhee ccoonnccrreettee ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn iinndduussttrryy iinn iittss nneexxtt 5500 years.Here is what they say [1]: (cid:121) Robert A. Garbini: “They will use high technology to adjust for raw material variations wwiitthhoouutt sslloowwiinngg tthhee pprroocceessss ooff ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn. RRoobboottiiccss iinn aa wwiiddee vvaarriieettyy ooff ssiittuuaattiioonnss wwiillll speed construction while reducing energy costs.” (cid:121) William F. Baker: Nanotechnology is allowing scientists and engineers to analyze how andd whhy materialls bbehhave as thhey ddo....TThhe mixing andd prodduction techhnollogy may bbe similar to current practice,but the product will be quite different. (cid:121) Ken Hover: The realityy off gglobal warmingg will settle in, and with energgyy costs, will compel more efficient cement use. Further, sustainability demands that we stop building expensive temporary structures out of wood (the formwork). …Sustainability will also be enhanced as we double or triple service life by using sound design details and materials and construction practice. Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 8 EEEExxxxppppeeeerrrrtttt SSSSppppeeeeccccuuuullllaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss (cid:121) Mike Shydlowski: Nanotechnology used in the research and development of chemical aaddmmiixxttuurreess wwiillll bbrriinngg nneeww fflleexxiibbiilliittyy aanndd ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess… OOnnee ooff tthhee mmoosstt ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt changes for the concrete industry will be the widespread acceptance of the Prescription-to- Performance (P2P)., …The use of byproducts and recycled concrete, pervious concrete, .. (for) a“green”building product. (cid:121) Bev Garnant: Green will be the flavor of the day. .. Concrete will also have a larger market share in response to issues like global warming,terrorism,seismic concerns,and our shrinking planet…robotic trowel machines, with pressure-sensitive devices to read the concrete;other robotics for rebar placing and field bending and auto welding; (cid:121) Peter H. Emmons: Castable materials will have sufficient tensile and compressive ppropperttiies, elliimiinattiing sepparatte reiinfforcementt. .. CConcrette wiillll bbe a very green matteriiall reducing effects on the environment, mostly driven by the reduced volumes needed to build. Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 9 EEEExxxxppppeeeerrrrtttt SSSSppppeeeeccccuuuullllaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss (cid:121) James A. Repman: The cement industry will continue to strive to meet market ddeemmaannddss wwhhiillee uussiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeennttaallllyy rreessppoonnssiibbllee pprraaccttiicceess tthhaatt mmiinniimmiizzee eemmiissssiioonnss, waste,energy consumption,and the use of raw materials (cid:121) Howard Kanare: Buildings will be smarter and will monitor themselves from right aafftteerr ccoonnccrreettee ppllaacceemmeenntt… hhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt mmiissssiioonn .. iiss ttoo bbrriinngg aallll ddeessiiggnn professionals and workers to a high level of knowledge about the materials and methods they use (cid:121)(cid:121) EEdd SSaauutteerr:: DDuurraabbiilliittyy, eenneerrggyy ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee, ssppeeeedd ooff ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn, aanndd aaeesstthheettiiccss— properties that all of us in the industry have been promoting for years—will help fuel the growth… SCC and its derivatives will be the norm, not the exception. (cid:121)(cid:121) JJaammeess MM. SShhiillssttoonnee, SSrr.:: MMiixxttuurree ddeessiiggnnss wwiillll bbee rreeccooggnniizzeedd aass ddiiffffeerreenntt ffrroomm mixture proportions following Abrams' 1918 position …Proportions of concrete mixtures will be automatically adjusted in the batch plant to replicate the mix design. Portland cement concrete made 50 years from now will be a more sophisticated product than it is today. Professor A. R. Sabouni, 18thMay 2010 10

May 18, 2010 Shifting from rules-of-thumb to rules of science thumb to rules of science. CONCRETE MIX RULES OF THUMB. Rule 3: If air content of fresh.
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