52 Comp. Newsl. 39, 2003 Further contributions to the genus Syncarpha (Compositae-Gnaphalieae) BertilNordenstam DepartmentofPhanerogamic Botany Swedish MuseumofNaturalHistory P. O. Box50007, SE-104 05Stockholm,Sweden e-mail: [email protected] Abstract ThegenusSyncarphaDC.isendemictotheCapeProvince, SouthAfrica,withca.30 species, mostofwhichwereearUerknown asHelipterum andsome asHelichrysum spp. The new species Syncarpha aurea B. Nord. is described, apparently a local endemic confined to alluvial shales on Bredasdorp limestone.Three new combinations are published, viz., S. chlorochrysum (DC.) B. Nord., S. mucronata (Berg.)B. Nord. andS. staehelina(L.)B. Nord. The latterbecomesthevalidname forthewidespreadspecieshithertonamedS. virgata(Berg.)B.Nord.,earlierknown asHelipterum virgatum (Berg.) DC. Its basionymXeranthemum virgatum Berg, is typified and represents a distinct species from S. staehelina. Instead, 5". virgata (Berg.) B. Nord. now becomesthe valid name for amore local andrare species in recent years provisionally named S. scariosa B. Nord. ined. (earlier Helipterum scariosumB.Nord. ined.). Introduction SyncarphaDC. issincesometimetheacceptednamefortheSouthAfricanspeciesof Helipterum DC, a hopelessly illegitimate generic name not in use nowadays (Nordenstam 1989). The genus Syncarpha also includes some species previously placed inHelichrysum. InNordenstam (1989)25 species ofSyncarphawere listed, but there is now a need to add a few more by combination and description, and to clarifythe nomenclature ofa couple ofspecies.Acomplete revision ofthe genus is underpreparationbythe presentauthor. Taxonomyand Discussion Syncarphaaurea B. Nord.,sp. nov. lype: J. Manning 2071, South Africa, Cape Prov., [3420 CB Bredasdorp], Comp. Newsl. 39, 2003 53 Bredasdorp, Buffelsfontein, alluvial shales on limestone, 17 m, 2.XI.1993 (NBG holotype, ace. No. 152615). m Suffrutex ramosus ad 0.5 altus; rami adscendentes dense foliati tomentosi. Folia altema sessilia oblongo-obovata vel spathulata Integra dense adpresse griseo- tomentosaapice obtusaminute apiculata. Capitula solitariapedunculata, pedunculis subnudis 5-15 cm longis fusco-hirsutis. Involucrum campanulatum-hemisphericum c. 1.5-2 cm diametro. Squamae involucri numerosae imbricatae aureae; interiores anguste oblongo-ovatae subacutae; exteriores sensim breviores ovatae apice rubescentes. Flores corollatubulosa sensim ampliata 7-9 mm longa quinquelobata. Antheraedistinctecaudatae. Styli rami linearesglabri, apicetruncatipapillosi. Setae pappi numerosae uniseriatae basi connatae plumosae albae. Cypsela (immatura) oblongaglabrapapillata. Amuch-branchedsubshrubupto0.5mhigh. Stemsandbranchesgreyish-tomentose, densely leafy. Leaves alternate, erecto-patent-spreading, sessile, entire, narrowly oblong-obovate-spathulate, 1-1.5 cm long, 0.3-0.5 cm wide, flat, butyoung leaves somewhat convolute and outwardly curved, midveined, densely and appressedly grey-tomentose, distal margins ferrugineous, apex obtuse or somewhat apiculate. Floweringbranchespedunculoid,5-15cmlong,withafewscatteredscale-likebracts with acuminate scarious tips, with a dense rusty-brown villous tomentum. Capitula solitary, homogamous. Involucre hemispherical, 1-1.5 cm high, 1.5-2 cm diam.; phyllaries imbricate, scarious, mostly golden yellow; outermost short, ca. 8-12, broadly ovate-oblong, somewhat brownish or tawny, often lacerate especially apically, 1.5-3.5 mm long, 2-4 mm wide; middle phyllaries 10-15, broadly ovate, obtuse-roundedapically, 5-10 mm long, 3-7 mm wide, goldenyellowwithreddish margins especially apically; inner phyllaries 20-25, narrowly oblong-ovate or lanceolatewithastipitatebase, 12-15 mmlong, 2-5 mmwide, stipecoriaceous and somewhatbrownishandwithavillousdorsalpatch,apicalpartsomewhatcymbiform orconvex, lightgoldenyellow, apexsubacute; innermostphyllariesca. 10-12 inone row, shorterthan the preceding ones, 9-12 mm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, lanceolate, some substipitate, scarious and light golden yellow with basal part coriaceous and brownish-yellow, acuminate, margins somewhat lacerate-fimbriate. Receptacle flat, distinctly alveolate with subulate-acuminate scaly projections. Florets hermaphroditic, ca. 35-60. Corolla 7-9 mm long, tubular, gradually widening to a narrowlycampanulate 5-lobedlimb,apicallypurplish; lobesnarrowlyoblong-ovate, mm ca. 1.5 long, subacute, distinctly glandular-papillate dorsally in the distal half, withmarginal ducts; veinsnmningdownthecorollafromthesinusesbetween lobes. mm mm Anthers3.5 long incl. appendage(4.5-5 longincl.tails), distinctlycaudate; mm apicalappendagenarrowlyovate-lanceolate,subacute;tails 1-1.5 long,2xcollar mm length, branching distally. Style branches linear, 2-2.5 long, apically truncate with short sweeping-hairs, stigmatic lines separated, dorsally minutely papillate 54 Comp. Newsl. 39, 2003 especially distally. Cypsela (immature) oblong, glabrous, densely papillate with crowded low ovate-rounded convex cells. Pappus bristles numerous (ca. 30-50), mm uniseriate,basallydistinctlyconnate,6-8 long,finelyplumosethroughoutexcept mm forbasal connate portion, withthin lateral branches ca. 1 long, apical branches shorterandthicker, silverywhitebutbaseyellowishtinged,persistent. Flowering period:AtleastOct-Nov. Only known fi*omthe type collection. The species is probably narrowly endemic to alluvial shales ofthe Bredasdorp limestone formation in the southernmost Cape Province. This new species is relatedtoS. virgataandstaehelina, recognized inter aliabythe longandbrown-hirsutepedunculoidportionoffloweringbranchesandthespathulate leaves. Syncarphachlorochrysum(DC.)B. Nord.,comb. nov. Basionym: Helichrysumchlorochrysum DC, Prodr. 6: 179(1838). Type: Inherb. G-DC. This belongs in the S. paniculata group and is characterized by broadly ovate imbricateleavesandlemon-colouredinvolucre. Detailsoftaxonomyanddistribution willbepresented inmyforthcomingrevisionofthegenus. Syncarphamucronata(Berg.)B. Nord.,comb. nov. Basionym: Gnaphaliummucronatum Berg., Descr. PI. Cap.: 269(1767). Syn.: Helichrysummucronatum(Berg.)Less., Syn.Comp.: 295 (1832). Type: Specimen illustrated in Burman, Ran Afr. PI. 179, t. 66, f 3 (G lectotype, & selectedbyHilliard Burtt 1981). AsnotedbyHarvey(1865)thistaxoniscloseto5".paniculataanditstaxonomicsta- tuswillbediscussedfurtherinmyfuturepaper. Syncarphastaehelina(L.)B. Nord.,comb. nov. Basionym:XeranthemumstaehelinaL., Syst.Nat. ed. 12: 546(1767). & Type: Herb, van Royen 900, 312-106 (L lectotype, selected by Hilliard Burtt 1981, Fig.2); LINN990.16 isotype(Hilliard& Burtt 1981). Syn.:Helipterumvirgatum(Berg.)DC.sensuauct.plur.,nonXeranthemumvirgatum Berg. (1767). PteroniapaucifloraSims, Bot. Mag., Plate 1697(1815). Comp.Newsl. 39, 2003 55 XeranthemumstaehelinaL. andX. virgatum Berg, werebothpublishedin 1767,the latterinSept. andtheformerinOct.Althoughtheyhavebeenregardedassynonyms, they representtwo different species which have been much confused. Based onthe typification accepted here, X. staehelina corresponds to the current concept of Syncarpha virgata, which is widespread in the western Cape Province, from Clanwilliam and Ceres inthe north downtoCaledon andRiversdale (butnot onthe Cape Peninsula). X. virgatum Berg, on the other hand is a taxon ofmore restricted disfributionmainlyintheZwartbergrange, inrecentdecadesprovisionallynamedby me (in herbaria) as Helipterum scariosum B. Nord. ined. and later Syncarpha scariosaB.Nord. ined. (Nordenstam 1989).There isnownoneedtopublishthelat- tername,sincethetwospeciesinvolvedcanbenamedwithvalidepithetsdatingfrom 1767. TheconfusionstartedalreadywithBergius and Linnaeus. IntheBergius Herbarium (SBT) there are two sheets named 'Xeranthemum mihi virgatum" in Bergius' characteristic handwriting. One ofthem has the addition"variet." and isconspecific W\X\\XeranthemumstaehelinaL.,describedbyLinnaeusafewmonthslater.Thefor- mersheetisthe obviouschoice as lectotypeofX. virgatum Berg. IntheLinneanHerbarium inLondon, sheet990.15 isaThunbergcollectionandthe same taxon as Bergius' virgatum (as typified here).The specimen LINN 990.16, however,isthesametaxonasthelectotypeofX. staehelinaL.inherb, vanRoyen(L). The specimen in LFNN has Linnaeus' annotation "staehelina" and reference to van Royenand isquitecorrectlycitedasan isotypebyHilliard&Burtt(1981). SpecimensoftheXmeX. virgatumBerg,arerepresentedinotheroldherbaria,suchas herb. Acharius (LD) and herb. Burman (G). Like the specimen LINN 990.15 they probably originate from Thunberg's collections. A more detailed discussion ofthe taxonomyanddistributionofthetaxainvolvedwillfollowinmyforthcomingrevision ofthegenus. References Harvey,W. H. 1865. Compositae.In: Harvey, W. H. &O. W. Sonder(eds.). Flora capensis3. Dublin. Hilliard, O. M. & B, L. Burtt 1981. Names in Gnaphalium, Xeranthemum and Helichrysum published between 1753 and 1800. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 82: 233- 265. Nordenstam, B. 1989. A synopsis of the genus Syncarpha (Compositae- Gnaphalieae). Comp. Newsl. 17: 2-6. 56 Comp. Newsl. 39, 2003 Fig. 1.SyncarphaaureaB.Nord. (J. Manning2071,NBGholotype). A. Habit,xl/2. B. Outer, middle, innerand innermostinvolucralbracts,x3. C. Disc-floret, x3. D. Corollaofdisc-floret, laidout,x6. E. Stamens, xl2. F. Stylebranches,xl2. Del. auctor. Comp.Newsl. 39, 2003 57 il(l.R]''':'.!Hu i|liltnil!11III IT- ^^" TYPE