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CONTRIBUTORS D. A. BAKER W. E. QUINN T. K. FOWLER M. N. ROSENBLUTH H. P. FURTH P. H. RUTHERFORD R. F. POST J. L. SHOHET EDWARD TELLER Fusion VOLUME 1 Magnetic Confinement PART A EDITED BY EDWARD TELLER Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory University of California Livermore, California 1981 ACADEMIC PRESS A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers New York London Toronto Sydney San Francisco COPYRIGHT © 1981, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Fusion. Includes bibliographies and index. Contents, v. 1. Magnetic confinement (2 v.) 1. Nuclear fusion. I. Teller, Edward, Date. QC791.F87 621.48'4 80-69419 ISBN 0-12-685201-4 (v. 1, pt. A) AACR2 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 81 82 83 84 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. D. A. BAKER (437), Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Cali­ fornia, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 T. K. FOWLER (291), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California 94550 H. P. FURTH (123), Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton Uni­ versity, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 R. F. POST (357), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California 94550 W. E. QUINN (437), Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Cali­ fornia, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 M. N. ROSENBLUTH (31), Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 P. H. RUTHERFORD (31), Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 J. L. SHOHET (243), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 EDWARD TELLER (1), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California 94550 IX Preface It was not easy for man to learn to fly. In the great technological and scien­ tific effort that led to success, we had to become familiar with turbulence in air and the machines had to be adapted to such peculiar behavior. The development of controlled fusion is similar in kind, only it is even more complicated. Those seriously engaged in the enterprise (for whom this book is actually written) fully realize this fact. The best experts in the field have labored on the present book for years in order to thoroughly describe the progress attained so far. As to hopes for success: the prospect improved greatly when Congressman McCormick proposed and the legislature in Washington, D.C. enacted a bill authorizing the spending of $20 billion on controlled magnetic fusion in the next 20 years. By comparison, this volume is modest—not only in cost but in length. It has only 16 chapters. I cannot exclude the possibility that had we written 20 chapters, the additional four might have contained the final solution. In my opinion, however, the 16 chapters cover every hopeful approach to magnetic confinement fusion. The discussion ranges from the popular and ambitious Tokamak to the much more modest fusion-fission hybrid and touches on everything in between. What is most important is what will be accomplished by the readers of this volume: the graduate students who are embarking on this great adventure with fresh minds, and also their teachers, all of whom are experts in at least one aspect of fusion research, but most of whom may have to supplement their knowledge on other aspects before they can face an audience of indus­ trious and ingenious budding thermonuclear scientists. It is the efforts of all these people that will lead to the realization of our dreams. XI Contents of Part B Linear Magnetic Fusion Systems W. E. Quinn and R. E. Siemon The High-Beta Stellarator F. L. Ribe Fast-Linear-Compression Fusion Systems F. L. Ribe and A. R. Sherwood The ELMO Bumpy Torus R. A. Dandl and G. E. Guest Neutral-Beam Injection W. B. Kunkel Radio-Frequency Heating of Magnetically Confined Plasma Miklos Porkolab Magnetic Fusion Reactors Robert W. Conn The Fusion-Fission Fuel Factory R. W. Moir Advanced Fusion Reactors John M. Dawson INDEX Xlll FUSION, VOLUME 1, PART A 1 Introduction EDWARD TELLER Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory University of California Livermore, California I. Early History l II. Controlled Fusion in Low-Density Plasmas 4 III. Some Properties of Plasmas 12 IV. The Role of Plasma Instabilities 20 V. Types of Magnetic Fusion Machines 23 VI. Outlook 28 References 29 I. Early History It seems hard to believe that only half a century has passed since Atkinson and Houtermans (1929) proposed that the energy of the sun is released by thermonuclear reactions. Shortly after this important publication, a young and not yet renowned physicist, George Gamow, reported this suggestion at a meeting in Leningrad. After the meeting, Bukharin, a leading member of the Communist party, came to Gamow with a proposal. The whole electrical output of Leningrad could be made available to Gamow for one hour each night if he would undertake to reproduce on earth what was happening in the sun. Gamow, a physicist of unusual taste and common sense, did not accept the offer. The theory continued to develop. Astronomers, after some anticipated re­ sistance to the "crazy ideas of physicists," fully accepted the essential role that nuclear reactions play in astrophysics. Furthermore, during the Second World War, the idea emerged that a fission explosion could be used to initiate a fusion process analogous to the reactions in the interior of stars. As soon as the first successful thermonuclear device was exploded, dis­ cussions on controlled fusion became of great interest in the United States. 1 Copyright © 1981 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0-12-685201-4 2 EDWARD TELLER To administrators and politicians alike, it appeared that what was possible in a violent reaction should be put to work in a controlled and peaceful manner. It was necessary, though barely possible, to convince decision makers that achieving the controlled process is incomparably more difficult, and that a considerable period of research, experimentation, and develop­ ment must precede any practical application. Most fortunately, strong support for research was accepted as a first step. Furthermore, this research was initiated at four different laboratories in the United States and, as we now know, in many places abroad. In a book addressed to technical readers, it may be proper to remember the historical background. As part of this we should explain the reasons for the basic similarity as well as the great difference between the rapid develop­ ment of thermonuclear explosions and the difficult research on thermonu­ clear reactors. The point of similarity is obvious. In both cases we deal with thermo­ nuclear fusion, i.e., reactions where exceedingly high temperatures, of the order of 108 K, permit light nuclei to approach each other closely enough so that energy may be liberated by synthesizing heavier nuclear species from the smallest nuclei, usually hydrogen isotopes. In the sun itself the primary reaction is between two protons, a reaction so slow that it will perhaps never be observed in a laboratory. But at this point practical alternatives are avail­ able. The most important among these are the reactions between deuterons, and also a reaction involving tritium: D + D — T + p + 4.0 MeV, D + D -► He3 + n + 3.3 MeV, D + T -► He4 + n + 17.6 MeV. These play the essential role in both the explosion and the controlled release of fusion energy. (Some additional reactions will be discussed in Chapter 16 by Dawson.) By contrast, the difference between explosive and controlled release of fusion energy is, from a practical point of view, enormous. In the former there is no need to confine the reaction; in the latter, this problem is all im­ portant. Is there no corresponding difference in the case of fission reactions? In fission reactions we deal with chain reactions where the chain is carried forward by neutrons, the only building blocks of nuclei that can freely enter into the nucleus. If, from one fission enough neutrons are retained in the system to cause precisely one other fission, then the reaction will proceed in a steady manner. If there are too few neutrons, the reaction will decrease exponentially; if there are too many, an exponential increase will result. Though it may seem difficult to keep the reaction precisely at the steady 1. INTRODUCTION 3 level, the problem is actually simple because of the presence of neutrons whose emission is delayed by many seconds. This means that adjustments can be made in a comfortable manner. Actually it is quite difficult to assemble fissionable material fast enough to avoid a relatively gentle disassembly and consequent stoppage of the reaction before a violent explosion could take place. Historically, controlled fission was accomplished at the end of 1942, while the first violent explosion took place in the summer of 1945. In the case of fusion, the situation is quite different. The essential condition for the reaction is a high temperature. Wherever high temperatures are present we run into difficulties. Even at a few thousand degrees these tech­ nical obstacles can become formidable. At the many millions of degrees needed for a fusion reaction, they may appear all but insurmountable. The hydrogen bomb accomplishes the reaction by violence. The sun does it by brute force and sheer inertia. Also, it takes a long time, from millions to billions of years, before a star exhausts its thermonuclear fuel. All this clearly illustrates that a man-made, controlled fusion reaction must accomplish something unusual. There are, so far, two opposite approaches by which we hope to succeed in turning man-made controlled fusion into practical reality. One approach is to use the fuel at great dilution and thereby slow down the reaction so that it can be reasonably guided. In this approach we use densities of approx­ imately 10"5 of hydrogen gas at standard temperature and pressure. A typical situation is to have 1014 hydrogen isotopes per cm3 (or rather 1014 positive ions and 1014 electrons). Volume 1 is devoted to this approach. The other approach is to bring the fuel to extremely high densities, more than a thousand times that of liquid hydrogen. Explosions similar to those occurring in the hydrogen bomb can be produced, though the individual explosions will have less than one-millionth the output of the hydrogen bomb. Repeating this process can lead to nuclear energy production anal­ ogous to that of an internal combustion engine. This latter approach will be discussed in Volume 2 of this series. Serious work on the first approach described in this volume, started in the early 1950s. An inherent difficulty was, of course, realized: particles in gases at very low densities will have long mean free paths and will collide with the walls of the containing vessel and lose their high energy. Of course, the high temperatures required if nuclei are to approach and react with each other, completely ionize the gas, and turn it into a plasma.f This is the state of matter probably most abundant in the universe; it is the substance of all visible stars. f A plasma is a gas in which a considerable fraction of the particles is ionized. We shall be interested here in plasmas where practically no neutral atoms are present.

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