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by  PalmerR.B.GallardoJ.C
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FUTURE COLLIDERS R. B. PALMER and J. C. GALLARDO Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA The high energy physics advantages, disadvantages and luminosity requirements of hadron (pp, pp¯), of lepton (e+e−, µ+µ−) and photon-photon colliders are considered. Technical arguments for increased energy in each typeofmachinearepresented. Theirrelativesize,andtheimplicationsofsizeoncostarediscussed. 6 9 1 Physics Considerations tional to the mass squared, is more than 40,000 9 times greater for muons than electrons. When 1 1.1 General technical considerations are included, the situa- t tionismorecomplicated. Muonbeamsareharder c Hadron-hadron colliders (pp or pp¯) generate in- O to polarize and muon colliders will have much teractions between the many constituents of the 9 hadrons (gluons, quarks and antiquarks); the ini- higher backgrounds from decay products of the muons. On the other hand muon collider inter- tial states are not defined and most interactions actions will require less radiative correction and occur at relatively low energy generating a very 1 will have less energy spread from beamstrahlung. v large background of uninteresting events. The Each type of collider has its own advantages rate of the highest energy events is higher for 8 and disadvantages for High Energy Physics: they 0 antiproton-protonmachines,butthisisasmallef- are complementary. 0 fect for colliders above a few TeV. In either case 0 the effective individual interaction energies are a 1 relativelysmallfractionofthetotalcenterofmass 1.2 Required Luminosity for Lepton Colliders 6 energy. Nevertheless,because high energy hadron 9 In lepton machines the full center of mass of the machines have been relatively easier and cheaper / leptons is available for the final state of interest s to build, and because all final states are accessi- c andtheeffective energyisequaltothetotalcenter i ble,manyinitialdiscoveriesinElementaryParticle of mass energy. s y Physics have been made with these machines. h In contrast, lepton-antilepton and photon- Eeff = Ecofm (1) p photon colliders generate interactions between v: the fundamental point-like constituents in their Since fundamental cross sections fall as the i beams, the reactions generatedare relatively sim- square of the center of mass energies involved, so, X ple to understand and there is no background of for a given rate of events, the luminosity of a col- r low energy events. If the center of mass energy is lider must rise as the square of its energy. A rea- a set equal to the mass of a suitable state of inter- sonable target luminosity is one that would give est, then there can be a large cross section in the 10,000 events per unit of R per year: s-channel, in which a single state is generated by 2 E the interaction. In this case, the mass and quan- L ≈ 1034 (cm−2s−1) eff (2) req. (cid:18)1 (TeV)(cid:19) tum numbers of the state are constrained by the initialbeams. Iftheenergyspreadofthebeamsis Fig. 1 shows this required luminosity, together sufficiently narrow, then precision determination withcrossesattheapproximateachievedluminosi- of masses and widths are possible. ties of some lepton colliders. Target luminosities Agamma-gammacollideralsohaswelldefined ofpossiblefuturecollidersarealsogivenascircles. initialstates,complementingthoseattainablewith lepton colliders. For most purposes (technical considerations 1.3 The Effective Energies of Hadron Colliders aside) e+e−and µ+µ−colliders would be equiva- lent. Butintheparticularcaseofs-channelHiggs Hadrons, being composite, have their energy di- bosonproduction,thecrosssection,beingpropor- videdbetweentheirseveralconstituents. Atypical 1 proton-proton machine, but the luminosity of an antiproton-proton collider is limited by the con- straints in antiprotons production. Luminosities of 1033 cm−2s−1 may be achievable at FNAL withantiproton-proton,butLHC,aproton-proton machine, is planned to have a luminosity of 1034 cm−2s−1, and might 1 be upgradable to 1035 cm−2s−1. Radiation damage to a detector would,however,thenbeasevereproblem. The60 TeV Really Large Hadron Colliders (RLHC high and low fields ) discussed at Snowmass are be- ing designed as proton-proton machines with lu- minosities of 1034 cm−2s−1. The size of hadron-hadron machines is lim- ited by the field of the magnets used in their arcs. A cost minimum is obtained when a bal- ance is achieved between costs that are linear in length, and those that rise with magnetic field. The optimum field will depend on the technolo- giesusedbothforthethelinearcomponents(tun- nel,access,distribution,survey,positionmonitors, mountings, magnet ends, etc) and those of the Figure 1: Luminosity of lepton colliders as a function of magnets themselves, including the type of super- energy conductor used. The first hadron collider, the 60 GeV ISR at collisionofconstituentswillthushavesignificantly CERN, used conventional iron pole magnets at a less energy thanthat of the initial hadrons. Stud- field less than 2 T. The only current hadron col- iesdoneinSnowmass82and96suggestthatgiven lider, the 2 TeV TeVatron, at FNAL, uses NbTi ◦ the required luminosity (as defined in Eq. 2) the superconducting magnets at approximately 4 K. hadronmachine’seffective energyisabout1/10th The 14 TeV Large Hadron Collider (LHC), under of its total: constructionatCERN, plansto use the same ma- ◦ terial at 1.8 K. E E (L=L ) ≈ cofm Future colliders may use new materials allow- eff req. 10 inghighermagneticfields. Fig.2showsthecritical Thesamestudieshavealsoconcludedthatafactor current densities of various superconductors as a of 10 in luminosity is worth about a factor of 2 in functionofmagneticfield. The numbersinparen- ◦ effective energy, this being approximately equiva- thesis refer to the temperatures in K. Good and lent to: bad refer to the best and worst performance ac- E (L) ∝ (L/L )0.3 cording to the orientation in degree of the tape eff req. withrespecttothedirectionofthemagneticfield. From which, with Eq. 2, one obtains: Model magnets have been made with Nb Sn, and 3 E 0.6 L 0.2 studies areunderwayonthe use of highTc super- Eeff(TeV)≈(cid:18)10(cTofeVm)(cid:19) (cid:18)1034(cm−2s−1)(cid:19) conductor. Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8 (BSCCO) material is currently available in useful lengths as powder- (3) in-Ag tube processed tape. It has a higher criti- caltemperatureandfieldthanconventionalsuper- 2 Technical Considerations ◦ conductors, but, even at 4 K, its current density is less than Nb Sn at all fields below 15 T. It is 2.1 Hadron-Hadron Machines 3 thusunsuitable forhighfieldacceleratormagnets. An antiproton-proton collider requires only one In contrast YBa Cu O (YBCO) material has a 2 3 7 ◦ ring, compared with the two needed for a current density above that for Nb Sn (4 K ), at 3 2 Figure2: Criticalcurrentdensitiesofsuperconductorsasa Figure 3: Relative costs of a collider as a function of its functionofmagneticfield. bending magnetic field, for different superconductors and operatingtemperatures ◦ all fields and temperatures below 20 K. But this NbTi (in (d)), or 4 times NbTi (in (e)). material must be deposited on specially treated It is seen that the optimum field moves from metallic substrates and is not yet available in ◦ about 6 T for NbTi at 4 K to about 12 T for lengths greater than 1 m. It is reasonable to as- ◦ YBCO at 20 K; while the total cost falls by al- sume, however, that it will be available in useful most a factor of 2; i.e., the optimized cost per lengths in the not too distant future. unitlengthremainsapproximatelyconstant. This A parametricstudy2 was undertakento learn might have been expected: at the cost minimum, what the use of such materials might do for the the cost of linear and field dependent terms are costofcolliders. 2-in-1cosinethetasuperconduct- matched, and the total remains about twice that ing magnet cross sections were calculated using of the linear terms. fixed criteria for margin, packing fraction, quench Itmustbenotedthattheabovestudyassumes protection, support and field return. Material a particular type of magnet and may not be in- costs were taken to be linear in the weights of su- dicative of the optimization for radically different perconductor,copperstabilizer,aluminumcollars, designs. AgroupatFNAL3 isconsideringaniron iron yoke and stainless steel support tube. The dominated, alternating gradient, continuous, sin- cryogeniccosts were takento be inverselypropor- gleturncollidermagnetdesign(LowfieldRLHC). tional to the operating temperature, and linear in Itsfieldwouldbeonly2Tandcircumferencevery the outer surface area of the cold mass. large (350 km for 60 TeV), but with its simplicity The values of the cost dependencies were andwithtunnelinginnovationsitishopedtomake scaled from LHC estimates. Results are shown its cost lower than the smaller high field designs. in Fig. 3. Costs were calculated assuming NbTi There are however greater problems in achieving ◦ ◦ ◦ at (a) 4 K, and (b) 1.8 K, (c) Nb Sn at 4.3 K, 3 highluminositywithsuchamachinethanwiththe ◦ and (d) and (e) YBCO High T at 20 K. NbTi c higher field designs. andNb Sncostsperunitweightweretakentobe 3 the same; YBCO was taken to be either equal to 3 2.2 Circular Electron-Positron Machines Although the luminosities of most circular electron-positron colliders has been between 1031 and 1032cm−2s−1 (see Fig.1), CESR is fast ap- proaching1033cm−2s−1 andmachinesarenowbe- ing constructed with even high values. Thus, at least in principle, luminosity does not seem to be a limitation, although it may be noted that the 0.2 TeV electron-positron collider LEP has a lu- minosity below the above requirement. At energies below 100 MeV, using a chosen reasonable bending field, the size and cost of a circular electron machine is approximately pro- portional to its energy. But at higher energies, if the bending field B is maintained, the energy lost ∆V to synchrotron radiation rises rapidly turn E4 E3 B ∆V ∝ ∝ (4) turn R m4 m4 and soon becomes excessive (R is the radius of the ring). A costminimum is then obtained when the cost of the ring is balanced by the cost of the Figure4: Gradientvaluesandlimitsinlinearcolliderelec- tronlinacs rf needed to replace the synchrotron energy loss. If the ring cost is proportional to its circumfer- ence,andthe rfis proportionalto its voltagethen the cost per unit length of an optimized machine the size and cost of an optimized machine rises should again be about twice the linear costs. But as the square of its energy. This relationship is this time the linear costs include the linac itself, welldemonstratedbytheparametersofactualma- and these will be dependent on technology and rf chines (see Fig. 8). frequency. Thehigheste+e−collideristheLEPatCERN If,however,therfcostscanbeconstrained,for which has a circumference of 27 km, and will instance when superconducting cavities are used, achieveamaximumcenterofmassenergyofabout then there will be no trade off and higher gradi- 0.2 TeV. Using the predicted scaling, a 0.5 TeV ents should be expected to lower the length and circular collider would have to have a 170 km cir- cost. The gradients achievable in Niobium su- cumference, and would be very expensive. perconducting cavities is theoretically limited to about 40 MV/m and practically to 15-25 MV/m. 2.3 Electron-Positron Linear Colliders Nb Sn and high Tc materials may allow higher 3 So, for energies much abovethat 0.2 TeV it is im- field gradients in the future with no loss of lumi- practical to build a circular electron collider. The nosity. only possibility is to build two electronlinacs fac- Thegradientsforconventionalstructureshave ing one another. Interactions occur at the center, limits thatarefrequencydependent. Fig. 4shows andtheelectrons,aftertheyhaveinteracted,must the gradient limits from breakdown, fatigue and be discarded. darkcurrentcaptureplottedagainsttheoperating If the linacs are conventional, non- rf frequency. Operating gradients and frequencies superconducting,structures,thentheremayagain of several linear collider designs 4 are also indi- be a cost trade off; this time between the cost of cated. One sees that the use of high frequencies rf to obtain accelerating gradient, and the linear allows higher accelerating gradients, less overall costsofthestructure,tunnel,etc. Iftheoptimized length and thus, hopefully, less cost. There are gradient is less than its technical maximum, then howevercounterbalancingconsiderationsfromthe 4 requirements of luminosity. • the wall-power to beam-power efficiencies The luminosity L of a linear collider can be are less. written: Thus while length and cost considerations L = 1 N Pbeam n (5) may favor high frequencies, yet luminosity con- collisions 4πE σ σ siderations demand lower frequencies. x y At higher energies (as expected from Eq. 7), where, in this case, n = 1; σ and σ are collisions x y obtaining the required luminosity gets harder. average beam spot sizes including any pinch ef- Fig.6 showsthe dependency of some example ma- fects: σ being greater than σ ; E is the beam x y chineparameterswithenergy. SLCistakenasthe energy and P is the total beam power. This beam exampleat0.1TeV,NLCparametersat0.5and1 can also be expressed as, TeV, and 5 and 10 TeV examples are taken from 1 n P a review paper by one of the authors5. One sees L = γ beam (6) that: 4πE 2r α σ o y • the assumed beam power rises approxi- where r is the classicalelectromagnetic radius, α o mately as E2; is the electromagnetic constant, and n the num- γ ber of photons emitted by one bunch as it passes • the vertical spot sizes fall approximately as through the other. If nγ is too large then the E−2; beamstrahlung background of electron pairs and • the vertical normalized emittances fall even other products becomes unacceptable. So, for a faster than E−2; and fixed criterion for background, we have: 1 P • the momentum spread due to beam- L∝ beam strahlung has been allowed to rise approx- E σ y imately linearly with E. whichmaybecomparedtotherequiredluminosity These trends are independent of the accelera- that increases as the square of energy, giving the tion method, frequency, etc, and indicate that as requirement: the energyandrequiredluminosity rise,sothe re- P beam ∝ E3. (7) quired beam powers, efficiencies, emittances and σ y tolerances will all get harder to achieve. The use Itisthis requirementthatmakesithardtodesign of higher frequencies or exotic technologies that very high energy linear colliders. The 0.1 TeV would allow the gradient to rise, will, in general, SLC, with a relatively low energy, is still almost make the achievement of the required luminosity anorderofmagnitudebelowitsdesignluminosity, even more difficult. It may well prove impracti- andnearlyfourordersofmagnitudelessthanthat cal to construct linear electron-positron colliders, specifiedfor the variousdesigns for0.5TeV linear with adequate luminosity, at energies above a few colliders4. TeV. Fig.5, using parameters from the linear col- lider proposals4, plots some relevant parameters 2.4 Photon-Photon Colliders against the rf frequency. One sees that as the fre- quencies rise, A gamma-gamma collider 6 would use opposing electronlinacs,as ina linearelectroncollider,but • the machine lengths fall as higher gradients justpriortothecollisionpoint,laserbeamswould become possible, bebackscatteredofftheelectronstogeneratepho- • greater alignment precision is required. For ton beams that would collide at the IP instead of the electrons. If suitable geometries are used, the instance, in the resolution of beam position meanphoton-photonenergycouldbe80%ormore monitors; and of that of the electrons, with a luminosity about • despite these better alignments, the calcu- 1/10th. lated emittance growth during acceleration If the electron beams, after they have Comp- is greater; and tonbackscatteredthephotons,aredeflected, then 5 backgrounds from beamstrahlung can be elimi- nated. The constraint on N/σ in Eq.5 is thus x removed and one might hope that higher lumi- nosities would now be possible by raising N and lowering σ . Unfortunately, to do this, one needs x sources of larger number of electron bunches with smalleremittances, andone mustfindwaysto ac- celerate and focus such beams without excessive emittance growth. Conventional damping rings will have difficulty doing this8. Exotic electron sources might be needed. Thus, although gamma-gamma collisions can and should be made available at any future electron-positronlinearcollider,toaddphysicsca- pability, they may not give higher luminosity for a given beam power. 2.5 Muon-Muon Colliders Therearetwoadvantagesofmuons,asopposedto electrons, for a lepton collider. • The synchrotron radiation, that forces high Figure 5: Dependence of some sensitive parameters as a functionoflinearcolliderrffrequency. energy electron colliders to be linear, is (see Eq. 4) inversely proportional to the fourth power of mass: It is negligible in muon col- liders with energy less than 10 TeV. Thus a muon collider, up to such energy, can be circular. In practice this means in can be smaller. Thelinacsfora0.5TeVNLCwould be 20 km long. The ring for a muon collider of the same energy would be only about 1.2 km circumference. • Theluminosityofamuoncolliderisgivenby the same formula as inEq. 5 as givenabove for an electron positron collider, but there are two significant changes: 1) The classi- cal radius r is now that for the muon and o is 200 times smaller; and 2) the number of collisions a bunch can make n is no collisions longer 1, but is now related to the average bending fieldinthe muoncolliderring,with n ≈ 150 B collisions ave Withanaveragefieldof6Tesla,n ≈ collisions 900. Thusthesetwoeffectsgivemuonsanin Figure6: Dependenceofsomesensitiveparametersonlin- earcolliderenergy. principle luminosityadvantageofmorethan 105. The problems with the use of muons are: 6 • Muons can be best obtained from the de- cayofpions,made byhigher energyprotons impingingonatarget. Ahighintensitypro- tonsourceisthusrequiredandveryefficient captureanddecayofthesepionsisessential. • Becausethemuonsaremadewithverylarge emittance, they must be cooled and this must be done very rapidly because of their short lifetime. Conventional synchrotron, electron, or stochastic cooling is too slow. Ionization cooling is the only clear possibil- ity,butdoesnotcooltoverylowemittances. • Because of their short lifetime, conventional synchrotronacceleration would be too slow. Recirculating accelerators or pulsed syn- chrotrons must be used. • Because they decay while stored in the col- lider, muons radiate the ring and detector with their decay products. Shielding is es- sentialandbackgroundswillcertainlybesig- nificant. Muoncolliderswerefirstconsideredmorethan 20 years ago, many papers have been written and Figure7: Overviewofa4TeVMuonCollider many workshops held 9. A collaboration, lead by BNL, FNAL and LBNL, with contributions from 18 institutions has been studying a 4 TeV, Table1: ParametersofColliderRings highluminosity scenarioandpresenteda Feasibil- c-of-m Energy TeV 4 .5 ity Study7 to the 1996 Snowmass Workshop. Beam energy TeV 2 .25 The basic parameters of this collider are Beam γ 103 19 2.4 shown schematically in Fig.7 and given in Tb.1 Repetition rate Hz 15 2.5 together with those for a 0.5 TeV demonstration Muons per bunch 1012 2 4 machine based on the AGS as an injector. It is Bunches of each sign 2 1 assumed that a demonstration version based on Norm. rms emit. ǫN π mrad 510−5 910−5 upgrades of the FERMILAB, or CERN machines Bending Field T 9 9 would also be possible. Circumference Km 7 1.2 The main components are: Ave. ring field B T 6 5 Effective turns 102 9 8 • AprotonsourcewithKAONlikeparameters ∗ β at intersection mm 3 8 (30 GeV, 1014 protons per pulse, at 15 Hz). rms I.P. beam size µm 2.8 17 • A liquid metal target surrounded by a 20 T Luminosity cm−2s−1 1035 1033 hybrid or high T superconducting solenoid c to make and capture pions. come later. Muons from pions in the 100- • A 5 T solenoidal channel within a sequence 500 MeV range emerge in a 6 m long bunch of rf cavities is used to allow the pions to at 150 ± 30 MeV bunch. decayintomuonsand,atthe sametime,de- celerate the fast ones that come first, while • A solenoidal snake and collimator to select accelerating the lower momentum ones that themomentum,andthuspolarization,ofthe 7 muons. • A sequence of 20 ionization cooling stages, eachconsisting of a) lithium energy loss rod in a strong focusing environment for trans- verse cooling, b) linac reacceleration and c) lithium wedges in a dispersive environment for cooling in momentum space. • A linac, and/or recirculating linac, pre ac- celerator, followed by a sequence of pulsed field synchrotron accelerators using super- conducting linacs for rf. • Anisochronouscolliderringwithlocallycor- rected low beta (β=3 mm) insertion. For a low energy muon collider, there would bearelativelylargefixedcostforthemuonsource, but for a high energy machine the costwould still be dominated by that of the final circular acceler- atorandcolliderrings. Estimatessuggestthatthe costofthesemightbeasmuchasafactor3higher than that for a hadronmachine of the same beam Figure 8: Effective energies of colliders as a function of energy, but, because of the advantage in colliding theirtotal length. point like leptons, a factor of 3 or more less than a hadron machine of the same effective energy. • Muon-Muon Colliders: Only the 4 TeV col- lider, discussed above, and the 0.5 TeV 2.6 Comparison of Machines demonstration machine have been plotted. In Fig. 8, the effective energies (as defined by Eq. Thelinedrawnhasthesameslopeasforthe 3) of representative machines are plotted against hadron machines. their total tunnel lengths. We note: It is noted that the muon collider offers the • Hadrons Colliders: It is seen that the ener- greatestenergyperunitlength. Thisisalsoappar- giesofmachinesrisewiththeirsize,butthat ent in Fig. 9, in which the footprints of a number this rise is faster than linear (Eeff ∝ L1.3). ofproposedmachinesaregivenonthe samescale. Thisslopeisareflectioninthesteadyrisein Butdoesthismeanitwillgivethegreatestenergy bendingmagneticfieldsusedastechnologies perunitofcost? Fig. 10plotsthecostofasample and materials have become available. of machines against their size. Before examining • Circular Electron-Positron Colliders: The thisplot,bewarned: thenumbersyouwillseewill not be the ones you are familiar with. The pub- energies of these machines rise approxi- lished numbers for different projects use different matelyasthesquarerootoftheirsize,asex- accounting procedures and include different items pected from the cost optimization discussed in their costs. Not very exact corrections and es- above. calationhavebeenmadetoobtainestimatesofthe • Linear Electron-Positron Colliders: The costs under fixed criteria: 1996 $’s, US account- SLCistheonlyexistingmachineofthistype ing, no detectors or halls. The resulting numbers, andonlyoneexampleofaproposedmachine asplotted,mustbeconsideredtohaveerrorsofat (theNLC)isplotted. Thelinedrawnhasthe least ± 20%. same slope as for the hadron machines and The costsareseento be surprisinglywellrep- implies a similar rise in accelerating gradi- resented by a straight line. Circular electron ma- ent, as technologies advance. chines, as expected, lie significantly below this 8 Figure9: Approximatesizesofsomepossiblefuturecolliders. line. The only plotted muon collider (the 0.5 TeV demonstrationmachine’sverypreliminarycostes- timate) lies above the line. But the clear indica- tion is that length is, or at least has been, a good estimator of approximate cost. It is interesting to note that the fitted line indicates costs rising, not linearly, but as the 0.85th power of length. This can be taken as a measure of economies of scale. 3 Conclusion Our conclusions,with the caveatthat they arein- deed only our opinions, are: • The LHC is a well optimized and appropri- ate next step towards high effective energy. • A Very Large Hadron Collider with energy greater than the SSC (e.g. 60 TeV c-of-m) and cost somewhat less than the SSC, may well be possible with the use of high T su- c perconductors that may soon be available. Figure 10: Costs of some machines as a function of their • A “Next Linear Collider” is the only clean total lengths. way to complement the LHC with a lepton machine, and the only way to do so soon. But it appears that even a 0.5 TeV collider 9 will be more expensive than the LHC, and References it will be technically challenging: obtaining the design luminosity may not be easy. 1. A. W. Chao, R. B. Palmer, L. Evans, J, Gareyte, R. H. Siemann, Hadron Colliders • Extrapolating conventional rf e+e−linear (SSC/LHC), Proc.1990 Summer Study on colliderstoenergiesabove1or2TeVwillbe High Energy Physics, Snowmass, (1990) p very difficult. Raising the rf frequency can 667. reduce length and probably cost for a given 2. R. B. Palmer, to be published. energy, but obtaining luminosity increasing 3. S. Holmes for the RLHC Group, Sum- asthesquareofenergy,asrequired,maynot maryReport, presentationatthe Snowmass be feasible. Workshop 1996, to be published. 4. International Linear Collider Technical Re- • Laserdrivenacceleratorsarebecomingmore view Committee Report, SLAC-R-95-471, realistic and can be expected to have a sig- (1995) nificantly lower cost per TeV. But the ratio 5. R. B. Palmer,Prospects for High Energy of luminosity to wall power and the ability e+e−Linear Colliders, Annu. Rev. Nucl. to preserve very small emittances, is likely Part. Sci. (1990) 40, p 529-92. to be significantly worse than for conven- 6. V. Telnov, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A294, tional rf driven machines. Colliders using (1990) 72; A Second Interaction Region suchtechnologiesarethusunlikelytoachieve for Gamma-Gamma, Gamma-Electron and very high luminosities and thus unsuitable Electron-Electron Collisions for NLC, Ed. for higher (above 2 TeV) energy physics re- K-J Kim, LBNL-38985, LLNL-UCRL-ID search. 124182,SLAC-PUB-95-7192. 7. µ+µ− collider, A Feasibility Study, BNL- • A higher gradient superconducting Linac 52503,FermiLab-Conf-96/092,LBNL-38946, colliderusing Nb SnorhighT materials,if 3 c submitted to the Proceedings of the Snow- itbecomestechnicallypossible,couldbe the mass96 Workshop. only way to attain the required luminosities in a higher energy e+e−collider. 8. R.B.Palmer,Acceleratorparameters for γ− γ colliders; Nucl. Inst. and Meth., A355 • Gamma-gammacollisionscanandshouldbe (1995) 150-153. 9. A.N.SkrinskyandV.V.Parkhomchuk,Sov. obtainedatanyfuture electron-positronlin- ear collider. They would add physics capa- J. of Nucl. Physics 12, (1981) 3; Neuf- bility to such a machine, but, despite their fer, IEEE Trans. NS-28, (1981) 2034; E. A. Perevedentsev and A. N. Skrinsky, Proc. freedomfromthebeamstrahlungconstraint, are unlikely to achieve higher luminosity. 12th Int. Conf. on High Energy Acceler- ators, F. T. Cole and R. Donaldson, Eds., • A muon Collider, being circular, could be (1983) 485; 2nd Workshop, Sausalito, CA, far smaller than a conventional electron- Ed. D. Cline, AIP Press, Woodbury, New positron collider of the same energy. Very York, (1995). preliminary estimates suggest that it would also be significantly cheaper. The ratio of luminosity to wall power for such machines, above 2 TeV, appears to be better than that for electron positron machines, and ex- trapolation to a center of mass energy of 4 TeV or above does not seem unreason- able. If research and development can show that it is practical, then a 0.5-1 TeV muon collider could be a useful complement to e+e−colliders, and, at higher energies (e.g. 4 TeV), could be a viable alternative. 10

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