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Fusion Reactor Materials [Semi-Annual Rpt Jun 30, 1994] PDF

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Preview Fusion Reactor Materials [Semi-Annual Rpt Jun 30, 1994]

ORNL99/08051/lld DISCLAIMER This repofi was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. ............. ........ . .. . . , . ..,.,. —-==--7- - -T-i——— .–— ----.-n=------ 7–- —— . . DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. .. ——.._ .—. ..._ ..____ ____ DOE/ER-031 3/26 Distribution Categories UC-423, -424 FUSION MATERIALS SEMIANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING June 30, 1999 Prepared for DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (AT 602000 O) DATE PUBLISHED: SEPTEMBER 1999 Prepared for OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 Managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract DE-AC05-960R22464 . ... Ill FOREWORD This isthe tweny-sixth ina series of semiannual technical progress reports onfusion materials. This report combines the full spectrum of research and development activities on both metallic and non-metallic materials with primary emphasis onthe effects ofthe neutronic and chemical environment on the properties and performance of materials for in-vessel components. This effort forms one element ofthe materials program being conducted insupport ofthe Fusion Energy Sciences Program ofthe U.S. Department of Energy. The other major element ofthe program isconcerned with the interactions between reactor materials and the plasma and is reported separately. The Fusion Materials Program isa national effort involving several national laboratories, universities, and industries. A large fraction ofthis work, particularly in relation to fission reactor experiments, iscarried out collaboratively with our partners inJapan, Russia, and the European Union. The purpose ofthis series of reports isto provide aworking technical record for the use ofthe program participants, and to provide a means ofcommunicating the efforts of materials scientists to the rest ofthe fusion community, both nationally and worldwide. This report has been compiled and edited under the guidance of A. F. Rowcliffe by Gabrielle Burn, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Their efforts, and the efforts ofthe many persons who made technical contributions, are gratefully acknowledged. F.W. Wiffen international and Technology Division -- ---,. 7-.-.--, -., , ... . —-,. ,—-,- -+. .... .. ...- - r. mr-- ,., .-., ,,. ._— ——. ., iv ,’ Reports previously listed inthis series areas follows: DoE/ER-031 3/1 Period ending September 30, 1986 DOE/ER-0313/2 Period ending March 31, 1987 DoE/ER-031 3/3 Period ending September 30, 1987 DoE/ER-031 3/4 Period ending March 31, 1988 DoE/ER-031 3/5 Period ending September 30, 1988 DOE/ER-0313/6 Period ending March 31, 1989 DoE/ER-0313/7 Period ending September 30, 1989 DOE/ER-0313/8 Period ending March 31, 1990 DoE/ER-031 3/9 Period ending September 30, 1990 DoE/ER-031 3/1o Period ending March 31, 1991 DoE/ER-031 3/1i Period ending September 30, 1991 DOE/ER-0313/12 Period ending March 31, 1992 DoE/ER-0313/13 Period ending September 30, 1992 DoE/ER-031 3/14 Period ending March 31, 1993 DoE/ER-031 3/15 Period ending September 30, 1993 DOE/ER-031 3/16 Period ending March 31, 1994 DoE/ER-031 3/17 Period ending September 30, 1994 DOE/ER-031 3/18 Period ending March 31, 1995 DoE/ER-0313/19 Period ending December 31, 1995 DOE/ER-0313/20 Period ending June 30, 1996 DOE/ER-0313/21 Period ending December 31, 1996 DOE/ER-031 3/22 Period ending June 30, 1997 DO13ER-031 3/23 Period ending December 31, 1997 DOE/ER-031 3/24 Period ending June 30, 1998 DOE/ER-031 3/25 Period ending December 31, 1998 DoE/ER-031 3/100 Technical Evaluation of the Technology of Vanadium Alloys for Use as Blanket Structural Materials in Fusion Power Systems v CONTENTS 1.0 VANADIUM ALLOYS “ 1 1.1 BIAXIALTHERMAL CREEP OFV-4Cr-4Ti AT 700”C AND800°C— R.J. Kurtzand M. L. Hamilton (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) 3 A study of the thermal creep properties of V-4Cr-4Ti is being performed using pressurized tube specimens. Ina previous report relevant data on thermal creep of vanadium alloys was reviewed to guide the selection of an initial test matrix. Experimental details and results for exposure times of 1523 h at700”C and 1784 h at 800”C were also covered. This report provides additional results for exposure times upto approximately 4000”C. 1.2 MICROSTRUCTURAL EXAMINATION OFV-4Cr-4Ti PRESSURIZEDTUBES— D.S. Genes,M. L.Hamilton, and R.J. Kurtz (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) 11 Failedthermal creep pressurized tubes of V-4Cr-4Ti tested at700 and 800”C have been examined using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy in order to understand failure and creep mechanisms. Results show extensive thinning was controlled by dislocation c limb. Dislocation cell structure was not well developed, Ti02 particles developed complex dislocation tangles and evidence for development of fine precipitation during creep was found. 1.3 UNIAXIAL CREEP BEHAVIOR OFV-Cr-Ti ALLOYS — K.Natesan, W. K.Soppet, and D.L. Rink (Argonne National Laboratory) 20 A systematic study has been initiated atArgonne National Laboratory to evaluate the uniaxial creep behavior ofV-Cr-Ti alloys asafunction of temperature inthe range of 650-800”C and atapplied stress levelsinthe range of 75-380 MPa. At present, the principal effort has focused on the V-4Cr-4Ti alloy of heat identified as BL-71; however, another heat ofsimilar alloy from general Atomics (GA)willalso be used in the study. 1.4 HIGH TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES AND DEFORMATION BEHAVIOR OF V-4Cr-4Ti — A. F. Rowcliffe, D.T. Hoelzer, and S.J.Zinkle (Oak Ridge National Laboratory 25 The tensile deformation behavior ofV-4Cr-4Ti has been determined over the range 20 to 800°C for strain rates in the range 10-’/s to 10-5/s. Changes in the strain rate sensitivity of stress parameters are linked tothe existence of three different regimes of deformation, namely, Ltiders extension, dislocation glide/strain hardening, and dislocation creep. vi 1.5 EFFECT OFORIENTATION ON EFFECTIVE TOUGHNESS-TEMPERATURE CURVES INV-4Cr-4Ti — E.Donahue, G. R.Odette, and G. E.Lucas (University of California, Santa Barbara) 33 Fracture tests were performed on fatigue precracked, 20% sidegrooved 0.26T compact tension specimens in LT and TL orientations under static loading conditions over temperatures ranging from –196 to -1 10“C. The effective toughness-temperature I-QT)curves were similarfor both LT and TL orientations. The corresponding 100 MPa~m transition temperature was estimated to be about –155°C. Additional tests to evaluate effects of specimen size, orientation, and material fabrication history onthe K-T curves are underway. 1.6 STUDY OF IRRADIATION CREEPOFVANADIUMALLOYS— H.Tsai, R.V. Strain, M. C. Billone,T. S. Bray, and D.L.Smith (Argonne National Laboratory) 36 Thin-wall tubing produced from the 832665 (500 kg) heat of V-4 Cr-4 wL70 wt.!40 Ti material was formed into pressurized tube specimens and irradiated inthe HFIRRB- 12J experiment to study irradiation creep. Irradiation and the required cool-down following irradiation have been completed and disassembly of the vehicle is under way. Calculated dose for the specimens ranged from 5.5 to 6.0 dpa and the calculated irradiation temperatures were 400 to 500°C. 1.7 FRACTOGRAPHY RESULTS FORV-ALLOY TENSILE SPECIMENS IRRADIATED INTHE BOR-60ATR,AND F17F REACTORS—T. S.Bray, H.Tsai, R.V. Strain, M. C. Billone, and D.L.Smith (Argonne National Laboratory) 38 Fractography studies were conducted on. numerous V-alloy specimens. These specimens had been irradiated in the ATR, FfTF, and BOR-60 reactors at temperatures ranging from 273to 600”C and damage doses from 41 to 51 dpa. The results of the fractography studies show the medium dose (17 to 19 dpa), low irradiation temperature materials irradiated inBOR-60to have mostly ductile fractures but with low areal reduction. The low dose (-4 dpa) ATR samples display a wide range of areal reductions with mostly ductile fractures. The fractography results for the FFIT samples with irradiation temperatures from 520 to 600”C and damage doses from 41 to 51 dpa show a wide range of reductions in area and all ductile fractures. Side-view observations revealed evidence of slip bands that are typically associated with dislocation channeling. 1.8 IMPURITY STUDIESOF GASTUNGSTEN ARCWELDINGOFVANADIUMALLOYS— M. L. Grossbeck andJ. F.King (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) 44 An improved getler system has been installed on the welding glove box since progress was last reported. Gastungsten arc (GTA)welds using both oxygen and hydrogen getters resulted invery low oxygen levels butvery high hydrogen levels in V-4Cr-4Ti. Charpy impact testing, nonetheless, determined a DB1’T lower than previously achieved. The first weld with a DBIT at room temperature was made. Erratic results following post-weld heat treatments or low-temperature outgassing treatments were previously attributed to hydrogen cracking. Itis now believed that this behavior is not so erratic and might result from precipitation. Transmission electron microscope studies have been initiated to study the unusual behavior. vii 1.9 IMPROVEMENT OF LASERWELD QUALITY OFV-Cr-TiALLOYS — Z Xu, C. B. Reed, K. Natesan, and D.L.Sinith (Argonne National Laborato~) 49 During this report period, the use of aYAGlaser to weld sheet materials of V-Cr-Ti alloys has focused on (a) development of optimal laser welding parameters to produce deep penetration and defect-free welds, (b) integration of a custom- designed environmental control box (ECB) into the laser system to control the oxygen uptake during the processing, (c) examination of the porosity on longitudinally sectioned welds, and (d) analysis for oxygen content of the welds. An innovative method has been developed to obtain deep penetration and oxygen contamination free welds. 1.10 DIFFUSION BONDING OFVANADIUMALLOYS— Z.Xu, D.L.Smith, and C.B. Reed (Argonne National Laboratory) 54 Preliminary investigations are in progress to evaluate the potential of diffusion bonding processes for joining vanadium-base alloys. Diffusion bonds were prepared on 3.8 mmthick V-4Cr-4Ti alloy plate on a50 KVA welder with a range of process parameters. Preliminary microstructural analyses conducted on the test samples indicated that bonding was achieved for a range of process parameters. 1.11 DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRICALLY INSULATINGCaOCOATINGS— K. Natesan, M. Uz,and S.Wieder (Argonne National Laboratory) 57 A systematic vapor transport study has been in progress to develop electrically insulating CaO coatings that are compatible with use in a liquid Li environment. Several experiments were conducted to study how the deposition of Caon V-4Cr- 4Ti substrate alloys isaffected by variations in process temperature and time, and specimen locations, surface preparation, and pretreatment. During this reporting period, several specimens were prepared with a coating of CaO by thermal/chemical deposition and measurements were made of the electrical resistance of several CaO-coated specimens before and after exposure to an Lienvironment. 2.0 SILICON CARBIDE COMPOSITE MATERIALS 63 2.1 M~HODS FORJOININGSILICONCARBIDECOMPOSITESFORHIGH TEMPERATURE STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS — C.A. Lewinsohn, R. H.Jones, . (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), M. Singh (NASALewis Research Center), T. Shibayama (Center for Advanced Research of Energy Technology, Hokkaido University), T. Hinoki, M.Ando, Y. Katoh, andA. Kohyama (Institute ofAdvanced Energy, Kyoto University) 65 Joining methods are required to allow affordable fabrication of large or complex SiC/SiC components for fusion energy systems. Previous anaIysisof the criteria for successful and functional joints indicates that reactor-formed and polymer-derived silicon carbide should be considered as candidate joint materials. This report summarizes preliminary mechanical properties of silicon carbide joints formed by a reaction-based approach. Both the test methods and materials are preliminary in design and require further optimization. The values of the room temperature strength of the joints, tested inflexure, are one-third to one-quarter the expected —-- 7--- ,,. . ..... -. ..,... . . . .. . .. . . ..... -. ——. —..

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