Further a dvances in t wistor t heory Volume Ill: C urved t wistor spaces CHAPMAN & HALUCRC Research N otes in Mathematics Series Main E ditors H. Brezis, Universite d e Paris R.G. Douglas, Texas A&M U niversity A. Jeffrey, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (Founding Editor) Editorial B oard H. Amann, University o f Zurich B. Moodie, University ofA lberta R. Aris, University of Minnesota S. Mori, Kyoto University G.l. Barenblatt, University of Cambridge L.E. Payne, Comell U niversity H. Begehr, Freie Universitiit Berlin D.B. Pearson, University o f Hull P. Bullen, University of British Columbia I. Raeburn, University ofN ewcastle, Australia RJ. E lliott, University ofA lberta G.F. Roach, University of Strathclyde R.P. Gilbert, University of Delaware I. Stakgold, University of Delaware D. Jerison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology W.A. Strauss, Brown University B. Lawson, S tate University of New Y ork J. van d er H oek, University ofA delaide at S tony B rook Submission o f p roposals f or c onsideration Suggestions for publication, in the f orm of outlines and r epresentative s amples, a re i nvited b y t he Editorial Board f or assessment. Intending a uthors should a pproach one o f the m ain editors or another member o f the Editorial Board, citing the relevant AMS subject classifications. Alternatively, outlines may be s ent d irectly to the publisher's o ffices. Refereeing i s b y m embers o f the b oard a nd other m athematical authorities in the t opic c oncerned, t hroughout t he world. Preparation of accepted manuscripts On a cceptance o f a proposal, t he p ublisher w ill supply full instructions f or the p reparation o f manuscripts i n a form suitable f or d irect p hoto-lithographic r eproduction. Specially p rinted g rid sheets c an b e provided. 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CRC P ress U K Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics and Mathematics Pocock House 235 Southwark B ridge Road London SE! 6LY Tel: 020 7 450 7 335 Mason St Peter's College and the Mathematical Institute, Oxford LPHughston King's College London PZ Kobak Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Krakow K Pulverer Center for Mathematical Sciences, Munich University of Technology, Munich (Editors) Further advances in twistor theory Volume Ill: Curved twistor spaces Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business A CHAPMAN & HALL BOOK First p ublished 2001 by CRC Press Published 2019 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca R aton, FL 33487-2742 © 2001 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC P ress is a n imprint o f the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa b usiness No claim t o original V .S. 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Visit t he T aylor & Francis W eb site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and t he C RC P ress W eb site at http://www.crcpress.com Library o f C ongress C ataloging-in-Publication D ata CataJog record is available from the Library of C ongress Preface Twistor theory originated as an approach to the unification of q uantum theory and general relativity by reformulating basic physics in terms of t he geometry of twistor space. Although the basic physical aspirations remain in many re spects unfulfilled, the t wistor c orrespondence and its many g eneralizations have provided and continue to provide powerful mathematical tools for the study of problems in such areas as differential geometry, nonlinear equations, and repre sentation theory. At the same time, the theory continues to offer new insights into the nature o f q uantum theory and gravitation. Some critics have suggested that t wistor t heory has lost its w ay; our reply would be, yes, perhaps it has ... , but it has struck o ut i n many significant new and unexpected directions. The p resent w ork, Volume Ill, is in fact the f ourth volume in a series of com pilations o f articles f rom Twistor N ewsletter, a photocopied and p artly h andwrit ten j ournal t hat h as been published from time t o t ime since 1976 by members of Roger P enrose's r esearch group i n Oxford. Much of t he m aterial i n these articles has not been published elsewhere. Those articles that have tend, in their earlier incarnation reproduced here, to b e less formal and f ocus more o n the m otivation and the key ideas, providing an easier entry into the subject. Thus it is hoped that, to a certain extent, these volumes provide a review, albeit biased, patchy, and preliminary, of t he advances in twistor theory over the l ast 20 years. The zeroth volume, Advances in Twistor Theory, appeared in 1979 edited by one of u s (LPH) and Richard Ward, and c overed all the m aterial available at the t ime. The s ubsequent v olumes, Further Advances in T wistor Theory, divided the m aterial i nto categories. The f irst volume, subtitled The Penrose Transform and Its Applications, i s primarily concerned with linear aspects o f twistor t heory, the Penrose transform of f ree fields and its various generalizations to fields on homogeneous spaces and related topics concerning such fields on Minkowski space. The second volume, subtitled Integrable Systems, Conformal Geometry and Gravitation, is concerned with applications of f lat or homogeneous twistor spaces to nonlinear problems; integrable systems of n onlinear equations on the one hand, through conformal geometry, to quasi-local definitions of mass in general relativity on the other. This third volume is concerned with deformed twist or spaces and their applications. Deformed twistor s pace constructions s tarted i n 1976 with Penrose's nonlin ear graviton construction. This solved the anti-self-dual half of t he problem of finding a twistor correspondence for curved vacuum (Ricci-flat) space-times. It had the r emarkable f eature that s olutions to t he n on linear vacuum equations o n space-time were encoded into the d eformed complex structure o n twistor s pace. For l ocal solutions i n space-time, this d eformed complex s tructure o n the t wistor space is specifiable in terms of f ree functions (see the introduction to Chapter 1 for more details). This volume is concerned with applications and extensions of this construction motivated both by questions in differential geometry, and the desire to f ind a twistor correspondence for general Ricci flat space-times in pursuance of t he basic twist or programme. Chapter one presents articles that give examples and development of the theory of the original nonlinear graviton construction and extensions and ap plications that a re motivated by questions in differential geometry. The o riginal nonlinear graviton construction is briefly reviewed in the i ntroduction and fur ther a rticles d evelop i ts t heory, provide e xamples a nd a re c oncerned with a pplica tions to manifolds in Euclidean signature. The main extension of t he construc tion considered in this chapter is to quaternionic manifolds in 4k-dimensions, k > 1 , and various applications of t his construction are presented. This c hapter is perhaps the m ost p atchy as the s ubject has been developed very s ubstantially over the last 20 years by differential geometers who do not usually contribute to Twistor Newsletter. To compensate for this deficit, the introduction to the chapter recommends a number of s urvey articles. Chapters 2 to 4 are c oncerned with different approaches to f inding a twistor correspondence for space-times in four dimensions that a re not necessarily anti self-dual. Chapter 2 is devoted to articles on spaces of c omplex null geodesics in the complexified space-times. LeBrun shows that these can be used to encode an arbitrary conformal structure (in arbitrary dimension) into the deformation of the c omplex structure o f t he s pace of n ull geodesics. The v arious articles in this chapter i ntroduce the c onstruction and its various properties, and lead towards the e ventual characterization of t hose that a rise from conformal structures c on taining a vacuum (Ricci-flat) metric. Chapter 3 is concerned with articles on hypersurface twistor s paces, twistor spaces that can be defined in terms of t he first and second fundamental forms of a hypersurface in a general 4-dimensional space-time. In the first instance the construction is presented in the context of a complexified initial data s ur face, but it also has a real version appropriate to space-times of Lorentzian signature f or which the t wistor space is a 5-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann man ifold rather than a complex 3-manifold. The articles focus on the structure of hypersurface twistor spaces (for example, the Chern-Moser connection in the Cauchy-Riemann case) and the formulation of t he vacuum Einstein constraint and evolution equations in terms of s tructures o n the twistor spaces. Although the c haracterization of t he c onformal vacuum equations f or spaces of c omplex null geodesics is mathematically neat, i t e nds up being too u nwieldy to b e a suitable candidate f or a full twistor description of a vacuum space-times or for useful applications. Similarly, the fact that hypersurface twistor spaces are tied to a hypersurface in space-time is a disadvantage if one is seeking a fundamental twistor correspondence for a general vacuum space-time, although it is perhaps an advantage if one wishes to address questions associated with initial data. Chapter 4 is concerned with the various attempts to find a more fundamental twistor c orrespondence for vacuum space-times. There are a num ber of i ntriguing different approaches, and many of t hese relate to o ther areas. However, we still await the d efinitive resolution of t his problem. Each chapter has an introduction that s ets the scene for the topics in that chapter, reviews the necessary background material and sets each article in its context. Thus w e hope that t his book will be a suitable introduction and survey of t he t opics of t he articles contained herein. We would like to t hank R oger Penrose, for his continued encouragement and support in this project. -L.J. M ason, L.P. Hughston, P.Z. Kobak and K. Pulverer, October 2000. Note o n c ross-referencing: W e refer to t he o riginal Advances i n Twistor The ory (L.P. Hughston & R.S. Ward editors, Pitman R esearch Notes in Mathemat ics, number 37, 1979) as volume 0, a nd by §0.5.1 w e mean Article 1 i n Chapter 5 of that volume. In the current Further Advances in Twistor Theory series, the volume preceding the present book is Volume 11: Integmble Systems, Con formal Geometry and Gmvitation (L.J. Mason, L.P. Hughston and P.Z. Kobak, Longman, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, number 23), 1995). By §1I.2.3 we mean Article 3 of Chapter 2 of that book. Similarly §L2.1 de notes A rticle 1 o f Chapter 2 of Volume I: Applications of t he Penrose Transform and §III.2.1 the c orresponding article in this volume. The c ontents o f t he e arlier volumes appear after the contributor list. Contents Chapter 1: The nonlinear graviton and related constructions 111.1.1 The Nonlinear Graviton and Related Constructions by L.J. Mason 1 111.1.2 The Good Cut Equation Revisited by K.P. Too 9 III.1.3 Sparling-Tod Metric = Eguchi-Hanson by G. Bumett-Stuart 14 III.1.4 The W ave Equation Transfigured by C.R. LeBrun 17 111.1.5 Conformal Killing Vectors and Reduced Twistor Spaces by P.E. Jones 20 111.1.6 An Alternative Interpretation of S ome Nonlinear Gravitons by P.E. Jones 25 111.1.7 .n"-Space from a Different Direction by C.N. Kozameh and E.T. Newman 29 III.1.8 Complex Quaternionic KKhler Manifolds by M.G. Eastwood 31 111.1.9 A.L.E. Gravitational Instantons and the Icosahedron by P.B. Kronheimer 34 111.1.10 The Einstein Bundle of a Nonlinear Graviton by M. G. Eastwood 36 111.1.11 Examples of A nti-Self-Dual Metrics by C.R. LeBrun 39 111.1.12 Some Quaternionically Equivalent Einstein Metrics by A.F. Swann 45 111.1.13 On the T opology of Q uaternionic Manifolds by C.R. LeBrun 48 111.1.14 Homogeneity of T wistor S paces by A.F. Swann 50 111.1.15 The T opology of A nti-Self-Dual 4-Manifolds by C.R. LeBrun 53 111.1.16 Metrics with S.D. Weyl Tensor from Painleve-VI by K.P. Tod 59 111.1.17 Indefinite Conformally-A.S.D. Metrics on S2 X S2 by K.P. Tod 63 111.1.18 Cohomology of a Quaternionic Complex by R. Horan 66 III.1.19 Conform ally Invariant Differential Operators o n Spin Bundles by M. G . Eastwood 72 111.1.20 A Twistorial Construction of { I, l}-Geodesic Maps by P.Z. Kobak 75 111.1.21 Exceptional Hyper-Kahler Reductions by P.Z. Kobak and A .F. Swann 81 111.1.22 A Nonlinear Graviton from the Sine-Gordon Equation by M. Dunajski 85 111.1.23 A Recursion Operator f or A.S.D. Vacuums and ZRM Fields on A.S.D. Backgrounds by M. Dunajski and L.J. Mason 88 Chapter 2: Spaces of c omplex null geodesics III.2.1 Introduction to S paces of C omplex Null Geodesics by L.J. Mason 97 111.2.2 Null Geodesics and Conformal Structures by C.R. LeBrun 102